sugarbunnydeku · 7 years
i want to make overwatch/blackwatch human versions of joey and beppe but i’m so bad at that kind of costume design. i could totally see them being from junkertown; beppe would be this big tanky guy and joey’s a sneaky little shit because she’s joey.
i have a few characters that would make good talon ocs too. infelicity would be good, and so would bone kitty but she’d be a lot like moira, and obviously not named bone kitty lol. max would be like a behind the scenes investor or something idk but he’s a coward and an asshole either way.
i bet i’tan would make a great omnic. i should make some omnic characters, i love every omnic even the ones that want to kill me.
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sugarbunnydeku · 9 years
I think the decision to stop drinking soda has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in a while. I drink mostly water now, with either green tea in the mornings or a small cup of this coconut/almond milk iced coffee stuff I got at Lucky’s. Been going for a month now, and between no soda and far less stress my stomach has only really hurt twice and both times were from eating shitty food (Papa John’s pizza lmao) and my heartburn has been nearly nonexistent.
So nice.
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sugarbunnydeku · 9 years
i am so tired and having such a hard time braining but i wanna draw
kinda wanna doodle one of my WoW characters, but i’m having a tough time deciding betwene joey, beppe, and jiji
also i miss rping them. i never did get any cheesy silly romance rp on jiji like i wanted haha, i guess poor najirah is forever alone. no boyfrand for u, jiji.
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sugarbunnydeku · 9 years
i just have to say
i love playing my psii bc he can be cartoonishly ridiculous or painfully hot or heartbreaking and often all of the above in the same scene and he’s just so wonderful
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sugarbunnydeku · 9 years
i’m having a lot of fun coloring like this. i still have some commissions i’m doing in the painter-ish coloring style but after i finish those i might offer some in this cel-shaded-ish style idk, it’s fun to do.
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sugarbunnydeku · 9 years
i need to actually make like a formal, official “to-do” and “working on” list at some point to keep publicly available. like right now i’m working on commissions and the daily doodles, to-do would be stuff like finishing the giveaway arts, draw more wow stuff, draw fanart for things other than WoW and HS (though i need to draw a lot of GamTav<3 and GamKar<> in the near future, esp from mine and my bby’s hemoflip/emperor karkat au).
i also need to work on my writing, i have so much barely-started stuff like joey & kizzy as low-rent bonnie and clyde, “Simon Captor and the Asshole Twins” aka petstuck au with humanstuck psii ending up with two little gold grubs he names Sollux and Mituna, a petstuck au with the Summoner and Tavros, stuff with the Emperor Karkat au thing (esp how everything started way back when the Summoner was around and his rebellion actually succeeded and how that kicked off a whole chain of flipping the Empire upside down). blah blah blah idk, i’m just tired and rambling
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sugarbunnydeku · 9 years
i drew some psii porn this morning and remembered i have some tavros porn i never posted. it’s been so long since i posted porn though that i’m honestly kind of too embarrassed to lmao (the tav porn is kinda tame tbh, the psii porn not so much lol)
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sugarbunnydeku · 9 years
just got shipping confirmation for the mouse i ordered, so it should be here soon! \o/ hooray for super-cheap (like $3) ebay mouse that will probably break in two months but i had to get it because that’s all i could afford, lmao. still, better than having nothing, especially after having been without a mouse for a little while now. everything just shit out at once, my laptop fan thing died, my mouse died, and even my tablet has to be handled carefully. this whole being poor thing still sucks, but you’d think i’d be used to it after 32 years of it
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sugarbunnydeku · 10 years
had a very upsetting evening/day
would be nice if one thing good could happen, this whole past week has just been the opposite of the bee's knees
i wanna ask for someone to do something nice for me but i don't want to ask someone to do something nice for me
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sugarbunnydeku · 10 years
waaarghh i want to rp but i don't want to bother anyone by asking if they wanna rp and i'm not even entirely sure what i want to rp (okay that's a lie, i want dk beppe i am obsessed i can't help it)
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sugarbunnydeku · 10 years
i wanna rp or draw or both but i'm getting kinda drunk with shlili
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sugarbunnydeku · 10 years
People are probably tired of hearing about/seeing DK Beppe but good god he's all I can think about, I have a problem
I just want to talk about him forever
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sugarbunnydeku · 10 years
On that note, I've been coming up with stuff for a comic book fantasy like au, like. superheros, mutants, SCIENCE, supervillains, etc. Just fun comic book shit and it's been really fun so far just coming up with ideas.
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sugarbunnydeku · 11 years
Hnnngh laptop charger should get here tomorrow or next day. I CAN'T WAIT. I want to draw so bad, and while yes i have a sketchbook it's not the saaaame. I have been spoiled by ctrl-z and free deform.
I -did- sketch out a pretty badass warrior angel from an idea I had, though.
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sugarbunnydeku · 11 years
omg guys i won a thing i never win things I AM EXCITE
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