#skin treatment clinic Louisville
bodilouisville · 1 year
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Looking for an easy and affordable way to look and feel your best? Check out the PDO Thread Lift - a non-invasive, minimally-invasive procedure that can help you reduce wrinkles and sagging skin. Plus, you can save $400 this month when you book your appointment! Get the smooth and glowing complexion you desire, without breaking the bank. Ready to turn back the clock and look your best? Book your appointment for PDO Thread Lift today to achieve natural looking, long-lasting results!
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siozsales · 14 days
Laser hair removal is gaining popularity as a long-term solution for unwanted hair. If you're thinking about undergoing this treatment in Louisville, KY, there are several key factors to evaluate before making a decision. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know, from selecting top clinics and understanding the procedure to exploring costs, reviews, and before-and-after results. Whether you have dark skin, sensitive skin, or are seeking treatments for men, this post serves as your ultimate resource for laser hair removal in Louisville.
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maysdermatology · 2 years
Visit only a trusted dermatology clinic in Louisville KY to treat serious skin problems
Often times, people wonder if a dermatology clinic in Louisville KY can help them with the best treatments for their skin conditions. Visiting a clinic will not give you the required relief and indeed it is important that you are considering the best dermatologist clinic in Louisville KY to get your skin conditions treated. 
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kschealth · 3 years
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EPAT Therapy Treatment - Relief for Patients
EPAT Therapy
Kentucky Sports Clinic is the only facility in Louisville, Kentucky to offer EPAT Therapy! EPAT® stands for Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology.  EPAT® is a form of ESWT (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy) which is an evidence-based, emerging, proven treatment option for patients suffering from both acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries.​
How does EPAT® work?
EPAT® uses acoustic pressure waves to safely increase metabolism and blood flow, stimulating or enhancing healing of the injury.  The microtrauma induced, triggers a cascade of inflammatory factors such as cytokines and chemokines that help regenerate the damaged tissue.  These inflammatory factors are essential for healing and are present at high levels in acute injuries, but diminish or cease to exist over time in chronic injuries. Think of EPAT® as a way of pushing the reset button on healing.
Examples of conditions treated with EPAT®:​​
Plantar Fasciitis  
Achilles Tendonitis  
Posterior Tibial Tendonitis
Anterior Tibial Tendonitis
Plantar Plate Injuries
Peroneal Tendonitis
Interdigital Neuromas
Calcific Tendinopathy
Bone Spurs
Hamstring Tendinopathy
Knee Tendinopathy
Who is a candidate for EPAT® technology?
We recommend EPAT® for acute injuries as part of first line therapy, since it will allow for a faster recovery, so that you can return to the activities you love. It is also recommended for patients coming to us with chronic injuries who have failed to respond to other therapies. EPAT® allows our patients to avoid major downtime during treatment.​
How do I prepare for a EPAT® procedure?
We recommend patients discontinue all anti inflammatories at least 1 week prior to the procedure.  This includes Ibuprofen (Advil), Aleve and all prescription anti inflammatories. Since EPAT® produces an inflammatory response, it is important to taking avoid anti-inflammatory medications, since they will inhibit this inflammatory response. Tylenol is allowed since it is not an anti inflammatory.
What should I expect from EPAT®?
Treatment is performed in the office and usually consists of 3 sessions on a weekly basis.  Patients with more chronic injuries may require a 4th or 5th treatment. EPAT is usually well tolerated and does not usually require the uses of any use of anesthesia or nerve block.  A hand held applicator along with coupling gel is applied to the skin over each of the injured areas. Patients will then be exposed to a series of pulses, which will slowly be increased as tolerated to a therapeutic level during the session.  Expect each session lasts 10-15 minutes. Most patients will leave the office with a temporary reduction in pain.  Patients are able to walk out of the office and resume normal weight bearing activities.
Clinical Evidence Showing Efficacy of EPAT
​Plantar Fasciitis
Achilles Tendinopathy
Elbow Pain (lateral epicondylitis)
Hamstring Pain
Shin Splints (MTSS)
Knee Pain (patellar tendinopathy)
Shoulder Pain (calcific tendinitis)
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digitalyogesh · 3 years
Treatment of fistula
Butt-centric Treatment of fistula
Yolanda Smith, B.Pharm.
By Yolanda Smith, B.Pharm.
Assessed by Dr. Liji Thomas, MD
It is remarkable for a butt-centric fistula to recuperate suddenly. Much of the time, medical procedure is needed to treat the condition. The sort and strategy of medical procedure will rely upon the arrangement and circumstance of the fistula.
Non-Surgical Treatment
The solitary non-careful treatment for butt-centric fistula that is at present being used is fibrin stick. This includes an infusion of the paste into the fistulous plot to inexact the sides intently together and keep the space from persevering. At last the cells from the encompassing tissue will develop into the paste and the lot will be demolished.
Numerous patients may lean toward this technique since it’s anything but a protected and easy methodology. In any case, it is less successful than careful methods. Some exploration has proposed that most of patients treated by this procedure have inconveniences or repeat inside 16 months of treatment.
Reasoning for Surgery
The point of careful treatment is to recuperate the fistula without making harm the sphincter muscles. Such harm could prompt future intricacies like gut incontinence. The method is regularly done under broad sedation, albeit nearby sedation might be suitable in certain patients.
Preceding playing out a surgery on a butt-centric fistula, it is important to decide the sort. These include:
recto-vaginal fistulae
This will empower the reception of the best methodology to accomplish the ideal outcomes for the system.
Subcutaneous or submucosal fistulae might be treated by fistulotomy. This alludes to a basic examining of the fistula lot, without extraction.
For different kinds of fistulae, the average opening of the fistula should be distinguished precisely. This might be utilizing demonstrative strategies, for example, endosonography. A few specialists may renew and estimated the edges of the fistula lot to improve mending and improve outcome.
Careful Technique: Fistulotomy
The most widely recognized and viable sort of surgery for butt-centric fistula is a fistulotomy, which represents around 90% of fistula medical procedure.
In this technique, a cut is made along the entire length of the fistula, from the inside to the outside opening. Contingent upon the area, a little segment of the butt-centric sphincter may should be sliced to access the fistula.
Whenever it has been opened, the plot is scratched completely, the substance of the fistula are flushed out, and it is left open. As a rule the region will mend inside 4 two months to shape a level scar. With more unpredictable fistulas, the plot may in some cases must be exposed in parts rather than at the same time.
Careful Technique: Seton
A Seton is a piece of careful string or dainty elastic that is left in the fistula lot to keep it’s anything but half a month, to permit it to deplete totally prior to shutting. Its closures are brought out through the rear-end and tied, to keep it set up. By empowering appropriate waste of the lot, it forestalls fistula expansion, cuts down the irritation and considers scar development inside the plot. This may later be taken out and other careful strategies used to address the fistula for all time.
This procedure is a decent choice for patients who have a high danger of entrail incontinence following a medical procedure, because of the closeness or contribution of the butt-centric sphincter muscles. It is now and again utilized with progressively more tight setons to gradually disintegrate the fistula divider and expose it, without isolating the sphincter.
Careful Technique: Advanced Flap
For an unpredictable system, or for patients with a high danger of inside incontinence following traditional fistulotomy, the high level fold careful procedure might be a decent choice. This includes propelling a piece of tissue or skin, called the progression fold, from the rectum or around the butt. The fold is then appended to the fistula opening subsequent to mending to help recuperating. It doesn’t need isolating the sphincter.
Careful Technique: LIFT
The ligation of the intersphincteric fistula lot (LIFT) system is a promising new procedure for the treatment of fistulas that pass through the butt-centric sphincters. The fistula is entered through the skin, the butt-centric sphincters are pushed separated and the part between them is exposed between ligatures to permit it to recuperate. It’s anything but a non-sphincter-separating strategy.
Careful Technique: Bioprosthetic Plug
A cone-molded attachment of creature tissue called a bioprosthetic fitting can likewise be utilized to fill the inner opening of the fistula. This is kept set up with lines. Since it doesn’t close the opening totally, it permits the fistula to keep depleting. In the end, new tissue develops around and into the attachment and the plot is shut.
This procedure is related with a more serious danger of intricacies like agony, arrangement of a boil or attachment uprooting.
Other related strategies utilized in butt-centric fistula medical procedure
A few fistulas are so profound or mind boggling as to require different methods. In the middle, a colostomy might be expected to deal with poop while the butt-centric sphincter is mending. In different cases, muscle tissue may should be joined into the fistula plot to top it off and guarantee its total demolition.
Recuperation Treatment of fistula
Complexities of medical procedure incorporate contamination, repeat and inside incontinence. Patients are probably going to experience the ill effects of some torment following the surgery. This might be facilitated with analgesics and prescriptions to decrease stool impaction, for example, fiber and mass diuretics.
Patients should take some clinical leave to have some time away from work. This time following the medical procedure ought to be spent at home to recuperate. The time needed for this will change as per the kind of medical procedure and individual case.
Further Reading
All Anal Fistula Content
Butt-centric Fistula: An Overview
Butt-centric Fistula Diagnosis
Butt-centric Fistula Symptoms
Butt-centric Fistula Causes
Last Updated: Feb 26, 2019
Presently evaluated 4.0 by 6 individuals
Yolanda Smith
Composed by
Yolanda Smith
Yolanda graduated with a Bachelor of Pharmacy at the University of South Australia and has experience working in both Australia and Italy. She is energetic about how medication, diet and way of life influence our wellbeing and appreciates assisting individuals with getting this. In her extra time she loves to investigate the world and find out about new societies and dialects.
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Treatment of fistula
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
Children’s Hospitals Grapple With Young Covid ‘Long Haulers’
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This story also ran on USA Today. It can be republished for free.
A slumber party to celebrate Delaney DePue’s 15th birthday last summer marked a new chapter — one defined by illness and uncertainty.
The teen from Fort Walton Beach, Florida, tested positive for covid-19 about a week later, said her mother, Sara, leaving her bedridden with flu-like symptoms. However, her expected recovery never came.
Delaney — who used to train 20 hours a week for competitive dance and had no diagnosed underlying conditions — now struggles to get through two classes in a row, she said. If she overexerts herself, she becomes bedridden with extreme fatigue. And shortness of breath overcomes her in random places like the grocery store.
Doctors ultimately diagnosed Delaney with COPD — a chronic lung inflammation that affects a person’s ability to breathe — said Sara, 47. No one has been able to pinpoint the cause of her daughter’s decline.
“There’s just no research there,” she said. “Kids are not supposed to have this kind of condition.”
While statistics indicate that children have largely been spared from the worst effects of covid, little is known about what causes a small percentage of them to develop serious illness. Doctors are now reporting the emergence of downstream complications that mimic what’s seen in adult “long haulers.”
In response, pediatric hospitals are creating clinics to provide a one-stop shop for care and to catch any anomalies that could otherwise go unnoticed. However, the treatment offered by these centers could come at a steep price tag to patients, health finance experts warned, especially given that so much about the condition is unknown.
Nonetheless, the increasing number of patients like Delaney is leading to a more structured follow-up plan for kids recovering from covid, said Dr. Uzma Hasan, division chief of pediatric infectious diseases at St. Barnabas Medical Center in New Jersey.
“The cost of missing these children means a horrible event,” she said.
Unanswered Questions
More than 3 million children and young adults had tested positive for covid in the United States as of Feb. 18, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association report. Most of these kids experience mild, if any, symptoms.
Over the course of the pandemic, though, it has become apparent that some children develop serious and potentially long-term problems.
The most well-known of these complications is called “multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children,” or MIS-C. Symptoms — which include high fever, a skin rash and stomach pain — can appear up to a month after getting covid. Around 2,000 cases have been identified in the United States. Black and Hispanic children make up a disproportionate share: 69%.
But clinicians also said they’re increasingly hearing of children seeking help for different complications, such as fatigue, shortness of breath and loss of smell, that don’t go away.
Clinics for Child Long Haulers
At Norton Children’s Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky, clinicians set up a clinic in October after receiving calls from area pediatricians who had patients with long-haul symptoms.
No one knows how often children develop these symptoms, how many already have the illness or even what to name it, said Dr. Kris Bryant, president of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, who works at the hospital.
The children see an infectious diseases doctor who then refers them or orders tests as necessary.
So far, the clinic has seen about 25 patients with a wide range of symptoms, said Dr. Daniel Blatt, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist involved with the clinic. Because covid mimics symptoms associated with a variety of other illnesses, he said, part of his job is to rule out any other possible causes.
“Because the virus is so new,” Blatt said, “there’s a presumption that everything is covid.”
Similarly, an ad hoc clinic for other young patients has been set up within the cardiology department at the Children’s Hospital & Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska. Patients are screened to assess the heart’s structure and how it functions. She said they’ve been seeing six to eight patients per week.
“The question I can never answer for the parents,” said Dr. Jean Ballweg, a pediatric cardiologist at the hospital who also works at the clinic, “is why one child and not another?”
So far, Ballweg said, she’s seen no published literature on the heart health of children who develop these symptoms after recovering from covid. By standardizing how doctors in the clinic collect data and treat patients, Ballweg said, she hopes the information will provide some clues as to how the virus affects a child’s heart. “Hopefully, we can look at the collective experience and recognize patterns and provide better care.”
University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital in Cleveland is involved in creating a multidisciplinary clinic that will consolidate care by giving patients access to specialists and integrative medicine like acupuncture.
Clinicians saw a need for the unit after teenagers with post-covid symptoms began arriving at the hospital system’s clinic for adults with long-haul symptoms, said Dr. Amy Edwards, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at the hospital involved with the project. So far, she said, she’s heard of about eight to 10 children who could need care.
The clinic, yet to open, intends to recruit more children through announcements, said Edwards. Identifying the right patient for the clinic will be complicated, she added. There’s no test to check for post-covid symptoms and there’s no agreed-on definition for the condition. Doctors also don’t know whether some symptoms can be cured, she said, or last a lifetime.
“The question is if we’re going to be able to do anything about it,” Edwards said.
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‘I Don’t Know’ Is a Difficult Answer
Even Dr. Abby Siegel, a 51-year-old pediatrician who works in Stamford, Connecticut, couldn’t find answers for her daughter. Siegel tested positive for the virus last March after being exposed at work. She believes she passed on the virus to her husband and their then-17-year-old daughter, Lauren.
The family recovered by early April, but then both Siegel’s daughter and husband took a turn for the worse. Lauren — who played rugby — started feeling fatigued, shortness of breath and a racing heart rate. Siegel took her to multiple specialists — including a friend who is a cardiologist — all of whom doubted her.
Lauren, now 18, receives care at Mount Sinai Hospital’s adult covid care center and is improving. Siegel said the clinic has affirmed her daughter’s experience and helped her get more information about this condition. She wishes the doctors they had visited earlier had been more honest about the unknowns surrounding post-covid health problems.
“It’s amazing how we’re met with the denial rather than the ‘I don’t know,’” she said.
There’s another wrinkle that often comes with the I-don’t-know response.
The uncertainty swirling around these symptoms in children will likely require clinicians to run a battery of tests — procedures that could potentially cost their families a lot of money, said Glenn Melnick, a health economist and professor at USC Sol Price School of Public Policy. Pediatric hospitals usually have little regional competition, he said, allowing them to charge more for their specialized services.
For families without comprehensive health insurance or who face high deductibles, many tests could mean big bills.
Gerard Anderson, a professor of health policy and management at Johns Hopkins University, said these clinics’ potential profitability hinges on several factors. If a clinic serves a large enough area, it could attract enough patients to earn substantial dollars for the affiliated pediatric hospital. A child’s health care coverage plays a role as well — those who are privately insured are more lucrative patients than those covered by public programs like Medicaid, but only as long as the family can shoulder the financial burden.
“If I had a kid who had this problem,” said Anderson, “I’d be very concerned about my out-of-pocket liability.”
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Children’s Hospitals Grapple With Young Covid ‘Long Haulers’ published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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stephenmccull · 4 years
Children’s Hospitals Grapple With Young Covid ‘Long Haulers’
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This story also ran on USA Today. It can be republished for free.
A slumber party to celebrate Delaney DePue’s 15th birthday last summer marked a new chapter — one defined by illness and uncertainty.
The teen from Fort Walton Beach, Florida, tested positive for covid-19 about a week later, said her mother, Sara, leaving her bedridden with flu-like symptoms. However, her expected recovery never came.
Delaney — who used to train 20 hours a week for competitive dance and had no diagnosed underlying conditions — now struggles to get through two classes in a row, she said. If she overexerts herself, she becomes bedridden with extreme fatigue. And shortness of breath overcomes her in random places like the grocery store.
Doctors ultimately diagnosed Delaney with COPD — a chronic lung inflammation that affects a person’s ability to breathe — said Sara, 47. No one has been able to pinpoint the cause of her daughter’s decline.
“There’s just no research there,” she said. “Kids are not supposed to have this kind of condition.”
While statistics indicate that children have largely been spared from the worst effects of covid, little is known about what causes a small percentage of them to develop serious illness. Doctors are now reporting the emergence of downstream complications that mimic what’s seen in adult “long haulers.”
In response, pediatric hospitals are creating clinics to provide a one-stop shop for care and to catch any anomalies that could otherwise go unnoticed. However, the treatment offered by these centers could come at a steep price tag to patients, health finance experts warned, especially given that so much about the condition is unknown.
Nonetheless, the increasing number of patients like Delaney is leading to a more structured follow-up plan for kids recovering from covid, said Dr. Uzma Hasan, division chief of pediatric infectious diseases at St. Barnabas Medical Center in New Jersey.
“The cost of missing these children means a horrible event,” she said.
Unanswered Questions
More than 3 million children and young adults had tested positive for covid in the United States as of Feb. 18, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association report. Most of these kids experience mild, if any, symptoms.
Over the course of the pandemic, though, it has become apparent that some children develop serious and potentially long-term problems.
The most well-known of these complications is called “multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children,” or MIS-C. Symptoms — which include high fever, a skin rash and stomach pain — can appear up to a month after getting covid. Around 2,000 cases have been identified in the United States. Black and Hispanic children make up a disproportionate share: 69%.
But clinicians also said they’re increasingly hearing of children seeking help for different complications, such as fatigue, shortness of breath and loss of smell, that don’t go away.
Clinics for Child Long Haulers
At Norton Children’s Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky, clinicians set up a clinic in October after receiving calls from area pediatricians who had patients with long-haul symptoms.
No one knows how often children develop these symptoms, how many already have the illness or even what to name it, said Dr. Kris Bryant, president of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, who works at the hospital.
The children see an infectious diseases doctor who then refers them or orders tests as necessary.
So far, the clinic has seen about 25 patients with a wide range of symptoms, said Dr. Daniel Blatt, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist involved with the clinic. Because covid mimics symptoms associated with a variety of other illnesses, he said, part of his job is to rule out any other possible causes.
“Because the virus is so new,” Blatt said, “there’s a presumption that everything is covid.”
Similarly, an ad hoc clinic for other young patients has been set up within the cardiology department at the Children’s Hospital & Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska. Patients are screened to assess the heart’s structure and how it functions. She said they’ve been seeing six to eight patients per week.
“The question I can never answer for the parents,” said Dr. Jean Ballweg, a pediatric cardiologist at the hospital who also works at the clinic, “is why one child and not another?”
So far, Ballweg said, she’s seen no published literature on the heart health of children who develop these symptoms after recovering from covid. By standardizing how doctors in the clinic collect data and treat patients, Ballweg said, she hopes the information will provide some clues as to how the virus affects a child’s heart. “Hopefully, we can look at the collective experience and recognize patterns and provide better care.”
University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital in Cleveland is involved in creating a multidisciplinary clinic that will consolidate care by giving patients access to specialists and integrative medicine like acupuncture.
Clinicians saw a need for the unit after teenagers with post-covid symptoms began arriving at the hospital system’s clinic for adults with long-haul symptoms, said Dr. Amy Edwards, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at the hospital involved with the project. So far, she said, she’s heard of about eight to 10 children who could need care.
The clinic, yet to open, intends to recruit more children through announcements, said Edwards. Identifying the right patient for the clinic will be complicated, she added. There’s no test to check for post-covid symptoms and there’s no agreed-on definition for the condition. Doctors also don’t know whether some symptoms can be cured, she said, or last a lifetime.
“The question is if we’re going to be able to do anything about it,” Edwards said.
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‘I Don’t Know’ Is a Difficult Answer
Even Dr. Abby Siegel, a 51-year-old pediatrician who works in Stamford, Connecticut, couldn’t find answers for her daughter. Siegel tested positive for the virus last March after being exposed at work. She believes she passed on the virus to her husband and their then-17-year-old daughter, Lauren.
The family recovered by early April, but then both Siegel’s daughter and husband took a turn for the worse. Lauren — who played rugby — started feeling fatigued, shortness of breath and a racing heart rate. Siegel took her to multiple specialists — including a friend who is a cardiologist — all of whom doubted her.
Lauren, now 18, receives care at Mount Sinai Hospital’s adult covid care center and is improving. Siegel said the clinic has affirmed her daughter’s experience and helped her get more information about this condition. She wishes the doctors they had visited earlier had been more honest about the unknowns surrounding post-covid health problems.
“It’s amazing how we’re met with the denial rather than the ‘I don’t know,’” she said.
There’s another wrinkle that often comes with the I-don’t-know response.
The uncertainty swirling around these symptoms in children will likely require clinicians to run a battery of tests — procedures that could potentially cost their families a lot of money, said Glenn Melnick, a health economist and professor at USC Sol Price School of Public Policy. Pediatric hospitals usually have little regional competition, he said, allowing them to charge more for their specialized services.
For families without comprehensive health insurance or who face high deductibles, many tests could mean big bills.
Gerard Anderson, a professor of health policy and management at Johns Hopkins University, said these clinics’ potential profitability hinges on several factors. If a clinic serves a large enough area, it could attract enough patients to earn substantial dollars for the affiliated pediatric hospital. A child’s health care coverage plays a role as well — those who are privately insured are more lucrative patients than those covered by public programs like Medicaid, but only as long as the family can shoulder the financial burden.
“If I had a kid who had this problem,” said Anderson, “I’d be very concerned about my out-of-pocket liability.”
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Children’s Hospitals Grapple With Young Covid ‘Long Haulers’ published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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bodilouisville · 2 years
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ABIM: Oncology
ABIM syllabus can be found here Let me know if you find any errors Sources: UWorld, MKSAP 16/17, Rizk Review Course, Louisville Lectures, Knowmedge (free version)
Lung cancer (clinical presentation and diagnosis)
Small cell:  associated with hyponatremia/SIADH, Lambert Eaton (like MG but fatiguable); Tx: chemotherapy + whole brain radiation if good response to chemo Non-small cell:  CT/PET, MRI brain –> Tx: stage I - surgical, stage II - surgery + chemo, stage III - chemo + XRT +/- surgery, stage IV - chemotherapy alone (1)  Squamous cell carcinoma:  associated with smoking, hypercalcemia, Pancoast tumors (cause Horner’s: ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis) (2)  Adenocarcinoma:  not associated with smoking (3)  Large cell carcinoma:  associated with SVC syndrome (4)  Bronchogenic carcinoma:  associated with cluster of painless, firm/hard cutaneous metastases *AE of chest XRT is CAD
Breast Cancer
- Screening:  mammogram >50yo or >35 with high risk * if palpable mass:  ALWAYS BIOPSY (even if not seen by mammo) * if in situ –> no need for LN biopsy * if positive LN –> axillary LN dissection (AE: UE lymphedema) *if >1cm or LN+: give adjuvant chemo * do NOT perform mastectomy if metastized * if mastectomy, add XRT if: (1) dermal invasion, (2) close margins, (3) 4+ LNs - Dx:  mammogram/US –> Bx –> ER/PR/Her2neu status - DCIS Tx: lumpectomy + local rads = simple mastectomy (for tumor >5cm) +/- if ER/PR+ –> 5 years of hormonal therapy (1) premenopausal: Tamoxifen (SERM; AE: clots, endometrial cancer), (2) postmenopausal: Anastrazole/Letrozole (AI) +/- if Her2neu+ –> get an ECHO to ensure good heart function, give Trastuzumab (- LCIS Tx: observe or b/l mastectomy (won’t be tested because controversial)
Neoplasm of the head and neck
Thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer: (1) Medullary thyroid cancer: associated with both MEN II syndromes, RET gene; elevated calcitonin –> hypercalcemia; Tx: surgical neck dissection (2) Papillary thyroid cancer:  aggressive, associated with BRAF (like melanoma); Tx: surgery + radioiodine (3) Follicular:  Tx: surgery + radioiodine (4) Anaplastic:  very poor prognosis
Gastrointestinal or hepatic cancer
Stomach cancer:   - Dx: upper endoscopy with ultrasound > CT scan - Tx: surgery, chemo, XRT - MALT lymphoma:  Tx: PPI and H.pylori Abx Colorectal cancer: - Tx: stage 1-2: resect, III: resect + chemo, IV: FOLFOX chemo +/- resect + Bevacizumab - f/u with CEA Q3-6mo for 2 years, then Q6months for 3 years - f/u with CT chest/ab/pelvis every year for 3 years - f/u with colonoscopy 1, 3, and 5 years post-treatment - Rectal cancer: Tx stage II-III: (1) chemo/XRT –> surgery or (2) surgery –> chemo Pancreatic carcinoma other than pancreatic endocrine tumors: - Trousseau venous thrombophlebitis (migratory VTEs), jaundice, palpable GB - stage I (pancreas) Tx: resection - stage II (duodenum) - stage III (LN) - stage IV (other mets) Tx: Gemcitabine *confused for autoimmune pancreatitis (because of mass); differentiate with biopsy; AIP has elevated IgG Hepatocellular carcinoma: - associated with Hep C > chronic Hep B - if nodule <1cm needs screening abdominal US Q6mo –> if >1cm: contrast CT/MRI liver (arterial phase enhancement) - if AFP>100, don’t have to biopsy –> Tx: resection / liver transplant > EtOH/radioablation > chemotherapy/Sorafenib Other CT abdomen findings: (1) Cavernous hemangioma: early peripheral nodular enhancement with delay in filling from periphery to center; don’t have to treat (2) Hepatic adenoma: associated with OCPs; early rapid loss of enhancement –> resect (3)  Focal nodular hyperplasia:  central stellate scar –> don’t have to treat
Urologic cancer
Renal clear cell carcinoma:   - presents as upper abdominal mass with hematuria; erythrocytosis (elevated Hb), hypercalcemia, and acute varicocele - associated with von-Hippel Lindau (retinal and cerebellar hemangioblastomas and RCC) - Dx: CT ab, pulmonary “cannonball” nodules/mets on CXR, if bone pain: elevated ALP - Tx: nephrectomy Transitional cell carcinoma: - painless hematuria - Dx: cystoscopy - Tx: TURBT –> intravesicular BCG; if muscle invasion: radical cystectomy Prostate cancer: - Dx: exam with elevated PSA –> transrectal US-guided prostate Bx - Gleason >7, PSA >15, large tumor or bone pain –> bone scan and CT ab/pelvis - penetrates prostate capsule Tx: XRT –> f/u PSA and rectal exam Q6-12mo - LN involvement/mets/elevated serum acid phosphatase Tx:  total hormonal ablation with 4-6mo Leuprolide (LHRH agonist to be given with antiandrogen Flutamide to prevent tumor flare)/Goserelin –> refractory: Docetaxel Testicular cancer: (1) Non-seminoma (embryonal, teratoma, choriocarcinoma): elevated AFP, hCG; Dx/Tx: inguinal orchiectomy (DO NOT BIOPSY) +/- chemo if spread (2) Seminoma: elevated hCG; Tx: radiation; if disseminated: platinum-chemo
Gynecologic cancer
Ovarian cancer: - may present with bleeding, dyspareunia, ascites (SAAG <1.1, ascites protein >2.5), peritoneal carcinomatosis - associated with HNPCC, infertility, early menarche, late menopause - Dx: pelvic U/S –> stage with ex-lap - Tx: stage I = surgery; stage II-IV: platinum-based chemo –> follow with pelvic exa, and CA-125 Q2-4mo for 2 years (do NOT need routine US) * if BRCA1 or 2+ –> offer oophorectomy at 35yo or after child-bearing * Dermatomyositis (anti-Jo1) is associated with ovarian cancer –> TVUS Endometrial cancer: - Dx: with biopsy - Tx: surgical resection of cervix/uterus/adnexa + XRT +/- chemotherapy; if high risk surgical patient, XRT only Cervical cancer: - Dx: punch bx or colposcopy bx - stage I Tx: LOOP/conization or if finished babies, hysterectomy WITHOUT dissection - stage II-IV Tx: XRT + cisplatin
CNS tumors
GBM: most common and aggressive adult intraparenchymal tumor - ring-enhancing with central necrosis and hemorrhage Meningioma: most common primary brain tumor (extraparenchymal, extradural) - insidious diffusely enhancing, partially calcified +/- dural tail; Tx: observe or surgery if symptomatic Oligodendroglioma:  rare, MRI = non-enhancing homogeneous intraparenchymal lesion Schwannoma: benign nerve sheath tumor ~CNVIII (hearing loss/tinnitus) - MRI shows enhancing lesion at cerebellopontine angle vs. Pseudotumor cerebri:  headaches worse in the morning + papilledema and visual changes in an obese person on Accutane - Dx: CT/MRI to r/o tumor and dural venous sinus, LP shows elevated ICP - Tx: Acetazolamide, repeat lumbar puncture –> if progressive visual loss: neurosurgery
Skin cancer
Squamous cell carcinoma:  preceded by actinic keratosis Basal cell carcinoma: raised pearlescent with telangiectasia Melanoma: Dx: wide excision + if >1mm deep, sentinel LN biopsy; additionally treat with IFN if >4mm or +LN
Hematologic malignancies (see ABIM: Hematology)
Assorted endocrine tumors and endocrine manifestations of tumors (see ABIM: Endocrine)
Malignancy associated hypercalcemia: (1) squamous cell (2) RCC (3) medullary thyroid cancer (elevated calcitonin)
Oncologic emergencies
SVC Syndrome :  associated with large cell NSCLC - Dx: biopsy tissue > mediastinoscopy/thoracotomy - if previously untreated: give chemo - if previously treated: XRT +/- chemo Fever and neutropenia: - Tx: with broad spec Pseudomonal abx (Cefepime) until PMN>500 - if no improvement in 2 days, add Vanc - if no improvement in 5 days, add Itraconazole Spinal cord tumors and compression: - Dx: Gad-enhanced MRI - Tx: steroids, surgery, XRT Cardiac tamponade from neoplastic pericarditis: - JVD, tachycardia, pulsus paradoxus - Tx: pericardiocentesis Tumor lysis syndrome: - elevated uric acid, potassium, phosphate - N/V/D, heart failure, seizures, syncope, death - PPx: Allopurinol, Rasburicase Hypercalcemia  - elevated Ca, decreased PTH, normal/decreased Vit D3 and Phos - Tx: NS Hyponatremia (SIADH): - associated with small cell - Tx: fluid restrict or if symptomatic, Na<120: 3% Saline + Lasix
Complications of cancer and its treatment
- give Morphine –> translate it to long-acting forms - Palliative O2 not helpful in absence of hypoxemia - Radiation toxicity: CAD, hypothyroidism, lung disease; breast, lung, esophageal cancer - Toxicity bear (borrowed from my Step 1 notes - Second Aid): –> Asparagine: neurotoxicityCisplatin:  ototoxic/nephrotoxic; Tx: Amifostine –> Vincristine/Vinblastine:  "Christ my nerves, Blast my bones" - Vincristine = peripheral neuropathy - Vinblastine = myelosuppression –> Bleomycin: pulmonary fibrosis –> Doxorubicin: cardiotoxic; Tx; Dexrozoxane (for cardiotoxicity), Dimethyl-sulphoxide (for ROS ulcers) –> Cyclophosphamide:  Acrolein = nephro/bladder toxic (Tx: Mesna); also SIADH effects (Tx: Demeclocycline) –> Methotrexate: nephrotoxic (Tx: Leucovorin), myelosuppression (Tx; Filgrastim)
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Cancer of unknown primary
- axillary LN? –> biopsy comes back adenocarcinoma –> mammogram –>if neg: MRI breast - high cervical LN? –> PET/CT scan of head and neck - osteoblastic mets? –> PSA test for prostate adenocarcinoma - ascites, peritoneal carcinomatosis? –> ovarian cancer, Dx: ex-lap - young woman with retroperitoneal poorly differentiated mass? –> germ cell cancer; Tx: platinum chemo
Cancer screening (see ABIM: Screening)
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maysdermatology · 2 years
Enhance your appearance by consulting a top-rated cosmetic dermatologist
If you are low on confident due to hair loss or want to look more attractive, a wise decision is to consult with a renowned dermatologist in the Louisville region. The results are bound to amaze you. You would be more than happy with the outcome. It is intelligent to seek services from a reputable clinic in the area. You can read detailed reviews of the clinic before you decide. You will get insights from the reviews. The information will be helpful. Here are more details.
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Certified and experienced dermatologist
You would be glad to know that when you visit a top clinic for the cosmetic treatment, the Best Cosmetic Dermatologist would attend you. He doesn’t waste time to diagnose the skin health issue. Also, he is quick to locate the factors that hamper your appearance. You can safely rely on his prolific skills. He leaves no stones unturned in delivering the best solutions available in the medical industry. You can remain confident about it.
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Treats your hair loss problems
If you are suffering from mild to severe hair loss, a top dermatology clinic in Louisville is the perfect place to address the issue. A renowned Hair Loss Dermatologist KY carefully assesses the problem and accordingly prescribes you relevant measures to tackle it. In most cases, a cosmetic intervention is the solutions. You can be sure that there are no side effects. Also, the methods are completely painless. There is no need to get intimidated. If you have any doubts about the service rates, don’t hesitate to get clear ideas from the clinic. There are no hidden costs. You would be satisfied with the amazing results.
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khadiripro · 4 years
Best Weight Loss Pills
What are the simplest weight reduction pills? On the off chance that you just are overweight or corpulent, you have got unquestionably posed this inquiry commonly. Whatever our overabundance weight is often, we generally have to be thin. Furthermore, the simplest weight reduction pills are constantly hunted for after. We should think a bit about this insightful inquiry and try to answer it obsessed with what we expect about this weight reduction help we will not reject utilizing... We as a full realize the foremost effortless and most secure approach to hold on with a skinny and solid life is to: devour sound nourishments in an exceedingly fair eating routine system, exercise and remain truly dynamic, and obtain an adequate measure of rest a day. Indeed, weight reduction pills may offer an alternate way, it's going to not generally be the simplest course to require. On the off chance that we decide on an option to assume weight reduction pills, it's consistently essential to determine how they work. It should be in your wellbeing to acknowledge what you're embeddings in your body. Which are the best weight reduction pills - solution or normal? In the first place, weight reduction pills are isolated into two significant gatherings - endorsed or over-the-counter eating regimen pills. does one wish to realize which are ideal? All things considered, give some thought to the accompanying - remedy weight reduction pills are clinically verified to fill in as they guarantee. On the off chance that state Xenical cases to stand 25% of dietary fats from your dinners - those are clinically demonstrated outcomes. Also, endorsed by legitimate clinical associations that ensure medicate activity as per claims. Be that because it may, remedy weight reduction pills aren't the best - I'd state they're an extended way from it and usually due to symptoms and unnatural synthetic compounds applied. The equivalent Xenical gives you plenty of "extra advantages" like sleek spotting, slick stool, conceivable sickness, looseness of the bowels, and therefore the sky is that the limit from there. Simultaneously, solution weight reduction pills are fundamentally utilized if there should be an occasion of corpulence with potential perils to your wellbeing. Their belongings, symptoms are examined and known, and if there are not any other ways for you to induce in shape normally - presumably recommended drugs are the simplest weight reduction pills to select. Weight reduction supplements, or over-the-counter or regular weight reduction pills, aren't the simplest ones either, due to various reasons. For the foremost part since they do not back their cases. have you ever seen phenomenal or astonishing vows to help you with losing pounds on a daily basis or changeless weight reduction results? The issue is most producers don't bolster these cases with clinical investigations. you cannot know without a doubt within the event that you just get some genuine blend of fixings demonstrated to consume your fat or increment digestion, or it's simply fake treatment. Another purpose of concern is normal or homegrown fixings. Normal doesn't suggest safe. Consider this when picking weight reduction pills. Ephedra or mama Huang was the foremost well-known fat eliminator dynamic fixings and will be considered as the best weight reduction pills until FDA discovered them being very perilous to our sensory system and heart. some demise cases went before the ephedra boycott. 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emilypaul09 · 6 years
Chestnut Corner S C
If you have been abused or neglected at Chestnut Corner Shelter Care, read about your rights below, and then contact Agruss Law Firm, LLC, for a free case evaluation.
Helping our clients is about counseling, advocating, and ultimately solving problems.  With years of experience successfully representing the people, not the powerful, we will take care of everything, so you can focus on healing and getting your life back to normal.
Who is Chestnut Corner Shelter Care?
Chestnut Corner Shelter Care is an Illinois nursing home. Chestnut Corner Shelter Care is licensed to Diamond Development Co. Chestnut Corner Shelter Care is located at 905 W Chestnut St, Louisville, IL 62858 with telephone number 618-665-4085. Chestnut Corner Shelter Care has not reported the number of beds and staff members. The Illinois Nursing Home Care Act governs Chestnut Corner Shelter Care.
Chestnut Corner Shelter Care’s Address, Phone Number, and Contact Information
Chestnut Corner Shelter Care 905 W Chestnut St Louisville, IL 62858 Tel: 618-665-4085 https://www.zinks.com/chestnut-corner.html
Chestnut Corner Shelter Care Overview
Chestnut Corner Shelter Care is a nursing home.  Chestnut Corner Shelter Care is also a for-profit corporation.   Chestnut Corner Shelter Care participates in Medicare and Medicaid.  Chestnut Corner Shelter Care is not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (“CCRC”).  A CCRC offers multiple housing options and levels of care.  Typically, a CCRC offers the most service-intensive options for residents.  At a CCRC, residents may freely move from one level of care to another. Chestnut Corner Shelter Care is also not in a hospital.  Some residents require more intensive care that can only be provided at a hospital.  Because Chestnut Corner Shelter Care is not located at a hospital, residents cannot be easily and quickly transferred to an acute care setting, if necessary.
According to Medicare’s Nursing Home Care, Chestnut Corner Shelter Care has an overall rating of one star, which is much below average.  Altogether, Medicare gives Chestnut Corner Shelter Care the following star ratings.  We all know the more stars, the better.
Overall rating: not reported.  Medicare assigns the overall star rating based on a nursing home’s performance on three separate categories: health inspections, staffing, and quality measures.  Each of these categories have their own star ratings, with more stars meaning better quality of care.
Health inspections: not reported.  More stars means fewer health risks.  
Fire safety inspections: not reported.   More stars means the facility is aimed at preventing fires, or protecting residents in the event of an emergency like a fire, hurricane, tornado, flood, power failure, or gas leak, etc.
Staffing: not reported.  More stars means a better level of staffing per nursing home resident.
Quality of resident care: not reported.   Once again, more stars are better.  Nursing homes that are certified by Medicare and Medicaid frequently report clinical information about their residents to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).  CMS then assigns nursing homes a quality of resident care star rating based on their performance on 16 measures. These, and other measures reflect how well nursing homes care for their residents
Signs of Abuse and Neglect
If you notice that your loved one exhibits any of the following, you should act immediately:
Broken bones,
Bed sores,
Head injuries,
Medication overdose,
Dehydration or malnutrition,
Poor hygiene,
Soiled bedding,
Rapid weight loss,
Sudden agitation or emotional withdrawal,
Frequent crying, or
Complaints of poor treatment.
Illinois Nursing Home Statistics
When a loved can no longer live independently, a tough decision must be made about the best option for care.  Such a decision often must be made during a time of crisis, frequently when your loved one is ready to leave the hospital after a serious illness or operation. Illinois has approximately 1,400 long-term care facilities, or nursing homes, serving more than 100,000 residents, from the young to the elderly.  Sadly, nursing home abuse and neglect, also known as elder abuse, is far too common. The Illinois Department of Public Health’s 24-hour a day Nursing Home Hotline receives nearly 19,000 calls a year, and as a result, staff respond to more than 5,000 complaints per year.
Nursing Home Profits Over Patients
Elderly care is a complex and a delicate issue. We are dealing with one of the most vulnerable sections of the population ­some would argue than even more so than children.  So how are non- and for-profit facilities dealing with mounting costs and infamous mishaps, ranging from filthy conditions to negligent deaths?
There is need for 24/7 specialized attention, which can become quite expensive, depending on the extent of every individual requirement. For-profit nursing homes claim to deal with scant resources, with many stating meager or non-existent earnings. This allegation has been used to explain chronic staff shortage, among other shortcomings.  Medicare and Medicaid funds channeled into nursing homes have been increasingly redirected towards multi-million expenses, and most of the time, the recipients of these expenditures are subsidiaries of the same corporation running the centers.
Research conducted by the University of Illinois at Chicago highlighted an increase in for-profit nursing home earnings, with quality of service diminishing simultaneously. The researchers, who were led by Lee Friedman of UIC’s School of Public Health, concluded that “patients receiving care in for-profit institutions were diagnosed with substantially more clinical signs of neglect than patients residing in not-for-profit facilities”. This trend appears to be worsening over time, raising concerns within officials and organizations in charge of regulating elderly care services.
There is a case for alarm, and suggestions to break this cycle within nursing homes range from implementing better financial controls in order to check how money is spent, to expanding requirements, tougher punishments and more rigorous scrutiny when it comes to giving out licenses.
Nursing Home Staffing Problems
Problems due to understaffing in senior citizen home centers have reached such alarming levels throughout the U.S., it is now considered a crime to undercut personnel.  The consequences of chronic staff shortage for patients in elderly care installations range from painful and uncomfortable conditions on a day-to-day basis, to wrongful deaths in extreme situations.
Many patients in these facilities cannot fend for themselves –physically, mentally, or both. Less staff means less help to set senior citizens in motion. This specific measure is essential, in order to limit or eliminate the chance of developing pressure ulcers –those terrible painful bed sores many geriatric patients disclose. Also, restrained patients are not moved that often; there is simply not enough help available to accompany them around.
Centers are faced with difficulties even to tackle simple tasks, like adequate hygiene procedures. Cases involving maggot-infested feeding tubes and insect-ridden installations have rocked the public conscience in recent years. Authorities need to place special focus on chronic staff shortage in nursing homes. The examples of how this situation causes pain, anguish, and death are undeniable.
Types of Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Homes
Nursing home abuse and neglect can take many forms. Know the warning signs, so you can better protect your loved ones. If you notice that your loved one exhibits any of the following, you should take action immediately.
Bed Rail Entrapment: Bed rails are commonly used to assist patients who may have limited mobility or a high risk of falling out of bed at night, and “bed rail entrapment” occurs when a patient becomes stuck between the mattress and bed rail, which can result in serious injury or even death. There are four main ways that bed rail entrapment occurs: in-between split bed rails; in-between a single bed rail’s bars; between the bed rail and mattress; and between the bed rail, mattress, headboard, or footboard. When bed rails are not properly implemented by the nursing home or particular employees, they may be legally liable if their negligence directly results in bed rail entrapment and injuries.
Bed Rail Injuries: Portable bed rails which are commonly used in medical facilities can be dangerous for elderly patients, and one study found over 150 fatalities involving these devices between 2003 and 2012; nearly 30% of these deaths occurred in nursing homes and similar facilities, and over 80% of victims were 60 years of age or older. The FDA identifies the main risks of bed rails as: suffocation or strangulation when the head or neck is entrapped; bruising, lacerations, or fractures in trapped limbs; severe agitation and/or confusion when entrapped in the bed rail; and death, in serious cases. When a nursing home resident suffers a bed rail injury, the nursing home, a particular staff member, the bed rail’s manufacturer, or a combination of these may be legally liable due to negligence.
Bed Sores: Bed sores are often called pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers. These sores originate at points of pressure. They develop inside-out, so that once the wound opens through the outer layer of skin, it is a full-blown ulcer and very susceptible to infection. These wounds range in severity from mild such as skin reddening to severe which are deep craters that go down through the muscle to the bone.  Bedsores can develop quickly, and treatment is often difficult – especially among elderly patients. These ulcers tend to be very difficult to heal, requiring a continuous effort to relieve the pressure between the bone and the exterior of the body. Unfortunately, nursing home residents with limited mobility, who are confined to the bed or chair, are uniquely at risk for suffering these injuries.
Burns: While burn accidents in nursing homes are entirely preventable, nursing home patients are unfortunately at greater risk of injury when these accidents occur due to decreased mobility or diminished hearing or eyesight, which can potentially result in delayed reaction-times. Common causes of burn accidents include: smoking hazards, such as when a facility allows indoor smoking; unsupervised candles, which can increase the risk of a fire; flammable medical hazards related to electrical equipment, flammable gases, or pressurized oxygen; or even faulty or exposed electrical wiring in the facility itself. The nursing home and/or particular staff members should be held accountable when negligence directly results in a burn accident and injuries.
Choking: Choking accidents can occur with medications, especially larger pills, but occur primarily during meals when nursing home patients and/or their food intake are not properly supervised by professionals. Some patients require restricted diets due to difficulty swallowing, which can result from neurological damage or disorders, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and other conditions, and are at greater risk of choking when eating unsupervised, while choking can also be a general risk for many elderly patients regardless of particular conditions. The nursing home may be considered negligent when lack of supervision or proper restriction of a patient’s diet directly results in a choking incident.
Clogged Breathing Tubes: Nursing home patients who need assistance with ventilation typically use an “endotracheal tube,” which is inserted through the nose or mouth and connects to a mechanical ventilator. Maintaining these tubes requires quality nursing care, and negligence can result in clogged breathing tubes, which can have serious and even fatal complications. These include clogging by secretions or mucus plugs, which can potentially result in respiratory distress, arrest, or complete or partial collapse of the lung; hypoxia, meaning a lack of oxygen from limited airflow; and sudden death. As such, these cases can be serious and result in medical malpractice or wrongful death claims to hold the nursing home and/or particular employees accountable for their negligence.
Dehydration and Malnutrition: Between 1999 and 2002 alone, over 10,000 nursing home patients lost their lives due to dehydration and/or malnutrition. Nursing homes must ensure that all residents have proper access to food and water, and negligence can occur when nursing homes have insufficient staffing to address each resident’s needs in a timely manner, while deliberate withholding of food and water from a resident is considered abuse and also grounds for a lawsuit. Elderly residents are especially prone to dehydration and malnutrition, which can result in serious health complications and even death, and nursing homes should be held accountable when their negligence results in starving or thirsty residents.
Dropped Patients: Some nursing home residents need assistance when standing or walking, and accidents and serious injuries can occur when staff members use bad judgement or do not follow the facility’s protocols. These drops can occur due to negligence when transferring a patient from a wheelchair to the shower, bath, or bed (or vice-versa) or from one chair to another, and resulting injuries may include fractured bones, traumatic brain injury (TBI), damage to internal organs, or even death. In addition to not following protocols, other risk factors for drops include poor training, understaffing, lack of equipment, or faulty equipment, and the most common root causes are the negligence of one or more particular employees and/or the facility’s failure to properly assess the patient’s needs.
Elopement: Wandering in a nursing home is a common risk for patients with Alzheimer’s, dementia, or other psychological disorders, and “elopement” occurs when a wandering patient leaves the facility entirely. This can be very dangerous for patients who aren’t physically and/or psychologically fit to be by themselves, especially when unsupervised and out in public, and patients who have eloped due to a nursing home’s negligence have suffered serious injuries and even death. If a patient leaves his/her nursing home due to inadequate supervision, the nursing home and/or particular staff members may be legally responsible if an injury occurs.
Emotional Abuse: Emotional abuse of nursing home patients can come in many forms, including insults, harassment, threats/intimidation, yelling/screaming, and other behaviors. While emotional abuse is often the fault of one or more particular employees rather than the nursing home itself, the facility may also be legally liable for this abuse if inadequate background screening resulted in the hiring of an abusive employee who shouldn’t have received the position. Unfortunately, patients who are more vulnerable and/or require more care than others may be at greater risk of emotional abuse, and in all cases nursing home employees should be held legally accountable for their negligence.
Falls: Falls in nursing homes result in more than 1,800 deaths and many more injuries per year - among elderly patients, an estimated 10 - 20% of falls result in serious injury. Although nursing homes generally have “fall prevention programs” in place to mitigate these accidents, the negligence of nursing home staff can increase these risks in many ways. Common examples include: physical hazards, such as wet floors, inadequate lighting or security, obstructed stairways or walkways, or defective equipment; improper prescription or dosage of sedatives, depressants, or similar medications which affect the central nervous system; improperly-fitted shoes or walking aids; inadequate supervision; and failure to provide necessary assistance.
Fractures: Elderly nursing home residents - especially those suffering from osteoporosis - are more prone to suffering broken bones or fractures in accidents, and residents aged 75 years and older are at the greatest risk of any age group. These injuries include spontaneous fractures, stress fractures, and traumatic fractures, and common causes include improperly moving or lifting a patient, inadequate supervision for patients in wheelchairs, inadequate training for handling a patient’s mobility requirements, and hazardous conditions within the facility which can result in slip-and-fall accidents. Fractures can require months of physical and psychological recovery, even when treated as soon as possible, and the nursing home may be legally liable when its negligence directly results in an accident and injury.
Infections: There is an unfortunate epidemic of infections acquired not outside of medical facilities, but within them, resulting in over 1.7 million cases per year for infections acquired within hospitals alone. Nursing homes are also vulnerable to these infections, which often come from blood transfusions, catheters, patient-rooms, surgical incisions or hardware, ventilators, and other medical equipment. Nursing homes must have comprehensive infection-control policies to protect everyone within the facility, including patients, staff, and visitors, and these policies cover hand-hygiene, personal protective equipment, quarantine protocols, environmental cleanliness, and other factors. The nursing home may be legally liable for an infection acquired within the facility due to negligence.
Inadequate Supervision: Inadequate supervision in nursing homes is often caused by understaffing and/or improper training of staff and can result in a wide range of problems for patients, from dehydration/malnutrition and bed sores to medication errors, mobility accidents, bed-related injuries, and even infections or medical complications. Nursing homes must always be properly staffed to address patients’ needs and respond to emergencies in a timely manner, and serious injuries and even death can result when patients aren’t properly supervised by staff members. If a patient suffers an injury or illness as a direct result of inadequate supervision, the nursing home may be legally liable.
Medication Errors: Preventable medication errors result in hundreds of thousands of adverse drug events (ADEs) per year, and in nursing homes they can result in serious injuries/illnesses and even death. These errors include prescribing the wrong medications or dosages, mislabeling medications, failure to take a patient’s complete medical history, and failure to note patients’ reactions to particular medications. Adverse drug events cost our society an estimated 98,000 lives and $3.5 billion per year, and nursing home residents are especially prone to irreversible damage or death from medication errors: about 800,000 adverse drug events occur per year in long-term care facilities.
Overmedication: Overmedication refers to a medication error in which a nursing home patient is prescribed too much of a medication, either in quantity or dosage. Unintentional overmedication can occur due to understaffing or inexperienced improperly-trained staff, and intentional overmedication can occur when a facility wrongfully intends to sedate a patient for extended periods of time - also known as a “chemical restraint” - rather than address the root of the patient’s problem, which often results from a flawed caretaking philosophy which regularly resorts to overmedication. This practice can result in serious injury, illness, or death whether intentional or not and nursing homes should be held legally accountable for these errors.
Physical Abuse: Physical abuse in nursing homes involves violence or physical force and can come in many forms. Common signs of abuse of a patient include scratches, bites, bruises, burns, or even inappropriate restraints. Statistics show that citizens over 80 years of age are at the highest risk of physical abuse in nursing homes, and unfortunately much of this abuse goes unreported: only one out of every six patients who are physically abused report the incident afterward, according to some estimates, resulting in organizations such as the CDC and NCPEA labelling elder abuse an “invisible problem.” As such, it’s important to understand both the physical and behavioral signs that abuse may be taking place.
Physical Assault: Assault and battery is the most blatant form of physical abuse in nursing homes and is among the most egregious violations of patients’ rights. Physical assault may include punching, slapping, kicking, shaking, and other forms of force, and while most victims in nursing homes were assaulted by staff members, assault among residents of the facility can also occur due to the staff’s negligence, particularly inadequate supervision. There are many risk factors for physical assault in nursing homes: some facilities do not properly screen their employees and may hire individuals who are unstable or have violent tendencies; inadequate staffing can place great stress on employees who then act irrationally; and some residents’ physical or psychological limitations make them unfortunate targets for violence.
Physical or Chemical Restraints: Patients’ dignity and ability to move freely in nursing homes must be respected. Sometimes, nursing home employees may utilize physical or chemical restraints to handle an agitated individual, but this should only be a last-resort option that is absolutely necessary. Unnecessary or excessive use of restraints not only violates a patient’s rights, but can also result in injuries to the patient, ranging from head injuries to bone fractures and internal bleeding. Patients who have a history of falls, low cognitive performance, or are taking antipsychotic medications may be at greater risk of negligent use of restraints, and the employee and/or facility should be held accountable for the resulting physical and/or psychological pain and suffering.
Sepsis: Sepsis can occur when bacteria infect the bloodstream and often develops from bedsores and similar medical complications. Severe sepsis, also known as “septic shock,” can be fatal if not treated as soon as possible, so it’s important that these conditions are closely monitored, and the root causes are identified. A nursing home may be legally liable if negligence resulted in the condition which led to sepsis, such as bedsores, or if negligence directly resulted in sepsis or septic shock. If a patient passes away from septic shock resulting directly from negligence, the nursing home or employees may be liable in a wrongful death claim.
Sexual Assault: Sexual assault in nursing homes is a widespread and often-underreported problem. Common signs of sexual abuse of a patient include bleeding or bruising in the genital area; stained or ripped clothing, linens, or bed sheets; unusual fear or anxiety, especially in the presence of a particular staff member; and depression or changes in mood. While nursing homes and their employees are fully legally obligated to ensure that residents are safe, and their rights are protected, it’s important to maintain open communication with your loved one to determine as soon as possible if such horrendous abuse is taking place.
Wandering: Adequate staffing and supervision for patients is essential in nursing homes, and some patients suffering from psychological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, may be prone to wandering when left unsupervised. This can be dangerous, as unassisted patients may be at risk of falling, which can result in serious injury or even death. Other risk factors include unfamiliarity with a new environment, recent changes in medication, and unmet physical needs related to hunger or hygiene. If a patient wanders in a nursing home without proper supervision and suffers an injury, the facility and/or particular staff members may be legally responsible for the injury due to negligence.
Wheelchair Accidents: While almost all wheelchair accidents are entirely preventable, they typically occur when a patient is being transported from a wheelchair to a chair or bed (or vice-versa) and can result in serious injuries or even death. These accidents can occur when staff members are inexperienced, improperly trained, or in violation of the facility’s standard protocols for transporting patients, each of which may be considered negligence on behalf of the employee and/or nursing home itself. Other common causes include inadequate supervision, failure to apply brakes when the wheelchair is not in motion, or improper securement of the wheelchair in a vehicle.
Wrongful Death: Wrongful death in a nursing home is the ultimate negligence for which no compensation is ever fully sufficient. The most common causes in these cases are dehydration and malnutrition, which can also make patients more susceptible to infections and illnesses; and medication errors, which typically consist of prescribing the wrong medication, improper dosage, or multiple medications which should not be mixed, all of which can be fatal in certain cases. When a patient’s wrongful death was a direct result of the negligence of a nursing home or particular employees within it, the surviving family has a legal right to pursue compensation and hold the negligent party accountable for their wrongdoing.
Chicago Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Can Help You
If you believe a loved one has been abused or neglected at a nursing home, contact us for a free consultation. Agruss Law Firm, LLC, represents victims of nursing home abuse and neglect throughout Illinois. We will handle your case quickly, advise you every step of the way, and we will not hesitate to go to trial for you. This litigation strategy will provide you with the best possible compensation. Plus, we do not get paid attorney’s fees unless we win your case. Our no-fee promise is that simple. Therefore, you have nothing to risk when you hire our firm—just the opportunity to seek justice. Protect your rights by contacting us today.
See More Here: Chestnut Corner S C
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Chestnut Corner S C
If you have been abused or neglected at Chestnut Corner Shelter Care, read about your rights below, and then contact Agruss Law Firm, LLC, for a free case evaluation.
Helping our clients is about counseling, advocating, and ultimately solving problems.  With years of experience successfully representing the people, not the powerful, we will take care of everything, so you can focus on healing and getting your life back to normal.
Who is Chestnut Corner Shelter Care?
Chestnut Corner Shelter Care is an Illinois nursing home. Chestnut Corner Shelter Care is licensed to Diamond Development Co. Chestnut Corner Shelter Care is located at 905 W Chestnut St, Louisville, IL 62858 with telephone number 618-665-4085. Chestnut Corner Shelter Care has not reported the number of beds and staff members. The Illinois Nursing Home Care Act governs Chestnut Corner Shelter Care.
Chestnut Corner Shelter Care’s Address, Phone Number, and Contact Information
Chestnut Corner Shelter Care 905 W Chestnut St Louisville, IL 62858 Tel: 618-665-4085 https://www.zinks.com/chestnut-corner.html
Chestnut Corner Shelter Care Overview
Chestnut Corner Shelter Care is a nursing home.  Chestnut Corner Shelter Care is also a for-profit corporation.   Chestnut Corner Shelter Care participates in Medicare and Medicaid.  Chestnut Corner Shelter Care is not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (“CCRC”).  A CCRC offers multiple housing options and levels of care.  Typically, a CCRC offers the most service-intensive options for residents.  At a CCRC, residents may freely move from one level of care to another. Chestnut Corner Shelter Care is also not in a hospital.  Some residents require more intensive care that can only be provided at a hospital.  Because Chestnut Corner Shelter Care is not located at a hospital, residents cannot be easily and quickly transferred to an acute care setting, if necessary.
According to Medicare’s Nursing Home Care, Chestnut Corner Shelter Care has an overall rating of one star, which is much below average.  Altogether, Medicare gives Chestnut Corner Shelter Care the following star ratings.  We all know the more stars, the better.
Overall rating: not reported.  Medicare assigns the overall star rating based on a nursing home’s performance on three separate categories: health inspections, staffing, and quality measures.  Each of these categories have their own star ratings, with more stars meaning better quality of care.
Health inspections: not reported.  More stars means fewer health risks.  
Fire safety inspections: not reported.   More stars means the facility is aimed at preventing fires, or protecting residents in the event of an emergency like a fire, hurricane, tornado, flood, power failure, or gas leak, etc.
Staffing: not reported.  More stars means a better level of staffing per nursing home resident.
Quality of resident care: not reported.   Once again, more stars are better.  Nursing homes that are certified by Medicare and Medicaid frequently report clinical information about their residents to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).  CMS then assigns nursing homes a quality of resident care star rating based on their performance on 16 measures. These, and other measures reflect how well nursing homes care for their residents
Signs of Abuse and Neglect
If you notice that your loved one exhibits any of the following, you should act immediately:
Broken bones,
Bed sores,
Head injuries,
Medication overdose,
Dehydration or malnutrition,
Poor hygiene,
Soiled bedding,
Rapid weight loss,
Sudden agitation or emotional withdrawal,
Frequent crying, or
Complaints of poor treatment.
Illinois Nursing Home Statistics
When a loved can no longer live independently, a tough decision must be made about the best option for care.  Such a decision often must be made during a time of crisis, frequently when your loved one is ready to leave the hospital after a serious illness or operation. Illinois has approximately 1,400 long-term care facilities, or nursing homes, serving more than 100,000 residents, from the young to the elderly.  Sadly, nursing home abuse and neglect, also known as elder abuse, is far too common. The Illinois Department of Public Health’s 24-hour a day Nursing Home Hotline receives nearly 19,000 calls a year, and as a result, staff respond to more than 5,000 complaints per year.
Nursing Home Profits Over Patients
Elderly care is a complex and a delicate issue. We are dealing with one of the most vulnerable sections of the population ­some would argue than even more so than children.  So how are non- and for-profit facilities dealing with mounting costs and infamous mishaps, ranging from filthy conditions to negligent deaths?
There is need for 24/7 specialized attention, which can become quite expensive, depending on the extent of every individual requirement. For-profit nursing homes claim to deal with scant resources, with many stating meager or non-existent earnings. This allegation has been used to explain chronic staff shortage, among other shortcomings.  Medicare and Medicaid funds channeled into nursing homes have been increasingly redirected towards multi-million expenses, and most of the time, the recipients of these expenditures are subsidiaries of the same corporation running the centers.
Research conducted by the University of Illinois at Chicago highlighted an increase in for-profit nursing home earnings, with quality of service diminishing simultaneously. The researchers, who were led by Lee Friedman of UIC’s School of Public Health, concluded that “patients receiving care in for-profit institutions were diagnosed with substantially more clinical signs of neglect than patients residing in not-for-profit facilities”. This trend appears to be worsening over time, raising concerns within officials and organizations in charge of regulating elderly care services.
There is a case for alarm, and suggestions to break this cycle within nursing homes range from implementing better financial controls in order to check how money is spent, to expanding requirements, tougher punishments and more rigorous scrutiny when it comes to giving out licenses.
Nursing Home Staffing Problems
Problems due to understaffing in senior citizen home centers have reached such alarming levels throughout the U.S., it is now considered a crime to undercut personnel.  The consequences of chronic staff shortage for patients in elderly care installations range from painful and uncomfortable conditions on a day-to-day basis, to wrongful deaths in extreme situations.
Many patients in these facilities cannot fend for themselves –physically, mentally, or both. Less staff means less help to set senior citizens in motion. This specific measure is essential, in order to limit or eliminate the chance of developing pressure ulcers –those terrible painful bed sores many geriatric patients disclose. Also, restrained patients are not moved that often; there is simply not enough help available to accompany them around.
Centers are faced with difficulties even to tackle simple tasks, like adequate hygiene procedures. Cases involving maggot-infested feeding tubes and insect-ridden installations have rocked the public conscience in recent years. Authorities need to place special focus on chronic staff shortage in nursing homes. The examples of how this situation causes pain, anguish, and death are undeniable.
Types of Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Homes
Nursing home abuse and neglect can take many forms. Know the warning signs, so you can better protect your loved ones. If you notice that your loved one exhibits any of the following, you should take action immediately.
Bed Rail Entrapment: Bed rails are commonly used to assist patients who may have limited mobility or a high risk of falling out of bed at night, and “bed rail entrapment” occurs when a patient becomes stuck between the mattress and bed rail, which can result in serious injury or even death. There are four main ways that bed rail entrapment occurs: in-between split bed rails; in-between a single bed rail’s bars; between the bed rail and mattress; and between the bed rail, mattress, headboard, or footboard. When bed rails are not properly implemented by the nursing home or particular employees, they may be legally liable if their negligence directly results in bed rail entrapment and injuries.
Bed Rail Injuries: Portable bed rails which are commonly used in medical facilities can be dangerous for elderly patients, and one study found over 150 fatalities involving these devices between 2003 and 2012; nearly 30% of these deaths occurred in nursing homes and similar facilities, and over 80% of victims were 60 years of age or older. The FDA identifies the main risks of bed rails as: suffocation or strangulation when the head or neck is entrapped; bruising, lacerations, or fractures in trapped limbs; severe agitation and/or confusion when entrapped in the bed rail; and death, in serious cases. When a nursing home resident suffers a bed rail injury, the nursing home, a particular staff member, the bed rail’s manufacturer, or a combination of these may be legally liable due to negligence.
Bed Sores: Bed sores are often called pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers. These sores originate at points of pressure. They develop inside-out, so that once the wound opens through the outer layer of skin, it is a full-blown ulcer and very susceptible to infection. These wounds range in severity from mild such as skin reddening to severe which are deep craters that go down through the muscle to the bone.  Bedsores can develop quickly, and treatment is often difficult – especially among elderly patients. These ulcers tend to be very difficult to heal, requiring a continuous effort to relieve the pressure between the bone and the exterior of the body. Unfortunately, nursing home residents with limited mobility, who are confined to the bed or chair, are uniquely at risk for suffering these injuries.
Burns: While burn accidents in nursing homes are entirely preventable, nursing home patients are unfortunately at greater risk of injury when these accidents occur due to decreased mobility or diminished hearing or eyesight, which can potentially result in delayed reaction-times. Common causes of burn accidents include: smoking hazards, such as when a facility allows indoor smoking; unsupervised candles, which can increase the risk of a fire; flammable medical hazards related to electrical equipment, flammable gases, or pressurized oxygen; or even faulty or exposed electrical wiring in the facility itself. The nursing home and/or particular staff members should be held accountable when negligence directly results in a burn accident and injuries.
Choking: Choking accidents can occur with medications, especially larger pills, but occur primarily during meals when nursing home patients and/or their food intake are not properly supervised by professionals. Some patients require restricted diets due to difficulty swallowing, which can result from neurological damage or disorders, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and other conditions, and are at greater risk of choking when eating unsupervised, while choking can also be a general risk for many elderly patients regardless of particular conditions. The nursing home may be considered negligent when lack of supervision or proper restriction of a patient’s diet directly results in a choking incident.
Clogged Breathing Tubes: Nursing home patients who need assistance with ventilation typically use an “endotracheal tube,” which is inserted through the nose or mouth and connects to a mechanical ventilator. Maintaining these tubes requires quality nursing care, and negligence can result in clogged breathing tubes, which can have serious and even fatal complications. These include clogging by secretions or mucus plugs, which can potentially result in respiratory distress, arrest, or complete or partial collapse of the lung; hypoxia, meaning a lack of oxygen from limited airflow; and sudden death. As such, these cases can be serious and result in medical malpractice or wrongful death claims to hold the nursing home and/or particular employees accountable for their negligence.
Dehydration and Malnutrition: Between 1999 and 2002 alone, over 10,000 nursing home patients lost their lives due to dehydration and/or malnutrition. Nursing homes must ensure that all residents have proper access to food and water, and negligence can occur when nursing homes have insufficient staffing to address each resident’s needs in a timely manner, while deliberate withholding of food and water from a resident is considered abuse and also grounds for a lawsuit. Elderly residents are especially prone to dehydration and malnutrition, which can result in serious health complications and even death, and nursing homes should be held accountable when their negligence results in starving or thirsty residents.
Dropped Patients: Some nursing home residents need assistance when standing or walking, and accidents and serious injuries can occur when staff members use bad judgement or do not follow the facility’s protocols. These drops can occur due to negligence when transferring a patient from a wheelchair to the shower, bath, or bed (or vice-versa) or from one chair to another, and resulting injuries may include fractured bones, traumatic brain injury (TBI), damage to internal organs, or even death. In addition to not following protocols, other risk factors for drops include poor training, understaffing, lack of equipment, or faulty equipment, and the most common root causes are the negligence of one or more particular employees and/or the facility’s failure to properly assess the patient’s needs.
Elopement: Wandering in a nursing home is a common risk for patients with Alzheimer’s, dementia, or other psychological disorders, and “elopement” occurs when a wandering patient leaves the facility entirely. This can be very dangerous for patients who aren’t physically and/or psychologically fit to be by themselves, especially when unsupervised and out in public, and patients who have eloped due to a nursing home’s negligence have suffered serious injuries and even death. If a patient leaves his/her nursing home due to inadequate supervision, the nursing home and/or particular staff members may be legally responsible if an injury occurs.
Emotional Abuse: Emotional abuse of nursing home patients can come in many forms, including insults, harassment, threats/intimidation, yelling/screaming, and other behaviors. While emotional abuse is often the fault of one or more particular employees rather than the nursing home itself, the facility may also be legally liable for this abuse if inadequate background screening resulted in the hiring of an abusive employee who shouldn’t have received the position. Unfortunately, patients who are more vulnerable and/or require more care than others may be at greater risk of emotional abuse, and in all cases nursing home employees should be held legally accountable for their negligence.
Falls: Falls in nursing homes result in more than 1,800 deaths and many more injuries per year - among elderly patients, an estimated 10 - 20% of falls result in serious injury. Although nursing homes generally have “fall prevention programs” in place to mitigate these accidents, the negligence of nursing home staff can increase these risks in many ways. Common examples include: physical hazards, such as wet floors, inadequate lighting or security, obstructed stairways or walkways, or defective equipment; improper prescription or dosage of sedatives, depressants, or similar medications which affect the central nervous system; improperly-fitted shoes or walking aids; inadequate supervision; and failure to provide necessary assistance.
Fractures: Elderly nursing home residents - especially those suffering from osteoporosis - are more prone to suffering broken bones or fractures in accidents, and residents aged 75 years and older are at the greatest risk of any age group. These injuries include spontaneous fractures, stress fractures, and traumatic fractures, and common causes include improperly moving or lifting a patient, inadequate supervision for patients in wheelchairs, inadequate training for handling a patient’s mobility requirements, and hazardous conditions within the facility which can result in slip-and-fall accidents. Fractures can require months of physical and psychological recovery, even when treated as soon as possible, and the nursing home may be legally liable when its negligence directly results in an accident and injury.
Infections: There is an unfortunate epidemic of infections acquired not outside of medical facilities, but within them, resulting in over 1.7 million cases per year for infections acquired within hospitals alone. Nursing homes are also vulnerable to these infections, which often come from blood transfusions, catheters, patient-rooms, surgical incisions or hardware, ventilators, and other medical equipment. Nursing homes must have comprehensive infection-control policies to protect everyone within the facility, including patients, staff, and visitors, and these policies cover hand-hygiene, personal protective equipment, quarantine protocols, environmental cleanliness, and other factors. The nursing home may be legally liable for an infection acquired within the facility due to negligence.
Inadequate Supervision: Inadequate supervision in nursing homes is often caused by understaffing and/or improper training of staff and can result in a wide range of problems for patients, from dehydration/malnutrition and bed sores to medication errors, mobility accidents, bed-related injuries, and even infections or medical complications. Nursing homes must always be properly staffed to address patients’ needs and respond to emergencies in a timely manner, and serious injuries and even death can result when patients aren’t properly supervised by staff members. If a patient suffers an injury or illness as a direct result of inadequate supervision, the nursing home may be legally liable.
Medication Errors: Preventable medication errors result in hundreds of thousands of adverse drug events (ADEs) per year, and in nursing homes they can result in serious injuries/illnesses and even death. These errors include prescribing the wrong medications or dosages, mislabeling medications, failure to take a patient’s complete medical history, and failure to note patients’ reactions to particular medications. Adverse drug events cost our society an estimated 98,000 lives and $3.5 billion per year, and nursing home residents are especially prone to irreversible damage or death from medication errors: about 800,000 adverse drug events occur per year in long-term care facilities.
Overmedication: Overmedication refers to a medication error in which a nursing home patient is prescribed too much of a medication, either in quantity or dosage. Unintentional overmedication can occur due to understaffing or inexperienced improperly-trained staff, and intentional overmedication can occur when a facility wrongfully intends to sedate a patient for extended periods of time - also known as a “chemical restraint” - rather than address the root of the patient’s problem, which often results from a flawed caretaking philosophy which regularly resorts to overmedication. This practice can result in serious injury, illness, or death whether intentional or not and nursing homes should be held legally accountable for these errors.
Physical Abuse: Physical abuse in nursing homes involves violence or physical force and can come in many forms. Common signs of abuse of a patient include scratches, bites, bruises, burns, or even inappropriate restraints. Statistics show that citizens over 80 years of age are at the highest risk of physical abuse in nursing homes, and unfortunately much of this abuse goes unreported: only one out of every six patients who are physically abused report the incident afterward, according to some estimates, resulting in organizations such as the CDC and NCPEA labelling elder abuse an “invisible problem.” As such, it’s important to understand both the physical and behavioral signs that abuse may be taking place.
Physical Assault: Assault and battery is the most blatant form of physical abuse in nursing homes and is among the most egregious violations of patients’ rights. Physical assault may include punching, slapping, kicking, shaking, and other forms of force, and while most victims in nursing homes were assaulted by staff members, assault among residents of the facility can also occur due to the staff’s negligence, particularly inadequate supervision. There are many risk factors for physical assault in nursing homes: some facilities do not properly screen their employees and may hire individuals who are unstable or have violent tendencies; inadequate staffing can place great stress on employees who then act irrationally; and some residents’ physical or psychological limitations make them unfortunate targets for violence.
Physical or Chemical Restraints: Patients’ dignity and ability to move freely in nursing homes must be respected. Sometimes, nursing home employees may utilize physical or chemical restraints to handle an agitated individual, but this should only be a last-resort option that is absolutely necessary. Unnecessary or excessive use of restraints not only violates a patient’s rights, but can also result in injuries to the patient, ranging from head injuries to bone fractures and internal bleeding. Patients who have a history of falls, low cognitive performance, or are taking antipsychotic medications may be at greater risk of negligent use of restraints, and the employee and/or facility should be held accountable for the resulting physical and/or psychological pain and suffering.
Sepsis: Sepsis can occur when bacteria infect the bloodstream and often develops from bedsores and similar medical complications. Severe sepsis, also known as “septic shock,” can be fatal if not treated as soon as possible, so it’s important that these conditions are closely monitored, and the root causes are identified. A nursing home may be legally liable if negligence resulted in the condition which led to sepsis, such as bedsores, or if negligence directly resulted in sepsis or septic shock. If a patient passes away from septic shock resulting directly from negligence, the nursing home or employees may be liable in a wrongful death claim.
Sexual Assault: Sexual assault in nursing homes is a widespread and often-underreported problem. Common signs of sexual abuse of a patient include bleeding or bruising in the genital area; stained or ripped clothing, linens, or bed sheets; unusual fear or anxiety, especially in the presence of a particular staff member; and depression or changes in mood. While nursing homes and their employees are fully legally obligated to ensure that residents are safe, and their rights are protected, it’s important to maintain open communication with your loved one to determine as soon as possible if such horrendous abuse is taking place.
Wandering: Adequate staffing and supervision for patients is essential in nursing homes, and some patients suffering from psychological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, may be prone to wandering when left unsupervised. This can be dangerous, as unassisted patients may be at risk of falling, which can result in serious injury or even death. Other risk factors include unfamiliarity with a new environment, recent changes in medication, and unmet physical needs related to hunger or hygiene. If a patient wanders in a nursing home without proper supervision and suffers an injury, the facility and/or particular staff members may be legally responsible for the injury due to negligence.
Wheelchair Accidents: While almost all wheelchair accidents are entirely preventable, they typically occur when a patient is being transported from a wheelchair to a chair or bed (or vice-versa) and can result in serious injuries or even death. These accidents can occur when staff members are inexperienced, improperly trained, or in violation of the facility’s standard protocols for transporting patients, each of which may be considered negligence on behalf of the employee and/or nursing home itself. Other common causes include inadequate supervision, failure to apply brakes when the wheelchair is not in motion, or improper securement of the wheelchair in a vehicle.
Wrongful Death: Wrongful death in a nursing home is the ultimate negligence for which no compensation is ever fully sufficient. The most common causes in these cases are dehydration and malnutrition, which can also make patients more susceptible to infections and illnesses; and medication errors, which typically consist of prescribing the wrong medication, improper dosage, or multiple medications which should not be mixed, all of which can be fatal in certain cases. When a patient’s wrongful death was a direct result of the negligence of a nursing home or particular employees within it, the surviving family has a legal right to pursue compensation and hold the negligent party accountable for their wrongdoing.
Chicago Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Can Help You
If you believe a loved one has been abused or neglected at a nursing home, contact us for a free consultation. Agruss Law Firm, LLC, represents victims of nursing home abuse and neglect throughout Illinois. We will handle your case quickly, advise you every step of the way, and we will not hesitate to go to trial for you. This litigation strategy will provide you with the best possible compensation. Plus, we do not get paid attorney’s fees unless we win your case. Our no-fee promise is that simple. Therefore, you have nothing to risk when you hire our firm—just the opportunity to seek justice. Protect your rights by contacting us today.
See More Here: Chestnut Corner S C
Agruss Law Firm LLC 4809 N Ravenswood Ave #419, Chicago, IL 60640 https://goo.gl/maps/5g8VjKMDr3k
from https://www.agrusspersonalinjury.com/chestnut-corner-s-c/
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bodilouisville · 1 year
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Want fuller, more defined lips? Restylane Kysse can give you the look you've always wanted
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quintinefowler-blog · 6 years
The Amazing Health Benefits of Beta Glucan
Ever wonder why medical doctors recommend eating oatmeal to prevent cardiovascular disease?
It’s all about heart healthy soluble fiber.
Found in barely, beans, fruits, lentils, oat bran, and peas soluble fiber slows digestion and has been clinically shown to lower cholesterol.
And what’s the best source of heart healthy soluble fiber that you can get?
Beta glucan
Beta Glucan Medical Uses & Natural Sources
Most people have never heard of beta glucans before, yet there are nearly 13,000 peer-reviewed articles discussing them in scientific journals. Actually, it is truly a wonder that they haven’t hit “mainstream” yet as a supplement because their health benefits are absolutely superb.
Belonging to a group of physiologically active compounds called biological response modifiers, beta glucans are naturally occurring sugars that act as highly conserved structural components of cell walls in, fungi, seaweed, and yeast. (1)
They contain pronounced “immunomodulating activity” and increase our “immune defense by activating complement system, enhancing macrophages and natural killer cell function.” (2)
In laymen’s terms, this means that they can enhance your immune response like no other, and are used for a wide variety of medicinal purposes: (3, 4)
Common colds/flus
Crohn’s disease
Ear infections
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Irritable bowel disease
Liver problems
Lyme disease
Multiple sclerosis
Physical and emotional stress
Rheumatoid arthritis
Ulcerative colitis
Viral infections (HPV, HIV/AIDS, and others)
Glucans have also been found to be very effective at healing skin conditions such as bedsores, dermatitis, diabetic ulcers, eczema, wounds, radiation burns, and even wrinkles.
Their effect on cancer is particularly interesting because they have been shown clinically to prevent metastasis through a number of ways: (5)
Cytotoxicity – By stimulating white blood cells (macrophages & natural killer cells) to stop tumor growth.
Anti-angiogenesis – Preventing cancer cells from developing the network of blood vessels that is required to feed tumors.
Treatment Restoration – Reversing the damage done by chemo and radiation therapies, glucans restore bone marrow injury by stimulating red blood cell production.
Fascinatingly, “In contrast to microorganisms, tumor cells, as well as other host cells, lack beta glucan as a surface component.” This may be one reason why cancer is so vulnerable to beta glucan supplementation. (5)
With that said, few people understand why and how they work. Czech researchers put it best:
“Despite almost 150 years of research, the exact mechanisms of their action remain unclear. (6)
Recently more information about them has added to the mystery: The number and type of glucans seem limitless. In the words of University of Louisville, Department of Pathology, “The number of individual glucans is almost as great as the number of sources used for their isolation.” (7)
On the flip side, there are indeed a very limited number of naturally occurring sources that include: (8)
Edible mushrooms (Shitake, Maitake, Wood cauliflower, and snow mushrooms)
Chi-chian leaves
Beta-1, 3D Glucan
Of all the beta glucans that have been studied, Beta-1, 3D seems to hold the most health potential for individuals who supplement with it.
Over 50 years of research from prestigious universities around the world document its health prowess Beta-1, 3D Glucan has been shown to boost the immune system to provide support and balance.
Medical doctors are even using (1–3)-β-D glucan as a non-invasive way to determine if patients have been affected with fungal infections. (9) It is unlike other immune supplements that simply stimulate or alter the immune response in unnatural ways.
Possible Side Effects
Essentially, the main “side effect” of beta glucan is that it helps your body heal from sickness and disease.
In all seriousness, the majority of clinical trials conducted on animals and humans have not uncovered any adverse effects related to taking beta glucans whatsoever. (10, 11)
For example, a 13-week clinical trial uncovered that when a maximum deliverable oral dose was administered to rats, it was given with no harmful effects measured whatsoever. (12)
When people take them orally, they are well tolerated and are considered by the FDA to be generally regarded as safe (GRAS).
It has been reported, however, that when administered intravenously, “Beta-glucans may cause dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, hives, flushing, rash, high or low blood pressure, or excessive urination.” (13) Intravenous administration has also been associated with lung inflammation. (13)
Two Important Side Notes
First and foremost, always be sure to check first with your healthcare provider before taking immune-boosting supplements like beta glucan, especially Beta-1, 3D Glucan.
Various sources stress the importance that glucans are so effective at enhancing immune function that they can literally work against immune-suppressing drugs that autoimmune patients regularly take. (14)
With Christmas around the corner, if you were thinking of purchasing Beta-1, 3D Glucan for a family member for a Holiday gift or special occasion, make sure that they are not taking any of these immune depressing drugs:
Azathioprine (Imuran)
Basiliximab (Simulect)
Cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)
Daclizumab (Zenapax)
Muromonab-CD3 (OKT3, Orthoclone OKT3)
Mycophenolate (CellCept)
Tacrolimus (FK506, Prograf)
Sirolimus (Rapamune)
Prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone)
Corticosteroids (glucocorticoids) and others.
Secondly, not all glucan products on the market are created equal and it is absolutely vital to steer away from synthetic varieties with harmful fillers. An article published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology stresses this point:
“In addition, variations in β-glucan structure and composition are highly dependent on the particular method by which a β-glucan preparation is processed or manufactured, and these variations can have a significant impact on their respective immune stimulatory activity an effect that also could lead to significant toxicity when crude preparations are used therapeutically.” (15)
Like any supplement, be sure to purchase Beta-1, 3D Glucan from a trusted source and under the guidance of your natural health care provider.
Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally
Beta-1, 3D Glucan boosts the immune system to provide support and balance. It is unlike other immune supplements that simply stimulate or alter the immune response in unnatural ways. Over 50 years of research from prestigious universities around the world document the benefits of Beta-1, 3D Glucan.
Transfer Point is the only company that offers a Beta glucan with a minimum of 83% Beta-1,3D Glucan content, with no harmful contaminants. Every batch is independently tested and a Certificate of Analysis is provided and available upon request.
Research proves that purity matters when it comes to biological activity. No other Beta glucan can match the effectiveness that has made Transfer Point’s Beta Glucan the respected name in immune support.
Learn more about Transfer Point Beta Glucan now. Why do we promote this?
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maysdermatology · 2 years
Detecting Skin Cancer As Soon As Possible Is The Key
Skin cancer is probably the most rampant among most other forms of cancer. According to the dermatologists from the dermatology clinic Louisville KY, more people suffer from skin cancer than every other form of this degenerative disease. However, you have no reason to panic as skin cancer fatalities are less than one among one hundred patients. Then again, it would be helpful to you if you detect the signs of skin cancer at its earliest stage.
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Survival rate
Since skin cancer forms on the outside of your body, you would be able to see it. However, if you can’t recognize it as skin cancer, then it may become too late for you. That is why you should read this topic to the end. The relative survival rate of melanoma is around five years with ninety-two to ninety-seven percent at stages 1A and 1B.
The types
Skin cancer exhibits several signs and symptoms, and if you are aware of them, then you would be able to avail treatments early. The three most common skin cancers include basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.
How they appear
The best dermatologist Louisville KY describes the appearances of cancerous growths. The first one is somewhat sneaky as it doesn’t appear dangerous. It will appear as a patch on your skin that will keep bleeding. You may also feel irritations in that area for several months. The second one is quite similar to the first. It can appear anywhere on your body and the infected area appears red with scaly patches that form crusts and bleeds. The last one appears in the form of a dark-brown or black spot and occasionally pink.
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Staying informed
Dermatologists request you to be wary of the signs mentioned above. As soon as you notice something similar, you should contact a dermatologist. You must also go through your family’s medical history as there is a genetic component to skin cancer. You should also monitor your skin and visit your doctor regularly.
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