#sleepo5ver (I hate this tag not its namesake)
o5-10 · 5 years
({No trigger warnings for this, and it’s hella late, but here’s an overview of that time Janus and Cowboy slept over at o5verthinking’s place.})
“O5ver, can you come get me? I’m scared.” Words typed half joking, not expecting a serious answer. O5verthinking read it, and weren’t sure if it was serious or not, however, and, after some deliberation, they decided the best move would be to offer safe harbor to their friend ally, and leave a good impression. They wanted to be good friends. Well, they were pretty sure they were friends, and if they were, they had to be good friends, it’s only proper. Besides, no one deserved to receive that message.
They asked if Janus still needed to be picked up, and Cowboy was more than happy with the offer, since they were both pretty distressed by the nuclear waste that had been presented to Janus in the form of a terrible pickup line. Immediately upon confirmation, O5verthinking set about stabilizing a room in Tamlin House for their guests.
While the room was being readied, Cowboy was picking up his office that he’d torn apart in a fit of rage, and Janus was scouring their skin to the best of their abilities. The moment they were given coordinates, though, they both jumped to the ready so they could get out as soon as possible. While getting out was the obvious main focus, Janus also genuinely enjoyed O5ver’s company the last time they had been together in person, which bode well for this, or any future interactions. They wouldn’t show that, though, and anything would be an improvement, really.
And so they met up with O5verthinking’s O5-7, who transported them quickly to the selected room. Even at the best of times, Tamlin House was an experience that could leave individuals confused, at best. Odd or not, though, the room they were in was safe, and the others present were enjoyable, in as much as Overseers can enjoy others, or be enjoyable as individuals. Even, or especially, Overseers are often lost in the nuances of their interpersonal relations.
Whatever nuances existed between those present, everything went off with a fairly decent start. Sure, nerves were high, and the circumstances were horrible, but it didn’t seem to dampen things near as much as expected. All fifteen present had been prepared for it to go far worse, between the problems Janus and Cowboy tend to cause and the five usual suspects on O5verthinking’s end, but everyone was mercifully well-behaved, a fact everyone was grateful for.
The event’s tone was really set when the guest Cowboy’s cats came out from hiding in his clothes. This was met with approval that had to be shared with everyone, “Their Six brought his cats. I repeat, there are cats,” O5-3 announced to the server at large. Janus frowned about it, always one to find a reason to be cranky, at least in public.
“It’s fine, we love them,” O5ver responded in the collective. The cats, none the wiser, wandered around the room curiously, taking in the new sights and smells. They checked out all the new entities, greeting them all in different ways, but the most interesting new friend was Marimo, another cat.
The kittens started goading each other into play, and pretty well everyone, including Mx. Professional Wet Blanket, was willing to contribute to the cats’ antics. Playful kittens became the ongoing background for everything. They also served to distract from some subtle note passing between members of O5verthinking.
After everyone had time to get settled in, O5ver’s Five began to get restless. He’d spent time preparing food for the guests, but the guests hadn’t yet tried any of it, and the cats had distracted everyone from him trying to offer some. That, on top of his usual nervous energy, was not shaping up well for him. Two took notice, thankfully, and she got the guests’ attention.
It was a bit awkward to have to ask, the Nazarene knew this, but it was important to Forward, “Janus, can you please try the lemon meringue, if only to pacify Five a little? He's getting antsy.”
Janus nodded slowly, agreeing to try some, despite lacking an appetite. It was a small price to pay, they figured. The pie was good, it probably would have been better were they in the mood to eat, Forward had a knack for cooking, which would have been surprising, had it not come up before. Bastardverse’s Six took some as well, out of politeness. Forward was satisfied well enough, but Nazarene knew she’d be having some careful words with him later.
More notes were scribbled down and passed amongst members of O5verthinking Command.
The guests noticed a bit of the writing, but there were other things to focus on, still. Besides, taking notes wasn’t the most unusual thing, and they were still in the “getting to know you” stage of friendship.
Janus was starting to panic internally that they were being a poor guest, since most of what they’d done was yell at their boyfriend, and awkwardly take food they weren’t in the mental place to enjoy. That was far from ideal, so they went through their phone to pull up some photos.
“O5ver, how do you all feel about stingrays?”
“We love them,” again with the jarring collective voice.
“Good, then come look at these,” they showed everyone the pictures they’d taken from the date at the Sonora Desert Museum, where they’d petted and fed the stingrays. Cowboy pulled out his own phone to show the pictures he’d taken. This proved popular enough that the letter passing slowed, and it would be a fondly shared memory for all involved.
More pictures were shared, this time by Code in the Server. The majority were appreciated and enjoyed, but, as Code is wont to do, some managed to set the Overseers off.
Other interactions in the Server were largely updates, or affections shared behind redactions. Right up until Mahina showed up, when Cowboy decided to take his allotted PDA hour, much to Janus’s embarrassment. They’d asked him to be affectionate earlier, but they’d not factored in that they were easy to fluster.
The Server wasn’t even the half of his gushing, which prompted more note passing, and some whispering, as well. They weren’t being as slick as they thought they were, but thankfully, there was another distraction from calling them on their bizarrely energetic note passing.
“Give me new skin,” Janus joked, due to the combination of pain caused by scouring their skin, and the slimy feeling left from Sleazebucket Supreme’s message.
O5verthinking were all pretty sure it was a joke, but weren’t certain, “Tamlin, where do you keep the skin?” They asked at the same time that Bastardverse’s Cowboy asked “Is that possible?”
“Well, how much skin, and what kind?”
This was followed by an explanation that they might have some, even if they don’t have as much skin as they do bones, and “We are good hosts who give our guests spare skin on demand.”
Janus couldn’t argue that point, so they explained they needed skin like their own, and enough for their entire body.
Janus rubbed their nails anxiously, waiting, and talking with their not-boyfriend. Just as O5verthinking returned, a few crossed wires lead to a panic, and a brief moment of death threats and fear directed at, yet again, the cause of the sleepover in the first place. By comparison, the fact that the hosts had returned carrying a good amount of human skin wasn’t nearly so horrifying.
Of course, everyone still needed to figure out how to actually successfully do a full body skin graft, leading to more exchanges between the couple, and even more hushed whispering between O5verthinking about their opinion, interspersed in the discussion of logistics.
Janus was awake and somewhat talkative throughout, though they were, again, trying, and struggling, to put words to emotions that they were, admittedly, not overly familiar with, it’d been so long. Words were hard for them on the best days, at least for emotions. Their company all understood, though. They were all Overseers, they understood.
They were all not sure how to process the fact that they really, truly did just perform a full body skin graft, but it was what happened. Janus and their not-boyfriend exchanged more words, about a lot of meaningless things after O5ver offered to house them as long as they needed. Meanwhile, O5verthinking Command gathered in a corner to continue their discussion that had been started in notes being passed.
The discussion was a bit more animated than perhaps necessary, and it drew the attention of the guests. They both looked at them in confusion.
“Are they alright?”
“No idea, honestly. I have ideas on what they might be talking about, though.”
It didn’t take too terribly long for one of the Overseers to notice they were being watched.
“Guys, he’s staring at us. They’re both staring at us.”
“Are you sure? He could be staring at the wall.”
“Why would either of them be that concerned about the wall?”
“I made sure the wallpaper was nice and everything! Isn’t it nice?”
“Evidently it’s not.”
“Guys I really think it makes more sense tha--”
“Shut up. I think it’s nice, Joey--”
“They’re from a different construct, maybe they have different tastes over there.”
At some point Janus turned back to talk to their Cowboy, but he was still trying to puzzle out what was going on with O5ver, “Six, are you trying to imitate your cats, now?”
A few more minutes of staring, and O5verthinking came to the conclusion that they were okay with this Six, but they were still suspicious. It would take a lot for them to drop suspicion of him, if it was at all possible. Maybe some time in the future, but not that night.
Getting the opinion mostly out of the way, though they were still taking notes on everything, left them with a lull in activity, which made Janus antsy, which they’d never admit fully. They asked O5ver what they usually would do when all together, with little else to worry about.
They weren’t sure what they were expecting, but a list including “varying kinds” of games, “Soap opera Contain Protect,” and sleeping was not what they expected.
“I read soap opera as soap. My eyes do not want to read.”
This set O5ver off on a tangent about how they could make soap if they wanted to. Then, some bickering among themselves, “Do any of us know how to make soap?”
“I do.”
“I don’t.”
“I don’t either.”
“We don’t even know if they want to.”
“We need to be prepared in case they do.”
“They’re right there, we can ask.”
And so on.
Janus did want to make soap, but they didn’t want to do so at the expense of their hosts. They decided to take this one to their therapist who, despite their paranoia, they respected, and believed the word of in most cases, “feel free to correct me here, Glass, if you are awake, but I'm relatively certain that multiple person activities should typically seek to be ones that all involved are interested in on some level, aren't they?”
“That’s the case, yes.” Glass responded relatively soon.
“Generally, yes, why?” O5verthinking responded, somewhat clueless.
“Because you seem to be disregarding this?” Janus sighed. They had to try to explain, again, that they wanted to do something most, if not all parties agreed on. They also conceded that they weren’t great for ideas, having very few extracurricular interests.
After a brief discussion, though, the consensus ended up being minecraft, with mods that added reptiles, for some reason or another, probably above everyone’s clearance level, including those who selected them. Regardless, they built a few things, and generally wound down playing minecraft before Overseers started nodding off, and everyone arranged themselves so everyone felt watched and protected by those around them, and they all got some very rare sleep. They would, of course, never admit to this sleep, nor how long the guests stayed for, especially since time is highly relative in this case, but they were grateful for the stay on both sides, very grateful.
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o5-10 · 5 years
I have never hosted someone in this capacity before. This past year has been full of a lot of unexpected and new experiences, I guess. It’s only fair, though, they did the same for me.
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o5-10 · 5 years
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o5-10 · 5 years
Apparently that nuclear warhead of a message obliterated my ability to read.
This is getting ridiculous.
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o5-10 · 5 years
Well, Reset will be thrilled when they log back online, because my brain is unbelievably stupid, and I couldn’t spell it out under redactions.
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o5-10 · 5 years
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o5-10 · 5 years
I guess I now know what their reality looks like, or a sliver of the parts of it relevant to myself, rather.
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