pcisin · 6 months
"It's just a little cut, it's not... oh. I guess that's deeper than I thought."
Blood blood blood blood
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"see!? that ain't little!" he grabs him "c'mon! no more of this shit!" he dragged the other in a hurry.
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succubeats · 6 months
@singcr asked: [ crying ] sender finds receiver crying
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      Tears  trickle  down  Cheryl's  cheeks  like  water  from  a  faucet,  face  rivaling  her  dress  in  color.  She  buries  her  face  in  Miyke's  shoulder,  a  sob  escaping  her  as  she  wraps  her  arm  around  him,  searching  for  comfort  in  his  embrace.  What  is  upsetting  her  so  much,  you  may  be  wondering?
      ❝M-McDonald's isn't s-selling McRibs anymo-o-ore...❞
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red-man-of-mustache · 6 months
@singcr liked the Starter Call!
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"Oooo~ Nice hat! Didja make it yourself? Mama Mario made this-a one for me." From one hat conniseur to the next, really. Mario could spot a good hat a mile away. It wasn't foreign for the warm little guido to pay a compliment to a stranger. He was quite social.
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" it isn't mine. " A pause. "Most of it." (To Kym.)
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Kym simply deadpanned at that.
"C'mon, tough guy..." He murmured, gently taking Miyke's hand, "Let's gettcha patched up and cleaned up..."
Regardless of how much of it was his, some was still his. and that meant he was hurt, dammit.
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modernspellsword · 4 months
Caught at the bar in 4k (Started for singcr)
Annalise looked at the open mic and sighed as she walked up. Thankful she wasn't too drunk she looked through and found one of her secondary karaoke standards.
"Shot through the heart, and you're to blame. Darling you give looooove a bad name!"
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pcisin · 6 months
"May I have this dance?"
Send "May I have this dance?" for our muses to dance together!
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"sure~" he leans down and picks him up off his feet, holding him close. yes they're gonna slow dance like this.
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succubeats · 6 months
Starter for @singcr!
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      Cheeks  flushed,  mien  disheveled  and  riddled  with  sweat,  Cheryl  is  a  mess,  but  you  should  see  the  other  guy!  Speaking  of,  a  grotesque  creature  of  large  proportion  stands  opposite  of  her,  panting  with  the  exertion  of  their  battle.  Cheryl  pants  just  as  heavily,  if  not  more  so,  but  stands  her  ground  with  her  head  held  high  and  her  eyes  narrowed,  fists  balled  at  her  sides.  She  spares  her  lover  a  quick  glance  to  make  sure  he  hasn't  been  injured  in  any  way,  an  exhausted  smile  tugging  at  her  lips.
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      ❝I'm...  almost  done  with  this  fucker,  babe.  Then  we  can  go  get  a  McFlurry  or  somethin',  OK?❞
      Cheryl  says  lightheartedly,  cracking  her  neck  and  rolling  her  shoulders  before  returning  her  attention  to  her  opponent,  just  in  time  to  watch  it  barrel  toward  her,  teeth  bared  and  ready  to  strike.  She  steps  to  the  side  just  in  time,  gritting  her  teeth  as  the  beast  slams  into  the  wall  behind  her,  roaring  angrily.
      This  is  sure  to  be  an  eventful  night.
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“I can survive on my own. I have for this long.” (-gives you the smol boi at whoever-)
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"(... You positive that you're good, my guy?)"
Shut, Ballard-
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pcisin · 4 months
Send '🕯' for our muses to get caught in a city-wide blackout together.
angel dust was scrolling through his phone when everything went dark. he blinks, looking around and he sees miyke struggling to look around. luckily he can see in the dark, he reaches out and carefully grabs the other before lifting him and putting him on his lap.
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"i gotcha, lil' guy. c'mon, lets get some flash lights, think you can handle walkin' around or ya need ta hold my hand?"
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pcisin · 6 months
❛  i promise i'll always be here if you need me.  ❜
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angel dust wasn't expecting him to say that. it made his heart flutter; knowing someone cared. he smiled, leaning down to his height and kisses him on the forehead. "darlin' i always need ya..~"
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pcisin · 6 months
[ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐓𝐇 ] My muse wraps yours in a warm blanket.
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angel had a long day. he was tired and he wanted to rest. he sighed heavily as he flops onto his bed and curls up a little to relax. he was about to close his eyes when he saw miyke approach him. "yes dear..?" he didn't get an answer back but he watched him grab his blanket and then put it over him. he blinks, surprised by it and smiles. he puts his hand on his head "thank you doll..~" he pets him "i'm gonna nap okay..?"
with that angel closed his eyes, letting his hand fall as he rests.
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pcisin · 6 months
"You're a bad idea, but I like bad ideas."
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"oh yeah? do tell me more~"
0 notes
succubeats · 6 months
here we go! a bunch of boyfriend icons using official artwork. i'm off to bed, tell me if the link doesn't work and i'll figure something out tomorrow/later! tagging @singcr and @musescfmusic because they were interested. anyone can use these!!!
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pcisin · 6 months
Call Me By Your Name Aesthetics
Bold all that apply.
lounging by the pool, poetry readings, plucking fresh fruit from trees, fitful sleep, deep discussions, nighttime swim, fruit juices running down your chin, long moments of silence, long bike rides, lazy summer mornings, lunch with friends, shame, erotic fantasies, red swim trunks, a blanket on the grass, wheat coloured skin, wistful gazes, well-loved books, morning jogs, creating music, bathing under the sun, sticky summer heat, regret, unreadable looks, double meanings, wasted time, shared faith, sleeping naked, late night poker games, ice cream, walking your bicycle down cobble roads, overthinking, childish love confessions, warm embraces, bare feet, the dull slap of espadrilles at night, shyness, restraint, kisses in the grass, endless pools of their eyes, the moon sparkling on the calm sea, the threat of autumn in a raindrop, beads of sweat pooling on your skin, lighting a lover’s cigarette, a little too much wine, strumming a guitar, the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the house, notes slipped under the door, leisurely swims, calling ‘later’ as you leave, washing your face in a fountain, fevered kisses, the comfort of nostalgia, tall cypresses, glaring mid-afternoon sea, rehearse the pain to dull it, a billowy shirt, warm benches, longing phone calls, framed antique postcards, citronella candles in the garden, memories of lovers like ghosts in the window, held gazes, hesitating on the other side of the bedroom door, playing music to say what you cannot
tagged by: @mothvalentino tagging: @radiodoe @radicheart @tuneonin @within-the-resort @sheepfated @singcr & you!
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