#slay babyface king
luv-doritos · 9 months
AI Gender Swapping Companions in Doctor Who from 1963 to 2023 Pt.1 : Classic Who
Susan Foreman (i really don't see it) :
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Ian Curling-Chatter-Chubbing-Chesterton (personally I just see the surprise, that's all) :
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Barbara Wright (uhh maybe the shape of the face ?)
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Vicki (looks like a male greta thunberg)
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Steven Taylor (omg looks like a 2014-fied version of River Pond)
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Katarina (awww babyface)
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Dodo Chaplet (looks like a youtuber in 2007)
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Polly Wright (is that polly's grandchild ??)
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Ben Jackson (spinoff Jodie Whittaker)
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Jamie McCrimmon (it took me 7 tries bc ai thought he was a woman but i mean Jamie is literally a barbie girl)
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Victoria Waterfield (gives off vibes of side character that 20 year old niche Tumblr girls are obsessed with in a 2012 BBC historical show)
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Zoe Heriot (NPCs literally I prefer Queen Zoe)
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Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart (NAH THAT'S JUST MY AUNT ELISAH 💀💀💀)
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Liz Shaw (any londoner NPC)
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Mike Yates (gives off vibes of a music teacher)
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John Benton (basically female Mike Yates's sister)
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Sarah-Jane Smith (any bass player from the 90s as a matured grown up in 2013)
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Harry Sullivan (this woman could've been the mother who lost her son in a 2015 BBC original reality tv detective show)
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Leela (nah this guy give so much gay jungle boy from the edwardian era which is sooo fitting with Leela)
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obviously we can't do much gender swapping K-9
Romana I (bro is probably the underrated hero who died in a heroic death from a supernatural drama from 2018)
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Romana II (any guy who would sit across you in a library, but without the round glasses)
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Adric (she looks like the indigenous version of Dora)
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Nyssa (I can finally clearly see how it's just the characer gender-swapped !!!)
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Tegan Jovanka (an NPC tbh I prefer slay Queen Tegan)
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Vislor Turlough (why does she seem healthier than male Turlough tho ??)
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We can't really gender-swap Kamelion either
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Melanie Bush (male mel is wayyyy younger than female mel that's for sure)
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Ace McShane (Bro looks like a side-character teacher in a teacher's life)
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Grace Holloway (is bro in a viking netflix "documentary" ??)
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itsays · 2 years
watching ugly duckling dont and Not enjoying it tbh but it does feel like a piece of history
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
AEW Women’s Eliminator Tournament - Full Review
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So as of tonight’s Dynamite the winner of the Eliminator Tournament is in the books, either Nyla Rose or Ryo Mizunami have overcome the other to earn the right to face Hikaru Shida at Revolution on Sunday
But now is time to look at the tournament as a whole and review how well AEW’s latest ambitious Women’s Division Project would/should be received
Warning: There will be immediate spoilers for the Winner under the ‘Keep Reading’, if you do not wish to know the Winner do not read until you have
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So when the smoke cleared and the dust settled, Ryo Mizunami came out on top having pinned Nyla Rose for the win, claiming the spot at Revolution and the tournament.
Boy was my prediction wrong eh?
After being given the trophy by Shida however, Aniki refused to let go of the champion, trading and inviting blows from each woman until Shida was able to knock Mizunami down and raise the title aloft.
Was she people’s first choice to win? Probably not Is she an unworthy winner? Absolutely not
Mizunami is extremely experienced, her charisma can reach all ages, she has a genuine love for the wrestling (her sunglasses even have ‘I <3 AEW’ on them), she has aforementioned history with Shida and she went through 2 Fan-Favourites, the legendary Aja Kong and finally the previous Women’s Champion and No.1 Ranked Woman to get here.
And while we are on that topic, to the people who immediately condemned and criticized the tournament when Nyla made the finals: Don’t you get tired of being worked so easily? Honestly we had the exact same thing with the Deadly Draw, people don’t want competitor A (Nyla/Brandi and Allie) to win: so AEW put them in the finals so they root for competitor B (Aniki/Diamante and Iveliesse). Ye of so little faith
I also like to mention that it’s quite nice of Mizunami to be this rewarded by AEW and Shida given how she appeared on their first show at Double or Nothing, I didn’t know it at the time of my bracket rundown but apparently Mizunami was about to retire after DoN, but the crowd and energy of the match inspired her to keep going and push to reach a wider audience - which AEW is now letting her achieve.
Get it out of the way - The Negatives Make no mistake this tournament was great, but it doesn’t mean it was perfect. Of course my earliest criticism was that we could’ve had more, a bittersweet feeling I got when I realised the tournament was nearing its close. While yes it would’ve been nice to see the likes of Big Swole, KiLynn King, Allie, Penelope and perhaps even some debuts/returns, we cannot slight AEW too much for keeping the bracket small.
Time however was a bit of a constraint on AEW’s part. Having revealed late that the winner will face Shida for Revolution, the tournament matches started coming out fast...but on Youtube. Personally, I had no problem with the matches being a sole focus stream on Youtube, but I can also understand why not putting at least the entire American bracket on Dynamite would’ve hurt the tournament. If the tournament had more time I do believe that each match would’ve had a Dynamite showing and not a broken BR Live stream (but please note that BR Live were the problem there, not AEW).
A non-AEW criticism as well for Injury screwing over Anna Jay right as she was about to have her match, extremely rude of the world and we hope her shoulder heals up faster than usual.
The final criticism is probably with the BR Live US Bracket Finals video, simply put it was lacking compared to other streams. Madi vs Leva and Leyla vs Alize didn’t shine as much as Riho vs Rosa and the 6 Woman Joshi tag did in the prior stream, we could’ve probably gotten better matches out of that.
Why I loved it - The Positives I will look at anyone who says that this tournament was a waste and meaningless dead in the eye and tell them they are wrong, and they will be shocked to find that I am not lying.
The tournament not only put a lot of attention on the competing women but became a platform for AEW to show that they have some impressive women on their roster. The returns of Yuka, Emi and Riho paired with the stalwart performances of Baker, Rosa and Nyla as well as the bright showings of Madi, Anna, Tay Conti and Leyla shows that AEW still have a really good Women’s Division - I mean I love WWE but you have to admit their NXT women’s division bought many of their stars ready-made; Io, Toni, KLR, Meiko and Candice were already established names before WWE. Stack that on top of impressive performances by Red Velvet and Jade Cargill last night and the ranks of Big Swole, Allie, Penelope Ford, Kris Statlander, Shanna, KiLynn King and Tesha Price and you still have a strong division.
The tournament proved its worth also by the fact that there was not a single bad match on there, we had some bangers on each stage ranging from Yuka vs Emi, Rosa vs Riho, Nyla vs Baker and Leyla vs Rosa, among several others. The tournament succeeded in giving us great wrestling even with different formats of face vs face, heel vs heel, speed vs power, technique vs power, and even some new shades to the women such as heel Sakura and face Nyla.
I cannot praise the tournament without heaping a ton of praise on the Joshi. Shida and Kenny had always been adamant to show that the Joshi can be a revelation to Western audiences and they were paid in kind in that regard. All six Joshi brought out their A-Game to the point where several are asking for them to be signed, Sakura’s heel ‘Killer Queens’ faction rose interest with a fantastic entrance, while VENY dazzled with their gymnastic talent (and their wearing of the late Hana Kimura’s kimono), Mei Suruga and Yuka Sakazaki lit up the room with their speed and fun and Maki Itoh continues to be adored by the wider world into megastardom. The six woman tag as well was a nice cherry on the top to once again showcase the women, including Rin Kadokura who was fed to Aja Kong in the tournament, every bit of energy and charisma from the Joshi landed on the mark, it has opened several new fans to their home brands (TJPW however did kinda give away that Yuka wouldn’t win given how she was booked for one of their shows, but they’re still great) and have us gasping for more of those six and perhaps some extra, Miyu Yamashita for instance? Think about it TK
One thing that can really harm a tournament too is predictability, which this tournament did not have. You have to commend the balls of AEW to set up 5 fan favourite choices to win and have them each be felled and swerve the entire fanbase. It was for the most part good swerves as well, leading up to the Nyla work included, and actually made me feel like this tournament had big stakes for each member. People will criticize its unpredictability but I won’t be one of them, just because it didn’t go how you personally predicted it doesn’t mean it’s bad.
Also a stand out yes for Rosa’s several gear, especially the Selena one against Riho, and Hikaru Shida herself slaying it in the white suit, like lord almighty thank you for this food.
Was it worth it? - Conclusion This is an emphatic yes for me. AEW will always have its critics, fair and unfair, but if you have to wonder whether this tournament is a success you have to simply look at it this way
Were you entertained?
For me yes, there was a 100% consistency in good to great matches in this tournament paired with genuine surprises that got people talking and invested in the tournament itself.
Did it give you something fresh?
A dark horse winner who earned her way to face Shida for the 5th career time and 1st time in an AEW ring through outwrestling, outpowering and outwitting their previous opponents, unique heel/face changes and a showcase of new wrestlers and matchups? I’d say that’s a yes
Did anyone get over?
You ask anyone before this tournament was announced who Ryo Mizunami, Maki Itoh, VENY or Mei Suruga was and you’d likely get blank faces, thanks to AEW they are known and commended by several fans outside of Japan. You ask people if Tay Conti can bring a physical match to Nyla and almost win and you’d get a few murmurs, if you asked people if they though Kenny was valid for his push to bring the Joshi into a wider audience prior to this may’ve said no. Those minds were changed because these women got over. In addition to that the popularity of Thunder Rosa, Riho and Yuka Sakazaki has continued to rise as some of AEW’s top babyfaces, Leyla Hirsch, Emi Sakura and Tay Conti’s stock have rose thanks to the tournament and Nyla and Baker have delivered on strong match performances.
When you consider those three, there is no way you could call the tournament a failure or a waste, people benefitted from it in a good way which means it was a good tournament.
I for one will look forward to seeing Shida take on Aniki and see how it unfolds at Revolution - which I hope to do a review for, I’m also guessing that Paul Wight’s aquisition is either Christian or Okada. Many will of course assume that this is an easy retain for Shida (and act like winning the tournament means you should win the following match as if people don’t win the Royal Rumble/MITB/KOTR/Dusty Classic and lose in their title shot), but how many of those people thought that Itoh, Kong, Yuka and Nyla would beat Mizunami? She keeps on extending the party and coming out on top, you cannot underestimate the tournament winner, Shida produced this tournament, she’s picked her winner now she needs to fight them.
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smol-gay-werewolf · 5 years
Prince Tamaki: Slayer of the Dragon witch
After slaying a Dragon and acquiring these new faces, Tamaki and Kyoya continue their journey north.
They had seeken refuge in a temple where they met to boys around their age, a powerful yet babyfaced dwarf and a stoic human. These two sword allegiance to the Prince and vowed to join them on their quest. Even education them on the Dragon witches nature.
"The Dragon witch is a powerful enchantress that was born with scales, she has the ability to turn into a Dragon at will as well as into a full human. She not only feasts upon maidens but upon men as well. She doesn't appear to care for the laws of the land and has seduced many kings when they were just princes like you.
Another thing to remember is that she has children, the same powers as her but with regards loyalty to their mother. The Dragon witch and her children are the only magic users who can summon Dragon fire and they can breath it even in their human forms.
unlike tamed dragons, the Dragon witch is ruthless and bloodthirsty but is much more intelligent then a feral dragon. So she may summon assistance or may even know you're coming, this is a very bad thing."
After that they travelled even further North towards the mountains. They took a few breaks and had some laughs. Tamaki and Kyoya even had a sparring session, Tamaki naturally won. "Beter look next time shadowling."
This caught Haruhis attention, she'd never heard that term before. "Uh, what does shadowing even mean? Like what is it?"
"It's what Kyoya is."
Kyoya sighed and rolled his eyes, getting up of the ground. He brushed himself down and for back on his horse and turned to speak to Haruhi.
" A shadowing is what people who were conceived with magic are called. "
Eventually they reached the mountains. They went to go through one but their path was blocked by a huge wall of pure crystal. "Stand back" Kyoya asked as he pour his bag down and cracked his knuckles.
They others quickly moved out of the way as Kyoya turned away from them and slowly started to craft a judge fireball. Haruhi wondered why he didn't want them to we now he did it. After the fire ball was around to size of a yoga ball, Kyoya launched it straight at the wall and melted a path into the cavern.
They walked deeper into the darkness, lit only by the fire in Kyoya hands and their lanterns. Kaoru looked at Kyoya and after a few moments of eyecontact, one of Kyoyas hands were no longer on fire and perfect for Kaoru to hold. He wasn't scared and both boys knew that, they just both craved attention from someone attractive and they met each others criteria.
Haruhi walked at the back, pondering somethings. She was always a curious girl and it showed. If she was right, she truly pitied poor Tamaki. She really hoped she wasn't right because if she was then they would all end up Dragon food. Which Dragon however, was the question to be asked.
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ariyadaivaris · 7 years
mustafa ali is the best person in the entire world and one day he’s gonna slay the king of the cruiserweights, i’m feeling SO optimistic about his feud with gulak! the significance of this suit trying to convince ali to fight more Conservatively and fighting against excitement and defiance and the courage ali brings to the table, like, i feel like ali’s just this perfect clear image of Justice and i’m REALLY excited that he’s both the perfect babyface and that he’s the paladin of the cruiserweight division and i trust and love him!
also his hair looks VERY lovely tonight, as it does every night, he’s so beautiful gosh
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