#sivith answers
mewtwoandme · 26 days
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Could Jeo relate to this? Does Siv like Candy corn?
I would take more pleasure in eating an actual candle than ingesting that garbage you call candy...
What exactly is candy corn?
An abomination. And speaking as a former man made abomination myself, that's saying a lot
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orngemilkshake · 10 months
WHO WOULD WIN!!?!?!!!!
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mewtwoandme · 7 months
Jericho and Sivith,
Which one is the "evil" twin?
Oh Jeo, absolutely
Says the one who nearly committed fratricide on me!
Says the one who literally sent children to their deaths and planned mass world genocide
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mewtwoandme · 7 months
Why don't we settle the debate of who is eviler by asking Mew?
Mew, who is eviler, Siv or Jeo?
Woah woah woah don't wrap me into this!!
Why bother, we still know what the answer will be
I ain't gonna pick between you both for something like that! Can we change the question? Like, which sibling is the most annoying or easier to get along with??
...Just say it's me Mew...you know it is, you were there....
This question isn't even relevant anymore as far as who's "evil!"
...It doesn't matter to them. Relevant or not, it seems like my past sins will always be held against me. There's no point in fighting it
....Actually, perhaps this is a futile ask...I rather not indulge in it anymore. I'm sorry for even answering before
Yeah, I'm not answering this
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mewtwoandme · 6 months
Siv, Sa less sounds like a threat, Say no more would have been more appropriate
Say less sounds like a threat to you???
I'm going to murder you in cold blood and strangle you with your own intestines if I hear one more idiotic statement like that come out of you!
THAT is a threat :V
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mewtwoandme · 7 months
Jeo and Siv,
When you lounge on the couch, do you unconsciously lick your arms out of habit like a cat?
NO! That's disgusting!
I'm guilty of it once in a while
...You know it's shit like that, that makes me question our relation
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mewtwoandme · 6 months
Sivith, What do you mean by Say Less?
It's a slang term you humans use for agreeing with or understanding what someone is saying, is it not?
"Say less" "Say no more"??
Listen, it's not my fault you humans come up with multiple useless variations for one phrase that mean the same thing!
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mewtwoandme · 6 months
Hey Siv, have your scars healed on their own at all from when you first got them? Or have they always been like that?
I had to use recover to heal the wounds and to stop the bleeding, but I never healed my scars completely. I felt....I feel like my body deserves to be marked as punishment...for my incompetence and the atrocities I've committed...
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mewtwoandme · 6 months
Sivith, when I was about 10, I ate a bowl of vanilla ice cream with Brick cheese and dill pickles. It was awesome ! You should try it !!
It doesn't sound very appetizing
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mewtwoandme · 6 months
Hey Siv, does your mega stone cause you any problems? How did you even find out about it?
I hardly ever think about it. The first time I was aware that I had the megastone was when I first awoke. I could sense it wasn't part of me, the scar I had on my chest confirmed it. However, it never caused any pain or discomfort, and the power I obtained from it has proved beneficial to me on numerous occasions, so I never saw it as a burden.
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mewtwoandme · 9 months
Heyyyy Sivvvvv
For no particular reason can I ask your opinion on spicy food? I know you don't like it often but any recent changes on your view?
I've never particularly cared for spicey things, but recently, I've oddly wanted to eat more lately. I still don't like the spiciness... but maybe it's starting to grow on me??
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mewtwoandme · 7 months
Hey, Siv, do you have any favorite flowers? Or do you listen to any music? I have a few suggestions on my end if you'd like to hear 🙂
I'd have to say asiatic 'forever susan' lilies. As for music, I prefer soft or calming ambiance music on occasion
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mewtwoandme · 7 months
To Jericho, Lakota, Sivith, and Amber:
What is your favorite type of humor? Is it like internet memes or is it something else?
Dark and deadpan humor. And if you're an overly offended snowflake who can't take a joke to save your life, it's sometimes referred to as insensitive humor
I'm a giggly bitch by nature, a lot of things make me laugh, dad jokes, perfectly cut screams, out of context clips, try not to laugh videos, etc. Lol
Yeah I like memes, Lakota likes to show me some old Vine video's, I also watch try not to laugh challenge stuff.
I'm indifferent. I suppose I lean towards sarcastic humor once in awhile, but other than that I have no interest. The majority of the internet humor I've been unfortunate to witness makes me feel like I've lost brain cells. No wonder the human race is mentally declining at such a rapid rate nowadays.
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mewtwoandme · 7 months
To SIvith:
Do you like to troll your brother sometimes?
It's tempting sometimes...but I try to refrain
The key word is "try"
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mewtwoandme · 2 months
18 Sivith
WARNING: Intolerant of stupid people
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mewtwoandme · 1 year
Sivith, how much do you tease Jericho about how he acts with Gwen? (Being siblings, I can already tell this likely happens because it happens between me and my sister a lot.)
And to Gwen, how amusing do you find the reaction?
(Right when Jericho thinks he no longer has to worry about being teased about his relationship with Gwen, Sivith shows up and now he has the likely inevitable sibling teasing to deal with.)
...Why would I tease him about that? I'm actually quite happy for him that he found someone.
"Oh yeah, let me just make fun of the fact that he has someone in his life that loves and cherishes him, someone he can actually open up and be vulnerable with. How about I make him feel embarrassed and insecure about it" :V
Children, the lot of you 🙄
I'm starting to like you a lot more Sivith ^^
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