#skipjack rides
howhow326 · 1 year
Redraw of my Maryland Region starters
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Chesacrab, the Blue Crab pokemon.
Chesacrab are a delicacy in it's home region. However, these little guys can pack quite the punch too! (I hope you like that background because its the best ine here lol)
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Chesanectes, the Blue Crab pokemon
The meat from this pokemon's body is rolled into balls as a type of food in its home region. Chesanectes won't let you eat them without a fight, however. (Im sorry for making the background blend into the artwork, plz dont smite me.)
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Chesapike, the Skipjack pokemon
Type: Water/Steel
Ability: Torrent / Swift Swim
HP: 65
Attack: 101
Defense: 110
Special Attack: 90
Special Defense: 65
Speed: 100
BST: 531
This pokemon used to be used for naval warfare in historic times. It's exoskeleton is stronger than Titanium! (As you can see, I finnally learned how to draw texture in Photoshop lol)
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Rubfuzz, the warm fur Pokemon
Rubfuzz has an internal temperature of 101 degrees Celsius. It uses it's warm body to survive harsh winters.
Rubrumfur, the warm fur pokemon
Rubrumfur has one of the most expensive furs in the world. Clothes made from it's fur gets hot easily. (These two were very easy to make and I appreciate that)
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Rubrumfang, the Luxury Pokemon
Type: Fire/Dark
Ability: Blaze / Vampirism (User heals their HP from half the damage done to Target using fang and bite moves)
HP: 100
Attack: 81
Defense: 110
Special attack: 65
Special defense: 110
Speed: 65
BST: 531
Rubrumfang's fur is the warmest in the world! It has an internal body temperature of 900 degrees Celsius. (So many lines, so many colors... never again.)
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Peonybred, the dark horse Pokemon
Peonybred may seem docile, but it's actually very skittish. They run as fast as possible at the first sight of danger. (Can you tell I didn't know how to do lineart for a mostly black designyet? Although I kinda like the fact that it looks less like a black horse and more like abstract shadow horse)
Dandebred, the dark horse Pokemon
Dandebred are said to be able to sense how pure someone's heart is. If a person with an impure heart approaches one, Dandebred attacks. (So my original drawing for this guy was less black then black while still being black [???] so I translated it to it not being a silhouette but also having this weird texture that randomly shifts from light to dark. I always thought this was my blandest design but it ended up interesting?!)
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Bleysanbred, the dark unicorn Pokemon
Type: Grass/Fairy
Ability: Overgrown / Speed Boost
HP: 65
Attack: 125
Defense: 65
Special attack: 85
Special defense: 65
Speed: 126
BST: 531
Bleysanbred has very low tolerance for corruption. It is known to rampage throughout the wilderness when it senses an impure heart.
Bleysanbred are used for jousting. Trainers are only able to ride them if their desire for the sport is pure. (I finnaly learned how to do line art for a black object, yay! Although I had the new problem of the other horses looking like nightmares, so I switched up the lighting on Bleysanbred to make it just as mindscrewy.)
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hardcorealbacore · 6 months
3PSD (3rd Party SKIP JACK Deprecation) and the new horizon of "TI" or Tuna Intelligence.
Well my Tuna Crew, looks like the media gods have smiled upon us. A longstanding and trusted albacore informant, told me that some small media company named GOOGLE is going to start phasing out Skipjack. They will start with 1% as a test in 2024, with full deprecation planned by 2025.
Obviously, this is GREAT news for us. I was able to catch up with Sundar, CEO of this small start up, and was able to get the inside-scoop:
"We are a tuna-centric company".
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SUNDAR: "We believe a users tuna, is their tuna. They should be able to eat tuna around the world without the worry of skipjack following them around. We also believe in ethical tuna, meaning we cannot risk skipjack breaches and the integrity of a someones personal tuna".
I am not entirely sure what this company does, but I know they work with "electricity". I asked how they plan to do this, so it may get a bit in the kelp-weeds for those not familiar with "electricity":
SUNDAR: "First, every Tuna Boat out there needs to ensure a 1st Party Tuna strategy. This includes getting the tuna, a place to store their tuna, and move their tuna to their mouth without the risk of skipjack entering the mix. Next, they have to get their Tuna working for them. Meaning, they need to enrich the tuna with something they recognize to so they can consume it. In this case, we developed the "tID" or TUNA ID. Every shred of tuna can be joined to this ID so that we know, there is no 3rd Party Skip Jack in it. Once this "enriched tuna" is available - we can consume it in a scaleable, tuna-centric way."
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As if that was not enough, he goes on to tell me about some crazy back-to-the-future robot things. Check this out:
SUNDAR: "We have also opened up TI to the world. TI, or Tuna Intelligence (nothing artificial about it), allows consumers to create their perfect tuna mixes without having to do it themselves. TI will simply generate the perfect mix, custom to that persons taste, instantly. That way, we speed up the tuna-to-value ratio. We want consumers spending their time EATING tuna, not slaving over mental anguish trying to figure out what to put in their mix. And, that is just the beginning. We expect TI to one day do everything a tuna captain can do.
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I got offended at this point. To think that me, a CREATIVE TUNA CAPTAIN could be overtaken by an "electric" robot, pissed me right off. So I wanted to know if he REALLY thought this robot could be better than me, a professional of over 143 years (NO CHANCE FOOL).
SUNDAR: "Well, TI is learning constantly, 24 hours a day, from EVERY tuna captain in the world - its called LTM, or Large Tuna Model. Basically, if you are in the sea or at land, our LTM is learning from you since everyone opted into breathing air when they were born. This large corpus and speed of learning is unprecedented. If it is not better than you yet, it will be one day. But DON'T WORRY. TI is not going to replace sea captains, it is going to allow you to focus on making bigger impact that only humans can do - Like curating Tuna Juice Cocktails (TJC's).
Look. I am all for 3PTD. That shit needed to happen like, yester-year. But now we are going a bit far with this TI. Like, do you REALLY think I can bring more "value" by automating out my sea captain duties? Well, the answer is NO. I cannot bring more value to the world. I am entirely un-valuable if you take away my sea captain duties that took 143 years, a ouiji board, and a sacred heiroglphyic portal to ACQUIRE. I don't care how people "optimize" getting their tuna - I CARE FOR THE ART OF THE TUNA...... AND MONEY. You see, I live in the REAL WORLD. Not Freaky-Deaky electric land. Tuna and Sea Captains are ONE. There is kinmanship between man-and-beast. It is this sacred respect, that "enriches the tuna" as these fools, like to call it.
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Well my crew. Today was an amazing day in the advancement of Tuna. I salute this "electric" company for FINALLY DEPRECATING ALL SKIPJACK
"TI"... I am cautiously optimistic. But if it ever gets remotely close to stepping on my grizzled sea captain wallet, I will IMMEDIATELY take out the batteries of this "robot" and use its head to make tuna cans. HOW WOULD THAT BE FOR "ENRICHMENT", FOOLS.
See you on the seas my friends.
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queennicoleinboots · 4 years
Swamp Ass
A/N: Alternate Reality. Shit just happens.
It was yet another 80 degree-Fahrenheit day in Georgia. But 80 degrees is not 80 degrees in Georgia. It's really closer to 100 degrees when you factor in humidity and radiation from cell phone towers. I was sweating (and eating) like a pig.
My husband, Joebear, was growling because his butt was sweating. He hated having swamp ass. So he turned on the air conditioner. He also had a fan blowing in his face. The bear needed to be cool in order to not go bear shit on the world.
Speaking of bears, Colonel Mac, a gray bear, was riding over swamp land in his power wheelchair. His wheels were getting stuck in the swamp bog, so he kept having to ride one foot forward and two feet back. He was also grumbling about having a swamp ass because it was sweating in the chair. Clearly, he was having a fucked-up day.
Bruce the Ace of Brake-fixing also had a terrible case of swamp ass. He was taking a huge shit on some documents he needed to get rid of because his shredder stopped working. His angry brown bear wife named Megara thought his swamp ass was being put to good use. She had swamp ass, too.
I also had swamp ass. I was sitting under a tree in the swamp and eating vegetable soup and chocolate. I was also waiting on my husband's meatloaf to finish cooking so I could eat that. It had swamp ass, too.
Paul the Goat was trying to mow the swamp with his lawn mower because he was sick of the bog. His lawn mower broke. He started bleating with a deep voice and beating the hell out of the lawn mower. Apparently, he would scratch his butt every now and then. He lacked air conditioner and hot water. He had a case of swamp ass, too.
Hollywood, his horse that joined the Secret American Society of Sexually Frustrated Goats literally a second ago, also just took a sloppy, green dump on the lawn mower. His leg was in severe pain and needed an X-ray specifically done by a sexually frustrated goat veterinarian. Hollywood also had swamp ass.
Joebear realized that he could smell the horse shit. He sniffed the air and asked, "Whoa! What the fuck is that bullshit smell?" He squinched his nose and looked around to see Paul the Goat peeing on the lawn mower to rinse the horse shit off of it. The smell of the piss and shit was being caught in the fan. "Oh my God I'm braindead!" Joebear turned off the fan and stuck his head in the computer screen. "Actually braindead." Joebear scratched his head. He laughed. "That's fucked up. That's very much fucked up. And sometimes I wonder why I'm fucked up."
I laughed at my husband and said, "I'm sorry, bae. I'm fucked up."
Colonel Mac ran into a tree when he was backing up. The tree was moist and left a wet streak on Colonel Mac's back. "What the fuck is wrong with this tree?!" he screamed as he went forward and looked behind him as he shook his fist at the tree. "DOES IT NEED A MASSAGE?!" Even the tree had swamp ass.
"Apparently," I said. "I need a forehead massage to deal with all of this swamp ass!" I started to massage my own forehead.
"OH MY GOD!!!!!! FUCKING KIDDING ME?!!!!!" Joebear screamed at his computer. Apparently, it had swamp ass, too.
Colonel Mac tried to ride over to me before the damn wheelchair got caught on a fuckass tree root and sent him flying toward me. "HOLY SHIT!" he yelled in a strong Southern accent.
"All right. Time to get around this guy's dumb shit. Mother fucker!" Joebear growled as he referred to the tree with swamp ass and glared at his computer screen.
"I managed to get around the guy's dumb shit!" Colonel Mac screamed as his body ended up going through my forehead at Ludacris speed. He went physically through a tree before screaming as he landed right between Joebear and me. Then, Colonel Mac got up and started dancing a gig to the Chicken Dance song.
"Goddammit fucking horse!" Joebear screamed before Hollywood ran his bear ass over. The horse then kicked the shit out of the oven where the meatloaf was. "Ugh. Calm that shit down!" Joebear rolled over and growled.
Colonel Mac farted as he danced. Bruce the Ace of Brake-fixing farted as he ate a piece of a chicken. I farted as my ass was now foggy bottom.
The oven threw out the meatloaf and flew into Joebear's bear ass. "Just random kids! Why are they writing stories about my dinner going in my ass? Let's get rid of this dumb shit." On that note, Joebear took a shit. He also cussed out Black Desert Online and Magic the Gathering as he played them on his computer. He tried to play League of Legends, but he kept getting matches where he was 4 versus 5.
Colonel Mac also took this moment to take a shit to finish the dance. His ass was now a swamp. His shit literally consumed all of us. Now we were located in Swamp Ass Mac in Logantown, Georgia. This man hugged everyone as dudes do. No homo. No gay shit.
Skipjacks were swimming around in Mac's shit. Peter, my curly-haired jerk ex-client with green eyes, was sitting on a toilet that was on top of a shit wave that crashed near us.
Peter growled. "Dammit! Over a year later, and it happened again. Explosive diarrhea. Fuck me. I'm a zombie who has been radiated by nearby cell phone towers. OH AND I HAVE COVID-19!" he screamed as he remained on the toilet.
Joebear ate a piece of meatloaf before looking at him. "Dude, you're fucked up."
"Oh God. My long lost cousin's sister's brother's former college roommate almost had Covid a month ago. You're the first asshole who has it this month," Colonel Mac said. "Something tells me you're a swamp asshole."
"WHO IS HE TO YOU?!" Bruce the Ace of Brake-fixing sang randomly.
"Absolutely nobody," Colonel Mac said with a hearty laugh.
"What was the point of mentioning it then?" Megara asked as she threw her left hip to the side.
"The son'a bitch was a Democrat!" Colonel Mac said with a snort laugh.
"Really? I heard almost all Democrats had it," Peter said as he blinked.
"Yep. Only liberals have it," I said as I poked his right shoulder repeatedly.
"Oh fuck you, Xara!" Peter said as he rolled his eyes and poked me repeatedly. "Everything's political with you!"
Joebear ate a fish that was in Peter's shit wave. "What am I going to do about my balls?"
"I don't know, bae. You have swamp balls," I said.
"Swamp balls? What the fuck are those?" Joebear asked.
"They're like swamp ass. You have sweaty balls," I said.
Joebear stared at me with his bear brown eyes. "... Girl. You fucked up," he said.
Colonel Mac growled in agreement.
A random song from the 80s, "Hi! ho! Let's Go!" started playing in the swamp.
"Shut the. Fuck. Up. Shut the. Fuck. Up," Joebear sang along. "Let's stick our dicks in a blender and see what happens."
I laughed so hard I had a headache.
"Why not? I can't have sex when I have Covid. Might as well stick my dick in a blender and feed it to these fish," Peter said with a shrug.
The skipjacks immediately began to swirl around Peter while making goofy noises. They were hungry. And they had swamp ass.
"Fuck off. I was being facetious. And it's a fucking oven out here! It's almost as bad as when my old Ford Lincoln had no AC. Thank God that fucking car caught on fire," Peter spoke.
"That's nothing. I abuse my dick three times a day and have sex. And fuck that car indeed," Joebear said as he growled and started masturbating.
Paul the Goat bleated and had to excuse himself.
"There are too many penises and swamp asses in this story!" Colonel Mac shouted. "This is gay!"
Joebear growled loudly and realized that Colonel Mac was correct. "You're right, dude. I need sex!" Joebear screamed.
Everyone bleated except me. I was eating more vegetables. I needed to shower. I had swamp ass.
"Bae Whuhhh!!! Let me eat! Let me shower!" I shouted happily as I ate.
"Hurry up. I need to release seed. In fact, I need to eat, too. I am going to eat a sandwich!"
So Joebear took his sandwich and remaining piece of meatloaf and went in the woods to await me.
Colonel Mac tried to get out of this story, but he managed to tweak his right knee. "Oh fuck! I can't even get out of this sausage fest story! I'm fucked. Sigh!" he complained as his right leg was completely consumed by the swamp. It had swamp ass.
"Story of my life," Peter said with a giggle. "You would positively DIE if you knew half of the horrible shit I'VE gone through. Especially in the last three years. Holy Shit being around Xara is a curse!"
I giggled and ate the last bite of soup. Then, I walked over to fish out Colonel Mac's leg from swamp ass and patted his knee. "I'll give you the transcripts," I said to Colonel Mac as I poked the knee once.
"Feels good," Colonel Mac said. "Okay. Send the transcripts."
"Fuck you," Peter said as he folded his arms over his chest and glared at me with menacing green eyes.
"Haha. You're a dick, Peter," I said as I left the swamp.
Ted the Alligator then drained the swamp. Peter was going down a toilet while he remained on the toilet. Colonel Mac also was flushed down the toilet. Paul the Goat bleated, and Hollywood winnied as they were also flushed down Swamp Ass Mac's drain. Bruce the Ace of Brake-fixing randomly sang in opera, "SWAMP ASS!!! MY ASS PASSES GAS" as the end credits to this story.
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querimoniousqueer · 5 years
What the frick frack snick snack ack akc back backe bak bakke blacc black brac brack brakke braque cac caq caque cb wcac cg fmfpac chack chaque clack claque crack craque crme frache dac dack dak drack fac flack flak flaque frack hack hacke haq haque jac jack jacke jacques jaque kacke kakke knack krack kracke kwak lac lacche lack lak lakke laque mac mack macke macrs mak nack nacke ncpac nlnac pac pack pak pakke paque phrack plack placke placque plaque ptak quack rack rak rtfaq sac sack sacque sak schack schlack schnack schrack shack shaq slack smack snacc spack spak sprack stac stacc stack strac strack stracke strak tac tack tacke tak taque thack thrack thwack tplac trac trach track trak t a c vtach wack wacke whack wrack yack yak zach zack zak aback abaque adak aipac air sac amtrack arnaque attack auerback backpack backtrack beat back beaulac bidlack blackjack blue jack boback bomb rack bounce back bring back brownback brumback bushwhack buyback call back carjack cart track chirac choke back coal black cognac comeback come back compaq cutback cut back date back deepak deltak die back dirac dirt track dish rack drawback draw back dress rack drive back drop back dulac eastpac face pack fallback fall back feeback feedback feed back fight back fishback fitak flapjack flashback flash back force back fosback fullback get back giveback give back gopac go back grass wrack greenback halfback half track hanback hang back hardback hark back hatchback haystack hibaaq hijack hoback hold back hornback horseback humpback hunchback ice pack javacc jet black keep back kickback kick back killpack knapsack knick-knack knickknack knock back kodak kojak lean back leaseback lilac lineback look back macaque man jack masback matlack medac midpac move back netback niblack nyack oblak outback pauraque payback pay back peapack phone jack pipe rack pitch black plate rack playback play back poltrack prozac pullback pull back push back put back racetrack railsback ransack rear back rempac repack roback rollback roof rack ruback rucksack ryback sad sack sand crack schupak screw jack sea wrack seed lac send back setback set back shellac shellack shoe black shrink back sidetrack sit back six-pack skipjack ski rack slayback smokestack soot black soundtrack spice rack spiewak spore sac spur track sremac stainback stanback stand back steinback stick lac stoneback tabak take back talkback tarmac tear sac think back throwback throw back tie rack tie tack toe crack toss back transpac trim back turn back unpack unstack untac untack uzmack vanvlack wanaque welsh black wespac westpac whitenack wingback win back wisecrack wolf pack yolk sac air attack almanac anorak blister pack box kodak break one's back bubble pack bumper jack caddyshack cadillac carbon black cardiac carpet tack carry back ceding back cinder track coming back computrac cornerback crackerjack cul de sac data track dental plaque double back dressing sack dynafac dynapac enewetak eniac fatigue crack fishing smack freddie mac from way back garnet lac ground attack grzelak gunnysack gunny sack hackensack hackmatack heart attack hit the sack hollenback holsomback holsonback innopac inside track jiffi-snak jumping jack kodiak kozemchak leatherback louderback luggage rack lumberjack macisaac malinak maniac medivac merrimack music rack nordictrack paperback paranaque paying back piggyback platinum black pontiac post-attack power pack prickleback quarterback quarter crack railroad track razorback ride horseback running back similac similack simulac stock buyback streetcar track supermac take aback towel rack union jack waguespack water back whisker jack wolenzac yellow jack zodiac amnesiac asthma attack bicycle rack biofeedback common lilac counterattack insomniac ivory black magazine rack panic attack paranoiac persian lilac plan of attack serrated wrack service cutback sonora lac surprise attack telephone jack under attack angle of attack bacterial plaque japanese lilac literary hack negative feedback nymphomaniac off the beaten track political hack positive feedback warning of attack anxiety attack himalayan lilac hungarian lilac japanese tree lilac megalomaniac sign of the zodiac
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paddlingspace · 5 years
Vibe Skipjack 90
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If you're looking for a shorter entry-level kayak that is easy to transport and store but also stable enough for stress-free fishing, Vibe Skipjack 90 is a great option. It's not the fastest boat around, nor does it track perfectly, but with its low weight and great maneuverability, it makes an excellent "throw and go" fishing machine.
Size and Weight
Vibe Skipjack 90 is 9' (274 cm) long and 32" (81.3 cm) wide, so it's pretty wide for its length. The kayak weighs only 46 lbs (20.9 kg), which makes it easy to store, carry, or portage. You can literally grab it with one hand, take your fishing gear in the other, and walk out to the water. The Skipjack 90 has a total weight capacity of 300 lbs (136 kg). This is not much if you take into account all the gear you normally take with you. This kayak is best suited for smaller to average paddlers who prefer to go light.
As an entry-level boat, Vibe Skipjack 90 is not packed with features, but it has all you need for a fun, lightweight fishing trip. Starting with the bow, there is a molded carry handle. We love molded handles because they are extremely sturdy, don't catch hooks, and also serve as additional latch points when transporting the kayak on top of your car. Next, there's a small storage platform secured by a bungee cord. It's a great place to store stuff you may need on the water, such as rain gear, fishing gear, or a lunch bag. Vibe Skipjack 90 has a molded central console with a couple of compartments for small items, a bottle holder, and a round day hatch. The hatch design was improved in 2019 and now offers a quarter-turn quick-lock mechanism and a dry bag inside. The footrests are molded. Adjustable footrests would have made the kayak more comfortable and come standard on some other boats in this price range. Small indentations on the gunnels serve as a paddle park, letting you quickly put your paddle across the deck and not worry about it rolling off. There is also a simple bungee-secured paddle holder on the right gunnel. Vibe Skipjack 90 features four molded-in rod holders. As always, these are quite wide and shallow. Behind the seat, there is a large tank well, also secured with a bungee cord. It can take a decent size cooler, milk crate, or dry bag. Just be aware of the weight capacity limit. The rear handle is also molded, which is great.
Vibe Skipjack 90 has a padded seat with an adjustable backrest. The seat pad is quite soft and cushioned but since you're essentially sitting on the deck, there are no high and low positions, and the ride can get pretty wet in choppy waters. Also, standing up and sitting back down to such a low seating position is not an easy task. The backrest is also cushioned. The tilt is adjustable via two side straps.
Vibe Skipjack 90 combines excellent portability with great stability. Its short, wide hull is great for beginners who want a lightweight and easy to store boat that will let them feel safe on the water. Being short and wide, Vibe Skipjack 90 is not a racing boat by any means. If you want to paddle long distances, look elsewhere. This kayak shines on small bodies of water or tight, hard to reach places where you need maneuverability but not necessarily speed. That said, the Skipjack 90 tracks pretty well for its length. Its pronounced keel and hard chines help it go in a straight line. It can get caught in the current or wind, but it is also easily corrected by a paddle stroke or two.
Construction and Materials
Vibe Skipjack 90 is made from High-Density Polyethylene using the rotational molding technology. Beads of polyethylene are poured into the mold as it gets heated up and slowly rotated so that the material fills up every nook and cranny. After the mold cools down, you get a one-piece construction that is extremely rugged and durable. Boats manufactured with the rotomolding process tend to be long-lasting and sturdy. The downside of polyethylene is that it is a very non-stick material. If you manage to put a hole in the hull, you can’t just glue a patch to it. The most effective way to patch the hole is to heat-weld new HWM PE or HDPE plastic pieces (or the same material) into the crack. It’s best to use a flat surface such as a soldering iron or blow torch by utilizing welding techniques to bond the material for an air-tight lasting patch.
Vibe provides a limited lifetime warranty for defects on all new kayak purchases and one year on the attached parts. This warranty covers only Vibe products that are purchased from an authorized Vibe dealer. This warranty applies only to the original purchaser and may not be transferred. Proof of purchase must be presented at the time of the warranty claim. Normal wear and tear are not warranted. In case your Vibe kayak gets damaged during shipping, Vibe Kayaks recommends the following: If you find any significant damage, such as holes or deep gouges, have the carrier document in writing a detailed description of the damages before signing anything, take pictures, return the damaged kayak to the driver, and contact Vibe immediately. If you find minor damage, such as minor scratches, dings, and dents, note the damage on the Bill of Lading, take pictures and accept the shipment. You can contact Vibe with any questions. If the product is signed for without damage being reported or if the driver leaves the property without the damage being reported, Vibe Kayaks won’t be able to replace it. You will have to pay return freight charges (which range from $185 – $390) to get a replacement or accept the kayak as is. New items are eligible for a full refund within 14 days of purchase. To read the full terms of Vibe Kayak’s warranty, click here: https://vibekayaks.com/pages/warranty Read the full article
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urgentvisa · 5 years
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With alluring view, green palm trees, immaculate brilliant shorelines, emerald green water and all year warm climate, Sri Lanka is a standout amongst the best islands on the planet to go for water experiences. If dashing into the water is your fantasy, water sports in Sri Lanka is the spot to be. It will give you sufficient chances to have a fabulous time, unwinding and your own piece of delight as well. Enjoying some outrageous exciting background of swimming, kite surfing and scuba plunging will leave you revived. These water sports will enable you to find the wealth of the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean. On the off chance that you are not an in-your-face proficient it is ideal to take the assistance of a coach. It will give you recollections which you might never want to overlook. Mostly, Bentota is the focal point of all the water sports in Sri Lanka, a beach front region in the region of Galle. In the event that you have longed for keeping like Robinson Crusoe, a dive into the White Water Rafting in Kitugala merits a shot. One can experience rafting in the wettest spot in the nation – Kitugala. 90 km from Colombo on the banks of the waterway Kelani River, it offers chilling grade three rapids making it a bold encounter for both the fledglings and middle of the road rafters. Plunging in warm Indian Ocean flows is an encounter of a lifetime. One will locate a wide assortment of marine animals in Sri Lankan waters. From the strong Blue Whale to the modest nudibranch, Sri Lanka has everything. Locals of the spot all around supplemented with an astonishing sustenance make the experience far superior. This reef is situated off the shore of Mount Lavinia. It is home to the absolute most lovely amphibian animals, for example, Lionfish, beams, and nudibranch. In the event that you need to make a plunge the west and south-west coast, at that point October to May is the best time whereas May to October is the perfect time for the upper east coast. If one needs a decent snorkeling visit, it is an ideal opportunity to test Sri Lankan waters where one can range for 3 nautical miles in a length. The entire of the south shore of Sri Lanka is loaded up with such courageous games. For the experience to achieve its pinnacle, attempt Bar Reef which is viewed as Sri Lanka's biggest reef. For a mesmerizing experience, one can take a stab at swimming in Hikkaduwaa, Weligama and Kirinda. Canoeing is a wonderful involvement in Galle and furthermore a standout amongst the best exercises to do in Galle. Unawatuna is an astonishing island where the majority of the experience sports occur in Galle. It is overflowed with channels, tidal ponds, shorelines, streams and supplies. Kayaking can take you amidst the Natural magnificence of verdure described by changing scenes and intriguing mangroves. It incorporates a nearby guide, water and refreshments and an actual existence coat. One can go to  the Unawatuna Lagoon by tuk-tuk. Getting the opportunity to investigate beach front vegetation immaculate by the human progress, the more profound area of mangroves and so forth is fulfilling. In the event that you have a fixation for fishing then this is an absolute necessity to do in Sri Lanka. The South-West coast is extremely well known for remote ocean angling. With the angling riggings you can catch colossal fishes. You will feel the rush while profound fishing with an opportunity to catch fish like Jack Trevally, Spanish mackerel, skipjack fish, yellow blade fish, sail fish, marlins, and frigate fish. Hikkaduwa, at a separation of 17 km North-West of Galle and 98 km south of Colombo is ideal location for this. Moving on board on your own sanctioned pontoon and voyage through the ocean to see the view of Bruwela and Bentota is one of a kind experience. During this three hours venture, beginning from 9 AM, you can unwind and delight in a lavish situation and furthermore figure out how to cruise. The pontoon stops at an awesome bay, where a hop in the waters, swimming or paddle boarding can be enjoyed. Seeing the Barberyn Island and its beacon during the visit is must. The activity that will enable you to go Galle fishing like a nearby angler in Sri Lanka is Galle Fishing tour. You will get the opportunity to ride in paddle vessels to give you a chance to encounter the whole angling procedure. The administrator will give all angling hardware. The action will be directed at Hikkaduwa Lagoon. Galle angling visit is a guided by the educator. An English-talking aide will walk you through the whole system, and show you the ability of getting a decent catch. It has been structured in a manner to let one experience a couple of hours of an angler's life. The term of this action is for two hours. Pickup and drop office is incorporated into the expense of this bundle. Loosen up with savoring lunch at a nearby eatery in the wake of spending the planned hours in the sea. The expense of tea and lunch is incorporated into this bundle. One can book this bundle as a performance explorer or as a gathering (two-three or four-seven). Leave in a critical nautical encounter on a sailboat which will stun you and guarantee a cheerful sensational recollections as you sail over the ocean in Trincomalee. Assume control of Topaz and appreciate the adrenaline surge of cruising a huge sailboat, which gives an uncommon and special experience to be recollected. The three hours visit can be started either at 9 AM in the first part of the day or at around 3 PM for the evening opening. After a seaside route in the wild Vandalous Bay, one will secure in the delightful reef hindrance of Elephant Rocks for a swimming, swimming and stand-up oar boarding adventure. Visiting Barberyn Island and its pride, the superb beacon and appreciating the sight for some time is going to be delightful. The stunning Catamaran Topaz visit ends at around 12 PM for the morning opening. Sri Lanka offers top tier waterskiing with its delightful sandy shorelines, coral reefs and clear blue water in scenery of the tropical environment which stays warm consistently. With water ski camps in all the real areas, one can without much of a stretch figure out how to ski regardless of whether you are an amateur. There are two diverse atmosphere zones in Sri Lanka specifically South-West and North-East. The best time for water skiing on the South West coast is from October to April while on the North East coast the perfect time is from March to November.The real areas for water skiing in Sri Lanka are Negombo, Hikkaduwa, Bentota and Kumudu Valley. Jet Skiing is the best water sports for the individuals who love to race against the solid tides. Experiencing the adrenaline surge in your body when the rushes of the sea lift will leave you feel stunned as you fly through the cloudy ocean. Situated in the Galle locale, it gives a wide range of water sports openings. Negombo is also famous area for the same located 15 Km far from Colombo global airport. The best time to for Jet Ski is October to April on the south-west coast and March to November on the north-east coast. A standout amongst the most exciting water sports is windsurfing. The brilliant shorelines of Sri Lanka and the sultry tone of the environment makes it a standout amongst the most wanted area for windsurfing. The game requires a specific blend of parity and quality. There are camps in Sri Lanka where you can without much of a stretch select for a course in windsurfing on the off chance that you are a novice. The exciting snapshots of surfing over the superb waves gives a sentiment of joy and a bagful of recollections to reclaim. Bentota and The Colombo Sailing club situated on Bologoda Lake are the spots to go. The west coast offers all the more testing conditions which are favored by experienced windsurfers. The best water sport for families with okay and high stimulation is banana ride and tubing. A long banana molded vessel is pulled by a speedboat at an exceptionally fast, giving you an amazing rush. In tubing, you will sit on an inward cylinder and towed by the watercraft over the water. Both recreational exercises are ideal for little families who need to have a ton of fun together. This fun water ride can be enjoyed at the water sports capital of Sri Lanka, Bentota. You can appreciate the game with your family at Negombo tidal pond also. Feeling the sea wind hurrying all over and hair with the exciting pace boat rides in the wonderful emerald water of Sri Lankan shorelines is wonderful. A family experience with insignificant security concerns is a perfect method to put in no time flat of your vacation. Appreciate the rapture of going in the speed vessel with heaps of chuckling and shouts. Striping off the waves with surfs will most likely leave you with a remarkable encounter for a lifetime. Surfing is one of the acclaimed activities in Sri Lanka. In spite of the fact that surfing is accessible in numerous Sri Lankan shorelines on the off chance that you need to have a genuine surfing knowledge in the warm water you ought to go to Weligama shoreline. Be that as it may, you can likewise attempt different shorelines like Arugm Bay, Hikkaduwa, Unawatuna and substantially more to list. Regardless of whether it is your first time or you are an expert, it is in every case better to comprehend the water from a mentor to become familiar with the nuts and bolts of surfing in safe waters. In the event that you want to kite in paradise, at that point the Kite Surfing background in Kalpitiya will leave you astounding. Kalpitiya Lagoon is the best spot for freestylers and fledglings. It is a standout amongst the most prevalent activities in Sri Lanka. You can discover a few facilities in the adjacent territory which makes it simpler for everyone to attempt this experience sport. Kalpitiya is roughly 3 hours away from Colombo. Kyaking in Samanalawewa reservoir, Sea plane ride, Boat trip in Balapitiya, Duck Paddle Boating at Beira Lake, and Wake Boarding at Negombo or Hikkaduwa are few more must try water activities during your Sri Lanka expedition. Getting a Sri Lanka E-visa for your expedition to India is now quick and easy. Tourist e-visa can be applied for the same.
0 notes
itunesbooks · 5 years
Sick Puppy (Maggie #2) - Pamela Fagan Hutchins
Sick Puppy (Maggie #2) A What Doesn't Kill You Romantic Mystery Pamela Fagan Hutchins Genre: Women Sleuths Price: $2.99 Publish Date: April 5, 2019 Publisher: SkipJack Publishing Seller: SkipJack Publishing Murder-by-fire. A catfishing squatter. Will Maggie get her life back before the killer claims the one thing she has left to lose? "Hutchins’ Maggie is an irresistible train wreck—you can’t help but turn the page to see what trouble she’ll get herself into next. " Robert Dugoni, #1 Amazon Bestselling Author of My Sister's Grave Junker and former alt-country rocker Maggie Killian tucks tail back to Texas with Louise, the mutt her bull-riding ex foisted on her in Wyoming after he gave another woman his heart. Maggie runs straight to Gary Fuller—her long time best friend-with-benefits and the biggest Texas country music star since George Strait—but arrives too late to save him from dying in a fire. She just wants to lick her wounds in her own bed with nothing save a bottle for comfort, but Maggie’s short term renter refuses to budge from her home. Soon her small town sanctuary is overrun with Nashville bigwigs, Gary’s trailer park family, and grief-crazed fans feeding the fires of media speculation about the bodies in her wake. With Maggie barely functional enough to fight back and law enforcement hell bent on scapegoating her, she begins to suspect Gary’s death wasn’t an isolated incident. To save her livelihood and sanity, she’s gotta woman-up before everything and everyone she loves goes up in flames, too. Sick Puppy is the second standalone book in a trilogy featuring sharp-tongued protagonist Maggie Killian from the addictive What Doesn’t Kill You romantic mystery series. If you like nerve-racking suspense, electric characters and relationships, and juicy plot twists, then you’ll love USA Today best seller Pamela Fagan Hutchins’ Silver Falchion award-winning series.   ˃˃˃ See why Pamela wins contests and makes best seller lists. • USA Today Best Seller • #1 Amazon Best Seller • Top 50 Amazon Romantic Suspense and Mystery Author • Silver Falchion for Best Adult Mystery • USA Best Book Awards Cross-Genre Fiction • Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award, Romance, Quarter-finalist   ˃˃˃ Once Upon A Romance calls Hutchins an "up-and-coming powerhouse writer." If you like Sandra Brown or Janet Evanovich, you will love Pamela Fagan Hutchins. A former attorney and native Texan, Pamela splits her time between Nowheresville, Texas and the frozen north of Snowheresville, Wyoming.   ˃˃˃ The reviews are in, and they're good. Very, very good. "Murder has never been so much fun!" — Christie Craig, New York Times Best Seller "Maggie's gonna break your heart—one way or another." — Tara Scheyer, Grammy-nominated musician, Long-Distance Sisters Book Club "Hutchins nails that Wyoming scenery and captures the atmosphere of the people there." — Ken Oder, author of The Judas Murders "You’re guaranteed to love the ride!" — Kay Kendall, Silver Falchion Best Mystery Winner   ˃˃˃ Catch more adventures with Maggie and her friends in the What Doesn't Kill You romantic mysteries. Scroll up and grab your copy of Sick Puppy today. http://bit.ly/2LwGexb
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inutricionstore · 5 years
The Dolphin Casino St. Maarten is likewise simply a simple walking range far from the finest dining establishments for a supper bookings such as the Saratoga Restaurant, Lee’s Roadside Grill and Bar, La Veranda Café, Bananas Restaurant and Bar, Le Bec Fin Restaurant, and Skipjacks Seafood Grill and Bar. The gambling establishment is likewise close-by a number of resorts consisting of Pelican Beach Resort, Atrium beach Resort, Royal Palm Beach Resort, and the Simpson Bay Yacht Club. In addition, it is just a two-minute automobile drive to luxurious resorts such as the La Vista Beach resort and the Flamingo Beach Resort.
St. Maarten is a location where the day can be a world wind of activities, however if gambling establishment video games draws in to you the most, then there’s something for everybody at the Dolphin Casino St. Maarten, delight in the environment, enjoy the option of video game, however many of all, do not forget to bring kismet with you. 
   Dolphin Gambling Establishment St. Maarten 
   For table video game enthusiasts, a complete variety of live video games will keep that excitement going. Some visitors might discover pleasure on other gambling establishment video games such as Craps, Let-It-Ride Poker, or Baccarat. 
   VIP spaces for a high stakes Blackjack or personal table Baccarat are likewise offered at the Dolphin Casino St. Maarten for each visitors video gaming fulfillment. Friendly and useful personnels of the gambling establishment are constantly on all set to respond to inquiries and demands. 
   The Dolphin Casino St. Maarten opens daily at 1pm till 4am where visitors can discover a large variety of slots with a few of the most modern-day computer game styles. The nickel and cent video games departments are popular all day with quarter, dollar, and five-dollar slots too, there’s constantly something for various tastes. Other functions of the gambling establishment consist of Jumbo slots, live roulette, video poker, blackjack, and keno video games. 
   The Dolphin Casino St. Maarten is the location’s most recent and most trendy gambling establishment positioned in the Simpson Bay Area on the ground flooring of Sunset Building. No matter what a visitor enjoyments in, discovering something of interest is ensured at the Dolphin Casino St. Maarten.
0 notes
jenncaffeinated · 6 years
LIVE WIRE by Pamela Fagan Hutchins - Book Tour and Review
LIVE WIRE by Pamela Fagan Hutchins (@PamelotH) is a wild ride with sharp-witted dialogue,electricity, twists and turns! Check out my review with #LSBBT & enter the #Giveaway! #mystery #romance #WhatDoesntKillYou
LIVE WIRE (Maggie, Book One) A What Doesn’t Kill You World Romantic Mystery by PAMELA FAGAN HUTCHINS
Genre: Romantic Mystery Publisher: SkipJack Publishing Date of Publication: March 6, 2019 Number of Pages: 270
Scroll down for giveaway!
A hook-up turned lethal. A spurned, angry cowboy. Can rebel Maggie turn the tables before a killer adds her to the list of lost causes?
Washed-up alt-country…
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coreypeterson · 7 years
Finding Chesapeake Bay | Great Quality Art
https://www.carvedlakeart.com 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
The Chesapeake Bay lies between the states of Maryland and Virginia. As the biggest estuary in North America, it plays an important feature in the economy and the ecology between the two states. Maryland sits in the northern part of the bay while Virginia rests in the southern part.
As the bay spreads in these two states, you may need to create a bigger itinerary when visiting the place. Some of the best destinations in the Bay are:
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
Chesapeake City
The first stop you should visit in the Chesapeake City, located in the northern part of the bay. Here, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal connects the bay up north. Since the canal is still in use, you can see different ships passing here from Delaware to New York. You may also want to drop by at the C&D Canal Museum where they exhibit artifacts from the history of the waterway.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Refined, Trendy and Realistic 3D Bathymetric Wood Charts
Fort McHenry
One famous landmark to visit in the area is Fort McHenry. It served a very pivotal involvement in the history of the region. After the British troops burned down the US Capitol and White House, they immediately went to Baltimore. With 4,500 troops, they sent their warships and bombarded Fort McHenry and other nearby harbor locations. For 25 straight hours, brave soldiers defended the fort and defeated the British.  Today, the fort offers scenic views of the harbors.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
Dock Bars of the Bay
If you want to experience Chesapeake’s hospitality and local scene find some time going to this dock. Waterfronts bars are always the best seat in the house. The place has several bars to choose from ranging from tiki bars to their famous oyster houses. You can spend the whole afternoon watching the open waters or a championship game on TV.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
Another great stop is in the country’s Sailing Capital – Annapolis. If you are a boating enthusiast, you might want to go here. It is also the capital city of Maryland which draws hundreds of tourist every October for the annual sail and power boat season. The historic town shares it a very dedicated passion for sailing to tourists. The best time to visit the sailing town is from April to September with Wednesday Night Sailboat competition to cap off the day.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Our charts are beautiful, free shipping, satisfaction is guaranteed
Captain John Smith National Historic Trail
You would not want to leave the Chesapeake Bay without exploring Captain John Smith National Historic Trail. The trail follows the famous journey of Captain Smith during the 17th century while exploring the whole bay. Maps are available in National Park Service which composes 3,000 miles of trail from Maryland going to Virginia until reaching Delaware and D.C.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
Smith Island
There are places that you may skip during your trip, but for whatever reason, do not miss Smith Island, as you may not be able to see it again. Captain John Smith discovered the island where it was commissioned as one of the cultural treasure in the US. Because of extreme weather condition, and mostly due to erosions and rising seawaters, the island is gradually diminishing. You can either catch a ferry or ride a bike from the popular Smith Island Cake going to this island.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
Oxford is considered as one of the oldest towns in Maryland which host some waterfront activities for families. The town still has the charm of the old waterman’s port with Yachting magazine dubbed the as the “best waterfront town in the world”. It was once a main shipping industry in the Eastern Shore, exploring the town will give you an insight on how it used to be back in the days.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Our charts are beautiful, free shipping, satisfaction is guaranteed
Havre de Grace
Another historical place in the Chesapeake Bay is Havre de Grace. The Concord Point Lighthouse is hard to miss during a trip here. The lighthouse used to house John O’Neil who defended the lighthouse during the 1812 war. The town is known for its shopping districts, maritime museums, and antique shops.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Refined, Trendy and Realistic 3D Bathymetric Wood Charts
Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse
Just a few miles from Annapolis, Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse is accessible via tour boats leaving the town. You might find it intriguing to visit the only lighthouse that has pilling screwed directly into its sandy bottom. Book early though, as the place only provides limited public viewing.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
Fells Point, Baltimore
Referred to as the ‘nest of pirates’ a few decades back, Fells Point now has trendy bars and restaurants that offer a scenic view of the water. Once house some of the main shipbuilding industry, it still has some of those Belgian-block stone streets worth of a visit. Today, it now hosts many visiting boats in Broadway Square.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum
If you want to see the whole histories of the region in just one go visit Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum. They museum displays log canoes, Drake tail oyster boats, and skipjacks. It’s a great place to learn more about the nautical history which founded its civilization. The restored lighthouse always fascinates tourist.
Our most popular items right now are these, Maps Of  Chesapeake Bay
from Carved Lake Art Blog http://blog.carvedlakeart.com/2017/07/finding-chesapeake-bay-great-quality-art.html
from Carved Lake Art https://carvedlakeart.wordpress.com/2017/07/19/finding-chesapeake-bay-great-quality-art/
0 notes
toddkelly2 · 7 years
Finding Chesapeake Bay | Great Quality Art
https://www.carvedlakeart.com 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
The Chesapeake Bay lies between the states of Maryland and Virginia. As the biggest estuary in North America, it plays an important feature in the economy and the ecology between the two states. Maryland sits in the northern part of the bay while Virginia rests in the southern part.
As the bay spreads in these two states, you may need to create a bigger itinerary when visiting the place. Some of the best destinations in the Bay are:
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
Chesapeake City
The first stop you should visit in the Chesapeake City, located in the northern part of the bay. Here, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal connects the bay up north. Since the canal is still in use, you can see different ships passing here from Delaware to New York. You may also want to drop by at the C&D Canal Museum where they exhibit artifacts from the history of the waterway.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Refined, Trendy and Realistic 3D Bathymetric Wood Charts
Fort McHenry
One famous landmark to visit in the area is Fort McHenry. It served a very pivotal involvement in the history of the region. After the British troops burned down the US Capitol and White House, they immediately went to Baltimore. With 4,500 troops, they sent their warships and bombarded Fort McHenry and other nearby harbor locations. For 25 straight hours, brave soldiers defended the fort and defeated the British.  Today, the fort offers scenic views of the harbors.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
Dock Bars of the Bay
If you want to experience Chesapeake’s hospitality and local scene find some time going to this dock. Waterfronts bars are always the best seat in the house. The place has several bars to choose from ranging from tiki bars to their famous oyster houses. You can spend the whole afternoon watching the open waters or a championship game on TV.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
Another great stop is in the country’s Sailing Capital – Annapolis. If you are a boating enthusiast, you might want to go here. It is also the capital city of Maryland which draws hundreds of tourist every October for the annual sail and power boat season. The historic town shares it a very dedicated passion for sailing to tourists. The best time to visit the sailing town is from April to September with Wednesday Night Sailboat competition to cap off the day.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Our charts are beautiful, free shipping, satisfaction is guaranteed
Captain John Smith National Historic Trail
You would not want to leave the Chesapeake Bay without exploring Captain John Smith National Historic Trail. The trail follows the famous journey of Captain Smith during the 17th century while exploring the whole bay. Maps are available in National Park Service which composes 3,000 miles of trail from Maryland going to Virginia until reaching Delaware and D.C.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
Smith Island
There are places that you may skip during your trip, but for whatever reason, do not miss Smith Island, as you may not be able to see it again. Captain John Smith discovered the island where it was commissioned as one of the cultural treasure in the US. Because of extreme weather condition, and mostly due to erosions and rising seawaters, the island is gradually diminishing. You can either catch a ferry or ride a bike from the popular Smith Island Cake going to this island.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
Oxford is considered as one of the oldest towns in Maryland which host some waterfront activities for families. The town still has the charm of the old waterman’s port with Yachting magazine dubbed the as the “best waterfront town in the world”. It was once a main shipping industry in the Eastern Shore, exploring the town will give you an insight on how it used to be back in the days.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Our charts are beautiful, free shipping, satisfaction is guaranteed
Havre de Grace
Another historical place in the Chesapeake Bay is Havre de Grace. The Concord Point Lighthouse is hard to miss during a trip here. The lighthouse used to house John O’Neil who defended the lighthouse during the 1812 war. The town is known for its shopping districts, maritime museums, and antique shops.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Refined, Trendy and Realistic 3D Bathymetric Wood Charts
Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse
Just a few miles from Annapolis, Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse is accessible via tour boats leaving the town. You might find it intriguing to visit the only lighthouse that has pilling screwed directly into its sandy bottom. Book early though, as the place only provides limited public viewing.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
Fells Point, Baltimore
Referred to as the ‘nest of pirates’ a few decades back, Fells Point now has trendy bars and restaurants that offer a scenic view of the water. Once house some of the main shipbuilding industry, it still has some of those Belgian-block stone streets worth of a visit. Today, it now hosts many visiting boats in Broadway Square.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum
If you want to see the whole histories of the region in just one go visit Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum. They museum displays log canoes, Drake tail oyster boats, and skipjacks. It’s a great place to learn more about the nautical history which founded its civilization. The restored lighthouse always fascinates tourist.
Our most popular items right now are these, Maps Of  Chesapeake Bay
from Carved Lake Art Blog http://blog.carvedlakeart.com/2017/07/finding-chesapeake-bay-great-quality-art.html from Carved Lake Art https://carvedlakeart.tumblr.com/post/163176581553
0 notes
kaseygarbaugh · 7 years
Finding Chesapeake Bay | Great Quality Art
https://www.carvedlakeart.com 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
The Chesapeake Bay lies between the states of Maryland and Virginia. As the biggest estuary in North America, it plays an important feature in the economy and the ecology between the two states. Maryland sits in the northern part of the bay while Virginia rests in the southern part.
As the bay spreads in these two states, you may need to create a bigger itinerary when visiting the place. Some of the best destinations in the Bay are:
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
Chesapeake City
The first stop you should visit in the Chesapeake City, located in the northern part of the bay. Here, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal connects the bay up north. Since the canal is still in use, you can see different ships passing here from Delaware to New York. You may also want to drop by at the C&D Canal Museum where they exhibit artifacts from the history of the waterway.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Refined, Trendy and Realistic 3D Bathymetric Wood Charts
Fort McHenry
One famous landmark to visit in the area is Fort McHenry. It served a very pivotal involvement in the history of the region. After the British troops burned down the US Capitol and White House, they immediately went to Baltimore. With 4,500 troops, they sent their warships and bombarded Fort McHenry and other nearby harbor locations. For 25 straight hours, brave soldiers defended the fort and defeated the British.  Today, the fort offers scenic views of the harbors.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
Dock Bars of the Bay
If you want to experience Chesapeake’s hospitality and local scene find some time going to this dock. Waterfronts bars are always the best seat in the house. The place has several bars to choose from ranging from tiki bars to their famous oyster houses. You can spend the whole afternoon watching the open waters or a championship game on TV.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
Another great stop is in the country’s Sailing Capital – Annapolis. If you are a boating enthusiast, you might want to go here. It is also the capital city of Maryland which draws hundreds of tourist every October for the annual sail and power boat season. The historic town shares it a very dedicated passion for sailing to tourists. The best time to visit the sailing town is from April to September with Wednesday Night Sailboat competition to cap off the day.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Our charts are beautiful, free shipping, satisfaction is guaranteed
Captain John Smith National Historic Trail
You would not want to leave the Chesapeake Bay without exploring Captain John Smith National Historic Trail. The trail follows the famous journey of Captain Smith during the 17th century while exploring the whole bay. Maps are available in National Park Service which composes 3,000 miles of trail from Maryland going to Virginia until reaching Delaware and D.C.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
Smith Island
There are places that you may skip during your trip, but for whatever reason, do not miss Smith Island, as you may not be able to see it again. Captain John Smith discovered the island where it was commissioned as one of the cultural treasure in the US. Because of extreme weather condition, and mostly due to erosions and rising seawaters, the island is gradually diminishing. You can either catch a ferry or ride a bike from the popular Smith Island Cake going to this island.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
Oxford is considered as one of the oldest towns in Maryland which host some waterfront activities for families. The town still has the charm of the old waterman’s port with Yachting magazine dubbed the as the “best waterfront town in the world”. It was once a main shipping industry in the Eastern Shore, exploring the town will give you an insight on how it used to be back in the days.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Our charts are beautiful, free shipping, satisfaction is guaranteed
Havre de Grace
Another historical place in the Chesapeake Bay is Havre de Grace. The Concord Point Lighthouse is hard to miss during a trip here. The lighthouse used to house John O’Neil who defended the lighthouse during the 1812 war. The town is known for its shopping districts, maritime museums, and antique shops.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Refined, Trendy and Realistic 3D Bathymetric Wood Charts
Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse
Just a few miles from Annapolis, Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse is accessible via tour boats leaving the town. You might find it intriguing to visit the only lighthouse that has pilling screwed directly into its sandy bottom. Book early though, as the place only provides limited public viewing.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
Fells Point, Baltimore
Referred to as the ‘nest of pirates’ a few decades back, Fells Point now has trendy bars and restaurants that offer a scenic view of the water. Once house some of the main shipbuilding industry, it still has some of those Belgian-block stone streets worth of a visit. Today, it now hosts many visiting boats in Broadway Square.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum
If you want to see the whole histories of the region in just one go visit Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum. They museum displays log canoes, Drake tail oyster boats, and skipjacks. It’s a great place to learn more about the nautical history which founded its civilization. The restored lighthouse always fascinates tourist.
Our most popular items right now are these, Maps Of  Chesapeake Bay
from http://blog.carvedlakeart.com/2017/07/finding-chesapeake-bay-great-quality-art.html from Carved Lake Art http://carvedlakeart1.blogspot.com/2017/07/finding-chesapeake-bay-great-quality-art.html
0 notes
carvedlakeart · 7 years
Finding Chesapeake Bay | Great Quality Art
https://www.carvedlakeart.com 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
The Chesapeake Bay lies between the states of Maryland and Virginia. As the biggest estuary in North America, it plays an important feature in the economy and the ecology between the two states. Maryland sits in the northern part of the bay while Virginia rests in the southern part.
As the bay spreads in these two states, you may need to create a bigger itinerary when visiting the place. Some of the best destinations in the Bay are:
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
Chesapeake City
The first stop you should visit in the Chesapeake City, located in the northern part of the bay. Here, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal connects the bay up north. Since the canal is still in use, you can see different ships passing here from Delaware to New York. You may also want to drop by at the C&D Canal Museum where they exhibit artifacts from the history of the waterway.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Refined, Trendy and Realistic 3D Bathymetric Wood Charts
Fort McHenry
One famous landmark to visit in the area is Fort McHenry. It served a very pivotal involvement in the history of the region. After the British troops burned down the US Capitol and White House, they immediately went to Baltimore. With 4,500 troops, they sent their warships and bombarded Fort McHenry and other nearby harbor locations. For 25 straight hours, brave soldiers defended the fort and defeated the British.  Today, the fort offers scenic views of the harbors.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
Dock Bars of the Bay
If you want to experience Chesapeake’s hospitality and local scene find some time going to this dock. Waterfronts bars are always the best seat in the house. The place has several bars to choose from ranging from tiki bars to their famous oyster houses. You can spend the whole afternoon watching the open waters or a championship game on TV.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
Another great stop is in the country’s Sailing Capital – Annapolis. If you are a boating enthusiast, you might want to go here. It is also the capital city of Maryland which draws hundreds of tourist every October for the annual sail and power boat season. The historic town shares it a very dedicated passion for sailing to tourists. The best time to visit the sailing town is from April to September with Wednesday Night Sailboat competition to cap off the day.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Our charts are beautiful, free shipping, satisfaction is guaranteed
Captain John Smith National Historic Trail
You would not want to leave the Chesapeake Bay without exploring Captain John Smith National Historic Trail. The trail follows the famous journey of Captain Smith during the 17th century while exploring the whole bay. Maps are available in National Park Service which composes 3,000 miles of trail from Maryland going to Virginia until reaching Delaware and D.C.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
Smith Island
There are places that you may skip during your trip, but for whatever reason, do not miss Smith Island, as you may not be able to see it again. Captain John Smith discovered the island where it was commissioned as one of the cultural treasure in the US. Because of extreme weather condition, and mostly due to erosions and rising seawaters, the island is gradually diminishing. You can either catch a ferry or ride a bike from the popular Smith Island Cake going to this island.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
Oxford is considered as one of the oldest towns in Maryland which host some waterfront activities for families. The town still has the charm of the old waterman’s port with Yachting magazine dubbed the as the “best waterfront town in the world”. It was once a main shipping industry in the Eastern Shore, exploring the town will give you an insight on how it used to be back in the days.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Our charts are beautiful, free shipping, satisfaction is guaranteed
Havre de Grace
Another historical place in the Chesapeake Bay is Havre de Grace. The Concord Point Lighthouse is hard to miss during a trip here. The lighthouse used to house John O’Neil who defended the lighthouse during the 1812 war. The town is known for its shopping districts, maritime museums, and antique shops.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Refined, Trendy and Realistic 3D Bathymetric Wood Charts
Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse
Just a few miles from Annapolis, Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse is accessible via tour boats leaving the town. You might find it intriguing to visit the only lighthouse that has pilling screwed directly into its sandy bottom. Book early though, as the place only provides limited public viewing.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
Fells Point, Baltimore
Referred to as the ‘nest of pirates’ a few decades back, Fells Point now has trendy bars and restaurants that offer a scenic view of the water. Once house some of the main shipbuilding industry, it still has some of those Belgian-block stone streets worth of a visit. Today, it now hosts many visiting boats in Broadway Square.
https://www.carvedlakeart.com Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum
If you want to see the whole histories of the region in just one go visit Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum. They museum displays log canoes, Drake tail oyster boats, and skipjacks. It’s a great place to learn more about the nautical history which founded its civilization. The restored lighthouse always fascinates tourist.
Our most popular items right now are these, Maps Of  Chesapeake Bay
from Carved Lake Art Blog http://blog.carvedlakeart.com/2017/07/finding-chesapeake-bay-great-quality-art.html
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itunesbooks · 5 years
Dead Pile (Maggie #3) - Pamela Fagan Hutchins
Dead Pile (Maggie #3) A What Doesn't Kill You Romantic Mystery Pamela Fagan Hutchins Genre: Women Sleuths Price: $2.99 Publish Date: May 5, 2019 Publisher: SkipJack Publishing Seller: SkipJack Publishing A murdered ranch hand. An erratic lover. If she doesn’t uncover the killer, Maggie’s body may be next on the dead pile. After Maggie Killian’s junker business goes into the s*****r in Texas, the former alt-country-rocker packs up her vintage truck and rescue mutt for Wyoming and a sexy reunion with her ex, Hank Sibley. When she discovers Hank’s foreman unceremoniously dumped on the ranch’s dead pile—the repository for deceased livestock—deputies look no further than the ranch for suspects, especially the young Amish hand, Andy, who received a battlefield promotion of sorts. Because the two have bonded over his guitar lessons, Maggie worries about Andy, even as she is struggling to resolve her suddenly resurrecting musical past, the demolished business in her present, and the complexity of a future with a lover who has suffered from traumatic brain injury since his bull riding days, his disapproving sister, and his Alzheimer’s-stricken mother. When Andy is arrested and charged, Maggie refuses to believe he can be guilty. She’s willing to put it all on the line to defend him, until the evidence she digs up mounts against the one person she can’t afford to lose faith in. Dead Pile is the third standalone book in a trilogy featuring sharp-tongued protagonist Maggie Killian from the addictive What Doesn’t Kill You romantic mystery series. If you like nerve-racking suspense, electric characters and relationships, and juicy plot twists, then you’ll love USA Today best seller Pamela Fagan Hutchins’ Silver Falchion Award-winning series.   ˃˃˃ See why Pamela wins contests and makes best seller lists. USA Today Best Seller #1 Amazon Best Seller Top 50 Amazon Romantic Suspense and Mystery Author  Silver Falchion for Best Adult Mystery USA Best Book Awards Cross-Genre Fiction Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award, Romance, Quarter-finalist   ˃˃˃ Once Upon A Romance calls Hutchins an "up-and-coming powerhouse writer." If you like Sandra Brown or Janet Evanovich, you will love Pamela Fagan Hutchins. A former attorney and native Texan, Pamela splits her time between Nowheresville, Texas and the frozen north of Snowheresville, Wyoming.   ˃˃˃ The Maggie reviews are in, and they're good. Very, very good. "Murder has never been so much fun!" — Christie Craig, New York Times Best Seller "Maggie's gonna break your heart—one way or another." — Tara Scheyer, Grammy-nominated musician, Long-Distance Sisters Book Club "Hutchins nails that Wyoming scenery and captures the atmosphere of the people there." — Ken Oder, author of The Judas Murders "You’re guaranteed to love the ride!" — Kay Kendall, Silver Falchion Best Mystery Winner   ˃˃˃ Catch more adventures with Maggie and her friends in the What Doesn't Kill You romantic mysteries. Scroll up and grab your copy of Dead Pile today. http://bit.ly/2VGlwyP
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itunesbooks · 6 years
Live Wire (Maggie #1) - Pamela Fagan Hutchins
Live Wire (Maggie #1) A What Doesn't Kill You World Romantic Mystery Pamela Fagan Hutchins Genre: Women Sleuths Price: $2.99 Expected Publish Date: March 6, 2019 Publisher: SkipJack Publishing Seller: SkipJack Publishing A hookup turned lethal. A spurned, angry cowboy. Can rebel Maggie turn the tables before a killer adds her to the list of lost causes? "Hutchins’ Maggie is an irresistible train wreck—you can’t help but turn the page to see what trouble she’ll get herself into next. " Robert Dugoni, #1 Amazon Bestselling Author of My Sister's Grave Washed-up alt-country-rocker-turned-junker Maggie Killian is pulled to Wyoming by an irresistible force . . . former bull rider Hank Sibley, the man who broke her heart fifteen years before. When she unexpectedly meets his Sunday school-teaching-girlfriend at a saloon, Maggie seeks liquor-fueled oblivion between the sheets of a younger man’s bed. But after her beloved vintage truck breaks down and leaves her stranded in the Cowboy State, she learns her hookup died minutes after leaving their rendezvous. Suddenly surrounded by men with questionable motives, Maggie searches for the murderer while fighting the electricity between herself and her old beau and her new penchant for local whiskey. When the police zero in on Maggie despite a disturbing series of break-ins at her guest cabin, she realizes she’s got no one to rely on but herself. To keep herself happily in bars instead of behind them, she must stop the killer before the cops realize the man she really suspects is a jealous, angry Hank. Live Wire is the first standalone book in a trilogy featuring sharp-tongued protagonist Maggie Killian from the addictive What Doesn’t Kill You romantic mystery series. If you like nerve-racking suspense, electric characters and relationships, and juicy plot twists, then you’ll love USA Today best seller Pamela Fagan Hutchins’ Silver Falchion award-winning series. ˃˃˃ See why Pamela wins contests and makes best seller lists. USA Today Best Seller #1 Amazon Best Seller Top 50 Amazon Romantic Suspense and Mystery Author Silver Falchion for Best Adult Mystery USA Best Book Awards Cross-Genre Fiction Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award, Romance, Quarter-finalist ˃˃˃ Once Upon A Romance calls Hutchins an "up-and-coming powerhouse writer." If you like Sandra Brown or Janet Evanovich, you will love Pamela Fagan Hutchins. A former attorney and native Texan, Pamela splits her time between Nowheresville, Texas and the frozen north of Snowheresville, Wyoming. ˃˃˃ The reviews are in, and they're good. Very, very good. "Maggie's gonna break your heart—one way or another." — Tara Scheyer, Grammy-nominated musician, Long-Distance Sisters Book Club "Hutchins nails that Wyoming scenery and captures the atmosphere of the people there." — Ken Oder, author of The Judas Murders "You’re guaranteed to love the ride!" — Kay Kendall, Silver Falchion Best Mystery Winner ˃˃˃ Catch more adventures with Maggie and her friends in the What Doesn't Kill You world. Scroll up and grab your copy of Live Wire today. http://bit.ly/2EPJwWQ
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fishihavecaught · 7 years
2017 Year in Review
Continuing my year in review series from 2014, 2015, and 2016 I have kept track of every fish caught by day and location. I have compiled and crunched the numbers are here are the results.
372 total fish 83 different species 57 new species 52 saltwater species 31 freshwater species Month with most fish - February (119) Month with least fish - January & June (0) Fished 34 different locations Caught fish on 38 different days Total days fishing - somewhere around 40 Fished off personal boat – 0 Fished off pier – 3 Fished off party boats – 1 Fished off private charter – 2 Countries fished - 3 (Mexico, Costa Rica, United States) States fished - 3 (Florida, Georgia, California)
My numbers are down again this year, but it was an epic year of adventure and I finally crossed 200 species with a record 57 new species. Highlights of the year, not necessarily in any order.
1. All the different people I got to fish with this year. I got to fish with Ben in Mexico and in California, Pierce twice in Orlando, Bryan from Washington state while he was here for the AFS, Dirk - species hunter from the Netherlands, and even got to fish with Pat again as the year was closing out. Of course my primary fishing partner was Meghan but we are going to have to work on her numbers haha.
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Ben and I on the shores of Lake Chapala, Mexico.
2. Our expedition to Mexico with Dr. Lyons across multiple Mexican states was epic and involved many highlights within the trip itself. Highlights of the trip include:
Breaking down and riding in the van on top of the tow truck. 
Fishing at over 10,000 ft elevation.
All of our roadside food and drink stops. 
Guachimontones prehistoric site.
Fishing in our restaurant 
2 days of fishing in Acapulco.
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The Acapulco Crew.
3. Costa Rica fishing. It wasn’t a fishing trip and I didn't get my rooster, but I did get a chance to get some new species, including the strangest fish I have ever caught - the Foureye Rockskipper.
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4. Clown hunting in Delray Beach. I finally got my Clown Knifefish - this fish has been on my dream list for a long time. Meghan, of course, caught one right after I did.
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5. California Fishing. Cool little trip I took out to San Diego with Ben as my guide. It was very interesting to learn how the other coast fishes and to rack up some new species. We had quite the fish taco feast after a great day of rock-fishing. I also caught my first ray!
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San Diego at night
It was a good year and I actually broke my goal of 225 species with a total of 240 for the year. Setting my goal for next year at 275 - with an eye towards 300.
Species Count
Pigfish 5 Gulf Toadfish 1 Southern Puffer 1 Pinfish 17 Lane Snapper 5 Convict Cichlid 1 Two-spot Livebearer 16 Jeweled Splitfin 2 Blackfin Goodea 2 Picotee Splitfin 4 Barred Splitfin 1 Butterfly Splitfin 12 Blue Tilapia 17 Cuitzeo Splitfin 2 Yellow Shiner 1 Acapulco Damselfish 4 Beaubrummel 4 Chameleon Wrasse 2 Finescale Triggerfish 7 Calico Lizardfish 1 Spotted Cabrilla 1 Pacific Red Snapper 18 Panama Graysby 2 Banded Wrasse 1 Cortez Rainbow Wrasse 2 Longnose Puffer 1 Panamic Sergeant Major 1 Mexican Night Sergeant 1 Tinsel Squirrelfish 1 Pacific Jack Crevalle 6 Black Skipjack 1 Spotted Sunfish 8 Coastal Shiner 3 Eastern Mosquitofish 17 Sheepshead Minnow 1 Largemouth Bass 13 Butterfly Peacock Bass 4 Clown Featherback 1 Atlantic Needlefish 1 Brown Bullhead 1 Golden Topminnow 16 Dimerus Cichlid 6 Warmouth 2 Yellow Bullhead 2 Redear Sunfish 1 Seminole Killifish 3 Bluegill 24 Redbreast Sunfish 21 Southern Studfish 3 Spotted Tilapia 2 Mayan Cichlid 1 Jewel Cichlid 2 Jaguar Cichlid 6 White Grunt 8 Spottail Pinfish 1 Panamic Frillfin 1 Foureye Rockskipper 3 Green Jack 4 Rivulated Mutton Hamlet 1 Golden Snapper 3 Spotted Rose Snapper 3 Spottail Grunt 1 Mahi-Mahi 1 Bigeye Trevally 2 Chili Sea Catfish 5 Tomtate 12 Hardhead Catfish 1 Walking Catfish 1 California Scorpionfish 1 Pacific Chub Mackere l8 Opaleye 15 Yellowfin Croaker 1 Spotted Sand Bass 2 Diamond Turbot 1 Barred Sand Bass 1 Rockpool Blenny 2 Calico Rockfish 2 Vermilion Rockfish 5 Squarespot Rockfish 3 Halfbanded Rockfish 3 Flag Rockfish 1 Largemouth Blenny 1 Haller's Round Ray 1
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