#skullrockbi writes
skullrockbi · 9 months
Alpha Instincts
written for ‘hole’ wc: 404 | rated: teen | cw: omegaverse | baby’s first submission to @steddiemicrofic
There’s a hole in Eddie Munson’s shoe. Steve has been waiting for this day since he met Eddie in freshman year. Eddie acts like an alpha, but Steve accidentally encountered Eddie’s burnt marshmallow omega scent. Steve was pre-presentation, but he’s never forgotten the scent. He even gave Eddie a small token at the time. Eddie’s now iconic guitar pick necklace was once just a guitar pick slipped into his locker with a note of secret admiration. Steve knows it’s the same pick even though he’s never gotten close enough to see the heart scratched into it.
But now, in Steve’s senior year, Eddie’s shoes are starting to show too much wear and tear for Steve’s alpha instincts. He wants to care for his chosen, even if Eddie rejects him, it’s time for the grand proposal. There’s one small issue, Steve can’t buy Eddie new shoes without his shoe size.
Steve swaggers over to the Hellfire lunch table. “Hey Munson. What size shoe do you wear?”
Maybe Steve shouldn’t have done this with an audience because everyone at the table turns to look at him.
Eddie smirks, “What’s it to you, big boy? Hoping to find if the rumors about big shoes are true?”
Steve smirks and leans towards Eddie to whisper only for him, “I already know the rumors about big shoes are true. I can show you, if you want.”
Steve notices Eddie’s ears go a little pink as he audibly swallows. “Eleven.”
“That’s a good boy.” He stands up straight, waggling his fingers into a wave for the rest of the table.
Steve walks out of the cafeteria and out of school entirely. He’ll forge his mom’s signature for an excuse note about alpha instincts. How can anyone learn when their omega is lacking basic necessities? Sure the hole is tiny, but it’s his opportunity to declare he can provide for Eddie and wants him as a partner. The first courting gift being something your omega needs signifies a desire for a true partnership. Dating a slew of people has taught Steve he wants to belong to his omega as much as his omega belongs to him. And Eddie with his wide eyes, quirky personality and burnt marshmallow scent is the only one for Steve.
The next morning Eddie wakes to Wayne calling for him. “Son, I think you have a suitor.” On the front porch is a Reebok box.
“Oh fuck.”
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skullrockbi · 1 year
Steve has a going away present for Eddie before he goes on tour. Rated M for mature. Word count: 1526 brief mention of daddy kink
“I have a going away present for you. I don’t know if you’re going to think it’s weird or not. I’m sure you’ll probably have lots of metal groupies clamoring for your dick. But in case you need a little solo time & some audio assistance.” Steve hands Eddie a tape. There’s no track listing and on the title spot on the cassette it says “do not lose or share.”
“Stevie I don’t think your top 40s sexy times mixtape is going to help any situation.”
“It’s not that. It’s..” Steve blushes and leans closer to Eddie to whisper “sex noises? Like the sound of people having sex?”
“By people you mean you?”
“Well yeah but I’m pretty quiet during most of it.”
“Did you record this in secret?”
“No. That’s creepy! It was done with permission. One girl really put on a show for the tape. I think she was more into the fact that I was going to listen to it later. It’s the beginning of side B.” 
“Side B, got it. Am I going to recognize anyone on this tape?” Eddie cuts his eyes over towards Nancy.
Steve does a half snort type of laugh, “None of this was recorded when I was in high school, dude. All consenting adults.”
Eddie nods and slips the tape into his jacket’s inner pocket for safe keeping. “Thank you for your generosity, my liege.”
Steve pats him on the shoulder before wandering away. Eddie watches him get pulled into the kitchen by Gareth which meant it was the perfect time for Eddie to escape. Nominally the party was Gareth’s graduation party, but was quickly converted into a Corroded Coffin going away party after they announced they were going on tour. Steve and Gareth would be the only people to be concerned about Eddie ducking out early. If he accidentally caught Henderson or Buckley’s eye in his escape, he would just mime smoking. Luckily Eddie was able to flee with no obstacles.
He needs to listen to this tape immediately. Is just beds squeaking and breathy moans? How quiet is ‘pretty quiet’? What type of show was at the beginning of Side B? What if someone said something ridiculous and Eddie starts cracking up while everyone in the band was studiously ignoring each other’s actions. It was curiosity that urged him home. Nothing more. 
Locking his bedroom door, Eddie throws himself on his bed and grabs his cassette player. Steve was not kind and did not rewind his gift, so Eddie pressed play in the middle of the tape. 
“Good for Daddy? Yeah.” 
That very obviously male voice was not Steve’s voice. Eddie drops the player in surprise and his headphones disconnect. Eddie plugs them back in.
“Fuck baby you’re so good at this. Daddy’s perfect little cocksucker.” There was a whiny moan in response and the slick sound of a cock fucking into a wet mouth.
Eddie cannot believe his ears. Maybe Steve and his partner were watching porn for ambiance and the microphone recorded it instead of them. Eddie isn’t really into the whole daddy thing. He stops the tape and fast forwards to the end and flips to side B for the chick who was into being recorded. 
It’s a show alright, but not the show Steve promised. The crackle of the microphone and then Steve’s voice. “Are you hard for me?” Hard. Not wet, not horny, not ready, hard. “I’ve been thinking about you all day, I hope you’re laying in bed naked, ready to follow my instructions. It’ll be like I’m jerking you off.” Eddie pauses the tape and trips over his feet to get his jeans off. Thinking about Steve being the one doing this to him, listening to his instructions, Eddie comes so hard he blacks out.
The next morning Eddie wakes to frantic knocking on the door. Steve’s there looking nervous and shifting side to side. Even during the Vecnapocalypse Steve’s never been this frantic. “What’s up man?”
Steve lets himself into the house and heads towards the kitchen looking around the house. “Is Wayne home?” He pours himself some coffee & sits at the table.
Eddie shrugs, “I just woke up. I reckon he’s out for the day since he didn’t open the door.” 
Steve drums on the table but doesn’t look at Eddie. “I gave you the wrong tape. I realized when I got home last night that you have a copied Wham cassette in your possession, not what I said it was.”
Eddie lets out a huff of air and sits across from Steve. “You and I both know you didn’t give me a Wham tape.”
Steve blushes, “You already listened to it?”
Eddie shrugs and casually admits “Wanted to hear the show you promised on side B. I needed to know if it was actually good or if I’d start laughing.”
Steve is still not looking at Eddie. “Did you?”
“Did I what?”
Eddie looks at Steve who is looking into his coffee mug like it has all the answers in the world. He wonders how truthful he should be. Obviously if Steve is making these types of tapes he doesn’t have a valid reason to punch Eddie, but that’s never stopped any jocks before. But Steve isn’t just a jock anymore. Steve is his friend. They don’t have that freaky mind meld Steve & Robin have but they’re close. Steve is the first person he told about Corroded Coffin going on tour before even Wayne. Steve knows things about him that he never told anyone about his childhood. Eddie decides to be brave.
“Steve I came so hard I blacked out. There was no laughing. Now I don’t know if there’s an specific intended recipient of this tape, but as for audio assistance for solo time, you get a gold star in gift giving.”
Steve rubs the back of his neck and looks at Eddie. “It wasn’t a girl though, on the tape.”
“I know. It was the hottest guy I know telling me how to jerk off, telling me what he’d do to me if he was with me. I think that’s hotter than some random babe moaning about how wet she is for my dick.”
“But you like girls?”
“You’re allowed to like both Stevie.”
“I know that!” Steve defends himself, “I didn’t know you knew that too.”
“Yep.” Eddie draws out the sound. Steve likes both. Eddie briefly wonders if “Daddy’s perfect little cocksucker” is Steve. And immediately shuts that thought down. Eddie is beginning to spiral thinking about Steve down on his knees for him. Just because Steve likes both doesn’t mean he likes Eddie. Maybe the tape was for a secret boyfriend. He gets up suddenly & starts looking for breakfast. He can make toast. “Do you want toast?”
“Do I want toast? I came out to you and you want to make me toast?”
“Technically you didn’t come out to me, but if you want something a little more celebratory I can scramble you an egg.”
“A celebratory scrambled egg for being bisexual. Sure, I’ll take it. I was up all night freaking out because I gave you the wrong tape and you’re making me scrambled eggs. Okay.”
“Celebratory scrambled eggs, Steve.”
Eddie makes them eggs and toast for breakfast. Steve pours them both fresh coffee and they eat in silence before Eddie can’t resist poking the bear. “Tell me about your boyfriend.”
“I don’t have one?” 
“Well who’s the tape for?”
“Oh! I um sell them to this guy in Fort Wayne. He has like a whole distribution thing. It’s good for quick money.”
“Do you need to give him the tape I have?”
“No. Yours is a copy.”
“Yeah cool.”
Steve gets up and starts washing the breakfast dishes. Eddie wants to protest but he also really hates washing dishes. 
“I gotta head to work, thanks for breakfast dude.”
“You’re welcome any time, you know that.”
Steve pats Eddie awkwardly on the shoulder and leaves. Eddie sighs a sigh of relief. He survived whatever that was unscathed.
Reaching to lock the door behind Steve, it bangs into his arm. “You said I was the hottest guy you know.”
Steve is walking back into the house and turns to bracket Eddie against the wall next to the door. Eddie said that half an hour ago, had Steve been thinking about it all through breakfast. “If you don’t find anyone hotter on tour can I take you on a date when you get back?”
“We don’t leave til next week, you can take me out before then?” 
Steve’s watch beeps at him. “I really need to go to work.” He bites his bottom lip in determination before telegraphing his movements. He kisses Eddie softly before pulling away. Eddie presses closer to him and kisses him again. 
“Let me take you out tonight?”
Eddie smiles, “I’ll have to check my busy schedule.” Eddie mimes looking through a date book. “Looks like I’m free for you Big Boy.”
Steve laughs and kisses him again. “Good. Maybe afterwards, you can show me how good you are at following directions.”
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