#sleep?!?!?! wym sleep its sUmMeR timE
camywamycam · 1 year
bringing the Marauders to their first muggle party HCs
733 words
He's used to parties but not muggle parties. he was never exposed to any muggle activities due to his parents the only related muggle thing he was able to sneak by was music and he nearly got away with it most wizarding world parties are laid back and the most insane it will get is jumping around to muggle music and drinking fire whiskey. the whole reason you brought him was that one night he and the rest of the marauders planned this little party and you were all like "this is a cute little get together" and he was like no this is a super awesome rad insane party wym?? and after you tell him about muggle parties he basically BEGS you to bring him to one when he walks in and sees muggles taking all sorts of drugs and doing stupid shit he just stands there like :0 DO NOT leave him unattended because he WILL try any drugs he sees people doing and WILL green out. he is in his moment fr he sees a Keg stand and he just HAS to try it by the end of the night he's on another planet all over you but in an existential crisis sort of way "what if when we're old and married and you die first? I would never be able to go on but when you think about it we are just tiny little specks in the galaxy almost too small to see....." he's going around bragging about going to a muggle party to everyone the next day.
he like Sirius isn't used to muggle customs since he grew up in a pure-blooded family you show him your muggle camera and all the videos on it and the two of you find one with you and your friends at a muggle rave he's all like WHOAHHH :0 he's never seen anything so colorful and aggressive at the same time you bring him to one in the summer and someone offers him acid he 100% takes it being the naive baby he is you lost him so you were freaking out looking for him only to find him with a group of ppl doing the dumbest shit ever and hes like "whoah can I try?? :0" and they're like shooting fireworks at people he CAN NOT be trusted alone when you leave he's carrying 80 glow-sticks that he didn't bring and wearing a neon fedora he tells Sirius and now he's begging you to take him to one the next day he's telling everyone he knows he never thought muggles could be so fun
you invited him to your friend's party during the summer and he thought it would be like the ones in his common room and boy was he wrong... you get him to try weed and he's never been so relaxed in his life you make a note to bring some for full moons he tries muggle alcohol and he looks like a baby trying a lemon for the first time you quite literally have to beat off both women and men of him with a stick he somehow finds a group of nerds to talk to about muggle books but its 10x more entertaining because their all high out of their minds you trust him enough to leave him for 60 seconds to go to the bathroom and you find him sitting on the kitchen floor eating a cold once was warm baked potato?? also his socks are missing but he still has his shoes on? this just reminds you he's just as irresponsible as the rest of the boys hes just slightly smarter about his stupid actions high Remus is INSANE he's hanging from a chandelier one moment and skinny-dipping into a pool the next you HAVE to bring a camera so you can show him all the crazy out-of-character shit he did he has the worst headache ever in the morning but he had the best sleep ever you ended up going up to your friend's room and crashing there but he wakes up naked in the backyard covered in peanut butter for some reason he's so embarrassed even more so when you show the videos/photos from the party the next day to James and Sirius they start calling peanut butter sandwiches peanut-butter-Mooneys or peanut-butter-lupin sandwiches he is not amused at all
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yeah wheres the story book about a wlw relationship in a war but make it greek mythology related somehow yeah and one is a soldier in the war and the other a general and while on the battlefield in the middle of the book or even close to the end after who knows how long of scenes of god ridden angst have the general ask "you would die for the cause but would you be willing ....to die for me as well" and at first the soldier doesnt understand yeah but then they do and without thinking this brave magnitude of a woman says "ofc I would , have you not been paying attention all this time" and then we could get idk a fucking mental montage of all the shit they've done together and then she goes and fights like the little bad bitch she is BUT b u t after almost helping the other soldiers win she gets hurt really bad and it seems like shes about to die yes but A P H R O D I T E herself comes to save her yes but like in dream form so it's like that wierd scene in which the character is in a more or less empty space with a light at the end with subtle memories popping up and before she enters the light you can hear hades and aphrodite arguing yes (not here but its hinted idk book movie it works shut up) and then aphrodite talks with the girl yes and convinces her to not walk into the light and she brings her back and we get a moment between aphrodite and hades where hes like "I cant keep resurrecting people just because you think theyd be nice lovers for another" and shes like "fuck off" yeah anyways we're back on the battle field and the geneal lady yeah shes holding to soldiers body bow crying and then the soldier wakes up and the general is like "I DIDNT MEAN LITERALLY YOU IDIOT" or something and she shakes her and the war doctor is just like "DONT SHAKE HER FIEND SHE COULD HACE A CONCUSSION" and yeah and yeah
(I think I might be off my rocker bc its 6am and I just woke up 2ith this epiphany but I'm not a writer please god allow someone to write this)
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mainrappernajaemin · 7 years
2 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 135 145 haha sorry if thats a lot
thanks for asking hanna! ( i didnt realise but i accidentally queued it lmao rip)❣2- are you outgoing or shy?hm i think if its your first impression of me, i'm pretty outgoing!!! but im also a total introvert at times so,,,,15- what good thing happened this summer?(it's literally always summer in singapore wym) hm i'd say being able to sleep in tbh im just a person who really loves her sleep ok25- what part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?my thighs35- would you rather live without tv or music?tv!!! definitely lmao45- what makes you get out of bed in the morning?'ok but jaemin would want me to go to school'55- favorite blog?HHHHHHH all my mutuals pls dont make me choose its 3am65- are you hungry right now?YE LMAO IM LITERALLY WAITING FOR MY RAMEN TO COOK75- favorite animal?owl!!!!!85- favorite character from mean girls?karen bc she a dumb hoe just like me95- last movie you watched?i'm pretty sure it was rings (with cheryl lol)105- have you ever been to a bonfire party?nope im a Mini Baby,,,,,i havent even had my First Kiss yet uHm115- do you play the wii?ye the only exercise i willingly do is wii sports resort125- do you believe in true love?yes if i manage to find someone who'll be able to complement&compliment me :"""""") so im p much a non bELIEVER135- dumbest lie you've ever told?when i was 7/8, it was like the Thing to have your ears pierced, and this group of girls liked to wear those lil gold hoop earrings right??? my dumbass got my ears pierced 2x before in vancouver but i had to close them bc i was totally unwilling to clean them lmao i was a gross bitchso the girls are like 'omg?,,,?,?,? U DONT HAVE EARRINGS?????' nd my dumbass decides to go like 'I DO!! U JUST CANT SEE THEM!!!'and so i go back home that day, tell my mom HEY LISSEN,,,,I WANT TO PIERCE MY EARS and shes like'the fuck no??? ur a dumb bitch u can get it when ya older' so having already told that stupid fucking lie,,,, I DECIDED TO PIERCE MY EARS MYSELF.now thats a long ass story for another time nd u can message me if u wanna hear the whole thing but i feel like this is getting too long lol145- tea or coffee?coffee!
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