#single dad cartoonz who is Squirrel's dad
aviidus-archived · 6 years
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A little Ohmtoonz before I head to bed.
I had this little idea that has been bouncing in my head for a while now. 
Cartoonz has both his eyes, and Ohm is completely blind (by some sort of accident). 
Cartoonz is able to sacrifice the eyesight of one of his eyes because of his demon powers and give it to Ohm, giving Ryan vision in one eye. The effect on using Cartoonz’s vision on both eyes would be half and half. He would be able to see but he’d need glasses or some sort of specialized sunglasses to protect his eyes from light or to be able to see properly.
Gift to one eye = perfect visibility in one eye
Gift to both eyes = blurry or weak visibility on both eyes
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crimsonbluemoon · 6 years
Hi! I was hoping if you can do a parent!au, friends to lovers and “fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit. fuck” for Ohmtoonz. If not, that’s cool. Ps i love your writing
No this is fine! I just posted a new holiday drabble request for my Tumblr (because I am an idiot) so I should probably get the last two of these done before I start looking at those…so Hopefully, you’ll like this!
Parents AU, Friends to Lovers, “fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit. fuck.” Ohmtoonz
“Fuck.” Luke stared down at the smoking engine of the car on the side of the road, his hands slow to slide through his hair. Finally, he pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialing a number when letting out another string over curses. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit. Fuck!” 
“Daddy,” the childish voice he heard was not expected on the other side on the phone, and Luke froze when he realized the father of the now yelling child had not picked up the phone.”Luke’s mad about something; he’s swearing…like a lot!”
“Oh, is he?” The teasing voice coming closer to the other side of the phone made his shoulders relax, a smile edging at the side of lips despite his frustrated mood. “Put him on speaker phone, bud. Yup, just click that button…good job. Alright, what’s going on, Toonzy?” 
“Hey Ohm. Is there any way you can come pick me up by the bar? I went to get my check and my car shit the bed like the piece of shit it is.” 
“Not if you’re gonna swear like that in front of Squirrel. He’s got sensitive ears.” The giggle that was heard in the background of the call made Luke roll his eyes, leaning on the side of his car. His best friend, despite being the responsible teen between the two of them in high school, had somehow ended up getting his high school sweetheart pregnant their last year. Though the woman had been a great mother, she and Ohm weren’t compatible romantically (”I don’t know man, you did make a kid-” “Shut up, Toonz”) and had broken up before their child was born. Neither let it affect their parenting, and Squirrel had been raised with more love than most kids who were raised with both of their parents. Now six, the kid was a spitfire, taking more sass and sarcasm from his mother than the softer (but sneaky) Ohm. 
“Your brat’s heard far worse.”
“What? When?” 
“Like when his dad gets his ass kicked in Uno-” 
“That was because you cheated; everyone knows you can’t end on a wild.” Ryan’s interruption had the child bursting into laughter, seeming to remember the other night well. The trio played Uno together every Friday; it had been the reason Luke had given up the night he made the most money at the bar to Brian. Sure, a big set of tips was nice, but watching Squirrel squeal in joy when getting to make Luke draw two (despite it being the wrong color) was worth more than a bigger check. Plus, Ohm cooked him dinner, the young chef’s skills making Luke wonder why his friend was still single. Ryan said that he wanted to ‘focus on Squirrel’, despite both knowing he was fully capable of juggling multiple things at once. Heck, if a boyfriend just slipped into the spaces that Ryan left him in their schedule, he could balance a boyfriend or girlfriend with no problem.
But hell would freeze over before Toonz gave up his time with either person now and talking over each other on the other side of the phone. 
“Squirrel, don’t help Toonz!”
“Daddy swore when he burnt himself last night making dinner!” It wasn’t hard to think of the happy face Squirrel wore when he spoke, which warmed Luke’s heart as he gave a genuine laugh.
“Did he? You make sure he’s okay? We don’t want your dad hurt.”
“Yup! I did exactly what you showed me to!” When Ryan had been too nervous to teach his kid how to ride a bike at age four, Luke had offered to help do it. The experience had been good, up until Squirrel crashed for the first time. Cleaning and bandaging the cut had been much harder when one of his hands was being held in a vice grip from a panicking Ohm, but he’d made due. He could still remember running a soothing thumb over the back of the father’s hand while giving a thumbs up to the brave faced (but tear eyed) Squirrel, before the trio went out for ice cream to celebrate. 
“That’s great, kiddo. Hey, remember that time your dad fell on the ice when we went ice skating?” Luke asked, enjoying the weird noise from Ryan that echoed in the phone’s reciever.   
“Oh, yah! We had to leave because daddy swore so much.” The memory was fond to Luke, remembering the pretty pink color that crawled over Ryan’s face when he apologized to the duo for the sixtith time since leaving the ice rink. Luke had to buy the pair some hot chocolate and watch two of the Harry Potter movies back at Ohm’s house to get the man to stop apologizing, though it was only because the tired father had passed out on Cartoonz’s shoulder.  
“Hey! do you want a ride or not?” The threat was useless, both knew it, but Luke couldn’t help but snicker and call his bluff. 
“You ain’t gonna leave me on the side of the road. You love me.” It was a toss out comment he used with his best friend, always a tease, so he hadn’t expected Squirrel to pipe up. 
“Of course he does! He tells mommy all the time, though he said he could never tell you.” The words weren’t meant to be mind-melting; in all honestly, it seemed natural for Squirrel to hear the declaration, and somewhere in the back of his mind, Luke wondered how often ‘mommy and daddy’ talked about Luke. Squirrel didn’t hesitate to continue despite the sudden silence from both adults. “I’m happy he did, cause I love you a lot too. And you love us, right?” 
“Squirrel!” Ryan’s hushed hiss of his son’s name showed how panicke dhe was, and Luke could feel his starting to warm at the direct question.
“Course I do, buddy. I…I love you both.” The words felt sticky in his throat, unsure of how much truth he was exposing. But Squirrel didn’t seem to notice, eager to respond.
“Mommy said if he told you, then you could come move in with us! Wouldn’t that be cool?” 
“Ye-Yeah, it would be something else.”  Luke let the response roll out softly, the butterflies in his stomach robbing his voice of bravado. But the pleasant rush through his blood proved that the idea was...really nice to think about.
“Squirrel uh…you need to go get a jacket! Go grab it from your room, okay sweetie?” The father’s voice on the other line didn’t fair any better, and after the loud shout of ‘see you soon, Luke!’ from the child now running out of the room, the call fell silent. Luke tried to find something to look at around the bar to calm himself down, but even the broken down car couldn’t stop the wide smile that claim stake on Cartoonz’s face. 
“Focused on Squirrel, huh?”
“God I’m so sorry.” Ohm’s voice rushed while he rambled, and Luke had to cover his mouth with his palm to keep from laughing. “I didn’t think he could hear-this isn’t how I wanted you to find out. I was never even gonna tell you, I don’t mean to make this weird, gosh Toonz I-”
“Ohm,” Luke cut in, feeling he would never get picked up if he didn’t step in. And he really needed to see Ryan. 
“Yeah, Toonz?” 
“Get your ass here so I can kiss you already.” He heard the squeak of surprise from his friend before he yanked the phone awy from his ear, ending the call to slip the device into his pocket. Dropping his head back onto the edge of the car’s roof, Luke glanced up at the sky above, enjoying the heavy heartbeat pounding against his ribcage. Had it always been like this? Why hadn’t he noticed? Why was he so stupid? The questions had no answers, but he gave a slow chuckle before closing his eyes and relaxing in his spot.
He was so buying Squirrel ice cream on the way back to Ohm’s. 
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