#skater girl is Olivia and moppington is Stanford btw
vastunknownsea · 9 months
how I actually think (Mech Cadets) season two will go
keep in mind I have not read the comics at all.
Okay, so I’m going to assume we’re following three characters specifically—
Ava, Stanford, and Olivia.
Now, Ava’s gonna be a wildcard for season 2. The writers either have some elaborate conspiracy for her to uncover or nothing at all for her. I’m thinking she ends up transitioning to a different base, and getting an internship there instead of sticking around sky corps. Now the only base I can think of her ending up in is General Felix’s. General Felix is a character mentioned in the phone call of Dr. Miller (the scientist who died in episodes 3/4) She’s the one who gives him the order to go against General Park’s orders of killing the sharg eggs. According to the phone call, she seems to be interested in weaponizing shargs and their dna or whatever.
Now, I don’t know what this really means, but a part of me is doubting it’s anything good. And if anyone can uncover the secrets of a shady General, it’s Ava ‘doesn’t know what an L is’ Patel.
I also think we’re meeting the rest of the ‘First Five’ that is mentioned in the concept art for mech cadets. Tanaka is the ace pilot of the first five.
Now, Stan and the gang. I… honestly don’t know what their plan is to find Olivia. Maybe Buddy’s teleporting powers play a big part in it, I’m not sure. They seem a bit too confident that they can find Olivia… who got lost in space… which is like… infinite.
Olivia went offline the moment she disappeared through the black hole, so I’m doubting they have any means of tracking her. Why General Park, a freaking General who has to deal with a military base or whatever, left to go find her? Idk, maybe he left sky corps and all the other damage dealt by the shargs under Sargent Sanchie’s care or something.
anyway, it’s more likely than not that they’ll just bulldoze through space until they find a single clue as to where Olivia might be. Who, mind you, COULD BE DEAD. Just saying. I know she’s not but geez you guys, what on earth has she endured to make you think ‘yeah she def survived that’???
They’ll eventually find out whatever planet or whatever dimension she’s in, but then the rest of the search will involve them trying to find out where exactly she is in this new world. I’m sure there will be plenty of problems and mishaps along the way, if General Park being there means anything. Stanford will probably struggle with the guilt of the choice he had to ‘close the black hole or not.’ This will inevitably create some tension between him and Park. Tanaka and Park will also have their own problems with each other, I’m sure. Maybe, maybe not. Veritas is bound to be brought up again, tho, am I right?
I am not sure if they will actually find her within season 2. Assuming season 2 will have 10 episodes like season one, we have three episodes of run time to give each perspective, then one last one to wrap it all up. I honestly kind of doubt they’ll find her within this amount of time. Sure, time skips can and probably will happen, but I feel like they wouldn’t. Maybe at the very end, like at the end of episode 10 they’ll be like, “oh jeepers gang I think we might actually know where Olivia is at” and then roll credits.
Now, Olivia. There is so many possibilities as to who the person in the void was. Let’s call them ‘Silhouette’ because that’s literally all they are right now. Is it human? A robo? And if it’s a robo, are they friendly or not? Will they bond with Olivia? What about Hero Force? Bro just protected Olivia from dying in the black hole, refused to elaborate further and freaking evaporated. W hero force fr.
Silhouette is also a wildcard. They can be friendly. Straight up antagonistic. A mixture of both, where they try to trick Olivia into thinking they’re an ‘ally’ and then go SIKE. I’m guessing Olivia will end up sticking around this person/alien/robo/SHARG?!?!(whether willingly or not), until her inevitable escape or departure, being forced to survive in this strange world alone. (What the hell she gonna eat?? Shargs???)
now, I’m just going to put it out there and say that I think Olivia ended up wherever the Robos are from. I’m betting a lot of y’all are thinking the same. Who knows, maybe it’s not just where the Robos are from, but the Shargs too. And Robos sort of lose memory of where they’re from, because otherwise, humans would’ve already discovered the place that Robos are from, right?
who knows, maybe Silhouette is a long lost pilot who discovered where the Robos resided and either stuck around or got trapped there, either by circumstance or by the Robos themselves. And before anyone says anything, no, I do not think it’s Charlie (Olivia’s mom). My girl has a whole grave. Unless they buried an empty box, idk how that could be Charlie.
Anyway, I doubt that Olivia will have an easy time, whatever Silhouette’s intentions may be. Doubting this world she ended up in is ‘human friendly’ and I’m sure hoping it’s not. Give me the trauma. She’ll probably uncover not only the origins of the Shargs themselves, but also figure out the real reason the Robos went out of their way to ‘save humanity’.
Does anyone else find it just a little suspicious that an alien race is compatible and are able to bond on such a high psychological level with HUMANS of all things? Like that’s hella sus. I have no doubt this is one of the reasons that General Park justifies his murder of Veritas— he’s highly suspicious of Robos as a whole. Meanwhile, everyone else are ‘robo loyalists’ as he put it.
But by no means am I suggesting that Buddy and the other Robos are secretly evil. Just that they are pawns in a much larger game played by the creators of the robos themselves.
And shargs are hella smart for some reason. And have wings. Which isn’t terrifying at all.
ooooh maybe we’ll get some bonding between the sharg queen and Olivia 🥰🥰🥰 after all, if Liv survived that, surely did the queen as well, right? (Aka Olivia gets the mother she never asked for nor wanted)
now, to bonus stuff:
We’re getting new characters, obviously. Javi, Maya’s little brother, has to be one of them. But, I don’t think Maya will be around to see him join Sky Corps or whatever base he’ll end up in. Maybe he’ll join in Ava’s ‘taking down shady goofs in power’ plot. I think (hope) we’ll see more Adam Williams, Chief Max and even Chief Clark. I’m definitely hoping we see General Felix. I literally know nothing about her other than her interest in weaponizing shargs, but the mere idea of her has me hella hyped. Maybe she’s one of the ‘first five’ I mentioned earlier.
Hoping we expand the background cast and see more pilots, such as Claire Olivetti and the pilot of Veritas, Valle. I mean, can you imagine an interaction between him and Ava? She’ll be like, ‘yeah bro your General betrayed you and killed your robo’ and he’ll be like ‘damn.’ And, if we see him, we’ll see the real effects of being torn away from your robo like that. Hoping we get to see more of Max’s past too, since she also had a robo who died. (Mariposa)
And flashbacks. Idk if it will be like the 2d ones from seasons 1 or not, but the concept art shows a 3d model of a younger Tanaka so…. Anyway, we’ll probably get Charlie flashbacks, First Sharg War flashbacks (aka teenage Tanaka, Gen. Park and Charlie getting traumatized), and younger Stanford and/or Olivia.
Desperate for more skatergirl2000 and Moppington Jr pls 🙏🙏🙏
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