ohlawsons · 4 years
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having some faction swap au thinky thoughts
rei and cori have existed for a while (since the DvL event ages ago) but i miss doing the class stories so there’s. more now.
lys (originally sw) will be... interesting. i’m not sure if she’ll end up light side or not, just bc i don’t see her putting up with the jedi’s bullshit for long. we’ll see! one thing is for sure: she absolutely will not romance doc lmao. possibly koth later on?
rei (originally inquisitor) is definitely not avoiding the fractured alliances story arc atm, so she’s relatively caught up as far as story content goes. light side, still a nerd and a menace on the council -- just a different council this time -- and still with theron.
zaara (originally agent) is who i’m working on atm. tentatively lightside?
cori (originally jk) is somewhere in kotet, abandoned once i realized her lana romance had bugged out :( she’s the second of three coris that have failed to properly romance the sith wife and i’m over it!! she’s smooching jaesa though bc i think we can do that now? anyway lord coryn “bad with feelings” ven is more cool calm and collected than her jedi self but also more inclined towards murder
t’sereen (originally jc) is fun bc even in her canon, she studied at korriban before being captured by the jedi and eventually joining them. considering she’s dark side even as a jedi she’s gonna be a mess as a sith. absolutely romancing andronikos
davri (originally trooper) is uh. well... she’s... look i have no clue how the fuck it’s gonna go, given that she’s as subtle as a brick. it’ll be fun, it’ll be messy, i’m excited to just let it happen and figure it out as i go
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ohlawsons · 7 years
Zaara - 58,25; T'Sereen - 46; Reiyaxa - 53
Swtor OC ask meme 
Zaara Ven25. Do they have any deep dark secrets? mostly related to jobs she did with intelligence. probably the biggest one would be wrt to the mental conditioning from act 2 – zaara did destroy any files intelligence had on the process, and confirmed it later on once lana was named minister, but she keeps copies. yknow. just in case. 58. Did they recruit Arcann or kill him? i’m not there with her yet, but she’s gonna recruit him probably. not bc she wants to ~redeem~ him or anything but bc he’s a good resource. he knows more about zakuul and vaylin than even senya does, which makes him useful.
T’sereen Neiri46. Did they kill or arrest any of the companions? If so why? I… don’t think so? i’m trying to remember and the only one i can think of is kaliyo. i don’t think t’sereen killed her though, just exiled. she was……. not Impressed with kaliyo’s inability to follow orders
Reiyaxa53. Did they trust Empress Acina at first? What about later? so, in her fic!canon, rei actually has a prior alliance with acina from back when they were both on the dark council, so yeah she trusts her pretty easily. 
game!canon, though, rei’s a bit more skeptical, but not much. she’s pretty excited just to be back home and around sith and working with old colleagues that she doesn’t ask as many questions as she typically would’ve. 
in either situation, the deal with lorman doesn’t sway her much at all. underlings betray their superiors all the time, and it wouldn’t surprise her if acina knew it was coming or even set it up so that she and rei were caught in it. 
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