rollipolli-yoli · 4 years
Sims 4 Sheith Catch up
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Shiro and Keith got a lil CC makeover~
Since they spent so much time in space/Shiro still spends time in space/Keith is half alien, I imagine they age a bit slower than the ppl on earth do. Shiro is gonna need some wrinkles soon tho, he on his way to being an elder! :( 
This is how the family tree is looking these days:
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So many grandkids! As you can see some of them are looking older than before as well. <3 I’ll start oldest to youngest and go through the new families. 
Akira and his family:
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He is still married to his wife lol, they are in love. I was worried for a bit cuz I installed MCC kind of recently, and while I love that it works sims in the background so I don’t have to, I was surprised to find family members marrying and divorcing and having surprise affairs in the background of other save files lol. I’m very careful with the settings when I go into the Sheith save file. 
I don’t have sc but Krolia has aged up! Her and Suki (bestfriend cousins they are!) moved out together and live in a small place in the city. I really like playing in san myshuno so i’m excited to see what shenanigans they will get up to. The twins aged up into teens and OMG WAS I SURPRISED 
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Konner was about what I expected. He’s still a cutie, aged up with Good and Self assured traits. He wants to be a good cook. BUT OMG YUU, short little chubby kinda bland Yuu...HE IS SUCH A HANDSOME GUY. 
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I like really love both him and his style, he aged up with the good trait like his brother and he also aged up with the feminine trait and that shirt, which I love so much lol. He’s seriously so handsome in game too...0///0
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He wants to be a great mixologist! I think the next pack I’ll get is dining out, and maybe once these boys are adults they can move out and try to run a restaurant together, Yuu as a bartend and Konner as the cook? I’m excited. 
Eva is still a child for now but I gave her a bit of a makeover too cuz I got a lot of new kids cc I wanted to play with, she is a cutie. <3 
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Matteo got a bit of a makeover too even tho he was about to age up lol...and also Lea (a baby Akira and his wife Mabel adopted!) aged up into a toddler too! 
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Altho right after I gave him a new look and new clothes, I noticed Matteo’s birthday was that day lol so we threw him a birthday party and let him age up! Birthday parties are so cute...seeing this whole big beautiful family Keith and Shiro made together makes me kinda emotional. 
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Keith clearing the dishes like the cute lil domestic grandpa he has become lol. 
Also it seems like Konner and his cousin Leandro seem to not like each other? idk whats up but it looks juicy. I installed the slice of life mod and Konner started getting bullied at school...does Leandro have anything to do with that? I think Leandro and his sister would go to a private school lol but hey maybe Konner and Yuu managed to test into it to?
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Anyway party was successful and Matteo is a big boy now! 
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This post ended up real long lol so I’m probably gonna continue with the catch up in another post. 
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rollipolli-yoli · 4 years
Sims 4 Sheith Catch Up-2
Onto the next Sheith kid, Aiko and her husband...a Lance from my gallery who randomly populated into my game and they fell in love lmao. 
Aiko and her family:
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Aiko and Lance have two children. I aged them both up based on my math of how much time has passed lol. Aiko is a famous classic musician and Lance I think also works in music. 
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They are rich rich, and kind of strict lol.
The oldest child is Leandro. 
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He’s has the nerd trait, the bookworm trait, and he loves Harry Puffer. He writes, and altho he himself is very proper and put together, I noticed he can be kind of mean...Lance and Aiko are very firm parents but they aren’t the most attentive or affectionate I have noticed. They are both just very busy with work and keeping up appearances. 
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And here is child aged Martha! Martha is SO FREAKING PRETTY! And she is kind of the wild child. She has the rocket trait, which means she just very much loves to run around and be crazy which gets her into fights with Aiko a lot. Aiko and Lance try to tame her-they try to make her play chess, play violin, and be quiet and mature like her brother but she prefers to play tricks, run around, and she loves blasting music and singing pop songs and doing karaoke. I think there is a potential future conflict here. 
Onto the twins! I don’t have any screen shots for Hana right now other than her family tree. 
Hana and her family:
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They don’t show up here but she also LOTS OF CATS. She was for sure a cat lady, and she didn’t really want a partner but she started having wishes for children, so I had her adopt and be a single mom. She lives in a big apartment in the city and is doing quite well at work and at family life, she has almost a full time Nanny every time I play with her lol. She does work quite long hours. Then there is Haru...
Haru and his family:
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Also a single parents like his sister, but with very different circumstances. 
So back when the kids all aged into adults, I flipped a coin to decided if these sims could get pregnant, or impregnate since they still have about 1/4 Galra blood left in them. Haru ended up being able to get pregnant. Him and Hana aged up. Moved out and I left them alone and checked in on them every once in a while. Haru got a boyfriend, cute. Then one time when I was playing with them, Haru caught his boyfriend cheating! Then, we found out Haru was pregnant, then we found out THAT HIS BOYFRIEND HAD TWO OTHER SIMS PREGNANT AT THE SAME TIME, ONE OF THEM BEING HIS FIANCE (now his wife)
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Haru broke up with him, kept the child, and basically made my favorite little family right now with his daughter Atsuko (who I also gave a cc update) she is a literal little angel and has been since she was a baby! 
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A lot happened to Haru lol. He moved back in with Keith and Shiro, got a nighttime job so that way he could look after Atsuko during the day, kind of picked up a drinking habit, got depressed, got a FIERCE talking to tough love from Keith lmao. Cleaned up his act, moved up in his job, became a really really good dad. 
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He has also found a cute co-worker who he is now taking things slow with. Him and his baby daddy are not on good terms but he is actually on good terms with the other baby mama’s lol and Atusko is good friends with her half sisters...altho she seems to be a little jealous of the half sister who gets to live with her dad. 
Haru recently gained enough money to finally leave Keith and Shiro’s house and find a little place for him and his daughter. 
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It’s really hard being a single parent when he isn’t as successful financially as his twin but grandpa’s still come and help out a lot. In fact the first day of Haru going to work and what could have been Atsuko’s first day alone after school in the new house, Keith actually came to visit and stayed with her THE WHOLE TIME until Dad came home, it  was freaking unplanned and so adorable. She is a creative sim just like Keith and they get along very well.
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Of course being a single dad is still really hard and tiring but Haru is doing a good job. I honestly love playing with these two, they are so wholesome. 
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I haven’t played with Kimiko in a while, but last I checked in she has a cute girlfriend she lived with and they started a cute little dog rescue. They have LOTS AND LOTS of cute dogs. Of course Suki is a YA now and is living in the city, I don’t know where her storyline is going but I’m excited to find out. 
Now that Keith and Shiro are empty nesters for real, I’m thinking of moving them out of that big old house and into a new little place for the two of them to grow cute and old together in. <3 
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rollipolli-yoli · 4 years
It’s been a million yearsssss
But with the virus and all I’ve gotten back into the Sims4. I have a lot more mods and cc now, it’s made the game a lot more fun and lot less me having to control every aspect of everyone not in my house. So I went in, did some aging up of ppl who needed it, did some cc updates on some of the grandkids and shieth and spent a whole day just playing with everyone and seeing what story lines are evolving. So imma do a quick game of catch up! 
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rollipolli-yoli · 4 years
Empty Nesters! 
So all the kids have left the nest! Shiro is getting up there in age (He’s not an elder yet...but he’s getting close) so the big family home Sheith know and love is feeling a little too big...so they moved out! Small enough spaces for them, but a big floor to ceiling glass art studio for Keith, and family spaces for Shiro to invite over all his kids and grandkids when he misses them lol. It’s a lovely home! 
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And of course the wall of family portraits is still there! I was actually worried they would not fit in the house.
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Just don’t have more kids Sheith and you will be fine! Which means Shiro please stop wishing to have babies all the time, please Keith already pushed out six for you skfsdlkfkdls. 
The kids being the fine young adults they are (and because I finally got the dine out expansion) decided to help their dads celebrate by taking them out and it was the cutest darn thing (All tho Hana seems to be stuck as a plant sim, please help me make her not a plant sim lol it is ruining the screen shots)
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Look at them will all their lovely grown kids. :( I’m emotional, they did such a good job.
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Shiro and Keith were of course the cutest couple. 
And since it was the first night in the new home...and I installed WhickedWims...they decided to “christen” the home. O///O I can’t show you the actual screenshots i got using them to test the mod (which is...very very graphic lmao) so I’ll show some tasteful crops instead.
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They’re still just as passionate as the first days of their relationship lmao.
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Also yes I got this new hair style and decided to have Keith grow his bangs. It’s cute right? :D 
A quick check into Haru and Atsuko’s life...Atsuko’s half sister (and Haru’s baby daddy’s daughter with his wife!) actually aged up into a teen?!! She’s a cutie!
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Her and Atsuko are pretty close in age...which means Atsuko will be aging up soon too?! With his daughter getting older and growing independent I wonder if Haru will start making the relationship he has with his co-worker more serious...and how teenage Atsuko will feel about growing up and not having her dad to herself anymore. I smell potential drama on the horizon! 
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