#sisters grimm 10th anniversary editions
lapluieellepleut · 11 months
Once upon a translation
Since I have completed my ritual/annual rereading of The Sisters Grimm I would like to comment on one very particular title translation in french. But before that let's talk about the others titles.
The titles of the first two books were a literal translation, book 1 went from "The Fairy Tale Detectives" " to "Détectives de contes de fées" and book 2 "The Unusual Suspects" to "Drôles de suspects", nothing more to add. From there the titles will try to incorporate a fairy tale character in it. The only exception will be book 4 with "Once Upon A Crime" becoming "Crime au pays des fées" (crime in fairyland), which is funny because the Netflix movie also named "Once Upon A Crime", adapting the story of Red Riding Hood solving a murder(since she doesn't try to kill anyone in this adaptation) is literally translated "Il était une fois un crime".
So books 3, 5 and 6 include a character in their titles, like book 6 with "Tales from The Hood" becoming "Le procès du grand méchant loup" (The Trial of the Big Bad Wolf). Book 3 "The Problem Child" was translated in "Le petit chaperon louche" which in itself works well as a title(at least in french because in english it's something like "the shady red riding hood"). But I like the double meaning of the original title. Who is truly the problem child in the third book, Red playing with her adorable pet or an uncle who has just appeared? And I really like the original cover which puts these two characters on the same level of importance unlike the new one were the focus is on Red (the og edition vs the 10th anniversary edition is a different tale).
Which brings us to Book 5. And that title actually confused me so much as a kid. So "Magic and Other Misdemeanors" was translated in "Le retour de cendrillon" (Cinderella the return). Understand my confusion when Cinderella is introduced in the first chapters of the book and it's never mentioned that she left town. So where she returns from? And she wasn't mentioned prior book 5 (and she isn't after book 5, at least where I'm at). Additionally, during my recent re-reading, I saw another problem with this translation : before volume 5, a past lover of the girls dad is mentioned so with a title like Cinderella the return....At least she is introduced early in the book. Cindy is an important character for this book and probably during the translation they wanted to highlight a character from a very well-known story in order to attract more readers. But the question remains : from where Cinderella returns?
But I only talk about six books they are nine in total. So there are three more books, so what about their titles ? Oh what books? They have never been translated in french... (It certainly didn’t stop me from reading the books and be obsessed with them). It's funny that the traduction stop before book 7 when we finally learn the identity of the master of the scarlet hand...
To end this post on a more positive note : Puck with his "I EAT PEOPLE" shirt french version "Mmm, ça sent la chair fraîche" .
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thegrimmsisters · 3 years
Hi, are you still planning to finish the 10th anniversary comparisons? I just went through the ones you have and am super interested to see what other changes were made (and if any were good lol)!
Hi! I really REALLY want to finish the reviews, I don’t think I’ll be happy until I do. It won’t be complete and that doesn’t feel right, you know?
Your message motivated me to start working on them again! And if you feel like coming off anon I can tag you when I post them so you’re sure to see.
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caswlw · 4 years
the sisters grimm is so criminally underrated!! i only ever knew two other people who read them but MAN that was some top tier world-building and plot. i remember the whole thing about rumpelstiltskin feeding on middle school angst completely blew my mind as a kid
literally it’s one of the best series i read as a kid and no one ever talks about it! def got me into other fairytale adaptations like land of stories (which coincided with my first glee watch actually- before i knew they were related) and OUAT
but like!! the war! the scarlet hand! the “we are married in the future” of it all with puckabrina! the mess with what actually happened to their parents, the way that briar was straight up KILLED, the reveal with mirror, the way that in the two epilogues BOTH are shown to have puck and sabrina clearly meant for each other, and the way that they all became everafters like! i truly cannot say how much it shaped me growing up it’s So Good i still recommend reading it (ofc the originals not the 10th anniversary edited ones)
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Books Are Magic! in Brooklyn, NY
I'm pretty excited to make my first (of many, hopefully) signing at Brooklyn's newest, hottest, hippest, funnest book store, Books Are Magic, located on Smith Street in the heart of Cobble Hill. This is a pretty special place so I hope you'll come out to say hi, do some shopping, and let Brooklyn  know that books matter. I'll be signing copies of the 10th Anniversary Editions of The Sisters Grimm. 
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thegrimmsisters · 5 years
I’m on chapter one of The Problem Child and I already???? CAnt??? Why MB??
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thegrimmsisters · 6 years
In the second book when they fall into the river is the part where Sabrina pulls Puck out of the water and gives him mouth to mouth and Puck exclaims that she was trying to kiss him while he’s vulnerable cut or did it still make it?
Yes! It is still there! I went back and read over it again. Its exactly the same except for a few word choices. When Sabrina says that she thought he was dead, Puck replies “Of Course I’m alive, a dip in the river can’t kill the Trickster King!” Originally he said “I happen to be immortal.” 
You also mentioned the vulnerable line. It has been changed to “You thought you’d give me a kiss while I was napping.” So basically the exact same things but those two lines are changed. 
So far no Puck/Sabrina interactions have been cut and for that I’m so grateful! Thanks for asking me, if anyone has any other questions I love to talk about this! 
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thegrimmsisters · 6 years
The Unusual Suspects Review-Chapters 1-3
As promised I am back! Thank you to all of you who have stuck with me. I graduated college and am back to the regular scheduled blogging! Here are the first three chapter reviews for book two, I already have another two of the chapters written up so it won’t be long between releases. As always feel free to message me with thoughts! Michael Buckley makes a few HUGE mistakes in this book...
Chapter One:
The Lilliputians say they are going to sue Hamstead for wrongful arrest instead of police brutality. Probably an intentional change due to current events within the United States and elsewhere.
Sabrina openly asks Granny not to use forgetful dust on the security guard, showing her dislike of magical items and messing with humans quite early.
Hamstead says that Pinocchio did board Wilhelm’s ship but that he jumped off once they were out of the marina and swam back. Interesting because they cite that he is afraid of whales/sharks.
Once again it is mentioned that the wolf tasted blood for the first time in a great while.
Mirror calls the Golden Cap “not something a kid should be playing with.”
When Sabrina is standing outside of Canis’ door, she no longer things that she is starting to view everafters with suspicion, but she now thinks that she’s less concerned about Mr. Canis suffering and more concerned with him turning into the Wolf
Chapter Two:
Granny’s nightgown with the cows jumping over the moon is no longer described at all.
Some dialogue changed around.
Chapter Three:
Puck asks if Mrs. Smirt is a witch.
The explanation of why Sabrina and Daphne have been out of school so long is shortened.
Mrs. Smirt threatens that Granny won’t see Sabrina again until she’s 18 is no longer included.
Granny goes to school to help them enroll.
Instead of saying that Henry was always a trouble maker, Sheepshank says that he was a bit of a mischief maker but very charming.
Granny defends the girls when Mrs. Smirt says they have been argumentative and bad. Granny says she has found the girls to be delightful and curious.
Granny is extremely worried about leaving the girls at school. She gives Sheepshank a list of emergency numbers in case there’s a problem. Mr. Sheepshank says that she is having separation anxiety and Granny agrees. She says that she “just got the girls in my life and a grandmother worries.”
Granny cries when she is leaving the girls at school.
Snow White is described as having eyes as big as the sea.
You can see Sheepshanks effect on Sabrina right away. When Daphne is introduced to Snow, Sabrina starts picturing Snow and Hamlin working together in the Scarlet Hand. She even pictures barging into Snow’s classroom and confronting her, demanding that Snow confess.
When Sheepshank asks if Sabrina is okay, “She looked up into his face and shook off her rage. She was stunned by her anger and the thoughts that came with it. It was like she had fallen under some dark spell. Now that it was gone she had a pounding headache.”
Wendell calls out Mr. Grumpner on his weight shaming and says that it isn’t connected to his tardiness. I thought it was cool that Wendell had a chance to call him out.
However, Grumpner then calls Wendell a “worthless, slow-minded, moron” instead of a fat-body.
Somehow Sabrina knows Natalie’s name when she gets out of the game even though she hasn’t talked to her yet?? Weird addition that doesn’t make sense.
When Sabrina punches Natalie, she goes into a rant about how, “I’ve met a lot of kids like you You think you run this place. I’m sure you scare everyone too, so they don’t stand up to you. Just in case you still don’t get it, you don’t scare me.”
Scene with Grumpner and Sheepshank is different. Grumpner no longer threatens to tell Hamlin about this.
After the meeting, with Sheepshank, Sabrina walks out to find Natalie punch a locker and walk into Sheepshank’s office. Before she just walked down the hall.
HUGE typo on page 60. MB calls Bella, Natalie.
Daphne apparently made a bet with Puck. Puck bet that Sabrina couldn’t make a friend.
Bella calls Sabrina “slugger” and its cute (in a weird way since Bella is kind of the villain)
Sabrina doesn’t call “punk rock” stupid anymore which I like because it isn’t necessary to pit the sisters against each other
Daphne wonders who Wendall’s mom is. Which is a seriously good question.
MB uses the words ‘substance’ and ‘sac’ waaaay too much for my taste.
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thegrimmsisters · 6 years
The Unusual Suspects-Chapters 4-7
Okay so as promised here is the next chunk. I wanted to four chapters on this so the last chunk could just be the last three since those tend to have the most changes. 
As always let me know what you think! It seems MB has a bad habit of giving away Sabrina’s lines...
Chapter Four:
Sabrina describes that seeing a dead body for the first time made her feel numb. Good addition. I think it makes it feel more real, like these things that happen to them have impact.
Canis has Granny’s line about Ferry Port Landing having all of these magical creatures but sure, monsters are crazy.
Charming and Hamlin argue that no everafter in town is stupid enough to murder a human. I like this addition a lot because it immediately makes in clear only someone crazy would do this.
Canis also has Sabrina’s line about the hand print “blowing in through the window”. MB is making Canis snarkier.
Seven has Sabrina’s line about Charming being called “Billy” is so sweet he’s going to get a cavity.
PLEASE stop giving Sabrina’s lines away. Please.
Hamlin says this a job for the police and he wants to keep it quiet.
Sabrina argues that this is just a distraction keeping them from finding her parents. Granny argues that she spends most of her time looking for them but that they can’t shirk their responsibilities to the town either.  Another really good addition.
Charming explains more fully why he is deputizing them. He says that if they don’t stop the murderer he won’t get stopped at all.
There’s a funny exchange where Daphne is questioning Charming about his love for Snow and Charming says it is complicated. Then he seems to realize who he is talking to and explodes. “Why am I talking to you about this??” I literally laughed out loud at this, I can’t even tell you why.
Granny tells Sabrina to “trust her grandmother has a plan for every possibility” in relation to Mr. Canis and the Wolf.
Frog-Bella says I spy something “yummy” instead of something dead.
Chapter Five:
Mr. Canis says that it was Basil who told him that Relda is forbidden from driving in Germany. This was also apparently made into federal law.
When Granny starts driving Mr. Canis says “children, put on your seatbelts and if you have any final words for your maker, I suggest you pray” Another amazing addition. This one had me chuckling for days afterwards.
Granny shouts, “I feel so alive!” and Canis says that he almost feels sorry for the “ugly thing.” (meaning Frog-Bella of course)
Granny runs down shrubs, a fence, and four mailboxes without blinking. Canis calmly suggests she stays on the road.
Bella immediately identifies Canis as the Big Bad Wolf, which doesn’t happen in the first book.
The interaction between Canis and Puck when Granny tells Puck to fetch the widow is different. Canis doesn’t threaten to sic the Wolf on him but yells a lot and Puck seems more hurt by it this time. Canis tells Relda that he was too hard on him.
When the find Rumpelstiltskin’s secret nature, Granny says that Matilida thought he could manipulate people into making bad choices, a clear set up for later.
The Widow doesn’t blame the Piper, but says it was the Scarlet Hand.
Chapter Six:
The meeting with Mirror after the Widow leaves is completely gone. I’m not done with the book yet but I’m over half way and it doesn’t seem to pop up anywhere else. Cutting scenes with Mirror seems like a poor decision since I think the one thing MB did right was set up Mirror as a good guy before the big reveal.
Also, Wendell really hams it up with the detective movie stuff. He talks in a fake voice and quotes old movies.
Chapter Seven:
Puck no longer calls Wendell “fat boy”, going along with earlier changes.
When the bunnies start chasing them Puck tells the girls to tell him to shut up next time. (This isn’t changed) but this time Sabrina rolls her eyes and goes “As if you would listen!”
When Puck flies them through the house and Daphne kicks the meal off the table, the little boys no longer look up and see them flying. I always liked that the boys saw them so I’m a little sad that this is gone.
When they fall into the Hudson, before Daphne swims ashore there is a bigger conversation  between her and Sabrina. Daphne expresses how worried she is about Puck and Sabrina reassures her that “Puck is tough”
Instead of calling the monster a bigfoot, Snow calls it a gorilla. Not sure why this was an intentional change. I suppose Bigfoot along with other urban legends could technically exist in this universe?
Along with that Snow specifically mentions that she found them near Bannerman Island, further tying that spot to the barrier for later I suppose.
Puck offhandedly says “This town is lousy with monsters” when Snow is talking about Natalie and it makes me laugh.
Granny says she is no closer to finding Henry and Veronica than she was a year ago, rather than six months.
The conversation between Granny and Sabrina is slightly different but the content is the same. A word here or there or the sentences are moved around.
Principle Hamlin says that he “traded a few punches [with Henry] back in the day, and Basil, well he and I never saw eye to eye.” I like this because before it was just a line about how Hamlin didn’t get along with the Grimms. When Granny reassures him it’s okay and that they will find Wendall, Hamlin says that he thinks he had the family all wrong before now. I like this because it drives home that Everafters aren’t all alike, and they are also capable of change. Obviously this is a major topic since Sabrina is struggling with it so much.
When Sabrina asks Canis if remembering the ones he hurt helps him stay calm, Canis’ answer is different. He no longer says it reminds him of his guilt, he says it “gives me a reason to try.”
Out of these chapters I’m really most upset about the missing exchange with Mirror. Why take those scenes away?? IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE MB
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thegrimmsisters · 6 years
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Hey everyone!! Just so you know I’m still reading these books and will continue to do updates as I get through the new versions. College has been holding me up with this progress but I graduate on Friday!! So I saw this when I got te last book in the mail today. Is MB playing with us? All signs point to yes, honestly
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thegrimmsisters · 7 years
The Fairytale Detectives- Chapters 8, 9, and 10, as well as final overall thoughts on book one!
Hello once again everyone. Thanks for sticking with me over that long summer. Finally I have finished book one!  Honestly part of the reason it took me so long is that The Fairytale Detectives is one of my least favorite in the series. I think it’s just because over the years I’ve read it sooo much but it took a while to slog through it. So below there are lots of changes! And my final thoughts on Buckley’s megar attempt at an edit.
Chapter Eight
Okay so first off, as always some minor lines are changed. When I say that, it’s never anything big, just things have been edited or moved around and it happens waaay too often for me to mention every single change. 
Elvis starts barking and trying to attack Jack earlier in the new one
Daphne protests Jack’s plan, saying tomorrow night is too late because Granny and Mr. Canis could already be dead by then. Jack says only if the giant gets really hungry. 
Sabrina notices Puck’s disgust and distrust of Jack and says she is starting to feel the same way too. Also Sabrina and Daphne try to chase after Puck when he storms out the first time. There’s a two line argument and he leaves. 
Finally Sabrina mentions Puck’s shape shifting! He had already done it twice with no mention. When he turns into a giant fly on the ceiling Sabrina thinks that there is no end to his upsetting tricks. 
When they go to talk to Mirror, Daphne still has knowledge of fairytale stories. I’m beginning to think MB didn’t set out to fix that mistake at all. 
ALSO! big change here! Mirror can’t refuse a direct order from a Grimm. Now, it’s not said word for word but Mirror doesn’t want to show them the Ruby Slippers and Jack asks Mirror: ‘“If the girls tell you to give them to us, can you resist?” Mirror sighed and frowned. “No.”’
I have no idea what that will mean for later in the series. Please correct me if I’m wrong but that never, ever pops up as a rule later on in the original copies. That could potentially change so so much. The possibilities where this could lead are endless. Knowing Buckley, it could stop right there and he never mentions it again, but that would so interesting if it went somewhere!
Lastly for this chapter is that the Scarlet Hand is mentioned earlier. 
Chapter Nine
As Momma Bear, Sabrina asks the group in line to Charming’s mansion if anyone had heard who kidnapped Henry and Veronica and the White Rabbit says he heard it was the Scarlet Hand
Briar Rose’s description is: “A lovely brown skinned woman with dazzling green eyes.” I thought this was worth mentioning due to the inconsistencies in the original books. I will keep an update of her description as we move through the books. 
In the original books the chapter break for 9/10 happens when Charming threatens Sabrina as Momma Bear with the crossbow, here there is no chapter break in the new books, it happens way way later, so I will follow that.
Another big change!!! In both versions of the book it is mentioned on Basil’s map of the mayoral estate, that he believes there is a secret room/door. In the new one, Daphne accidentally finds it!! And behind it, are 
“Portraits of Charming [that] flipped over revealing paintings of Snow White. In one of the paintings, Charming and Snow looked lovingly into each other’s eyes. In others, they were holding hands in a field of poppies. Some just featured the teacher, looking angelic is the sunshine.”
It also mentions that Charming looks pained when he sees them. So. Charming has a secret room devoted to Snow White and I honestly don’t know if that is creepy or romantic, but I’m leaning towards creepy. 
Unfortunately, all mention of Wilma Faye are completely gone. Apparently his plan was to video tape it and put it online. During the end battle scenes, he supposedly has cameras in the trees. 
Sabrina calls Jack, “Jack the Giant Jerk” It’s cute. 
Sabrina no longer tells Daphne to run away and get help so she won’t see Sabrina’s death when Jack is getting ready to kill her. I’m sad it’s gone, it added so much gravity to the scene. 
Chapter ten
Jack says that the Master will be very happy with him for killing Sabrina. It feels kind of weird if you already know Mirror is the master, since you’ve seen them interact and Jack acts rudely/normally around him. I get it’s a ruse it just comes off weird. 
When The Big Bad Wolf comes out, Sabrina no longer points out she can hear bits of Canis’ voice in the Wolf’s. It’s a detail I miss and I’m not sure why it was taken out. 
Also when the Wolf bites Jack, instead of saying that he tasted his blood and liked it , he warns Jack that ‘this dog bites’
More great lines gone! The section where Jack asks how it feels to know that his own kind wishes he were dead, and the Wolf responds ‘not nearly as bad as it must feel to know they barely care if you are alive’ is completely gone. It’s such a good line!! Why?! I’ll mourn this one for a while, definitely. 
When he turns back into Mr. Canis, he looks worried. Originally he says that they have to get the girls to safety, now he simply says “He tasted blood.” Give me more Mr. Canis caring deeply about the girls!! I’m glad they through in the blood line but the care for the girls line is given to Granny instead. 
Finally, even though Sabrina had no idea who Frau Pfefferkuchenhaus was earlier, she suddenly recognizes her on sight?
So. That is the first book. I must say it was a lot different than I expected. There was so much taken out that I didn’t want to see leave, but we were given a few interesting tidbits that I’m excited to see where MB goes with them later in the series. Overall, I think the original is better.  In a perfect world, I would take the additions and stick them in the original book. I haven’t read the other books in the revised series yet so this review is far from final, but I think Buckley is wasting his time. He’s not fixing mistakes. In all honesty, I have no idea what he’s doing. The new cover art is really nice, but no new inside illustrations? I feel cheated about it. Though he seemed to remedy it later, Sabrina’s charecter feels different in the opening chapters and it honestly feels like coming home after being away for a while and feeling that everything has slightly changed, it feels uncomfortable. 
In the back of the book, there is an ‘about this book’ section. Most notably Buckley says “Fans of this series will most likely not noticed what has been altered.” I don’t say this to be cocky, but he needs to stop underestimating us. We love these books, he needs to take better care of them. 
With that, I will start book two. Thank you for being patient and I hope this has helped some of you to see the changes without buying the books yourself. As always, if you have questions I would be more than happy to answer them! 
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thegrimmsisters · 4 years
10th Anniversary Editions Review Masterlist
The Fairytale Detectives: 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Chapters 3-5
Chapters 6-7
Chapters 8-10 and final thoughts 
The Unusual Suspects:
Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-7
Chapters 8-10 and final thoughts 
The Problem Child: 
Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-5
Chapters 6-8
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thegrimmsisters · 7 years
The Fairytale Detectives-Chapters six and seven
Hey everyone! I really love doing these and I’m so happy I’ve been getting great messages asking me about details. If you ever want to know something more specific I’d be more than happy to help! This has been fun and we are nearing the end of book one! After this post there is only three chapters left! So let’s get started, 
Chapter six
The bulk of this chapter only has little changes. Most of them were just small line changes like Puck saying something instead of Sabrina. It is interesting to note that there was a lot of this going on. I personally don’t think it makes it flow any better but many things were reallocated. I mostly noticed them when Puck said something Sabrina used to say, which happened often. 
The first interesting addition is that Sabrina notices there are way too many keys on Granny’s ring for just the door. I though this was good as it foreshadows the Hall of Wonders. 
Sabrina also protests letting Puck into the house. And instead of just pushing past her, he turns into a mouse and scurries in the door. This is the second mention of Puck’s shape shifting. Still no one has brought much, or any, attention to it. Whcih I kinda wish they would.
One interesting thing changes in the scene for seemingly no reason. The apple Sabrina has on her plate this chapter, which gets a couple of mentions, mysteriously turns into a pear. It’s still oddly colored but it’s just a different fruit. 
Once again the mention of the killed thugs is gone. We’ll see where that leads in later books. 
Also it seems Buckley forgot that he called Mirror a “house guest” They still barge in there but its pretty much the same scene where they think there will be something to stop the giant inside the room. You would think they would be less inclined to think some big weapon was in there if it was still a house guest. MB went in to fix things, came out with more mistakes somehow.
Chapter seven 
Chapter seven has a lot more changes than six, especially more significant changes. First of all, it’s still said that Daphne has read fairytales. In the first editions, in a later book it says that fairy tales were banned from the house and the girls had very little knowledge of them. I know it’s still vague enough that it could work but honestly this was one of the specific things I thought Buckley was planning on fixing. 
When Mirror shows them the cliff that the giant is on, Sabrina’s line to Puck, “You’ve probably thrown kids off that very cliff” is gone. This bothers me because it’s an early peace of banter between them that I’ve always enjoyed. It was a part I didn’t know how much I liked until it was gone. Plus I just don’t see why removing it was necessary. To go along with this, some of Puck’s snarky lines are gone. 
Daphne no longer suggests that the Big Bad Wolf should fight the giant. It fits with them not knowing fairytales but it was also a nice little piece of foreshadowing I really enjoyed. 
Sabrina no longer goes on her paragraph long rant at Mirror about needing help. That being said, Mirror now makes a comment about Sabrina having a bad temper. Which seems a little weird since her rant was reduced to a short sentence. 
This is little but Mirror calls Sabrina ‘blondie’ once. 
Puck now thinks of the plan to get them out of the house when Hamstead, Boarman, and Swineheart are outside waiting to bring them in. It used to be Sabrina that thought it up. This annoys me because I have noticed that many of Sabrina’s lines are being given to others. I’m not sure how much of an overall impact it makes but I don’t want too many of her lines and ideas given to others. Sabrina deserves them in my opinion. 
Going off of that, Puck decides he won’t help because he’s a villian and instead of getting characteristically upset, Sabrina just...asks him to help. Which was weird but then Puck insists that she ask for help by saying, “Please, your majesty, leader of this big adventure, would you be so kind as to save my behind?” Sabrina doesn’t answer and it switches scenes so take that as you will. 
But oddly enough later on, it still says that Puck looks displeased at Sabrina’s success. If it was his plan, wouldn’t it be his success? Don’t hold me to this but it feels like another thing Buckley missed when he changed an early point. If you’re going to edit, do it thoroughly
Little change, when they are flying on the magic carpet, its sunset instead of nighttime. 
Jack works at “Paul Bunyon’s House of Big and Tall” instead of “Harold’s House..” 
And finally, Jack says Charming gave him the black eye instead of some business associates. 
So these changes were kind of all over the board and I’m interested to see how he ends the book. There are some things I’ll be posting about at the back of the book. Hoping to finish the book in the next few days! I can’t wait to finish and get started on the next, and as always thanks for your support and sticking with these! 
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thegrimmsisters · 4 years
The Problem Child, Chapters 6-8
Hello everyone! As promised, a chapter review update! For those of you who started following me since my last update, or just a refresher in general: I’m going through the 10th anniversary editions of the books and comparing them page by page, word for word with the originals to see what MB changed, because there have been A LOT of changes. 
The changes for chapters 6-8 are below and as (almost) always, I’m dissapointed. 
(side note when I search the tag ‘sisters grimm 10th anniversary edition review; on my blog, I’m missing the last few posts of mine. Similarly when I search ‘sisters grimm’ in the general search some of my posts don’t appear so please please please, let me know if you see this!!)
Chapter Six
(This picks up after Sabrina and Jake get caught in the Hall of Wonders after Granny forbid Sabrina from magic)
-Daphne no longer asks if Jake killed Basil.
-When Sabrina and Granny argue, Daphne now says to Sabrina, “you just accused her of not caring about us!”
-Instead of smiling at Sabrina the next morning, Granny nodded stiffly.
-When Jake brings Doughnuts, Granny now says “Doughnuts are not going to win me over,” but she smiles and takes one, saying that she missed them.
-Sabrina no longer says she saw the view of the town from the mountains when she was running from the Jabberwocky
-Granny makes Jake promise he won’t take them to the asylum.
-In the original Jake says he wants to make sure Mirror gets to try the doughnuts. Now Granny tells him to share with Mirror and Jake says “I’m not wasting these on him!” and Granny replies “Mirror is part of the family, go give him one!” (this makes me sad despite what I know about Mirror.)
-When Charming comes over he no longer looks at Sabrina and says “Captain, permission to come aboard?”
-Granny no longer even says goodbye before closing the door on Charming and Snow.
-Jake no longer says that Charming threatened to have him arrested as a kid
-The girls no longer interrupt to ask Jake what he did to make Granny erase him in the minds of everyone in Ferryport Landing.
-After Jake storms out Sabrina asks “is that the price for using magic you were talking about?” (which seems super savage!! Like wow.)
-When Sabrina goes to find Puck he is sitting on a jewel encrusted toilet instead of a throne, which I suppose is more fitting.
-Sabrina no longer accuses Puck of being in a bad mood
-MB spells doughnut two different ways in the same sentence?? Originally this didn’t happen. He literally had to change one spelling and not the second. I repeat, in the same sentence. 
-Sabrina says “So this is about my uncle” instead of “why don’t you like him?”
-The kiss scene is reworked. From what I can tell it’s all still there, just in slightly different order. The only thing missing is she now never tells Puck to meet them at the car.
-Jake apparently named the car Genevieve???
-In the car Sabrina thinks that every time Puck looks at her it felt like her face was on fire.
-The signs that say “A vote for Heart is a vote for change” aren’t there anymore
-When they start to practice with the wand, Jake originally says practicing is important because otherwise someone could get hurt. That line is gone.
-When you see Canis run through the forest Sabrina no longer says that Puck is just dumb enough to fight him. Daphne’s response is gone as well.
-This is new though: ‘“Did anyone see that guy’s face?” Daphne asked. Uncle Jake shook his head. “Maybe he’s one of those Scarlet Hand weirdos.” “Maybe” Sabrina said. The thought made her worry for Puck which made her feel ridiculous. Since when did she worry about stinky old Puck? She wanted to dig a hole and bury herself.’
-The Blue Plate Special is now hyphenated to The Blue-Plate Special
-Sabrina thinks that she doesn’t care if The Blue Plate Special employs Everafters as long as they can make disco fries.
-There’s a menorah on the counter in the diner!!!
-Jake now clarifies that Farrah owns the diner, not just works there.
-Sabrina’s order changes to add disco fries. (what the heck is disco fries?)
-Sabrina specifies that Heart and Nottingham are in ‘regular’ clothing when they walk in the diner.
-When Sabrina threatens Nottingham, he normally says “You’re bluffing!” and Jake replies, “Is she?” This is gone.
-Sabrina notes that the thump from the Jabberwocky almost knocks the Scarecrow off his stool.
-The wand is no longer knocked from Sabrina’s hand.
Chapter Seven
(This picks up in the diner fight with Red and the Jabberwocky)
-Oh. NOW the wand is knocked from her hand. (Previously it happened in Chapter six towards the tail end)
-Uncle Jake tells them to stay down instead of Sabrina saying that.
-Red’s line about people saying she’s confused and had imagination is gone. (which is really sad because I always liked that line)
-Jake tells Red he “knows where her grandmother and puppy are” to get her to put Heart down.
-Sabrina tells Daphne to stay put as she goes for the wand.
-The whole bit where Sabrina tells Red she’s crazy and Red says ‘Sabrina is making her and her kitty mad’ is gone.
-Puck no longer says he’s a hero now, but the rest of the line is intact.
-Sabrina says “You expect me to apologize because you’re doing a good deed?” to Puck
-Puck’s line “If I’m going to be a good guy, than people are going to notice!” is gone.
-One of Puck’s lines used to go; ‘”Don’t worry girls,” Puck shouted, almost laughing . “I’ve got all this under control!”’ Now it goes, ‘” Don’t worry girls,” Puck shouted sarcastically. “I’ll save you!”’ This change doesn’t make a lot of sense, why would he be sarcastic? I feel like Puck’s dialogue has suffered so much already.
-Puck getting his wings ripped off is still as awful and gut wrenching as normal.
-Instead of backing both Sabrina and Daphne into a corner after Sabrina hits it with lightning, the Jabberwocky only backs Sabrina into a corner.
-Daphne no longer jumps up to run to Mr. Canis when he appears.
-Canis now tells the girls to stay down.
-Red now says she has a basket of goodies for Granny- which is a little too on the nose for me.
-Canis used to say “Get home children.” Now he says, “I will get him (meaning Puck) help girls, you and Jacob need to get home now.”
-The first thing Sabrina asks when she runs in Granny’s room is whether or not Puck will be okay. Originally they talked about Canis first.
-The conversation with Canis about the Wolf is different. Sabrina asks Granny how she could lie when Sabrina had been blaming herself for Canis’ death. I really like this addition.
-Canis also heavily implies he still wants to commit suicide. In the original I feel like it wasn’t as heavily implied that he still actively wants to.
 Chapter Eight
(For context this is the chapter they go under the Hudson to meet the Little Mermaid)
-When they are approaching the sea floor bottom Sabrina says there are soda bottles instead of pop bottles. I googled where in the country people use what term and according to multiple sources, in New York they say soda, so…well done?
-The Little Mermaid now “requires” their presence instead of “seeks” it.
-Lake is corrected to River. I never caught it before that MB accidentally says they’re at the bottom of a lake.
-When describing Ariel it used to say “Still, her over abundant body couldn’t hide the beauty she was”. Now it simply says, “Still, she was beautiful”. While it still describes her as overweight, I suppose it’s not as blatantly negative as it was previously.
-Her hair now reaches her “fins” instead of “ankles” because…she doesn’t have ankles…
-“Back of the little boat” is changed to “stern” We’re teaching nautical terms here, kiddos.
- “Faerie” is now spelled “fairy”. Interested to see where this one goes. It’s used in context of the “Faerie Folk” so we might see more changes about this.
So that’s the updates for 6-8! As always, I think MB needs a better editor. Like full stop. He needs a better editor to catch some of these blatant mistakes. 
I still don’t think removing any of these lines made the story better or made things flow better. At best, I don’t see why MB made the changes he did, and at worst, he stripped us of some of my favorite lines. 
As always let me know what you think because I love hearing your opinions on these!! 
(side note when I search the tag ‘sisters grimm 10th anniversary edition review; on my blog, I’m missing the last few posts of mine. Similarly when I search ‘sisters grimm’ in the general search some of my posts don’t appear so please please please, let me know if you see this!!)
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thegrimmsisters · 7 years
The Fairytale Detectives Chapter one Review
Yes, I'm going to annoy everyone and do a chapter by chapter review of the new books! I'll tag it chapter review so you can blacklist it if you want. Also these will contain spoilers for changes. 
 So!! First chapter of the new books. I'm pretty excited. First of all the little prologue at the beginning of the books that tells a sneak of the end is different. It's all the same information, just reworked. I don't have any particular feelings about it. It might be slightly more suspenseful in the revised edition.
 In the first page of the first chapter Sabrina mentions that the endless forest that surrounded Ferryport Landing looks like it's trying to hide it from the rest of the world and it's a line I'm personally glad Buckley decided to add. It's a nice preview of what's to come.
 Right off the bat on the first page Sabrina tells the story of her parents disappearance, rather that a few pages in. I like this because I feel it propels the story faster. Also there is an inclusion of a character, "Todd" who apparently was in charge of their case; looking for next of kin before they went to the orphanage. I kinda hope we get more Todd info. 
 The rest of the chapter is pretty similar, some scenes and conversations were moved around though, and for the most part it flows well, possibly slightly better than the original.
 What was really interesting though, is NEW dialogue. The craziest thing for me, is that Sabrina says that her and Daphne need to go back to the orphanage, in case their parents look for them there. From what I recall of the original, Sabrina wants to get out of Granny's house but definitely not go back to the orphanage. That comes up in the next chapter I believe so I'm interested to see what happens in the new edition. 
 That's it for chapter one changes, let me know if you have any questions or want me to look at anything in particular! I'll read chapter two in the next few days, as I'm still in the midst of finals.
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thegrimmsisters · 7 years
The Fairytale Detectives-Chapters three, four, and five.
Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay, for the first time I’ve worked over 50 hours in one week and am pretty tired! I’ve decided to combine the next three chapters because there are few big changes, especially within chapter five. As summer progresses I’ll get through the books faster but as the next three haven’t even been announced, I don’t mind taking my time. 
Chapter three:
So this is the chapter where Granny tries to explain the family history and that fairy tales are real. The conversation hasn’t changed much, just phrases here or there moved around and the dialogue changes some. One thing I noticed is that Sabrina says a phrase that seems so Puck-like it’s ooc. Granny starts saying fairy tales are real and Sabrina says 
“You might want to lie down lady, you’re talking crazy again.” Is it just me or do you hear Puck saying that, not Sabrina? This continues the trend of Sabrina changing as a character that is starting to worry me. 
The next thing that is really weird is that Granny said an off hand comment that almost excused Everafter persecution??? She was explaining that living among humans was getting harder then said 
“I blame the trolls, you can only eat so many peasants before people start to get nervous.”
It just felt really weird and also ooc. That whole scene was strange. I think it was supposed to come off as funny but it flopped and felt weird coming from Granny who normally is so understanding and supportive of Everafters. 
The last thing that makes that scene so weird is Granny calls Baba Yaga a “dark Everafter” Again. ooc. Majorly. Baba Yaga and Granny have always had a respect for each other and I don’t know. You can mention if you think I’m wrong but it seemed like a weird addition for me. 
So now we switch to the hospital scene. Only a few changes, and only two worth mentioning. Buckley did some fixing and Glinda’s name on the sign-in sheet changes from North to South, which aligns with canon Oz stories as she is the witch of the South.
Also. This bugged me. Glinda is no longer described as chubby. Why is Buckley taking away interesting characterization?? It gave Glinda something interesting about her even if she wasn’t in the story that much. It just seems like he’s taking things out for the sake of taking them out. 
Okay so chapter three was the one with the most changes in this grouping. 
Chapter four: 
So after they leave the hospital, they run into the goons that want to stop them from investigating. The goons accidentally reveal their names and in the original edition the leader says “now we have to kill them.” in the new one he says “now we have to do something drastic.” This seems to be a trend of trying to make this story more for children. It always seemed to me that he kind of missed his mark originally and that Buckley may be trying to age down the series by removing instances of death. Something similar happens when the house gets crushed by the giant. In the first edition, there was no chance they goons inside survived. In the new edition Sabrina wonders if anyone had a chance to get out, leaving it open ended. It should be incredibly interesting to see if this trend continues as the series gets darker. Or even into the next book. 
Buckley fixed the fact the Granny says there was no cow that jumped over the moon, directly contradicting Bess later in the series. Now she says she’s never heard of a dish that ran away with a spoon. This is interesting because isn’t that the same fairy tale? By the standards set up in this series, if one character is real, so are the rest from the story. So really Buckley only created another conundrum. 
Chapter five:
The only thing here worth mentioning is that when Sabrina looks at the picture of her family in Granny’s bag, Basil is said to be in the picture, when he wasn’t the first time. It seems that Buckley is placing his death later in the timeline, to just before Sabrina’s birth. 
That’s all for now, let me know what you think, I’m interested to hear other opinions. Thank you!
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thegrimmsisters · 7 years
The Fairytale Detectives-Chapter Two
Because I have no self control and read another chapter. Decided to do these as a read more from now on so I don’t spam the tags quite as much. I’m not tagging the series but it’s likely it’ll end up there anyway. 
So chapter two came with many more changes. I’m starting to develop a feel for this book and it’s quite different. I’ll hold all major opinions to the end but the flow is very different and even Sabrina feels like a different character at some points. 
So like the last chapter, most things are the same with slight conversational and scene differences. The biggest changes are these:
Mirror’s room is no longer this mysterious room that they aren’t allowed into. Granny tells them that they have a house guest that doesn’t like to be disturbed and to leave them alone. I’m interested to see how the whole Sabrina, Daphne, and Puck breaking in there will play out, since going into a seemingly empty room is a lot different then breaking into someone’s bedroom. 
Interestingly enough Sabrina is very insistent that they need to get back to the orphanage as soon as possible. Complete 180 from first edition Sabrina. 
Another Sabrina note, she seems less snarky so far. When they get their crazy clothes, she doesn’t lash out and say “You expect us to wear these?!” Instead she just calls them clown clothes. 
Some of my favorite lines are gone or rewritten but that’s just me. 
Sabrina actually says that being sent to “Mrs. Grimm’s” house is the cruelest things Ms. Smirt ever did to them and I’m like.. wow. That was harsh even for you Sabrina. 
And finally, the biggest change of the whole chapter. There is no Wilma Faye of Action Four News :( I don’t know if she’ll pop up later but that’s it, she’s definitely not in the chapter. 
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