janiedean · 5 years
Two worst takes on JxB I had to read with my own two eyes: (1) Brienne was shamed for being a virgin by Tyrion and was peer-pressured into having sex with Jaime; and (2) Jaime took advantage of Brienne because she was drunk. And here I thought nothing can be dumber than "Arya x Gendry was abusive because Maisie is short".
.................. okay like I’m gonna say it once and never again because honestly I’m tired of seeing that scene being dissed when it was imvho pretty good, but.
that was an obvious set-up. like, it’s the middle ages. they’re drunk. tyrion obviously had planned for it to get to that point so she’d drink and jaime would have the opening to go like WELL I’M DOWN WITH DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT. I mean okay it was a fanfic but it wasn’t shaming, it was setting them up. now, we can discuss for a year about how it could have been more courteous and whatever but like, are we seriously expecting tyrion lannister ie mr. ‘I slept with a lot of people in my life and most of them were prostitutes and I have endless intimacy issues because of my shitload of amount of traumas’ to come up with anything else? like, there was no peer-pressure by anyone because she could have just thrown jaime out if she didn’t want him, and it was obvious from the rest that she really did want him and viceversa. like, guys, it’s not that deep. it’s really not that deep. I’ve read endless fanfics that weren’t canon setting where the virginity thing ends up being the catalyst for them to bang. and I say it as someone who was both virgin-shamed and peer-pressured about it back in the day - I 100% understand why people might find it uncomfortable but as far as I’m concerned the intention matters more than the performance and it was obvious that both tyrion and pod set the entire thing up so those two would get over themselves and be happy. and ngl if someone had paid me that favor with someone I liked back in the day I sure af would have preferred being outed as a v-card owner like that then supposed friends showing up after losing theirs like ‘oh I hear you’re the last one left in the club :))))’, like it was not meant badly and tyrion didn’t mean to shame her and it was plain obvious, sometimes things are... really.... just what they look like?
*sigh* she was drunk... and he was drunk and none of them was so drunk they couldn’t consent. also, at the cost of going TMI again: let’s just say that if you get to not have lost your v-card by the time it’s deemed socially acceptable (back in my time if you were older than sixteen, a virgin and not for personal choice you were basically a laughing stock as much as some people around here don’t like to admit that stuff happens) and if you don’t abstain from drinking, let me assure you you might want a drink. or two. or ten. like, not to the point of getting smashed because of course not, but it’s absolutely normal and common and sadly a thing that you might want to get some alcohol in you to lose enough fucks to give it a go instead of overthinking it, and especially with those two it really does make sense that if they had to lose it outside an adrenaline-fueled situation it would happen. like sorry to go and be like that, but: she’s in her thirties, never slept with anyone, doesn’t think people find her desirable or attractive and has never conceived that she might actually have choices and she was like WTF OMG IS HE JEALOUS, and she never really even smiled before this season. not once. he is in his forties, has never had a healthy relationship with anyone, doesn’t know how to flirt for shit, the only person he ever was with was his twin sister in a toxic af relationship and he has endless self-worth issues to the point that he most likely thinks she deserves endlessly better than him. like. these two are literal fucking disasters and he’s a worse disaster than her and let me tell you, having been in her place, she also is a damned disaster. those two needing to drink to get over themselves isn’t coercion, it’s........ actually one of the most realistic things they have pulled this time round because like I know that we read that scene in a bunch of fanfics and reality would have disappointed at least some and it could have been longer and we had higher expectations, but as it was it made sense, there was no taking advantage of anyone especially because they just acted on stuff they had been not acting on for years and they only drank to get over it and that’s actually how it goes a lot of times. like I was discussing personal experience first but a bunch of people I know went for a drink or two or three if they were nervous before having sex with someone because like, that loosens you up and makes you a lot less awkward if you can handle it half-decently. which those two obviously could do since it didn’t seem to me like that kiss was one-sided. and I did like that the kiss was like that because okay fine the a+++ romantic beautiful perfect first kiss would have also been nice, but like... realistically speaking that was less likely than those two stumbling at it, never mind that your first kiss is usually like that in romance novels because the first time you do it especially if one of you is inexperienced it’s really not that refined. I mean we can discuss for ages how they ended that episode because lmao that was bad writing, but how they got together? jfc I mean I get that everyone might have had different expectations or higher, but I really didn’t feel like it was coercion or cheapening it, especially given that in the show they’re also aged up and I really doubt that brienne at thirty has the same expectations about losing the v-card that her book counterpart would have had at nineteen. *shrug*
like I know it’s’ subjective and so on but like............ sometimes things really aren’t that deep, and tbqh I personally had zero issues with that scene and the lead-up given the context and everything. obviously if they had also another five minutes of WE ACTUALLY SEE THEM HAVING SEX AND KISSING SOME MORE I’d have appreciated but if that was virgin shaming............... lmao guys sorry but again I wish that all the virgin shaming I had to hear until high school was done and over was like that, as in, aimed at making me lose it with the guy that I liked by someone who was trying to help in the best way they could. fff.
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