#sismh: collabs
Contrivances Chapter 4
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Au: Yandere!
Tag List: @xsunnyhoseokx @amiraclerenee
Rating: M
Potential Triggers: Lots of violence in this story and explicit gore and manipulation. Please be aware there is yandere themes. Thank you.
Pairing: BTS x Reader/OT7 x Reader
Genre: Drama, Romance, Angst, Hurt & Comfort
Length: 1k
A/N: This is in collaboration with @jooniescupcakes @girlmeetsliv3 @smileyoongle @likeamourningglory @junglekookbook @seven-souls, please check out their blogs as the story will be continued there and we're all writing together!
Waking up the next morning was anything but fun for you. But you did it nonetheless as you always did. Namjoon’s appearance last night had affected you far more than you’d like to admit and you reluctantly dragged yourself out of bed and to the shower to properly get ready for the day. You had to meet up with Jimin at that new restaurant that just opened up to go over what happened at the police station yesterday. 
Even with prepping as much as you could, he saw through you anyway the second he laid eyes on you. The perks of being friends since childhood it seemed. 
“Y/N! Did...Did you not sleep well last night? Your eyes are puffy…”
You gave him your best smile as you waved your hand in dismissal. 
“I’m fine!! Yesterday just shook me up a bit is all, it’s only natural that I’d look a little worse for wear.”
Jimin’s slight frown told you that he didn’t buy your story but he seemed to deem it not worth a fight as you were led further into the restaurant and to your seats. 
You made yourself comfortable and felt peace sweep over you for what felt like the first time in days as a soothing piano melody greeted your ears; a contrasting background track to the chaotic mess your life had now become. 
“So...do they suspect you? Are you all cleared?” 
Jimin’s concerned voice brought you back to your surroundings and situation both as you bit your lip to hold back your sigh. 
“I wish it was that simple. I don’t think I’m a suspect but the interrogator did keep me for as long as they could before releasing me.”
You closed your eyes and swallowed back your nausea at the bloody scene that had haunted your nightmares last night. 
“Not to mention the pictures he showed me of Benji...God. It was horrible Jimin.” 
Your eyes teared up and you clutched your chest as with every beat of your heart it seemed a deep emotional pain flew through your body along with blood. 
“He may have been a vile, disgusting Human being...but he was still a living breathing person. No-one deserved what he went through.”
Jimin frowned deeply, reaching out and gently taking your hand in his in a show of comfort. 
“I can only imagine. I’m so sorry Y/N. You know you’re always welcome to stay at my place if you don’t want to be alone right now.” 
You almost flinched at the warmth of his hand on yours but instead forced a shaky smile as you opened your eyes and quietly squeezed his hand in silent thanks. Jimin was the one constant you could always rely on to be there these days it seemed. You couldn’t be more grateful to have such an amazing friend to be with you through school, to your break up with Namjoon and now was comforting you after you’d witnessed a murder. 
God, he was really something else. 
The thought made you smile suddenly and his eyes crinkled with happiness as he smiled gently back at you. 
“There’s my favorite smile. Now; pick out what you want to eat, will you? I didn’t eat lunch in preparation for this so I’m starving. And I have got to tell you about these clients of mine…” 
He changed the subject to one you were used to and you fell into habits of the past that served as an easy distraction from the horrors that seemed to be plaguing your life lately. Your food arrived and you ate as you talked; enjoying the food with a grin, 
Jimin suddenly popped up just as he was finishing up his meal with a pout on his face and a groan fell from his lips as he turned his apologetic gaze your way. You already knew before he even opened his mouth. 
“Go ahead you nerd. I know you’ve got people to help and you’re understaffed.” 
You said fondly giggling as he pulled you out of your seat to kiss you on the cheek and pull you into a near bone-crushing hug before beaming at you and rushing off to pay for his section and head out.  You shook your head with a caring sigh. That boy was too loving for his own good. He’d worked all day only to get called in for an overnight shift. They better give him off to make up for it. He cared about his clients too damn much.
You were making your way up to the doors having left your share of the tab and the tip on the table already for another night unwinding at home only for a familiar sound to reach your ears. 
The piano again. You found yourself moving towards the sound and realized it was emitting from a black-haired young man currently playing towards the back of the restaurant. You couldn’t help but approach; once again feeling overwhelmed with the peaceful feeling that washes over you as you politely waited for him to finish the piece before gently tapping him on the shoulder and offering him your name before voicing your thoughts. 
“Hello there! Forgive my intrusion I just wanted to say that your playing really affected me. Music hasn’t gotten to me like that in quite a while and I really needed it tonight. So thanks.”
He turned to look at you, piercing dark chocolate iris’s scanning you initially with cautious curiosity before a small genuine smile gradually turned into a large one as you spoke, letting his gums show as his eyes sparkled with happiness at your sincere praise breaking his initial cold appearance to something warm and interesting. 
“I should be the one thanking you. I haven’t had anyone talk about my music like that in...too long. I’m glad I could offer you comfort. Would you...want to meet up for coffee tomorrow afternoon? I’d love to hear your honest thoughts on a few other pieces I’m working on. The name’s Yoongi by the way.”
Something in your gut told you to decline, felt something prickle at the back of your neck. But...you refused to let your paranoia rule your life. The murder was a fluke and it was a horrible accident. It was all said and done. 
So instead your smile almost matched his with wideness and pure happiness as you replied.
“...I’d love that.”
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Contrivances Teaser
When you got involved with 6 new friends the last thing you expected to happen was bloodshed. Sure, they all had hidden sides to themselves; who didn't? But when someone you care about is brutally murdered you suddenly find yourself steadily growing suspicious of those you'd come to trust and care for. As evidence begins steadily piling up; pointing to those you never thought you'd have to consider, you struggle to find your footing and to protect yourself and your loved ones no matter the cost.  
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In collaboration with:
@smileyoongle @seven-souls @junglekookbook @girlmeetsliv3 @jooniescupcakes @likeamourningglory
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