bettathanyou ยท 10 months
Cedric x mermaid or siren s/o head cannons?
Yes yes yes?!! I think about the mermaid episodes of StF religiously, and with the new live action little mermaid movie that came out, it was rotting my brain for a while.
I'll try to stick to the canon of StF, but there wasn't much mermaid lore in the show so I may take a smidge of artistic liberty with these.
Anyways enjoy!
Cedric X Mermaid/Siren SO Head canons!
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The night you two met, a terrible storm suddenly appeared in Merroway Cove while the royal family was visiting, with Cedric once again being forced to tag along
The royal family was obviously the first to be escorted into the floating palace to ensure their safety
However, Cedric was unaccounted for- and Roland refused to let anyone look for him (another common King Roland L ๐Ÿ˜)
Cue you, a siren who lived on your own, away from the mermaid kingdom, was out hunting for a meal
Well you certainly found a meal of sorts
Cedric was passed out, floating aimlessly in the sea when you found him
You brought him back to your cave, using your siren magic to draw the water from his lungs
Cedric stirs awake, his body responding to your siren spell
Seeing him awaken, you panic, swimming off to hide yourself- after all, humans weren't kind to mermaids. Let alone sirens
But still, something in you was captivated by the man, so you stayed nearby- just until he's found, you told yourself
Cedric was eventually rescued, with him using his remaining strength to tell everyone on the floating palace that he was rescued by this "enchanting, haunting, beautiful voice that saved him from drowning"
The following weeks, neither of you could leave each other's thoughts
Cedric was in denial that he could possibly be in love- constantly saying "I just wish to thank them" you poor fool you're spellbound by a sirens song
You, on the other hand, was constantly swimming in mermaid waters- risking getting caught by mermaid guards just to see if the royal family was ever visiting
One day, you saw that same ship from that stormy night
Swimming closer, you're too distracted by the notion of seeing Cedric again to notice the mermaid guards closing in on you
Which, causes a scene for both the mermaids visiting the royal family, and for the royal family themselves being fearful of your kind
Until Cedric steps in, saying that you were the one who rescued him, convincing both the mermaid queen and king Roland to... At least let you go
Later that same night, you're resting in your cave when you see a mysterious merman approach the mouth of your cave
You hesitantly approach, just to find out it's cedric
One lengthy explanation later about how he transformed himself into a merman, he properly introduced himself and told you why he came all this way- to thank you for saving his life when no one else would've bothered to
You couldn't really remember the last time someone ever thanked you- and a stranger, no less
The rest of that night, the two of you talked about your individual lives, and the things that you would only feel comfortable disclosing in the cover of night, beneath the limitless depths of the ocean
This definitely was the night the two of you fell in love
After that night, you two tried just seeing each other when the royal family would visit on their yearly summer vacations, or communicate through magical letters in bottles- but quickly, you both realized that just yearly visits were not enough whatsoever
So, you decided to leave the cove for good- after all, it's not like you would've been missed by the mermaids, and sirens lead solitary lives; it made the most sense for you to move closer to cedric
You made your journey to the bay that surrounded the castle of enchancia, and found another cave you could renovate to become your home
Now to relationship hcs!
Imagine seeing Cedric from his tower working late into the night, like always, and while you try to let him work, sometimes you can't resist luring him outside with your siren voice
Which Cedric hates interruptions in his work flow, but you're one of the very few exceptions
Sitting along the coast that surrounded the castle, talking for hours about your day are definitely a staple in your relationship
Cedric would also use his transformation spell to join you underneath the water at night, so you two won't be interrupted by his duties during the day
You'd show him all the best foraging locations you've found on your exploration of the kingdoms Bay, along with your favorite hunting spots
You'd also be on the lookout for things littered on the ocean floor to decorate your new home, and you discovered Cedric has a keen eye for detail so y'all always have a good haul
Cue the cave decorating montage!! That's super sweet and cute!!
Giving each other little trinkets from each other's world!!!
Shells, pearls, fossils, cute sea plants, sea glass, all things and more you would offer cedric
In turn, Cedric would give you metal scraps (to help you create tools easier) tiny statuettes of siren motifs he would buy for you, little bottles and jars of different colors, and give you flowers he enchanted to be able to live underwater
Whenever Cedric needed a specific item that came from the sea, you would always volunteer to fetch it for him
He of course would decline, because he didn't want you to be in a dangerous situation, but did you do it anyways?
The two of you laying next to each other on the shoreline, looking up at the stars
You teach him the constellations you use to navigate the sea, and (he ruins the fun /j) by explaining how stars worked
On the rare occasion Cedric wasn't working at night, sleeplessness would bring him back to the shoreline
And you'd be there, like you always are, to cradle his head and run your fingers through his hair while you sang him a siren's lullaby
Speaking of your siren song- Cedric isn't bothered by your siren nature in the slightest. After all, it's not your fault that your magic indirectly affects humans
Nor is it your fault that "humans are fools" (Cedric's direct words, it makes you chuckle every time you think about it)
You then responded "does this include you as well, Cedric?" And he got serious for a second and asked "do you think I'm a fool for loving you?"
You just replied "all people are fools when they're in love- me included. But I think I like it." Then you proceeded to kiss him
Yes this was your first kiss canon event
Cedric adores your tail, constant compliments on its sheen, display of color, the way your fins look are always expected at this point
You compliment his eyes, his hair, how handsome he is
While Cedric joins you in your world, the more you two spend time together, the more you wish you could join him on the surface, just for a day
It takes a lot of courage, but you finally ask if there's a spell he can cast to make you a human for a day
About two weeks later, he presents the potion you asked for
You then meet the Sofia he tells you about constantly, and instantly you see why he boasts about her
You were never sure how you felt about children, but boy did Sofia leave an excellent first impression
You learn very quickly that Sofia can transform into a mermaid- and sometimes she would visit you for a quick chat, or to plan surprises with you for Cedric
Seeing the way you interact with Sofia somehow makes cedric even more smitten
The rest of that day, Cedric shows you his workshop, the castle library, his favorite spots in the castle garden, and y'all go back to the shore to chill until the spell wears off
You were overwhelmed by everything, but in a good way
After that, being in your siren form started to feel... More lonely
Cedric began noticing your songs sounding more melancholy, and asked about it eventually
You told him how you felt, and he offered to make a surplus of spells for you so you could visit whenever you wanted
Ofc you say yes, properly thanking him with a kiss
Then Cedric spent the night with you in your cave so you wouldn't feel alone
Cuddling together in your giant bed of kelp, sea moss and seal skin<<<<<
When the potions are done, Cedric lets you know immediately and you ask if you could spend the night in his workshop ๐Ÿคญ
Cue the ONE TIME Cedric would willingly clean his workshop (only for you)
Which you called him out for anyways cuz you found it cute
I'll leave what happened in Cedric's workshop up to your imagination ;)
While spending one day as a human isn't totally obvious to the rest of the castle occupants, they do start to question your presence and the king and queen learn of your existence
Cedric really didn't want that to happen- not because he was ashamed of you, but because he didn't want others to ruin the perfect relationship he had found with you
Unfortunately, the king and queen left him no choice but to tell the truth
Shockingly, they didn't sound that surprised???
But still wanted to properly meet you, so they asked Cedric to show you to them so they could formally invite you to dinner to meet the whole royal family
You were nervous about meeting them, but you were even more nervous to refuse a Royal's request
So you went
And while the royal family asked some... Insensitive questions out of ignorance, they were very welcoming, and happy that you and Cedric were happy
Alright that's about all I got, loll
I really liked imagining these hcs
They really just wrote themselves atp
Thank u sm anon!!
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