thvnderr · 11 months
Closed: Sky x Jo ( @jofms ) Location: Main Hall before 11:30 p.m.
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It had been a while since Sky had been observing her: more specifically, ever since he received the note, he localized her and kept an eye on her regardless of whatever activities they were both doing. An ability to read body language was not necessary to take note of Josette's nervous behavior. What else could you ask from such a victim? Honestly, Sky sympathized with her — to some extent; while some of her actions were not excusable, he could too understand the woman had gone through her fair share of trauma in the past years up until now. He felt ill in the stomach about being part to what would potentially worsen her condition in the next few days.
"Jo, darling." He had called gently as ever, smile present on his lips as the cape of his costume fluttered behind him with the same distinguished bearing that the florist possessed. "It is lovely to meet you here tonight. We certainly have not talked in a while". Oh, and how the devil smiled; with every intention of sweeping one's fears away while he installed new others very quietly.
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thvnderr · 1 year
It was rather sunny. Sky looked up to the sky and wondered if the gods of their local star were mocking their sadness with such a gorgeous day while the town mourned the disappearance of a young woman. With a bunch of flyers in his hands, he walked aimlessly through the town with his companion, one he had quickly chosen when indicated to choose a partner to hang up flyers with. His interest was short of shy, not caring much if he seemed in an obvious urgency to stay close to her, jealousy threatening to attack had she been paired with anybody else before he could make a decision. "Do you like peonies?", he asked out of the blue while looking over at her, "they are my favorites and fortunately enough, they bloom better during cool weather, but they won't last much if the sun keeps it up", Sky explained, "oh, well... I should first ask if you like receiving flowers". Harmonious laughter left his lips as they walked. His outfit way more casual than usual, plain black shirt and black jeans; but hair still styled properly.
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thvnderr · 2 years
CLOSED: Sky x Hansa ( @aeipathys​ )
LOCATION: Chun Residence
His parents were bound to know of her arrival by either her own words or James, the butler and as expected, they waited no time to invite her over for dinner. Sky had to feign sympathy. ‘Always a gentleman’, his mother would always say and with an impecable reputation, Sky had to comply and pretend like he was just as excited to se Hansa again.
Two weeks had passed since the incident at the greenhouse and Sky had done pretty much everything in his power to simply forget his ex was in town  —— [ENTER] hanging out a little two much with a couple of Bastards and a lady with dying plants.
Crisp baby blue button shirt, sleeves rolled up almost reaching his elbows, black jeans and hair perfectly done as always. This was not because of her  — of course not —  his mother simply required him to look presentable at all times. He sighed and went downstairs, checking his watch on the right wrist.   She should be here any minute now.    The bell rang.    “Queue, Tisiphone”, he mumbled to himself while leaning on the stairs’ railing with crossed arms.      “Oh, what was that, dear?”, his mother questioned. Sky shook his head offering a sympathetic smile. “Ah, nothing. That should be her. Shall we?”
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thvnderr · 2 years
CLOSED: Sky x Hansa ( @aeipathys​ ) LOCATION: Winterwood Estates
[ Before the holidays ]
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The tip of his fingers turned the page of the book. An old novel he never finished reading; the last time he grabbed it being before hansa and him broke up. Sky remembered the cold of the sheets, the empty space between them on the couch and the bed as both attended their own matters in silence. A few times when they would sneak into each other’s space — most likely after parties or a very stressful evening —, he would draw lines on her shoulder absent-mindedly as he flipped through the pages of a book as he did right now.
Sky then realized he had missed a whole two pages of story while thinking of Hansa yet again.
He shook his head trying to regain focus, when his phone rang. The heir looked over at the screen and the name that illuminated certainly caught him by surprise. Sky let it ringa couple of times, giving time for her to maybe realize she had called him on accident or something similar... but the call did not drop.       “ ——— Hello?”, he picked up, “everything okay?”
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thvnderr · 2 years
CLOSED: Sky x Fallon ( @conkniving​ ) LOCATION: Sugar’s Lounge VIP Room #2
bronx: just be @SL at 8:30pm moon: you really have no idea what’s coming
Those were the last messages sent to the group chat. If these two were involved and so was the Sugar’s Lounge — as a repaid favor to Bronx from the manager — one could expect private party or... well, nothing much aside of a private party. What else could one expect in a VIP room of the strip club organized by those two?
Lights were dim, red neon bouncing on the black leather large couch giving a whole mood inside the room and while one could definitely get an idea of why Moon and Bronx had manipulated Fallon into that place... she would be met with a rather unpleasant surprise. There was a curtain and a door behind it from where the talent would come and go and so would security in case any client got particularly disrespectful and in this case, once when she was already guided into the room, a familiar figure came out. Black t-shirt, leather jacket and worn out jeans were the outfit of choice instead of pristine shirts and elegant trousers. Sky knew better than anyone that he should not stand out in places like this one and even less with a killer on the loose.
“We need to talk”.
No charming entrance or gentle greeting. The usual smile decorating his lips was also absent and in its place there was a stern expression and fixed eyes.
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thvnderr · 2 years
CLOSED: Sky x Hansa ( @aeipathys​​ )
Location: Hospital
Everything had happened awfully fast. The scream, people rushing in, Sky’s eyes looking around for Hansa and not being able to find her. The adrenaline pumped energy to his muscles and he quickly reached the place of the incident. Sky scrunched his nose at the forgotten smell of spilled blood, his ears ringing with the moans of agony of those still alive. The tension threatened with a cramp on his neck as his eyes quickly scanned the room.
The gorgeous dress  — now ruined — was easy to spot and he shoved through panicked crowds that rushed outside towards the unconscious body of his lover. “Hansa!”, he called as all formalities were dropped aside with his mask. The handkerchief in his pocket was soon brought out to press against the bleeding wound. He checked her pulse, slow but still stable. His own heartbeat was drilling through his ribcage as he tried to wake her up. “Hansa, open your eyes”, he commanded in desperation, “baby”, he called once again, “you will be fine, I promise”, he muttered while still pressing against her. “I am sorry, fuck, I am so sorry, love”, he cursed with clenched teeth.
The calls to 911 were soon effectuated by the security body as the local emergencies procured those who still have a chance. Sky scanned the room, finding some familiar faces and he felt even worse about the whole incident  — whatever it is that had happened — eyes looked through the crowd for a possible attacker, but the amount of people and noise blocked this possibility entirely. His eyes stopped on a familiar redhead and he was quick to call him. “Bronx! Is the baby okay?”, he asked upon noticing the bundle of blankets in his arms. The other simply nodded, pale as a ghost as blood ran down his leg. “Are you okay?”, Sky asked again and the younger miroir nodded once again.
“The baby, Sky, I need to protect the baby”, Bronx spoke without blinking, a sudden childish tone settling in his voice.
“I know, Bronx, I know. Stay with the baby. Wait for Dusty”, Sky instructed him calmly. “Everything will be fine”, he tried to reason with the other, but Bronx simply snuggled against a wall with Crash in his arms.
The host looked around once again, spotting Sera, Stella and In-ho amongst the sea of red. “Bronx, I need you to do something for me”, he called.
“ —— but the baby ——”, Bronx replied.
“You don’t need to let Crash go. If you are able to walk, please go to In-ho”, he said aiming with the head at the man, “he is losing a lot of blood. Try to stop the hemorrhage”.
Bronx nodded anxiously and with a hiss of pain, he dragged one of his legs towards the man to help as much as one hand allowed him to. Soon enough, paramedics started to arrive and assisted those who were hurt the most first. His attention went back to Hansa, one hand on the wound and the other on her pulse. “I will find whoever did this, I promise you”.
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Sky bounced his leg anxiously as he waited for her to wake up. It had been a superficial wound thankfully, but the amount of blood that had stained her dress was way too much to ease his worries. Both of his hands held one of hers, kissing it constantly, praying for hers and the others quick recuperation. Part of his outfit ditched after it turned into a lost cause with so much blood on it; James had managed to bring him a change of trousers and a warmer jacket for the cold, but the purple shirt was still on. “I am so sorry”, he repeated once again.
His train of thought eventually took his prayers into a darker path; wishing for a clue or some kind of divine light to point towards the one who had caused such massacre. His eyes filling with violent desires as the spark of a fire he thought long dead threatened to burn down all mercy once again. Sky had promised to seal away that part of his life as he searched for a peaceful existence; but when such existence is threatened to be annihilated, he had no option but to consider retaliation. He would need help, that was painfully obvious, but since he was moving in alien lands, he needed people that had been roaming this place longer than him. People who had intel and experience, he needed —— “Hansa?”, he called after hearing the sheets move. His eyes, previously drowning in brutal revenge turned soft once again upon looking at her.
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thvnderr · 2 years
Local coffee shop || Sky x Jo ( @jofms​ )
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Nothing could ever beet the feeling of warmth that rushed through him whenever he took that first sip of his white mocha. Opposite to dear Bronx, Sky did like white chocolate and had been growing a sweet tooth for a couple of years now, prompting him into the nearest gym soon enough to avoid ruining his physique ( one he was very proud of, by the way ).
He found his seat on a corner couch that had a table for several people, knowing he might be silently inviting strangers to join him; opposite to what someone would think of the mogul’s reserved son, Sky enjoyed company and even more of those he barely knew. Still, his intentions of meeting new people were soon stopped when a familiar figure entered the coffee shop and inquisitive eyes stayed on them shamelessly, for not only once had they met outside the shop and certainly, finding more about this woman and her insatiable troubles with plants was something he had just added to his to do list of the day.
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thvnderr · 2 years
CLOSED: Sky x Atticus ( @pcisxnivys​ )
Sky had had more contact with Micah out of the two while they organized the event ( for obvious reasons ), but with his etiquette and curiosity always upfront, he took the first chance to approach the artist. Maybe a conversation between two creative minds would add sweet tint to the opulent night.
“Small talk is a given in events like this one — ”, Sky spoke up with a glass of wine for himself in one gloved hand while he checked the hour on the watch posed around his free wrist, “ — but would it be too daring of me to skip that part? I would think that with all the organization and meetings with Micah, we are past formalities”.
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thvnderr · 1 year
@pcisxnivys Continuing from here...
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It was more about testing the grounds and curiosity rather than an endorsement for a more saintly life. His own persona resting back on the chair with a fingertip tracing over the edge of the porcelain cup. His response was not much of a surprise knowing the bluntness that the tattooist used to carry himself; a hard life stones someone's soul and moral compass until they are nothing but old souvenirs stored in the chest — he could understand that — it had taken Sky some good time to break through and polish the practiced kindness into an actual personality trait of his. "Some would argue that the preservation of others helps with the preservation of oneself if said person lives in a community".
"I see", he briefly commented as Atticus explained the situation of his childhood, and so, he understood how such an upbringing could cause lack of empathy for others' problems. "Your community failed you, I apologize for my previous words, I did not have idea", he commented in the same calm and melodic tone before bringing the cup to his lips, tasting the flowery scents that the bronze liquid permeated into his tongue. He took the moment afterwards to take a look at the rest of the place, quite lavish and clean, opposite to most of the places where people would gather here in Anchorage. Sky wondered what it was that made the few fortunate ones want to stay in this hellish freezer instead of migrating to literal greener pastures. Were they all too acknowledge with the purple fingers and the dull colors? He had a mission there, friends even that helped to make of his stay something more amicable, but he guessed that with the lack of any of these, he would have fled at the first notice of a killer on the loose. Why bother dealing with safety when he could be getting dizzy at after parties and snobby cocktail events? "So you and your brother do not get along much? I understand you both run very opposite types of lives", Sky said, "I always wished for siblings, but never had the fortune of one", he hummed. A little smile toyed with the corner of his lips at the statement about him and Micah. Oh, he had lived his own days of misery, the program being able to leave their employees to their own to test their resilience, but truth was, he was far too accustomed to the faultless lifestyle he ran with now. "It is impossible for the human being to completely understand the position of the other, be animal, plant or person; but I do appreciate all kinds of tales in case you want to share more; I may not empathize entirely, but I think I have heart enough to listen intently without condescendence. What kind of jobs have you had in the past, if you do not mind me asking? The conversation can head some other way if I am being too nosy", he declared with a brighter smile.
Sky had been fiddling lightly with the tea cup, but as his company proceed to ask questions, the second more piercing than the other, he laid the porcelain down with a very quiet ring of the material; the words clearing any other kind of thought he could be having and he did not fight to make it less obvious. "The world up where Micah and I grew up has its own horrors, its own dogs devouring each other merciless just as where you grew up; but these fights look different, more about backstabbing and venom, but just as visceral and deathly—", a soft chuckle dragged half of his lips up, "— I'm sure your wife has talked to you about it", he added while his fingers intertwined on the table in a proper posture, leaning his own body forward. "What I mean is, we are not allowed for much of a guilty conscience if we want to survive either. In fact, I already receive a lot of well-derserved scorn for my affinity to the arts and nature. My faulty curiosity has made me develop sympathy for those around me, but I am very well capable of shutting it down when necessary. Very few instances have required it, though, and I intend to keep it that way. Living with bitterness in my heart has proved to cause more wrinkles", Sky laughed, but it was soft and sweet as if not admitting hard cruelty also rested in his bones. Still, the smile vanished a little at the thought of his ex-fiancée. "It would be futile to pretend I was not affected by her departure. Her safety was priority and I always got sure to establish that with her. Hansa's parents were also rather concerned and for the sake of all, she left", he explained, although could he really know? Even if he felt everything was real for the first time, there was no point on denying he felt insecure about it; like she had played back the same card he slammed on the table months ago; and with very good reason. Sky had no right to feel bad at all, so whatever had been her decision, she had to respect it. "I did promise I would take care of myself while investigating everything and if you allow me to go back to my first point, I find out that taking care of others is usually the easiest way I can take care of myself. Healthy relationships have been more fruitful and resourceful to me rather that dry ones", he made a pause, sipped from his tea and nodded, "yes, maybe my short time with Hansa did soften my heart a little bit", he concluded. "But what about you and Micah? How did you guys meet each other?"
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thvnderr · 2 years
Fingertips itching as he recreated the feeling of her bare back while zipping up her dress a couple of hours ago. Lips kissing her shoulder softly before moving to leave a little mark right above the top of the clasp that brought both ends of the dress together. It was a little reminder of ownership to some extent aside of a silent promise for the afterparty.
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Sky had finally found the time to see how she was doing after greeting guests and refining the last details. She glowed of course, dragging his attention with either her perfume or an uncalled shenanigan only she could pull. Still, the host tried to remain focused on his tasks until an opportunity reached him and he was quick to slither away and towards her.
“Milady...?”, he spoke up while playing the part of masked strangers, “I had been listening to people commenting on your gown and mask all night, but insatiable with words, I decided to come meet you myself”, he mused with a little smile as if he had not adjusted the dress down her torso himself. A hand in black leather reaching for hers before bowing to kiss its back softly. “I hope you can grant me a little of your time; I would certainly enjoy getting to know you at least enough to dedicate a poem or two”.
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thvnderr · 2 years
“Looking great, darling!”. Sky would comment after raising his glass at her in a little toast complimenting her attire. “I am glad you could make it; I hope everything tonight is to your enjoyment”, the florist added with a typical smile of his. While he knew the intention of masquerades was many times to hide the identities of the guests, he could not help but ignore this rule altogether in favor of greeting his friends and acquaintances. As where in the line of this Jo fell, that was still unclear for him. “So tell me, what sin are you giving yourself to tonight, hm?”, he asked while taking a look around, “because I see many already victims of gluttony”, Sky laughed.
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thvnderr · 2 years
CLOSED: Sky x Sarai ( @vibesfm​ )
LOCATION: Hospital
It was all too much, he insisted; after his car had been involved in a little accident caused by the slippery streets, both his mother and driver had pretty much dragged him into the hospital. The man at the wheel had apologized profusely at the situation while Sky tried to calm him down. It looked like a big deal since the car had ended up in the opposite lane, but he didn’t feel hurt and had come out of the car walking just fine. Whether it was true that he was not hurt or that he always insisted on never worrying others; the heir tried to fight against heading to the hospital —— fight that he could not win against a concerned mother, of course.
“Good morning”, he called with a smile from inside the doctor’s office as the door opened.
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thvnderr · 2 years
CLOSED: Sky & TJ ( @hxneybvns​ )
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Life and money are temporal, but criminal records and gossip are forever.
It was not the first time that Sky heard of it, the mysterious story of Doroteja as the old ladies called them and their dead spouses ( it even sounded like the title of a dark fairy tale ). The name did not ring much in his ears at first, decided to ignore cheap gossip, but then another member of the Brunch Club referred to them as TJ. It was then that Sky put his glass down and perked his ears up wanting to catch the details of the rumor.
He had heard similar stories back in Nevada, but back then, he dismissed them too as invented stories created by an envious enemy of the other. It should have raised an alarm that the same story was being told in Anchorage, his spy abilities were getting rusty, maybe it was time to put them to use again.
Sky paid the bill and set track to the Prancer’s Ranch. It was a cold day like this one, he remembered, the first time they met. The casino was full of people, although it was night time by the moment they engaged in an entertaining chat. The slot machines rang with victories and defeats; the boisterous laughter of those who were playing cards filled the eastern side of the large place and some giggling could be heard for those who were heading to karaoke rooms on the second floor of the facilities.    “I heard they’re a witch!” “Yeah, probably hexing people and  shit. I’d stay clear from them if I were you, Sky”,     those were some of the comments received by his friends but in favor of some good times, the heir decided to ignore.
“Good afternoon, honestly this is my first time here, so I would like some information”, he spoke up once he arrived to the desk of the ranch.
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thvnderr · 2 years
The house of judgement || Sky x Fallon ( @conkniving​ )
To say he was out of the loop would be too kind. He moved in parties, sure, but they were WAY more civilized than... whatever this was.    OKAY, FINE, the parties he frequented were usually on the boring and snobbish side; last time he arrived to an event like this one was back in university at the fraternity ( his head hurt with only remembering the hangovers ). Still, some people managed to recognized him and they were even kind enough to pull him into the rhythm of the night, but when liquor started to get suspiciously cheaper and games awfully dangerous, Sky managed to sneak away to the back, to a wall far enough to catch a breath. Red cup still in hand with a beverage he had been protecting like a first-born.
Neon lights bounced against his white expensive shirt, opposite to the sea of black and leather that reigned at the party; it was then that an object on the floor caught his attention: an ID. He titled his head as he leaned down to pick it up and read the name carefully. The picture was clear too, maybe he could entertain himself by finding its owner. Sky looked around, but no one around seemed to match the photo... so he decided to take a walk around.
In the process of moving through the crowd, he had almost spilled his drink twice and been pulled to dance by strangers, to which he complied superficially with a smile before moving on to the next area of the house. To avoid more accidents he gulped down the rest of his drink, causing a wave of dizziness to hit him almost immediately; but still, he bravely crossed oceans of people until he found the person he was looking for.
Sky approached straight to her and with a characteristic smile of his, he extended the ID. “I think you dropped this down there near the back entrance. Glad I found you”.
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thvnderr · 1 year
Sky had not placed much thought before before offering as volunteer. Originally, he had thought his spy abilities would help him as part of the search party, but after roles were decided and he was placed with the supplies volunteers, he considered it appropriate taking in account his own resources. Food? Water? Sure. Printing flyers? Sure. Charisma to make people stop and take a look at Willow's face? Of course. So he arrived on time to the meeting site, wondering if any of his acquaintances had applied as well.
What would be his surprise to see none other but the Sol-Ip Boo in flesh and bone. Truthfully, he had failed to keep on touch with a bunch of his friends, which he deeply regretted, but the speed of the events had not allowed for him to catch up with friends — old and new. "My dear friend, I see now that your generosity is just as big as your talent", Sky spoke. "Are you cold? I brought some hot tea with me to battle the weather".
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thvnderr · 2 years
SENT BY @b4rredteeth​ ( Matevos )…
a howling bonfire where shadows betray you
The fire crackled against the heavy silence that surrounded them despite the chat that had been going periodically. The cold was oddly not as unforgiving as it had the past few days and that was one of the reasons Sky had agreed to a little camping trip amid the change of the seasons.
The expensive layers of clothing kept him warm, accompanied by the heat of the fire in front of them that colored their skins in warmer tones. His eyes seemed calm and focused on the dancing flames, although his brain rejected any kind of friendly distraction. The shadows created by the flames played tricks on his eyes and kept his attention sharp on the surroundings.
“Friend, I do agree that this is a wonderful spot to watch animals and collect interesting species of plants, but is this not a bit of an eerie spot to rest for the night?”, he asked with a charming soft laughter added at the end, “do not misunderstand me because I am certainly a fanatic of the hidden horrors, but I would rather watch them happen from the comfort of my duvet and surrounded by candlelight instead of a fire that seems more menacing than comforting”.
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