expressivequeen · 3 years
Daily Affirmations
Presented by Simply Motivated
🗣Say this out loud
✨Difficult days do not define my outlook on life.
✨I will always fight for what I want and believe in.
✨I will make the best of every day given to me.
✨Hard times don’t last.
✨I am protected.
✨I am important.
✨My dreams are waiting for me to accomplish them.
✨I am powerful.
✨I will not worry about what I can not control.
✨I command respect, and return it.
✨Nobody can do what I do, how I do it.
✨I will remain humble.
✨I am magic.
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expressivequeen · 4 years
Daily Affirmations During Full Moon in Leo
Presented by Simply Motivated
Say this out loud 🗣
✨I am bold and will use my boldness to express my needs, wants, and desires.
✨I am worthy of all that I am working hard to achieve.
✨I will not let my emotions get the best of me, but I will express my emotions proudly.
✨I am proud.
✨My hard work will not be in vain.
✨Keeping in mind that there is a time for everything, my time to sow greatness is always the present.
✨The love that I spread is pure.
✨I was created to live abundantly.
✨I deserve luxury.
✨I believe in myself.
✨I stand firm in my beliefs.
✨Abundance is my birthright.
✨Everything I desire will come to life.
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expressivequeen · 4 years
Daily Affirmations (January 4, 2021)
Presented by Simply Motivated
Say this out loud 🗣
✨I am in a season of continuous growth.
✨I know my worth and will not accept anything from anybody that may diminish my value.
✨I am the creator, director, and editor of my path.
✨Things that I can not change, I will not stress about.
✨I am a brilliant creator.
✨All of my dreams, wants, and desires will manifest greater that I can imagine.
✨I am preparing my mind, body, and soul for everything that I am striving to be.
✨I am understanding.
✨I am bold.
✨I will make the best of every day given to me.
✨I am a leader.
✨Generational curses in my family and industry will end with me.
✨I will never give up.
✨Abundance is my birth right.
✨I am successful.
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expressivequeen · 3 years
Daily Affirmations
Presented by Simply Motivated
Say this out loud 🗣
✨The capabilities that I have, I am grateful for.
✨I do not worry about what I cannot control.
✨No one holds the same powers that I do.
✨Greatness will come from me and be passed down to my future generations.
✨I appreciate my resources and use them wisely.
✨I believe in my vision and success.
✨Abundance is mine.
✨I will fulfill all of my desires.
✨I am a good person.
✨I encourage those around me.
✨I will get everything that I am working hard to achieve.
✨I can always do more.
✨I radiate love.
✨I will never give up.
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expressivequeen · 4 years
Daily Affirmations
Presented by Simply Motivated
Say this out loud 🗣
✨I release dope energy.
✨I am improving myself daily.
✨I am determined to become the best version of me.
✨I will achieve my goals.
✨I am motivated and spread motivation to others around me.
✨I am focused.
✨My dreams are not too big.
✨I am proud of myself.
✨I am protected.
✨I am equipped with everything I need to be successful.
✨Money comes easily to me.
✨My finances are growing.
✨I will reach my fullest financial goals.
✨I have many reasons to be happy.
✨I will think positively.
✨I am more than enough.
✨I give and receive love.
✨Nothing is coincidental.
✨I trust the process.
✨I trust God and his plans for me.
✨I am filled with purpose.
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expressivequeen · 4 years
11.11.2020 Daily Affirmations
Presented by Simply Motivated
Say this out loud 🗣
✨I am a leader, leading other leaders.
✨I am rich already
✨I trust that my vision is aligned with God’s vision for me.
✨I give myself space to grow.
✨I seek to see positivity in all situations.
✨My dreams are manifesting.
✨My finances are growing.
✨I produce and accept great energy.
✨I accept and receive love.
✨My intentions are pure.
✨I am making smart investments.
✨I embrace both my masculine and femenine energies.
✨I visualize my future accomplishments instead of what could go wrong.
✨I speak my wins into extistence.
✨I am preparing myself for what I have been manifesting.
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expressivequeen · 4 years
Daily Affirmations
Presented by Simply Motivated
Say this out loud 🗣
✨I am in control of my future.
✨I appreciate my talents and gifts.
✨Everything is working for my good.
✨I do not worry about my finances because they are always expanding.
✨I am making smart investments.
✨I am a money magnet.
✨I am growing daily.
✨Nothing can stop my determination.
✨Stress is not a factor.
✨Abundance is mine.
✨My health is wealth.
✨I will not give up.
✨My goals and dreams are attainable.
✨I will look for every reason to be happy.
✨I am becoming a better version of myself daily.
✨I release toxic habits and relationships.
✨I will use my time wisely.
✨I am blessed.
✨I am deserving of true love.
✨I carry myself like a boss.
✨I bring peace to situations.
✨I believe in myself.
✨I appreciate my resources.
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expressivequeen · 4 years
Daily Affirmations
Presented by Simply Motivated
Say this out loud 🗣
✨Only positive vibes come from my energy.
✨I am secure in myself and my abilities.
✨I appreciate my resources.
✨Money is flowing towards me.
✨I release anxiety, worry, and stress.
✨I am intentional.
✨I am at peace.
✨I will complete my goals.
✨I am proud to be who I am called to be.
✨My hard work will not be in vain.
✨I am rich already.
✨I am focused.
✨I deserve to live happily, at peace, and free.
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expressivequeen · 4 years
Daily Affirmations
Presented by Simply Motivated
Say this out loud 🗣
✨I will accomplish greatness.
✨I am blessed.
✨I am worthy of my wildest dreams.
✨My purpose is unique.
✨I am needed.
✨I will complete my daily goals.
✨I am brilliant.
✨Money comes easily to me.
✨I am creative.
✨I am encouraged and encouraging of others.
✨I am growing and elevating daily.
✨I am free.
✨I choose happiness.
✨I will not be defeated.
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expressivequeen · 4 years
Daily Affirmations
Presented by Simply Motivated
Say this out loud 🗣
✨I am patient, proud, and powerful.
✨I am a hard worker.
✨My hard work will not be in vain.
✨I am dedicated.
✨My dedication will not be in vain.
✨ I will achieve the life I desire.
✨I am worthy of everything I desire.
✨I am willing to receive love.
✨I love my life.
✨I appreciate my process.
✨I am kind.
✨I am supportive.
✨I appreciate my positive qualities.
✨I am a boss.
✨My health is wealth.
✨I will make the most of every day given to me.
✨I am deserving of my blessings.
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expressivequeen · 4 years
Daily Affirmations
Presented by Simply Motivated
Say this out loud 🗣
✨I will keep a positive mindset.
✨Fulfilling my goals means my dreams are getting closer.
✨I will make the most of everyday given to me.
✨I am willing to change my actions, habits, and thought process in order to elevate.
✨I am enough.
✨I am intentional.
✨I am consistent.
✨Hard work makes me proud.
✨My finances are growing everyday.
✨I am motivated.
✨I will not dwell on my past or my mistakes.
✨Money is flowing to me consistently.
✨My dreams are becoming reality.
✨I appreciate my resources.
✨I am producing progress daily.
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expressivequeen · 4 years
Daily Affirmations
Presented by Simply Motivated
Say this out loud 🗣
✨I am powerful.
✨I trust the process.
✨I am deserving of all my desires.
✨Money comes easily to me.
✨I am blessed.
✨I am successful.
✨I am growing daily.
✨I do not carry stress.
✨I do not hold on to thoughts of worry.
✨I have plenty to be happy about.
✨I am confident in myself and my vision.
✨I am making smart investments.
✨My finances are growing abundantly.
✨I will lead.
✨I will make decisions that benefit myself and my family.
✨I will not let outside influences change my attitude.
✨Giving up is not an option.
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expressivequeen · 4 years
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expressivequeen · 4 years
Daily Affirmations
Presented by Simply Motivated
Say this out loud 🗣
✨I’m a vibe.
✨I deserve everything I have been working hard to receive.
✨My desires are attainable.
✨I am consistent.
✨I am intentional.
✨I receive my deserved abundance.
✨I am a money magnet.
✨My finances are expanding.
✨My health is wealth.
✨I believe in my vision.
✨I will continue to trust the process.
✨I am improving in all areas where I lack.
✨I am growing daily.
✨I will treat myself.
✨My purpose is important.
✨I will stay on track.
✨I will enjoy life.
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expressivequeen · 4 years
Daily Affirmations
Presented by Simply Motivated
Say this out loud 🗣
✨I will make the most of every day given to me.
✨I am ambitious.
✨I am focused.
✨I am intentional.
✨I am intentionally happy.
✨I release stress from my thoughts.
✨I am brilliant.
✨I was created with a purpose that I will fulfill.
✨Nothing is coincidental.
✨Everything is working for my good.
✨Trials and obstacles make me stronger, wiser, and better.
✨I will not give up.
✨I appreciate my resources.
✨I will work harder.
✨I am making smart investments.
✨I am a money magnet.
✨I thank God for being my resource for every need.
✨I will take care of my body, mind, and spirit.
✨I am confident.
✨I am diligent in my craft.
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expressivequeen · 4 years
Daily Affirmations
♌️ Leo New Moon (August 2020)
Presented by Simply Motivated
Say this out loud 🗣
✨I will embrace my creativity.
✨I will take time to enjoy what and who makes me happy.
✨I am receptive of all higher forms of elevation.
✨I accept my faults and will improve them so that I become the best version of myself.
✨I am learning daily.
✨I am growing daily.
✨I am worthy of greatness.
✨I am comfortable being seen when I need to be, and sit in the background when that version is needed.
✨I allow myself to embrace my natural feelings no matter how vulnerable they make me.
✨I trust my intuition.
✨I trust the process.
✨I trust God and his plans for me.
✨I am willing to redefine myself if it’s a better self.
✨I make changes for the better.
✨I release old bad habits.
✨I am confident.
✨I am assertive.
✨I embrace expressing myself creatively in all aspects of my life that expression applies.
✨I embrace my desire and need for pleasure in life.
✨I am disciplined.
✨I will inspire others and be inspired for the sake of growth, elevation, and creativity.
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