#since the game development market is so dominated by the triple a companies
tcypionate · 5 months
i think my issue with alien: isolation and trying to find games that implement ai in that way is that no one does. f.e.a.r. has smarter npcs that know to retreat. but i cant find any other game that has ai that breaks the standard shooter npc mold. probably because it takes more time and resources to train it, but you'd think it'd be a set standard by now :/
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nerdsapien · 5 months
Hello World!
Starting new things is always a bit scary... so is starting your very first blog when you want to rekindle an old, forgotten passion. For me, that passion is Game Design.
Since graduating back in 2009, I've unfortunately never set foot in the (board) game design industry. Back then, it was dominated by big triple-A companies, and the concept of indie development was still in its infancy.
Now, the market has changed, and at the age of 37, I find myself at a crossroads. I'm ready to dive back into the wonderful world of board game design.
My journey with games began at the young age of 10 when a friend, classmate, and fellow nerd introduced me to the magical realm of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. He bought a pirated hardcopy of the rules at a flea market and asked me to hang out and figure this boardless game out with him.
Since then, I've written countless adventures for multiple editions and created binders full of additional lore for the personal worlds I conjured up in my spare time. All of it, unfortunately, collecting dust.
What I want to add is that I recently experienced burnout and overwork at my previous job. My doctors advised me to stay home and shift into a lower gear. It was during this time of reflection that I realized I needed an activity I truly loved to pass the time. For me, that meant picking up a pen and reigniting my passion for designing board games.
So here I am, ready to share this newfound journey with you. Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this adventure together. Until then, let the games begin!
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saltypiss · 1 year
Not to be depressing but the truth is the issue with every generation since at least 9/11 but I'd wager before, is we've lowered our standards more and more. This isn't a "millenials r killin duh deer john industry!" Concept mind you, just a "We've slowly lost all ability to stand up for ourselves and our country is actively hostile.
Lemme put it to you this way, you can see how people respond to companies in various communities to how the larger world responds to the government. And the fact is we simply lowered our standards.
Instead of unbanning abortion, the most we'll get is exceptions that just brutally prove the issue is removing freedoms of choice.
For example, in the gaming industry/community, you could actually see in real time Capitalism and Greed just overwhelm the entire concept just lagging behind every other industry.
We gave up on boycotting DLC because people refuse the Minecraft/Terraria/Stardew Valley free update method a ton of other smaller companies took and eventually "triple a" companies took the idea and made the "Live Service" problem. Growing into a "Live-Streaming" problem.
It just degraded so hard and so fast, and now hustle culture is starting to dominate some discussions about raising the price of games completely arbitrarily. With terrible arguments that when researched prove the opposite every time. "N64 had 70$ titles" yeah and Nintendo controlled the inherently expensive Thick Plastic Cartridge production and costs, and guess what game sold less and is harder to find?
We stopped caring about artistry and this ballooned the cost of marketing. People say "the cost of marketing usually matches the cost of development" but the reality is the graphics are always apart of marketing. Nobody cares about artistry, they care about technical aspects you literally do not notice most times.
We do not care about quality, we do not care about ethics. We just want immediecy and our shitty manufactured chips. It's embarrassing.
The most we'll do with climate change is bandaid to death. Lost cause.
Most we'll do with abortion is exceptions. Lost cause.
Most we can do with our laws amendments and trust in the country is give up, it's a lost cause.
Nobody cares to try for reality, just a lazy compromise that brings barely peace.
0 notes
nathenlindgren · 3 years
Get More Customers Organically For Your eCommerce Store
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Find out how you can attract more of your ideal customers on the top of Google Search results without paid ads with our 3-step SEO system.
With 43% of all e-commerce traffic coming from Google search, e-commerce stores who capitalize on this will benefit from increased profits and consistent organic customers for years to come.
Take a minute to schedule a time below to see if you are a good fit to at least double your organic website leads through our 3 step system.
Our Clients Have Massively Increased Their Sales Through Our SEO Services
Our team have helped companies ranging from emerging eCommerce stores to large companies like Capital One to be found at the top of Google through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Through this, we helped them to get more qualified leads and more sales while achieving a big return on their investment.
Two Spoons
Hannah from Two Spoons already had a strong social media presence before working with us, with over 115,000 followers on Instagram and growing her followers fast. However despite this growth, her website leads was not growing fast enough.
Through working with us, we helped Two Spoons to grow from 2,000 organic visitors per month to 10,000 organic visitors per month!
See video here:
Alpha Crowd Control
Allan from Alpha Crowd Control has been running his business for more than 15 years. When traditional marketing channels stopped working and his paid ads didn’t bring a good return, he struggled to find new customers…
Through our 3-step system, we TRIPLED his business’ organic website leads which helped to create a 50% increase in his annual revenue!
See video here:
E-Commerce Digital Marketing Agency
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Having a functional e-commerce store or website is not an end-all and be-all. In a constantly changing digital and competitive business landscape nowadays, most e-commerce merchants worldwide turn to SEO and digital marketing agencies to help build their brands and grow their customer base. Because of this, marketing business online has become increasingly important in any company’s success.
Promoting your e-commerce store by utilizing SEO strategies and different digital marketing platforms offers immense value. Still, it is NOT a small and easy feat. Since SEO rankings take time to improve after optimizing the website, it is a truly daunting task to find the needle you are looking for in the enormous haystack of information that search engines return. For this reason, more and more entrepreneurs are now relying on outside help to achieve organic growth.
Are you thinking about hiring an e-Commerce digital marketing agency?
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Choosing the best e-Commerce digital marketing agency will help you save time, headaches, and a massive amount of money. The goal of hiring an e-Commerce digital agency is to increase your website’s visibility and ultimately provide a quick return on your investment.
Before we go further, here’s a heads-up! Reaching the top of search engine rankings doesn’t happen overnight. Because of this, it takes several months to realize that you hired the wrong e-Commerce agency, and you end up facing damaging effects to your website’s online presence in search engine results. Too late to atone for your bad decisions.
If you are looking for honest SEO services with guaranteed results, then you came to the RIGHT place!
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Compared to other e-Commerce marketing agencies, we offer you a stress-free, fast and rewarding experience! Our main goal of helping you set up an e-Commerce digital marketing system is to create new e-Commerce revenue streams that initially seem too complicated to leverage. We suggest that if you want the best results in your ROI, focus on the valuable metrics that matter.
ePropel is an e-Commerce digital marketing agency that offers guaranteed e-Commerce digital marketing services that will help your business dominate your market’s search engine rankings. We follow a 3-step system to grow your e-Commerce business based on fundamental strategies and best SEO and digital marketing practices. Our guaranteed SEO system has a proven track record in assisting small to medium-sized companies to sell to a global audience online.
Our main goal is to help you attract your ideal customers without paying hefty fees for paid ads. As your SEO partner, we will strive to help you get to the top results on Google and get organic traffic from the top 10 search result positions.
We now live in a different world, and as technology advances, Google is also advancing its requirements. We diversify, and with the latest developments in Google algorithm, it’s hard to keep up with the new marketing trend at an enterprise level.
We provide all the e-Commerce digital marketing services that your company needs to get results!
Our full-service SEO and e-Commerce digital marketing packages are designed for your business to rule the web and replace a dozen solutions with one suite to improve and leverage in all areas of your marketing. As our valued client, you will enjoy the following services:
Execution of effective e-Commerce digital marketing strategies
We will conduct an in-depth review and audit of your website to determine the necessary SEO strategies that will give your store the much-needed boost in its online presence. We will also execute effective e-Commerce SEO strategies customized to your business to make your online store more visible on the search engine results pages.
Perform website optimization strategies
Payments works seamlessly with any Salesforce application or data model, be it your out of the box Sales Cloud or custom application.
Help you design a custom, mobile-friendly site that makes purchasing your product be a breeze as possible
Payments works seamlessly with any Salesforce application or data model, be it your out of the box Sales Cloud or custom application.
What makes our e-Commerce agency different?
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Our connection with our customers is at the heart of what we do, as we believe building a solid client relationship is the foundation for growth. Trust and values come FIRST to us, and we don’t act in self-interest. We continually strive to build a lasting and meaningful relationship with our clients founded by transparency and honesty.
With all that said, we take time to hear your goals and where you want to be in the future, so we have a FULL understanding of what your company wants to accomplish in e-Commerce marketing and ensure you are well-supported throughout the process.
Everything we do comes from the perspective of a business owner. We walk our talk, and we are 100% dedicated to serving you. We will treat your company as our own and look out for your business’s best interest as a whole. And as your SEO and digital marketing partner, you are NEVER alone in your game. We are in this together!
Simply put, we genuinely care about your business, and we are passionate about bringing noticeable results building your competitive advantage. Our SEO solutions and digital marketing system in place are driven towards making an indelible impact with significant change on your company’s revenue growth and, eventually, help your business succeed in this competitive digital age.
So, let’s kick things off with the help of our certified digital marketing experts!
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Take note that highly effective e-Commerce marketing is a make or break necessity for many e-Commerce companies. Today, a plethora of e-Commerce businesses credit online marketing for achieving an increase in their ROI and their generation of more sales.
When it comes to e-Commerce digital marketing, finding the RIGHT e-Commerce marketing agency or partner can help you tap into this rapidly growing sales channel and keep your business prepared for the future!
That said, if you are looking for a dedicated digital marketing team passionate about taking your business to the next level, our integrated digital marketing strategies will be perfect for you!
Make ePropel and our team your trusted e-Commerce marketing agency. Our e-Commerce digital marketing services go unmatched, providing your business with the best value possible and helping your e-Commerce store get ahead in today’s very competitive online business world. We will develop a customized internet marketing package to meet your business KPIs and revenue growth goals.
With our team of experienced SEO and digital experts and a growing number of satisfied customers, ePropel becomes the trusted choice for e-Commerce companies looking to drive revenue, generate sales, set up an effective conversion strategy, and ultimately, get good leads aboard.
Why do you need a game plan for your online marketing?
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The global market is continually expanding and innovating. If you don’t keep up with your competitors, you will be missing out on huge sales, let alone you lose in the game. Relying on the traditional forms of advertising and marketing products will not cut it or beat your competitors, especially in a very aggressive market with low customer spending.
With nearly all marketing efforts being performed now online, it is tough to draw customer’s attention to your business. Even more challenging is deciding between the various types of digital marketing people use today that will potentially market your business. If you continue to rest on your laurels in a world of business that’s highly competitive, sooner or later, a new competition lurks around the corner, and you are in a deadly trap.
Here’s a wake-up call to e-Commerce business owners
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While you are not boosting your website’s visibility, your competitors are keeping the competition on their toes. So, if your potential and existing customers find them online, they will likely turn to your competitors instead of you as the go-to source for their needs. Thus, you miss the opportunity to pull in more customers and reach a large audience.
As you can see, digital marketing is relatively inexpensive and very doable, so there is no reason why e-Commerce businesses couldn’t stay in front of people and stand out from the crowd. No matter how new or small, your business can avoid being overlooked by the vast marketplace. Here’s the good news, at ePropel, we offer a suite of e-Commerce marketing services that make using e-Commerce marketing simple but on point and delivers results.
Take advantage of our online marketing strategies geared toward building your brand awareness, increased website traffic, targeted reach, leads, conversions, or even repeat purchases so that you could achieve your business growth goals. With a coordinated marketing strategy, your company will surely maximize the impact of your e-Commerce marketing efforts!
Again, don’t rest on your laurels. It’s time to take massive action!
As a business owner, it is common for you to spin the wheels and lose focus. And as the business continues to grow, the demands to be met become increasingly high. Without noticing, it presents you with ever more complex challenges at a near-relentless pace, losing your control and grip on the business. Add in your personal and family needs; things could spiral down quickly, and it’s easy to constantly feel overwhelmed and unmotivated. ‍
With overwhelming things going on in the business, unknowingly, the day has gone by, and you missed priming the pump that improves cash flow. Remember that generating MORE sales or getting more people walking through your door are the lifeblood of your business. At the end of the day, the main thing that matters is, how many sales are you making?
If you want your business to realize its full potential without getting overwhelmed, take this advice seriously: do things that truly matter to your business, and don’t wait for your feelings to change to take action. Whether you like it or not, your e-Commerce success depends upon the successful marketing strategies you have poured into your business to gain traction in a crowded online marketplace.
If wearing multiple hats at your job hurts your efficiency, decreases your focus, and undermines your productivity as the company’s primary decision-maker – it’s about time to stop trying to do it all by yourself. Simple. If you do the SEO legwork yourself, you need to learn the process and pay for tool subscriptions. In addition, to get it done right, you need to invest in training and courses. Too much on your plate already, and confused about what to do first. Consider outsourcing your marketing – this is perhaps the best decision. This way, you can give your undivided attention to more important things to run your business more powerfully.
Do you want an e-Commerce marketing going and need help from experts?
No worries, we’ve got you covered! We at ePropel will help you create a plan, strategize, and implement it into your business. We will make things happen for you and deliver maximum SEO results that propel your business to grow. ‍
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Prioritize Keywords That Gets You Results
Identify what your prospects are searching for on Google and embed these keywords into the right areas of your website that you can consistently get qualified leads on a regular basis.
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Optimize Your Website to Increase Visibility
With over 200 optimization factors, we identify the top factors that are turning your visitors away and what would increase searchability on your website. We then implement these on your website on so that it helps your store to rank on Google for more keywords
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Quality Link Building To Accelerate Your Growth
Without high-quality and relevant backlinks, it’s almost impossible to get to the 1st page of Google for the most competitive keywords in your niche, so it’s very important to match your eCommerce store with the most relevant and high quality backlink opportunities to achieve 1st page Google results.
Without SEO, your website is not found by searchers, and your efforts will be for nothing. Remember, most e-Commerce traffic comes from Google, and because of this, implementing cohesive e-Commerce marketing strategies will help you get found, get noticed, and attract new leads.
Investing in SEO and digital marketing is a long-term investment. We believe that building our partnership with you is crucial to making our working relationship as smooth sailing as possible. We understand that you are busy running your business. Don’t worry; we’ve got this!
We will take your business marketing off your plate and help you get into the “​feels right” zone quickly to skyrocket your sales. We’ve got your back, and you can count on us, through thick and thin. We have everything tracked with advanced analytics on your site, showing all aspects of your business, resulting in a more effective and faster decision-making process and ensuring that all campaigns perform at peak potential. We will also send you a detailed regular SEO report that summarizes all necessary SEO metrics you need to know about your business.
Everything you need to know about e-Commerce marketing
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With many marketing operations now taking place online, it can be tough to decide which e-Commerce marketing strategy is most useful for your business. So before we dive into much detail about the endless options for marketing your product, it is essential to understand that e-Commerce marketing and digital marketing are both inclusive.
Similarly, e-Commerce marketers can use all digital channels to promote their products, attract visitors to their website, facilitate purchases online and grow their business. While SEO results take time to be reflected on search engines, it offers long-term value. So, keep going!
At ePropel we help business owners improve their store and monitor their progress. We will help you implement clear, actionable, prioritized ground-breaking SEO strategies to improve your website performance.
Scan your website with possible SEO issues. No obligation is required.
Patience is a virtue even in SEO…
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As an e-Commerce agency, we have been doing SEO for a long time; the most common client question is, “How long before we are #1 in Google?” We get that.
Here is the harsh truth, there is no such thing as instant SEO results. But once rankings are achieved, it is not easy to fall off Google’s SERP. So how long does it take for results to start kicking in? It takes 4-6 months to see the results and experience an increase in organic traffic to be accurate. ‍
Although most companies want fast and quick results, SEO cannot take effect overnight. It just doesn’t happen like that – SEO doesn’t work instantly. However, if website optimization is built on a right and solid foundation, it should continue to bring relevant organic results not long after the website is optimized.
When it comes to populating the first page in Google, the bottom line is that patience is a virtue. Google is getting smarter recently, and it takes considerable time to prove to Google that your website is worth it. If you successfully make it to the first page, pat yourself on the back. This achievement means that Google has finally found your website credible and valuable.
So, kudos to your dedication and hard work. Allow us to be the first one to say, “Congratulations, all of your SEO efforts have finally paid off!” The main takeaway here is that the work will gradually produce BIG results if the SEO foundation is solid and done right. SEO is a daunting task, but it is a slow but sure process. So trust the process!
Now, let’s talk about the ins and outs of digital marketing
Nowadays, digital marketers use different platforms to generate noise towards their products or services. Let’s face it. Competition among small businesses is fierce. In fact, we frequently witness an uprising every now and then. With that said, digital marketing has never been more relevant and vital for companies to get their business found and thrive online.
A lot of e-Commerce companies are now investing so much effort in telling about their brands or showing off their products in the hope of bringing awareness and attracting more buyers online without spending so much money on advertisements. These are made possible because of the digital marketing strategies they implement on their own.
As the competition online gets more rigid, more and more business owners have difficulty keeping up with competitors. Add in the fact that digital marketing continues to evolve every single day.
This scenario is quite challenging for many businesses to take advantage of the marketing channels available, especially if entrepreneurs are not clear on their starting point and where their company is headed within a given timeframe – it can seem scary, intimidating, and confusing. Add it, for businesses with limited time and resources on hand – it’s often difficult to take advantage of digital marketing channels, which leads to neglect and not taking action to leverage and stay ahead of the curve.
So why does digital marketing matter to your business?
The reasons are simple and clear. To make it easier to understand, let us break them down into tiny bits and pieces.
e-Commerce marketing won’t break the bank to implement the strategies. If you are new to digital marketing, find suitable channels that work for your business.
Although e-Commerce marketing doesn’t promise fast results after optimizing the website, it can easily convert subscribers and leads into high-paying customers and repeat clients when done right.
As you get higher conversion rates, it will impact the revenue positively, make more money, and increase your profit margin.
In business, you need to understand who your target customers are. Speak directly to your ideal target market that can resonate with what you are offering, and in time, your efforts will pay dividends.
Having a brand is not enough. It needs to be promoted and instilled in your potential customer’s minds, which means getting your brand in front of them and winning their trust to increase your credibility. The greater brand awareness your business has, the higher the chances to convert website visitors into paying customers.
SEO and digital marketing involve the optimization of your content. Creating content and sharing them on different digital media platforms make you look like an industry expert. Being so is an advantage because it will give you an instant upper hand on competitors.
Ready, set, let’s go!
If you don’t have an SEO and digital marketing system in place, what are you waiting for? Now that you know the ins and outs of e-Commerce marketing, let’s discuss how you can build a successful business strategy for your online store.
Set realistic long-term goals for the business.
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Break down long-term goals into actionable steps.
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Keep your new and existing customers happy.
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Keep your new and existing customers happy. Like other relationships, the business relationship is about establishing mutual trust. Nurturing your customers will solidify your business’s future success, avoid customer churn, and increase client satisfaction.
Pandemic lockdown is a blessing in disguise to small businesses...
Entrepreneurship is not for everyone, making it difficult to stay afloat, especially for startup business owners during trying times like what we are going through right now. With the influx of COVID-19 worldwide, many businesses that were severely affected are now out of business. ‍ The ones believed as temporary closures became permanent shutdowns delivering a gut punch to business owners across various ranges of industries. Despite the reopening to new normal, thousands of small businesses are still struggling to get their heads above water. ‍ On the flip side, e-Commerce businesses have been turbo-charged by the pandemic. Coronavirus restrictions forced people to stay at home and avoid leaving their houses unless absolutely necessary. With more consumers needing to physically distance and local stores changing their in-store operations due to daunting COVID-19 case counts, the option to shop online became the best alternative to many.
Turn your dry pipeline into a well of golden opportunity
Pandemic has changed the way people shop and accelerated the digital world’s shift where business interactions and transactions are done online. The compulsory measure to arrest the virus caused the most significant change to online shopping. ‍ But our difficult circumstance goes to show that every cloud has a silver lining. The strict stay-at-home combined with physical distancing orders led many people to shy away from physical stores, sweeping more virtual and e-Commerce businesses off their feet. ‍ If you have the right mindset, you can see a dry pipeline as a once-in-a-lifetime chance to innovate, restructure, shift priorities and take advantage of the new trends of commercial opportunities brought on by the unprecedented times. That’s right.
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According to recent surveys, retail e-Commerce sales soared to an all-time high during the global pandemic. The challenging situation we are in right now is perhaps the MOST ironic. Do you agree?
A dry sales pipeline compels businesses to perform into exploration mode, try new things, and accelerate the learning curve. So, despite the economic fallout, COVID-19 helped drive e-Commerce sales up to 97% compared to the pre-pandemic season. 
This enormous growth of e-Commerce means competition, which means that e-Commerce companies struggle to get new clients because of too much rivalry online. Sounds like you?
Supercharge your e-Commerce site search to get more traffic
So as COVID-19 spikes and restrictions remain uncertain, today is the perfect time to jumpstart boosting your e-Commerce business. If you think your company doesn’t need SEO, think again! As the pandemic continues to reshape our world, many consumers turn to e-Commerce to purchase the items they need and become accustomed to the convenience of shopping from home.
The dramatic shift from in-store shopping to massive buying online is expected to have lasting effects on the consumers’ shopping preferences, even when things go back to a pre-COVID-19 way of life. The prediction is that online shopping is here to stay even when the pandemic is over. So, grab the chance to get discovered by your potential customers and dominate your niche.
Don’t just launch your e-Commerce store; leave it sitting online and wait for orders to come through. Sorry not sorry – this is not how it works. Flow in orders and sales won’t come unless you get the word out there and let the people know about what you are offering. Letting your website die in the vine and not doing anything is like throwing your money away since no one will see this website of yours. Your website is not getting any leads that you needed to scale your business.
In the digital era, setting your e-Commerce website is the easiest part of the process. The difficult step is how to get attention and convert the leads into loyal customers. We offer e-Commerce marketing services to maximize reach and transform your shop into a retail store’s powerhouse.
Step up in your SEO game. Why not?
First, let us make a recap. Website optimization through SEO strategies is the game-changer for ranking high on Google, capturing new leads, and increasing your revenue in the future. If your brand has high visibility online, it fuels more sales for your business.
After e-Commerce store launching is completed, don’t sit back yet. Instead, invest your efforts into turning your website into a lead magnet and acquire more customers straight from your website. Even a pandemic can’t slow down your e-Commerce business if you have the right SEO in place.
To reiterate, taking your business online is totally different from creating a website. Every effort we make to improve our website’s performance leads to revenue in some way.
So, if you want to leverage your business, keep this in mind:
Your e-Commerce website becomes the marketplace where customers learn about your products and services and make pre-purchase decisions. The customers also carry out commercial transactions like buying or selling on the platform itself.
SEO is a non-negotiable strategy for an effective e-Commerce marketing
The pandemic has turned several businesses upside down. If your e-Commerce store was hit hard by this Coronavirus outbreak and has experienced a massive decline in traffic and conversion, it’s time to do the work. Yes, you heard it right!
Don’t wait for things to get better before you put in the work. While everything is slow, it is the perfect time to restructure, which includes improving your SEO and utilizing digital marketing platforms to skyrocket your sales, outrank your competitors, and get back on track when the pandemic is over.
Sounds good? Here’s how to get started:
Declutter your website pages. Remove irrelevant pages that were created without a strategy, including those that got obsolete over time. Although Google indexed them, they don’t matter to your business anymore. So better delete the non-essentials – having less is more. ‍
Only publish high-quality content. It was once a fad that producing heaps of content was the key to rank. But things have changed. The rule of thumb is to go for quality over quantity. Today, Google is more focused on the VALUE you are providing to the online readers. So, when publishing content, keep posting less but highly informative and keyword-rich articles. Then, you are good to go! ‍
Utilize other platforms like Amazon and App stores. Explore other websites that your audience is searching and don’t just restrict your efforts to rank in Google alone. Look beyond and seize every opportunity you have. The goal here is to maximize your online visibility to get found by an impending flood of virtual customers. ‍
Level up your website’s on-page SEO. On-page SEO is the key to improving your brand visibility, achieving a surge in organic traffic, and whatnot. On-page SEO is done by optimizing and adding keywords to the individual page on your website. If done correctly, it has the potential to improve your website rankings in Google and reach your target audience over time. ‍
Improve visitor’s dwelling time by creating engaging content.‍ Dwelling time is the amount of time users spend on your website before they go back to check out other results in the search engine. Adding high value, quality, informative and engaging content will increase your chances of converting visitors into potential customers and avoid leaving before they get to your website. ‍
Switch your website to Google’s mobile-first index.‍ To simplify, Google prioritizes indexing sites that are mobile-first indexing compatible. As Google adapts to the growing use of mobile worldwide, Google bots prioritize crawling and indexing sites with compatibility with mobile-first indexing and mobile SEO in general. ‍
Amp up your technical SEO. The main goal here is to optimize the primary infrastructure of your website. Technical SEO has nothing to do with your content. The most simplified definition of the process requires Speed, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), and JavaScript, to name a few. Improving your technical SEO allows the search engines to access, crawl, interpret and index your website without any problems.
Fill your sales pipeline with warm leads
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As Google rankings increasingly become tougher, it is important to understand what your audience likes and preferences as a whole. Since most people now are spending most of their time on their smartphones, it is good to invest your efforts in identifying the suitable medium to engage and nurture relationships with your visitors and create content that adds value to them.
Take note that shoppers are spending more hours researching the items they want to buy online. If they highly consider your product, they will temporarily add them to the cart and buy it later. According to surveys, it takes about two weeks before they make the purchase decision.
As part of the sales process, newly found leads need warming up before they are ripe for conversion. The content you add to your website attracts potential customers. You can keep them engaged by giving them steam of quality content that will keep them coming back and increase their genuine interest as they move closer to making buying decisions. Most potential buyers are not only are searching online for the products they want to buy online but are also looking for answers to their questions.
Yes, it’s true. Almost all the customers have curious queries, so create content that is engaging and informative. Strive to satisfy their curiosity and meet them at every level of their research – from product discovery, comparisons with other products, and reviews from previous clients.
Aside from getting a paying customer when you add value to your audience journey, you will also get a fresh ranking boost from Google. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. So don’t settle for mediocre content; go for quality content that will help you stand out, pull visitors into your funnel, warm them as prospects, and eventually, fill your pipeline with qualified hot leads.
Final words
SEO is a critical need by e-Commerce businesses nowadays. There is no other way to move forward your e-Commerce business faster and get better ROI than optimizing your website. As an e-Commerce digital marketing agency, we will get the results for you while you focus on your business. Choosing your e-Commerce digital marketing agency is a matter of life and death. It could help you succeed or fail in your SEO campaigns. So choose wisely. Your choice in hiring the right e-Commerce SEO agency matters because it either catapults your e-Commerce store to brilliant new levels of success or pulls your business a giant step backward.
Partner with ePropel, and guaranteed, your business is in good hands. We have what it takes to help your business grow. We will unleash your e-Commerce to its full potential allowing your website to get more traffic, exponentially increase your revenue and gain more repeat businesses online. So whether you want to increase your profit or get your brand out there, ePropel’s e-Commerce marketing services will help achieve your business’s goals to succeed within a target audience.
ePropel is an SEO agency that helps companies to accelerate their website’s organic visitors through our proven 3-step system. Our team has more than 20 years of experience and are driven to deliver exceptional results for our clients.
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jeanettetweeks · 3 years
Get More Customers Organically For Your eCommerce Store
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Find out how you can attract more of your ideal customers on the top of Google Search results without paid ads with our 3-step SEO system.
With 43% of all e-commerce traffic coming from Google search, e-commerce stores who capitalize on this will benefit from increased profits and consistent organic customers for years to come.
Take a minute to schedule a time below to see if you are a good fit to at least double your organic website leads through our 3 step system.
Our Clients Have Massively Increased Their Sales Through Our SEO Services
Our team have helped companies ranging from emerging eCommerce stores to large companies like Capital One to be found at the top of Google through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Through this, we helped them to get more qualified leads and more sales while achieving a big return on their investment.
Two Spoons
Hannah from Two Spoons already had a strong social media presence before working with us, with over 115,000 followers on Instagram and growing her followers fast. However despite this growth, her website leads was not growing fast enough.
Through working with us, we helped Two Spoons to grow from 2,000 organic visitors per month to 10,000 organic visitors per month!
See this video:
Alpha Crowd Control
Allan from Alpha Crowd Control has been running his business for more than 15 years. When traditional marketing channels stopped working and his paid ads didn’t bring a good return, he struggled to find new customers…
Through our 3-step system, we TRIPLED his business’ organic website leads which helped to create a 50% increase in his annual revenue!
See this video:
E-Commerce Digital Marketing Agency
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Having a functional e-commerce store or website is not an end-all and be-all. In a constantly changing digital and competitive business landscape nowadays, most e-commerce merchants worldwide turn to SEO and digital marketing agencies to help build their brands and grow their customer base. Because of this, marketing business online has become increasingly important in any company’s success.
Promoting your e-commerce store by utilizing SEO strategies and different digital marketing platforms offers immense value. Still, it is NOT a small and easy feat. Since SEO rankings take time to improve after optimizing the website, it is a truly daunting task to find the needle you are looking for in the enormous haystack of information that search engines return. For this reason, more and more entrepreneurs are now relying on outside help to achieve organic growth.
Are you thinking about hiring an e-Commerce digital marketing agency?
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Choosing the best e-Commerce digital marketing agency will help you save time, headaches, and a massive amount of money. The goal of hiring an e-Commerce digital agency is to increase your website’s visibility and ultimately provide a quick return on your investment.
Before we go further, here’s a heads-up! Reaching the top of search engine rankings doesn’t happen overnight. Because of this, it takes several months to realize that you hired the wrong e-Commerce agency, and you end up facing damaging effects to your website’s online presence in search engine results. Too late to atone for your bad decisions.
If you are looking for honest SEO services with guaranteed results, then you came to the RIGHT place!
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Compared to other e-Commerce marketing agencies, we offer you a stress-free, fast and rewarding experience! Our main goal of helping you set up an e-Commerce digital marketing system is to create new e-Commerce revenue streams that initially seem too complicated to leverage. We suggest that if you want the best results in your ROI, focus on the valuable metrics that matter.
ePropel is an e-Commerce digital marketing agency that offers guaranteed e-Commerce digital marketing services that will help your business dominate your market’s search engine rankings. We follow a 3-step system to grow your e-Commerce business based on fundamental strategies and best SEO and digital marketing practices. Our guaranteed SEO system has a proven track record in assisting small to medium-sized companies to sell to a global audience online.
Our main goal is to help you attract your ideal customers without paying hefty fees for paid ads. As your SEO partner, we will strive to help you get to the top results on Google and get organic traffic from the top 10 search result positions.
We now live in a different world, and as technology advances, Google is also advancing its requirements. We diversify, and with the latest developments in Google algorithm, it’s hard to keep up with the new marketing trend at an enterprise level.
We provide all the e-Commerce digital marketing services that your company needs to get results!
Our full-service SEO and e-Commerce digital marketing packages are designed for your business to rule the web and replace a dozen solutions with one suite to improve and leverage in all areas of your marketing. As our valued client, you will enjoy the following services:
Execution of effective e-Commerce digital marketing strategies
We will conduct an in-depth review and audit of your website to determine the necessary SEO strategies that will give your store the much-needed boost in its online presence. We will also execute effective e-Commerce SEO strategies customized to your business to make your online store more visible on the search engine results pages.
Perform website optimization strategies
Payments works seamlessly with any Salesforce application or data model, be it your out of the box Sales Cloud or custom application.
Help you design a custom, mobile-friendly site that makes purchasing your product be a breeze as possible
Payments works seamlessly with any Salesforce application or data model, be it your out of the box Sales Cloud or custom application.
What makes our e-Commerce agency different?
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Our connection with our customers is at the heart of what we do, as we believe building a solid client relationship is the foundation for growth. Trust and values come FIRST to us, and we don’t act in self-interest. We continually strive to build a lasting and meaningful relationship with our clients founded by transparency and honesty.
With all that said, we take time to hear your goals and where you want to be in the future, so we have a FULL understanding of what your company wants to accomplish in e-Commerce marketing and ensure you are well-supported throughout the process.
Everything we do comes from the perspective of a business owner. We walk our talk, and we are 100% dedicated to serving you. We will treat your company as our own and look out for your business’s best interest as a whole. And as your SEO and digital marketing partner, you are NEVER alone in your game. We are in this together!
Simply put, we genuinely care about your business, and we are passionate about bringing noticeable results building your competitive advantage. Our SEO solutions and digital marketing system in place are driven towards making an indelible impact with significant change on your company’s revenue growth and, eventually, help your business succeed in this competitive digital age.
So, let’s kick things off with the help of our certified digital marketing experts!
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Take note that highly effective e-Commerce marketing is a make or break necessity for many e-Commerce companies. Today, a plethora of e-Commerce businesses credit online marketing for achieving an increase in their ROI and their generation of more sales.
When it comes to e-Commerce digital marketing, finding the RIGHT e-Commerce marketing agency or partner can help you tap into this rapidly growing sales channel and keep your business prepared for the future!
That said, if you are looking for a dedicated digital marketing team passionate about taking your business to the next level, our integrated digital marketing strategies will be perfect for you!
Make ePropel and our team your trusted e-Commerce marketing agency. Our e-Commerce digital marketing services go unmatched, providing your business with the best value possible and helping your e-Commerce store get ahead in today’s very competitive online business world. We will develop a customized internet marketing package to meet your business KPIs and revenue growth goals.
With our team of experienced SEO and digital experts and a growing number of satisfied customers, ePropel becomes the trusted choice for e-Commerce companies looking to drive revenue, generate sales, set up an effective conversion strategy, and ultimately, get good leads aboard.
Why do you need a game plan for your online marketing?
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The global market is continually expanding and innovating. If you don’t keep up with your competitors, you will be missing out on huge sales, let alone you lose in the game. Relying on the traditional forms of advertising and marketing products will not cut it or beat your competitors, especially in a very aggressive market with low customer spending.
With nearly all marketing efforts being performed now online, it is tough to draw customer’s attention to your business. Even more challenging is deciding between the various types of digital marketing people use today that will potentially market your business. If you continue to rest on your laurels in a world of business that’s highly competitive, sooner or later, a new competition lurks around the corner, and you are in a deadly trap.
Here’s a wake-up call to e-Commerce business owners
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While you are not boosting your website’s visibility, your competitors are keeping the competition on their toes. So, if your potential and existing customers find them online, they will likely turn to your competitors instead of you as the go-to source for their needs. Thus, you miss the opportunity to pull in more customers and reach a large audience.
As you can see, digital marketing is relatively inexpensive and very doable, so there is no reason why e-Commerce businesses couldn’t stay in front of people and stand out from the crowd. No matter how new or small, your business can avoid being overlooked by the vast marketplace. Here’s the good news, at ePropel, we offer a suite of e-Commerce marketing services that make using e-Commerce marketing simple but on point and delivers results.
Take advantage of our online marketing strategies geared toward building your brand awareness, increased website traffic, targeted reach, leads, conversions, or even repeat purchases so that you could achieve your business growth goals. With a coordinated marketing strategy, your company will surely maximize the impact of your e-Commerce marketing efforts!
Again, don’t rest on your laurels. It’s time to take massive action!
As a business owner, it is common for you to spin the wheels and lose focus. And as the business continues to grow, the demands to be met become increasingly high. Without noticing, it presents you with ever more complex challenges at a near-relentless pace, losing your control and grip on the business. Add in your personal and family needs; things could spiral down quickly, and it’s easy to constantly feel overwhelmed and unmotivated. ‍
With overwhelming things going on in the business, unknowingly, the day has gone by, and you missed priming the pump that improves cash flow. Remember that generating MORE sales or getting more people walking through your door are the lifeblood of your business. At the end of the day, the main thing that matters is, how many sales are you making?
If you want your business to realize its full potential without getting overwhelmed, take this advice seriously: do things that truly matter to your business, and don’t wait for your feelings to change to take action. Whether you like it or not, your e-Commerce success depends upon the successful marketing strategies you have poured into your business to gain traction in a crowded online marketplace.
If wearing multiple hats at your job hurts your efficiency, decreases your focus, and undermines your productivity as the company’s primary decision-maker – it’s about time to stop trying to do it all by yourself. Simple. If you do the SEO legwork yourself, you need to learn the process and pay for tool subscriptions. In addition, to get it done right, you need to invest in training and courses. Too much on your plate already, and confused about what to do first. Consider outsourcing your marketing – this is perhaps the best decision. This way, you can give your undivided attention to more important things to run your business more powerfully.
Do you want an e-Commerce marketing going and need help from experts?
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Prioritize Keywords That Gets You Results
Identify what your prospects are searching for on Google and embed these keywords into the right areas of your website that you can consistently get qualified leads on a regular basis.
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Optimize Your Website to Increase Visibility
With over 200 optimization factors, we identify the top factors that are turning your visitors away and what would increase searchability on your website. We then implement these on your website on so that it helps your store to rank on Google for more keywords
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Quality Link Building To Accelerate Your Growth
Without high-quality and relevant backlinks, it’s almost impossible to get to the 1st page of Google for the most competitive keywords in your niche, so it’s very important to match your eCommerce store with the most relevant and high quality backlink opportunities to achieve 1st page Google results.
Without SEO, your website is not found by searchers, and your efforts will be for nothing. Remember, most e-Commerce traffic comes from Google, and because of this, implementing cohesive e-Commerce marketing strategies will help you get found, get noticed, and attract new leads.
Investing in SEO and digital marketing is a long-term investment. We believe that building our partnership with you is crucial to making our working relationship as smooth sailing as possible. We understand that you are busy running your business. Don’t worry; we’ve got this!
We will take your business marketing off your plate and help you get into the “​feels right” zone quickly to skyrocket your sales. We’ve got your back, and you can count on us, through thick and thin. We have everything tracked with advanced analytics on your site, showing all aspects of your business, resulting in a more effective and faster decision-making process and ensuring that all campaigns perform at peak potential. We will also send you a detailed regular SEO report that summarizes all necessary SEO metrics you need to know about your business.
Everything you need to know about e-Commerce marketing
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With many marketing operations now taking place online, it can be tough to decide which e-Commerce marketing strategy is most useful for your business. So before we dive into much detail about the endless options for marketing your product, it is essential to understand that e-Commerce marketing and digital marketing are both inclusive.
Similarly, e-Commerce marketers can use all digital channels to promote their products, attract visitors to their website, facilitate purchases online and grow their business. While SEO results take time to be reflected on search engines, it offers long-term value. So, keep going!
At ePropel we help business owners improve their store and monitor their progress. We will help you implement clear, actionable, prioritized ground-breaking SEO strategies to improve your website performance.
Scan your website with possible SEO issues. No obligation is required.
Patience is a virtue even in SEO…
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As an e-Commerce agency, we have been doing SEO for a long time; the most common client question is, “How long before we are #1 in Google?” We get that.
Here is the harsh truth, there is no such thing as instant SEO results. But once rankings are achieved, it is not easy to fall off Google’s SERP. So how long does it take for results to start kicking in? It takes 4-6 months to see the results and experience an increase in organic traffic to be accurate. ‍
Although most companies want fast and quick results, SEO cannot take effect overnight. It just doesn’t happen like that – SEO doesn’t work instantly. However, if website optimization is built on a right and solid foundation, it should continue to bring relevant organic results not long after the website is optimized.
When it comes to populating the first page in Google, the bottom line is that patience is a virtue. Google is getting smarter recently, and it takes considerable time to prove to Google that your website is worth it. If you successfully make it to the first page, pat yourself on the back. This achievement means that Google has finally found your website credible and valuable.
So, kudos to your dedication and hard work. Allow us to be the first one to say, “Congratulations, all of your SEO efforts have finally paid off!” The main takeaway here is that the work will gradually produce BIG results if the SEO foundation is solid and done right. SEO is a daunting task, but it is a slow but sure process. So trust the process!
Now, let’s talk about the ins and outs of digital marketing
Nowadays, digital marketers use different platforms to generate noise towards their products or services. Let’s face it. Competition among small businesses is fierce. In fact, we frequently witness an uprising every now and then. With that said, digital marketing has never been more relevant and vital for companies to get their business found and thrive online.
A lot of e-Commerce companies are now investing so much effort in telling about their brands or showing off their products in the hope of bringing awareness and attracting more buyers online without spending so much money on advertisements. These are made possible because of the digital marketing strategies they implement on their own.
As the competition online gets more rigid, more and more business owners have difficulty keeping up with competitors. Add in the fact that digital marketing continues to evolve every single day.
This scenario is quite challenging for many businesses to take advantage of the marketing channels available, especially if entrepreneurs are not clear on their starting point and where their company is headed within a given timeframe – it can seem scary, intimidating, and confusing. Add it, for businesses with limited time and resources on hand – it’s often difficult to take advantage of digital marketing channels, which leads to neglect and not taking action to leverage and stay ahead of the curve.
So why does digital marketing matter to your business?
The reasons are simple and clear. To make it easier to understand, let us break them down into tiny bits and pieces.
e-Commerce marketing won’t break the bank to implement the strategies. If you are new to digital marketing, find suitable channels that work for your business.
Although e-Commerce marketing doesn’t promise fast results after optimizing the website, it can easily convert subscribers and leads into high-paying customers and repeat clients when done right.
As you get higher conversion rates, it will impact the revenue positively, make more money, and increase your profit margin.
In business, you need to understand who your target customers are. Speak directly to your ideal target market that can resonate with what you are offering, and in time, your efforts will pay dividends.
Having a brand is not enough. It needs to be promoted and instilled in your potential customer’s minds, which means getting your brand in front of them and winning their trust to increase your credibility. The greater brand awareness your business has, the higher the chances to convert website visitors into paying customers.
SEO and digital marketing involve the optimization of your content. Creating content and sharing them on different digital media platforms make you look like an industry expert. Being so is an advantage because it will give you an instant upper hand on competitors.
Ready, set, let’s go!
Set realistic long-term goals for the business.
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Break down long-term goals into actionable steps.
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Keep your new and existing customers happy.
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Set realistic long-term goals for the business. ‍ Goals are your stepping stones for an expected end result. A company without goals will have no sense of direction, no defined purpose, and nothing to strive for. When it comes to marketing, setting goals serves as its backbone. Set your marketing goals based on the company’s overall corporate goals and objectives.
Pandemic lockdown is a blessing in disguise to small businesses…
Entrepreneurship is not for everyone, making it difficult to stay afloat, especially for startup business owners during trying times like what we are going through right now. With the influx of COVID-19 worldwide, many businesses that were severely affected are now out of business.
The ones believed as temporary closures became permanent shutdowns delivering a gut punch to business owners across various ranges of industries. Despite the reopening to new normal, thousands of small businesses are still struggling to get their heads above water.
On the flip side, e-Commerce businesses have been turbo-charged by the pandemic. Coronavirus restrictions forced people to stay at home and avoid leaving their houses unless absolutely necessary. With more consumers needing to physically distance and local stores changing their in-store operations due to daunting COVID-19 case counts, the option to shop online became the best alternative to many.
Turn your dry pipeline into a well of golden opportunity
Pandemic has changed the way people shop and accelerated the digital world’s shift where business interactions and transactions are done online. The compulsory measure to arrest the virus caused the most significant change to online shopping.
But our difficult circumstance goes to show that every cloud has a silver lining. The strict stay-at-home combined with physical distancing orders led many people to shy away from physical stores, sweeping more virtual and e-Commerce businesses off their feet.
If you have the right mindset, you can see a dry pipeline as a once-in-a-lifetime chance to innovate, restructure, shift priorities and take advantage of the new trends of commercial opportunities brought on by the unprecedented times. That’s right.
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According to recent surveys, retail e-Commerce sales soared to an all-time high during the global pandemic. The challenging situation we are in right now is perhaps the MOST ironic. Do you agree?
A dry sales pipeline compels businesses to perform into exploration mode, try new things, and accelerate the learning curve. So, despite the economic fallout, COVID-19 helped drive e-Commerce sales up to 97% compared to the pre-pandemic season.
This enormous growth of e-Commerce means competition, which means that e-Commerce companies struggle to get new clients because of too much rivalry online. Sounds like you?
Supercharge your e-Commerce site search to get more traffic
So as COVID-19 spikes and restrictions remain uncertain, today is the perfect time to jumpstart boosting your e-Commerce business. If you think your company doesn’t need SEO, think again! As the pandemic continues to reshape our world, many consumers turn to e-Commerce to purchase the items they need and become accustomed to the convenience of shopping from home.
The dramatic shift from in-store shopping to massive buying online is expected to have lasting effects on the consumers’ shopping preferences, even when things go back to a pre-COVID-19 way of life. The prediction is that online shopping is here to stay even when the pandemic is over. So, grab the chance to get discovered by your potential customers and dominate your niche.
Don’t just launch your e-Commerce store; leave it sitting online and wait for orders to come through. Sorry not sorry – this is not how it works. Flow in orders and sales won’t come unless you get the word out there and let the people know about what you are offering. Letting your website die in the vine and not doing anything is like throwing your money away since no one will see this website of yours. Your website is not getting any leads that you needed to scale your business.
In the digital era, setting your e-Commerce website is the easiest part of the process. The difficult step is how to get attention and convert the leads into loyal customers. We offer e-Commerce marketing services to maximize reach and transform your shop into a retail store’s powerhouse.
Step up in your SEO game. Why not?
First, let us make a recap. Website optimization through SEO strategies is the game-changer for ranking high on Google, capturing new leads, and increasing your revenue in the future. If your brand has high visibility online, it fuels more sales for your business.
After e-Commerce store launching is completed, don’t sit back yet. Instead, invest your efforts into turning your website into a lead magnet and acquire more customers straight from your website. Even a pandemic can’t slow down your e-Commerce business if you have the right SEO in place.
To reiterate, taking your business online is totally different from creating a website. Every effort we make to improve our website’s performance leads to revenue in some way.
So, if you want to leverage your business, keep this in mind:
Your e-Commerce website becomes the marketplace where customers learn about your products and services and make pre-purchase decisions. The customers also carry out commercial transactions like buying or selling on the platform itself.
SEO is a non-negotiable strategy for an effective e-Commerce marketing
The pandemic has turned several businesses upside down. If your e-Commerce store was hit hard by this Coronavirus outbreak and has experienced a massive decline in traffic and conversion, it’s time to do the work. Yes, you heard it right!
Don’t wait for things to get better before you put in the work. While everything is slow, it is the perfect time to restructure, which includes improving your SEO and utilizing digital marketing platforms to skyrocket your sales, outrank your competitors, and get back on track when the pandemic is over.
Sounds good? Here’s how to get started:
Declutter your website pages. Remove irrelevant pages that were created without a strategy, including those that got obsolete over time. Although Google indexed them, they don’t matter to your business anymore. So better delete the non-essentials – having less is more. ‍
Only publish high-quality content. It was once a fad that producing heaps of content was the key to rank. But things have changed. The rule of thumb is to go for quality over quantity. Today, Google is more focused on the VALUE you are providing to the online readers. So, when publishing content, keep posting less but highly informative and keyword-rich articles. Then, you are good to go! ‍
Utilize other platforms like Amazon and App stores. Explore other websites that your audience is searching and don’t just restrict your efforts to rank in Google alone. Look beyond and seize every opportunity you have. The goal here is to maximize your online visibility to get found by an impending flood of virtual customers. ‍
Level up your website’s on-page SEO. On-page SEO is the key to improving your brand visibility, achieving a surge in organic traffic, and whatnot. On-page SEO is done by optimizing and adding keywords to the individual page on your website. If done correctly, it has the potential to improve your website rankings in Google and reach your target audience over time. ‍
Improve visitor’s dwelling time by creating engaging content.‍ Dwelling time is the amount of time users spend on your website before they go back to check out other results in the search engine. Adding high value, quality, informative and engaging content will increase your chances of converting visitors into potential customers and avoid leaving before they get to your website. ‍
Switch your website to Google’s mobile-first index.‍ To simplify, Google prioritizes indexing sites that are mobile-first indexing compatible. As Google adapts to the growing use of mobile worldwide, Google bots prioritize crawling and indexing sites with compatibility with mobile-first indexing and mobile SEO in general. ‍
Amp up your technical SEO. The main goal here is to optimize the primary infrastructure of your website. Technical SEO has nothing to do with your content. The most simplified definition of the process requires Speed, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), and JavaScript, to name a few. Improving your technical SEO allows the search engines to access, crawl, interpret and index your website without any problems.
Fill your sales pipeline with warm leads
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As Google rankings increasingly become tougher, it is important to understand what your audience likes and preferences as a whole. Since most people now are spending most of their time on their smartphones, it is good to invest your efforts in identifying the suitable medium to engage and nurture relationships with your visitors and create content that adds value to them.
Take note that shoppers are spending more hours researching the items they want to buy online. If they highly consider your product, they will temporarily add them to the cart and buy it later. According to surveys, it takes about two weeks before they make the purchase decision.
As part of the sales process, newly found leads need warming up before they are ripe for conversion. The content you add to your website attracts potential customers. You can keep them engaged by giving them steam of quality content that will keep them coming back and increase their genuine interest as they move closer to making buying decisions. Most potential buyers are not only are searching online for the products they want to buy online but are also looking for answers to their questions.
Yes, it’s true. Almost all the customers have curious queries, so create content that is engaging and informative. Strive to satisfy their curiosity and meet them at every level of their research – from product discovery, comparisons with other products, and reviews from previous clients.
Aside from getting a paying customer when you add value to your audience journey, you will also get a fresh ranking boost from Google. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. So don’t settle for mediocre content; go for quality content that will help you stand out, pull visitors into your funnel, warm them as prospects, and eventually, fill your pipeline with qualified hot leads.
Final words
SEO is a critical need by e-Commerce businesses nowadays. There is no other way to move forward your e-Commerce business faster and get better ROI than optimizing your website. As an e-Commerce digital marketing agency, we will get the results for you while you focus on your business. Choosing your e-Commerce digital marketing agency is a matter of life and death. It could help you succeed or fail in your SEO campaigns. So choose wisely. Your choice in hiring the right e-Commerce SEO agency matters because it either catapults your e-Commerce store to brilliant new levels of success or pulls your business a giant step backward.
Partner with ePropel, and guaranteed, your business is in good hands. We have what it takes to help your business grow. We will unleash your e-Commerce to its full potential allowing your website to get more traffic, exponentially increase your revenue and gain more repeat businesses online. So whether you want to increase your profit or get your brand out there, ePropel’s e-Commerce marketing services will help achieve your business’s goals to succeed within a target audience.
ePropel is an SEO agency that helps companies to accelerate their website’s organic visitors through our proven 3-step system. Our team has more than 20 years of experience and are driven to deliver exceptional results for our clients.
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epropel · 3 years
Get More Customers Organically For Your eCommerce Store
With 43% of all e-commerce traffic coming from Google search, e-commerce stores who capitalize on this will benefit from increased profits and consistent organic customers for years to come.
Find out how you can attract more of your ideal customers on the top of Google Search results without paid ads with our 3-step SEO system.
Take a minute to schedule a time below to see if you are a good fit to at least double your organic website leads through our 3 step system.
Our Clients Have Massively Increased Their Sales Through Our SEO Services
Our team have helped companies ranging from emerging eCommerce stores to large companies like Capital One to be found at the top of Google through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Through this, we helped them to get more qualified leads and more sales while achieving a big return on their investment.
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Two Spoons
Hannah from Two Spoons already had a strong social media presence before working with us, with over 115,000 followers on Instagram and growing her followers fast. However despite this growth, her website leads was not growing fast enough.
Through working with us, we helped Two Spoons to grow from 2,000 organic visitors per month to 10,000 organic visitors per month!
Alpha Crowd Control
Allan from Alpha Crowd Control has been running his business for more than 15 years. When traditional marketing channels stopped working and his paid ads didn’t bring a good return, he struggled to find new customers…
Through our 3-step system, we TRIPLED his business’ organic website leads which helped to create a 50% increase in his annual revenue!
E-Commerce Digital Marketing Agency
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Having a functional e-commerce store or website is not an end-all and be-all. In a constantly changing digital and competitive business landscape nowadays, most e-commerce merchants worldwide turn to SEO and digital marketing agencies to help build their brands and grow their customer base. Because of this, marketing business online has become increasingly important in any company’s success. 
Promoting your e-commerce store by utilizing SEO strategies and different digital marketing platforms offers immense value. Still, it is NOT a small and easy feat. Since SEO rankings take time to improve after optimizing the website, it is a truly daunting task to find the needle you are looking for in the enormous haystack of information that search engines return. For this reason, more and more entrepreneurs are now relying on outside help to achieve organic growth.
Are you thinking about hiring an e-Commerce digital marketing agency?
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Choosing the best e-Commerce digital marketing agency will help you save time, headaches, and a massive amount of money. The goal of hiring an e-Commerce digital agency is to increase your website’s visibility and ultimately provide a quick return on your investment.
Before we go further, here’s a heads-up! Reaching the top of search engine rankings doesn’t happen overnight. Because of this, it takes several months to realize that you hired the wrong e-Commerce agency, and you end up facing damaging effects to your website’s online presence in search engine results. Too late to atone for your bad decisions.
If you are looking for honest SEO services with guaranteed results, then you came to the RIGHT place!
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Compared to other e-Commerce marketing agencies, we offer you a stress-free, fast and rewarding experience! Our main goal of helping you set up an e-Commerce digital marketing system is to create new
e-Commerce revenue streams that initially seem too complicated to leverage. We suggest that if you want the best results in your ROI, focus on the valuable metrics that matter.
ePropel is an e-Commerce digital marketing agency that offers guaranteed e-Commerce digital marketing services that will help your business dominate your market’s search engine rankings. We follow a 3-step system to grow your e-Commerce business based on fundamental strategies and best SEO and digital marketing practices. Our guaranteed SEO system has a proven track record in assisting small to medium-sized companies to sell to a global audience online.
Our main goal is to help you attract your ideal customers without paying hefty fees for paid ads. As your SEO partner, we will strive to help you get to the top results on Google and get organic traffic from the top 10 search result positions.
We now live in a different world, and as technology advances, Google is also advancing its requirements. We diversify, and with the latest developments in Google algorithm, it’s hard to keep up with the new marketing trend at an enterprise level.
We provide all the e-Commerce digital marketing services that your company needs to get results!
Our full-service SEO and e-Commerce digital marketing packages are designed for your business to rule the web and replace a dozen solutions with one suite to improve and leverage in all areas of your marketing. As our valued client, you will enjoy the following services:
Execution of effective e-Commerce digital marketing strategies
We will conduct an in-depth review and audit of your website to determine the necessary SEO strategies that will give your store the much-needed boost in its online presence. We will also execute effective e-Commerce SEO strategies customized to your business to make your online store more visible on the search engine results pages.
Perform website optimization strategies
Payments works seamlessly with any Salesforce application or data model, be it your out of the box Sales Cloud or custom application.
Help you design a custom, mobile-friendly site that makes purchasing your product be a breeze as possible
Payments works seamlessly with any Salesforce application or data model, be it your out of the box Sales Cloud or custom application.
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Our connection with our customers is at the heart of what we do, as we believe building a solid client relationship is the foundation for growth. Trust and values come FIRST to us, and we don’t act in self-interest. We continually strive to build a lasting and meaningful relationship with our clients founded by transparency and honesty. ‍
With all that said, we take time to hear your goals and where you want to be in the future, so we have a FULL understanding of what your company wants to accomplish in e-Commerce marketing and ensure you are well-supported throughout the process. ‍ Everything we do comes from the perspective of a business owner. We walk our talk, and we are 100% dedicated to serving you. We will treat your company as our own and look out for your business’s best interest as a whole. And as your SEO and digital marketing partner, you are NEVER alone in your game. We are in this together! ‍ Simply put, we genuinely care about your business, and we are passionate about bringing noticeable results building your competitive advantage. Our SEO solutions and digital marketing system in place are driven towards making an indelible impact with significant change on your company’s revenue growth and, eventually, help your business succeed in this competitive digital age.
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Take note that highly effective e-Commerce marketing is a make or break necessity for many e-Commerce companies. Today, a plethora of e-Commerce businesses credit online marketing for achieving an increase in their ROI and their generation of more sales. ‍ When it comes to e-Commerce digital marketing, finding the RIGHT e-Commerce marketing agency or partner can help you tap into this rapidly growing sales channel and keep your business prepared for the future! ‍ That said, if you are looking for a dedicated digital marketing team passionate about taking your business to the next level, our integrated digital marketing strategies will be perfect for you! ‍
Make ePropel and our team your trusted e-Commerce marketing agency. Our e-Commerce digital marketing services go unmatched, providing your business with the best value possible and helping your e-Commerce store get ahead in today’s very competitive online business world. We will develop a customized internet marketing package to meet your business KPIs and revenue growth goals. ‍ With our team of experienced SEO and digital experts and a growing number of satisfied customers, ePropel becomes the trusted choice for e-Commerce companies looking to drive revenue, generate sales, set up an effective conversion strategy, and ultimately, get good leads aboard. ‍ PARTNER WITH EPROPEL NOW, AND TOGETHER, WE WILL GROW YOUR BUSINESS!
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The global market is continually expanding and innovating. If you don’t keep up with your competitors, you will be missing out on huge sales, let alone you lose in the game. Relying on the traditional forms of advertising and marketing products will not cut it or beat your competitors, especially in a very aggressive market with low customer spending. ‍ With nearly all marketing efforts being performed now online, it is tough to draw customer’s attention to your business. Even more challenging is deciding between the various types of digital marketing people use today that will potentially market your business. If you continue to rest on your laurels in a world of business that’s highly competitive, sooner or later, a new competition lurks around the corner, and you are in a deadly trap.
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While you are not boosting your website’s visibility, your competitors are keeping the competition on their toes. So, if your potential and existing customers find them online, they will likely turn to your competitors instead of you as the go-to source for their needs. Thus, you miss the opportunity to pull in more customers and reach a large audience.
As you can see, digital marketing is relatively inexpensive and very doable, so there is no reason why e-Commerce businesses couldn’t stay in front of people and stand out from the crowd. No matter how new or small, your business can avoid being overlooked by the vast marketplace. Here’s the good news, at ePropel, we offer a suite of e-Commerce marketing services that make using e-Commerce marketing simple but on point and delivers results.
Take advantage of our online marketing strategies geared toward building your brand awareness, increased website traffic, targeted reach, leads, conversions, or even repeat purchases so that you could achieve your business growth goals. With a coordinated marketing strategy, your company will surely maximize the impact of your e-Commerce marketing efforts!
As a business owner, it is common for you to spin the wheels and lose focus. And as the business continues to grow, the demands to be met become increasingly high.  Without noticing, it presents you with ever more complex challenges at a near-relentless pace, losing your control and grip on the business. Add in your personal and family needs; things could spiral down quickly, and it’s easy to constantly feel overwhelmed and unmotivated. ‍ With overwhelming things going on in the business, unknowingly, the day has gone by, and you missed priming the pump that improves cash flow. Remember that generating MORE sales or getting more people walking through your door are the lifeblood of your business. At the end of the day, the main thing that matters is, how many sales are you making? ‍ If you want your business to realize its full potential without getting overwhelmed, take this advice seriously: do things that truly matter to your business, and don’t wait for your feelings to change to take action. Whether you like it or not, your e-Commerce success depends upon the successful marketing strategies you have poured into your business to gain traction in a crowded online marketplace. ‍ If wearing multiple hats at your job hurts your efficiency, decreases your focus, and undermines your productivity as the company’s primary decision-maker – it’s about time to stop trying to do it all by yourself. Simple. If you do the SEO legwork yourself, you need to learn the process and pay for tool subscriptions. In addition, to get it done right, you need to invest in training and courses. Too much on your plate already, and confused about what to do first. Consider outsourcing your marketing – this is perhaps the best decision. This way, you can give your undivided attention to more important things to run your business more powerfully.
No worries, we’ve got you covered! We at ePropel will help you create a plan, strategize, and implement it into your business. We will make things happen for you and deliver maximum SEO results that propel your business to grow.
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Prioritize Keywords That Gets You Results
Identify what your prospects are searching for on Google and embed these keywords into the right areas of your website that you can consistently get qualified leads on a regular basis.
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Optimize Your Website to Increase Visibility
With over 200 optimization factors, we identify the top factors that are turning your visitors away and what would increase searchability on your website. We then implement these on your website on so that it helps your store to rank on Google for more keywords
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Quality Link Building To Accelerate Your Growth
Without high-quality and relevant backlinks, it’s almost impossible to get to the 1st page of Google for the most competitive keywords in your niche, so it’s very important to match your eCommerce store with the most relevant and high quality backlink opportunities to achieve 1st page Google results.
Without SEO, your website is not found by searchers, and your efforts will be for nothing. Remember, most e-Commerce traffic comes from Google, and because of this, implementing cohesive e-Commerce marketing strategies will help you get found, get noticed, and attract new leads. ‍ Investing in SEO and digital marketing is a long-term investment.  We believe that building our partnership with you is crucial to making our working relationship as smooth sailing as possible. We understand that you are busy running your business. Don’t worry; we’ve got this!
We will take your business marketing off your plate and help you get into the “​feels right” zone quickly to skyrocket your sales. We’ve got your back, and you can count on us, through thick and thin. We have everything tracked with advanced analytics on your site, showing all aspects of your business, resulting in a more effective and faster decision-making process and ensuring that all campaigns perform at peak potential. We will also send you a detailed regular SEO report that summarizes all necessary SEO metrics you need to know about your business.
Everything you need to know about e-Commerce marketing
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With many marketing operations now taking place online, it can be tough to decide which e-Commerce marketing strategy is most useful for your business. So before we dive into much detail about the endless options for marketing your product, it is essential to understand that e-Commerce marketing and digital marketing are both inclusive. ‍ Similarly, e-Commerce marketers can use all digital channels to promote their products, attract visitors to their website, facilitate purchases online and grow their business. While SEO results take time to be reflected on search engines, it offers long-term value. So, keep going! ‍ At ePropel we help business owners improve their store and monitor their progress. We will help you implement clear, actionable, prioritized ground-breaking SEO strategies to improve your website performance.
Scan your website with possible SEO issues. No obligation is required.
Patience is a virtue even in SEO…
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As an e-Commerce agency, we have been doing SEO for a long time; the most common client question is, “How long before we are #1 in Google?” We get that. ‍ Here is the harsh truth, there is no such thing as instant SEO results. But once rankings are achieved, it is not easy to fall off Google’s SERP. So how long does it take for results to start kicking in? It takes 4-6 months to see the results and experience an increase in organic traffic to be accurate. ‍ Although most companies want fast and quick results, SEO cannot take effect overnight. It just doesn’t happen like that – SEO doesn’t work instantly. However, if website optimization is built on a right and solid foundation, it should continue to bring relevant organic results not long after the website is optimized. ‍ When it comes to populating the first page in Google, the bottom line is that patience is a virtue. Google is getting smarter recently, and it takes considerable time to prove to Google that your website is worth it. If you successfully make it to the first page, pat yourself on the back. This achievement means that Google has finally found your website credible and valuable. ‍ So, kudos to your dedication and hard work. Allow us to be the first one to say, “Congratulations, all of your SEO efforts have finally paid off!” The main takeaway here is that the work will gradually produce BIG results if the SEO foundation is solid and done right.  SEO is a daunting task, but it is a slow but sure process. So trust the process!
Now, let’s talk about the ins and outs of digital marketing
Nowadays, digital marketers use different platforms to generate noise towards their products or services. Let’s face it. Competition among small businesses is fierce. In fact, we frequently witness an uprising every now and then. With that said, digital marketing has never been more relevant and vital for companies to get their business found and thrive online. ‍ A lot of e-Commerce companies are now investing so much effort in telling about their brands or showing off their products in the hope of bringing awareness and attracting more buyers online without spending so much money on advertisements. These are made possible because of the digital marketing strategies they implement on their own. ‍ As the competition online gets more rigid, more and more business owners have difficulty keeping up with competitors. Add in the fact that digital marketing continues to evolve every single day. ‍ This scenario is quite challenging for many businesses to take advantage of the marketing channels available, especially if entrepreneurs are not clear on their starting point and where their company is headed within a given timeframe – it can seem scary, intimidating, and confusing.
Add it, for businesses with limited time and resources on hand – it’s often difficult to take advantage of digital marketing channels, which leads to neglect and not taking action to leverage and stay ahead of the curve.
So why does digital marketing matter to your business?
e-Commerce marketing won’t break the bank to implement the strategies. If you are new to digital marketing, find suitable channels that work for your business.
Although e-Commerce marketing doesn’t promise fast results after optimizing the website, it can easily convert subscribers and leads into high-paying customers and repeat clients when done right.
As you get higher conversion rates, it will impact the revenue positively, make more money, and increase your profit margin.
In business, you need to understand who your target customers are. Speak directly to your ideal target market that can resonate with what you are offering, and in time, your efforts will pay dividends.
Having a brand is not enough. It needs to be promoted and instilled in your potential customer’s minds, which means getting your brand in front of them and winning their trust to increase your credibility. The greater brand awareness your business has, the higher the chances to convert website visitors into paying customers.
SEO and digital marketing involve the optimization of your content. Creating content and sharing them on different digital media platforms make you look like an industry expert. Being so is an advantage because it will give you an instant upper hand on competitors.
Ready, set, let’s go!
If you don’t have an SEO and digital marketing system in place, what are you waiting for? Now that you know the ins and outs of e-Commerce marketing, let’s discuss how you can build a successful business strategy for your online store.
Set realistic long-term goals for the business.
Break down long-term goals into actionable steps.
Keep your new and existing customers happy.
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Set realistic long-term goals for the business. ‍ Goals are your stepping stones for an expected end result. A company without goals will have no sense of direction, no defined purpose, and nothing to strive for. When it comes to marketing, setting goals serves as its backbone. Set your marketing goals based on the company’s overall corporate goals and objectives.
Pandemic lockdown is a blessing in disguise to small businesses…
Entrepreneurship is not for everyone, making it difficult to stay afloat, especially for startup business owners during trying times like what we are going through right now. With the influx of COVID-19 worldwide, many businesses that were severely affected are now out of business. ‍ The ones believed as temporary closures became permanent shutdowns delivering a gut punch to business owners across various ranges of industries. Despite the reopening to new normal, thousands of small businesses are still struggling to get their heads above water. ‍ On the flip side, e-Commerce businesses have been turbo-charged by the pandemic. Coronavirus restrictions forced people to stay at home and avoid leaving their houses unless absolutely necessary. With more consumers needing to physically distance and local stores changing their in-store operations due to daunting COVID-19 case counts, the option to shop online became the best alternative to many.
Turn your dry pipeline into a well of golden opportunity
Pandemic has changed the way people shop and accelerated the digital world’s shift where business interactions and transactions are done online. The compulsory measure to arrest the virus caused the most significant change to online shopping. ‍ But our difficult circumstance goes to show that every cloud has a silver lining. The strict stay-at-home combined with physical distancing orders led many people to shy away from physical stores, sweeping more virtual and e-Commerce businesses off their feet. ‍ If you have the right mindset, you can see a dry pipeline as a once-in-a-lifetime chance to innovate, restructure, shift priorities and take advantage of the new trends of commercial opportunities brought on by the unprecedented times. That’s right.
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According to recent surveys, retail e-Commerce sales soared to an all-time high during the global pandemic. The challenging situation we are in right now is perhaps the MOST ironic. Do you agree? A dry sales pipeline compels businesses to perform into exploration mode, try new things, and accelerate the learning curve. So, despite the economic fallout, COVID-19 helped drive e-Commerce sales up to 97% compared to the pre-pandemic season. ‍ This enormous growth of e-Commerce means competition, which means that e-Commerce companies struggle to get new clients because of too much rivalry online. Sounds like you?
Supercharge your e-Commerce site search to get more traffic
So as COVID-19 spikes and restrictions remain uncertain, today is the perfect time to jumpstart boosting your e-Commerce business. If you think your company doesn’t need SEO, think again! As the pandemic continues to reshape our world, many consumers turn to e-Commerce to purchase the items they need and become accustomed to the convenience of shopping from home. ‍ The dramatic shift from in-store shopping to massive buying online is expected to have lasting effects on the consumers’ shopping preferences, even when things go back to a pre-COVID-19 way of life. The prediction is that online shopping is here to stay even when the pandemic is over. So, grab the chance to get discovered by your potential customers and dominate your niche. ‍ Don’t just launch your e-Commerce store; leave it sitting online and wait for orders to come through. Sorry not sorry – this is not how it works. Flow in orders and sales won’t come unless you get the word out there and let the people know about what you are offering. Letting your website die in the vine and not doing anything is like throwing your money away since no one will see this website of yours. Your website is not getting any leads that you needed to scale your business. ‍ In the digital era, setting your e-Commerce website is the easiest part of the process. The difficult step is how to get attention and convert the leads into loyal customers. We offer e-Commerce marketing services to maximize reach and transform your shop into a retail store’s powerhouse.
Step up in your SEO game. Why not?
First, let us make a recap. Website optimization through SEO strategies is the game-changer for ranking high on Google, capturing new leads, and increasing your revenue in the future. If your brand has high visibility online, it fuels more sales for your business. ‍ After e-Commerce store launching is completed, don’t sit back yet. Instead, invest your efforts into turning your website into a lead magnet and acquire more customers straight from your website. Even a pandemic can’t slow down your e-Commerce business if you have the right SEO in place. To reiterate, taking your business online is totally different from creating a website. Every effort we make to improve our website’s performance leads to revenue in some way.
So, if you want to leverage your business, keep this in mind:
Your e-Commerce website becomes the marketplace where customers learn about your products and services and make pre-purchase decisions. The customers also carry out commercial transactions like buying or selling on the platform itself.
SEO is a non-negotiable strategy for an effective e-Commerce marketing
The pandemic has turned several businesses upside down. If your e-Commerce store was hit hard by this Coronavirus outbreak and has experienced a massive decline in traffic and conversion, it’s time to do the work. Yes, you heard it right! ‍ Don’t wait for things to get better before you put in the work. While everything is slow, it is the perfect time to restructure, which includes improving your SEO and utilizing digital marketing platforms to skyrocket your sales, outrank your competitors, and get back on track when the pandemic is over. Sounds good? Here’s how to get started:
Declutter your website pages. Remove irrelevant pages that were created without a strategy, including those that got obsolete over time. Although Google indexed them, they don’t matter to your business anymore. So better delete the non-essentials – having less is more. ‍
Only publish high-quality content. It was once a fad that producing heaps of content was the key to rank. But things have changed. The rule of thumb is to go for quality over quantity. Today, Google is more focused on the VALUE you are providing to the online readers. So, when publishing content, keep posting less but highly informative and keyword-rich articles. Then, you are good to go! ‍
Utilize other platforms like Amazon and App stores. Explore other websites that your audience is searching and don’t just restrict your efforts to rank in Google alone. Look beyond and seize every opportunity you have. The goal here is to maximize your online visibility to get found by an impending flood of virtual customers. ‍
Level up your website’s on-page SEO. On-page SEO is the key to improving your brand visibility, achieving a surge in organic traffic, and whatnot. On-page SEO is done by optimizing and adding keywords to the individual page on your website. If done correctly, it has the potential to improve your website rankings in Google and reach your target audience over time. ‍
Improve visitor’s dwelling time by creating engaging content.‍Dwelling time is the amount of time users spend on your website before they go back to check out other results in the search engine. Adding high value, quality, informative and engaging content will increase your chances of converting visitors into potential customers and avoid leaving before they get to your website. ‍
Switch your website to Google’s mobile-first index.‍To simplify, Google prioritizes indexing sites that are mobile-first indexing compatible. As Google adapts to the growing use of mobile worldwide, Google bots prioritize crawling and indexing sites with compatibility with mobile-first indexing and mobile SEO in general. ‍
Amp up your technical SEO. The main goal here is to optimize the primary infrastructure of your website. Technical SEO has nothing to do with your content. The most simplified definition of the process requires Speed, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), and JavaScript, to name a few. Improving your technical SEO allows the search engines to access, crawl, interpret and index your website without any problems.
Fill your sales pipeline with warm leads
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As Google rankings increasingly become tougher, it is important to understand what your audience likes and preferences as a whole. Since most people now are spending most of their time on their smartphones, it is good to invest your efforts in identifying the suitable medium to engage and nurture relationships with your visitors and create content that adds value to them.
Take note that shoppers are spending more hours researching the items they want to buy online. If they highly consider your product, they will temporarily add them to the cart and buy it later. According to surveys, it takes about two weeks before they make the purchase decision.
As part of the sales process, newly found leads need warming up before they are ripe for conversion. The content you add to your website attracts potential customers. You can keep them engaged by giving them steam of quality content that will keep them coming back and increase their genuine interest as they move closer to making buying decisions. Most potential buyers are not only are searching online for the products they want to buy online but are also looking for answers to their questions.
  Yes, it’s true. Almost all the customers have curious queries, so create content that is engaging and informative. Strive to satisfy their curiosity and meet them at every level of their research – from product discovery, comparisons with other products, and reviews from previous clients.
  Aside from getting a paying customer when you add value to your audience journey, you will also get a fresh ranking boost from Google. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. So don’t settle for mediocre content; go for quality content that will help you stand out, pull visitors into your funnel, warm them as prospects, and eventually, fill your pipeline with qualified hot leads.
Final words
SEO is a critical need by e-Commerce businesses nowadays. There is no other way to move forward your e-Commerce business faster and get better ROI than optimizing your website. As an e-Commerce digital marketing agency, we will get the results for you while you focus on your business. Choosing your e-Commerce digital marketing agency is a matter of life and death. It could help you succeed or fail in your SEO campaigns. So choose wisely. Your choice in hiring the right e-Commerce SEO agency matters because it either catapults your e-Commerce store to brilliant new levels of success or pulls your business a giant step backward. ‍ Partner with ePropel, and guaranteed, your business is in good hands. We have what it takes to help your business grow. We will unleash your e-Commerce to its full potential allowing your website to get more traffic, exponentially increase your revenue and gain more repeat businesses online. So whether you want to increase your profit or get your brand out there, ePropel’s e-Commerce marketing services will help achieve your business’s goals to succeed within a target audience.
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AMD Radeon RX 6800 vs RX 6800 XT: Hashrate |Overclocking | Profit | Ethereum
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 AMD Radeon RX 6800 vs RX 6800 XT: Reveiw (2021) Hashrate | Benchemark | Overclocking Settings| Specs | Test | Config Profitability: What will be the mining on AMD Radeon RX 6800 and RX 6800 XT- Most recently, we talked about the new "mining queen" from Nvidia, a video card GeForce RTX 3080... Doctor Lisa Su and the company decided to keep up with competitors and at the end of October an event took place, which was eagerly awaited in the camp of "red" miners. AMD made a presentation of the RDNA 2 line of graphics adapters: Radeon RX 6800, RX 6800 XT. AMD Radeon RX 6800 vs RX 6800 XT Innovative team solution AdvancedMicroDevices was appreciated by computer technology enthusiasts. The red cards of the latest series in games showed higher performance than the RTX 30 based on the Ampere architecture and at the same time they will be sold at a lower price. For a long seven years, flagship green graphics cards dominated the market, but now AMD has managed to get ahead. Optimists believed that there was no need to rush to build mining farms based on the RTX 3080 or RX 5700 XT. It is quite possible that the cards of the new line will become a more profitable option. Many Read These As Well: - Radeon RX 6600 XT Review: Test ( Proven) Specs| Hashrate | Overclocking | Testing - ROG Strix Radeon RX 6700 XT 12 (GB) Review: Hashrate | Overclocking | Testing - Radeon RX 6800 XT Limited Edition (16 GB) Review: Hashrate | Overclocking| Testing However, the miracle did not happen, the indicators of the real hash rate of Radeon RX 6800 / RX 6800 XT video cards in mining did not by much exceed the preliminary calculations of specialists based on the technical parameters of these GPU devices. By and large, the new version of Navi is an alternative to the 5700 or RTX 3070... But let's talk about everything in order and start with the appearance, new, already on sale AMD video cards. People Also Asked: Common Question RX 6800 vs RX 6800 XT Packaging and appearance of AMD Radeon RX 6800 There have been no dramatic changes in the packaging design and appearance of the next generation AMD graphics adapters. The AMD Radeon ™ RX 6800 graphics card is an almost 30 cm long triple GPU device that occupies 2 slots (while the 6800 XT is 2.5 in total). I must say that parallel to the increase in power, the sizes of video cards are also growing. Compared to the diminutive graphics cards of the early 2000s, today's gaming GPUs look like mastodons that won't fit into a standard case soon. However, for miners this is absolutely unimportant, the main thing is that the cooling system is as efficient as possible and always cope with the loads. But let's see what this miracle of technology can do. AMD Radeon RX 6800 specifications Comparison table for RX 6800: RX 5700 XT vs RTX 3080 vs GTX 2080 OptionsGPUs AMDNVIDIARX 6800 XTRX 6800RX 5700 XTRTX 3080GTX 2080Process technology, nm777812Video chipNavi21XTNavi21XLNavi 10GA102TU104Crystal area536536251628545Number of transistors, billion26,826,810,328,313,6Number of shrader units46083840256087042944ROP quantity6464649664Computing power FP32, TFLOPS20,7416,179,7529,7710,07Core base frequency, MHz14871372160515151440Overclocked core frequency, MHz22502105190517101710Video memory frequency, MHz20002000175011881750Video memory, GB16168108Video memory typeGDDR6GDDR6GDDR6GDDR6XGDDR6Bus bandwidth, bit256256256320256Power consumption, watt300250225320215 Testing at the stand, hash rate on different algorithms. On the thematic forums, they asked many questions like: "Is it really possible to get 150 Mh / s on the 6000 series from AMD on Ethash?" Judging by the "naked" teraflops, the computing power of the green flagship is much higher, while the RTX 3080 produces a maximum of 103 Mh / s. And so it happened. Theoretically, the RX 6800 could not overclock to 100 megahash, even considering the higher core and memory frequencies. If in mining everything depended on the ability of the graphics adapter to work stably at high frequencies, then the more stable overclocking cards with Samsung memory would be worth their weight in gold for miners. Yes, hashrate depends on memory and kernel overclocking parameters, but not to such an extent. Of course, you need to take into account that the new architecture significantly improves performance, and after all, mining, after all, is a banal search of cryptographic codes in search of a suitable option. But you can't argue with the facts, when the new cards were put on the mining of cryptocurrency, they showed what they really could show and nothing more. The forecast based on technical characteristics disappointed those who really hoped for 150 Mh / s, and bench tests confirmed it. Real hashrate table for RX 6800 and RX 6800 XT. Mining algorithmHashrate RX 5700 XTRX 6800RX 6800 XTEthash, Mh/s556064KawPow, Mh/s212834Cuckatoo31, H/s1,52,42,5Octopus, Mh/s28,64044,7Cuckaroo29b, H/s3,978,8 The data was taken from the thematic forum Miningclubinfo, as well as from the mining profitability calculators Minersat and WhatToMine... It turns out that on Ether they hardly surpassed their predecessors. However, it should be borne in mind that 5700 XT cards have already learned how to reflash, but no one has tried to modify the BIOS of the RX 6800 yet. Perhaps, over time, folk craftsmen will get to them. Theoretically, with the right timing, these video cards can be overclocked on Ethash up to 70, or even before 75 megahash, but no more. That is, from their competitors RTX 3080, the red video adapters of this series are still lagging behind. Nothing more serious than Radeon VII, the company under the leadership of Dr. Lisa Su never released Overclocking AMD Radeon RX 6800 Overclocking-AMD-Radeon-RX-6800. What can be said about the overclocking of new video cards. You need to set almost the same parameters as on the old 570/580, memory for 2100/2150 and core 1200/1250. These graphics adapters work stably on crypto mining in Windows, but with HiveOS according to the miners' reviews, there are still problems. Devices are detected and started, but failures frequently occur. So, if you buy this model, forget about Hive and bet ten. But with the Nicehash miner, AMD cards of the 60th line are quite compatible. How to reduce the power consumption of video cards The easiest way to reduce card consumption is to lower the Powerlimit. And you can also carry out undervolting, that is, lower the voltage of the graphics core by modifying the BIOS or setting the necessary parameters using specialized software. How-to-reduce-the-power-consumption-of-video-cards The first tests showed that a high Power limit gives nothing but an increase in power consumption. The power limit does not need to be raised much, the maximum +20 is not higher. Reduce voltage using the –cdvc –mcdvc options in the latest version Phoneixminer does not exceed. We need to wait for the developers to release a new release. Now the card consumes about 250 watts. Profitability, purchase relevance At the time of this review, the most profitable algorithm is Ethash. More precisely, the coin is a big Ether, since all other tokens of this algorithm, including Ether classic, are in the second ten of the rating of profitable crypto coins. Profitability, purchase relevance At a speed of 64 megahash video card RX 6800 XT will earn 0.0023 ETH per day, which as of April 24, 2021 is equal to 420 Russian rubles. From this amount, you still need to deduct electricity costs, according to your local tariff. Let's say the net income is 370 rubles per day or 11100 per month. At a price of 115,000 rubles, the card will pay off in 11/12 months. The term is quite acceptable, however, it can radically change both in one and the other direction. What conclusion can be drawn. While the market is in an uptrend, the RX 6800, despite the rather high cost, is very profitable. In purely technical terms, progress is evident, but nothing surprising, AMD could not offer it. Analogs from competitors and cards of previous series for miners are no worse. However, the potential of the new Navi GPU devices has not yet been fully revealed. AMD RX 6800 XT: Review, test (in games) and mining AMD RX 6800 XT Review, test (in games) and mining In this review, we will take a look at the 16 GB version of the AMD RX 6800 XT Reference video card. The card is equipped with 2x8 Pin connectors and consumes from 170 watts to 300 watts depending on overclocking, miner and algorithm. AMD RX 6800 XT: Specification | Hashrate SpecificationsAMD RX 6800 XT ReferenceVideo memoryGDDR6 16GBCPU frequencyFrequency: 2250 MHzEnergy consumptionFrom 170 watts to 300 wattsPower connectors2x8 PinNoise~ 44 dBDimensions (cm)27 cm x 12Official siteAMD Internal structure (characteristics) After several years of using the Graphics Core Next (GCN) architecture, AMD introduced the RDNA architecture in July 2019, with the RX 5700 and RX 5700 XT becoming the first cards to use this new technology and 7nm process technology. AMD is positioning the RX 6800 XT as the main competitor to the Nvidia RTX 3080 Average price of RX 6800 XT in Europe is ~ $ 649 ( NOT in Russia!). It turns out that the card will not sell much cheaper than its competitor, the RTX 3080 ($ 700). The RX 6800 XT is still TSMC's 7nm process, just like the RX 5000 series, the Navi 21 has a much larger 519mm² GPU. The RX 6800 XT contains 72 Compute Units (CU) with 64 stream processors for a total of 4608 shaders. The clock speed of the RX 6000 series graphics cards has increased significantly: - Game Clock - 2015 MHz - Boost Clock - 2250 MHz For comparison: Game Clock RX 5700 XT - 1755 MHz. AMD has also increased the memory capacity by installing 16GB of GDDR6 memory in each RX 6000 model (however, lower-end models are likely to get less memory). The memory is clocked at 16 Gbps and operates over a 256-bit memory interface with a total bandwidth of 512 GB / s. AMD has also implemented 128MB Infinity Cache on the Navi 21 GPU to dramatically increase effective memory bandwidth without excessive power consumption. In terms of power consumption, the RX 6800 XT has a rated total power (TBP) of 300W , which is 75W more than the RX 5700 XT. Equipment The AMD RX 6800 XT comes in a black box with the graphics card on the front and the "AMD" logo. The back of the package is almost completely blank except for a couple of labels. Inside, the card is packed as follows: Cooling system As we wrote earlier (in our review on the Rx 6800), AMD completely redesigned the cards in the new 6000 lineup! The casing of the card is made of aluminum with some protruding silver accents that add contrast to the black metal. It is certainly very important that AMD finally ditched the turbine -style design that it has been using for years. Now we have a card with 3 massive coolers (which we are used to seeing from vendors such as Asus, MSI, etc.) - 90 millimeters each . Air from the fans is pushed out of the side of the card. The main design difference between the RX 6800 and the RX 6800 XT is thickness. Both cards are the same size, but the 6800 XT is 2.5 slots thick and the 6800 is the standard design that takes up 2 slots! On the front side of the card there is a Radeon logo, which, when turned on, lights up with red LEDs - an RGB zone. This is another visual difference between the 6800 and 6800 XT - both RGB zones glow with red LEDs, but the logo lettering itself is silver on the 6800 XT and red on the 6800. The map itself is quite large. Its dimensions are 27 cm x 12 cm. Note that unlike Nvidia ( 3080 and 3090 ), AMD does not use the new power pins. The card has two standard 8-pin PCIe power connectors on the top edge of the card. AMD "Navi 21" uses an external USB 3.2 controller for the USB-C port supplied by Cypress Semiconductor under the number " CYPD5137-40LQXI ". This controller provides USB 3.2 Gen 2 data transfer at 10 Gbps. AMD Radeon RX 6000 series does not support SLI mode! As for the rear panel - the backplate, this model has it! It is almost entirely silver, which increases the length of the card. The backplate is made of metal and protects the card from damage during installation and use. Internal cooling system The copper plate is in contact with the GPU and memory, and the auxiliary aluminum plate conducts heat away from the VRM. Both fins are in contact with an aluminum heatsink, which is blown by three 90mm coolers . The card supports the function of stopping coolers when idle or at low power consumption. Detaching the radiator grill reveals a clean PCB. AMD uses a 12-phase VRM GPU that is powered by the expensive 16-phase Infineon XDPE132G5D VRM controller. The GPU voltage is set to a 12-phase VRM configuration. AMD uses DrMOS International Rectifier TDA21472 components on the Radeon RX 6800 XT, while the RX 6800 uses chips from Alpha & Omega Semiconductor. The memory voltage uses a three-phase circuit controlled by the International Rectifier IR35217 controller. The GDDR6 chips are manufactured by Samsung under the reference number " K4ZAF325BM-HC16 " and are designed to operate at 16 Gbps. Built on the same TSMC N7 (7 nm) as Navi 10, the Navi 21 GPU occupies a 519.8 mm² die area and contains 26.8 billion transistors. The pinkish red tint that we saw on Navi 10 has disappeared. Thermal images All thermal images were taken under maximum load for a general idea and understanding of the cooling system with a slight overclocked core and memory. By installing a thermal camera on top, we get the following indicators: The GPU temperature is kept at around 69 degrees - this is not a very good indicator! Memory at ~ 59 degrees. Unfortunately, unlike the RX 6800 , the RX 6800XT performs much worse in terms of the cooling system. Having installed the thermal camera on the side (from the cooler side), we get the following indicators: The GPU temperature is kept at ~ 69 degrees. Overall, the card looks very cold! Tests in MSI Afterburner show + - the same results, the GPU temperature is at around 71 (73) degrees: Unfortunately, AMD did not make a perfect cooling system for such a powerful card. Yes, 73 degrees is not fatal to the GPU, but not ideal either. Mining test AMD 6800 XT AMD 6800 XT is capable of delivering 59 Mh / s on the Ethash algorithm in stock, while consuming - 235 Watts! With a slight overclocking, the card based on the Ethash algorithm produces ~ 66 Mh / s, with a consumption of 230 watts. How much can you earn Knowing that this video card works well on the Ethash algorithm (Coin Ether ) and knowing its hash rate, you can calculate the payback of this video card, how much it will bring per day, month, year .https://cryptorival.com/widget/calcs/ethereum?calcButtonColor=f93&backButtonColor=f93&dailyColor=4e9f15&weeklyColor=09c&monthlyColor=f0ad4e&yearlyColor=d9534f&backColor=f5f5f5&addonColor=eee... For calculation in the column "Hashing Power" enter the hash rate of this video card, in our case it is 66 " Pool Fees " is the pool commission, you don't have to enter it if you don't know. Average commission for all pools is 1%. Further in the column " Power Usage " - it is necessary to enter the power consumption of the video card (farm). In our case, this is 230 . We enter this number into this column. " Power Cost��" - the price for your electricity ("per socket"). Enter the value in cents. For example, we have electricity at an average of 3 rubles - that's $ 0.05. We enter this or another number of yours. That's all! Click on the " Calculate " button and find out how much from 1 video card you will receive per day, week, month, year! Tests in games AMD 6800 XT VS 3080 Nvidia Further in the video, you can see what the AMD 6800 XT graphics card is capable of in games (FPS in the latest gaming innovations), compared to its 3080 competitor from Nvidia . Memory and power consumption The video card is equipped with 16 gigabytes of GDDR6. Supplied from Samsung. Memory marking - " K4ZAF325BM-HC16 ". The consumption of the card is from 170 to 300 watts, depending on the miner and overclocking. The card is equipped with 2x8 Pin power connectors. For a farm with 6 AMD 6800 XT video cards and a connected power system (motherboard, SSD, processor), you will need 2 power supplies of 1000 watts each! Outputs The I / O for the AMD 6800 XT graphics card is as follows: - 2x DisplayPort 1.4 - 1x HDMI 2.1 - 1x USB type-C Note that most of the I / O bracket is not vented. Output AMD 6800 XT Reference is not a bad card, with an excellent build and average cooling system. AMD has really gone a long way in the design and power of the card. Despite the fact that the RX 6800 copes well with loads, the same cannot be said about the older brother XT. The Bytwork team recommends AMD 6800 XT reference for purchase. However, if + - at the same price you find cards from vendors, then we advise you to consider them at the beginning, since they are most likely to be better suited to the cooling system for a card of the XT version.Hashrate :66 Mh / s EthashConsumption :300GPU temperature :74 °BPM temperature :68 °Memory temperature :59 ° AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT video card: hashrate - performance in mining other cryptocurrencies AMD Sapphire RX 6800 XT is a representative of AMD's RX 6000 family of video cards, which belongs to the category of professional devices of this series. In terms of performance and cost, it is second only to the flagship RX 6900 XT. The manufacturer announced the price of the new item was $ 649. The RX 6800 XT was launched on November 18, 2020. However, due to insufficient production volumes, the video card was sold out on the same day, which led to a noticeable shortage of the model. With this in mind, the device was sold on some trading platforms with a mark-up of up to 100 percent. The miners are especially interested in how many megahashes 6800 XT gives out on the air, since this is one of the fairly profitable cryptocurrencies for mining at the moment. In the article, we will consider the parameters and characteristics of the card, what is the hashrate of the 6800XT in mining, namely how many hashes it produces on the air and what is the card's performance on other algorithms.  AMD RX 6800 XT 16gb: hashrate and main characteristics of the card in mining What is the difference between 6800XT, how many megahashes does it give out? For this, it is worth taking a closer look at the characteristics of the card. The video card has 72 computing units, GDDR6 memory up to 16 GB and a maximum frequency of 2250 MHz. According to users, the performance of the RX 6800 XT outperforms the Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 by an average of 10 percent. All this is enough for mining cryptocurrencies on any suitable algorithms. Like other top AMD GPUs, the RX 6800 XT delivers top-of-the-line mining performance for Ethereum, Ravencoin and Beam. These cryptocurrencies bring the maximum profit at current rates. The card is equipped with 2x8 Pin connectors and consumes from 170 watts to 300 watts depending on overclocking, miner and algorithm. Graphics card specifications: - Memory - 16GB GDDR6 Generation 256-bit - Core frequency - up to 2360 MHz (in boost) - Consumption - 300W (nominal) - Technical process - 7nm - Noise level - from 40 dB Of course, everyone is interested in the hashrate of the 6800 XT video card on air. So how many megahashes does the 6800 XT (6900XT hashrate) give? The card is capable of delivering 59 Mh / s on the Ethash algorithm in stock, while consumed - 235 Watts! When overclocked, the RX6800XT has a hash rate up to 64 MH / s. Read the full article
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magzoso-tech · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/latin-america-roundup-xps-chart-topping-ipo-wildlife-becomes-a-unicorn-softbank-backs-konfio/
Latin America Roundup: XP’s chart-topping IPO, Wildlife becomes a unicorn, SoftBank backs Konfio
Sophia Wood Contributor
Sophia Wood is a principal at Magma Partners, a Latin America-focused seed-stage VC firm with offices in Latin America, Asia and the U.S. Sophia is also the co-founder of LatAm List, an English-language Latin American tech news source.
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Latin America roundup: Neobanks raise $205M+; Softbank backs VTEX
Latin America Roundup: Uber acquires Cornershop, SoftBank invests in Buser and Olist
December has been a strong month for Brazilian startups, bringing a big IPO and a new unicorn for local companies. Tech-driven investment firm XP Investimentos went public on the U.S. Stock Exchange in mid-December, raising $1.81 billion in the fourth-largest IPO of 2019. XP’s stock price jumped 30% on its first day of trading, from $27 per share to $34.50. 
XP was founded in 2001 to provide brokerage training classes to Brazilians to help them invest in the international stock market. Today, it is a full-service brokerage firm, providing fund management and distribution to more than 1.5 million customers in Brazil. 
Notably, XP has outlined a strategy for beating Brazilian banks, among the most profitable in the world, in its 354-page report to the SEC. Brazil’s banking market is highly concentrated, with the top five players dominating 93% of market share. This concentration has led to significant inefficiencies that XP tries to disrupt by offering a variety of financial products through an accessible online platform. 
The heavy bureaucracy of these banks will prevent them from innovating quickly enough to compete with newer institutions like XP, whose debt products are attractive to frustrated Brazilian customers. The inefficiency of the Brazilian financial system has opened opportunities for companies like XP, or neobank Nubank, to rapidly attract customers who are disgruntled with the traditional system. 
Gaming startup Wildlife becomes a unicorn
Brazil has seen a new unicorn emerge almost every month this year, and December was no exception. Gaming startup Wildlife raised a $60 million Series A round led by U.S.-investor Benchmark Capital at a $1.3 billion valuation to become the country’s eleventh unicorn. This round was big even for Silicon Valley standards, and it is uncommon for startups even in markets like the U.S. or Europe to hit a $1 billion-plus valuation in such an early round. 
Wildlife has created more than 60 games since 2011, including Zooba and Tennis Clash, which have both reached global acclaim. Founded by brothers Victor and Arthur Lazarte, Wildlife operates on a freemium model that only charges users for in-app purchases. They plan to use the funding to double their employee base and grow to $2 billion in 2020, continuing the 80% yearly growth they have seen since 2011. 
Mexico’s lender Konfio receives $100 million from SoftBank
Konfio provides small business loans in Mexico through an online platform to help SMEs gain liquidity and grow their operations. These small businesses are often overlooked by banks in Mexico and Latin America, which do not know how to price risk for businesses that process less than $10 million per year. 
Konfio recently raised $100 million from SoftBank’s Innovation Fund, the third investment that SoftBank has made into Mexico since launching the fund. The capital will go toward financing working capital loans, as well as creating new products for Konfio’s customers. Today, Konfio’s loans average around $12,000, while banks still struggle to loan less than $40,000. The tech-driven platform allows Konfio to disburse loans within 24 hours without requiring collateral.
Small business lending is a tremendous opportunity in Latin America, where banks are among the most profitable and the least competitive in the world. Brazil’s Creditas and Colombia’s OmniBnk are among the other startups providing innovative products that calculate risk more effectively than banks in Latin America’s complex lending environment.
The Albo team has raised $26.4 million to scale its leading neobank.
Albo, Mexico’s leading neobank, raises $19 million
In an extension of a Series A round, Mexico’s albo raised a further $19 million from Valar Ventures to bring their newest round to $26.4 million in total. Albo previously raised $7.4 million from Mountain Nazca, Omidyar Network and Greyhound Capital in January 2019. Albo’s mission is to provide banking services to unbanked and underbanked clients in Mexico. More than half of albo’s customers claim that albo was their first-ever bank account. 
Founded by Angel Sahagun in 2016, albo quickly became Mexico’s largest neobank, serving more than 200,000 customers and sending out thousands of new cards every day. The investment from Valar Ventures, founded by Peter Thiel (also an investor in N26 and TransferWise), is a vote of confidence for this Mexican fintech. Albo has also previously received investment from Arkfund, Magma Partners and Mexican angels. 
Albo plans to use the capital to develop new products, including savings and credit services, in the coming year. Mexico will likely be a battleground for Latin American neobanks in 2020, as Klar, Nubank and potentially Argentina’s Uala will begin to grow in the region’s second-largest market. While there is room for several competitive neobanks to thrive in Mexico, this industry will be one to watch in 2020.
News and Notes: Mercado Credito, Mimic, Rebel and Rappi
Goldman Sachs loaned $125 million to MercadoLibre to continue developing their credit product, MercadoCredito. MercadoLibre will use the capital to triple its $100 million debt facility for small business loans in Mexico. To date, MercadoCredito has loaned more than $610 million to 270,000 businesses around the region in Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. 
Brazilian cloud-kitchen startup Mimic raised $9 million in a seed round led by Monashees to develop a more efficient food delivery model in Brazil. Mimic will exclusively manage the logistics of “dark kitchens,” which exist only for delivery and have no sit-down facilities, saving time and money for clients. Mimic will use the investment to grow its team.
An early-stage online lending startup in Brazil, Rebel, recently raised $10 million from Monashees and Fintech Collective to provide unsecured loans to middle-class Brazilians at affordable rates. Rebel has lowered rates to around 2.9% per month, compared to 40-400% at Brazil’s largest banks. The startup uses a proprietary algorithm to calculate risk for clients and provide loans rapidly through its online platform. 
Colombia’s Rappi recently announced an expansion into Ecuador, where it has rapidly reached 100,000 users between Quito and Guayaquil, the country’s two largest cities. Rappi is now active in nine countries and more than 50 cities in Latin America. 
2019: A Year in Review
Given the arrival of the SoftBank Innovation Fund, Latin American startup investment in 2019 will likely more than double the $2 billion invested in 2018. Here are a few of the highlights we saw this year:
Record-breaking rounds and Brazilian unicorns: In 2019, Rappi raised $1 billion from SoftBank, beating iFood’s previous record-breaking $500 million from Naspers in 2018. Brazil got at least six new unicorns — Nubank, QuintoAndar, Gympass, Wildlife, Loggi and EBANX — most of whom raised funding from international investors. 
Asian investment in Latin American fintechs: Nubank received $400 million-plus in 2019 from investors that included TCV, Tencent, Sequoia, Dragoneer and Ribbit Capital. Argentina’s Uala received $150 million from SoftBank and Tencent in November 2019. SoftBank has been investing in Brazilian and Mexican fintechs including Creditas, Konfio and Clip, throughout the year. 
U.S. investors take an interest in LatAm: Many U.S. investors made their first Latin American investments in 2019, including Valar Ventures (albo), Bezos Expeditions (NotCo), SixThirty Cyber (Kriptos) and Homebrew (Habi). This year has also seen large funds like a16z, Sequoia, Accel and others making earlier-stage investments in Latin America, rather than Series B and beyond. This change demonstrates that U.S. funds are becoming more familiar and involved with the Latin American ecosystem, helping early-stage companies grow rather than focusing on international scale-ups as they have in the past.
The Cornershop acquisition: Chilean-Mexican delivery startup, Cornershop, was acquired by Walmart in late 2018 for $225 million, but the deal was blocked by the Mexican government. Four months after the block, Cornershop announced that Uber would take a 51% share of the company for $450 million, representing a 4x growth in valuation since the previous acquisition deal. The Mexican and Chilean governments still have to approve the Uber deal, so all eyes will be on Cornershop through the start of 2020. 
The start of the battle for Latin America’s super-app: In China, two companies dominate the mobile market, handling payments, communications, ridesharing, delivery and more within a single app. Events in 2019, such as Rappi’s $1 billion round and the merger between Mexico’s Grin and Brazil’s Yellow, suggest that Latin America may be heading in the same direction toward a few apps that integrate dozens of features. Colombia’s Rappi and Brazil’s Movile are strong competitors for the role, but the rise of a regional super-app still remains far in the future for Latin America.
Latin America’s startup and investment ecosystem has likely more than doubled this year as compared to 2019. As international investors like SoftBank, Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia, Accel, Tencent and others are taking more bets on the region, more startups than ever have scaled and reached unicorn status. These startups will continue to scale in 2020, taking on a regional presence to provide services to Latin America’s 650 million population.
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demnoklannik-blog · 7 years
Who Would Gain If A Battle Broke Out?
Without a doubt the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) - four of the world's largest emerging economies, possess substantial financial and purchase potential, specifically within the technology market. India also has some modern land gear, and is usually currently investing billions of its new money into thousands of pieces of new artillery. This will include a fleet of Arjun MK-II third-generation fight tanks. Brazil provides contemporary weapons, very much of which was bought from the USA, the world's biggest arms exporter. It's most extolled land weapon is usually its almost 400-strong fleet of German-made Leopard 1 tanks that it acquired in comparison.
Like Russia, the U.Beds. Section of Business also splits the U.Beds. into nine under the radar locations for bureaucratic reasons. What stands out in the map over is normally that while the U.Beds. certainly provides locations that accounts for a better talk about of the U.Beds. overall economy, general, financial activity is normally very much even more spread away. The Southeast area, also without Texas, in fact adds the most to total GDP. The Mideast and the Much Western world are not really considerably in back of. New York Town is normally the U.S.' largest, and its greater metropolitan area comprises about 7 percent of the country's total GDP. But that pales in comparison to the outsized role Moscow plays in the Russian economy.
As destructive as the past distortion of intelligence has been, the Obama CIA's apparent interference in an attempt to invert the result of a U.T. presidential selection probably rates with the most severe cleverness scandals in U.T. background. And, compounding the CIA's politics intervention can be the truth that this controversy has taken on a life of its own as the Obama administration prepares to hit nuclear-armed Russia with a combination of new financial sanctions and covert cyber-attacks, evidently with the objective of planning off any rapprochement between Putin and Trump.
Chennedy provides been a spark off the seat. She's certainly a scorer, and when we required a container, that's who we had been heading to, placing the ball in her hands and allowing her make stuff happen. Tyasha acquired been solid. Hindsight is normally generally 20/20. When you possess a player like her and you put her on the counter - she got a little exhausted and we had taken her out to relax her and don't place her back again in. Certainly, hindsight is normally 20/20. She should have got most likely been on the flooring later in the video game. That's something that I'll second-guess carrying out.
Wartime allies by necessity, capitalist America has little in common with the various communist satellite states and countries that make up the Russian empire, the Soviet Union. Both ideologies try to export their belief system to others and view with suspicion any, and every, effort by the other. The American multibillion money financial and military help deal designed to rebuild European countries, the 1948 Marshall Program, is certainly noticed by the Soviets as an attempt to both control the rise of communist actions and, make marketplace conditions suitable for American exports which, in substance, it is usually.
A 2010 research by the American Meteorological Society is usually the first contemporary attempt to assess these results. In their survey, they monitored the results of 17 stratospheric smoke plumes in 2002. What they discovered is that the typical time the smoke plumes presence in the stratosphere was detectable, was only about 2 months. The statement indicates that particles of carbon soot start to clump together at some stage after communicating with sunlight and after that drop out of the stratosphere quickly. 75 This occurs in weeks not really in years, a main contradiction to the premise of nuclear wintertime hypotheses. What is normally not really known is normally now there a tipping stage of equilibrium that would keep the soot aloft if there was plenty of of it. So like many items, there is definitely a particular element of the unfamiliar in this.
Some other question marks for the game: will Ellis give time to either Jaelin Howell or Sophia Smith? Yes, they're young at 17 and 16 respectively, but Mal Pugh is 18 and doing fine. Plenty of national teams possess began adding teenagers into their squads. It depends probably on just how serious Ellis is usually about getting youth players started with the senior WNT beyond having them in camp to get them acclimated to the way the senior team does points. True, not everyone is usually Mallory Pugh, and it's not fair to toss kids into the lineup if they're not truly ready. We'll see.
It's somewhat unfortunate that international hockey guidelines provides a shootout after 10 mins of overtime, as most enthusiasts would recognize you could view this type video game all time longer. Nevertheless, it is certainly a shootout that we proceeded to go to, and it was almost simply because enjoyable as the rest of the video game. The five-hole appeared to end up being both goaltenders primary listlessness, as the bulk of the shootout goals proceeded to go between the hip and legs.
Actually in the post-unipolar instant, China and Russia stay competition instead of accurate companions. As a increasing power, China is normally attaining even more worldwide say and impact, while Russia appears to end up being shedding same, simply because was noticed at the latest APEC and G20 conferences in 2014. Although both countries are having their problems with the Western best right now, faster or later on stress will rise between them. Their anxious relations within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) suggest the potential for strategic and economic competition in Central Asia and the even deeper problem of their irreconcilable interests over regional domination.
Western companies continued to be bankrupt, compelling commotion and anarchy in many countries, and Uk helped some of the governments in backing their companies and reestablishing purchase. Portugal starts a gradual recovery after developing a short-term connections with Uk known as the Franco-German Alliance. Australia exceeded England as the largest economy in Europe and nearly triples the size of its army in 2017.
Russia has been increasing its troops deployment in the Middle East , which undoubtedly affects its permanently deficit-ridden budget, as well as the domestic politics. The best scenario for Russia would be a quick exit from the Syrian conflict, provided that the advances it has achieved would be bartered with the Western in exchange for normalising relationships with it.
What would be nice is if Ellis started that four with her last construction from the last video game: Casey Brief - Megan Oyster- Becky Sauerbrunn - Ali Krieger. That's a very nice four back with two good centers and two good fullbacks and it would be nice for left back Short to not be forced to shift inside, as Ellis had her do for a full half. It's good to know where players can fill in in a pinch, but it's even better to develop players at their natural position; see above re: Oyster.
More broadly, Moscow is signaling a long-term interest in extending its umbrella of anti-access area denial capabilities into the Middle East. The Russians reportedly are shipping some of their most advanced surface-to-air missile systems into Latakia, raising concerns within the Pentagon because that move operates counter top to Russia's statements of restricting the concentrate of its military activities to Syrian rebel groups like the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.
Although Mr. Ames's treachery was almost certainly the most damaging breach of U.S. intelligence since the Second World War - Moscow executed several operatives whom he had tricked - Washington's response was significantly much less serious than it would have got been in Soviet moments, or today. In the years after the fall of the Soviet Union, the administration of Costs Clinton, willing to motivate friendly relationships and reform, backed the brand-new federal government of Leader Boris Yeltsin. Before Mister. Lyskenko was informed to leave the country, the Americans even gave the Russians the option of voluntarily sending him back home.
Hands > Exports > Regular 1990 US$ per capita : Hands exchanges cover the source of military weapons through product sales, help, presents, and those produced through production licenses. Data cover main regular weapons such as aircraft, armored vehicles, artillery, radar systems, missiles, and boats made for military make use of. Ruled out are exchanges of various other military devices such as little hands and light weapons, trucks, little artillery, ammunition, support devices, technology exchanges, and various other providers. Statistics portrayed per capita for the same season.
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swedna · 5 years
Fifteen years ago, Jason Boyce made a bet on Amazon that changed his life for the better. He started selling basketball hoops on the site—known mostly for books at the time—and his sales and profits took off.Today, Boyce worries his relationship with the world’s biggest online retailer is getting more and more lopsided. Amazon has evolved from partner to competitor, making products similar to his, selling them for less and giving them prominence on the site. To stand out, Boyce must now buy advertising, which makes Amazon even more profitable at his expense. Amazon.com Inc. Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos touted the success of merchants like Boyce this month in his annual letter to shareholders, suggesting they were beating Amazon at its own game because they make up 58 per cent of all sales on the site. What Bezos neglected to mention is that Amazon is the biggest winner of all. Amazon captures 50 cents of every dollar spent online and the US EBay Inc, its closest competitor, gets just six cents.
That dominance puts Amazon in control of a $600 billion market that is growing at triple the pace of overall retail spending. Merchants like Boyce might be selling more stuff than Amazon. But Amazon takes a bigger bite of each sale. Its share has almost tripled to more than 40 per cent in the past few years, merchants say, mostly due to the new cost of advertising. Those who don’t like it have to shrug, sigh and roll with it because no other site comes close to Amazon’s reach. Like the dozen successful merchants interviewed for this story, Boyce acknowledges that selling products on Amazon has helped him earn a comfortable living. As businesspeople, he and other merchants are wary of regulation. But when Senator Elizabeth Warren proposed prohibiting Amazon from competing against them, they were at least prepared to listen. “If you’re going to have a marketplace,” Boyce says, “you shouldn’t be able to piggyback off the hard work and labour of your sellers to beat them.”
To be clear, the call to break up Amazon is simply one proposal, from one Democratic presidential candidate in a crowded field 19 months before the election. Amazon holds less than eight per cent of the US retail market. There’s little evidence that the company hurts consumers with predatory pricing, the yardstick typically used to prove anti-competitive behavior. All the same, the fact that Bezos indirectly addressed antitrust at the top of his annual shareholder letter demonstrates how seriously he is taking the threat of stepped-up regulation. Ditto his company’s lobbying efforts in Washington, where it has dispatched senior executives to woo antitrust enforcers.
“Amazon is definitely perceived as getting more and more powerful,” says James Thomson, who organises the Prosper Show, an annual e-commerce conference focused on Amazon. “There are a lot of reasons for merchants to be highly skeptical and cynical about what Amazon is doing.” It wasn’t always that way.
Boyce, a former Marine Corps officer, began selling basketball hoops online in 2002 at superduperhoops.com, buying search ads to direct people to the site. In 2004, his brother got a phone call from an Amazon representative who said the up-and-coming company liked their products. Amazon was predominantly a bookseller at the time, so the hoops stood out, and orders rolled in. A photo and product description was enough to lure customers. Amazon took a small commission. Customers waited a week or two to get their hoops. And the business had little risk since Boyce didn't buy any inventory until after a customer ordered one.
For the next few years, Boyce’s experience on Amazon largely echoed what happens in the offline world: competitors entered the market, pushing down prices and making it harder to make a profit. So Boyce adapted. He stopped selling basketball hoops and developed his own line of foosball tables, air hockey tables, bocce ball sets and exercise equipment. The best way to make a decent profit on Amazon was to sell something no one else had and create your own brand. Boyce, who’s now 47, was making a comfortable living. He has a home in Princeton, New Jersey and sends his two daughters to private school.
Then Amazon started selling its own products. AmazonBasics appeared in 2009 and mostly focused on batteries. For several years, the house brand “slept quietly as it retained data about other sellers’ successes,” according to a 2016 report from Skubana.com, which helps merchants manage their sales. Then about five years ago, AmazonBasics rolled out a range of products that seemed perfectly tailored to customer demand. Amazon also started selling bocce ball sets that cost $15 less than Boyce’s. He says his products are higher quality, but Amazon gives prominent page space to its generic version and wins the cost-conscious shopper. “They’re pulling market share away from us and our competitors as well,” he says.
Amazon is hardly the first company to create its own brands, and it says its own products represent about 1 percent of its total sales. Walmart Inc. and other retailers have done this for years, putting their food, soap and cereal on the shelf right next to household names. But Amazon’s monster trove of data tell it not just what items are selling well but what shoppers are searching for and can’t find. And while many of Amazon’s branded products flop, that’s little consolation to merchants who watch the company copy a product and then proceed to nibble away at their business. “Amazon crushes small companies by copying the goods they sell on the Amazon Marketplace and then selling its own branded version,” Warren said in her proposal to break up Amazon.
Meanwhile, Amazon has stepped up efforts to recruit Chinese suppliers and manufacturers directly, cutting its merchants out of the equation. The entry of these new players also has coincided with an explosion of counterfeit products and fake customer reviews—issues that that plague e-commerce companies in China. When Amazon cracks down, legitimate sellers sometimes are caught in the net and watch their sales tank until they can persuade the company to reinstate them. The process can take weeks. An Amazon suspension during the busy holiday season could sink a business.
Amazon, in an emailed statement, said “customer safety is a top priority,” that it investigates all counterfeit claims and takes appropriate action, including removing products, taking legal action against suspected perpetrators and working with law enforcement. “We employ dedicated teams of software engineers, applied scientists, program managers and investigators to operate and continually refine our anti-counterfeiting programs,” the company said.
The millions of merchants who do business on Amazon are by no means a homogeneous group. There are plenty of boosters, who argue that without Amazon they probably wouldn’t be in business. They point to the company’s fulfillment service, which gives them access to a network of warehouses around the US That means they can stash inventory closer to their customers and take part in Amazon’s two-day Prime shipping program. Paying Amazon to handle logistics is typically cheaper than doing it yourself.
Fulfillment by Amazon, as the service is known, helped Alon Gesthalter reach tens of millions in annual sales selling a range of household products sourced in China with just a handful of employees. “We don’t need a big warehouse that sits empty six months out of the year and then fills up around Christmas and Mother’s Day,” Gesthalter says. “We only pay Amazon for the space that we use.” Many merchants consider the fulfillment service a win-win-win: for them, for customers and for Amazon.
Chuck Gregorich’s Wisconsin business employs 50-plus people and sells more than 2,000 products, from hammocks to patio furniture. He was at a conference a couple of years ago and went out for drinks with several fellow merchants. “Everyone was complaining about Amazon and how hard they make it for us,” he recalls. “I said, ‘guys, we’re all making millions in sales because of Amazon. If I just started a brick-and-mortar store in my home town, I would have never reached this scale.’ I don’t mind when they make it difficult for us. The more difficult they make it, the less competition maybe we’ll have.”
Less sanguine merchants have tried to lessen their reliance on Amazon. A couple of years ago, Walmart introduced its own online marketplace and began actively wooing Amazon sellers. EBay stepped up its outreach, and Alibaba has been trying make U.S. merchandise directly available to Chinese shoppers. Despite these alternatives, merchants are even more reliant on Amazon than they were two years ago. Some say they get between 80 and 90 percent of their sales there even though they also list products on other sites.
Jason Boyce, having navigated Planet Amazon for 15 years, is selling his business and has started a consulting firm helping other merchants. It wasn’t an easy decision, but he says the money he was forced to spend to advertise his products reduced his profits by several hundred thousand dollars a year. To account for those extra costs, he had to raise his prices and decided it was time to get out. Now he provides competitive advice to about a dozen clients selling pet supplies, supplements, beauty products and sporting goods. “I know what to do because it’s a problem I faced myself,” he says. “Amazon is constantly throwing curve balls at you.”
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East to West: Huobi Launches US Dollar Gateway for Global Crypto Traders
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This post was originally published here
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In 2019, the Singapore-based exchange conglomerate Huobi Group is prioritizing Wall Street partnerships for the first time.
Since it was founded six years ago, Huobi Group has come to dominate several global crypto exchange markets, thanks in part to its popularity among deep-pocketed Chinese traders. According to company officials, Huobi Group has managed $1 trillion in accumulative turnover, or annual net sales.
Now the U.S.-based sister exchange HBUS – a separate entity primarily funded by Huobi Global CEO Leon Li – is leveraging its global network for an unprecedented push into North America that’s beginning with a partnership with Prime Trust, a Nevada trust company, that will provide fiat deposit and withdrawal services for its exchange users.
As part of the effort, Huobi.com will now allow USD-to-crypto trading for bitcoin, ethereum and the dollar-pegged stablecoin tether, with a $100 minimum.
“Huobi’s launch is very exciting,” Prime Trust CEO Scott Purcell told CoinDesk. “They are a great company and we are thrilled to work with them.”
HBUS CEO Frank Fu told CoinDesk this is only the beginning of HBUS’s U.S. partnerships, with others in the works. Fu said:
“Once we establish partnerships with our institutional clients and put in place the required regulatory and compliance structure, we should be able to offer innovative products and financial services to larger audiences, such as … potential ETFs and derivatives.”
Even if those partnerships don’t pan out, diverse crypto options with fiat liquidity could be a game-changer for HBUS, which Fu said has roughly 60,000 U.S.-based account holders, in addition to a few dozen Chinese users on-boarded through a partnership with Huobi Global.
Speaking to the dozens of cryptocurrencies under consideration beyond the current offerings, which include bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, ethereum classic, bitcoin cash and tether, HBUS’s U.S.-based chief compliance officer, Megan Monroe-Coleman, told CoinDesk:
“We developed a comprehensive due-diligence process to review new token projects. … We’re really excited to increase both the volume of tokens and the uniqueness of those assets.”
Monroe-Coleman says the company documents the process thoroughly to avoid listing “any token projects that could possibly be classified as a security under U.S. securities laws.”
As it gears up to add new trading pairs, HBUS is also busy updating its onboarding process for Chinese users, with features like Chinese-language know-your-customer (KYC) procedures.
“We could be a distribution channel, the gateway connecting the West to the East,” Fu told CoinDesk. “A lot of the U.S. financial products and services are highly regarded, so we want to be able to be able to offer those products and services to our investors globally as we’re able to set up the right compliance processes.”
Compliance challenges
Huobi’s new global asset flows could indirectly give Chinese traders the ability to convert yuan for cryptocurrency through Huobi Global’s OTC desk, then send the cryptocurrency to the U.S.-based exchange to cash out in USD.
Lester Li, Huobi Global’s head of London operations, told CoinDesk he estimates between 50 and 200 of the global platform’s institutional clients are companies run by Chinese founders but based abroad in order to avoid China’s stringent compliance standards and capital controls.
According to Canadian attorney Christine Duhaime, who specializes in anti-money-laundering law and blockchain technologies, China’s regulations forbid its citizens from moving more than $50,000 annually per person, without seeking special permission. She told CoinDesk:
“If you’re a company trying to take out bitcoin, you can take out no amount without getting permission from the government.”
In order to navigate this complex regulatory landscape, HBUS plans to triple its employee count to around 150 in 2019, with an emphasis on compliance and teams focused on institutional partnerships.
Huobi Global already has a banking partner in Australia, Goldfields Money. Fred Schebesta, a major shareholder in Goldfields, told CoinDesk that the institution deals with such China-specific compliance issues by only serving Chinese expats, not current residents subject to Chinese capital controls.
Plus, HBUS’s Monroe-Coleman told CoinDesk that institutional accounts undergo rigorous KYC checks, including all individuals who own more than 25 percent of that entity, in accordance with the Bank Secrecy Act.
HBUS’s partner, Prime Trust, is not itself a bank, but it has previously said it has relationships with FDIC-insured institutions such as U.S. Bank and Pacific Mercantile Bank. (This is clearly a sector Prime Trust intends to expand, given how the trust recently eliminated custody fees for digital assets.)
Separately, Huobi’s OTC desk works with Signature Bank in New York, but the relationship is strictly at the wholesale level, as the institution did not want to handle the exchange’s retail customers, a person familiar with the situation said.
Beyond Chinese users, the U.S.-based exchange aims to be a compliance-centric portal for Huobi Global’s estimated 13 million users worldwide.
“We will start from the U.S. but our vision is to provide a global services platform,” Fu said. “A lot of the U.S. financial products and services are highly regarded, so we want to be able to be able to offer those products and services to our investors globally as we’re able to set up the right compliance processes.”
Ian Allison contributed reporting.
HBUS team in San Francisco image courtesy of Huobi
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AMD Radeon RX 6800 vs RX 6800 XT: Hashrate |Overclocking | Profit | Ethereum
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 AMD Radeon RX 6800 vs RX 6800 XT: Reveiw (2021) Hashrate | Benchemark | Overclocking Settings| Specs | Test | Config Profitability: What will be the mining on AMD Radeon RX 6800 and RX 6800 XT- Most recently, we talked about the new "mining queen" from Nvidia, a video card GeForce RTX 3080... Doctor Lisa Su and the company decided to keep up with competitors and at the end of October an event took place, which was eagerly awaited in the camp of "red" miners. AMD made a presentation of the RDNA 2 line of graphics adapters: Radeon RX 6800, RX 6800 XT. AMD Radeon RX 6800 vs RX 6800 XT Innovative team solution AdvancedMicroDevices was appreciated by computer technology enthusiasts. The red cards of the latest series in games showed higher performance than the RTX 30 based on the Ampere architecture and at the same time they will be sold at a lower price. For a long seven years, flagship green graphics cards dominated the market, but now AMD has managed to get ahead. Optimists believed that there was no need to rush to build mining farms based on the RTX 3080 or RX 5700 XT. It is quite possible that the cards of the new line will become a more profitable option. Many Read These As Well: - Radeon RX 6600 XT Review: Test ( Proven) Specs| Hashrate | Overclocking | Testing - ROG Strix Radeon RX 6700 XT 12 (GB) Review: Hashrate | Overclocking | Testing - Radeon RX 6800 XT Limited Edition (16 GB) Review: Hashrate | Overclocking| Testing However, the miracle did not happen, the indicators of the real hash rate of Radeon RX 6800 / RX 6800 XT video cards in mining did not by much exceed the preliminary calculations of specialists based on the technical parameters of these GPU devices. By and large, the new version of Navi is an alternative to the 5700 or RTX 3070... But let's talk about everything in order and start with the appearance, new, already on sale AMD video cards. People Also Asked: Common Question RX 6800 vs RX 6800 XT Packaging and appearance of AMD Radeon RX 6800 There have been no dramatic changes in the packaging design and appearance of the next generation AMD graphics adapters. The AMD Radeon ™ RX 6800 graphics card is an almost 30 cm long triple GPU device that occupies 2 slots (while the 6800 XT is 2.5 in total). I must say that parallel to the increase in power, the sizes of video cards are also growing. Compared to the diminutive graphics cards of the early 2000s, today's gaming GPUs look like mastodons that won't fit into a standard case soon. However, for miners this is absolutely unimportant, the main thing is that the cooling system is as efficient as possible and always cope with the loads. But let's see what this miracle of technology can do. AMD Radeon RX 6800 specifications Comparison table for RX 6800: RX 5700 XT vs RTX 3080 vs GTX 2080 OptionsGPUs AMDNVIDIARX 6800 XTRX 6800RX 5700 XTRTX 3080GTX 2080Process technology, nm777812Video chipNavi21XTNavi21XLNavi 10GA102TU104Crystal area536536251628545Number of transistors, billion26,826,810,328,313,6Number of shrader units46083840256087042944ROP quantity6464649664Computing power FP32, TFLOPS20,7416,179,7529,7710,07Core base frequency, MHz14871372160515151440Overclocked core frequency, MHz22502105190517101710Video memory frequency, MHz20002000175011881750Video memory, GB16168108Video memory typeGDDR6GDDR6GDDR6GDDR6XGDDR6Bus bandwidth, bit256256256320256Power consumption, watt300250225320215 Testing at the stand, hash rate on different algorithms. On the thematic forums, they asked many questions like: "Is it really possible to get 150 Mh / s on the 6000 series from AMD on Ethash?" Judging by the "naked" teraflops, the computing power of the green flagship is much higher, while the RTX 3080 produces a maximum of 103 Mh / s. And so it happened. Theoretically, the RX 6800 could not overclock to 100 megahash, even considering the higher core and memory frequencies. If in mining everything depended on the ability of the graphics adapter to work stably at high frequencies, then the more stable overclocking cards with Samsung memory would be worth their weight in gold for miners. Yes, hashrate depends on memory and kernel overclocking parameters, but not to such an extent. Of course, you need to take into account that the new architecture significantly improves performance, and after all, mining, after all, is a banal search of cryptographic codes in search of a suitable option. But you can't argue with the facts, when the new cards were put on the mining of cryptocurrency, they showed what they really could show and nothing more. The forecast based on technical characteristics disappointed those who really hoped for 150 Mh / s, and bench tests confirmed it. Real hashrate table for RX 6800 and RX 6800 XT. Mining algorithmHashrate RX 5700 XTRX 6800RX 6800 XTEthash, Mh/s556064KawPow, Mh/s212834Cuckatoo31, H/s1,52,42,5Octopus, Mh/s28,64044,7Cuckaroo29b, H/s3,978,8 The data was taken from the thematic forum Miningclubinfo, as well as from the mining profitability calculators Minersat and WhatToMine... It turns out that on Ether they hardly surpassed their predecessors. However, it should be borne in mind that 5700 XT cards have already learned how to reflash, but no one has tried to modify the BIOS of the RX 6800 yet. Perhaps, over time, folk craftsmen will get to them. Theoretically, with the right timing, these video cards can be overclocked on Ethash up to 70, or even before 75 megahash, but no more. That is, from their competitors RTX 3080, the red video adapters of this series are still lagging behind. Nothing more serious than Radeon VII, the company under the leadership of Dr. Lisa Su never released Overclocking AMD Radeon RX 6800 Overclocking-AMD-Radeon-RX-6800. What can be said about the overclocking of new video cards. You need to set almost the same parameters as on the old 570/580, memory for 2100/2150 and core 1200/1250. These graphics adapters work stably on crypto mining in Windows, but with HiveOS according to the miners' reviews, there are still problems. Devices are detected and started, but failures frequently occur. So, if you buy this model, forget about Hive and bet ten. But with the Nicehash miner, AMD cards of the 60th line are quite compatible. How to reduce the power consumption of video cards The easiest way to reduce card consumption is to lower the Powerlimit. And you can also carry out undervolting, that is, lower the voltage of the graphics core by modifying the BIOS or setting the necessary parameters using specialized software. How-to-reduce-the-power-consumption-of-video-cards The first tests showed that a high Power limit gives nothing but an increase in power consumption. The power limit does not need to be raised much, the maximum +20 is not higher. Reduce voltage using the –cdvc –mcdvc options in the latest version Phoneixminer does not exceed. We need to wait for the developers to release a new release. Now the card consumes about 250 watts. Profitability, purchase relevance At the time of this review, the most profitable algorithm is Ethash. More precisely, the coin is a big Ether, since all other tokens of this algorithm, including Ether classic, are in the second ten of the rating of profitable crypto coins. Profitability, purchase relevance At a speed of 64 megahash video card RX 6800 XT will earn 0.0023 ETH per day, which as of April 24, 2021 is equal to 420 Russian rubles. From this amount, you still need to deduct electricity costs, according to your local tariff. Let's say the net income is 370 rubles per day or 11100 per month. At a price of 115,000 rubles, the card will pay off in 11/12 months. The term is quite acceptable, however, it can radically change both in one and the other direction. What conclusion can be drawn. While the market is in an uptrend, the RX 6800, despite the rather high cost, is very profitable. In purely technical terms, progress is evident, but nothing surprising, AMD could not offer it. Analogs from competitors and cards of previous series for miners are no worse. However, the potential of the new Navi GPU devices has not yet been fully revealed. AMD RX 6800 XT: Review, test (in games) and mining AMD RX 6800 XT Review, test (in games) and mining In this review, we will take a look at the 16 GB version of the AMD RX 6800 XT Reference video card. The card is equipped with 2x8 Pin connectors and consumes from 170 watts to 300 watts depending on overclocking, miner and algorithm. AMD RX 6800 XT: Specification | Hashrate SpecificationsAMD RX 6800 XT ReferenceVideo memoryGDDR6 16GBCPU frequencyFrequency: 2250 MHzEnergy consumptionFrom 170 watts to 300 wattsPower connectors2x8 PinNoise~ 44 dBDimensions (cm)27 cm x 12Official siteAMD Internal structure (characteristics) After several years of using the Graphics Core Next (GCN) architecture, AMD introduced the RDNA architecture in July 2019, with the RX 5700 and RX 5700 XT becoming the first cards to use this new technology and 7nm process technology. AMD is positioning the RX 6800 XT as the main competitor to the Nvidia RTX 3080 Average price of RX 6800 XT in Europe is ~ $ 649 ( NOT in Russia!). It turns out that the card will not sell much cheaper than its competitor, the RTX 3080 ($ 700). The RX 6800 XT is still TSMC's 7nm process, just like the RX 5000 series, the Navi 21 has a much larger 519mm² GPU. The RX 6800 XT contains 72 Compute Units (CU) with 64 stream processors for a total of 4608 shaders. The clock speed of the RX 6000 series graphics cards has increased significantly: - Game Clock - 2015 MHz - Boost Clock - 2250 MHz For comparison: Game Clock RX 5700 XT - 1755 MHz. AMD has also increased the memory capacity by installing 16GB of GDDR6 memory in each RX 6000 model (however, lower-end models are likely to get less memory). The memory is clocked at 16 Gbps and operates over a 256-bit memory interface with a total bandwidth of 512 GB / s. AMD has also implemented 128MB Infinity Cache on the Navi 21 GPU to dramatically increase effective memory bandwidth without excessive power consumption. In terms of power consumption, the RX 6800 XT has a rated total power (TBP) of 300W , which is 75W more than the RX 5700 XT. Equipment The AMD RX 6800 XT comes in a black box with the graphics card on the front and the "AMD" logo. The back of the package is almost completely blank except for a couple of labels. Inside, the card is packed as follows: Cooling system As we wrote earlier (in our review on the Rx 6800), AMD completely redesigned the cards in the new 6000 lineup! The casing of the card is made of aluminum with some protruding silver accents that add contrast to the black metal. It is certainly very important that AMD finally ditched the turbine -style design that it has been using for years. Now we have a card with 3 massive coolers (which we are used to seeing from vendors such as Asus, MSI, etc.) - 90 millimeters each . Air from the fans is pushed out of the side of the card. The main design difference between the RX 6800 and the RX 6800 XT is thickness. Both cards are the same size, but the 6800 XT is 2.5 slots thick and the 6800 is the standard design that takes up 2 slots! On the front side of the card there is a Radeon logo, which, when turned on, lights up with red LEDs - an RGB zone. This is another visual difference between the 6800 and 6800 XT - both RGB zones glow with red LEDs, but the logo lettering itself is silver on the 6800 XT and red on the 6800. The map itself is quite large. Its dimensions are 27 cm x 12 cm. Note that unlike Nvidia ( 3080 and 3090 ), AMD does not use the new power pins. The card has two standard 8-pin PCIe power connectors on the top edge of the card. AMD "Navi 21" uses an external USB 3.2 controller for the USB-C port supplied by Cypress Semiconductor under the number " CYPD5137-40LQXI ". This controller provides USB 3.2 Gen 2 data transfer at 10 Gbps. AMD Radeon RX 6000 series does not support SLI mode! As for the rear panel - the backplate, this model has it! It is almost entirely silver, which increases the length of the card. The backplate is made of metal and protects the card from damage during installation and use. Internal cooling system The copper plate is in contact with the GPU and memory, and the auxiliary aluminum plate conducts heat away from the VRM. Both fins are in contact with an aluminum heatsink, which is blown by three 90mm coolers . The card supports the function of stopping coolers when idle or at low power consumption. Detaching the radiator grill reveals a clean PCB. AMD uses a 12-phase VRM GPU that is powered by the expensive 16-phase Infineon XDPE132G5D VRM controller. The GPU voltage is set to a 12-phase VRM configuration. AMD uses DrMOS International Rectifier TDA21472 components on the Radeon RX 6800 XT, while the RX 6800 uses chips from Alpha & Omega Semiconductor. The memory voltage uses a three-phase circuit controlled by the International Rectifier IR35217 controller. The GDDR6 chips are manufactured by Samsung under the reference number " K4ZAF325BM-HC16 " and are designed to operate at 16 Gbps. Built on the same TSMC N7 (7 nm) as Navi 10, the Navi 21 GPU occupies a 519.8 mm² die area and contains 26.8 billion transistors. The pinkish red tint that we saw on Navi 10 has disappeared. Thermal images All thermal images were taken under maximum load for a general idea and understanding of the cooling system with a slight overclocked core and memory. By installing a thermal camera on top, we get the following indicators: The GPU temperature is kept at around 69 degrees - this is not a very good indicator! Memory at ~ 59 degrees. Unfortunately, unlike the RX 6800 , the RX 6800XT performs much worse in terms of the cooling system. Having installed the thermal camera on the side (from the cooler side), we get the following indicators: The GPU temperature is kept at ~ 69 degrees. Overall, the card looks very cold! Tests in MSI Afterburner show + - the same results, the GPU temperature is at around 71 (73) degrees: Unfortunately, AMD did not make a perfect cooling system for such a powerful card. Yes, 73 degrees is not fatal to the GPU, but not ideal either. Mining test AMD 6800 XT AMD 6800 XT is capable of delivering 59 Mh / s on the Ethash algorithm in stock, while consuming - 235 Watts! With a slight overclocking, the card based on the Ethash algorithm produces ~ 66 Mh / s, with a consumption of 230 watts. How much can you earn Knowing that this video card works well on the Ethash algorithm (Coin Ether ) and knowing its hash rate, you can calculate the payback of this video card, how much it will bring per day, month, year .https://cryptorival.com/widget/calcs/ethereum?calcButtonColor=f93&backButtonColor=f93&dailyColor=4e9f15&weeklyColor=09c&monthlyColor=f0ad4e&yearlyColor=d9534f&backColor=f5f5f5&addonColor=eee... For calculation in the column "Hashing Power" enter the hash rate of this video card, in our case it is 66 " Pool Fees " is the pool commission, you don't have to enter it if you don't know. Average commission for all pools is 1%. Further in the column " Power Usage " - it is necessary to enter the power consumption of the video card (farm). In our case, this is 230 . We enter this number into this column. " Power Cost " - the price for your electricity ("per socket"). Enter the value in cents. For example, we have electricity at an average of 3 rubles - that's $ 0.05. We enter this or another number of yours. That's all! Click on the " Calculate " button and find out how much from 1 video card you will receive per day, week, month, year! Tests in games AMD 6800 XT VS 3080 Nvidia Further in the video, you can see what the AMD 6800 XT graphics card is capable of in games (FPS in the latest gaming innovations), compared to its 3080 competitor from Nvidia . Memory and power consumption The video card is equipped with 16 gigabytes of GDDR6. Supplied from Samsung. Memory marking - " K4ZAF325BM-HC16 ". The consumption of the card is from 170 to 300 watts, depending on the miner and overclocking. The card is equipped with 2x8 Pin power connectors. For a farm with 6 AMD 6800 XT video cards and a connected power system (motherboard, SSD, processor), you will need 2 power supplies of 1000 watts each! Outputs The I / O for the AMD 6800 XT graphics card is as follows: - 2x DisplayPort 1.4 - 1x HDMI 2.1 - 1x USB type-C Note that most of the I / O bracket is not vented. Output AMD 6800 XT Reference is not a bad card, with an excellent build and average cooling system. AMD has really gone a long way in the design and power of the card. Despite the fact that the RX 6800 copes well with loads, the same cannot be said about the older brother XT. The Bytwork team recommends AMD 6800 XT reference for purchase. However, if + - at the same price you find cards from vendors, then we advise you to consider them at the beginning, since they are most likely to be better suited to the cooling system for a card of the XT version.Hashrate :66 Mh / s EthashConsumption :300GPU temperature :74 °BPM temperature :68 °Memory temperature :59 ° AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT video card: hashrate - performance in mining other cryptocurrencies AMD Sapphire RX 6800 XT is a representative of AMD's RX 6000 family of video cards, which belongs to the category of professional devices of this series. In terms of performance and cost, it is second only to the flagship RX 6900 XT. The manufacturer announced the price of the new item was $ 649. The RX 6800 XT was launched on November 18, 2020. However, due to insufficient production volumes, the video card was sold out on the same day, which led to a noticeable shortage of the model. With this in mind, the device was sold on some trading platforms with a mark-up of up to 100 percent. The miners are especially interested in how many megahashes 6800 XT gives out on the air, since this is one of the fairly profitable cryptocurrencies for mining at the moment. In the article, we will consider the parameters and characteristics of the card, what is the hashrate of the 6800XT in mining, namely how many hashes it produces on the air and what is the card's performance on other algorithms.  AMD RX 6800 XT 16gb: hashrate and main characteristics of the card in mining What is the difference between 6800XT, how many megahashes does it give out? For this, it is worth taking a closer look at the characteristics of the card. The video card has 72 computing units, GDDR6 memory up to 16 GB and a maximum frequency of 2250 MHz. According to users, the performance of the RX 6800 XT outperforms the Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 by an average of 10 percent. All this is enough for mining cryptocurrencies on any suitable algorithms. Like other top AMD GPUs, the RX 6800 XT delivers top-of-the-line mining performance for Ethereum, Ravencoin and Beam. These cryptocurrencies bring the maximum profit at current rates. The card is equipped with 2x8 Pin connectors and consumes from 170 watts to 300 watts depending on overclocking, miner and algorithm. Graphics card specifications: - Memory - 16GB GDDR6 Generation 256-bit - Core frequency - up to 2360 MHz (in boost) - Consumption - 300W (nominal) - Technical process - 7nm - Noise level - from 40 dB Of course, everyone is interested in the hashrate of the 6800 XT video card on air. So how many megahashes does the 6800 XT (6900XT hashrate) give? The card is capable of delivering 59 Mh / s on the Ethash algorithm in stock, while consumed - 235 Watts! When overclocked, the RX6800XT has a hash rate up to 64 MH / s. Read the full article
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narcisbolgor-blog · 7 years
Facebooks Algorithm Hijacked This $8 Billion Company to Sell Cat Blindfolds
Over the past few months, Wish ads have dominated Facebook by hawking bizarre items like hamster leashes, giant human-sized balls of yarn, toenail extenders, mysterious car goo, and a myriad of other strange things for extremely low prices.
Thousands of these ads are displayed daily, not only on Facebook itself, but in a plethora of other apps that pull in Facebook ad inventory.
Wish ads are so unusual that theyve developed a cult following. For Wish ad connoisseurs, guessing what the products actually do has become a competitive game and a Twitter account called @WeirdWishAds documents some of the most surreal items.
Wish is an $8 billion e-commerce company similar to Amazon or Alibaba that hopes to become the next Walmart. Its competitive advantage is it offers much lower prices than its competitors by shipping direct from Chinese manufacturers. The only downside is that most items take around 14 days to arrive.
Many people have assumed that Wishs insane ads must be some type of viral marketing stunt.
edens got a conspiracy theory that the Wish app advertises weird shit so ppl will share the screenshot and alert people to Wish nd u know what i think shes right, one user tweeted in November.
But to those businesses who rely on Facebook ad inventory, Wish ads are no laughing matter.
Matt Raoul, CEO of the app Timehop, an app for viewing old photos and memories, said that his users began reporting the ads for offensive content sometime in November of this year.
Timehop is a very family friendly app, Raoul said. We have controls we set on the ads we display saying, no alcohol, no adult content, et cetera. But then we started seeing reports for these ads from this company called Wish and the ads were crazy! We couldnt believe it.
Some of Wishs more problematic ads promote products such as a penis sleeve extender, triple dildo strap-on underwear, a dog collar with a leash for women, an anall speculum, and a sweatshirt featuring the word cocaine and giant bags of the drug.
It was really embarrassing for us, Raoul said. We spend so much time worrying about what ads were showing our users and we do so much to limit them, but somehow these crazy ads got through to our users. We dont want to say no ads from Wish. Its just these particularly weird products we want to stop showing up.
But why would a seemingly straightforward e-commerce company promote such creepy and strange products? Like most things on the internet, it all boils down to the Facebook algorithm.
In February 2015 Facebook launched a new type of ad product. Unlike previous static ads, where the advertiser would have to hand select images that would be shown to users, the social networks new dynamic ads allowed companies to simply upload their entire product catalog to the platform. From there, Facebooks algorithm would choose which product to show which consumer.
Youve probably already noticed these new types of ads in your feed. The carousels are popular with big retailers like Macys and Wayfair that want to show off many products at once.
The theory goes that Facebook, with its massive mine of user data, could far more effectively target products to consumers in real time and save companies time by not forcing them to upload each image separately as a new ad. Since its launch, Facebook has used this ad format to help businesses showcase products like hotel rooms, flight options, real estate listings, cars, and more.
Wish has long been a large and dedicated advertiser on Facebook, quickly embracing new ad formats as fast as Facebook can release them.
Facebooks ad team has been blown away by how much more sophisticated Wish is as an advertiser than literally any other company, according to multiple sources, Jason Del Rey wrote in ReCode.
In 2015 alone, Wish spent around $100 million on Facebook ads and was the No. 1 advertiser on both Facebook and Instagram during the 2015 holiday season, according to app data startup Sensor Tower.
So when Wish decided to adopt Facebooks new dynamic ads this year, the company, unsurprisingly, went all in.
While Wishs competitors like Amazon or Alibaba might balk at handing massive amounts of datalet alone its full product catalogto Facebook, thats exactly what Wish did.
Wish currently has over 170 million unique products for sale, with over 9 million new products uploaded every week. When it made the transition to dynamic Facebook ads it gave Facebook access to every last one of them.
Theoretically, Facebook should have plucked out shoes on Wish and served them to shoe lovers, or pushed perfume on perfume lovers. But since Wishs catalog is so massive and Facebooks audience is so broad, some strange products bubbled their way to the surface.
Unlike the shoe or perfume ads, curious users actually clicked Wishs ads for things like plastic nostril holders or profane cuff links. According to Wish, Facebook registered this click as a positive metric and, in turn, showed the bizarre ads to more users, who were shocked, clicked and, in rare cases, actually bought them.
It was only a matter of months before things spiralled out of control. By late November, Wish had become the leading purveyor of advertising clickbait.
Its funny, Peter Szulczewski, CEO and founder of Wish, said about the ads, but its actually suboptimal for us.
If youre optimizing for clicks, people will click on these items, but its a curiosity-driven click, he said. People are just clicking on things because theyre crazy. No consumers are actually purchasing these products.
He said that he personally reviews Wishs top-selling items every day and hes never seen any of the strange products advertised on Facebook breach that group.
No one is going to buy a plastic tongue thing, he said.
Its a consequence of Facebooks ad system. Its basically rewarding high shock value items that people will click on. If we just show a garden hose or jacket, the CTR wouldnt be as high, he added.
Facebook doesnt particularly want to show these strange items either though, because ultimately they arent driving sales and some items even violate the companys guidelines.
Joe Osborne, a Facebook spokesperson said, We review ads before they appear on Facebook to ensure they adhere to our policies. Upon further review we realized that some of the ads presented did not, so weve removed them.
Thankfully for Facebook, this issue hadnt arisen previously, because most businesses that use dynamic ads offer pretty mainstream products. Even the oddest coffee table on Wayfair is unlikely to shock a user into clicking.
Szulczewski said Wish is in the process of creating a more restricted product list to serve specifically to Facebook. Hes also been reassured by his conversations with Facebook ad executives, who he says are working on a solution to the Weird Tongue Thing problem.
Normally, when Wish chooses to serve ads for specific products, Szulczewski said, the company takes into account over a dozen metrics, including buy rate, refund rate, reviews, ratings, and more. Facebooks algorithm is simply emphasising clicks far too much.
Szulczewski said that he communicated this to Facebook and the company assured him that it is in the process of de-ranking clicks as a metric when it comes to the companys dynamic ads.
Wish ads, however, are simply the latest battlefield in Facebooks broader war against clickbait. The company has publicly struggled for years to tamp down on clickbaity editorial content in News Feed. Without restrictions, ads on the platform could eventually devolve into the type of internet chum that has clogged the broader web for years.
Because Szulczewski still does a lot of business through Facebook and credits the platform with facilitating a portion of Wishs growth, he stressed that he has no plans to abandon the worlds most visited social network, or dynamic ads, any time soon.
He also feels that, from a branding perspective, the damage done from the Weird Tongue Things will be reversible over time.
Were going to start showing things people are actually buying and people will see, he said.
Weve been around 5 years, we sell 3 million items a day, and very few of those are weird severed tongue devices or cat blinders.
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Facebooks Algorithm Hijacked This $8 Billion Company to Sell Cat Blindfolds was originally posted by 11 VA Viral News
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An article analyzes the benefits of blockchain video games for gamers and developers
At present, there are many doubts concerning the implementation of blockchain. In the end, besides cryptocurrency, is there some other scenarios for the execution of blockchain? It really is normal to have such issues. In cases like this, the potential of the blockchain will be revealed over time. This short article describes the chance for blockchain to land in the game scenario. It described the benefits of blockchain for gamers and programmers. For gamers, blockchain provides unprecedented experience: possession of game items, fair play, cross-game asset exchange, earning mode, etc. For developers, there are benefits when it comes to differentiation, new income models, cost decrease, and the forming of a stronger player community. Needless to say, blockchain games are not a day's work and require era after era of experimentation and accumulation. Primary title: "Blockchain Game: Where is the Chance? "(Blockchain Gaming Part I: The opportunity)
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In addition to the attributes of value storage and medium of exchange, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology also contain many subtle applications. This emerging technology combined with value products can exchange information and information between individuals while broadcasting these ideals ??to a larger network. Cryptocurrencies have a good ever-increasing usage rate, and they are experimenting in various industries and niche marketplaces. In these experiments, we are able to see that there is a powerful push that has been working to integrate blockchain and encryption technology into online games. Because the crypto field continues to mature and develop, so does the blockchain video gaming niche market. The current condition of the market represents your competition between companies and crypto start-ups. See who's the first ever to make and share the infrastructure of tomorrow's game environment, and thus make a large number of blockchain games. However, in order to ignite the spark that sparked video game innovation, the builders and programmers of blockchain video games must overcome the failures of their predecessors and also solve the issues of cost, rate, and scalability. Industry Overview Inside 2018, the global video game industry generated $134.9 billion worth of business. With solid annual development, this number is expected to continue to develop at an extraordinary rate. It is also one of the most popular industries on the planet, with an increase of than 2.5 billion gamers worldwide, this number represents one third of the world's people, and everyone is playing games.
Source: Newzoo Despite this amount of growth, you may still find quite a few shortcomings in the video game industry. These shortcomings create consumers and programmers dissatisfied. The current development of video games has shifted the experience from Triple A masterpieces to "freemium" pay-to-win mobile games. The objective of these mobile games is to make gamers as addictive as possible, and consume gamers desperately to create more money, not for more pleasurable games. With the growth of the mobile game marketplace, the development of PC and console games in addition has retreated to a certain extent. The game industry in addition has begun to gradually accept the advertising and sales of unfinished and incomplete video games, with core parts showing up as downloadable extra paid content. Or, programmers make income from unfinished "earlier available" video games, and abandon the project in search of another payday. (Notice from Blue Fox: This implies to abandon the project soon and look for the next opportunity to earn money.) Unfortunately, the video game field is full of poor content and is keen on marketing rather than product high quality. Indie developers desire to bring their dream video game to fruition, but understand this short-expression consequence. According to some estimates, the average expected annual revenue of independent programmers is almost significantly less than $10,000. This is far below the minimum amount wage anywhere in the United States. At the same time, video game developers are increasingly concentrating on the biggest forces in the industry. In 2018, seven of the top ten video games with the highest revenue on the planet were owned or partly owned by giants. Therefore, from a broad perspective, today's video games seem to be dominated by several Triple The companies, that have launched significantly expensive and unsatisfying video games for billions of gamers worldwide. Small programmers and independent programmers are susceptible to their business counterparts, and their work rarely pays off. In essence, no-one has fun. Opportunities for blockchain. Fortunately, blockchain offers a solution to the plight of the worldwide gaming industry. Game foreign currency, props, avatars, video game inputs, and also the complete game could be pass on and guaranteed through the blockchain. The correct integration of blockchain into online games implies that players can connect to each other and gamers can play video games within an unprecedented method. It also implies that programmers can formulate brand-new game types by emphasizing the initial game elements of the blockchain. Benefits for gamers To begin with, blockchain games are usually exciting since it can empower gamers and enhance their experience. Through blockchain video games, players can benefit from the using main advantages: 1. Ownership of game items All props and elements in the game could be chained. Whether it's scarce assets in the game, uncommon props, or coveted loot, along with figures and avatars, any entity in the game environment can exist being an encrypted asset. Generally speaking, that is manifested simply because homogenous tokens (in the form of game tokens) or non-homogeneous tokens (in the form of props and avatars) on the prevailing blockchain network. The primary component of the blockchain is to provide users with possession of its value. When game elements are usually on the chain, they can directly connect to players. Once the avatar and account are linked to the player's wallet, the ball player can deliver the collected loot and accumulated foreign currency to their wallet, that they have gained in the game. In such a system, gamers can harvest what they sowed. Their uncommon swords, gold, armor, and different some other props will constantly belong to the ball player. Developers have no right to take back anything the ball player has gained, even if the game is closed, these items still participate in the gamer. They can send out props, etc. to some other wallets and market them to other people to get real profits. Gamers' ownership of their items allows them to take tangible fruits from their initiatives and success. 2. Provably fair gameplay. Wrong gameplay is bad. When gamers cheat their opponents, or the game does not operate in the way people expect, this experience is very bad for every gamer. Blockchain video games can achieve "provably fair gameplay." Once the video game will be on the chain, the game logic and gameplay elements may also be shared. The consensus system to ensure the safety of the blockchain system furthermore ensures the safety of the game. For gamers, this means a couple of things. One is that crooks or other people who tries to invade the ball player cannot be successful. If their activities conflict with the logic of the game, their activities will be rejected; second, the game is transparent. For instance, if a container in the game has a 10% probability of dropping a uncommon item, the ball player can be sure that it has a 10% probability. If the ball player does not believe it, they can view the game logic, that is submitted on the chain. 3. Play-to-Earn video games Pay-to-Win (compensated) video games have been plagued by the experience of billions of gamers worldwide. (Note from Blue Fox: Pay-to-Win mode refers to the mode that you can win by spending money. Whoever spends more is the boss in the game. Play-to-Earn mode refers to those people who are playing video games You can even earn money in the process.) For gamers, the success of performing such a game depends on who has additional money within their pockets, not who has the highest skills. Blockchain games shift the Pay-to-Win video game mode to the Play-to-Earn mode. As stated above, blockchain video game players have possession of their props and virtual assets. This also includes marketing their props to others on the open up market. Blockchain video games reward players in the form of encrypted possessions, which can be associated with real-world value. In the freemium model of Pay-to-Win, the highest ranked player may need to invest thousands of dollars in the game. In the Play-to-Earn mode, the highest ranked gamer may win thousands of dollars in the game. (Blue Fox Notice: The Play-to-Earn model means that it is possible to obtain game items through the abilities of playing games, and you may get real income through sales. Users who play well and rank high not merely do not spend cash, but also earn money.) 4. Cross-game communication What will gamers do when they stop playing their favorite video games? Either they stop, or the game disappears. That is, either the community results in or the programmers no longer operate. Sadly, there isn't much they can do other than find the next video game and start from scratch. The game exists in a suspended independent universe. So far as the existing industry is concerned, there is absolutely no continuity between various video games. With blockchain, all this changes. When video games and game possessions can be found on the blockchain, they can communicate with any other environment on the same blockchain. If the developer makes a sequel to the game, then your props from the prior game could be brought to the second game. Avatars can be used in multiple video games. Tasks or events can be carried out across games. Moreover, players may do not have to begin all over again. Ideally, the ball player has a single common avatar which you can use in different video games with the ball player. Players' virtual foreign currency and props can be used across video games. "KittyVerse" represents the collaboration of dozens of Ethereum dApps, among which can be used in each one of these dApps.
Benefits for programmers Though it is important to boost the experience of game gamers, additionally it is necessary to understand the benefits to programmers after the blockchain is integrated into the game. In the end, when there is only work and no rewards, programmers will not be inspired. For programmers, there are also a number of benefits. 1. Emerging markets For every large independent video game, behind its achievement are dozens, 100s or a large number of unsuccessful video games. For independent programmers or studios, the biggest obstacle to overcome is the capability to win the eye of the majority of players. Just in this manner can they will have the chance to attract users and create a community because of this. Many traditional video game studios' experiments in blockchain game projects have confirmed this hypothesis, that is, it has a breakthrough blockchain video game, and there will be a constant competition to become a breaker. The first major blockchain video game can get the eye of a lot of game users, and the pioneers will have good returns. 2. Cost decrease The payment rate in the game development industry is low, and related costs may be higher than revenue. If there is no good revenue design, even though the game has a certain user bottom, expenditures such as video game publishing, server maintenance, and player providers could be an unbearable burden for programmers. By building video games on the blockchain, each one of these costs could be outsourced to miners or validators. Online game publishing and dissemination might be a zero-cost thing. 3. New forms of games will be the exact same as mentioned above, especially independent programmers and studios, who have been looking for ways to differentiate. Blockchain video games have exclusive attributes, which can be used to create new unprecedented video game types. There are already examples of the "Play-to-Earn" mode, and its gameplay emphasizes the idea that players can make real-world income. Several existing projects may also be boasting concerning the chance for rebuilding the OASIS world from Ready Gamer One (New York Times bestseller and subsequent Hollywood movie). 4. Create value. Recently, many video games have revolved around "freemium" and "Pay-to-Win" versions to absorb the value of gamers. These versions emphasize addiction and consumption, rather than game fun. Several developers have good factors to oppose this revenue design. With blockchain, programmers can have more suggestions to make income. Blockchain video games allow programmers to create actual, transferable, and intrinsically valuable encrypted possessions. This not merely provides gamers with profit possibilities, but also provides programmers with a less intrusive profit system. A certain percentage of revenue distribution could be arranged between programmers and gamers. This design is better than harvesting player money. select. 5. Enhancing the ball player bottom. Existing gamers and future gamers in blockchain video games are usually both fascinating subsets of the consumer group. These gamers have an enthusiastic fascination with their gameplay and get more attention through game income. Blockchain video games connect programmers and the "super player" local community, and have more assets and expense in games. Compared with traditional video game opponents, both celebrations can create a more positive, efficient and beneficial partnership.
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amit4002020 · 4 years
What is the Block chain Developer Salary in India?
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The block chain era is here and now. Companies from different industries are familiar with the concept of decentralized general ledger. There is a worldwide wave of block chain adoption by companies and businesses to solve basic business problems. In fact, the advent of block chain technology is happening so quickly that Gartner predicts that the commercial value of block chain technology will exceed $ 3 trillion by 2030.
 According to a 2018 PwC survey of 600 executives from 15 different regions, almost 84% of respondents said they used block chain in one way or another. India is also catching up with the upward trend in block chain adoption. Given the growing interest of state and private companies in block chain, the labor market in this area is currently booming.
 Demand of Block chain Developers in India
 As an emerging technology that has only recently gained a foothold in the past few years, block chain talent is hard to find. Block chain is one of the fastest growing skills today. Jobs in this area are increasing by an astonishing 2000 to 6000% and salaries for block chain developers by 50 to 100%. Higher than traditional developer jobs. Although there are many vacancies in block chain, the talent pool in this area is limited. The demand for block chain technologies, especially block chain developers in India, is generated not only by the BFSI sector, but also by healthcare, education, supply chain management and IT cloud, stock trading, real estate and even government agencies.
The most sought-after block chain capabilities are hyper ledger, Solidity, Ripple and Ethereal. However, since this area is relatively new, companies are often content with professionals with specific skills. For example, block chain developers must have basic knowledge of mathematics and algorithms. You should be familiar with C, C ++, Java and Python as most block chain projects are written in these languages.
 In addition, block chain developers need to know at least some of the tools required for block chain development, such as Geth, Remix, Mist, Solium, Parity, BaaS and Truffle, to name a few. They should also have experience working on open source projects. Usually, most companies hire block chain developers with at least a bachelor's degree in math or computer science.
 Overall, a block chain developer must have solid technical training and always be curious to learn new technologies.
 Read More: Why Corporate Training is important for Business
 Average Salaries of Block chain Developer in India
 Due to the lack of talent and skills in this area, employers are always willing to pay blockchain professionals a high salary if they are worth it. In fact, a blockchain technician's salary is much higher than that of an average IT professional. If you have the right blockchain skills, you can double or even triple a software developer's salary in a year.
As more and more Indian companies and organizations join the blockchain train, the average annual salary of a blockchain developer in India has a wide range. Typically, a blockchain developer's salary in India is somewhere between Rs. 5,00,000-30,00,000 LPA. As can be seen, the higher your experience and skills, the higher your annual remuneration. The salary package also depends on whether a candidate has advanced certifications or not (job level, mid level, senior level).
 In addition, blockchain job wages are very dynamic. For example, if a professional has three years of blockchain experience, the annual remuneration can reach Rs 45,000,000 or more. This is more than twice as much as a professional with five years of work experience (but no experience in blockchain technology).
  High-level salaries for technological positions (without blockchain expertise) ranged from 1.5 to 2.5 billion rupees in 2018. As the need for security in various sectors, particularly in the United States, has increased significantly BFSI sector, companies are ready to pay more than Rs. 4 crores for high-level security experts and blockchain technicians.
 There is a significant gap in the demand and supply of blockchain professionals in India. Of the 2 million software developers in India, only 5,000 have blockchain knowledge. Public sector banks currently dominate the game and, with around 4,000 specialists in this area (2018), represent the highest demand for blockchain developers compared to 2,300 experts in 2017. This corresponds to an increase of 75% in demand from blockchain specialists. According to TeamLease research, there are around 2,000 blockchain experts in the NBFCs and 2,400 in public sector companies.
 However, since blockchain skills are primarily developed and promoted internally by employers, we hope that there will be more talented blockchain professionals in the near future.
NearLearn provides the best Blockchain online Training in India. It provides both classroom and online training to students. It provides other courses also like machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science, Reactjs, React-native, full-stack development etc.
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