#sjsicirs in still obsessed with the Love lore lmao
skelekins · 7 months
I offer u my game on notes
I may make this comic someday but idk when
Starts with Snaps and Kelek at the end of a date and walking down the street. Snaps shoes are untied and Kelek ends up stepping on one of his laces (which he may have done on purpose).
So Kelek’s like “omg snaps ur the worst with tiring ur shoes” and is just. He’s not great at not being suspicious. Especially when he just kinda grins at the look Snaps gives him.
So he’s like “here I got this joke, you should read it to me while I tie your shoes” and a moment later Snaps gets a text with said joke. Kelek’s obviously prepared.
I imagine him just having the stupidest sneaky kitty face. And Snaps obviously knowing something’s up but plays along anyway.
He sent Snaps a version of this very long winded joke. Link
When Snaps is done and possibly snorts bc of what a dumb fucking joke that was he is met with Kelek also laughing and then promptly
Honking him right in the dick
Before scurrying away. In the time it took Snaps to read the joke (and willfully ignore Kelek ‘tieing his shoes’) Kelek has changed into one of his ‘play’ outfits.
He slaps his ass and tells Snaps he bet he can’t catch him and takes off.
When Snaps gives chase he prompty falls face first into the perfectly placed backpack Kelek left behind to make sure Snaps didn’t actually get hurt in the fall.
Kelek did tie his shoelaces! … together :3
Snaps belongs to @didderd; these are my own thoughts and takes :)
I just love these two sm
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