#skaweek2020 submissions
sesskag · 4 years
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@watoshimi-kairou​ submitted:
Title: Raindrops Author/Artist: YoukaiYume Link: on Tumblr Why it’s your Fave!: I read the first chapter on A Single Sparks and cried because there was no more… ( didn’t find the following chapters until later on DeviantART ). The doujinshi was such an inspiration to me back then because the idea of visuals behind storytelling? Like fanfictions are awesome but sometimes, I like visuals too, you know?And Yume remains a wonderful inspiration to this day because the doujinshi is simply beautiful in its storytelling, its art, its everything. The humor, the characterization, everything about Raindrops makes me want to be a better storyteller myself. It makes me want to improve; it makes me envious and proud and so insanely happy to be part of this fandom.
Title: Tales from the House of the Moon Author: Resmiranda Link: MediaMiner Why it’s your Fave!: So this story. This story. I introduced this fic to a friend once who was not familiar with Inuyasha. And despite the fact that they lacked the connection with the characters, Resmiranda’s storytelling still managed to blow them away. I first read this when I was younger… and my English was still not very good and even then, I was still blown away. And every time I reread it, I would catch new things I love about it, new wordplay I just can’t help but squeal over. The prose, the characterization, the descriptions! Ah, I don’t know how I can explain my love for this. But the prose! I really can’t get over it. Thank you for writing such amazing work. Thank you for being part of this fandom. Thank you, thank you!
Title: Tears of the Fallen Author: ShadowWeaver1 Link: Fanfiction Why it’s your Fave!: Honestly, I don’t even know how to explain why I love this story so much and to be honest, it’s been a while since I’ve reread it but I still love it so much. I even had the entire story printed. Seriously. I still have the stack. I think my love for it is due to the adventure, the idea behind the story, the running theme throughout the entire story, the story within the story! The simple thought of Kagome ( a human ) being with Sesshomaru every step of the way in his life and influencing him ( good or bad ). Yes, please. Also, Nardhwen’s doujinshi version solidified my love and made my heart flutter for days. You know when your favorite manga is getting an anime or live-action adaptation. Yeah. That feeling.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@mythicamagic​ submitted:
Title: Frivolous Sentimentalities Author/Artist: Tally Mark Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4463099/1/Frivolous-Sentimentalities Why it’s your Fave! (optional): This fic was probably the one to get me really into Sesskag.
Title: Raindrops Author/Artist: Youkai Yume Link: https://www.deviantart.com/youkaiyume/gallery/186916/raindrops-doujinshi Why it’s your Fave! (optional): This solidified my love for sesskag and made me unable to leave the fandom lol
Title: Drowning Sorrows Author/Artist: Tally Mark Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4991711/1/Drowning-Sorrows Why it’s your Fave! (optional): Touched on deeper topics that really helped my imagination to flourish for this ship - how sesskag would feel and act, living in the modern era.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@delicatesoulturtlewagon​ submitted:
Title: Tales from the House of the moon Author/Artist: Resmiranda Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/1638751/1/Tales-From-the-House-of-the-Moon Why it’s your Fave! (optional): (I was knocked down by this masterpiece of pure naive love saga; most of all captured by the loyalty of both characters)
Title: Lord Charming Author/Artist: Forthright Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7241166/593/ Why it’s your Fave! (optional): (the masterpiece of created universe with traditions, customs, beautiful development of characters and relations)
Title: The once and future Taiyukai Author/Artist: RosieB Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3153922/1/The-Once-and-Future-Taiyoukai Why it’s your Fave! (optional): (a bittersweet tale of faith, strength and love beyond all odds and trials)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
@sagemcmae submitted:
Title: The Light at the End Author/Artist: LikeABlueThread Link: http://www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/7374/1?author=10566 Why it’s your Fave: My all-time favorite SessKag AU. This fic was beautifully written and I will keep coming back to it time and time again for the gorgeous parallels and character development.
Title: Convivial Author/Artist: The Hatter Theory Link: http://www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/6487/1 Why it’s your Fave: This is the first multi-chapter fic I read when I came back into the SessKag fandom and I loved the way these two came together, first as friends and then as something more. The relationship development and character development was spot-on!
Title: Reunion Author/Artist: Chie Link: http://www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/7406/1 Why it’s your Fave: I love the idea of Sesshomaru finding Kagome again and this one-shot illustrated that in the best of ways.
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sesskag · 4 years
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Fic Recs under the break :)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@nonsensicalsoliloquy submitted:
(since an obvious - though no less important - choice would be Resmiranda’s Tales from the House of the Moon, (and it was applicable - and used - in the earlier ‘classics’) i decided not to choose it despite its strong significance for me)
Title: Second Alliance Author: Imani Joain Fic Rating: MA Link: dokuga or ao3 What do You Like About This Fic? I fell in love with this piece from the beginning. In fact, i was so invested that i (very very stupidly, please do not do this) stayed up for 3 days straight to read it in its entirety - TWICE. The plot was not only compelling and well developed throughout, the canon characters just as beautifully done, but the (many) original ones were spectacularly formed as well. They came across as real and investing as our usual characters; and along that vein, i felt inuyasha was one of, if not the best characterization for how he could/should have matured that i’ve ever read. All in all, to me, this fic has become a staple :)
Title: Unspoiled Author: forthright Fic Rating: T Link: here What do You Like About This Fic? This was one of my earlier fics in the fandom and i just adored it, still do. It might have been one that, as forthright said, takes the 'scenic route’ through the plot, but i thought that suited it perfectly. The characterizations in this one stuck out so well to me, and the world created, both past and present, was wonderfully done. This fic was definitely formative for me and has remained a special one to this day :3
Title: Chain of Love Author: Chie Fic Rating: MA Link: here What do You Like About This Fic? This was also one of my earlier fics - i even drew fanart for it way back when (gosh it’s been over a decade now..).  I loved their characterizations (unsurprisingly, ha), especially the slow burn of their interactions, which were sometimes very humorous. Honestly their slow burn was amazing, i truly loved the progression of how they went from enemies/reluctant allies to friends to lovers so nicely. This fic is yet another that i can’t help but look on with great fondness ^-^
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@mythicamagic​ submitted:
Title: Utter Doom & Impending Doom Author: Tally Mark Fic Rating: M Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4265186/1/Utter-Doom What do You Like About This Fic?: I re-read these two probably the most because they remain hilarious even after all these years. They might not be huge sprawling epics but they’re fun and give me the giggles, and sometimes that’s just as important.
Title: Unspoiled (and anything by this author) Author: forthright Fic Rating: T Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5348115/1/Unspoiled What do You Like About This Fic?: It’s a classic but I don’t feel intimidated about the prospect of consuming it, if that makes sense? Like I can’t re-read Tales from the House of the Moon because it feels like a huge commitment and will impact your emotions and leave you exhausted by the end (a great fic of course but still). Unspoiled more gently eases you into reading and kind of feels like reading someone elses nostalgic memories. Therefore I feel more attached to it.
Title: Drowning Sorrows Author: Tally Mark Fic Rating: T Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4991711/1/Drowning-Sorrows What do You Like About This Fic?: I’ve mentioned this one before so I’ll just say it’s a personal fav for me, hits my emotions just right.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@sagemcmae​ submitted:
Title: Healing Carefully Author: Caedes Fic Rating: MA Link: http://www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/9378/1 What do You Like About This Fic?: I have always loved the idea of Sesshomaru seeing value in Kagome’s healing power and that being a way for them to bridge a way to a new relationship.
Title: Swimming in Silk Author: mythicamagic Fic Rating: MA Link: http://www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/10744/1 What do You Like About This Fic?: The characterization and development of their relationship was so rewarding to read.
Title: I Found A Reason Author: The Hatter Theory Fic Rating: MA Link: http://www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/7073/1 What do You Like About This Fic?: The years these two spend coming together is painful, though believeable for how stubborn they both are. It’s a gorgeously written oneshot about how two souls who seem so different on the outside can be so perfectly matched.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@delicatesoulturtlewagon​ submitted:
Title: Transgressions Author: wonderbug Fic Rating:  rating M  Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9547499/1/Transgressions  What do You Like About This Fic?: Honestly, I couldn’t imagine that this fic will be my absolute fave, but still I can admit that. Apart from some dark and explicit part which I’m not fan of, this is a really good and profound work and all parts of it are necessary for the plot. To cut it short (which is hard for me), I must say its fantastic! The inner turmoil of Sesshoumaru as a person is depicted in great detail and talent. This is what it takes to be a demonic nature transformed into mature loving full value person capable of trust, care and sacrifice. Through a lot of impediments, trials and gross mistakes the two of them finally become transformed as individuals and make right decisions. Bravo!
Title: Chain of love Author: Chiera  Fic Rating:  rating: M Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5096644/1/Chain-of-Love What do You Like About This Fic?: Wonderful and worthwhile piece of art of great depth and quality. I liked everything about this story: the characters, plot, slowburn, development and sincerity. Again my favourite theme about development of both characters through lessons, trials and hard choices, but nevertheless their loyalty and faith leading their way.
Title: Convivial Author: TheHatterTheory Fic Rating: rating: M  Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7510724/1/Convivial  What do You Like About This Fic?: The first time I almost quit reading because I didn’t like the beginning but totally fell in love with this fic further on. It is rather truthful, eleborate and quite belivable, I almost saw them living this life in modern era. Good, interesting and breathtaking development of the story. SessKag are so good and natural together which made me belive they are true canon and fantastic.
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sesskag · 4 years
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Song Recs are Under the Break :)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@milomai19 submitted:
Spring 1 Recomposed by Max Ritcher (Vivaldi’s, Four Season) 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
senoritafish submitted:
The Blower’s Daughter by Damien Rice
Once upon a time, I was reading Resmiranda’s Tales From the House of the Moon, while listening to a livestream of the first Coachella, while waiting for my favorite band (Crowded House) to come on. I had just finished the chapter near the end where Kagome & Sesshomaru are staring at each other across a campfire, both all full of angst, denial and an uncertain future in the morning. And this artist, who I’d never heard before, appeared on stage with this song, which just fit that scene perfectly (if you ignore the very last line haha 😂).  There were a few tears. ..
And so it is Like you said it would be Life goes easy on me Most of the time And so it is The shorter story No love, no glory No hero in her sky I can’t take my eyes off of you I can’t take my eyes off of you
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
sesshomarupatrick submitted:
You won’t let me by Rachel Yamagata
A Thousand Years by Christina Perri
I’m Kissing You
Mine by Taylor Swift
Sweet Memories by 松田聖子 Seiko Matsuda
Dear by 西野カナ Kana Nishino 
変わらないもの Kawaranai Mono by Hanako Oku 奥華子
もっと… Motto by 西野カナ Kana Nishino 
공중정원 Garden In The Air by 보아 Boa Kwon
다섯번째 계절 The Fifth Season by 오마이걸 OHMYGIRL
좋다고 말해 Tell Me You Love Me by 볼빨간사춘기 BOL4
Ring My Bell by Suzy
사랑인 듯 아닌 듯 A Lot Like Love by 백아연 A Yeon Baek
Touch Love by 윤미래 Mi Rae Yoon
푸르던 The Shower by 아이유 IU
시간의 바깥 Above The Time by 아이유 IU
그대를 잊는다는 건 Forgetting You by 다비치 DAVICHI
안갯길 Misty Road by 벤 Ben
Santa Tell Me by Ariana Grande
Beauty and the Beast by Céline Dion, Peabo Bryson
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@mythicamagic​ submitted:
Songs that remind me of Sesskag:
Cold Cold Man by Saint Motel
Infinity by Jaymes Young
Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
To Be With You by the Honey Trees
My Silver Lining by First Aid Kit
Every Little Ting She Does is Magic by Sleeping at Last
The Archer by Taylor Swift
Drumming Song by Florence + the Machine
Rabbit Heart (Raise it Up) by Florence + the Machine
Bloodsport by Raleigh Ritchie
Sweater Weather by the Neighborhood 
Middle by DJ Snake ft. Bipolar Sunshine
Moondust by Jaymes Young
Lovely by Billie Eilish ft. Khalid
Summertime Sadness by Lana del Rey
We Hit a Wall by Chelsea Wolfe
The Scientist by Coldplay
Oats in the Water by Ben Howard
Set Fire to the Rain by Adele
Counting Paths by Matthew and the Atlas
And more!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@t-r-o-u-v-aille​ submitted:
🌸🏹 Sesskag playlist 🗡️🌧️
It will rain by Bruno Mars
I’ll be by Edwin McCain
To be with you by Mr. Big
Someday we’ll know by New radicals
Far away by Nickelback
I don’t wanna miss a thing by Aerosmith
My Immortal by Evanescence
You’re Beautiful by James Blunt
Kiss from a rose by Boyce Avenue
Moving closer by Never the Strangers
Hero by Enrique Iglesias
Thinking of you by Katy Perry
Here in my heart by Plus one
Beauty and the Beast
The Good in me by Jon Bellion
Love me lik3 you do by Ellie goulding
100 ways by Jackson Wang
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@delicatesoulturtlewagon​ submitted:
Here’s my top SessKag playlist
If I’d named the top 3 it would be:
Love you to death by Kamelot
Carnival of rust by  Poets of the fall
Je t'aime by Lara Fabian
And More!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@sagemcmae​ submitted:
Two of my favorites for SessKag are:
Cannonball by The Sweeplings
Fire and Fury by Skillet
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
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sesskag · 4 years
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@delicatesoulturtlewagon​ submitted:
Regarding alternate universe I personally prefer Canon Divergence, cause I like the manga/anime story in total, but I’d definitely like another ending and another canon pair.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@chierafied submitted:
ALL THE AUS I love all my children equally. I love ALL the AUs!
But I am particularly fond of a modern AU with a single dad!Sesshoumaru. I am also weak for celebrity AUs.
And who doesn’t love a good fairy tale retelling.
Modern AUs with youkai in them are always interesting, seeing how the writer chooses to incorporate the youkai in “our” world… though of course I love all human AUs too.
What I also really love and would love to see more of is a good post apocalypse AU.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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