#slavers moon alt au
Across the Universe (A Slavers Moon Supercorp ficlet)
A little while ago I posted a ficlet/idea about Lena being abducted by Roulette and nearly sold on Slavers Moon before Kara comes and saves her. But what if Kara arrived too late to save Lena and Izzy? Please, enjoy the exploration.
When Kara finds her people on Argo, her delight is tempered by loss and grief. All of her emotions have been, ever since... ever since Lena.
When she found her friend missing, the last thing she expected was for Roulette to be behind the abduction, let alone that the snake had ferried Lena off earth with a number of other human abductees. Kara chased them to Slavers Moon, but arrived too late-- they were gone. Sold and ferried off the moon to Rao knows where. 
Kara returned a number of times in an attempt to learn where they might have been taken, but had been stonewalled and rebuffed at every turn. The Supergirl name carried no weight there, even after she made it clear she had no intention of freeing other potential slaves-- a decision that pained her but made regardless. She would do anything to find her friend and bring her home.
But on Argo, Kara finds her way into the upper echelons of clientele. Armed with the traditional robes and cloak of Kryptonian style, and bearing the seal of the House of El, she visited the Daxamite stateship as an ambassador. Returning Queen Rhea's son to her had granted her a favor, which Kara immediately traded for an invitation to Slavers Moon next upcoming auction-- one reserved for the galactic elite.
Upon arrival, Kara finds it easy to grow detached from the events happening around her. She's grown detached from most things in the years since Lena's disappearance. She sips on Aldebaaran rum and surveys the people around her, commiting names and faces to memory.
She recognizes many species, knows their home planets from her time on on Krypton. Though they had been an isolated people, they had gathered much information on their neighbors and former allies.
When the auction starts, Kara bids often enough to avoid suspicion but low enough that she's swiftly outbid. Her stomach and jaw clench when a series of humans are issued onto the stage. She's so angry that she almost misses the discovery that each one is purchased by a single patron.
Kara moves swiftly. It's easy to charm the Nelkloran -- they seem to have a fascination with humanoids, and the El crest makes them eager to share their planet with her. Eager enough to shuttle her to Nelklor right then and there.
Finding a secluded corner, Kara contacts the Waverider, who had lent their aid as the only long range space craft Earth had at its disposal. There Alex receives her message, and vows to follow and stand by until further instruction.
Nelklor is beautiful. Lush and green with vibrant flora, even in the heart of the captial city they land in. Kara endures a tour of the landmarks deemed most important by her host, and plays the perfect guest for three days, eating and lounging with beautiful humanoids serving to her every need. None of them are Lena.
On the evening of the third day, Kara pointedly yawns. Suddenly anxious that their guest may be bored, her Nelkloran host begs to know what would interest her most. 
"Beauty," she says. "And pleasures of a more.... sensual nature."
Her host understands her completely. They gladly escort her to a place that translates directly to a 'pleasure house'. There she demands to be left alone.
"I do not enjoy an audience."
She's graciously recieved in the front room, ushered into a plush waiting room where she's offered food and drink and and a catalogue of services. After a few minutes to peruse, an employee approaches her.
"Welcome to our facility," the humanoid concierge begins, a broad smile-- a little too broad to be genuine-- on their face. "Is there anything that piques your interest?"
"So many to choose from," Kara muses. "It would suit me better to choose once I know who I'll share my experience with."
The concierge nods. "Of course. Does my lady have a preference? Please be as specific as you like-- we host a wide variety of interests."
Kara pretends to consider. "Female, I think. Human, with fair skin, and dark hair-- the darker the better."
Their eyes brighten with a nod. "Yes, of course. We have several with such specifications." They tap a small tablet in their hand, and nods when they find what they're looking for. "And one is currently available. Is my lady ready to proceed?"
Kara nods. "I prefer not to be kept waiting."
Being led through the corridors, Kara makes note of windows and doors. The facility is expansive, with many of the rooms they pass fully occupied, judging from the sounds from within-- not all of them pleasurable.
When they come to a stop outside a room, the concierge taps again on their tablet, and the small blue light next to the door turns red. 
"You may take as much time as you please. If you desire refreshment during your stay, please don't hesitate to inform us-- there is a console inside the room to request anything you may require."
Kara nods. "Thank you."
Her stomach twists with a mix of dread and anticipation. When the concierge takes their leave, Kara pauses a moment to take a deep breath-- then pushes into the room.
The door closes behind her, leaving Kara alone with a slim woman wearing a sheer robe that hid little. The woman's back is to her, as she casually clips jewels to her ears.
"If you know what you'd like, please make your payment."
Kara's heart lurches. The low, smooth voice instantly finds its home in Kara's senses, filling her relief and bringing tears to her eyes.
"Lena," she croaks.
Lena spins, eyes wide with shock. It's not until her gaze settles on the el mayarah on her chest that recognition seems to hit. 
The word sounds like the wind has been punched from her lungs, shrouded in disbelief. Kara struggles to speak, but can't find the words around the lump in her throat, even as Lena slowly closes the distance between them, curling her fingers into the cloak wrapped around Kara's shoulders.
With another exhale, Lena's eyes squeeze shut, her chin dipping in relief. Kara reflexively tips her own chin, letting her forehead rest against Lena's. 
"You found me," Lena whispers.
"I never stopped looking."
Lena's fingers tighten, then relax to smooth across the fabric of Kara's robes, caressing her shoulders until her hands come to rest on Kara's arms. Her head pulls back, and their eyes meet again, the connection unspeakably deep.
"Please," Lena asks. "Take me home."
Kara nods, reaching up to grasp Lena's hands. She feels a spark when their fingers brush, a sensation that spreads into a warmth that fills every inch of her. 
"Let's go."
There's a surprising lack of guards in the corridor, but Kara still moves as quickly as she can, pulling Lena along with her. Only a few steps down the hall, however, Lena pulls back.
"Wait, wait, wait!" she issues breathlessly. She scurries back the way they came, barefeet scuffing lightly against the floor. She makes a beeline for a room a few doors down from her own, and frantically turns the knob, only to find it lock.
Kara's already moving. Though Nelklor has a yellow sun, its strength is less than Earth's, leaving her without many of her powers. But she has enough strength to shoulder her way through the door to find another woman inside, this time in bed with a client.
Both woman and client yelp in surprise, recoiling to cover themselves. Lena rushes in past Kara, pulling the woman from the bed.
"Izzy, let's go!"
Izzy doesn't need to be told twice. She springs from the bed and throws on a sheer robe of her own, a light purple to Lena's deep blue. Kara waves both women through the door and ushers them towards a door she'd identified as a likely exit. Sure enough, it opens to the outdoors. All three surge through, freedom itching at their fingertips-- only for it all to come crashing down.
Lena and Izzy both drop their knees with a scream of pain, covering their ears with both hands. Their cries muffle to keening moan as they curl in on themselves to escape an unescapable agony. 
"Lena!" Kara drops to her knees in front of her, gripping her by the wrists and tilting her head up. With a gasp, she sees Lena's eyes glazed and unfocused, completely unseeing. "Lena, what's wrong, tell me--"
Lena releases one ear with a cry, blindly feeling her way until she finds Izzy's arm. She pushes the woman towards Kara.
"Supergirl," Lena moans, gasping. "Go."
The message is clear-- take Izzy and flee. 
Lena must have forgotten what it means to be Supergirl.
Reaching into her belt, Kara pulls out a device designed for this very instance. "Shut your eyes."
She needn't have worried-- both Lena's and Izzy's eyes are screwed shut in pain. With a click of a button, Kara detonates the device and tosses it into the air. A burst of high intensity yellow sunlight envelops them, filling Kara with more than just her  strength.
"Hold on," she urges, collecting a woman in each arm. She launches into the air just as the facility door clangs open, and guards finally spill out after their escaping slaves. Kara quickly zooms out of reach, lifting higher and higher until Alex hails her on the earpiece. 
"Waverider is inbound. Cargo bay door will be open and waiting."
True to her sister's word, Kara lands inside the Waveriders cargo bay. Within moments, they are zooming out of the planet's atmosphere and into the dark of outer space.
Kara shouts for her sister, quickly moving to set Lena and Izzy on their feet, where they soon once again collapse to their knees in pain. 
Sara Lance doesn't wait for Alex. "Get them to the medbay, now."
Kara obeys, depositing Izzy on one bed and Lena on the other. Sara is close on her heels, snapping orders to Gideon.
"Put them under," she instructs, and within moments Lena and Izzy go still, their whimpers quieting as Gideon administers a sedative.
Alex enters a few moments later. "What happened?"
"Initial examination complete," Gideon announces. "They both have devices planted in their ear canals, which are currently emitting a high frequency signal."
Alex sighs, running a hand through her cropped hair. "Damn it. Probably a deterrent."
"Gideon, can you remove the devices?" Sara asks.
There's a beat as the computer thinks. "Yes," she determines a moment later. "Though the procedure will be painful, and may result in partial or total hearing loss."
Alex and Sara looks to Kara, allowing her to make the call.
Kara's decision is easy to make. "Do it," she tells Gideon. To Sara and Alex, she softens her voice. "Whatever will ease their pain."
"Very well," Gideon responds. "It will take some time to prepare--"
"Gideon--" Kara interrupts, suddenly hesitant. "Could you please run another scan? I have reason to believe their vision may be affected as well."
"Certainly. I will notify you as soon as the tests and procedures are complete."
Alex nods, reaching for Kara's hand. "Come on, I have a change of clothes for you--"
Kara pulls her hand away. "I don't need a change of clothes," she clips. Her gaze is glued to Lena, and she has no intention of leaving. "I'm staying."
"I'm staying," she repeats, this time with the authority of an El. 
Alex withdraws a step, shock and hurt flashing across her features. She takes her hand back, and nods. "Okay."
Sara takes Alex by the shoulders, nudging her towards the medbay door. "Come on. Let's leave Gideon to it."
Finally alone, Kara settles onto a stool next to Lena. She situates herself between the two beds, but it's Lena's hand she reaches for, Lena's hair she smoothes out of her friend's face. 
There she stays, a silent sentinel.
The frequency emitter isn't the only deterrent they find. 
A small chip in each of the women's frontal cortex renders them blind, a measure designed to incapacitate them in the event of an attempted escape. This time, they can't remove the devices, nor do they find a way to deactivate them. Their loss of vision is total and permanent.
The one small consolation is that Izzy escapes the removal of the frequency with no complications, her hearing preserved. When Lena is tested, however, they learn that the removal has resulted in unilateral partial hearing loss in her right ear.
“Is there nothing you can do?” Izzy asks, clinging to Lena’s hand. Izzy hasn’t left Lena’s side since waking, desperate for comfort in her newly darkened world. 
Alex shakes her head. “I’m sorry,” she offers. “It’s possible it may come back over time, but Gideon says it’s… not likely.”
Lena covers Izzy’s hand with her own. “It’s okay.”
“It could be worse,” Lena states bluntly. Izzy falls quiet, her features falling. 
For several long moments, none of them say anything. Izzy is the first to break the silence.
Kara straightens. “I’m here.”
“You said… you said my mom reached out to you?”
It takes a moment of nodding before Kara remembers that Izzy can’t see it. “Yes,” she says quickly.
“How– how long have we been gone? Is she okay?”
Kara sees Lena’s eyes track towards her in interest– coming close but not quite focusing on her. Kara takes a breath. 
“She misses you,” she starts. “But she never gave up hope of finding you. It’s been… it’s been a long two years.” 
Izzy’s eyes fill with tears. Her hand tightens on Lena’s, who gives it a reassuring rub. “It’s okay,” Lena murmurs. “We’ll be home soon.”
Kara nods, grateful for the silver lining. “That’s right. We’re almost at the Sol system. About 76 hours from Earth. We’ll make sure your mother is waiting when we land.”
As Kara watches, Lena’s features darken. Her jaw tightens, but she says nothing. Sensing the shift in Lena’s mood, Kara shoots a glance at Alex, who understands in an instant. “Hey Izzy, how about we take you to the galley so you can get some food?”
“But Lena–”
“It’s fine, Izz. I’ll join you in a moment. I have some things I’d like to discuss with Supergirl.”
Reluctantly, Izzy releases her grip on Lena, and carefully slips off the medbay bed. Accepting Alex’s offered arm, she allows herself to be led from the room, her footsteps faltering only slightly as she goes. 
Kara turns back to Lena as the door hisses shut behind them. “It’s just us,” she says, coming a few steps closer so that Lena wouldn’t have to strain to hear. “What’s wrong?”
“Besides the obvious, you mean?” Lena scoffs. The joke carries a dark edge, one that dulls slightly when Lena’s shoulders slump slightly. “Sorry. You didn’t deserve that.”
“It’s okay,” Kara promises. “You’ve been through a lot–”
“My mother,” Lena cuts in, clearly interested in neither platitudes nor presumptions that anyone but Izzy has any idea what the past two years have been like. “I’m assuming she knows I was abducted?”
“Yes.” Kara’s tone is enough for Lena to quirk one eyebrow, prompting Kara to continue. “When she learned what happened, Lillian escaped from prison. Ever since she learned you were taken off world, she’s made it her life’s mission to further her crusade against aliens. Myself and the DEO have managed to thwart the worst of it, but…”
Kara trails off, but Lena has never been one to shy away from harsh truths. “But what?”
“She’s managed to abduct and shuttle several ships of aliens offworld. We’re not exactly sure where to– I don’t even know if she bothered to program a destination.”
Lena releases a shaking breath. “How many?”
“Almost 3,500 so far, and they haven’t stopped. Cadmus doesn’t discriminate either. Anyone who registered under the Alien Amnesty Act is at risk, including children.”
“Jesus,” Lena breathes. She pauses a moment before continuing. “What can I do?”
Hope flares in Kara’s chest. Not only would Lena’s help prove invaluable, but it seems the last two years haven’t managed to break her spirit. “You can rest and recuperate–”
“Don’t patronize me, Supergirl,” Lena snaps, irritation flashing across her features. “It’s been two years. My company has either collapsed or is doing fine without me. I have no friends, and my only family still at large is ruining countless lives. I’m not going to just sit on my hands and wallow in self-pity.”
It seems little about Lena Luthor has changed, then. She’s still the same headstrong, self-possessed woman Kara met in that L-Corp executive suite two years ago– the same woman Kara so quickly grew attached to. The same woman she’s longed to find ever since she learned of her abduction.
“You’re wrong,” Kara informs her. “You do have friends.”
“Izzy doesn’t count–”
“Kara Danvers has missed you every single day since you went missing.”
Lena freezes. “Kara?” She swallows thickly. “She– she missed me?”
Lena’s voice is so small, so doubtful that Kara makes her decision right then and there.
“Yes,” she says. “I did.”
It takes a moment for the words to land, and another still for them to click together. Lena’s eyes widen then, her mouth gaping slightly before her jaw works minutely as she struggles to regain her voice. 
Kara crosses to stand in front of Lena, making sure to keep her steps loud enough to Lena to hear her approach. She takes Lena’s hand and places it against the El Mayarah, over her heart. 
“There’s not a day that went by that I didn’t think of you. And– and I’m sorry I wasn’t there to save you.” 
“Kara…” Lena curls her hand, clasping Kara’s fingertips. She blinks, and tears spill down her cheeks. “Thank you.”
“You are my friend, Lena.” Kara knows in that moment that she would have crossed a thousand galaxies to bring her home. “No matter what happens next… I promise you won’t do it alone.”
The next thing Kara knows, Lena’s arms have slipped around her middle, squeezing tight. Lena buries her face against Kara’s chest, the position made awkward by the fact Lena is still sitting on the bed, but Kara doesn’t care. She returns the hug as fiercely as she dares. 
“We’re going home.”
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I didn't get much feedback on my alt au for slavers moon, so just want to touch base and see if y'all wanna see more or nah?
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Continue alt au of slavers moon
Your fics are wonderful read
I'm still considering it. I may resolve one or both of her ailments, or just pretend they never happened and its all just about Lena healing and growing closer to Kara.
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