#skate gravings 「 abdu 」
archivalwrite · 4 months
[text] –– how do i tell him i’ve been sleeping with his wife too? From Sawyer to Abdu
        text meme | accepting
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abdu really shouldn't have replied as quickly as he did, but a few moments after sawyer had sent him the text, they would get to see the chat bubbles pop up of his reply. the only thing stopping him from having sent back a reply in a minute was the amount of mistakes he'd made
   [ text ] –– wait til he starts actin up bout somethin, give or take what you do with him (i do not need details bro) then tell him: "your wife likes what i do"
   [ text ] –– either that or be the bigger person or whatever, and bring it up in casual conversation if he wants his wife to join. honestly there's no easy way to do it ( just the funny petty way ) so either way i'd be prepared for maybe a not great reaction to it . . . unless you wanna end things with him? maybe just tell them both you're sleepin with each other.
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archivalwrite · 5 months
[ touch starved hug ] a careful hug given to someone after noticing some signs of touch starvation. From Sawyer to Abdu
   𝐃𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐔𝐆 | accepting
it didn't take long for abdu to realise what they were doing. the carefulness, the way their arms moved around him. there had only been a brief pause in the movement, when sawyer had settled against him did abdu raise his arms, and wrap them around the other, pulling them into a big bear hug.
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" c'mon sawyer! don't be shy with me! we're pals, we're best buds! " grinning down to his friend as he squeezed them in the tight hug. " nothin wrong with huggin ya homies for as long as they need. "
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archivalwrite · 5 months
[ flirty hug ] a hug where one has their arms around their partner's neck and their head on their chest. From IDP to Abdu
   𝐃𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐔𝐆 | accepting
the grin that spread briefly on the mummy's face, feeling the arms slide around him, as his eyes went down to the prince that decided to hug onto him. unable to fight ( or perhaps unwilling to? ) the hug as it happened, letting the other rest against his chest. there was the ( unfortunate ) lack of heartbeat there, as his arms went to side around the other against him. around IDP's waist, bringing the hug closer.
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" feelin affectionate today, are ya princey? puttin the moves on lil ol' abdu? " can't quite say he is really complaining. the hug is nice.
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archivalwrite · 2 years
♥ (Abdu, from Sawyer)
what if we kissed . . . || accepting
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If we kissed? [x] Quickie. [] Tongue. [x] Softly bite your lip. [] We wouldn’t. [] Long and meaningful. [] Let’s hit up the bedroom. [] You remember last time? [] Awkward… [] Lol no.
Would I go out with you? [x] Yes, definitely. [] No. [] I want to, but it wouldn’t work. [] Maybe. [] Nope, you’re like family. [] You’re cute, but probably not. [] Just simply not my type. [] If I knew you better. [] Already did. [] I don’t know.
If we took a picture together, we’d be… [x] Hugging each other. [x] Just chilling. [x] Holding hands. [] Kissing. [] Acting dumb. [] Normal picture. [] You holding me from behind.
You are… [] Cute/Pretty. [] Good looking. [] Sexy. [x] All of the above
You + me + room = … [x] Movies. [] Cuddling. [x] Hanging out. [] Kissing. [x] Playing games. [] Everything. [] Wouldn’t let you in.
You should… [x] Hit me up. [] Be mine. [] Marry me. [] Reblog this so I can send you a heart. [] be studying
If we got married, I’d… [] Divorce you. [] Make kids. [] Take your money and bounce. [] Smash every day. [] I would cheat on you. [x] Be faithful. [] Kill you in your sleep [] We wouldn’t
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archivalwrite · 2 years
@biteyourcrush​ replied: 
"... In a FIGHT, right?" -Aaravi knows how you player characters are, and SOMEBODY'S gotta make sure 
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“ . . . . .  yeah definitely in a fight. that’s absolutely what i meant “
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archivalwrite · 2 years
camm! and liam! and victor! and brian! GIMMIE ALL.
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up first we got camm 1. he is self taught when it comes to music ! learned how to play all sorts of instruments 2. he makes his own merch too 3. his fins twitch when he's excited 4. camm can't sleep in silence, he tosses and turns the whole night ( though he still is plagued with nightmares ) 5. he misses the water, misses being in the water but he knows he cannot go back 6. he likes to hunt and eat his own food 7. though he attends spooky high, he takes more online classes 8. sometimes he just .. gnaws on things. bones, clothes, anything. unfortunately what he bites doesnt last long 9. he can make a rumble purr noise 10. he has eaten flowers at one point, he doesn't recommend
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now our beloved hipster 1. he loves when people send him songs, or things , with anything relating to that they thought of him. even if the thing is mainstream 2. despite not eating actual food, he does know how to cook. being around for 400 years means he needs some hobbies 3. his hair is very soft 4. liam's eyes glow in the dark, like when you reflect light off an animals eyes. 5. liam can see without his glasses, but he is nearsighted 6. liam's ears can twitch, like a cats. 7. though he punctures with his fangs, the rest of his teeth are sharp, and slightly pointed themselves. 8. his venom doesn't hurt, it does relax people though, when he bites them. ( or when he bit ) 9. he collects phone charms, and has a bunch of them at home. each one is themed after a friend of his ( fish for miranda, brain for brian etc ) 10. please hug him around the waist and rest your head on his shoulder or back, he absolutely loves it. he likes being held
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now for meester schmidt 1. when he gets excited, he tends to give out little shocks from his bolts 2. victor tends to pick at his sewing and staples that hold his limbs on a lot so they tend to be loose and fall off 3. victor has very heavy steps, he cannot be sneaky for the life of him 4. on many occasions, his dog has eaten his homework. he isn't just saying that his dog has 0 concept of what is actually food 5. victor gives some of the best hugs, if one can handle possibly being electrocuted a lil 6. hopeless romantic. he knows every line of the princess bride and cries at romcoms 7. victor is a lot stronger than he lets on. he does very well at football 8. he can beatbox 9. victor is the type to rewear shirts, because if it doesn't smell then clearly it's still clean 10. he often walks into doorframes and into things. his house was not built for people over 6 ft
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and we save the best for last, brian 1. animal lover man. his cat is just the beginning of what he will have in his life. and animals seem to love him 2. used to have ties with the coven, back when he was alive 3. his pockets ? infinate space in them. you need something, just ask brian he has everything 4. really good poker face. do not gamble with this man you will be broken and shoeless 5. drums his fingers on things a lotta the time 6. jumpscares in movies get him every time , no matter how predictable. yet jumping out at him doesn't scare him 7. has fallen asleep under the bleachers at least once and accidentally got stuck in the school overnight 8. always has music playing at his house, soft jazz or just the radio. it's so his cat, lugnut, isn't stuck in silence 9. brian rarely ever posts things on social medias. he has them, sure, but he rarely uses them 10. he talks in his sleep
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archivalwrite · 2 years
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archivalwrite · 2 years
Alright (MP) boys, who's the hottest uber driver you've ever had?
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" i never been to oovoo javer, i skateboard "
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" ... it was this really fuckin hot vampire who winked at me when i got out n i ended up tripping on the curve in front of him. i can never use uber again. "
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" i don't really use uber either. i'd rather jus pay my friends gas money and go with them, if i want to go anywhere. "
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" i am the hottest uber driver. 5 stars babey "
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" i don't really use uber but i can be the hot uber driver. "
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archivalwrite · 2 years
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“ ahah i’m in danger ! if i die, smoke weed n fuck bitches in my honour guys “
skater mummy out
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archivalwrite · 2 years
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" well this is bound to get interestin “ 
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archivalwrite · 2 years
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“ ah true love. how romantic “
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archivalwrite · 2 years
@ignamira​ replied: 
"You get it, but also get smooching."
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“ get smoochin ? that an offer?? we boutta kiss right now for real? “ 
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archivalwrite · 2 years
@chaosmultiverse​ replied:
"Yeah, it's honestly weirder not to especially given what a lot the friend groups around here tend to do together (which is look for a date)" -Sawyer
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“ no kiddin, it’s almost like they’ve all started to function on the same wavelength of ‘ hold hand , touch butt or make out ‘. not gonna lie though s’kinda funny “
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archivalwrite · 2 years
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“ imagine not kissin ya homies “
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archivalwrite · 2 years
@chaosmultiverse​ replied: 
🤨 -Sawyer 
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“ whaaat ? you doubt my abilities? “ 
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archivalwrite · 2 years
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“ i could take damien “
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