#since the cabin has a separate water tank from the house so i do have some water out here
vampirebiter · 4 months
i want mac and cheese but i dont want to have to get up and walk over to the house and make it. sigh... suffering....
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mazzy-moon · 3 years
A Lone Butterfly - Chapter 15
Title of Chapter: Gone
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings/Tags: Mentions of sex trafficking/kidnapping/abuse , Mentions of rape, Mild violence
Pairing: Javier Peña (Narcos) x Isabel Cotrille (OFC)
Summary:  Isabel and Javier's time together is cut short when the cartel finds their hiding place.
Notes: This chapter ends kind of abruptly. I will post chapter 16 as soon as possible. :)
Read it on ao3
I wake to a low hum of noise echoing in the distance. Once my eyes are open, though, it's gone. I dismiss it as being in my head and settle back down into the pillow.
Javier's leg is draped over me, and my back is tucked into his chest. I can tell he's in a deep sleep from the sound of his breaths. I slowly pry my way out of his grasp, desperate for water, untangling myself carefully so as not to wake him.
As I lift up off the bed, a slight soreness in the space between my thighs sends vivid images of what took place only a matter of hours ago. Heat rushes to my cheeks, but I ignore it, tiptoeing to my suitcase. I pull on a tank and some sweats before making my way to the kitchen.
The sound comes back then, a low rumbling. Barely there, but there's no mistaking it. I peer out the kitchen window, but can barely make out the line of the trees in the darkness. Standing in the unlit kitchen, I force myself to remain still. The rumbling continues, but I can't hear anything else.
Seconds later, a shattering of glass sounds from the back of the house. I call out for Javier, and he comes running out from the bedroom, barely clothed and with his gun in hand.
"Isabel," he exclaims, panicked.
Before I can warn him, a figure appears directly behind him and knocks him out with the butt of a gun. He's falls to the ground before he has a chance to utter another word. I call out for him, all while knowing there's no way he can hear me.
Stunned, I look up to face the attacker. I can't make out his features in the dark.
"Hey there, chiquita, it's been too long," the figure states, as if we know each other. 
I dive for a knife from the counter adjacent to me. Despite my effort at speed, he grabs me before I have a chance to get to it. Without thinking I thrust my knee up between his legs. He doubles over in pain and I take my chance, running to Javier's limp body to pry the gun from his hand. I quickly turn and face the attacker, gun aimed and ready. He slowly places his own gun back into his belt and holds his hands up in surrender. I consider shooting him right then, but something stops me.
"Do you really know how to use that thing? You're nothing more than a girl."
Terrified and angry, I spit the words at him. "Last time I checked, the gun doesn't care who's behind it."
"Alright, alright. But listen to me- I think you'll find what I have to say very interesting."
He continues anyway. "I work for the Bogotá cartel. You know the one. You spent some time with us last year."
"What is it you want with me?" I ask, my voice low and trembling.
"Me? I don't want anything with you. I don't know why my boss is so obsessed with getting you back, it's only caused problems for us."
"Then why come here?"
"Dante made a promise to your father right before he killed him. He promised your father that his daughter would make him a lot of money as a sort of... repayment for killing his brother years ago. Dante doesn't like to break a promise."
I stare at him in horror.
"We would've taken you in Oregon, but couldn't risk getting caught with you at the border. So... we killed your friend instead. After that, we made sure Matías was caught. He was the only one you would remember seeing, and we knew you'd be forced to come back here to identify him. He wasn't exactly happy about that, but what choice did he have?"
"I won't let you take me."
"Oh, I think you will."
"Why are you so sure I won't just shoot you right here?" I raise my voice at him.
"You won't do that. Because if you try to, I'll put a bullet in your boyfriend's brain. I'm faster than you, chiquita. Of that you can be sure. Unless you come with me, he's dead."
All my plans of shooting the man in front of me disappear. I can't risk Javier's life. I won't. I could try and outrun him, but even if I could where would I go? We're in the middle of nowhere, and I didn't remember seeing even one house the way up here. There's no option left for me.
Slowly, I put the gun down.
"Smart girl."
The man grabs me, shoving me outside. Once we near the river bank, I realize what the noise I heard earlier was. A small boat sits on the water, waiting for us. There's another man already in the boat, and then another comes from around the side of the house. Once we're inside, one of them ties a blind fold over my eyes.
We travel on the water for forever. Once we stop, I'm guided into a vehicle. No one says anything. I think of Javier back at the cabin. Has he woken up yet? Will he be able to find me? I don't dare let myself hope. I think on the night before, the moments Javier and I shared. It seems like a dream now.
The vehicle comes to an abrupt stop and I'm pushed out. I hear a door open. They don't take the blind fold off of me until I'm inside. The place reminds me of the building with the cement room I was kept in before, but it's clearly more run down than that one was. We walk down a long hallway until we reach a wide set of doors. They open and I'm pushed through.
A huge table is the only thing taking up space in the room. Chairs are placed all around it. At the very end sits an older man, probably ten to fifteen years older than Javier. I know he's in charge from the way the other men are acting around him. This, I assume, is Dante. I push down my fear, trying to keep a brave face.
I'm shoved into a chair while Dante leers at me from across the table.
"Hello, Isabel. Nice to see you once again. Such a lovely face."
The tone of his voice make my skin crawl.
He waits for me to speak, carefully assessing me. I stare him down and give him the dirtiest look I can summon.
"What? You're shy? You were so feisty before, never kept quiet. That's why we kept having to drug you." He tilts his head, trying to figure me out, but I refuse to let him see how his words affect me.
"You won't get away with this," I say through my teeth. "Javier will find me."
Dante laughs, the lines around his eyes creasing. "No. He won't. No one knows where you are. We are very good at keeping our business secretive. Why do think Santiago's little task force still hasn't been able to track us down?"
Doubt starts to trickle in, but I can't lose hope. Even if Javier doesn't find me, I will find a way out. I have to.
Dante senses where my thoughts are headed. "And if you're thinking about escaping, Isabel, I would advise otherwise. You see, if you try anything, it won't be you who suffers. No, instead we will hurt Sasha."
The name conjures up a whisper of a memory from the far reaches of my mind. "Who's Sasha?"
"You don't remember? You two were so close at the beginning. She begged us to stop when we beat you. It got annoying after a while so we separated you from her."
I think of the crying girl I remember hearing all those months ago. Sasha. The name is slightly familiar to me now. If Dante was to be believed, this woman cared for me. I would have to figure out a way to escape without getting her hurt... or worse.
"I had such big plans for you at the beginning, Isabel. You were going to make me a lot of money. You see, in the past I was always a little repulsed at the thought of selling women for money, but that was before I found out just how profitable it could be."
"Why me?"
"There are many reasons you were the perfect target. For one, I knew I wouldn't have to worry about your father, since I had already taken care of him. And what better way to send a message to the DEA than to take the daughter of the man who killed my brother. It wasn't like you were difficult to get to. My men found you within a day and started tracking your movements until the perfect opportunity arose."
"But why continue to come after me? You've got more than enough girls to make you money." I needed an answer to the question. It didn't make sense why they would risk so much for me.
"It's true, we've more than compensated for your loss. But for whatever reason, I just couldn't let you go. You captivated me, and I admit, I became a little obsessed."
"I'm flattered," I say sarcastically.
"If anything you should be grateful. I've decided to keep you for myself. None of the other girls have that privilege,” he state as if I should feel honored. “Which reminds me, I want to apologize for what Matías did to you. I gave him strict orders to save you for the clients, but he couldn’t help himself.”
Suddenly, I feel sick. I was already aware of the fact that I had been raped, but the affirmation stings.
There is no way I'm letting this man get anywhere near me. I need to come up with a plan of some sort.
Just then, I hear the doors open and relief surges through me as I see Sanz walk into the room.
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zippiestdraws · 4 years
Choking Curiosity Ch 9
ftm reader x Michael Myers
read on ao3
The microwave clock says five-fifty am when Michael creeps into the house. He shakes the dew out of the mask’s hair and reaches for the kitchen towel to wipe off the latex.
The book is new. He saunters to it slowly, leaving it untouched other than plucking the note from the cover. Your request in writing is met with indifference, barely read, but his thumb rubs over the inking of your name at the bottom.
He’d seen it amongst your things, but this trinket he can keep. He pockets the paper, crumpling it in his grip, and picks up the book. Beginner’s Guide to American Sign Language.
Michael snarls under the mask. Past anger wells in his chest at the words, fighting to vent through his fingers. They tried to make him use sign language in Smith’s Grove. He never wanted to learn to communicate better, even if out of spite, it was what he could control. The only sign that really stuck was the middle finger.
Michael climbs the stairs with a harsh grip on the spine, sparing a glare towards your bedroom door and throwing the book into his room before him.
*** You wake up with purpose this morning and only spend half the amount of time as usual sitting in your bed before getting up.
Fussing with the bedhead in the mirror, you brush your teeth when a thought hits you. You haven’t seen your new roommate brush his teeth.
You sigh. You’re going to have to get him a toothbrush and some deodorant, you can’t imagine being on the lam has left him smelling decent. You gag. He better not have touched your toothbrush.
The book is gone from the counter, which you count as a win. There’s no response to your note, but you’ll take what you can get. You just need to remember to study your book too, when you get back.
Thinking about the cookout, you stop short.
‘Was I supposed to bring a dish?’
You groan, hopefully they won’t judge you for bringing some chips and dip.
You get dressed what would be considered way too early, but you need to get gas anyway, and luckily you did because, as you leave your house, you see Abtin approach from his yard.
He gifts you a tomato from his garden, to your surprise, and begins to tell you how his plants are doing. He tells you he’s gonna cook the rabbit that keeps eating his cabbage if he catches it, in the way he jokes for shock value.
“So, hey, is that your brother I keep seeing behind your house? He keeps coming and going-”
You choke on your own spit.
“I’m just messing with you, I know what it is.” He laughs and slaps his knee. You don’t know what you would say if you could say something. What excuse could you give? You hope he doesn’t mean what you think he does, but you’re the only person he gossips to anyway.
You’re relieved when he moves on to critique the spray paint still out front, but at least Halloween is next month and then you’ll probably be able to paint the house.
In another ten minutes, you pocket your tomato and make it to your car to drive for the first time in probably two months. Hopefully you’ll have enough gas to make it to a station.
*** You’re lucky you filled the tank before leaving because you got lost twice trying to find the turn off indicated on the map. Finally, on another turn back, you see a faded red flannel tied around a tree, and upon closer inspection, an old dirt road hidden at an odd angle.
When the trees part into a wider clearing down the road, you slow to a stop in the drive of what appears to be a tricked out log cabin. Putting your car in park, you jump at a loud whack nearby, someone splitting logs in your peripheral.
Jake is wearing what looks like a cowboy hat, but you’re more enamored with the way his arms look in his sleeveless vest when he swings the axe. You close your mouth and remind yourself he’s spoken for. Stepping out of the car and grabbing the food you brought, he waves to you, then points to the cabin. Right on time you see Dwight and someone you don’t know lifting a wooden picnic bench, and you jog over to help because Dwight looks like he’s about to get squashed.
At its destination, the other man introduces himself as David and slaps hands with you, throwing his arm around Dwight. It’s almost surprising, the two of them look like a stereotypical high school nerd and bully, but David tussles his hair like an older brother.
After letting go, he pulls you over to where some logs are felled around a firepit to “grab a beer and meet the queers”. You laugh at the overtness of it, and again as a girl with red hair chucks a bag of marshmallows at his head when she hears him say it. Maybe finding someone like you isn’t a lost cause here.
“Hey!”, when David opens the cooler, you look up to see Laurie standing there pointing at you. “What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” you smile, glad to see a familiar face.
“I came with Meg and Claudette,” Laurie gestures at the two other women who nod to you.
“I’m Meg and this is Claudette, to be clear,” the girl with red hair clarifies and nods her head across from her, “and over there is Ace- and so help me, Ace, if you shoot that at me I will roast you over the fire.”
You turn towards who she’s speaking to and see an older man sitting in a blue, plastic kiddie pool struggling to fill a small water pistol while laughing.
“Here you go, mate.” David grabs your attention trying to hand you a beer.
“Oh, no thanks, I gotta drive home tonight-” you put your hand up, but he presses it into your palm.
“Come on, relax, just one won’t hurt. And if you get hammered, you can just camp out here like everyone else.”
It’s in your hand now and you nod at him, but you don’t want to reveal that you think beer tastes like shit.
Dwight returns with Jake and firewood in tow, Ace squirts the water gun at them ‘to cool Jake down’ and you duck out of the way as they drop the tinder into the pit.
“Hey, glad you came,” Jake says, dusting splinters from his hands.
“He brought chips!” You both hear David yell over from the table, presumably with his mouthful.
“Yeah, sorry I didn’t bring something better-” you start to apologize but he tells you not to worry about it, chips are great and you brought enough so that David can’t eat them all. David yells back that he takes that as a challenge.
You can’t remember the last time you’ve laughed this much.
It’s a warm enough afternoon that you don’t need to light the bonfire yet, and David gets the grill going while Jake runs back to his cabin to grab the meat. At this point you remember the tomato in your pocket, pulling it out and setting it on the table sheepishly.
“Nice tomato! I always bring a vegetarian option for everybody too, Jake keeps them separate on the grill for me.” Claudette smiles at you from across the table as she sets down some plates.
“Thanks, my neighbor actually gave it to me from his garden this morning before I left.”
The two of you talk, and you learn that planting marigolds with tomatoes is a great way to prevent pests and Claudette knows a whole lot about gardening because she happens to be a botanist.
Meg sits down next to her and listens happily for a couple of minutes before calling Ace over to challenge him to an arm wrestle.
“Don’t let him near the grill, everything he touches burns…” Meg whispers out of the side of her mouth as he walks over. You catch Laurie’s eye from where she’s standing with Dwight, Jake, and David at the grill, exiting the conversation before swiftly making her way over to you.
“I’m gonna show (Y/n) where the bathroom is.”, her hand lands on your shoulder, you guess you have no choice.
You swing your legs around the bench and follow her off towards the cabin with a shrug. When you’re a few paces away from the group, she hisses to you under her breath without looking and you almost miss it.
“Have you seen him again?”
It takes a second before you register what she’s talking about, but you respond before you come to a full conclusion on what you tell her.
“No, not since the first time.” She opens the front door of the cabin and you avoid eye contact. You hope your body language reads ‘upset’ and not ‘hiding something’. “I don’t want to talk about it right now…”
Laurie lets it drop, but sounds irritated when she points out the bathroom. On the way back you whisper a ‘sorry’ and she responds with a ‘me too’. You scrunch your brows in confusion, but head over to the grill. She disappears from your side but a thirty seconds later a stream of water hits you in the side of the head.
You yelp in shock and duck, but Laurie keeps squirting the gun, catching Dwight in the crossfire.
“It’s on!” David yells, dropping the tongs on the grill and vaulting over the table after her. Laurie runs to the other side of the kiddie pool that you see Ace getting out of, holding a beer aloft.
There’s a stand off on either side of the water, broken by David launching over it and landing one foot in the drink to lunge at Laurie, only for her to jump out of his reach. Almost in slow motion, everyone watches as his one foot slips on the plastic and he goes tumbling down, soaking his pants and getting a face full of grass. Everybody has a good laugh while he climbs out with a flurry of curses and peels off his shirt.
Jake calls over as he sets one huge plate of hot dogs and burgers on the table and follows it with one of corncobs and what’s probably the veggie patties that Claudette mentioned. Meg whistles at the sight of the food and starts serving hot dogs after passing the vegetarian plate to Claudette, everyone falling in at the table to eat.
*** You eat until you’re stuffed, unashamed as everyone else does the same. The sun is sinking in the sky now, casting a pleasant glow through the trees. Jake deems it enough to start the fire and you approach to watch curiously as he strikes flint onto the dry brush and blows on it.
When he’s finished he tells the group to keep an eye on it while he fetches the s’mores stuff.
“I thought we put it out right here-” Dwight turns toward the logs, confused, but Jake takes him by the arm to bring him along to the cabin.
“I brought it inside because the chocolate was melting.” Dwight seems to accept this and follows along.
When they're out of earshot, Meg leans in towards the log you’re sitting on from her own.
“Jake is proposing tonight! I think he’s doing it!” She squeals a bit in excitement and tries to look like she’s not watching when Dwight looks back before ducking inside.
You share in their excitement and join Ace in stoking the fire into a roaring flame. You watch the smoke dance and carry some ashes into the air and lean back happily. The sky is turning from purple to deep blue now. The light from the fire dances off the trunks of the trees, and you take in the nature of your surroundings as your friends chatter around you.
You squint at a shape between the trees and it moves behind a thicker trunk.
White mask.
*** Michael would never admit to himself of ever feeling jealousy, but a certain irritation of possessiveness grows as he watches. His stomach rumbles at the food, but it’s of little relevance to him.
He spots Laurie and his knife is already in his dominant hand. The strings are connecting what he’s seeing to the same feeling of what he saw watching the teenagers in 1978. This time Laurie is collateral. Funny.
All he has to do is wait.
He could go after the two that already diverged from the group, but he wanted you separated. He moves closer to where you will see him.
The firelight flickers over your form, creating a beautiful moving sepia of you that reminds Michael of the old photographs in the asylum. As you poke at the fire, it licks towards your fingers and that are drawn back sharply.
What sounds would you make when it touched you?
Your eyes had a dream like quality, observing the realness of your habitat, peering through rose-tinted glasses to only see the welcoming nature when surrounded by the lurking sharpness of it.
He may have felt smug when the illusion broke around his presence.
Michael moves out of your line of sight, but he humors over the way a human freezes like an animal in the headlights.
The annoying man who fell in the pool speaks. Michael doesn’t like the way he looks at you.
“Oi, (y/n), you look like you’ve seen a ghost, what’s got you bothered?”
You snap out of it quickly, looking towards him and then shaking your head.
“Um, yeah sorry, I’m just...cold. I’m gonna go get my jacket from my car, I’ll be right back.”
You skitter off nervously, Michael can see the confusion on some of the other faces.
You make it to your car before scanning the woods and spinning to check your blindspot, but you don’t need it, Michael is already walking toward you and you can see the way the orange of the distant campfire glints off of the knife he’s brandishing. You step back, you don’t want to be intimidated, but you fear for what he’ll do to your friends.
The car door stands between the two of you when you open it, pulling out your jacket without breaking eye contact. It’s seeming like you can’t escape him.
“How did you get here?”, you whisper, not knowing exactly where Jake and Dwight are.
You wait for an answer, and when you give up on one, he turns his head deliberately toward the backseat of your car and back to you.
You’re incredulous, the main question you don’t want to elaborate on is “how?”, but you wave it away to get to the point.
“Please.”, you don’t know what you’re appealing to, but you hope there’s some leverage you have in the way he sees the situation. “Please don’t hurt these people. I’ll-”
What will you do?
You don’t know, but you have to save them from whatever he’s planning.
“I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll-I’ll leave right now, okay?” He just stares at you. He twists his knife once.
“The car is open, I’ll go make an excuse to leave and be right be right back, I promise.” You hold up your hands placatingly.
You do a quick jog back to campfire and it looks like you return shortly after Jake and Dwight.
“So, what’d I miss?”, you hope you don’t enter as clumsily as you feel.
Jake and Dwight turn to you on the log and Dwight is wearing the biggest sheepish smile and looks like he cried a little bit. You can see the little gold band on Dwight’s left hand and smile back, issuing proper congratulations.
You force yourself to say it, feeling guilty for springing it on them during a sentimental moment.
“I wanted to stay for the s’mores, sorry guys, but I gotta get home.” Some sad ‘awws’ erupt from the girls and Laurie looks at you suspiciously.
“What, are you afraid of the dark?”, David jeers as you say your goodbyes.
“No, I just have work tomorrow.”, you grimace.
he responds with a hum of acknowledgement before laughing.
“Hate to see you go, but love to watch you leave.”
You give him a good natured punch in the shoulder before waving to everyone and heading out.
Approaching your car once more, you can see Michael’s silhouette in the backseat and gulp. Sliding in and starting the car like normal, you try not to look back, but in the mirror you see the shadowed eyes watching you.
It’s easy to imagine how vulnerable you are to him in the backseat. The ride home is awkward, but only for you.
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moonlightskids · 5 years
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shall we
fluff (long poly au)
the pool water is cold against your warm skin, the reflects on it giving it a crystal effect, it’s a perfect summer day at the bang’s house. the big patio is full of rowdy boys, well, there’s only nine of them but they’re as loud as a hord of teenagers. jisung and jeongin are yelling the lyrics of the song coming from the sound system, doing a rather ridiculous interpretation, while woojin and felix are just staring at them from the tanning chairs, joining once in a while to add an equally ridiculous high note. a giggle scapes your lips as you keep your eyes on your childhood friends.
all of you grew up together on the same block, a neighborhood full of big houses and ostentatious cars, all kids of rich families, who sent their kids to the same private schools, invited to the same fancy parties and matching high brand fits.
turning to your left you find chan, changbin and minho carrying enough drinks and snacks for your always hungry group, there’s pastries and fruits, even some alcohol, chan’s mom really is the best. inside the luxurious home you can see the integral kitchen from outside, seungmin is helping miss bang with the food, which isn’t surprising, seungmin is what moms call: a perfect son in law, at least your mom does, and he’s not even your boyfriend. you sigh at the thought, the idea of dating any of your close friends has always been one that gave you an itchy feeling, but lately, since seungmin came back from america, after a whole semester studying there, you can’t help but think about him differently.
you shake the thought away as you hear the door bell echo through the two story house, after a minute hyunjin walks into the patio, only wearing his swim suit and a sleeveless tank top. everyone has changed since you started college, but hyunjin, he did a whole 180 change. not because he wasn’t handsome before, but in high school he used to give this prince like vibe, that would make your heart jump in your ribcage. now in college, with longer hair and muscled arms, it doesn’t just make your heart go crazy, but your whole body.
“y/n”, hyunjin is shaking a hand in front of your face, a smirk on his stupid lips, “like what you see?”, god you wish you could wipe that expression off his face, “and i haven’t even taken my shirt off yet”
“huh!, you wish”, you’re not a good liar, but you try your best, “i was just looking at the snacks”, you say motioning at seungmin who’s walking in with a tray of food.
“you hear that, seungmin”, yells jisung from the other side of the patio, where they’ve stopped giving an improvised concert, “y/n just called you a snack”, there’s a mischievous smile in his squirrel like face and you curse the day you decided to tell, jisung of all people, of your little crush on your childhood friend.
the heat rushes to your cheeks and you shake your head agressively, “I DIDNT SAY THAT”, you wish you could just drown on chan’s pool right now, “i meant the food”, your words come out as a whisper and you can hear the boys behind you snickering.
“too late, y/n, there’s no saving now”, your defeated sigh is all they need, god, how you hate losing to this losers. looking up, seungmin is still standing there, a soft red on his cheeks. when his eyes find yours, he clears his throat and ends his walk to the table were the rest of the snacks and drinks are. admitting your lost you make your way out of the pool before the hynas you call friends finish all the food.
“so, i have a proposition”, felix interrupts the silent session of stuffing your faces, everyone stops chewing, waiting for him to continue.
“if this is anything like that one time jisung proposed to go camping and instead we ended up lost in the forest for five hours, i don’t wanna know”, everyone agrees with woojin’s statement, that day was no fun. camping was ok but going for a walk inside the dark forest when no one knows any survival skills wasn’t. jisung rolls his eyes at the mention of his infamous idea, “can you guys get over it already? we’re fine”
“yeah, not thanks to you”, jeongin adds, earning a not so threatening look from his hyung.
“anyways”, felix continues, “my dad bought this new cabin, how about we spend a weekend there?, we can swim in the lake, roast some marshmallows, share horror stories...”
“get eaten by a bear”, this time is you who interrupts.
“well”, starts chan, “if things comes to worst, we’ll just sacrifice jisung”, everyone nods in agreement (except jisung for obvious reasons), and it gets settled, this weekend, you’re going to felix’s cabine in the woods and if life’s good enough, you might even get ridden of jisung.
friday comes by fast, like everything when you’re not drowning in essays and presentations. sitting on bed, you make a list of all the things you need to take and have packed while you wait for jisung to pick you up. there’s bikinis, towell, food, comfy pijamas, repelent and your charger. but your mind is somewhere else. a whole weekend, no parents, alcohol and a crush on your childhood friend is never a good combination. jisung barges into your room making you jump, a scowl on your face.
“god jisung”, you frown at his smile, it’s bigger than usual, “what’s with you?”
“i have a plan”, he says as he starts going back downstairs with your way too big bag for just a weekend. following closely behind him, you try not to fall from the new imperial stairs that had been changed while you were away for college.
“what do you mean a plan?”, instead of answering, your best friend throws your bag in the back and opens the front door for you. you go in and wait for him to do the same, “jisung”, you whine, god his plans are never good.
when you’re finally on the road, which only lasts a few minutes as you park infront of hyunjin’s house and wait for him, he finally speaks, “i know how to make your crush on our friend work”, he moves his eyesbrows suggestively, he knows about your crush on hyunjin too? you stare at his front door anxiously, you really don’t want him to know.
“how do you know about my crush on hyunjin?”, you whisper yell as quietly as possible, when you see his eyes open widely you know you’ve fucked up.
“i- YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HYUN-“, covering his mouth with your hand as fast as possible you shush him, only letting go when you’ve seen he’s calmed down.
“ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod”, your head hitting jisung’s expensive mercedes window, god you’re such an idiot. he starts laughing, you’re so annoyed you would kick him out of the car and leave him there if it weren’t because you don’t have your drivers license yet.
“god, y/n, i was talking about seungmin, but i can’t believe you ALSO have a crush on hyunjin. i mean, i get it, puberty did hit them hard, but two of our childhood friends?”, you groan, great, of all people, he has to be the one who knows about both of your crushes. you should have spent the summer with your parents in the maldives instead of staying here, god stupid friendship promises.
before you can continue the conversation, hyunjin walks out of the mansion, and he’s not alone, of course seungmin is with him, with a simple hi, the both of them climb into the car. jisung is enjoying this too much, making faces at you everytime any of the boys a knowledges your presence. the two hours drive to the cabine is pure torture, after the conversation, you can’t help but blush everytime any of their eyes crosses with yours.
after what it feels like an eternity, jisung finally parks infront of the cabine, you’re the last ones to arrive. chan’s unloading all the bags from his truck, a smile in his face as he watches you climb down the car.
“hey, how was the trip”, his voice is sweet like always and you watch him juggle 4 louis vuitton bags in his arms as you carry your chanel one, high brand bags to a cabine in the woods, god us rich really are annoying.
“a torture”, is all you say as you make your way inside as fast as possible. as soon as you go in, you find the rest of the boys unpacking the food in the kitchen, all except jeongin who’s sitting with felix in the livingroom organizing the video games, “hey”, you greet them collectively, sitting on the sofa infront of the tv and sighing deeply.
“you know”, minho says from the kitchen, “you could come and help”, he’s standing in the entrance, bags of snack on his arms.
“i wish i could, but i don’t want to”, at your answer, minho rolls his eyes and continues with the work.
“spoiled brat”, you hear him say under his breath and you chuckle. “we all are, minho”. when the rest of the boys are finally inside, felix stops what he’s doing to give everyone a tour. the cabine is smaller than you expected from his dad, but still big enough to show off. it has four rooms, five bathrooms, a big kitchen and an even bigger livingroom inside, outside there’s a jacuzzi, a bonfire place, chairs, tables and infront, a lake.
“so this is how it works”, felix starts, “two rooms of three and two rooms of two. since this is my cabine, i choose a double bedroom, changbin hyung and i can share”, changbin is such a lucky bastard.
“as the oldest”, woojin speaks before anyone else has a chance, “i’ll have the other double one and i’ll share with chan”, both boys high five at their stupid privilege. god, old people are the worst. that leaves six people, jisung, minho, jeongin, hyunjin, seungmin and you.
without losing time, jisung interjectes, “rock, paper, scissors?”, everyone agrees. and of course, with your luck, you end up paired with both hyunjin AND seungmin. three scissors and three rocks, what are the fucking odds?
after unpacking and changing at light speed so you could get out of the room before any of the boys could say anything to you, you sit on one of the logs scattered outside the house, there’s a big crystal window that separates the livingroom from the bonfire place. the flames are high enough to almost be scary and they warm your body. you sigh, life was so much easier when you were kids. hanging out every day after class, helping each other with homework, running away from the fancy parties after woojin finally got his license, 10 people in his father’s five seat bmw, only caring about the now; now, is all about the future, what you’re studying, what position you will taking on your parent’s company, will you still be able to see each other, who you gonna marry...
the crystal door rolls to the side and hyunjin exits the house, taking a sit next to you, his smile is so big, his eyes dissapear and you feel literal butterflies going crazy in your stomach.
“beer?”, he’s holding two bottles and you take one, if you’re gonna have to deal with your feelings tonight, you might as well get (a little) drunk. a shocked noise comes from his throat when you down it all in one go.
“everything ok?”, hyunjin’s face is formed into a worried expression. you sigh, why does everything has to be so complicated. looking anywhere but his concerned expression, you lock eyes with seungmin, that’s sitting right infront of you. the flames of the bonfire make his face look distorted but you can still make out his factions. the baby cheeks he used to have are gone, leaving him with high cheek bones and a strong jaw, his eyes still have his soft puppy look, but his long hair makes his turn from good kid to reckles teen too obvious.
he smiles at you, the action sending goosebumps down your spine making you shiver. hyunjin most misinterprete your reaction cause he puts an arm around your shoulder, trying to shield you from the cold breeze that wasn’t bothering you at all. but you let him, cause it feels nice. you’re too distracted in hyunjin’s arms to notice seungmin’s frown from across the patio.
the night is fun, you spend hours drinking and talking and playing stupid high school party games with your friends. at one point jisung is so drunk he willingly gets his clothes off and throws himself into the freezing lake, for your friendship, of course, and woojin, who you have never seen this wasted, starts crying over his master and how he’s gonna have to move to england for two years to keep his studies (he’s not the only one that cries). and now, yourself, you drank so many beers you’re staring to see things multiplicated, has jeongin always had two heads.
hyunjin seems to notice the weird look you’re giving your friend and with a chuckle he helps you up with one hand and starts guiding you inside, “i’m taking y/n to bed”, you hear a chorus of ‘goodnights’ and turn around in time to not miss the suggestive look jisung throws your way, you hate his stupid ass.
the walk up the stairs is a whole odyssey. at some point hyunjin has to carry you cause you’re unable to move your feet correctly. laying you on your bed, he helps you out of your shoes, from where you are, you can see his face perfecly, the long hair glistens with moonlight and your eyes fix on his plump pink lips, you’re so drunk you’ll totally kiss him right now if your heart wasn’t too scared of his reaction.
his face is centimeters away from yours, “you should go to sleep”, his fingers pushing your hair behind your ear, “y/n... are you listening?”, you nod and his face turns into a sweet smile that dissapears as soon as his eyes land on your parted lips.
he’s done with your shoes and instead of sitting next to you he hovers over you, one arm on each of your side, making your body lean back. he’s close enough to even make your drunk self flustered. without a word, his face leans on you and he’s kissing you, it’s a rough kiss, his lips move fast and harsh against yours. somehow you move into the pillow, his arms around your waist and yours holding his shirt tightly. you’re starting to fall asleep, but the feeling of hyunjin’s lips is too addicting to ask him to stop. every now and then his teeth grace your lower lip making you sigh and hold tighter.
“i love you, y/n”, is the last thing you hear before falling asleep, your head on his chest and his face on your hair.
“YOU DID WHAT?”, jisung’s voice boom’s through out your empty house. You’ve had arrived from the cabin last night and now you’re sitting on the livingroom with your best friend, “HE SAID WHAT NOW?”
“goodness jisung, can you stop screaming”, your voice sounds exasperated, you’re waiting for the boys to come for the sleepover you’re having, one last hang out before everyone has to go back to college, and you have no intention in letting anyone know what happened in the cabin, “hyunjin kissed me and told me he loved me and now i don’t know what to do”
“well”, jisung speaks after a minute at a normal volume now, “how do you feel about it?”, how are you supposed to feel about it, you’ve had a crush on hyunjin since you were kids when he used to always bring you a flower when he’ll come to visit you and the way he acts with you helps in no way, and of course, as someone you’ve had in your life for so long, you love him, “you’re smiling...”, your eyes go back to your best friends who’s looking at you with a curious tint in his eyes, one that makes me you blush, “... but what about seungmin?”
a deep sigh scapes your lips, what about him... is not like he’s ever shown any interest in you, at least not like that and god knows how long you’ve been waiting for something to happen, but now that hyunjin had confessed, did it really make sense to keep waiting for seungmin. jisung seems to know your feelings without you even voicing them. he seems like he wants to say something, comfort you, but just like you, he doesn’t find the right words.
“i just don’t know”, your words come out as a whisper and your best friend just nods in understanding, honestly, jisung wouldn’t know what to do in that situation either, but he still has friend duties, so trying to lift the mood, he stands up and plays some music, a mischievous smile on his face and an extended hand. without a word you take it, letting him guide you as you dance as ridiculous as you can to every song that plays.
“you know”, you stop your pathetic attempt of moon walking to look bach at jisung, “back in middle school, i used to have a crush on you”
“in middle school??”, you choke with your own saliva and try to imagine chubby jisung and his big black glasses having a crush on you, “i know...”, and the both of you are laughing again, so hard you end up laying on the floor of your livingroom, “love you, ji”, he nods, looking back at you, “i know”
your emotional moment gets cut short by your doorbell, some seconds letter a group of eight loud boys enter the room, arms full of food and drinks, ready to start this party.
the party doesn’t go as you expected. you thought you’ll spend most of it talking with hyunjin, trying to figure out where you stand, but instead, you’re uncappable to torn your eyes away from seungmin. he’s quieter than usual, fidgeting with his fingers while sitting next to chan who’s engrossed in a conversation with changbin.
now and then he looks up at you, avoiding your eyes as soon as he notices them on him, you’re starting to get impatient, maybe you just need a moment for yourself. standing up you make your way upstairs to your room, the only place free of your friends. not even a minute later you feel the door open behind you and seungmin walks in slowly.
his eyes scan your room, “it look different”, his words are simple but they streak hard. you had made a lot of changes to your room right bedore going to college, the boys had helped you to redecorate but seungmin had left sooner to start his time in london, so he had never seen the changes or your changes, just like you hadn’t seen his.
“yeah, we’ve all changed”, he nods, taking a seat next to you. his eyes are on you and you try your best to hold his look. he seems to be weighing his options and after a minute that feels like an eternity, he finally speaks.
“ok, here goes nothing”, with a deep breath, he speaks again, “i like you”, there’s a long moment of silence. what are you supposed to say, you already confessed to hyunjin that night at felix’s cabine and even if you do have feelings for seungmin too, how are you supposed to reciprocate to both of them. the frustration seems to reflect on your face as seungmin sighs defeated. “i get it, i should have known when i saw you and hyunjin sleeping together”, his voice is low and fragile and your heart clutches at the sad puppy eyes he’s giving you. “i just thought it was worth the try, you know? and with the way jisung was acting, i really thought i had a chance”
he saw that?, you were so drunk, after you fell asleep on hyunjin’s arm, all you remember is waking up to an empty room, you just thought he had slept somewhere else.
your heart jumps to your throat and all the times seungmin ever casted a look on you come to your mind, you imagined the way he looked at you was one of a brother to a sister but now. your hand wraps arouns his arm, his skin is soft and warm and you pull him to you before he can walk out of your room, “but seungmin”, your free hand traces the side of his cheek and you watch as he closes his eyes and leans on your touch, “i do like you, a lot”
“you do?”, his eyes open in surprise, “but you and hyunjin...”
“i like him too, that’s why i don’t know what to do”, you step away, moving back on your bed, “i don’t wanna hurt any of you”, in silence seungmin moves to sit back next to you.
“it’ll hurt me more to not have any of you at all than just half”, seungmin covers the distance between you two to kiss you. different from hyunjin, seungmin’s lips are warm and the way he kisses you is soft and sweet, his hands on your cheeks push your hair out of your face and he deepens the kiss using his tongue. the feeling that fill your stomach when he touches you is like a hot chocolate after a long walk in a snowy day, your heart is beating at a steady pace making you relax your arms around his neck and bring him even closer to you. the way seungmin’s lips move against yours makes you sigh in content. pulling away you earn a cute whine from him that makes you smile, why does he have to be so damn cute.
“now what?”, your voice is muffled agaisnt his lips. someone clears his throat and by the way seungmin reacts, moving back surprised, you can tell is not him. moving away you turn around to find hyunjin standing at the door. more than a hurt expression, than you expected from someone who had find the person he loves kissing someone else, there’s a look of realization on his face, a smile tugging at his plump lips.
“now you choose”, his voice sounds like he’s having fun, shaking your head you start replying only to get interrupted by hyunjin away, who walks inside and sits on your other side, “i meant seungmin”, the look of confusion most be obvious on yours and seungmin’s face cause hyunjin finally decides to elaborate, “you like both of us and we both like you. i’m okay with sharing you, if he’s ok with it too”, your eyes go from hyunjin to seungmin who’s looking at the both of you like he’s already decided.
“i already told her, i’m rather have half than none”, his voice is a whisper and you really can’t believe what’s happening, “but, we have to share and what about her”, what about you????
hyunjin smirks, leaning in to get between seungmin and you, “she’ll have to share too”, at his word both of the boys turn to look at you, “is that okay?”, and you nod without thinking, is ut okay to be with both of your childhood friends at the same time? you’re not sure, will a poly relationship actually work when you haven’t even had another relationship? you’ll have to see, all you know is, you’ll rather share them than don’t have them at all.
hyunjin smiles, that big one that makes his eyes disappear and stands up with you, “we should go back downstairs before they come looking for us”, you follow him to the door, only turning to look for seungmin, he’s righ behind you, showing all his teeth with the happy smile in his face. the three of you walk back into the livingroom where your friends have almost run out of food.
chan and changbin are still talking, the spot seungmin used to occupy is now filled with jeongin who seems to be ready to go to sleep, felix ans minho are sitted on the floor watching jisung lose pathetically in an arms match with woojin, but when you enter all eyes turn to you and your hands that are holding hyunjin, without thinking, jisung jumps in the air, an triumphant scream, “I KNEW IT, everyone pay now”, the room feels with groans as jeongin, felix, changbin and minho put fifties on jisung’s hand. you wait for an explanation, you eyebrow raised.
“jisung bet you’ll end up choosing hyunjin”, at least chan has the decency to sound embarrased as he too puts a fifty in your best friend’s hand, “we bet you’ll end up with seungmin”, he continues and you turn to look at the culprit of all your troubles who’s smiling maniatically.
“oh, c’mmon, i’ll take you out for ice cream”, rolling your eyes you let go of hyunjin to sit on the free sofa where both of your, now boyfriends, lay with you. and to your surprise, seungmin is the one to speak.
“she doesn’t need you to take her out for ice cream, she has us for that”, now’s everyone else’s time to be confused and the frowns deepen when seungmin leans down, an arm around your shoulder and gives your lips a sweet, short kiss, “right?”, you nod shyly, trying to hide your burning face from everyone’s eyes, “right”, this time, hyunjin puts a finger under your chin, lifting your face and kisses you, putting his arm over seungmin’s.
when you look back, everyone’s mouth is hanging, except for woojin’s who’s actually smiling, “which means”, he starts, an innocent smile on his face, “i win”, you open your eyes in surprise as you watch jisung give up his new earned fifties to the oldest on your group, who sends a wink your way, “now, i can take the three of you out for ice cream”, and you laugh, the three of you. what would you do without your friends.
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kaypeace21 · 5 years
What’s ur theories or what you want to see throughout season 3 for stranger things and what can you see for will for his arc
I literally would not be able to discuss every s3 theory I have in one post XD. But I can specify what theories/hopes I have for Will’s story arc in s3.
1) I want Will’s (not supernatural) PTSD to be addressed, as well as he deep-seeded  abandoment issues(caused by Lonnie), and low self-esteem to be addressed. He probably blames himself for Lonnie leaving, and causing his family’s financial issues (which will only worsen because of the new mall). Not to mention Will probably blames himself for Bob’s death- the only cannon romantic love interest in Joyce’s life, since Lonnie. Will clearly has a low self esteem and when people ‘leave him’ he blames himself entirely. A good indicator of this, was when Jonathan says he has friends. And Will is confused and says … 
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This in itself is extremely telling of how Will views himself. After s1 despite all the kids, teens, and adults doing everything they could to save him (risking their lives to do so) he still doesn’t understand why any of them actual would want to hang around him- he doesn’t see ‘his appeal- his worth’. He doesn’t like himself . He sees himself as a burden, just like his dad perceived him. And because of his abandonment issues, and somewhat iffy social skills, he probably assumes in both s1-2 they saved him out of obligation. And because of his abandonment issues,  he’s constantly feeling like a burden and always over-apologizing.  And since Will already feels like a burden, because of his dad, his PTSD,  and the upside-down incident he’s constantly apologizing .There was a reason Will didn’t tell Joyce what he saw in s1! He yells “I’m sorry “ and snuggles into his mom when he’s trying to explain the mindflayer to Hopper and Joyce. And Joyce says something indicative to his character (before anything supernatural occurs).
Joyce: “You feeling any better? Will?”
Will: “Huh? Yeah… Sorry.”
Joyce: “Hey… what’d we talk about, huh? You gotta stop it with the sorry’s.”
Will : “Yeah, sorry. I mean… yeah, I know.”
This illustrates that Joyce has already discussed the fact that Will over-apologizes . But Will still does it very often, even after these 2 separate discussions. 
I think in s3 we’ll see a cumulative reaction to how Will’s experiences have shaped him in a very sad and problematic way. Dustin starts hanging out with Steve, Lucas has a girlfriend, Jonathan will probably be too busy trying to financially support the family/dating Nancy, and to top it all off he then has a fight with Mike about not being “ kids anymore”. I think Mike will lash out, but Will will take the argument much harsher than he usually would (because all of his insecurities are piling up one after the other).So through Will’s perception, he just feels alone and like he’s being abandoned all over again, by the people who he thought would never do this to him.
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2) Will’s destroys Castle Byers (Theory). I actually predicted here, that Will would destroy Castle Byers(right after his fight with Mike)- before the track list even came out. I thought this would be the case, because of Castle Byers symbolic importance. Which is why hopefully it’s Will,  not some other force that destroys it.
Will uses castle Byers as the one place he feels safe while in the upside down, or just on a daily basis. But it’s still a reminder of his deep-seeded abandonment issues. The day Will’s dad left , Jonathan and Will built Castle Byers all night in the pouring rain. Jonathan saying “we just had to finish it no matter what”. Will was the one who made-up Castle Byers in his imagination, and drew it, before Lonnie even left. He drew the sign “all friends welcome”, because with Lonnie around he never felt ‘welcome’ in his own home. So then when Will goes to Castle Byers in s3 at night in the pouring rain … he’s probably thinking that Mike (and his friends) are going to abandon him just like his dad did! 
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Will wants time to stop, to regain the childhood he lost, but he can’t cry about it now -since he’s officially a teenager . And everyone else is moving on. He feels like he’s being abandoned in a “ teenage wasteland”
So I think Will may in a fit of rage destroy Castle Byers (probably using his fire powers). Similar to how El  had a psychic fit and accidentally destroyed all the windows in the cabin.
However unlike the El scene, it quickly turns into something empowering.We’d be sad. But this in itself would be Will at least trying to symbolically move on from his father’s influence, and trying to overcome his abandonment issues. Plus s3 is all about growing up- and if Will destroys the symbol of his childhood-abandonment-issues it would symbolically indicate his change in character as he accepts that he’s now a teenager . As well as how he’ll refuse to be a victim ever again (from his dad, the mindflayer, the bullies, etc)!
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 Rain in itself can signify “purification of the soul”. I don’t think all of his issues will magically go away- but it’ll be the start of his journey of acceptance & self-love.
3) I want: El to find Will in the woods right after he destroys Castle Byers.
I’ve described in a previous post that based on the symbolism and iconography of the show why Will & El represent Yin and Yang , read more here. One of the many symbols of Yin and Yang is - Yin being representative of feminity/water & Yang being representative of masculinity/fire.
Will is always referenced with fire in both the comic and show . He drew his wizard character shooting fireballs in s1 and in the first ep he rolled the dice and yelled “fireball”, he had the ‘shadow monster ‘ exorcised out of him with fire, and in the comic he shoots a demogorgan and yells “fireball”. El’s element or ‘substance would be the opposite of fire, “water” - the sensory deprivation tanks are filled with water, the void floor is covered in water, she escaped the lab through a drainage pipe, looked at a reflection of herself in a puddle and cased ripples in it using her powers,  in s3 is shown sinking in water and falling out of a vanishing tub, etc.
Yin (water) and Yang (fire) have to  be “in perfect balance” (if one’s presence is stronger than the other)  “catastrophes will occur” and there will be an “imbalance between the cosmic and human realms”.  And throughout the 1st two seasons that’s exactly what happened! If El was shown prominantely then Will was gone or unconscious (or vice versa). There is a symbolic tear between the real world and upside down (because of this imbalance). And having them both be there - as a lit fire of castle byers burn, and rain pours would indicate -that their both starting to find balance. And that they’ll finally team up because of the supernatural threat.
Not to mention the last time Will was at his lowest and went to Castle Byers who found him and even read aloud his mantra/ sign of “all friends welcome”? Right, El!
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 Not to mention in the very 1st episode, the boys went out in the rain to find Will, but found El instead (when she was also at her most scared and isolated). 
So it would be ! PURE POETIC CINEMA! DAMIT! They should do it! (El’s house is even in the woods, it all makes sense)! XD
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4. I want : El lying for Will
Millie said about s3, that the biggest lie was that “friends don’t lie” ... “everybody lies”. El is still learning what it’s like to ‘be a person in the real world’ and understanding the complexity of familial, romantic, and platonic relationships. And although it’s admirable to never want to lie- it’s much more complicated in the real world. Will (who has very little control of his powers) will probably want to keep it a secret- afraid of how his friends perception of him will change if they knew. So El obliges and keeps Will’s secret- her first lie. 
5) I want: Will’s family dynamics evolving
I want to see the love Will has for his mother and brother (and vice versa). But I also want to see the growing pains involved with Will becoming a teenager, striving for independence, and dealing with the supernatural threat and his clear mental health issues. I want to see Joyce, Jonathan, and Will all grow as people- together. -Also Hopper & Will scenes
6) I want: Will to lash out and get angry
Will constantly fears abandonment and because of this he almost never lashes out- he mostly keeps everything bottled up inside. And regardless of whether it’s justified or not- he deserves to have an emotional outburst- where he SCREAMS about all of his frustrations.
7) I want El and Will talking about /experiencing their shared trauma & how they feel about El being the one who first opened the gate
I want to see happy moments for El and Will. But I also want to see El and Will in normal real-life scenarios/situations in s3. Making it more obvious the trauma of their abusive father figures still affects them deeply, and how their PTSD, quiet nature, powers, and the fact that they never had real-childhoods, causes them to feel more socially isolated and depressed than their peers. As they perceive themselves as nothing but burdens and “freaks” to their loved ones , since they’ll never feel “normal”. But they’ll learn to rely on each other.
-Plus how does Will feel about El opening the gate? El in s1 called herself a “monster” and when she couldn’t find Barb and Will, she felt so much guilt- she had to go to the bathroom to cry. Since then Will has had years of his life stolen, gotten Ptsd, possessed, burned alive, (technically) became a murderer, and was forever mutated (we’ll get to that last point later). So I’m just curious how they both feel about the whole ‘gate-situation’?
8) Byler scenes, and Will interacting more with all of his friends (and seeing the distinctions in all of those relationships and how Mike/Will’s dynamic differers from his other guy-friends, or even Will &Max’s friendship). And just having strong platonic relationships. And (not platonic) byler dynamics. I also want to see how he interacts with strangers/bullies in ‘normal’ situations.
9) Theory: I already explained here, that Will, will have a ‘dark phoenix’ moment at the mall releasing his very own mindflayer to protect his friends (right as the US government comes in to see everything).
10/11) Will and El are kidnapped by the government -theory here. However, El willing exposes her identity in order to go with Will and protect him - theory here.
*gifs/pics not mine
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youinmyhoodnowson · 6 years
Best Electric Tankless Water Heaters
The Takagi best electric tankless water heaters is a great mid-sized option if you're certain you want a fuel heater and need to be assured of efficiency in cold and sizzling weather. Most of us Supplies the great Give you This sort of Really Massive Lower value In addition to Lowest Worth In Eemax For You. For those who Looking for Low Value Eemax best high demand electric tankless water heater greatest Price tag. The Rinnai RL94iP is one of the easiest tankless water heaters, which is able to satisfying households of all sizes. Second last on our greatest electric water heater opinions, now we have a product from iheat. Needless to say this electric water heater is only for sinks and not for different functions such as showers or a bathtub. I'm a one hundred% do-it-your-selfer and believe me, this tankless water heater was easy to install and connect. One among the reasons you need to invest in a tankless heater is to avoid wasting on your utility bill. You simply want a back-up water heater though in case you may be experiencing instances when there isn't a sun. We’re going to must upgrade your transformer to handle this tankless water heater.
The first thing to know about this water heater system is that it can’t handle huge tasks. In case you have all these then you should purchase this top quality small electric tankless water heater. In case you desire a easy, reasonably priced and easy to put in tankless water heater for underneath a kitchen or bathroom sink, the Bosch Electric Tankless Water Heater is certainly the unit for you. The environmentally friendly features are why many individuals pick a tankless system. You may find a minimal of 3 reason why must you select Amazon from different retailers. They’re additionally more powerful, and may work extra rapidly. Electric tankless water heaters and gasoline tankless water heaters available on the market now are usually designed into vitality efficient sorts, but gasoline tankless water heaters are 3 instances extra efficient than electric type. Therefore, it could take 6 to 12 years (or extra) before the month-over-month financial savings cowl the installation prices.
Now, the duration depends on the brand, sort, and the worth vary, but you can expect a guaranty as much as 12 years. It is a particularly environment friendly, precise machine, properly worth a larger worth tag in the long run. It's dear, sure, however its dependable efficiency makes it value each buck. This guarantees larger effectivity and performance. This ensures that the system you’re putting in meets federal requirements set in place to make sure power efficiency and minimal carbon emissions. To put it merely, this unit shouldn't be very vitality-environment friendly and so doesn't save you much cash on energy. These water heaters are very power-efficient and might save you money on electricity prices, however these models only have a limited movement price of sizzling water per minute. Attempt to establish expenses that you would be able to eliminate, or modifications you can make to save cash. It is time that you just make the swap from outdated to new one like different people if you ought to be nonetheless stuck utilizing the old model water in your home. Thirdly, long hours of steady usage may decrease depth of sizzling water.
Expansion tanks could also be out there. The second a part of the situation has to do with where you plan on locating in inside your home. The Takagi-T-KJr2-IN-NG-Indoor-Tankless-Natural has the flexibility to deliver from 200 to 500 gallons of hot water per hour, based mostly in your utility and house wants. It's manufactured with the standard height and width of storage-tank water heaters. Most of us perceive what tankless water heaters are alleged to do, however not many know the distinction between tankless water heaters and their hybrid cousins. By examining factors like common household's water heating prices, in contrast to 1's that use electric tankless ones. Tankless water heaters are highly regarded, and sellers are pushing the associated fee savings (I've seen numbers that vary from 10% savings all the best way as much as 60%!) as justification for these expensive models. Rated very poorly by customers, Navien items are reported to frequently run into problems that range from failure of circuit boards to malfunctioning flow detectors and even leaks. Nonetheless its principal drawback is that it needs to be wired immediately on a separate circuit with this 30 amp breaker. In a case water freezes, you won’t be in a position to use it, so you will have to dwell without scorching water.
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Tankless Water Heaters - Why You Must Install a Tankless Unit
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Have you ever opened you power company bill and belief that you're paying a significant amount of? I would bet the answer to that real question is a resounding "yes!" Did you know that a tremendous portion of your monthly power bill is directly attributable to your water heater? If you are among the lots of people still using storage water heaters, you're wasting money on a monthly basis. But this won't need to be the situation. There are better alternatives out there and, in such cases, the better choices a tankless water heating system.
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There are two varieties of tankless water heaters: electric and gas. Electric water heaters heat cold water via an electric element since it passes through the unit. In a similar manner gas heaters heat incoming water using a gas burner because it enters the gas fired unit. Both electric tankless water heaters and gas tankless heaters have certain advantages. Gas heaters are likely to be utilized for entire house applications when electric ones in many cases are utilized for points people applications like kitchens or lavatories. There are several good reasons for selecting a tankless water heater next time you purchase. First, these are very efficient. By installing one of these brilliant units it is possible to produce an instant, never ending way to obtain domestic hot water and at a savings as high as 50% over the standard electric water heater. Secondly, these people have a longer life expectancy. Unlike standard water heaters these units may be repair if required. Third, because of the small design they could be mounted almost in your house, office, workshop, or cabin. And finally, they are far less prone to rupture and leak while there is no water being held in an army tank.
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When looking for up to keep certain things in your mind. If you are picking the electrical variety, there is nothing much with regards to installation which needs to be done, and very often you are able to plug it in your existing pipeline yourself. The electric and gas powered choice is however still very good because even though they be more pricey, the government gives up to a 30% tax break about the cost and installation. This means that if you live paying $800 for one, you will definately get a $250 rebate on tax reducing the charge to simply $550 which makes around the same price as a possible electric one. Of course if you'd like it installed indoors you'll have to install proper venting, but if you're going with PVC this price is very low. You also have the option for getting an outdoor one which it is possible to mount outdoors which is it. Typically electric tankless heaters operate at almost 100% efficiency whereas the gas units could come to be less efficient over a period of time. The Heat exchanger in gas models experiences scaling which may help it become less efficient with time whereas in electric heaters there is no such risk. In electric tankless water heater, a submersible heater that will remain top performing for a long time can be used.
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edierone · 8 years
The Things She Carries, Part 1
I’m not OK, she thought madly, I’m not going to be OK, but I know what I want, right now. Please let me have it.
By the time dinner is over — a little sick from all that sweet tea, not to mention the admittedly amazing peach cobbler, which Deputy Weller insisted she get — Scully is no closer to solving anything. She is, however, fed completely up with Mulder. She knows he bailed on purpose, and she has a decent idea why; Weller does resemble a young Robert Redford and has a near-obscene amount of charm, which never fails to make Mulder little-boy-in-a-sandbox jealous, as baseless and ridiculous as that is. 
But A) Weller’s not her type, and even if he were, what business is it of Mulder’s, and B) she’s pretty sure he’s gay. Well-closeted, of course — no small-town Texas cop who wants to keep his job is going to be out, after all — but she’d gotten a definite vibe, which was part of why she felt so comfortable with him.
Which of course brings her back to Mulder’s adolescent bullshit. He had interpreted that comfort as interest, and their easy rapport as flirting. Three days so far of his huffiness, his snide remarks, his rudeness (to herself, and to Weller and the rest of the PD), and finally this — not showing up for dinner at the Big House with Weller, Sheriff King, and MaryNell Burden, the retiring DA who’d first contacted them about the bizarre circumstances surrounding the disappearances of a dozen defendants released on bail in this county in the last two years.
Scully thanks MaryNell for the ride back to the B&B — the town’s only place to stay, besides an ancient, murdery-looking motel out on the highway — and notes that their rental Ford is still out front; at least he hasn’t lit out for Oklahoma in search of jackalopes or something. Their rooms are next to each other, the only two in an outbuilding that used to be the ranch foreman’s cabin. It’s a few feet off the ground (1890’s air conditioning, Mrs. Carroll had explained), with five steps up to a small porch bordered by a wooden railing. There’s an old sweatshirt draped over the rail at the bottom of the stairs — it’s Mulder’s, she’s pretty sure, although why it’s out here, she has no idea. There’s no light in his room, the place is quiet except for the sound of crickets in the grasslands beyond the B&B’s property.
She drags herself up the stairs and into her room, stripping off her suit, hose and shoes the second the door closes behind her — ugh, how can it still be this hot at 9:00 p.m.? Off goes the underwire bra, too — she’s sweated it into uselessness. She pulls on a stretchy cotton bra, the one that’s just barely more supportive than going without, and the one tank top and pair of pajama shorts she brought; she really hadn’t counted on staying this long and was getting to the bottom of the suitcase. She washes off her clammy, sticky-feeling makeup, brushes her teeth, considers and rejects a shower on grounds that she’ll just have to take another in the morning to wash off her night sweat so why waste water.
Restless and annoyed, she decides the warm air outside will at least be better than the stuffiness in her room. She goes to stand at the edge of the porch, looking out into the nothingness beyond. Millions of years ago, this was all underwater, and still looks like the gently undulating bottom of the sea. There are tiny dancing lights down near the barely-trickling creek, 50 yards off; any other time, she’d be charmed by the sight of what Weller called “lightnin’ bugs,” but right now the fireflies’ glow just reminds her that she’s irritated enough to want a cigarette.
“Where the hell are you?” she mutters into the humid darkness, wondering again how they got into this apparently permanent interpersonal stalemate. But she doesn’t question herself too deeply, because stuffed tightly down — under layers that shift most inconveniently at times to reveal a corner of the thing — she knows, and she thinks he does too.
It’s because of that night, the night before she stopped treatment for her cancer. Her memory of it is relentlessly, mercilessly vivid. 
She’d been at Mulder’s place, allegedly just hanging out (which was really his way of playing watchful nurse, a fact neither of them acknowledged), playing Scrabble with National Lampoon’s Vacation on in the background. He didn’t know about the appointment she had the next day: Good news, they’d tell you over the phone; bad news, they sat you down and told you in person; the worst news, the meeting would include a counselor and hospice pamphlets.
She was useless at the board game, unable to concentrate, shaky and strange. He’d stopped asking her if she was OK after she’d snapped that she was “fucking FINE,” but he was clearly puzzled, and worried. The only thing that grounded her was keeping her eyes on him. She followed the angle of his arm reaching for tiles, watched his lips as he smiled at a particularly clever play he’d made, adored the kindness in his eyes as he gently mocked her for playing an “A” and an “E” on either side of a “T” to form “ATE”.
Gradually she began to be aware that looking wasn’t going to be enough; she wanted to touch him. Wanted him to touch her. This wasn’t a new sensation, but that night, it was blotting out reason, and fear, and prudence, and insecurity, and every other thing that had ever stood in the way of her reaching for him. He, of course, seemed unaware as always — if he had desires like hers, which she doubted, he had no problem controlling them; she was his partner and friend, and she knew he loved her in a platonic, almost brotherly way, but that was where it ended.
She spoke less and less, every nerve aware of him, her breath coming shallow and rapid, the effort of seeming normal costing her more by the second.
The movie finally ended, and at her request, he went to the kitchen to get her a glass of ice water; perched on the edge of his couch, she folded herself in half, putting her head on her knees, doing yoga breathing, trying to stop the tears pricking at the backs of her eyelids. Get up, go home, this is ridiculous, don’t be such a baby, he doesn’t want you like this, especially not now, she berated herself silently.
He came back, saying “Took me a second to find two clean glasses, but —” and then, catching sight of her, sprang to her in sudden alarm. He knelt before her, panicky. 
“Scully? God — are you OK?” She nodded, but he was unappeased. He gripped her shoulders as if to keep her from falling. “What happened? Did you get a nosebleed? Do you need to lie down?”
She shook her head no, then sat up to face him, her throat constricted with a rush of emotion. I’m not OK, she thought madly, I’m not going to be OK, but I know what I want, right now. Please let me have it.
Some kind of realization dawned in his eyes, and his touch changed, relaxed, became gentler. One hand lifted to her cheek, the other glided to her back; he couldn’t read her mind, but he recognized need, a different thing than pain or simple distress. And in the next instant, she knew that need was being mirrored back to her; she felt a heat rise between them, the same heat she’d ruthlessly tamped down inside herself innumerable times before.
It was strange; she used to feel substantial enough — sometimes too substantial, earthbound and perplexingly unable to catch the zephyrs that bore him so easily along. But since her diagnosis, she’d felt less and less so, and that night, it was as if she were made of paper and blown glass, as if a single spark, a single mislaid touch would disintegrate her — as if she were already almost gone.
Mulder, though — he was warm blood, solid bone, yielding flesh — his vitality, instead of being impossibly separate, seemed suddenly contagious. Something dormant inside her came awake all at once.
She leaned forward, slid her arms around his waist, kissed him — shivered as he inhaled against her — closed her eyes and whispered, breath just barely forming sound: “Please.”
------------------------------------ Author’s note: I’ve been writing this for MONTHS. It was a small idea that got completely away from me. There are at least four more parts, all the rest of which are smutty smutfests plus some angst here and there. Posting part one basically to force myself to finish the rest. 
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cebeavers · 19 years
Pigeon Forge 2005
December 16-18, 2005
In 2004 I had the bright idea to go to Dollywood in December for my first visit to the park.  Since it was open and they run the coasters in the winter, I wanted to go try out Thunderhead.  I wasn’t aware until last year just how close the Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg area was.  And Thunderhead was screaming at me to come and ride again.  So I brought it up to a few people and we planned an informal event on a Saturday in December.  Ten of us, and we all had lots of fun.  After coming back and talking about it for some time several other friends and acquaintances decided that they would like to come as well if we did it again.  Well in 2005 we did it again.  With seven more people than the previous year.
So, months of planning went into this weekend.  Of course, I took it upon myself to plan.  And one thing the group (or most of them anyways) learned was not to trust Clint with money.  More importantly, I should say, don’t trust Clint with Math.  Ever.  Ever ever, in fact.  I did a good job with planning the meal, though.  So after literally almost a year of planning, we had a group of 19 going.  Then Josh and Brandi had to back out.  So we were down two people, but since they weren’t going to eat at the buffet and they didn’t have to pay to get in with their season passes it wasn’t hard to adjust.
The week finally arrived.  I was driving from Southern West Virginia to Pigeon Forge by myself.  I was off for the week prior to the trip, so I was able to adjust my sleeping as I was a day sleeper during that time.  So on Friday December 16 I woke up early and headed south.  The drive from home to the Pigeon Forge area is about 4 hours, but all interstate once I reach Bluefield, Va. which is about an hour from home.  Since my Xterra drinks gas like a fish drinks water, not to mention I’m in need of new tires (c’mon income tax refund), I borrowed my parent’s Honda Element for the weekend.  I got my ginger pills, bufferin rip off, XM Radio, and CD case from my car and off I went.  Thank goodness for XM Radio.
I arrived in Sevierville around 1pm.  Beth, who had picked up Kris Allen and Danny Perkins were heading to Louisville to pick up Mike Case and Matt Scott as their flights landed…or so she thought.  Unfortunately, when Matt arrived in Cincinnati, they canceled his flight to KY, so he was on a bus that took far longer than they had anticipated.  I arrived to Pigeon Forge after Tina and Ed  so I met up with Ed as Tina waited at the NASCAR Speed Park for Nicole.  Half of the power was out in Pigeon Forge, and none of the traffic lights worked.  The coaster at NASCAR Speed Park was closed for the weekend as well.
Ed was at Best Wester, so we headed towards Gatlinburg, stopping for me to pick up some stuff on the way.  We stopped to look at Hillbilly Golf, which never opened, and then we rode thru Gatlinburg for my first time.  Tina called and she and Nicole decided to meet us back at the parking lot by Hillbilly Golf.  Since we weren’t far away, we drove around downtown Gatlinburg a bit.  While down there, I had seen a Ferris Wheel and a Yo-Yo and something else I couldn’t make out up on a hill.  We drove up a road to see if we could get closer to investigate, and found a park that had to have been closed for quite some time, as everything was needing to be painted, de-rusted, and what not. It was abandoned.  It only had a couple of rides in it, but it looked quaint.  I couldn’t figure out how to turn around, but the gate to the park was open, and that was the only place the road let to turn around, so I turned around by the Yo-Yo and headed back down. I’d never driven thru an amusement park before, and I didn’t really mean to this time.
So we picked up the girls at the parking lot and headed to park in Gatlinburg.  We went to the far end, paid, and left the Element in a covered car park.  Then we headed out into Gatlinburg, as none of us had ever really been there.  We were going to go thru the Ripley’s Haunted House, but I wasn’t paying $14 for it.  That was far too expensive for something I’ve done elsewhere, and while good, it wasn’t amazing.  So we walked more, found a candy shop where I had a wonderful green apple dipped in caramel and chocolate, and then we walked down to the Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokeys around 4pm.  Mike Bartlett was just arriving in the area and was going to meet us here in a while.  So we paid and went on in.
The Aquarium was wonderful!  I had been thru the Ripley’s Aquarium in Myrtle Beach and loved it, so I knew I would like this one.  It was very similar, but also different; though that could be more because it has been a few years since I had been thru the one at Myrtle.  We wandered around looking at fish and what not until we arrived at the tunnel going under the shark and fish tanks.  We all really enjoyed standing on the moving walkway as sharks, sawfish, eels, turtles and more swam around us.  We liked it so much that we wanted to do it again.
Then I realized something.  Mike may have been trying to call…but you don’t get a signal when you’re under thousands of gallons of water on your cell.  So we went to call him, but actually saw Mike standing on the balcony above us.  We went up to meet him, and got a chance to do the first half of the aquarium all over again, which was fine, as we really kind of wanted to anyhow.  This place really was great.
We spent quite a lot of time at the aquarium, saw some feedings taking place, and petted the stingrays and lots of other stuff.  Then the crew picked up a few things at the gift shop before we headed out.  It was getting dark by this time.  Walking down main street Gatlinburg, someone saw a shop down one of the offshoot alleyways.  I mentioned how we had plenty of time, so we could go and look.  We did.  After coming around to the back of the shops, we walked down by the hotels and what not on the other street.  Then I saw something I had read about and was interested in, Mystery Mansion.  This was a haunted attraction in Gatlinburg that I’ve heard good things about, so since everyone wanted to go, we headed towards the Tiki Torches.  Tina was happy about that…
We arrived to the almost glowing white house to see nobody else around.  The attraction was open, but it was still early, and no one was there but us.  So we paid our way and headed in.  This was by far one of the best haunted houses I’ve done in a while.  This was a rather large attraction.  They have live actors that can not touch you, nor can you touch them.  It was really well done.  And it was an entire building filled up with haunted house offerings.  I was spooked a couple times, after complaining to the actors that they weren’t doing their job by scaring me.  They made up for it after that.
One thing that was fun was standing on one of the balconies that were outside on the front of the ‘mansion’.  Mike B. made the comment that it would be funny if it dropped.  We laughed.  A few minutes later, we were in an ancient Egyptian Tomb themed area, and I went onto another balcony.  And it DID drop.  It also made me scream.  Good job, scared me.  The actors got better.  We were the only ones getting the attention, after all.  Oh, and I have to say that the room with the doors was a nice touch.  As well as the first room, which was very much like a generic version of the first room on Tower of Terror at Disney’s California Adventure?  Well, except that you don’t get Rod Searling talking to you, and you have to find your way ‘behind the fireplace’.
So we walked back to the main street and picked up my car after checking out Ober-Gatlinburg.  We took the girls back to their car after checking on Mike’s, which was by the Aquarium.  We were to meet the rest of our group at the Hard Rock Café at 8pm, but I wanted to get there around 7:30 to make sure they knew we had quite a few coming.  I parked, the girls parked, and the five of us went on in to the Hard Rock to meet Brian, Alicia, and his good friend Brad.
We all got a table and waited.  Beth and company were supposed to be there soon.  So we waited.  And waited.  And waited some more.  Beth and Co. were not having a good trip.  They did finally arrive at the hard rock around 9:20.  We had eaten by that point and had a very nice time getting to know one another in person.  Hard Rock was standard, but there were far more Mohawks & kilts working there than at other Hard Rock Cafés I’ve been to. 
When the BethBus did arrive, we walked down to Wendy’s for them to eat as Hard Rock was getting crowded.  We all sat there for quite a while, and eventually went our separate ways.  Beth had rented a cabin, so Matt, Danny, and I rode in my ride for the weekend up to the cabin.  We got turned around a couple times, but found it.  It was really quaint, even without the Foosball table and the fact that their hot tub didn’t work that nite.  Oh well.  Sleep came fast for me when I eventually made it to my bed.  Would tomorrow cooperate?
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