#sk8 spin-off fanfiction cherry blossom
qisthi83bunga · 2 years
Haruka Makaira
🌸 My OC First Female Character 🌸
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🌸Haruka Makaira🌸
Notes : This all pictures from the others source not belongs to me
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Age : 24 ( Start of the story ), 25 ( Currently )
Gender : Female
Birthday : April 18th
Height : 178 cm
Weight : 58 kg
Hobby : Reading, Writing, and Drawing
Affiliates : Kondaku
Family :
⚫ Akira Makaira (Grandfather)
⚫ Satoko Makaira (Grandmother)
⚫ Ayumu Makaira ( Father )
⚫ Hikari Makaira ( Mother )
⚫ Izumi Makaira ( Younger Sister )
⚫ Chizuru Shimizu ( Best friends )
⚫ Kaoru Sakurayashiki ( Love Interest )
Blood type : B+
Favorite food : Sweet food like chocolate & tiramisu, Sakuramochi and Cheese-flavored Ramen
Dislike food : Food that is too spicy
Favorite color : Pink, Red, White, Black, Blue and Purple
Name " S " : Blue Saphire
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She has long black hair and blue eyes with a jacket with sleeves or no sleeves at all. In the 2 pictures below, she has short hair at the age of 5 - 8 (kindergarten to grade 2 elementary school) and junior high school which finally her hair is long again in grade 3 elementary school and high school grade 1, even she wears blue earrings when work until adulthood
When you just met, she look cold and can be social awkward but actually kind and smart woman
When you know her long or close to her, She is cheerful, emotional, sensitive, shy and stubborn
She has a great sense of caring and empathy for the people she cares about as she knows that Ainosuke has gone to America which greatly affected Kaoru and Kojiro and came to comfort them after parting with Ainosuke and also she really hates meaningless quarrels that made her the first person who always defuses the dispute between kaoru and kojiro if they start to disagree and if they start fighting again or continue to fight over trivial or small things, namely those who have different opinions or arguments, then she will be furious until they are deterred after being scolded by her. As a result, she experienced PTSD which not only affected her emotions but even her habit dietary affected her emotionally and mentally unstable which in the end had gradually recovered until her was 24 years old. She really likes children, especially children who have reached middle school age until she hugs the children with great warmth.
For ability, you can say almost everything except mathematics, physics and chemistry.
⚫ Skateboard :
She could almost match cherry, joe and adam.
⚫ Cooking and sewing skills :
She is quite great because she is not just a descendant of her mother but was taught by her mother from childhood. Her ability to cook is able to make food taste good, while her sewing skills can make clothes or costumes so comfortable and beautiful.
⚫ Academy :
She could say it's good because it almost always gets a B or 80 - 92 in every subject. In art, history and language lessons, you can say that she get high marks even if they are included in non-academic grades.
⚫ Writing and Drawing skills :
She is very talented and even won many awards and trophies in writing and drawing competitions because of her extraordinary talent.
⚫In terms of physical strength :
She is very athletic because she was taught judo when she was in elementary school in grade 3 until now, she still maintains her martial arts abilities well and even rivals Kojiro's own physical strength.
She had a happy childhood even though her father often worked abroad, even being friends with Ainosuke Shindo until one day she saw a group of big children who hurt a cat and came to save the cat so that the cat could run away which caused her to be almost beaten by group of these children.
However, she is saved by Kaoru and ends up befriending him and Kojiro,
At the 3rd grade of elementary school, he entered the judo club and had a chance to skateboard where she and kaoru with kojiro and had time to play together*.
Until one day when she was 10 years old, both of her parents died in an accident when her parents were about to spend time together which made her experience severe trauma which ended up being rushed to the hospital for trauma healing for 3 months but after the accident, she experienced dissociative amnesia for a long time.
1 month that finally recovered thanks to kaoru who was with her every time he visited the hospital. After being discharged from the hospital, she and her sister lived with their grandparents in their house.
After Kaoru and Kojiro graduated from high school, she had to separate from the two of them until she became a writer before finally deciding to become a novel illustrator after 5 releases of her book.
In order to be able to live independently while studying at Meiko University, Haruka took several part-time jobs such as working in a cafe, nanny, freelancer, librarian and social worker and in the end, graduated with Chizuru.
1 week after graduating from university, haruka was accepted at kondaku* company after seeing the results of her thesis story while chizuru was accepted at a technology programming company
*Name a play on kodansha
Akira Makaira (Grandfather)
Akira is Haruka's paternal grandfather who really loves his family, especially his own son. Even though he was previously described as a strict and disciplined person, he was still a father who really loved his family. After the death of his son and daughter-in-law, he and his wife Satoko looked after and cared for their two granddaughters until they grew up and could take care of themselves.
Satoko Makaira (Grandmother)
Satoko is Haruka's paternal grandmother who loves her family very much, especially her own son. When Ayumu was young, she was a mother who loved her family very much and supported Ayumu's identity decisions as long as it was the best path for her son. After the death of her son and daughter-in-law, she and her husband Akira looked after and cared for their two granddaughters until they grew up and could take care of themselves.
Ayumu Makaira ( Father )
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He is a kind and loving father who is also a hard worker. He is a famous fiction novelist and entrepreneur. His appearance was black hair and blue eyes like sapphire. In fact, she is happy that his daughter has a friend who makes her smile and laugh happily named Kaoru. However, he and his wife had to die in a car accident while going to the cinema together.
Hikari Makaira ( Mother )
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She is a good mother and always cares about her children. She is a housewife with a side job as a tailor with the name of the sewing business "テーラーひかりさん (Hikari Tailor)". For her appearance, she has brown hair and purple eyes like sparkling amethyst stones. She teaches many things in the household and moral values ​​to her children who one day they will both become good and great wives in the future. In fact, she is also happy that her daughter has a friend who makes him smile and laugh happily named Kaoru. However, she and her husband had to die in a car accident while going to the cinema together.
Izumi Makaira ( Younger Sister )
She is haruka's younger sister who is a bit quiet when she meets other people, but when she gets to know her better, she loves and wants to protect her big sister.
Chizuru Shimizu ( Best Friend )
In middle school, she first met Chizuru during the first year where they were partners during gym time at that time where they were good friends and even until they graduated from high school and where Haruka and Chizuru entered Meiko University in different majors. Haruka majored in literature and graphic design while Chizuru majored in technology.
Kaoru Sakurayashiki ( Love Interest )
At the first time he met, he wanted to save her from a group of bad boys who ended up getting battered and when he woke up, he first saw Haruka as a cute and beautiful girl. Since that incident, he and Kojiro became friends with her to the point where they had to part ways when they graduated from high school.
When kaoru first met haruka that she was like a pretty and cute little girl
Love cute things like dolls and cosplay fashion even cats
Haruka's omotenashi will always prepare tea and Japanese sweets or western sweets
She is popular among men
Lives apart from her sister in her apartment from college to work
Routine at times not to " S "
05.00 - 06.00
Wake up, take a shower, write a story idea that he made // read a book and do light exercise
06.00 - 06.50
Breakfast, get ready to go, go to work
06.50 - 12.00
Works at Kondaku* Office
*Play on the name of the kodansha company
12.00 - 13.00
Lunch, sightseeing // looking for story ideas, back to the office
13.00 - 15.15
15.15 - 16.00
Take a walk // Shopping* , to Kojiro's restaurant and have a chat together
* Buy groceries and other necessities such as laundry soap for a month
16.00 - 17.30
Visit the bookstore // library, buy // borrow some books and go home
17.30 - 19.00
Go home, clean the apartment, cook dinner and dinner
19.00 - 20.00
Take a bath, read a book // watch TV
20.00 - 21.00
Reading books // writing story ideas for the light novel, brushing teeth, sleeping
⏩ During overtime hours (overtime hours: 16.00 - 19.00),
She will eat at the restaurant where Joe works and come home to shower and sleep
When she first met Carla (Kaoru's AI), she was a little jealous because Kaoru was always with him.
Having a pet cat named Kuroki🐱
Kaoru's hat that had been given to her is still kept in her grandfather's summer house
After the incident, where both her parents died in an accident, she developed PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) which caused her to have dissociative amnesia for 1 month.
She has ophidiophobia
She has a slightly tomboyish sense of feminine dress but sometimes wears all black both dresses and jackets
She is good at taking care of children and knows how to deal with them
When asked on a date, she wants to go to a museum / flower garden / aquarium place / amusement park / cinema
From high school to university, she liked to cosplay and sell her posters and doujin comics at the annual summer and winter comiket
Don't like alcoholic drinks and spicy food
Has a wooden box containing Kaoru's items, both hers and gifts from him, such as Kaoru's yellow kimono obi and the cat doll gift from him
If Haruka was a sweet, it would be taiyaki or sakura mochi because besides being sweet, it always feels soft in the mouth when eating it. This reflects her who is always kind and gentle towards others.
On Valentine's Day, she will make chocolates for her friends, namely Kaoru, Kojiro and Chizu with their respective tastes where Kaoru is given a matcha green tea flavored chocolate, Kojiro is given a slightly bitter taste, namely dark chocolate while Chizu is given chocolate filled with almonds.
On white day, she will get more gifts from the boys including her 3 friends namely Kaoru, Kojiro and Ainosuke which indicates that she is quite popular among the boys. Despite receiving many gifts from among the boys, the only gift he received and kept was a gift from Kaoru.
Due to experiencing PTSD which not only makes her often lose her memory but also her dietary habit was affected her emotions and mentality, Kaoru is the only person who can calm her down when her condition is unstable.
She likes wearing boots and loose clothes
The Makaira family has political and business ties to the Shindo family, however, her family has close friendships, namely Ayumu Makaira and Aiichiro Shindo.
👉 Her flower symbol is Haruka to those she loves :
⚫ Her Family : Chrysanthemum ( kiku ) and Hydrangea
⚫ Ainosuke ( Adam ) : Blue Rose and Yellow Tulip
⚫ Kaoru ( Cherry Blossom ) : Pink Rose and Camelia
⚫ Kojiro ( Joe ) : Dafodil and Yellow Rose
She doesn't like wearing tight clothes and high heels
Despite she have tomboyish fashion sense, she is a quite good fashion feminine sense like wearing beautiful dress during party
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qisthi83bunga · 2 years
💖🌸 SK8 Infinity : Cherry Blossom and Sapphire Blue 🌸💖
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Story Synopsis :
" Her blue eyes are like sapphire stones and her long flowing hair is so beautiful it makes me mesmerized to see her "
🌸Kaoru Sakurayashiki🌸
💖A story that tells their love story💖
( Kaoru Sakurayashiki x Oc Female )
He was always there for me when I needed his help even when I was hurt and sad. At the time, I have to part with him for a long time so I will wait no matter how long until I can see him again.
- Story Begins -
👉 Next_Chapter 1 : Saphire Blue
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