#the faction swap au
thatone-pancake · 3 months
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WOO i am DONE!! also i only realised how tiny i drew katana compared to the other playgrounders while writing this, so i had to size him up and he still looks short compared to the others LMAO. guess he's like a midget in this au then /jk
this was probably the hardest bunch to design bc playground seemingly has no faction attire, and their faction isn't like Lost Temple where it is a desert so i have an idea of what to do.
all playground characters seem to just have streetwear or something casual soo i tried my best to do that (i love shuriken but he was INCREDIBLY hard to design and even now he may be my least favourite one)
katana's biker idea was suggested by a friend and i thought that was perfect because canon katana looks threatening in some way, and how else could i have carried that same vibe when he has to wear more casual clothes?
anyways yeah i am done with this au for now!! until the next phighter, that is. also if you guys want, you can ask me to doodle some npcs and their designs. no factionless people though (like the sfoths)
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simply-windy · 10 days
Since I faction swapped the demons... I'm gonna swap the deities too. Firebrand -> Stormbrand, deity of the aether, the storms and divine controller of the weather, King of Crossroads [Swap w/Windforce] Windforce -> Shiverforce, deity of the ice, frost and snowstorms [Swap w/Icedagger] Illumina -> Penumbra, deity of the darkness, misfortune and divine controller of the shadows [Swap w/Darkheart] Ghostwalker -> ???, deity of the undead, plague and the commander of the undead army [Swap w/Venomshank] Venomshank -> ???, deity of reincarnation, death and the divine protector of the spirits [Swap w/Ghostwalker] Darkheart -> Dawnheart, deity of the light, purity and hope [Swap w/Illumina Icedagger -> Blazedagger, deity of the fire and flames, protector of the will-o-wisps [Swap w/Firebrand]
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artidoesthings · 7 months
please ask me abt my silly phighting AUs/ideas… or my ocs
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striderl · 1 month
Here’s the full version of the swap AU Filming Industry — The B.A.S.S. Mercenaries.
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The B.A.S.S. Mercenaries operates beyond the reach of the Alliance. No one knows exactly where the team members hail from, when did they become a team, or what drives their actions. They have a repuration for completing any mission as long as the price is right, though money alone won’t suffice. Payment must be made in rare metal, gun powder, and other valuable commodities. Or else, part of the client’s body will be removed, heads and cores made up a large percentage. 
The B.A.S.S. ’s service range from blackmailing, assassination, security convoy, and sabotage, as an acronym of the team’s name.
Introducing the team members:
Balisong (He/him) - Demolitionist, explosive engineer. Younger brother of Lavalier. As volatile as the materials he works with, known for his quick temper, likely fueled by his addiction to smoking gunpower — a habit he’s never been able to get rid of. Quiet and reserved, only speaks when he’s working or when the conversation touches on a subject he’s pasionate about. Rumors had it that he had been a victim of Glitch Toilet, much like Lumix. Absolutely disapproves Lavalier’s relationship with Monochrome.
Lavalier (She/her) - Assassin, team leader. Older sister of Balisong, girlfriend of Monochrome. Ruthless, efficient, beneath her hardened exterior lies a soft spot reserved exclusively for those she considers family. Slightly jealous of Lumix because she has a dashing fiancé and an adorable boy. Has a substantial bounty on her head due to her act of sabotaging crucial intelligence from both the TV faction and the Skibidis. Rumors circulates that she might have been the original prototype for the current speaker matriach.
Monochrome (He/them) - Former butler. Worked as an interrogator for the TV faction for a few years before join the B.A.S.S. Partner of Lavalier. Unlike Foley, he is a virgin, yet he loves teasing Lavalier with inappropriate jokes. An accident during a sparring match with the TV elite left Monochrome with significant processor damage. Capable of using light ability and teleportation. However, when he teleports, large amount of red smoke will leak from their body for an extended peroid. Has invented a multitude of methods to torture his victims to death using nothing but chains. Has a collection of skulls, Polaroid’s included. Lumix almost pumped his head with lead because of it.
Lumix (She/her) - Gunswoman. Former human, fiancee of Sawmus and biological mother of Polaroid. Faked her death in the Glitch Toilet accident and aidded Lavalier in reassembling Balisong, later stayed in the B.A.S.S. due to her ties with Lavalier, unable to return to the Alliance. Misses Sawmus so much that she sometimes hacks the surveillance camera in the Alliance base, or stalks Sawmus’ team during their missions. Her precision and fierceness with her shotgun is absolutely viscious (Polaroid inherits his sniper genes from her). Doesn’t have any memories of her past as a human, but she finds solace in the fact that someday she would have Polaroid as her son.
Other info: in the swap AU, Sawmus and Polaroid’s storyline remains the same. Except for the part where Polaroid never joins the science department and keeps his position as a special op sniper in Sawmus’ team.
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arcanefandomweek · 1 year
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Arcane Year 2 Event Week!
From November 7th to the 13th
#ArcaneYear2 / #ArcaneYearTwo
Let's celebrate Arcane on its second anniversary! All fanworks are welcome! In this special week, you have a choice of two themes, each with unique prompts.
What Could Have Been
Nov 7 : Faction Swap / First Time Nov 8 : Vander Lives / Broken Nov 9 : Hugs / Family / Grief Nov 10 : Food / Gift / Fix It Nov 11 : AU / Soulmate / Adoption Nov 12 : Nightmare / Kiss / Jealousy Nov 13 : Free Day / Goodbyes
What Could Yet Be
Nov 7 : Hextech / Ghost / Blood Nov 8 : Common Enemy / Warwick Nov 9 : Begging / Shimmer / Art Nov 10 : Chaos / Light / Promise Nov 11 : Noxus / Secrets / Fear Nov 12 : Machine Herald / Faith / Lies Nov 13 : Voices / Legacy / Hope
How does this work?
The "What could have been" prompts were chosen to fit fics or art (or meta, playlists, etc) set before or during season 1.
This includes ideas like "Heimerdinger used to travel the world before founding Piltover" set before canon, as well as missing scenes like "Viktor creating his hextech arm" during the time skip, or "Vi waking up in Stillwater".
The "What could yet be" prompts were chosen for speculation about season 2 and beyond.
This includes ideas like "my favourite LoL character definitely rocks into Zaun" or "Jinx frees Warwick" or "How Viktor becomes the Machine Herald"
You can mix and match! You can do one theme for day 1, the other for day 2... And on day 3 you could use the 'family' prompt to write a season 2 AU! Ultimately these prompts are to provide inspiration and a framework. I will not police submissions, so long as you respect the rules. Please read them well!
Rules | AO3 collection | Twitter | FaQ
Participation Bingo for readers and fans
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synthwayve · 8 months
Hi have this absolute crackpot of an AU my delirious 4:00 AM brain came up with where Micolash fulfills the role of the Plain Doll. Doodles+rambling below the cut \o/
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Imagining him saying “Ah, good hunter” has been killing me for the past 30 minutes
In all honesty I have no idea where any of this came from, I think I just wondered what it would’ve been like if Insight was the loose stat that does not progress the story, and Beasthood/Blood became the story-dependent stat. That brought up the possibility of Laurence and Gehrman communicating with Kos rather than MP, and THAT made me think “what if Laurence got whisked away like he was supposed to, instead of Gehrman taking the fall for him?”
Since the doll looks like Maria and not Laurence, I figured if Laurence were in Gehrman’s place, his doll wouldn’t resemble Gehrman. So I started wondering who else would fit the role AND. YEAH. Then I just went insane from there. In this AU, moon presence would be dead(maybe “washed up” in the field of asphodels rather than the beach?) and Yahar’gul would fulfill Yharnam’s role (since it’s the more insight-heavy area, so there’s be Old Yahar’gul and New Yahar’gul lmao). I think Kos would take an arm rather than a leg thanks to the placement of the Kos Parasite, but I still drew Laurence in a wheelchair because I imagine after a certain point he’d lose the energy/mobility to walk due to an unclean cut and eldritch shenanigans.
I like to think that while Gehrman has the know-how to create the doll and MP gave it life pygmalion style, if Laurence were in his position, he would 1. Not know how to do that and 2. Not create Micolash anyway. So I thought it’d be funny if Kos just dumps him in the dream like “hey I heard you were upset, here’s something that’ll make you more upset” because Great Ones don’t understand human feelings. Kos thinks having a curious doll that can’t be killed is a gift, but obviously Laurence would Have Issues with seeing his old academic rival who died horribly just be “Brought Back But Wrong” like that. Perhaps Lady Maria and her research patients would be a really big deal and Micolash+The School of Mensis would have been the first “faction” to die in this AU. I haven’t exactly marked out who “”swaps”” with who since there are quite a few characters who dabble in both Blood AND Insight, so their biases are hard to figure out(maybe Rom would fulfill Carylls role and you’d get to fight an ascended/beastified Caryll, The Byrgenwerth Runesmith?) idk!
This is all just silly half-asleep “hey what if”s and “oh this would be goofy to draw”s so obviously I’m just tossing ideas around. And doodles! I’m tossing doodles around too :,) okay goodnight
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lumineary-arts · 8 months
Hiya! Just saying I love your Murder drones role swap Au! I plan on making a faction based on it as I’ve already started writing it! But I was wondering, have you thought about where Alice will fit in? I know you have Khan taking her place in this Au so I was wondering about that!
I was thinking of her taking the place as N/Nate’s teacher or somthing
Alice and Beau have an interesting role in replacing Doll's parents. I imagine that they're related to both N and Cyn as an aunt and cousin.
Unfortunately, this means that they were murdered by Thad. Cyn witnessed her aunt and baby cousin get murdered before her eyes. However, N didn't see it, and they were assumed missing because Cyn hid their bodies away.
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bromomentum · 16 days
Hello! I want to say that I really like your work. And you really motivate me to continue drawing.
If you don't mind, I would like to share my short au. The key detail is that Bumblebee and Wasp swapped places. Bee ended up in prison and was tortured, which was supposed to "make him talk".
After some time, the escaped Autobot was taken in by Arachnia, giving him a way into the world of the Decepticons. But he didn't stay there for long either, abandoned by two factions like a boring toy.
Now he acts independently, sometimes meeting with our main characters.
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That's a really cool drawing and interesting scenario right there! A meaner, scarier Bee full of trauma is something i haven't seen much of since Siege lol Hope you don't mind, i just couldn't resist (took the liberty to draw him barefoot cuz in my head, it made sense(?)
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Hope you continue drawing, you're really good at it!
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berensteinsmonster · 2 months
Scuse me lemme just *CHOMPS and eats your art of your AU* DELICIOUS! 😋
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YIPPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Augh I'm so happy you like my hv au!!!! And thank you for telling me!!!!! I really enjoy opposite aus alot which is why I loveeeee to get really into detail with them. There's something that's so fun with the concept that I wish mirror/reverse aus take more advantage to write with
Like, take for example the two main factions of THSC, The Government versus The Toppat Clan. The GOVT are, well, the government, and are public based militants focusing their efforts into stopping a well renowned crime group who's whole gimmick is that they wear top hats, to show they're EVILLLL and NEFARIOUS....for funsies and for capital gains
So, what would it be like if instead of roles swapping (Govt members become Toppat members, Toppats become Govt, etc), they simply just had the opposite set of goals and morality?
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The TVOG corp, while still public based and do have goals in helping people, aren't really the good guys because they're secretly a crime organization, with a reputation of being 100% liked globally with nobody the wiser. This faction still keeps the theme of green but more on the turquoise side, and although they wear white uniforms, it's not a symbol of any actual honest goodness
The Cowwoy Posse KNOW these suit and ties wearing employees are causing crimes behind the scenes and do everything in their power to stop them. This faction still keeps the big round brim they wear, but because of the cowboy hat shape, it provides a rounder silhouette to contrast the tophats sharp square and rectangular designs
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It's just REALLY FUN to write the process of how I hv au-ize elements of the thsc world so it fits my Henry Ventriloquest au, I hope I can continue to do more and show more of my art in the future :)
//The heart symbol you see is from The Pavilion, run by Dr Dmitri Pavlov, a series of shelters and hospital centers. That'll be talked about another time. wink
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kaijucat01artblog · 2 months
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swapspace design for my au! lore under the cut
One of the most controversial Phighters is Swapspace, hailing as a wanted fugitive from Blackrock and regarded as a rightfully rebellious freedom fighter in Playground. He's usually filled with a nervous energy, tinkering away on chemicals within his apartment's lab outside of Phighting! rounds, and avoiding crowds through back alleys. Nobody has yet discovered his criminal status within the other factions and Crossroads due to the mysterious snowstorms holding Blackrock in a fierce grip - and in a twist of cruel irony, only Playground was able to get Blackrock's warning message about him, leading to his elevated standing in Playgrounder society.
Subspace remains almost jubilantly anxious, constantly on edge no matter where he is. Perhaps he's right to have such a disposition: treasonous persons in Blackrock don't get away with their crimes, especially when his most notable include the sabotage of promising scientist Medkit and the theft of the only Biograft blueprint in existence. In battle, his abilities to go undetected allow him to flit in and out of view as he poisons enemies and quells the lethal edge of Ultimate Healing.
(Swapped w/ Medkit)
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thatone-pancake · 4 months
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Once again shown in order from the first drawn to the latest drawn. this is why the biograft on subspace's design was made of oak instead of sakura or aspen trees !
i made a tiny mistake for hyperlaser- he isn't wearing a kyudo (as that is the martial art) but a kyudogi instead. should've researched a bit more before finishing the drawing ^^;
the woodgrafts were so interesting in my sketches but when coloured in they start looking like ice cream lol
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simply-windy · 2 months
Faction Swap AU: Collection
Playground: Members Lore Thieves' Den: Members Lore Blackrock: Members Lore Lost Temple: Members Lore
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artidoesthings · 7 months
Phighting is a fandom where I feel like I can combine these funny little guys with many fandoms for horrible and fun results
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striderl · 22 days
Why does monochrome have chains on his legs and arms?
There’s a long story to the chains. But at its core, Monochrome kept them as an effective weapon, as well as a grim reminder that the TV men are not to be trusted.
As mentioned in the Swap AU intro, Monochrome suffered significant processor damage during a sparring match with the TV elite. Unlike Foley, whose damage had been repaired, Monochrome was deemed beyond saving by the TV maintenance officer, and was discarded in a recycling facility. The TV elite punched straight through his head, destroying both his processor and CRTs.
Just as Monochrome was about to be shredded into pieces, he teleported away with no specific coordinate in mind. He ended up crashing into a dumspter next to an underground auction house, a place which he used to investigate illegal trades for hardware agent. Severely damaged and low power, he shut down, and his frame was discovered by the bouncers of the auction house. 
The auction house technicians patched him up, but only for the sake of sprucing him up to fetch a higher price. Despite his fear, Monochrome managed to persuade the auction host to keep him around with his eloquence. Intrigued, the host approved of Monochrome’s plea and decided to assign him as a butler and overseer of the auction house. Genuine TV agents were a rare asset for those outside the official engineering department, and Monochrome’s abilities and capabilities were valuable.
Monochrome served in the auction house for years. Until one fateful day, TV agents stormed an auction, arresting everyone in sight and forcibly dragging Monochrome back to the TV faction. Monochrome resisted fiercely, fueled by his hatred for the TV faction that treated him like mere tool, and discarding him like scrap metal. He was also terrified for the host’s life — the one person who had value his presence and treated him with respect. But he knew he couldn’t fight back on his own, so he begrudgingly accepted their demand to become an interrogator for the TV faction.
Over the years, Monochrome frequently abandoned his post and occassionally allowing major threats to escape. The faction’s therapist framed it as Stockholm Syndrome, but Monochrome knew better. He was simply tired — exhausted by the TV faction’s oppressive regimes and the narsacisstic agents, yet powerless to change anything.
The make matters worse, Monochrome’s processor damage seemed worsen over time, cause his moods to become erratic and unpredictable. Other TV agents witnessed him screaming at walls, mumbling incoherently in the hallways, and sometimes picking fights with the elites for no apparent reason. After an incident where Monochrome threw hands with the TV matriach, the officials decided enough was enough. They shackled Monochrome with chains that made from the same metal that forged the frame of the TV men, locking him away in a desolate room filled with old archives and prevent teleportation. 
The solitary confinement was the final straw for Monochrome, he lost all trust in his faction and lashed out at any TV man who dared approach him.
Then one day, Lavalier broke into the TV headquarters, causing chaos as she sabotaged files. During her escape, she made a sharp turn in the corner and darted into the very room where Monochrome was held. When she came face to face with Monochrome, she was shocked that the TV men would imprison one of their own. But she desperately needed Monochrome’s teleporation ability to make her escape, so she struck a deal with Monochrome: if she helped him break free, he shall keep his vocalizer shut and get them both out of there.
Apparently, Lavalier didn’t anticipate what would happen after the deal.
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miqotepotatoe · 11 months
All of my Ninjago AUs because I am insane & autistic + it's fun
(disclaimer, a vast majority of these focus on cole brookstone because favouritism bias)
My Nonexistant Friend - Ghost!Cole AU where Day of the Departed...did not end so well. He's trapped in the Airjitzu Temple and is effectivly erased from existance. He suffers in nonexistant puragtory for 300 years until Lloyd's future students move in and the Master of Earth of this new era befriends the ghost. Fluff, feels & the power of friendship ensue
Perma Ghost - Ninjago but Cole remains a ghost. To prevent him from fading he anchors himself to friendship bracelets all the ninja + Wu & Pixal wear. He can't stray to far from anyone wearing a friendship bracelet but he doesn't mind he's always with a friend.
Curseworlds - Possession bad end, heavily inspired by The Star from Fionna & Cake. The Preeminent has won and has cursed all the realms and ghosts torment the remaining living souls. A small faction of survivors is fighting to take out the Queen of the Cursed, but it's very difficult with her two princes causing havoc. Anyone order evil Sandstorm?
Reverse - An alt Ninjago where Wu was bit by the Great Devourer instead of Garmadon. Wu becomes an evil dictator, Ninjago is in a lawless era, the og ninja are all traumatised child soldiers made to do Wu's bidding, Garmadon and a few familiar faces are fighting back.
Genderswap - As it says, everyone is genderswapped. But it's like Fionna & Cake where some stuff is different because of the swapped genders.
Elemental Anacondrai - Chen decides to be extra twisted and mark all the loosers of the Tournament with the Anacondrai Mark as a sign of ownership. When the cult is transformed into Anacondrai, they too. So for the last two episodes of ToE, Skylor, Karlof, Gravis, Bolobo, Ash, Cole, Jacob, Chamile & Tox are turned into Anacondrai.
Constrictai!Cole - Cole isn't dehypnotised at the end of Home and is taken prisoner by the Hypnobrai. When the Fangpyre are free and team up with the Hypnobrai, Skales has them turn Cole into a Serpentine. He ends up a Constrictai. The ninja end up rescueing him durring Can of Worms, remove the hypnotism with some anti-venom tea, and now Cole must adjust to his new reptilian body. Lots of Glacier
Lost But Never Found - AU where Cole ends up in the Land of Lost things after running away from his school. He becomes a Finder and is living his best life with his new found family. Sora also ends up there after running away and Cole adopts her
Vampire!Cole - Cole ends up becoming a vampire after getting attacked by one. Lots of hyjinks & vampire hunting (hunting other vampires, not Cole)
Wu Adopts Cole - Wu finds Cole a lot earlier then canon, at 10 years old. He's an orphan, his mum passed from illness and his dad drank himself to death. Wu raises Cole, trains him in his Elemental Power, very wholesome Dad Wu stuff.
Amphibijago - Ninjago + Amphibia crossover. Cole, Kai and Jay take the places of the Calamity Girls and end up in Amphibia. Cole ends up with the frogs, Kai ends up with the toads, Jay ends up with the newts. What could go wrong
The Oni House - Ninjago + The Owl House, basically the Owl House but with Ninjago characters. Cole is a troubled teen about to be sent off to a performing arts boarding school when he ends up in a realm of witches, demons and magic after wandering through a portal. There he meets Lord Garmadon, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles and his baby dragon demon Rocky. Lava time
Ninja in Eorzea - Ninjago + FFXIV. The ninja play the criticly acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV with an extended free trail with unlimited playtime that allows them to play the award winning expansions Heavensward and Stormblood, and they get suckef in...litterally like Prime Empire.
Miraculous: Tales of Firefly & Charcole Cat - Ninjago + Miraculous. Ninjago City is being ravaged by supervillains created by someone known as the Dark Lord. But new heros have arisen, known as Firefly & Charcole Cat, ready to protect the city from the Dark Lord while trying to balance school & dating. HONEYCOMB MY OTP
Age of Elements - My original Ninjago story set 300 years after canon. Lloyd is training 7 new ninja, the Elemental Masters of Fire, Earth, Wind, Nature, Water, Lightning and Ice to protect the world because a prophetic vision of the furure said so. He's trying his best to make sure they aren't super traumatised by having them keep their ninja identity a secret, not keeping secrets about the FSM family lore, having them go to school, but trauma as a Ninja is a canon event. Got 18 seasons planned and counting
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lets-try-some-writing · 11 months
For your unicron sparklings (optimus) joins the decepticon if at some point the decepticons decide to take interest in the children like stalking them or attempted kidnapping. What would be optimus reaction? I feel like even though he officially joined the cons he still cared for the children safety
P.S loving your work :)
Glad you are enjoying my work requestor! I apologize for taking so long to get to this. It took a while to get into the correct writing mindset for this au again. With that said, here you go!
Previous part here.
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Optimus joined the Decepticons out of a sense of duty. As a creation of Unicron, his design was to create chaos wherever he went and to weaken those around him so that his father might devour them. But as one touched and raised by Primus, that chaotic nature was redirected, urging Optimus to force change onto those around him for their betterment. By calling on the power of his maker and giving into his base nature, Optimus's sense of morality and connection was significantly dulled. But of course, he was not a loveless being.
He loved his maker in the way any creation would. He was still bitter from being left alone for so long, but Unicron's tie to him reaffirmed the love that they shared. Unicron was his maker, and Optimus was held dear to the great devourer. Optimus also loved his old friends, Ratchet and his dear Autobots. They were his chosen, his close comrades and those he had decided were to be granted his protection. They might have feared him, but that was acceptable. A pet was not required to love its master, merely serve when directed and follow orders. Optimus also held a great love for his little one, the sparkling he had raised. Bumblebee belonged to HIM. The sparkling was one of his own, and Optimus had every intention of doing all he could to bring his little one closer to him when he had the chance. He might need to speak with his maker regarding taking in an outsider, but he would have his sparkling with him no matter the cost. Then lastly there were the vermin, the small children that offered comfort when no others would. They were such fragile beings, and it was due to them that Optimus struck his maker down a second time.
The children were fleshy organic messes, so inefficient and without the ability to destroy as a true descendant of the chaos god should have been capable of. And yet, much like the humans and their small useless pets, he adored them. So small and yet so aggressive... he found the trait endearing. Even with his emotions dulled, his three human pets still belonged to him even though they remained with his Autobots rather than by his side.
As such, when they turned up on the battlefield the first time since his faction swap, Optimus hesitated. The little ones were so very weak, as was his sparkling. He trusted his Autobots to not perish, but his little ones were different. It was a partial spur of the moment choice, but Optimus could not stop himself from reaching out to collect his human wards and Cybertronian offspring. The children of course began to grow ill at his touch, but Optimus was quick to begin his work. A gift, a blessing from the Prince of Darkness. It took root in them quickly, and just as swiftly as they grew ill, they recovered without delay. They were terrified, but Optimus's broken form merely thrummed with satisfaction. Unicron sighed across their bond, but he would not deny his creation a few small pleasures. What did it matter now that the human children were immune to dark energon? They were merely three after all. Along that same train of thought, Unicron also did not utter a word when Optimus grabbed Bumblebee before he could flee and gave his sparkling a similar gift. No longer would Bee or the children suffer from the wrath of Unicron's blood. They were welcome, they were family.
Ratchet: What did you do?!?
Optimus: It is... a gift.
Ratchet: You could have killed them!
Optimus: Death is a part of life. They are mine just as you are. No matter where my pets go, be it in life or in death... I will find them.
He was no informative in his answer, but the Decepticons saw what Optimus did... and a few grew curious. Vehicons who wanted to see what the son of Unicron had done and a few servants of Shockwave were sent out in short succession to observe the children and see what was done to them. They even had orders to capture the children if possible, but Optimus, ever a vigilant being, was quick to take note.
When restored to his base nature, he was not a wrathful being. Possessive? Yes. Calculating? Absolutely. Manipulative? Why that simply came with the territory. But to be angry? No that was not his usual state of mind. He saw what the Decepticons were doing, and he put the fear of Primus in them to ward them off. A quick scare, a touch of the Unmaker's blood, and a bit of stalking got most of them to clear out without difficulty. But those who lingered... those who kept trying to collect HIS little humans?
Megatron found a few corpses corrupted beyond recognition in a pit not too far from Jasper Nevada. Not a spark mentioned the very servo shaped indents on the limbs that were still intact.
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