#slinks in quietly and drops this and then scutters back out
asterkiss · 4 years
Read from beginning here.
When Mabel awoke, she found herself laying in an extravagant four poster canopy bed with sheer curtains. Confused and disorientated, she sat up and looked down to find herself dressed differently than she recalled. Last she’d checked, she’d been wearing her favourite bunny pajamas.
Now she was wearing a pink nightgown which was—was that silk? Mabel felt some of the material between her finger and thumb, frowning.
It was then that the curtains surrounding the perimeter of the bed were thrown back to reveal a young woman with blue hair. Mabel snapped her head up and their eyes met. Almost instantly, the woman drew back in surprise, eyes widening. ‘O-Oh, I’m so sorry! I thought you were still sleeping!’
She lurched away, the curtains dropping back into place just as Mabel leaned forward and reached out. ‘Wait, don’t go—!’
There was a pause and then, almost tentatively, the curtains parted just enough to reveal a sliver of the woman’s face, her gaze averted down. ‘Y-Yes? What is it?’
Mabel blinked at her timid demeanour. She was a pretty lady however Mabel got the feeling she wasn’t human considering the blue hair and stark-white skin. Mabel squinted. Were those pointed things poking out between her hair meant to be her ears…?
Mabel snapped her attention back to the woman’s face who looked clearly uncomfortable beneath her scrutiny. ‘Oh, right, um. Haha, so this may sound like a random question buuuut… where am I and how did I get here?’ 
The woman blinked. ‘I, um… I don’t know. I’m just here to bring you these.’ She poked her hands through the curtains to reveal a pile of clothes within her grasp. Mabel stared at them. She had a whole lot of questions right now—most important being was she in danger?
‘If I put those on, will someone answer my questions?’
The woman nodded. ‘Y-Yes, I’ve been instructed to take you to the King after you put these on.’
‘Oh okay, makes sense— wait, what!? The King?’ Mabel yelled, causing the woman to flinch at her volume but Mabel was too alarmed to notice. ‘What King? Am I in some other country? How is that possible, I don’t even have my passport on me!’ Had she been smuggled? Was this some teenager abduction ring!?
The woman gave a shake of her head. ‘Ah, no… I meant our Erlking. The King of the Fairies.
You’re in the Fairy World, Miss.’
Okay, so she had been whisked away to the Fairy World through a magical portal in a lake and was now being taken for an audience with their King.
That was fine. No biggie. Totally cool.
—except holy shit she was freaking out!!
Mabel couldn’t help tugging at the dress they’d made her put on. It was a green gown that fell down to her ankles, belted at the waist with a silver sash that matched the trimming on the square neckline.
It was pretty but it was more like some sort of medieval cosplay gown she’d expect to see at those nerdy fairs Dipper went to.  
Mabel missed her sweaters.
Elaine—which was the name the blue-haired woman had introduced herself as—had insisted on braiding Mabel’s hair for presentation and although she’d tried to refuse initially, the woman had looked so crestfallen at her denial that she’d felt guilty and agreed to it in the end. Dammit. The woman had better puppy-dog eyes than her—and that was saying something!
(She was thankful McGucket had been able to give her a hair tonic to regrow her hair out after making her deal with Bill).
‘Here we are, Miss.’ Elaine came to a stop in front of two large ornate doors. Elaine had lead her out of the room she’d been sleeping where Mabel had found herself stood on a platform suspended high in the trees upon which the small hut was built upon. Various canopy walkways connected the woodland trees and platforms and the entire forest seemed to glow in the darkness from the treetop settlement.
It was beautiful.
They’d descended to the forest floor and made their way to an incredibly giant tree with two doors at its base, built into the wood. Even when Mabel titled her head all the way back she couldn’t see the top of the tree. It seemed to go on endlessly as if it could pierce the clouds themselves.
Elaine bowed her head and stepped to the side and Mabel couldn’t help looking to her. ‘Wait, you’re not coming in with me?’
The woman shook her head frantically. ‘Ah, no no, I’m not permitted!’
Oh. Mabel felt slightly disappointed. So far, Elaine was the only person—or, uh, whatever she was—she’d spoken to. And while she was overly timid, she didn’t seem so bad.
‘Okay then, guess… I’ll go in?’ Sucking in a deep breath of air, Mabel squared her shoulders and pushed at the doors. They gave way beneath her with ease, opening wide and allowing her to step forward.
Time to meet the Fairy King.
The interior was plunged into dim candle-lit darkness and as she entered the hall she felt as if several pairs of eyes from within it were peering out at her. Her attention however was captured by the throne waiting for her ahead. It was elevated, with a path of steps leading up toward it. The teenager could hear the sound of quiet chittering and whispers from either side of the pathway, dark eyes blinking at her from behind the lines of trees.
It was unnerving.
But not as unnerving as the King seated within the throne. He was everything she’d expect of a Fairy King. Well-dressed in a form-fitting robe and long platinum hair that fell down the expanse of his shoulders in waves.
God, he was attractive.
He regarded her with green eyes, lips twitched into a smile. ‘Mabel Pines, it’s been a long time.’
She blinked. ‘Uh… has it?’ She forced an awkward laugh, rubbing one of her arms. ‘Sorry, I don’t think we’ve met.’ She would certainly recall having met someone as pretty as him before.
The King blinked at that. ‘Oh, but we have. Of course you were just a child then.’
‘I…. huh?’ Mabel frowned, tilting her head. ‘What are you talking about?’
The King chuckled. ‘One thing at a time, first let us bring out the prisoner.’
‘Prisoner?’ Mabel repeated, feeling unnerved and even more confused. The sound of shuffling came from behind and when Mabel looked back over her shoulder, the doors were pulled aside to give way to—
‘Gnomes?’ Mabel cried. She half-expected to see Jeff or Shmebulock but the group of four gnomes weren’t any she recognised. They were carrying a small cage and as they came closer, a voice became clearer.
‘…are you hearing me? I am speaking here, you little rodents!! I was destroying dimensions before you were born!’
The cage was dropped between her and the throne and crouching down, Mabel glanced inside it to see—
The triangular demon span around within his container, meeting her gaze. When he did, his form turned red, gaze full of fury. ‘YOU—!’
Mabel flinched back at the anger in his voice but before she could speak, the King cut in.
‘Now then, let’s begin, shall we?’
Mabel raised her attention back toward the King. ‘Begin… what?’
The fae ignored her, regarding the cage at the foot of his throne with narrowed eyes. ‘Now then Bill Cipher, you are charged with unlawfully staking claim on a soul that was already marked as ours. How do you plead?’
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