#sky kick coming back in full throttle babyyyyyy
wayfayrr · 17 days
Better People to Leave on Read by Emei!
Been meaning to send this song to ya, if you find inspiration for a Link, then have fun! But if not, I wanted to send this to you anyway <3
I found so much inspo for this especially with all of the self aware asks today :3 (and your gameplay lmao) I ended up twisting the lyrics for it into sky berating you about what you're doing while playing the game <3 (also all these drabbles will be put on a masterlist soon dw I just haven't been in the mood to make a new one rn)
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“God you’re just so obvious.”
“Huh what- I who said that, who else is in here with me? I - I should be alone in here.”
“Come on [name], I’m sorry for spooking you but really?”
“I can’t take it just sitting here in silence while you go back to them again.”
Link he’s - he’s speaking to me. This, I have to be dreaming this, there’s no way this can be real, stuff like this simply doesn’t happen in real life. Maybe my brains finally giving up trying to convince me not to talk to my ex again so it’s making me hallucinate this. Yeah. Yeah, that makes much more sense than this being real. 
“Did you happen to forget the little details like texting your ‘boyfriend’ in the middle of spending time with me?”
Just respond to it, get it over with then go to bed. You clearly need a break [name]. 
“I was just messaging him because - because we were in a relationship and I - thought he cared for me.”
“He didn’t, not like I do my dove.”
“Not… like you do?”
This is a weird shift from just convincing me not to message my ex. Links moved up to lean against the glass of the screen now, side eyeing me and tracing hearts next to his mouth. 
“Mhm, like I do. They didn’t even stay past a couple of baseless threats. All too eager to leave you alone with a ‘cursed game’ to save their own skin. A coward really.”
Is he seriously implying that - he threatened my ex? Suddenly this doesn’t feel as much like fiction as it did seconds ago. His movements feel too real. Now that he’s back tracking too. 
“Not that I will ever hurt you my love. You’re mine all mine, I just - had to get them away from you first.”
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