mccallofthewild · 5 months
Continued from here.
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There was something about Fabian that made him want to get caught. He wanted someone to catch him. In uniform. With his dick buried in Fabian's ass. Even better if Fabian was mid-cum, spraying his load over whatever Jordan had him bent over. They were getting more and more daring about it. Maybe because he was off duty. He needed to up the risk factor. Maybe it was just the way that the nerves made Fabian's hole clench around him with every sound, every chance that someone was finally going to walk up and watch as Jordan took what he needed from the other man. The only thing he was sure of was that he was going to dump his load in Fabian. Again. If nothing else, Jordan would leave the store with the satisfaction of knowing that the other man would be leaking into his pants for a while.
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alphamales-rp · 6 months
starter for @slvttybvys
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"I should've known you'd be back in town as well, Angel," Jackson greeted the familiar face, as he walked up to the bar in the only watering hole in his small home town, "You also visiting your family for the holidays?" he asked in a warm voice as he slowly looked the other up and down, "You know I swear you get prettier every time I see you," he smiled, "Can I buy you a drink or are you here with somebody?"
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weare-trueromance · 4 months
Tony Stark and Evan Buckly
@slvttybvys liked for a Tony Stark starter.
"Really, I'm okay. I've been hurt way worse than this."
He was pretty sure his leg was broken. And it had nothing to do with being Iron Man. He had finally decided to go remove the lights from one of his properties. It was well after Christmas after all. And instead of hiring someone to do it for him, he had done it himself and fallen off the ladder.
"A broken leg is nothing compared to shrapnel in the heart."
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davidkarofskyindie · 6 months
slvttybvys (Trevor/Reese)
@slvttybvys continued from (x)
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“Seems like that’d be me yes,” Reese said with a friendly smile as he sat himself down in his seat. He hadn’t expected such a friendly greeting but hey he wasn’t going to complain about a cute friendly guy to sit next to for hours. “I’m Reese, I’ll try not to be a hog when it comes to the arm rest,” he assured. “I uh… Am probably about to sound much less cool to you but I’m going to a comic convention,” he informed. “I’m a comic artist,” he explained. “What about Trevor? What are you travelling for?”
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Trevor happily turned a little in his seat, giving Reese a smile while taking in the man's undeniable beauty. It took him a minute to take in what the man was saying and he chuckled "Wait, you wouldn't be doing the Salt Lake City Comic Con by any chance?" he said with a chuckle "Cos I'm also traveling for a convention, there's a big cosplay show going on and I'm a finalist this year. Hopefully my Mystique look will help me win but I guess we'll see" he said with a big joyful grin "So trust me, if anything that made you even cooler... what comic's do you draw for? Anything I might've been lucky enough to hear about?" he asked with a genuine sense of excitement, mentally going through the covers of any comics he had back home that might have the name Reese on them.
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dcrkcrwns · 5 months
a short starter with artemis sage + @slvttybvys
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" tonight was really nice. i don't normally have nights like these where it doesn't feel–– forced. you were a real gentleman the whole time, so thank you, " he said. artemis felt bad to ask for the money, after their night together. " keep your money, after tonight, you really made my year, " he chuckled.
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modcrnspirits · 6 months
@slvttybvys liked this post for a top.
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Late night shifts could be the most tense or boring ones. There was hardly any night in between. This was one of the boring ones and Cian had found a small on-call room to lay down and scroll through his phone, nude after nude of a lover or another. Feeling his cock a bit hard, he pulled it out and started playing with himself when the door opened - abruptly - and one of the young nurse guys entered. He, of course, had no time to hide it, so he was caught with his hand on his shaft. "Nurse Clearwater, I-huh, sorry for this."
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fadingobjectrp · 6 months
After this: (x) @slvttybvys
"I was asking you about this," he said, pointing to the paper in front of him, seizing that moment to show off the muscles on his arm to the other. "What do I have to do to get you to tell me how this ends?" He asked, truly just trying to spend more time with the other.
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accidentallymagic · 6 months
"I'm not jealous." Zelos mumbled as he perched on the bed, struggling to pull his socks off. "All I'm saying is those guys tipped you way less than I did." He pulled Ishan in for a kiss, "Yet you definitely gave them more attention."
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menofservice · 5 months
"Baby, please. You can't send me back to class like this." Todd was impossibly horny, squirming on his knees in front of his lover as they pulled their hand away. He licked the remnants of his lover's seed from his lips. "How am I supposed to focus on anything if I'm all riled up?"
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xthebodyshopx · 5 months
Continued from here @slvttybvys
One of Rodney's favorite things when it came to sex was fucking someone that was bigger or older than him, so when he saw Owen looking in his direction? Oh, he wanted to do some filthy, filthy things with the man. And it didn't take long before the two of them were naked, Rodney's tongue teasing Owen's hole as his hand moved to stroke the bigger male's cock. "What was that?" Rodney asked as he moved to nip at one of the man's muscular ass cheeks. "If you need something from me, baby boy, you're going to have to speak up." Oh, Rodney had heard him, but he got a thrill out of getting bigger guys to beg for his big dick. "What do you need now?"
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asterxles · 6 months
@slvttybvys gets to play wrestle with Lyrion
"Not so tough now, are you?" Lyrion had pinned his lover on the floor, holding their arms against the floor by the wrists. "Say you submit." He teased, "Go on, say it."
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mccallofthewild · 5 months
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In his time in the periphery of the McCall pack, Brett realized that Stiles was both integral to the pack but also underappreciated by everyone but Scott. Brett didn't mind showing him some appreciation. He was actually kind of hot.
One day, when Stiles fell behind the pack, Brett lagged behind with him. At one point, he reached over and gave Stiles' crotch a rub. They exchanged a glance that said everything it needed to say and they left the pack behind to find a quiet place for them keep touching each other. Each other's cocks in hand, stroking wildly as they kissed.
"Bet this isn't how you thought today would go." He teased against the other male's lips.
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alphamales-rp · 4 months
starter for @slvttybvys
To say that Chandler had been aggressively pursuing his uncle, Warren, since he'd turned eighteen would be an understatement. The young nephew had had a crush on his uncle since he could remember and the older he got, the more the crush developed into including a deep seeded lust for his father's brother. His family was picture perfect and his parents never suspected anything outside of Chandler simply being close to his uncle. But the two of them knew better- when his parents weren't looking he would let his hands wander over his uncle's body, quickly pulling them innocently away when they looked again, or he would wink at the other and lick his lips before biting them, sometimes he'd even murmur dirty things that only his Uncle Warren could hear. Every time he did, watching the older man get flustered and not know what to do was the greatest reward. However, he knew, in his arrogance, that one day he would claim the ultimate reward. That day had possibly come when his Uncle slept over for business or his house was being remodeled or some reason he didn't really care about. All he cared about was that fate had finally given him the opportunity he'd been waiting for. He timed his plan perfectly, his parents went to bed, their room being on the highest floor of the house while his and the guest room were on the floor below, he heard Warren's shower turning on and made his move. He let himself into the room and quietly closed the door behind him before taking off his clothes as sneakily as he could. He spotted his uncles underwear on the floor and grabbed it, taking a deep whiff and getting hard almost instantly. He laid himself across the bed his Uncle would be sleeping in, pointing his body towards the bathroom door and began to slowly stroke his surprisingly massive cock, waiting patiently with his heart secretly racing for the other's shower to end and for his Uncle to find his surprise.
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weare-trueromance · 4 months
Geralt andJaskier
@slvttybvys liked for a Geralt starter.
There was only one bed pad.
Geralt looked toward Jaskier and then at the bed pad again. While it was more than large enough for the two of them, was he willing to sleep in the same pad as Jaskier? So close to the time of joining?
The Time of Joining.
Witchers may have been sterile but that didn't prevent them from having a period each year where their sex drives were heightened. Where they needed sex.
The fact that he was attracted to Jaskier didn't help.
"I'll take the floor."
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davidkarofskyindie · 5 months
slvttybvys (Bryce/Simon)
@slvttybvys continued from (x)
Fucking his ex as often as he did was probably a bad idea. But Bryce was not known for making healthy choices and sex had never been him and Simon’s issue. The sex was probably the reason they’d lasted long as they had honestly.
“When have I given you anything but a great fuck,” he said with a smirk. He moaned softly as Simon began to suck his like it was his fucking job. “Fuck sakes I missed your mouth,” Bryce said his hand going through his ex’s hair. Seriously if a bad day was all it took for Simon to be back in his bed desperate for him? He was all for the other having bad days, selfish as that was.
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Simon knew that it was not great to keep going back to his ex for sex, he knew that it wasn't going to end well for them and he knew that it would make it harder to move on but he also knew that Bryce was the best fuck he'd ever had in his life and it was impossible to give that up. He felt whole when he was just sucking Bryce's cock, the way that the man's large length filled his mouth and throat while that strong hand held him in place was a comfort he couldn't decribe.
He bobbed up and down eagerly, his hand going up to fondle Bryce's balls while he sucked with a desperate need. He looked up to the man's face and gave him a wicked look as he pulled back, licking the underside of that magical cock "Hope you missed my ass too because I'm going to need you to break it later" he grunted, going in for another eager deep throating session. The hand that wasn't on Bryce's balls moved up to just run over those impossible abs, the perfect muscular body of the man he had loved longer than anyone else. He just felt safe and secure worshipping the man, like the time apart had just been a vacation and the bad memories were pushed far back as he just enjoyed sucking Bryce like his life depended on it.
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Scott and his brothers shared many traits and good genes. The princes were handsome, charming and did care and love their people so very much. Scott was one that liked to keep to himself, he loved watching and reading people. He was observant, he was smart like his brothers but not manipulative like Orson or serious like his brother Rowan and the flirty playboy like Oriel. He had gotten back from a few responsibilities and reviewed from documents as he got out of the bed, shirtless as his bodyguard Caleb walked in.
Their dynamic had changed, Scott often loved keeping his relationship with his bodyguard professional but it seems that it had turned into a new dynamic. "Speechless as always especially when am like this," he spoke as he walked towards the other male. @slvttybvys
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