#sk'ar also regularly sits on people to contain them
accursedkaleeshi · 7 months
Kaleesh are pretty cool about body image diversity until it comes to shape. Your ears, tusks, talons, colors, patterns, or hair different? That's cool. Might catch some jokes for it but you are still kaleesh.
But all kaleesh are generally the same long gangly shape. If you are round & soft that's super weird to them. It is not a body type they see very often. Most kaleesh are at best ignorant & at worst cruel about fat kaleesh. Surely you can't be any good at hunting or combat with all that weight on your frame?
Many of the Izvoshra expressed surprise that Grievous would marry Blys'aan. While some got over it a few didn't & would continue to express doubt about her abilities as well as make fun of Grievous about it. His response was usually something about cushioning that received mix reactions.
Blys'aan got tired of it one day. She calmly came out of the kitchen, picked Kedjat's scrawny ass up, suplexed him into the dirt, & sat on him until she got apologies. Grievous was laughing too hard to intervene even if he wanted to.
"You comin out t' MY house, eat MY food, makin fun a MINE body, Khan Kedjat? When you lookin like a swatted crane fly on de best o days? Na wonder you ain't got no wife-"
"Roast him, babe."
"Ough please I'm sorry-! I'll be nice, ma'am! Khagen lucky t' have you-! Can't breathe-"
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