#slugcats live up to like... maybe 50 or 60 years to me so she doesnt have much of a chance to see him fucked up like this
spotsupstuff · 10 months
is it still canon that feesh loses his head after he collapses? i assume that means tinkerer meets him before he's collapsed, is she still around when that happens?
yep! still all safe and canon- head and half a chest gone
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Tinkerer is around a little bit after the Artificer's time (since Seaf courted Arti and later adopts Tinktink into his mishmash family) so there is still a lot of time between her life and his collapse. he's gonna host a Lot of scav generations before his legs kick the metaphorical bucket
i'm now not sure if i posted the first doodle with him like this, but he's still using his hand normally there n that isn't possible with new headcanons now so just in case i'll add: without a head and so much damage done to the organic puppet innards, the puppet is pretty much dead. consciousness/electric shocks from the umbilical arm connection still can force the body to jerkily move and there's still a weak supply of nutrients and water going into it automatically so one could say it's constantly bleeding, though
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