#skraelri and forestkeeper implied
arcaneorderships · 2 years
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the more things change…
my first entry for ordership week by the amazing @dreamcrow!
it corresponds with the fic i’ll be posting for my last entry 👀
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arcaneorderships · 2 years
How about a touching prompt: number 20 with Nari and Skrael doing it for Bellroc?
Oh, this hurt to write, especially knowing what happens later on….
20. bandaging/stitching up an injury
Tw: mentions of blood adjacent fluids, non graphic descriptions of wounds, mentions of burns, non sexual nudity
Word count: 283
Nari’s touch was gentle but firm as they traced the wound on Bellroc’s side, bringing it closed with threads of green magic. Running around the curve of their ribcage, it wasn’t deep enough to be serious but it had bled more than Nari would’ve liked. Nari pressed her thumb across it, ignoring the sharp breath Bellroc took through their teeth.
“If you had told me when it first happened…“ Nari knew they could hear the frown in her voice, even though she sat behind them.
“I had… other things on my mind,”
It was a weak excuse and they knew it, voices shifting uncomfortably through the lie.
But their gaze was on Skrael, carefully cleaning the wound on their forearm, silent but prickling with annoyance.
Deciding they had done all they could for now, Nari applied magic to her hands, smoothing what damage they had taken from contact with Bellroc’s magmatic blood. The three fell into a lull of quiet, each absorbed in their own. Nari reached up and started to comb ash from Bellroc’s hair, letting their fingers work methodically as they waited for Skrael to finish tending to Bellroc’s arm.
Suddenly breaking their silence, Skrael hissed, “What possessed you to do something so-“
They bit back the rest of their sentence as Nari shot a pleading look over Bellroc’s shoulder. Tempering themself and the words they wanted to say, Skrael reluctantly continued tending to Bellroc’s arm in icy quiet, though it seemed less biting now that they had at least partially voiced their grievance.
Nari rested their forehead on the sharp curve of Bellroc’s spine and let their words fall out in a sigh.
“Just- be more careful next time…”
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