#sleepy : asshole : hungry : dumb as rocks
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three different flavors of Derry... wow...
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ben-is-a-hoe · 6 years
Cigarettes and Destiny
Summary: When Ostara couldn't help bring Laura back to life and didn't have a clue how to help them they go ask for help from another god of life.
Pairing: Mad Sweeney x Mokosz
Warnings: swearing, bad writing, Slavic (Polish) paganism
English is not my native language so be warned!!! it's my first time when I write in English so please be polite im sensitive
@goldngalaxies helping me with a lot of things while im trying to create this story, she deserves a lot of credit, if she would not like my ideas or my drawings of Mokosz i never would push myself to bring this to life
ALSO, i haven't written in so long my dudes soooooo fucking long like.. long time.. b e p o l i t e
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here is fanart of Mokosz and Mad Sweeney @goldngalaxies made for me AND I LOVE IT WITH ALL MY HEART 
          It was supposed to be one of those days when she would wake up many hours past the afternoon, then lay in bed till the urge to pee would force her to get up. But this time some unbearable pain with its origin in parts of her being she forgot about a long time ago was drilling into her guts. She was trying to ignore it with all her strength of laziness. Because if she would finally admit something is happening, she would have to do something about it…
‘Mokosz! Get up, you fat ass!’ Her eyes weren’t even open yet but she already know what kind of face her friend would serve her. Mokosz slowly peeled off blindfold from her eyes and looked around her apartment. Standing in the doorframe was Hebe.
'Did you make me breakfast?’ she murmured with sleepy, raspy voice. The look at her friend face was a pure shock.  
'How could you e…Yeah, sure how about we eat on the balcony?'
'Sounds like a plan.’ Mokosz took her time getting out of bed. She reached under her pillow in search of the pack of cigs. She had to lay down to reach them, and stayed in this position for a while. Her legs already on the floor and her body stretched out on the bed with an arm under her pillows.
'Your cigs are here.’ Hebe shook a half-empty package, attracting Mokosz’s attention. Hebe opened the door to the balcony and when the sun and fresh air touched Mokosz skin, she finally decided to leave the bed. Her steps were slow and uneven since the pain that woke her up still clenched around her insides. She was about to take the cigs from Hebe’s hand, but at that moment, she lost any desire for a morning smoke.
'Where the fuck is Central Park?’ In place of the grass and trees and all the beautiful green that was the reason why rent for this place was so expensive was gone, instead it was just a huge grey spot.
'I was about to ask you the same question… You think we should go to the House on the Rock?'
'Nah, I’m going to take a shit, and then I’ll take a cab to Starbucks.’ Mokosz was about to leave the room but she stopped halfway. 'When Grimnir asked me for help he knew I would tell him to fuck off… Why… why didn’t he send Sweeney?'
'Because he would knew you would try to kill the Irishman?'
         Mokosz sat at the table, her back turned to the door and her eyes concentrated at the view behind the window. Clouds flew slowly through the sky. Mokosz wanted to be a cloud now. Clusters of steam high up there, far away from everything, untouched by anyone’s problems. Hebe disappeared somewhere and left Mokosz alone. Good. A quiet moment before the storm. He was close, she could sense it with her inner Asshole-radar. He was… and here instead of bunch of invectives, her mind brings her quite a different image. It was a warm morning, even though the sun hadn’t shown its whole face yet. They were laying in a meadow back in her homeland, holding each other in such a way that if there was even a little break between their bodies, the whole universe would fall apart. Sweeney was the kind of man who comes and goes, he disappeared for whole weeks but always came back to her. How could she know it was the last time they would touch each other for the next four hundred years? If she knew, she would have never let him go.
         When the door finally opened, she was ready. Or at least, she was thought herself ready and tried to convince herself she was, but the truth was that she wasn’t. Mokosz was far from being ready to meet her ex-lover. But it wasn’t anything like ‘ugh I hate my ex’ it was more ‘i will rip his spine through his throat then tear his ribcage open and eat his heart’ kind of not being ready. Not because she ISN’T desperate for murder, but because she just had dinner and there was no place for dessert, let alone for a whole (kind of) human heart. She refused to take even so much as a glance in his way, but she could feel his stare on her body. A few centuries ago every time he laid his eyes on her, she felt burning desire, but now it was nothing like that, now it was an unpleasant feeling mixed with a cold, sweaty shiver running down her spine.
'Mokosz, I told them to fuck off, but…’ Hebe tried to calm the situation even if she knows there was no way to make any of this better. 'Yeah I know, I saw them in front of the building.'
'Cześć,’ he said and this was all she needed to snap. Of all the things, after all those years, he just said this. The rage that filled her body almost made her cry with frustration.
'Listen I know you two don’t get along but we are here because…’ Laura started, but before she got a chance to finish, Mokosz got up from her seat, turned around, and pointed a gun at Sweeney. Without any warning, she fired it at the leprechaun, but he quickly shielded himself with Laura’s body.
'Fuck!’ He throws his companion at Mokosz, but she quickly jumps back. Sweeney jumps behind the big armchair, but it wasn’t strong enough to stop the bullets. He ran to the table and turned it over so he could hide behind it.
'Mokosz, for fuck’s sake!’ He shouts between gunshots. But she aims and shoots again and again until her magazine was empty. She clicked the trigger a few times more even though she knew there was nothing more inside. 'You done?!’ He asked, exposing his head beyond the edge of the table, but she was far from done. The gun itself flew across the room and hit Sweeney right in the face.He fell onto his back and they heard a loud thud when his big body hit the floor. He shouts few courses in English and Old Irish mixed with few variations of Mokosz’s name.
         Mokosz never, even in her wildest dreams, would let herself think that any man’s absence could cause her such misery. When she saw him the last time it was midsummer’s celebration night. For her, it was Noc Kupały, the night of searching for the fern flower which really was just an excuse to drag someone into the woods, so they could shamelessly fuck on a leaf litter, or Lá Bealtaine like he called it, but her version of this holiday, Sweeney liked more. The longest night of the year just for them two. They jumped over the flames of a bonfire, holding hands because it was a sign of their bravery, faith, and undying love for fuck’s sake. When all the girls were making wreaths of flowers so they could float them on the river and wait if some boy would capture it, which meant they wanted to bang this girl or they had a crush on her or both, Sweeney was always the one who captured her wreaths and brought them back to her. This meant he liked her right? Or even loved? They spend whole centuries together, they knew each other for millennia.. Then why the fuck did he just disappear with no explanation after the night they spent on fucking? Did she suck his dick differently and he didn’t like it? Did he get bored of her pussy? Her tits got flat? But sex was not their whole relationship… They were friends… fuck it, they were best friends. Besties. They laughed at the same things and the same things made them sad. Best Friends Forever. Mokosz would not use world couple, because Sweeney… he liked to be… untied. He liked to be chased and this is what Mokosz always did. She chased him. Begged him on her knees. She called him her King. He loved it. Why he leave her?
         When Sweeney was sure Mokosz didn’t have any more weapons in her hands, he slowly got up. The gun she threw at him hit him right in the nose and now blood dripped onto his lips and chin. She had the appearance of a wild, hungry animal who smelled a little blood and was ready to jump at him and bite his face off, so he kept a safe distance between them. Sweeney raised his hands in a defensive gesture and stood on bent knees, ready to run away.
'What the fuck is your problem?!’ he finally asked half rhetorically, half serious.
'You left me! You just disappeared, as always, but never came back!’ Mokosz hadn’t moved even an inch near him, because now when she finally saw him in front of her, she knew, murder wasn’t an option. She will hug him like her life depended on it. She will smell his scent and feel home again.
'I never was your… 'He stopped for a second, probably to find a right word, and then laughed ’…boyfriend!'
'I know.’ Her voice cracks, and for a moment she looked like she was about to have a meltdown. 'But you were my friend, you egoistic, dumb piece of shit and just because you never loved me it doesn’t mean I never loved you, and your disappearance broke my heart and…'
'I never said I… I didn’t mean to…’ Sweeney took a deep inhale and, for a moment, he pressed his hands over his face. 'The world was changing, I had to make a lot of decisions I didn’t like and leaving you was one of them.'
'You could taken me with you if you did not want to leave me behind.'
'You had your worshipers in pagan lands, Mokosz. I couldn’t take that away from you.’
part 1/?
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