chierafied · 7 months
Honey, I'm Home
SessKag Fluff Week, Day 6 Domestic + Day 7 Family
Prompt: Character A comes home to chaos of Character B’s making + "Oh, your mother's here." 750 words. AO3. Decided to mash up these last two days because the themes and prompts fit so neatly together. It's awfully late, but I hope you guys enjoy this nonetheless!
The pair of elegant designer stiletto heels greeting Kagome at the entrance way of her house was the first clue that something was up. Switching into peacemaker mode, she moved deeper into the house after removing her own shoes and jacket and scarf. The silence humming in the air had her instantly on guard. She was fully braced for growls, raised voices, wild laughter and foul swearing – in no particular order. So the stillness was particularly unsettling.  
The two of them couldn’t have actually killed each other off after all these years, right? Not in front of Ginmaru. Besides, neither of them was uncouth enough to battle it out physically, when they could wage intricate wit-filled verbal warfare full of back-handed compliments, subtle and disguised barbs and call-backs to minor incidents from several centuries ago. 
Finally, she caught a sound in the disturbing quiet. An emphatic clanking. Kagome followed the auditory clues and soon dark growly mutter of curse words joined the cacophony of plops and bangs and scrapes. As soon as she entered the kitchen, she was relieved to see her mate alive and marginally well. He was elbow-deep in dough, alternatively kneading it and slapping it against the countertop. She was pretty sure that he was picturing something – or someone – very specific as he manhandled the dough. 
Kagome shook her head and shifted her attention to the rest of the room. Slowly, she took in the sheer chaos of pots and pans and the dirty dishes overflowing the sink. The flour and bag of sugar and various other supplies crowding the kitchen counter. The haphazard angle of the cooling pan of cupcakes by the window. It looked like three bombs had gone off in her poor kitchen in a quick succession. 
Or, alternatively, like her husband had been stress baking for a couple of hours. Which was the final confirmation she needed, because there were only so many things that would trigger a baking episode of such extensive proportions. 
Kagome leaned against the doorjamb and crossed her arms, fighting down the laughter that was welling inside. Such drama queens, the pair of them. “Oh, your mother’s here.” 
Sesshoumaru’s head snapped up and the ferocious scowl he was wearing eased a fraction as soon as his eyes locked with hers. “Indeed, she is.” 
“I thought she was coming tomorrow.” 
His lips were pinched. “So did this Sesshoumaru.” 
“Oh well. I’m here now. Do you need a buffer for your giant egos?” 
“Thank you, but it is handled.” 
Kagome raised her eyebrow – a mannerism she’d copied from him – and nodded towards the general chaos of the kitchen. “I can see that.” 
Sesshoumaru wiped his hair out of his eyes, leaving a flour stain on his cheek, and managed to look a little sheepish. “I will clean up when I am done.” 
“Mm-hmm. I’m going to go check on them. Be right back.” 
Kagome found them where she’d expected to: In Ginmaru’s room. The scene that greeted her there did take her by surprise, though. Her heart hiccupped in her chest and the softest ‘awwwwww’ escaped her.  
An open picture book lay on the floor, forgotten. Tsukimi sat next to it, leaning against Ginmaru’s bed. And Ginmaru himself was fast asleep, half curled up in his grandmother’s lap, his pudgy little toddler arms wrapped around her waist. Tsukimi cracked one eye open, her red lips curling as she saw Kagome. 
“We’re having a little nap,” she whispered softly, gently stroking Ginmaru’s dark curls.  
“Carry on,” Kagome whispered back, her heart melting at the pair of them. “We’ll have tea and cupcakes when he wakes up.” 
Tsukimi inclined her head, amusement flashing on her face as she shut her eyes again. “We’ll catch up later, my dear. Go calm your mate, now.” 
Swallowing a laugh, Kagome turned away and returned to the kitchen.  
Sesshoumaru was spreading the butter, sugar and cinnamon mixture on his dough when she entered. Kagome’s mouth watered just from the scent of his baking. Sesshoumaru made the best cinnamon rolls.  
She walked to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her cheek against the clean cotton of his shirt. She felt his shoulder relax; the sigh shudder through his body. His big, warm palm settled on her clasped hands.  
“I love you,” he told her, his voice so full of tender warmth that Kagome felt it in her bones. 
“I’m home,” she murmured into his shirt in reply and pressed a kiss between his shoulder blades. 
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