slimereader · 3 hours
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Visuals from the Japanese website for the Roto Trilogy!
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jsalim-art · 7 years
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art trade with slimereader of their oc Ouija. So have a blue girl DA: http://jopale-opal.deviantart.com/art/AT-slimereader-657593880
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slimereader · 9 months
A slime draws near!
Hi everyone! It's been a while (6 years?!) since I posted here. Well, my Dragon Quest obsession is back in full swing! I still haven't played the majority of the games, but I made a big list to plan it out. I'm currently playing DQV! Next up are DQVI and DQM1. I also plan to try Infinity Strash and DQM3 when they release! I'm so excited to be back on this blog. :]
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slimereader · 2 months
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New official lock screen calendar! I love all of these, and May is no exception. Can't wait for Dragon Quest Day on the 27th!
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slimereader · 5 months
I finally made it to the Upper Echelons!
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I found my first B-rank monster in an egg there! Nice!
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This is my current party. Skellyfish (formerly "the scariest monster I've ever seen") is a legend.
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slimereader · 4 months
Yesterday I started playing shiren 6 (Shiren the Wanderer: The Mystery of Serpentcoil Island). So far, it has lots of classic shiren goodness that I know from shiren 1 and 3 (I met Asuka!). However, I do find the rules of gameplay to be significantly more difficult than other mystery dungeon games like Pokemon, Torneko, and even shiren 3. I'm not sure how far I'll be able to get, so I do think it's kind of cool how the side plots progress as you die a bunch of times lol.
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slimereader · 9 months
Thoughts on the DQM3 demo
Overall, I had a lot of fun! This was my first experience with a Dragon Quest Monsters game, so if I write something everyone else already knows, forgive my ignorance.
Things I hope might actually be improved in the full game:
Synthesizing is fun, but the level 10 requirement makes it a bit tedious. I'm sure with higher-level wild monsters in later areas in the game, it'll be easier to scout level 10+ monsters to synthesize directly or at least grind for experience points.
I'm the type of person who wants to keep my first monster friend of every species, scouting duplicates for synthesis purposes. I used the favorites option to keep track of my first friend of each species, so I had marked lots of favorites pretty quickly. When sorting your monster roster, I found that you could sort by favorites first, but not the inverse. Actually, I wish you could hide favorites altogether on the synthesis selection interface. Also, more than one type of mark to put on monsters would help, so I could distinguish between "don't synthesize" and my actual party favorites.
In general, I found the synthesis interface a bit clunky (I'm sure it's an improvement over previous DQM installments though- in fact, I think I read that synthesis is more user-friendly than ever before). Sometimes I would plan out which monster pairs to synthesize together, so I would nickname the dracky "Slime" and the slime "Dracky". However, I found that you can only change a monster's nickname from the paddock interface, not synthesis. I know Monty and the paddock guy are standing right next to each other, but it still felt tedious switching between them when trying to organize my monsters! I suppose I would prefer if the synthesis interface included all the functionality of the paddock man.
I don't really want to give my scouted monsters a nickname most of the time. I wish there was an option to have it NOT ask you to type in a name every time you scout one.
Things I want that are unlikely to be changed at this point:
I really miss the monster fortes from Dragon Quest Treasures. At least Psaro can jump, but his maximum height is frustratingly low in comparison. God, at least let me jump over the little fence in Rosehill!
Also, the 3 party monsters following you around everywhere in Treasures was so cute and fun! I really felt attached to them. If not all 4, I wish at least your lead party member was present in the overworld (outside of encounters). Basically I really loved Treasures <3
Personally, I associate Toriyama Akira's character design style (for humans) to include eyes that are relatively close together, especially early on in the Dragon Quest and Dragon Ball series. I'm sorry, but Rose's wide-set eyes in this game are unsettling to me. Also, her mascara made her top and bottom eyelashes stand out jarringly, but then I realized: when she closes her eyes, they look like thorns!
One monster-recruitment feature I really love from other games (DQV, DQ Treasures) is that each monster already has its own name. It gives them so much personality! Do they really not have default nicknames in other titles in the DQM series either? I suppose it would be difficult with the sheer number of duplicates you're expected to catch to synthesize new ones, but I still miss it.
And now, screenshots.
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My starter partner, Jack-o-lantern the mud mannequin!
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Vegandragora snoozing atop a rock in spring. So cute!! Vegandragora is definitely one of my favorite monster designs now.Screenshot from the demo of Dragon Quest Monsters 3: The Dark Prince.
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Observing my monsters in the paddock was a cute feature as well.
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I decided to stop the demo here. I finished the quests, won the tournaments, and synthesized 16 monsters (wait, that many?!). I can't wait to play more, but I'm going to try to wait until December! See you then, my monsters!
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slimereader · 9 months
I started playing DQV on Android in 2019, and I was about 22 hours in. Recently I picked it back up! Do I have to put spoilers under the cut for a 30-year-old game??
I like how this game invented the monster taming that later spun off into Dragon Quest Monsters. I don't focus on actively recruiting them, but I do prefer having monsters in my party to humans!
I hate to say it, but I wasn't really feeling the gameplay of this main-series installment... until I got to the mine cart puzzles. I loved that!
That moose beat my ass so many times. On my latest attempt, I used the Dragon Staff without knowing what it did! It worked out though, because I won!!! I used the Hero, my son, Drag-goof, and Slime Knight. Yes I named the Hero's children Harriet and "Harry " (space included) after their dad's old friend Harry. Their mother is Debora!
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Flying around on the Zenith Dragon is so cool! I wish he still had Dr. Agon's personality lol
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slimereader · 5 months
DQM3 - Estark
I took a break from this game, mainly because of freaking WHITEWHORL THE WATCHER. I finally beat him on the 25th after teaching my team some new moves!
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Then it's time for the big plot twist! MAJOR SPOILERS BELOW!
I managed to avoid exact spoilers, but I knew this game was going to diverge from the events shown in DQIV. First, it shows the fate we all know of the villain Psaro, although I imagine it's quite confusing if you've never played the original.
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THERE THEY ARE!!!! ....I was hoping to get a great shot of Torneko to use as my profile picture. He better have more scenes! He didn't even have any lines!
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They made Psaro the Manslayer look so..... cute <3
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Never change, Gloopert.
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I do like this trio.
Anything can happen now. I do wish they bothered to put Psaro and Rose in their DQIV outfits in the canon timeline. And is it ever going to explain why Psaro seems to be younger than in canon?
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slimereader · 3 months
My boyfriend introduced me to Dragon's Dogma (Dark Arisen) a few months ago, and I loved it! On top of that, I had only a few short months to wait for the sequel! However, I only had a steam deck, and it was unplayable (crashing even on really really low settings). My birthday is coming up, so yesterday he surprised me by buying and building a new PC for me! Dragon's Dogma 2 runs great, can't wait to dig in!
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slimereader · 7 months
It's finally here!
Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince, aka DQM3! I played the demo and I've been imp-patiently counting the days to the full version ever since. I picked mud mannequin again, and so far my other main team members are vegandragora, stump chump, and dracky. In the story, I'm just past where the demo ended, but I haven't quite caught up to where I was in the tournaments and in monster synthesis.
This is my first proper Dragon Quest Monsters game, and I'm finding it difficult to scout enough duplicate monsters to get my synthesizing workflow underway. Monster munchies don't seem to help much. Will it get easier as I earn their respect or whatever in the story? Should I buy a huge quantity of monster munchies?
I also got all the DLC:
So far, there's only one other thing I've tried that wasn't in the demo: the Mole Hole! A dungeon full of huge and tiny monsters to slay and scout, it's great for grinding.
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Psaro's DLC outfits are so funny- I mean, cool.
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slimereader · 6 months
DQM3 - Some Middle Echelons
Sorry I haven't been posting, but not for lack of playing! Let's catch up with Psaro.
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I love finding eggs and seeing what hatches!
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I've been synthesizing a lot of monsters (still mainly ones I don't yet have from the lower ranks). I met an old friend- brimstone bulb! I remember them fondly from somewhere, maybe DQMSL? This little buddy is on my main team now.
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Plot stuff happened. Psaro started man-slaying. Who taught those two to use the phone?!
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Then "we" destroyed Solo's village. I don't remember this whole Dolph-impersonating-Psaro plot from DQIV? But it's been a while. If it's new (either from a later version of IV or this game), are they trying to make Psaro slightly less evil? But he still destroys towns and imprisons humans, just off-screen. Also, what did Psaro and company intend to do in their human disguises? If their goal was to destroy the town, it doesn't even matter who did it! Speaking of the disguises, Duffer was able to cast a spell to temporarily appear human. Is this different than the Secret of Evolution later performed on Healie?
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I've been progressing through the middle echelons in order of difficulty. Claudio gave me a run for my money! This is my current roster, with pogoin' penguin, large cyclops, and sacksquatch in my reserves.
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slimereader · 9 months
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One of the most interesting aspects of the story so far is the parallels between Dai's and Hyunckel's backstories. I think the most important takeaway should be that monsters and humans should stop considering themselves natural enemies, as good and evil exist within both species. Not sure if the story will go there, but I hope it does.
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I immediately knew it would turn out like this. However, I think it would be more interesting if Avan DID kill the monster, came to regret it, and learned from it by the time he met Dai's monster family.
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slimereader · 7 months
Oh my goodness! How can the tiny monsters in this game be so tiny?! You might need to zoom in, but that's a cauldragon. The wild monsters in the Mole Hole seem to spawn with more radical sizes.
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slimereader · 7 months
DQM3 - Circle of Indulgence, Lower
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Is there anything more beautiful than a chocolate bundt cake topped with blue frosting and she-slimes?
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I've been synthesizing some monsters. Among them, I made the horrifying spitnik and the adorable sacksquatch. I'm starting to understand why synthesis is important. Sacksquatch knows so many abilities even though it's still rank G! I've added it to my main party, for now. Wild monsters aren't as impressed with it as I am though.
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Thus far, Psaro's tragic backstory is a little cliched, even within Dragon Quest. I can think of two characters from Dai no Daibouken alone with extremely similar histories. He's a good boy though.
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slimereader · 8 months
Hey there, what's your favorite monster?
And what's your favorite Family?
Personally I love Hades Condors and the Bird Family in general.
Hi! I've been thinking about this question for a few days. I think my answer is Dracky, since I always smile when I see one! It's really hard to choose though. Of course, everyone loves the slime family.
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