#since yesterday because my ovary might have some cyst going on and it's painful like shit but my lab it's going to be ready next monday
quemirabobo · 1 month
I just realized that I've been putting too much on my plate lately and instead of getting some of that shit done all I end up with is feeling sick every week and things keep accumulating and I stress myself ten times more and I end up doing nothing, reading something to distract myself of the fucking titanic quest I put my ass on
#i want to graduate so fucking much but i need to take so many finals for that and i need a good job because i can't afford my almost 200k#meds without a good medical insurance and i need to take as many finals i can while i have this more chill job but I'm taking 2 classes that#just require time but i also have to deal with it's deadlines and i have 2 investigation projects going on and i want to make a paper with#my friend and it would fit so perfectly with the Complutense meeting we want to be part of but it's deadline is the day after my final so i#have to give it a shape before that so our professor can gave it a look and tell us if it's ok BUT I'm feeling like shit and I'm on bed s#since yesterday because my ovary might have some cyst going on and it's painful like shit but my lab it's going to be ready next monday#so i have to wait until then and i need to call my insurance to talk about money because the only gynecologist who treat me like a human#doesn't work with my insurance anymore so i have to pay for her but i want to know how much they'll cover and then i have to make an#appointment with her AND I also feel tired and have slight fever that comes and goes and i might have some autoimmune shit going on too#and those lab are ready for the 16 and I've been calling all afternoon to make another tests but no one does it and i should be studying and#reading for the paper#and my room looks like a storm broke in and i need to clean it so i can use my fucking desk to study‚ read and search for fucking jobs#I'm at my fucking limit#not to mention how i go onboard of any project or volunteer work i come across#chronicles of Yu's life
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kaleidescope-writes · 4 years
Faithfully Yours–Chapter 3: It Couple
In partnership with @accio-boys
Billionaire!Tom Hiddleston x Doctor!Reader
Slow Burn! (Yay)
Warnings: Some Hecking Swearing, Dress.⬇⬇⬇, Tom himself should be a warning. Cliff hangers are forevermore a permanent warning.
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“Come here sweetie.” his sultry accented voice asked. You walked over to him, a smile gracing your lips as you let him wrap an arm around your waist facing him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, looking up at those steel-blue eyes of his. Tom smiled down at you, winking as he pulled you just a little closer. 
~~~~~ 48 Hours Earlier~~~~~
“So what do you want to talk about?” 
He didn’t turn to face you. He just kept looking down at the city below. “It’s a lovely night. The streets are busy as always, but at least the city lights are still as beautiful,” Tom admired. You rolled your eyes in frustration, “What the hell do you want, Hiddleston? I’m a very busy woman and if you continue to waste my time I’ll walk away.” He sighed at your threats, finally turning to face you. “You have to leave the city,” he said plainly. You looked at him “What?!” He took a step closer to you, quickly stopping when he noticed your glare. “If you leave the city, the marriage arrangement we were so forcibly put into by our families will be canceled. There can’t be a wedding with one of the participants missing,” he explained simply. 
You pondered for a moment before shaking your head, “As tempting as that is, it would never work. I have a job to do--that I’m sure is much more important than yours. And even if that wasn’t a factor, you don’t know my family. They will go to the ends of hell to find me if I leave.” Tom groaned, opening his arms and shrugging his shoulders. “Then what exactly do you suggest?” he asked sharply. “Why don’t you leave?” you questioned. Tom looked away, hands on his hips, “Let’s just say my family has connections everywhere. I’d be found before I even reached a desired destination.” 
Groaning, let your head fall upon your shoulders. This was actual hell. “So what do you suggest we do?” He asked, trying to find an alternative. You thought for a moment, reviewing the conditions of said marriage. You couldn’t run, hide, or call it off yourself. The marriage was inevitable. But no one said it had to last. Your eyes widened, realization hitting you hard. “What if we go through with this for the time being?” you breathed out, making Tom look at you in both horror and strange intrigue. “The arrangement is that we have to get married,” you explained, “Nothing about it says it has to last long. We could fake a big fight that leads to a divorce.” Tom nodded cautiously, mentally working out the plan in his head before speaking up. “That could work,” he silently agreed, taking a step towards you. “But there is one you have to do for me,” you mentioned, crossing your arms as you took a determined stance. Tom rolled his eyes, walking closer to you until he was a few feet away. “What? Fund a charity for you at the hospital? Perhaps be a sponsor to your research?” he asked in an annoyed tone. You laughed, “Maybe some other time,” you snarked, “But for now…” You looked from him to the floor, then back.
“Kneel,” you smirked, watching as his face contorted to confusion. “What for?” he asked almost in a whisper. You took a step forward, challenging him slightly, “If we’re going to do this, I need a proper proposal. So, get down on one knee, pretty boy, and ask away.” Tom groaned, rolling his head as he began to descend onto his knee. He looked up to meet your eyes, dread filling his. Your smile widened, giggling as you looked down upon him, “You look so pathetic from this angle, Tom. It suits you.” Tom glared at you, raising his left hand as if he had a box in it. “Will you... marry... me?” he hissed. You gave him an innocent look, pretending to think for a moment before saying, “Fine. Let’s do it.”
"I had this teen girl in emergency earlier. She came in because she felt pain near her appendix. Turns out, she had a tiny cyst in her ovaries. Completely curable," Luke commented, taking another chip from the bag and taking a bite. You leaned into the wall, disregarding the pad in your hand as you listened to today's chosen topic of conversation; false alarms. 
 "There was a woman that came in earlier. She said she had been having a migraine since yesterday and it got worse today. We did a CT, but nothing showed up. Her blood test results came back with a high hormone count. It was a side effect from entering menopause," Lucille followed up, leaning right beside you. Isabel sighed, "I can't even count how many pregnancy scares I had today alone. Seriously, some tests aren't accurate at all." You looked up to meet her eyes, "Wait, you were working the clinic today?" She shrugged, slouching into the wall a little more. "I wanted an easy day. Besides, Juniper's training the interns today, so all my cases were handed over to her and Ashby," Isabel said simply. You nodded, looking down to check the time on the pad. "What about you, miss boss doc? Any false alarms today?" Luke asked, finishing his chips and tossing the bag into the bin in the hallway. You would invite them into your office, but you always reserved it for business, not social interactions. That, and you liked being in that hallway. It reminded you of when you were still an intern, dreaming of being the chief of Cardiology and a member of the board. Simpler times.
"Nope. I handle surgeries mostly. In surgeries, it's never a false alarm. There's always prior testing to make sure something is really wrong with the heart," you stated, looking back up to your friends. Lucille smirked and you could practically see the horns growing on her head. "Speaking of which," she started, "How goes it with your messed up heart that won't accept Mr. Heartthrob Hiddleston?" You rolled your eyes, groaning silently as you stood up. "Nothing is wrong with my heart. I just had a first and only impression of him being an absolute asshat and I didn't want to marry him," you explained simply, putting your hands in your pockets. "I'd still marry him," Isabel shrugged, taking a sip of her coffee. Luke nodded softly, looking down at his feet. He perked up suddenly, something striking his attention. "You said 'didn't' as in past tense. Did something happen?" He asked you, almost concerned. You looked up at him, feeling slightly uneasy, but you knew this was going to happen eventually. "About that," you began before getting cut off by someone behind you clearing their throat. 
"I was told I might find you here," a familiar voice said. You turned around, only to see the asshole--or rather, your fiance-- you were talking about. "Tom," you greeted in a false voice, "Why are you here?" He addressed your friends with a smile before saying, "It appears I'm here to take you out of work early." Luke gave him a confused look, "Why would you do that? I thought you didn't like her." Tom's smile widened slightly, causing a feeling of dread fill your stomach along with a strong desire to punch him in the gut… or lower. 
"She didn't tell you?" He asked, turning you around to face them and wrapping an arm around your waist. "She said yes. We're officially engaged," he spoke in such a happy tone, you'd think it was genuine happiness. The group looked at you in awe, completely baffled by his declaration. You laughed dryly, removing his arm and snapping them out of their daze. "Can you excuse us a moment, I have to have a chat with this as….. my fiance," you almost cringed at the word. Realizing they weren't going to move anytime soon, you grabbed Tom's arm and led him to your office. Opening the door, you let him in before turning to Luke. "I meant to tell you, honestly. He beat me to it," you said in a hushed tone. Luke just nodded slowly before turning around and walking away. You took in a deep breath, exhaling softly before walking in yourself and closing the door.
"Your friends are lovely," Tom smiled, already sitting in your chair. "What is it now?" You asked bitterly. He leaned back, putting the bag you just became aware of on the desk. "Actually, we were invited to a dinner party in celebration of our engagement. It starts in about half an hour and the house is ten minutes away," he explained. You gave him a glare, "Thirty minutes? That doesn't give me enough time to change! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" "I was busy earlier," he rebutted, "And I know it's not enough time, that's why I bought you this." He pushes the bag to you. You eye it for a moment before going to look inside. There was black fabric--possibly a dress-- and a pair of shoes. "I had to ask your mother for your size. You should have enough time to change now," he said dismissively. 
You lifted the dress to inspect it, unfolding it carefully. Once you saw how revealing it would be, you gave him an indignant glare. "Are you fucking serious?" You asked, staring him down to get an answer. Tom, once again, shrugged, "I thought it would be your style. Apparently, I was wrong." You scoffed, putting it back in the, "I'm not wearing that." He sighed, "Going in your scrubs isn't an option and I doubt you have clothes appropriate for this kind of event in your emergency drawers. You don't have a choice." 
"When it comes to you, I never have a choice," you rebuked, taking the bag and walking into the bathroom. Once he heard the door lock, Tom turned to the door and shouted. "I hope you come out of there ready to be a good fiance!"
You smiled at the guest currently congratulating you, slightly leaning back into Tom’s chest as he wrapped an arm around your waist. “It’s astonishing how quickly you both changed your minds about the union!” another family friend started, “Neither of you wanted to go through with this a few days ago. What changed?” You laughed slightly before responding, “We just needed to spend some time together. I was quick to judge him before I actually got to know him, but now that I do, it’s like I can’t stay away.” Tom laughed behind you, saying his own words of confirmation. 
 “Excuse me, everyone,” your mother called out to the guests, tapping a glass with a metal utensil, “If I could have just a moment of your time, I would like to propose a toast to the newly engaged couple.” You and Tom turned your attention to her, a soft feeling of dread spreading slowly in your abdomen. A feeling you chose to ignore for the sake of the act. “My dearest daughter,” she began, looking at you in the eye, “My sweet, girl. I watched you grow up and become the woman I hoped you’d become. You work so hard at the hospital, always putting other people’s needs before yours. Fixing the hearts of others and disregarding your own. Your marriage to Tom, I hope, will allow you to finally regard your own heart and find the love you deserve.” You smiled despite the voice in the back of your head screaming at everything she said. 
You looked up at Tom, who was already looking down at you with a bright smile. His arm tightened ever so slightly around your waist. “Tom,” she continued, “I trust you’ll care for my daughter. I trust you’ll be good and treat my little girl like a real man should. Pardon the rhyme. I know that you are meant for her as much as she is meant for you. My only wish is that your marriage is everlasting and blesses both of you with children of your own. Children that will grow up to be the perfect mix of both of you.” You had to fight to keep the smile on your face as you looked back to her. Did she really have to talk about this now? In front of everyone? “Your union will be filled with love and hope for the future,” she admired, “And what better way to start than with a loving kiss to show everyone how faithful you’ll be to each other.” 
Every part of you was against it. Why the hell would she do this to you? Wasn’t it enough that she arranged for you to marry a complete stranger? How could she be this selfish?
“Well, darling?” Tom asked, looking at you with something akin to affection. Truthfully, if you weren’t aware of the situation, you’d think it was sincere. “Shall we?” The words felt sour to hear, but you had to suppress your true feelings just a little longer. You’ll take it out on him later. Feigning yet another smile, you nodded and leaned into him slightly. He leaned in as well, closing the distance between the two of you as you closed your eyes and waited for the inevitable. 
Tom’s lips were surprisingly soft. You barely reacted to the kiss, surprised at how much feeling he put into it. How was it possible that he could put so much false emotion into a kiss he’s sharing with you? Tom pulled away slowly, opening his eyes as you found yourself involuntarily leaning towards him unhappy with his absence. You opened your eyes as well, looking deeply into his own as you tried to find anything that suggested all of it was an act. Before you could find one, however, you suddenly became aware of the cheers resonating in the room around you. You looked around the room, scanning over the smiling faces of the cheering guests. Your eyes stopped on one of them; the face of your brother. His expression was one of concern mixed with skepticism. You knew that look. It’s the same one he gave you when he knew you were lying. 
“Well now, their first kiss is over with,” Genevieve spoke over their happy cheers, “So I suppose it’s time for the happy couple to reach another benchmark of sharing their lives. As of this morning, I hired a moving crew to pack all Y/N’s belongings and send them to Tom’s place. As of tonight, the lovely to-be’s will be living together on Tom’s very adequate estate!” More cheers filled the room as your eyes went wide, slightly twitching as you thought of a million and one obscenities you’d loved to voice at the moment. You weren’t given the chance, being brought back to the current setting. “Congratulations to the happy couple!” someone called out over the cheers.
Happy. Were you happy?
Your eyes fluttered open, cringing at the amount of light in the room. You stared up at the ceiling for a moment, listening to the voice of a child in the room with you. A child? Turning to the left, your nose was inches away from Tom’s, who was slowly waking up as well. Remembering last night’s events, you turned back to the ceiling, eyes wide as your mind began to race with a million thoughts. 
I live with Tom now...
A/N: No, it is not currently Sunday, but I owe you guys! It’s been a while, but I’m back and ready to post. There will be some changes due to certain controversies going around at the moment (Meaning I will delay any works I have planned for Sebastian Stan), as I understand that people are upset, to say the least. I do see it adequate to post stuff involving (even in the slightest) a topic that a lot of people feel strongly about. Posts about Bucky as a character will continue as planned. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this well overdue Chapter. There are several more well overdue works on the way. As always let me know what you think. Show some love for the absolutely marvelous @accio-boys​ for all her ideas and contributions to the series. You should definitely go check out her blog as well as her Wattpad. Thanks so much for all the support, I appreciate every single one of you. Stay Safe, PLEASE be careful out there, Stay Proud, I Love You, and have a wonderful rest of the week!! I’ll see you soon for the catch-up chapter posts!
And to all my new followers, Welcome to the Family!!😘💖💖💖💖 
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I have had irregular periods all my life. I've also been overweight all my life, so most doctors have hand waved it away as that. I'd go months without having one, and then have ones with only a few days clear between. Never normal, never reliable.
Then in about.. 2003-4 or so? I started bleeding. A lot. Heavily. And it didn't stop after 5 days. Or 7. Or a month. Or two months. It just kept going.
I was scared. I had no one to talk to about it. I had no idea what was happening. My husband would ask me for sex and I had to keep telling him no, because I was bleeding. "Still? Again?" Yes. (Eventually he stopped asking altogether. But that's another story.)
I didn't keep track of how long it went on. It was a long time. For the majority of a year or more at least, with only sporadic breaks between. It made going to work SO uncomfortable, because if I sat for any period of time, and then stood up, it felt like the floodgates had opened and I had to race to the bathroom, or risk destroying my clothes. (Happened quite a few times.)
Then it stopped. And I didn't have a period for over a year. I was too glad to be worried about that either. I think I did go to an obgyn during that time, once when my husband and I thought we might want to try to have kids. They did an ultrasound, found nothing wrong. Said that they'd want to put me on birth control first to regulate my cycles before I could try to get pregnant - but at the time I was also having migraines, so they never did that. And then I got fired from my job so that kind of ended things for a while.
It started again in 2011 at some point. I know this because when we went to DragonCon for the first time, we arrived at our hotel after a long drive, and when I stood up to get out of the car, I could feel that feeling, that my pants were about to be ruined. There was someone using the bathroom in the lobby, so I had to just stand there, legs clenched together, and wait. Once I finally got in, my shorts and underwear were ruined. I had to crack the door open and ask my husband to bring me the suitcase so I could change clothes and throw away the shorts and underwear. They weren't salvageable.
The entire time we were at DragonCon, every panel we went to, as soon as it was over, I'd stand up and have to race to the nearest bathroom, hoping to make it there before the pad I was wearing overflowed.
This continued on and off until 2013. In 2013, I started having spells where I felt narcoleptic. Usually in the morning, around 8-9am. I'd be at my desk, unable to keep my eyes open, slapping my face to stay awake. No amount of food or caffeine for breakfast made a difference. Sometimes it would happen when I was on the highway driving to work, and I'd have my windows down in the dead of winter, slapping my face trying not to lose consciousness behind the wheel. I was fucking terrified. And I was bleeding again.
So I finally made an appointment to see my obgyn. I explained everything that was happening, and that I'd been bleeding for months essentially nonstop. They did a blood test and found that I was anemic from bleeding so much for so long. They had me start taking iron pills, and also gave me a birth control implant to try to regulate my cycle. (At this point, my husband and I hadn't had sex in so long, I couldn't remember how long it had been. He still had the nerve to be angry about me going on birth control. Because what if we wanted to have kids? I couldn't find the words to explain that it wasn't going to happen anyway, and that I needed to fix what was wrong with me.)
The implant did not stop my period entirely (as they'd told me it does for some women), but it DID finally get me on a somewhat normal cycle. But now I have horrible cramps pre-menstrally which I never had before in my life. And it took a couple months of feeling like I was legitimately having a nervous breakdown, while my body got used to finally having the "correct" amount of hormones.
Fast forward to 2018. I had my implant replaced last year. My cycle has been as regular as it has been since I've had the implant. My husband and I have had sex only twice in the last decade or more, and both times it was down to my explaining that I still want sex, I need it, and him getting frustrated and finally going down on me or fingering me or whatever. Not actual intercourse. And not exactly satisfying for either of us. He's only doing it so I stop crying (literally) about it, and it *really* does not make me feel attractive or sexy to have to *cajole* my fucking partner of 20+ years into deigning to give me an orgasm.
But I digress. My only sexual satisfaction is masturbation. Which is fine. I miss sex, a LOT, but as long as I can get off somehow, I won't go crazy.
And then in August, I started to have a sharp cramping pain when I would orgasm. Right at the moment my muscles inside clench up, it feels like a cramp, and I can't go on. And the dull ache of it lingers, sometimes for 24 hours or more afterward. I tried it half a dozen times over a week or so, with and without insertion, and the same result each time.
And then I got my period, and it was 7 days of heavy flow, passing clots, just gushing.
So I finally got up the nerve to call my obgyn, and explain what was wrong. They made me an appointment, said maybe they'd need an ultrasound. I went in and the doctor who saw me (not my regular doctor, short notice and all) said she felt nothing irregular. Asked if I was sexually active. I said no. She asked what I meant. I said "my husband and I haven't had sex in over a decade." She asked if I was having sex with anyone else. I said no. "Well then how are you achieving orgasm?" "Umm, masturbation?"
She then went on to suggest perhaps I could see a physical therapist to help with the pain. Intimated that it might be something mental. Told me that I should try taking 600mg of ibuprofen an hour before sexual activity to see if it would help. I numbly listened to it all, and insisted that I wanted an ultrasound ASAP.
I had one the next day (last Tuesday). Waited a week. Meanwhile after 4 days of not bleeding, I bled again all this weekend. Clots. Heavy.
I called yesterday to ask about the ultrasound results. They called back. "Everything looks fine. You don't have any cysts on your ovaries. It's possible you might have had a cyst, and that it's resolved itself now."
Except, I told them, I'm still in pain, and I'm still bleeding so nothing has resolved itself at all?! So wtf am I supposed to do?? It's like they want me to just accept that I'll have pain if I ever try to orgasm again, but they don't see anything, so it's fine, have a nice day?
They incredulously asked, "so do you want to make another appointment to come in and be seen again?" UMMM FUCKING YES!
So now I have an appointment to speak to my ACTUAL obgyn next Thursday. And the nurse advised me "take 600mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours, for 48 hours, and that should stop the bleeding."
I still at this point have no idea what the fuck is wrong with me. I swear to God if I go in there and these motherfuckers tell me "you're fine", when I know goddamn good and well that I am in fact not fine, I will fucking snap.
So yeah. That's the experience of one 40 year old vagina owner. I feel like I'm falling apart from the inside out, and exactly No One gives a fuck about it besides me.
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theveryworstthing · 7 years
I was just wondering yesterday if you were okay - so it's good to see your art back on my dash. But if you don't mind me asking, how are things right now? Feeling any better?
thanks for your concern! i have a lot of people asking me this so i might as well give some sort of answer. medical stuff after the cut.
the hospital was wild. the waiting room was full of people at 5am but silent as death. we all had to wait for the phone to ring and whoever was closest would pick it up and announce who was up on the chopping block. i tried to read a ya fantasy novel about teen dragons saving the world and had two (2) secret panic attacks when i was led to the little pre-op area to get changed into my hospital gown. everything was very surreal. but that’s okay because the nurses/my mom must have caught on that i looked like i was about to bolt and drugged me.
everything was muuuuuch better after they drugged me.
i woke up super achy, slept a bunch, got moved around since there wasn’t any more space on my floor, drank a bunch of water, and watched bad tv. in between naps my nurses encouraged me to really pump that morphine drip which made me kind of worried about how much pain my body was actually going through, but i couldn’t really think about it through the sleep haze. i was let out the next afternoon, after my doctor came in and pulled the catheter and vaginal packing out. it was amazing and painful. i had never seen a magician pull a hundred silk scarves out of a vagina  before. i barely had time to yelp in confused agony before he was done. truly a pro. i wish i had clapped.
i feel...weird now? my guts are mostly healed, the stitches are gone and the chance of something tearing open gets lower by the day. i still get shots of pain if i move around for too long or stretch weird but its not that bad. i’m off my pain meds at least. my uterus was too big since it was full of cysts and such, so i got a pretty bad vaginal tear when they pulled it out and waiting for that to heal was. the worst. luckily, all the cysts were benign except for a shifty fibroid but since they’re all gone now that doesn’t really matter anymore. my ovaries are still rolling around in there since i didn’t want to take supplements forever and without everything else they’re very unlikely to give me super cancer.
i feel weird about the future and the present. i honestly don’t know how to live life without being sick? i thought i would jump right up as soon as i was able and hang out with friends but i’ve only really left the house once since surgery. i still get tired so fast. recovery sucks. the problem is gone so you think its Gone, but you still have to clean up after the problem. physically AND mentally. and then there’s the additional Feelings about not being a baby-maker anymore. i mean, i wasn’t really one before as any pregnancy might have killed me and the hypothetical bab, plus i have never and still do not want kids (i barely tolerate most human touch and i’m too invested in the idea of becoming a fairytale witch auntie). but years and years of people screaming “SOMEDAY YOU WILL SOMEDAY SOMEDAY~” got into my head deeper than i thought it would to the point were afterwards i had to talk to my mom to double check that i wasn’t a huge genetic disappointment in ways i wasn’t already aware of. she laughed at me, stating that she prefers real alive babies to alternate universe hypothetical grandchildren any day, so that was a relief. i know i shouldn’t have ever felt this way and i would shake any of my friends who thought this way about themselves but brains do what they do.
i think my mind is just scrambling for something new to worry about (there are plenty of things but still). these blood problems have taken up like ten years of my life. recovery, in fact the general idea of my life being better, is strange to me. i don’t really believe it. things getting so bad is why i went with the finality of the hysterectomy in the first place. if i had to go through another thing that didn’t work, wasting money and time and hope (all of which are very limited resources), i would have probably thrown out all my meds and let nature take its course. (note to self: maybe delete this bit later, this post is becoming a downer.)
but anyway. i’m fine?????? my body is healing and soon i will have a surplus of blood. my brain is bad but its just bad off and on and i’m used to it so *shrug*. its not a big deal.
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aioinstagram · 7 years
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Migraine Pharmaceutical drug Fremanezumab Erenumab is Trending on 5 Dec 2017 http://ift.tt/2Auw8FS
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Description: میگرن‌ها، سردردهای ضربان‌داری هستند که غالبا در یک طرف سر ایجاد می‌شوند. فعالیت بدنی ممکن است شدت این درد را افزایش دهد، ولی علائم این بیماری از فردی به فرد دیگر، و از یک حمله‌ی سردرد به حمله‌ای دیگر متفاوت است .۱.تغییرات خلق و خو ۲. دیدن هاله های نورانی ۳. سردرد یکطرف یا دوطرف صورت ۴. تهوع و استفراغ ۵. چشم درد ۶. افزایش اشتها قبل از شروع سردرد ۷. تکرر ادرار ۸. ضعف بدن و یا درد گردن ۹. تحریک سردرد با بو ، نور و صدا ۱۰. سردرد ضربان دار ۱۱. درست نخوابیدن ۱۲. آبریزش بینی #guivesharifi #neurosurgery #parisanaderii #mahshidkamangari #migraine #braintumor
This Migraine’s photo Trending 2 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: Piper: Yesterday my girl and I went to the state boat launch to practice! I love the lake and even tried to go swimming(my girl said it was too cold). While there we practiced our obedience and I did a great job focusing on my girl. When we practice we always take a video so that my girl and I can watch it afterwards to learn what to do or not to do next time. When our trainer watched it back she realized that while working I gave my girl a POTS or cardiac alert and we got it on tape! I ignored all the other smells and alerted my girl by giving her my paw! For only starting this alert a couple weeks ago, I blew everyone away by already giving my first alert for it in public! Piper to the rescue! #opietheservicedog #servicepuppiper #servicedogintraining #vizsla #vizslapuppy #wirehairedvizsla #servicedog #workingdog #dogonduty #medicalalertdog #dogtraining #servicedogsofinstagram #respectthevest #dogsofinstagram #cardiacalertdog #pointer #hungarianvizsla #vizslasofinstagram #labsofinstagram #invisibleillness #disability #potsie #spoonie #chronicillness #dysautonomia #lupus #migraine #sjogrens #hashimotos
This Migraine’s photo Trending 3 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: It’s been 8 months since my partial hysterectomy and endometriosis excision surgery with a specialist in NYC. I really hoped it would resolve all my issues but in reality I knew there was a chance other things would pop up since I do live with other chronic autoimmune diseases. I have no idea if this is endo belly, a ruptured cyst, mini cycle (I kept my cervix & ovaries) or something else but disheartened is one way to describe my frustration this past week. I know I will live with endometriosis for the rest of my life. Last week was filled with so many emotions starting with my gala dress not fitting, likely due to the distention & inflammation. I don’t share this to get solutions or to brainstorm what is wrong with me – I share this for those of you who are struggling too. Struggling with adjusting to the huge life changes of living with a chronic illness diagnosis. It’s never ending. Ever. Give yourself permission to cry. To be sad. Angry. Frustrated. BUT you have to allow yourself to have your moment, release those feelings and then go out and FIGHT. Fight for your health. Fight for your life. Having a disability without being disabled is SO challenging, putting unrealistic pressure on yourself to “get better” or “fix yourself” only makes these symptoms worse. You better believe I will on the hunt for more answers. Chronic illness warriors are the strongest people I’ve ever met. We function at levels healthy people can’t even fathom. Just know you aren’t alone. If you know someone who is struggling, please tag them or share this with them in a DM. I want to help as many people as I can.
This Migraine’s photo Trending 4 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: Guilty as charged! GQ Magazine for the kind words. Welcome back to work! @gq @brennankilbane “This might sound weird in the age of millennial moping, but I love my job. This is in spite of all of the humiliating and stressful and boring aspects of my job that I truly abhor. Sometimes the hours of bullshit I have to deal with outnumber the packages of gratis goldfish my job allows me, and even then, I still love it. And the secret to my happiness is a cannabinoid cousin of THC called CBD. Here’s how it works: Every morning when I get into my office, I pop a frosted CBD gummy into my mouth for breakfast. Then, I proceed to have a wonderful day. The gummies are made by Lord Jones, and Jesus, are they chic: Nine red and yellow gumdrops are gingerly inserted by some druid artisan into a box that looks like it came from Hermès, affixed with a reflective gold crest. That’s the whole idea: Lord Jones’ vision is to liberate marijuana products from their stoner cultureassociations. (Lord Jones’s hero product, a body lotion, is prescribed mostly for sore muscles and joint pain, extending the weed demographic vastly beyond the recreational contingent.) A box of nine goes for $45, which, yes, is steep. But it also means that each gummy costs about as much as a cold brew in Manhattan—which actually isn’t bad considering that they make you feel better instead of jittery and anxious. Regular weed has a twofold effect, thanks to the compounds THC and CBD. The former is the psychoactive component of marijuana, which accounts for euphoria, lethargy, the munchies, and the rest. CBD is the other, mellowing part of the high. It’s been a breakthrough ingredient for muscle pain for that very reason. Studies have noted that, when ingested, antipsychotic properties are linked to mood stabilization and the treatment of anxiety. Lord Jones offers both CBD gummies (legal everywhere) and CBD-plus-THC gummies (legal in California if you’ve got one of those cards). I can’t say if I have tried the latter, though they sound like they would be very fun to bring to an outdoor fall picnic, to share with friends. I don’t know; I can’t say.”
This Migraine’s photo Trending 5 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: Selamlar Denizli! Dunyanin en pozitif hastalarindan biriyleyiz bugun. Gulumsememiz hic eksik olmadi insallah sonuna kadar boyle olsun Sukran Hanım da hatri sayilir bir migren hastasi. Kendisinin alin ve sakak bolgerinde yogun agri yasanirken ensede hic olmuyor. Her hasta farkli dememizin sebebi bu. Tetik noktalari yani agrinin basladigi nokta onemli. Bu yuzden bu ameliyat “sinirlerin gevsetilmesi”. Yani sizin agir psikyatri ilaclarina ihtiyaciniz yok. Noroloji hekimlerine basvurmaniz onemli. Tani ve teshis migren ise ve tedaviye yanit vermiyorsa ameliyat planlanabilir. Buna gore migren ameliyati planlamasi yapiyoruz. Bu sebeple DM yerine telefonda detayli bilgilendirme almaniz onemli. Hedefimiz %90 basari . Biz gulen yuzlerle basladik, sizden de guzel dilekler lutfen ——————————————————————————— Hi everyone! Today’s surgery is Migraine Surgery. Our patient is coming from a different city. Just 3 days are enough for the surgery. If your diagnosis is migraine in Norology Clinic, you are candidate for the surgery. This is not a brain surgery. Just decompression of the non-central nerves which create migraine headache. Success rate is 90% and almost no risk rather than general anesthesia. Please send your best wishes now for our patient #drufukaskerogluilemigren #migrenameliyati #migrencerrahisi #migrenameliyatı #migrentedavisi #migreneson #migren #migraine #migrainesurgery #migrenbotoksu #migrenistanbul #migrenturkiye #migrenağrıları #migrentedavisi #migrensizhayat #migräne #basagrisi #drufukaskeroglu #plastikcerrahi #migrainelife #migrainetreatment #migraineur #saglikturizmi #healthtourism
This Migraine’s photo Trending 6 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: How it feels after hours of suffering from #migraine #MigrainesSuck #MigraineBuddy
This Migraine’s photo Trending 7 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: #Prolotherapy round two about to go down We’re doing four locations on the other side of my neck, as well as my facet joints. It’s really unfortunate to be afraid of needles when you’re chronically ill but such is life Just do what you gotta do! I’m ready to start feeling better – even if it means many many needles #choosehappiness #disabledandcute #babewithamobilityaid
This Migraine’s photo Trending 8 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: Allergies? Migraine? Nope…it’s the full moon.
This Migraine’s photo Trending 9 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: Making dinner now, way later then I wanted to be. Drinking green tea because I’m outta whiskey. This migraine is killer today . #exercise #intermittentfasting #fasting #fasts #ketodiet #keto #ketogenic #lowcarb #lowcarbfood #yoga #weightlossjourney #weightloss #healthy #health #fitnessmotivation #fitmom #fitfam #ketofam #lchf #lchfdiet #highfatfood #highfatlowcarb #healing #refresh #dinner #supper #meal #greentea #migraine #whiskey
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