#small gif hunt
snoopdoggs · 3 months
#305 gifs of LEE JUNHO in 'a tulip and a rose (2019),' can be accessed by joining my discord server, or sending me a message off anon. junho is of korean descent and was born in 1990, so cast accordingly. please like and reblog if you found these useful.
tw: violence, partial nudity
please read my rules before using. all gifs were made by me, so do not redistribute or claim as your own.
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kylieverzosa · 3 months
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──          𝐠𝐢𝐟  𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐤          :          in   the   source   link   you   can   find   30   gifs   of   sarah   bolger   (   february   28nd,   1991   )   in   once  upon  a. time.   sarah   is   white,   so   please   cast   accordingly.   not   a   fan   of   the   5   year   rule,   and   also   request   you   do   not   use   these   to   rp   the   real   person   or   nsfw!   pls   like   or   reblog   if   you   find   these   helpful!
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iruiion · 11 months
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i keep finding smaller and smaller engies as i go deeper into my google image search
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Yandere Pomefiore x reader AU |Discovery for the Queen
Okay so context is here but you don't need it if you don't want to
I felt like I didn't communicate this idea clearly enough so I change some things
Mostly Rook and Vil but I'll elaborate if you ask me Btw⚠️things get pretty dark⚠️
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“(Y/n)?! From highschool!!??” 
You turned to see the nicely aged Silk, a semi-popular kid you shared multiple classes with. You were surprised to see him in Pomefiore, nonetheless you let him hug you even with all the groceries you had. You had left your little cottage in order to gather ingredients for a family recipe. While excitingly sharing some tales with the visiting children you were overheard and asked to make it. And since you were watching the kids anyway you figured you might as well. 
“H-hi I’m surprised to see you out here. I always took you for someone who loved city life.”
“Yeah well things have been a little hectic lately…” 
He spoke of his typical sub-celebrity status coming under fire for some false claims about being racist. He continued to talk, not noticing or rather ignoring your uncomfortable darting eyes. You worriedly checked on the prespirating milk jug and you absent-mindedly nodded in hopes he’d wrap things up. 
“--and they just kept making a big deal over one word I said like five weeks ago. So judgemental.”
“Well that's great but I have to go. I bought some milk and I really need to get this in the fridge soo..”
“That's cool I’ll just follow you around then.”
“E-excuse me?” You missed the part where you invited him to do such a thing.
“Yeah I mean who better to show me around then my old buddy?!”
“But I have to-”
”Great, now let's go before that spoils.”
You rolled your eyes as he walked to his car, waiting for you to go to yours. As you drove you kept an eye on him in the rear view mirror internally cursing him when he turned when you did. Slamming your door as you dragged your groceries towards your cottage you grumbled as he moved as he fell in line with your steps all the while ranting about whatever. He only stopped when the sound of a car pulling into your driveway made him slow and you internally thank whoever it was that was being the perfect distraction.
“Bonjour mon chér! I noticed you struggling!” 
“Ah thanks Rook.” You let the sheriff take the remaining bags from your arms as you reached for your keys and let everyone in. Immediately you began putting the groceries away with Rook helping on the side. While leaving out some ingredients that you need to cook with he looked at Silk from the corner of his eye, opening his mouth to ask but was stopped by the man in question himself.”
“O. M. G. Rook? Like Rook Hunt, the former animal kid? Man, did everyone from school move here?” 
“W-wait what? He went to Night Raven too?!” 
You looked at the sheriff who was still smiling but his eyes looked annoyed as he nodded his head in greeting. 
“Well it's nice to see you too, monsieur peu profond, taking a vacation from your career?” 
“Finally,” he patted the sheriff’s back, “someone who knows who I am! I can’t tell you how many people I come across in this podunk small town–”
He droned on and on letting you look on at the occasionally nodding Rook. You were trying to recall where in school you might’ve seen someone that resembled the man you knew today. All you could think of was the…different blond kid that was often mocked and feared by everyone. But that couldn’t have been him because his hair was long and unruly; he was rumored to have ridiculous stats on people and he was notorious for his…creepy green eyes. 
Maybe he did actually go to your highschool.
You pushed the thought aside offering them some tea as you began prepping to make your soup. Perhaps the mayor could be of assistance, after all he did say that they met in highschool…
“Whoa you can’t tell me this place is literally a part of this dump-town.”
You swallowed the urge to yell at him as you and Rook entered the mayor's office. The sheriff said he had to complete some business anyway so he came with, enduring Silk’s insults. You could tell that he felt the same way as his smile dropped and for a moment you were worried he was going to go full on hunter on this man but thankfully the mayor intervened. 
“Perhaps you meant to say rustic, potato.” 
In all his glory, was Vil Schoenheit walking into the lobby with his secretary and some other townsfolk exiting that room. You went to greet him raising your hand to wave but the following words were stopped once again by the oblivious Silk. 
“WHAT!? Is this where you’ve been hiding all these years!? The internet’s going to blow up with this-Hey!”
Before he could even press on the app Vil snapped his fingers and his secretary snatched the phone out of his hand. Stepping in between Silk who was reaching desperately for the device Rook continued to smile. 
“As the sheriff I’m going to ask that you refrain from recording our mayor. And on that note aren’t you supposed to be taking a break off of the internet.”
“Ugh fine..I guess.” 
You abandoned greeting your friend and instead tried to talk to him again only for Silk to once again interrupt. 
“So Vil-”
“SO LIKE How’ve you been? It's been ages since highschool and you’ve gotta be pounding some serious p-”
You were done. While he was distracted with Vil you silently dismissed yourself to your car, hurriedly trying to start your car. You blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. Why were you crying? Why were you being so sensitive? It's not like you weren’t used to being pushed aside…being ignored…You did a quick swipe at your eyes and took the car out of park and into reverse only to be stopped by Vil who just seemed to appear at the window. 
“You wanted to talk to me?”
“...I did but I’ll just text you later.”
Wordlessly the former model reached over you and put the car in park once again. Stopping to let his hand rest on your seat buckle effectively caging you to give you that look.
“..You’re giving me that look again…”
“Because I know you want to say something and as…your friend I don’t want you to suffer like that.” He seemed to choke on the words at somepoint but maintained the eye contact you dreaded. You tried to look deeper into his violet eyes and you found yourself relenting when you saw that commanding determination.
“D-did you know we went to the same highschool, Night Raven?”
He didn’t immediately answer, flickering to the building almost accussingly before dipping his head.
“I did..I assume the Silkworm said something.”
“H-he did,” something in you felt wrong confirming  but you pressed on. “Why didn’t you say something, unless you were mad I wouldn’t remember or something?”
Vil once again flickered his eyes to the building before laying it all out for you.
“I’m sure all caterpillars are embarrassed to be seen as the inching, ugly thing that they are. Until their final transformation to the glorious creature you see today. I needed some time to get there and I didn’t want to disgust you.” 
“Ah Vil, you could never.” You brought your hand to rest on top of Vil’s manicured own, looking into his eyes once more as he stared back with wide-eyes.”I would’ve loved you no matter what you were like. That's part of the beauty of knowing someone for so long, I can see more than anyone how far you’ve come. From learning your own mistakes and setting a different course for your life.” 
You exhaled, tired and proud that you were totally able to protagonist your way into your friend's heart who had begun to smile at you. He crossed his arms to lean himself on your open window, still smiling with what looked to be giddy. 
“Loving, huh?” 
“Sorry if that was cheesy, but I meant it.”
He chuckled and looked like he wanted to say something only to hear the slam of his mayor’s office door open. It was Silk, storming out with his hair in disarray and angrily clutching onto his phone. Spotting you he slotted himself in the same window Vil was just leaning into. 
“We have to go! These nut jobs are out of control and you know what, I’m done with this internet ban! I am going to record! I am going to post! I’ll need an internet connection…”
“W-well it was…great to see you again but I have to go” You tried to leave him hoping he’d finally go on his way.
“It’s cool I’ll see you back at the house.” “What?!”
“Sacre bleu!” 
You, Vil, and Rook seemed to be on the same page about this man fighting it within you to not let out a frustrated scream. 
“Don’t you all look so surprised, I need an internet connection to do this.” He walked off going into his car skirting away before any of you could protest. A groan of silence fell over you three before Vil spoke.
“I think he should be invited to the town-hall meeting. Rook could you?”
“Already did, Roi du Poison. (Y/n) will you be willing I wouldn’t mind coming over to ‘surveil for vermin.’”
You got what he was trying to say and at this rate you would need him and the whole town to get Silk off your back.
“Thanks Rook, I’d appreciate it.”
Once again your precession left the mayor’s estate in hopes of getting to your house before Silk destroyed it. 
This had been going on for too long without a sign of stopping watching this grown man stomp around your house as he shared way too much of his life. You tried to keep your especially personal effects out of his way and even with Rook’s help you just couldn’t keep up.
So you just resigned to sitting at the counter wistfully sighing as you and Rook enjoyed some (f/d). You were just going to ignore him before feeling the tug of Silk's arm pulling you close to his chest in the light of the camera with words that made your heart sink.
“I know what you all have been saying. ‘Ah~he’s a racist.’ but think about it, how can I be when one of them is my friend. See? Say hello to everyone (Y/n)!”
You felt like throwing up. You shoved the man, ignoring his whines as he continued to perform for the camera. Running through your house you finally let go, allowing yourself to sob into the field that leads beyond your porch, where you felt truly released from the presence of the man’s proverbial stench. You let your frustration out with your own weak exterior that let this fool into your house. Cursing the part of you that couldn’t seem to remove him yourself. 
You failed to realize that Rook had come from within the house to hold you tightly from behind. When you felt his presence at your back and the comforting scent of pine you turned into his chest to cry. He held you tight as you sobbed into his uniform clutching onto him like he was your lifeline. Rook let himself lean into you, sending a glance at Silk who was still inside your house fussing about how bad the internet connection was. The only comfort he got from the image was the fact that the town meeting was today and that Silk happily accepted the invitation. 
Holding onto you even as you began to doze off, you sleepily asked Rook to stay longer and on any other day he would have happily agreed but, “There’s a town meeting, I have to mon chéri.” 
When you protest, hazy and not fully aware he lovingly gives a peck to your unattended forehead.  
“Don’t fret, I'll see you soon. Sleep, so you’ll have enough energy when the children come.” With such little coaxing you were dozing away for your late evening nap completely unaware as the sheriff’s whole visage of soothing became one of malice as he stalked to the living room where Silk was still complaining about Wifi. 
“Finally, so are we going to this party or not?” 
Silk spoke so nonchalantly as if he hadn’t just made his darling cry themselves to sleep. Slapping on an artificial smile, Rook Hunt directed him to his car insisting he let Silk relax as he chauffeured the brat, the former classmate of his to the town hall. 
“Alright and where does this puzzle piece go?”
Finally the children were here, happily entertaining themselves all around your house having ate your family dish and preparing to head to bed. Despite outnumbering you twelve to one they were all quite well behaved but there was a hint of disorganization seeing as someone was missing.
“Oh Miss/Mister (Y/n), I miss Humphrey…I know it's his first town meeting but I just miss him.”
“Awww me too, (Y/n)!” 
“Yeah, I miss him too.”
Suddenly everyone was overcome with a bout of sadness and you were only able to calm one. So you chose itty-bitty baby Rew rocking her as she scrunched up her face in preparation to ball. Soothing her amidst the noise you missed the previous action of one of the children climbing up on the mahogony coffee table to regain order. 
“Then let's go see him, right now!” 
The cheers and stampeding feet out your door had you running right after them as they quite easily navigated themselves to town hall. What did you expect? They had lived here all their lives mastering the ins and outs of this place better than you of course still having moved here just a short while ago. So you only expected to be scolded when they ran to the basement of the building flinging it open and running in. What you weren’t ready for was the grandiose structure beneath this building. That acted as a nosebleed section for the ones committing to something you would imagine to be revealed in books you’ve read long ago. 
“T-this is quite the weird p-party Rook…D-did y-you f-forget to bring a robe for me?” 
“Nope, it's all part of the routine! No worries you won’t be cold much longer, monsieur peu profond.” 
Silk was naked, told to strip for what he assumed to be easier access among a crowd of people from the town doing exactly the same. He expected this to be a frenzy of some kind, an all out fest since everyone in the town seemed to be a swinger. But no one reached for him instead moving around him as they each went to mannequins of their matching size with robes on them. 
Now everyone had a robe except for him, suddenly bashful he went to cover himself while listening to Rook guide him through this dungeon-like area. 
Perhaps this was a bit of foreplay? He had a growing discomfort in his chest as he felt the need to hide his phone. He couldn’t hide it well but it didn’t seem like anyone noticed as he crossed his arms and held the object to his torso. 
Arriving in an elaborate room decorated in indigo tapestries with a crown-like emblem with a golden finish. He couldn’t help but gasp in awe at the regal-feel the space had. Not to mention on a throne sat Vil Schoenheit dressed in a similar robe with more golden accents and with his hood pulled down. There was someone next to him, a shorter girl with light hair and big blue eyes. He swooned a little but shook it off to maintain his composure
He had to capture it. 
Pulling out his phone to snap a picture or two. Everything that he, for whatever reason, feared went down. The first picture flash and sound went off but it illuminated the balconied seats that were empty but there. The second picture directed at the glitzed out duo on a stand had its subjects and everyone around them glaring. Wordlessly his phone was snatched away by a short cloaked person who defected from the group to hand it to the pretty girl beside Vil. Silk felt the pull of other cloaked persons hold him back, dragging him away from his phone that was being inspected in the gloved hands of this seemingly bored girl. 
Finally being let go he was launched into an ashy stage that immediately covered his knees, feet, and hands in disgusting soot. Standing up to avoid touching anymore of it he stood up to see some device being hooked up to his phone before watching its illuminated screen light up in the face of this girl, who grimaced as the videos loudly played. Everything he had said just hours before was being replayed for everyone and as Silk stood there in the nude he thought that perhaps he might have annoyed some if not all the people there. Different cloaked figures were gasping, sneering, and cursing at the content on his phone. Especially the girl, Vil, and Rook who were respectfully glaring at the video, glaring at his podium, and glaring at Silk with an unforgiving scowl. 
“Alright, for once I’m not stalling this ceremony let's begin.” The girl–boy? spoke with disgust as he finally looked at Silk
“I agree.” The former model’s tone was certain and commanding, as he simply nodded his head for the cloaked figures to begin pulling things from a storage bin nearby. Dawning shiny elbow-reaching gloves the locals began pulling out their tools of choice.
Whips?! Paddles?!
So maybe a little BDSM?!
No, that wasn’t it. 
Fire pokers, being heated up?!
One fellow had a bucket that he dipped a cloth in it no sooner dissolved with a fizzle and thats when he tried screaming. 
“Ugh this one’s so unruly.” 
“Yeah hey Sister ya brought a needle with ya didn’t ya?”
“Actually crochet pins.”
“That’ll work.” 
A lot of them held him in the soot while this ‘sister’ forced his mouth shut before stabbing them into his lips effectively pinning it close and forcing Silk to swallow his screams and his own blood as Rook went to speak. 
“Gather around the Plumes of Pomefiore and gaze upon the wicked waste of the clueless others. An outsider, corrupted without the blessing of your queen.”
“Burn ‘m!”
“Tear him apart!”
“Peel his skin off!” 
Vil stood tall on his podium before booming out once more. 
They listened, bowing their heads for the speech to continue.
“As is tradition, anyone your queen refuses to accept, you have every right to exterminate them but remember this! The power of their life force must be given to your queen dedicated and devoted to your practice for this to be true! Will you do this?”
The echoed chambers roared with a resounding cry of ”Yes.” As the final chant was made by Rook, Vil, and Epel who somehow incited the kindling of a purple flame to erupt on the mini stage that Silk was writhing. Immediately he tore his mouth from the pins and had begun to screech as he felt his soul and body being drained away.  
Standing he went to run off the stage only for him to be sliced at by an elongated blade. Chanting on their own with every attempt to leave the stage he was slapped, whipped, sliced to let his flesh melt within the purple flames. This cycle continued for the better half of an hour where every new attempt to leave the heated pain was met with a cloaked one’s weapon. Finally the screeching human shape began to thin and buckle, crumpling into a mishapened heap onto the stage. 
The fire eventually wisped away and the people cheered as a stone being held by Vil glowed an array of colors to a halfway point before once again fading to its original color. The three on the stand took note that it was only a matter of time before they could properly harness the power of the queen, smiling to themselves when they thought of the vessel that was going to inherit the power alongside them. Their thoughts were interrupted by the silence of the crowd and the faraway children that were cheering their parents and families from above. The cloaked group below waved and hollered in tandem with their children who were steadily making their way down a flight of steps. The atmosphere was joyful even as they gathered once more to allow the shortest cloaked one pour the acid over the mishapen corpse. Cheering and praising they missed your horrified face flash in the darkness of the upper level before handing off a bundle and running away.
Before Vil could say anything Rook was in pursuit, easily snatching your trembling form as you tried to run away. Noting that the townspeople would be exiting soon he continued to hold you, completely unphased as he sat you within his car. Laying you in the backseat before climbing on top of you holding down your arms with one of his hands while the other held your mouth closed. 
“Oh ma lumière, hush hush! I’m sorry you had to find out this way.” He realeased his hand resting it on your cheek as you cried hysterically
“NO!Agh! No you all just sat there and-Oh my gosh-he’s dead!” 
His eyes glinted joyfully in the moonlight as he watched you once again become so exasperated and exhausted with stress you had fallen limp no longer fighting him. You let him cradle you as he kissed you along your cheeks, your lips, your eyes, your neck. It escalated to licking then, sucking, to full on marking all along your neck and chest leaving you out of breath to question:
He chuckled, continuing his unraveling of your garments as he spoke smoothly between his ministrations. 
“It's for our future mon amour, for you to finally be a part of Roi du Poison’s plan.”
You had begun to cry again, moving your arms out from under Rook to wipe your tears away “T-to k-kill all your-your outsiders?”
“Non non to rule the world.” He spoke so plainly and so happily. It caught you off guard. 
“Rook you couldn’t even change out of your townmeeting garbs before you ran off!” 
“Désolé Roi du Posion, they were just so distraught. I felt compelled to attend to notre reine!” 
The mayor sighed, flipping his hair out of the way before leaning over you to whisper deeply into Rook’s ear. Emerald eyes were on you as he smiled wider, if that was possible. 
With a blush and a metaphorical tail wagging he removed himself from you, cordially handing his keys to Vil before darting back into the town hall. Vil watched him run off with a smile on his face before turning back to you, looking disheveled and confused. 
“Wh-what did you say?”
“That we’d meet him at home,” reaching into the glove box before pulling out a needle filled with a mysterious indigo liquid. 
“And that we’d be ready.” Holding your jaw he shoved the end of this needle to the back of your throat pushing in this liquid. And as you coughed and tried to spit it back up he held you down by your jaw, waiting until your movements became less focused. He waited until your eyes were nearly rolling to the back of your head to kiss your lips gently before standing up to go and drive. 
“Oh darling, we have so much to talk about.”
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24hrfrog · 10 months
CHICA’S FINGERNAILS your attention to detail is insane mwah mwah
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She is quiet literally for the girlies 💅💗 and i love to make that obvious
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wildcmbcrshunts · 9 months
↳ By clicking here, you will find roughly #270 268x161, textless gifs of Havana Rose Liu in miscellaneous videos. All of these gifs are roleplayable and belong to me; please be sure to like/reblog the post.
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whitestnoise · 2 years
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drcloudtheclown · 5 months
I have a box of 25 acrylic pens and a new empty sketch book
Feel free to request things for me to draw, My ask box is always open
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(Old post, these are closed)
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trissyfarnon · 1 year
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"Hello, old chap. Had a good night? (:"
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inkswarm · 1 month
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check out this commission i did for a pokémon trainer team!
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snoopdoggs · 5 months
in the source link, you will find #76 ( 268x151 ) gifs of CHO MIYEON (1996) in the korean web-series 'her bucket list.' miyeon is of korean descent and was twenty-four at the time of filming, so please name and age her accordingly.
tw: -
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all of these gifs were made by me, from scratch, so please do not edit or redistribute them without my consent. read my rules before using & please leave a like or reblog if you found these useful.
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hqroleplaygifs · 2 years
georgina campbell in speculation // In the source link, you’ll find #54 gifs. All GIFs were made by me and are intended for roleplaying purposes only. Please don’t claim them as your own. Reposting these GIFs or using them in your own graphics is strictly forbidden. Please, like or reblog this post if you plan on saving these GIFs, of if you found this helpful in any way, shape, or form. Thank you, and enjoy.
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geumhyuk · 2 years
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oneus + pink venom (220928)
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purposefully-lost · 1 month
I do think bael and Jane should be drawn in this one particular iconic slutty moment from Rose and the Doctor
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wildwcmenrxs · 2 years
in the source link there are 5 gifs of jennie kim in the idol made for roleplaying purposes. feel free to edit for personal use! please do not use for ‘t*boo’ plots. like and reblog if you want to support my work.         content warnings: flashing lights.
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spacejams · 2 years
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in the source link, you’ll find #23 gifs of dimple hayathi, an actress born in 1998, from her cameo role in atrangi re (2021). dimple is indian (telugu, possibly others), so please cast her accordingly. all of these gifs are 268x150p and were made by me, from scratch. you can edit these into gif icons if you provide credit, via link, to the original post. please like or reblog the post if you’ve found it helpful!
cw: eating note: please read my rules before you use.
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