#small radha krishna murti
marblemurti1 · 5 months
Marble Radha Krishna Statue Manufacturer and Exporter in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, South India-Marble Murti Jaipur
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Marble Radha Krishna statues have long been admired for their exquisite craftsmanship and cultural significance. In the heart of the statue manufacturing industry lies Marble Murti Jaipur, a renowned Marble Radha Krishna Statue Manufacturer and Exporter in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, South India. Marble Radha Krishna statues have become more than just religious artifacts; they are timeless pieces of art that showcase the skill and dedication of craftsmen. In this article, we delve into the world of Marble Radha Krishna statues, focusing on the craftsmanship, the role of Marble Murti Jaipur, the distinguished Manufacturer and Exporter, and the cultural context of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, South India in statue manufacturing.
The Artistry Behind Marble Radha Krishna Statues
Traditional Craftsmanship
Marble Murti Jaipur prides itself on preserving traditional craftsmanship. Each statue is meticulously crafted by skilled artisans who follow time-honored techniques, ensuring the authenticity and cultural richness of every piece.
Unique Features of Marble Murti Jaipur’s Statues
What sets Marble Murti Jaipur apart is its commitment to uniqueness. The statues boast intricate detailing, personalized touches, and a fusion of traditional and contemporary design elements, making them stand out in the market.
Cultural Relevance and Symbolism
Beyond their aesthetic appeal, Marble Radha Krishna statues hold deep cultural significance. Marble Murti Jaipur’s creations capture the essence of spirituality and convey the rich symbolism associated with these divine figures.
Also Read: Top Marble Goddess Statue Maker and Exporter in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, South India-Marble Murti Jaipur
Marble Murti Jaipur: Crafting Exquisite Statues
Overview of the Company
Marble Murti Jaipur has been a frontrunner in the industry, known for its commitment to quality and craftsmanship. With years of experience, the company has earned a reputation for delivering top-notch Marble Radha Krishna statues.
Expertise and Experience in the Field
The artisans at Marble Murti Jaipur bring a wealth of expertise to the table. Their mastery of carving and sculpting techniques, combined with a passion for their craft, ensures that each statue meets the highest standards of quality.
Quality Control Measures
To maintain the excellence of their creations, Marble Murti Jaipur implements rigorous quality control measures at every stage of production. From selecting premium raw materials to the final inspection, the company prioritizes precision and perfection.
Visakhapatnam’s Role in Marble Statue Manufacturing
Geographical Advantages
Visakhapatnam, situated in Andhra Pradesh, South India, offers geographical advantages for marble statue manufacturing. The abundance of quality marble and a skilled workforce contributes to the city’s prominence in the industry.
Skilled Artisans in Andhra Pradesh
The region is home to a pool of skilled artisans who have inherited the art of statue crafting through generations. Marble Murti Jaipur collaborates with these artisans, fostering a community-driven approach to their craft.
Cultural Influences on Statue Design
The cultural richness of Andhra Pradesh seeps into the designs of Marble Radha Krishna statues. The artisans draw inspiration from local traditions, creating statues that resonate with both religious and cultural sentiments.
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artariumm · 4 months
Caring for Your God Idols : Proper Cleaning, Puja Rituals, and More
God idols hold significant spiritual and cultural importance in many households. Whether it's a Radha Krishna murti or a Ram Mandir statue, these divine representations deserve proper care and attention to maintain their sanctity and beauty. In this blog, we'll explore essential tips for caring for your god idols, including proper cleaning methods, puja rituals, and more.
Understanding the Significance:
God idols symbolize devotion, faith, and spirituality for millions of people worldwide. Keeping them clean and well-maintained is not only a sign of respect but also enhances the spiritual ambiance of your home.
Proper Cleaning Techniques:
Dusting: Use a soft, dry cloth to gently remove dust from the surface of the idol. Avoid using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals, as they can damage the delicate features of the idol.
Washing: If necessary, you can wash the idol with a mild soap solution and lukewarm water. Be sure to dry it thoroughly afterward to prevent water damage.
Special Care: For intricate idols like Radha Krishna murti or Ram Mandir statues, use a small, soft brush to clean hard-to-reach areas without causing any damage.
Puja Rituals:
Daily Puja: Establish a routine for daily puja rituals to honor the god idols in your home. Offer flowers, incense, and prayers as a symbol of devotion and gratitude.
Festive Celebrations: During festivals and special occasions, enhance your puja rituals by decorating the idol with flowers, garlands, and traditional attire.
Mantra Chanting: Recite sacred mantras and prayers while performing puja to invoke blessings and positive energy into your home.
Displaying the Idols:
Choose a Sacred Space: Designate a clean, well-lit area in your home to display the god idols. Avoid placing them in areas with high humidity or direct sunlight, as it may cause damage over time.
Altar Decor: Create a beautiful altar or shrine to showcase the idols, adorned with traditional decorations and auspicious symbols.
Respectful Placement: Place the idols at eye level or slightly above to show reverence and respect. Avoid placing them on the floor or in inappropriate locations.
Maintenance Tips:
Regular Inspection: Periodically inspect the god idols for any signs of damage or deterioration. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.
Environmental Control: Maintain a stable indoor environment with proper temperature and humidity levels to preserve the integrity of the idols.
Professional Restoration: If the idol requires extensive cleaning or restoration, consider seeking the assistance of a professional conservator or artisan with experience in handling religious artifacts.
Caring for your god idols is not just a responsibility but a sacred duty. By following proper cleaning methods, observing puja rituals, and maintaining a respectful display, you can ensure that these divine representations remain a source of inspiration and blessings in your home for years to come.
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marbletemples · 5 months
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Order Custom Size Radha Krishna Marble Murti at Best Price!
Are you looking for Radha Krishna Marble Statue manufacturer and exporter from Jaipur, India? Marble Artifacts is a leading manufacturer and exporter of Marble Statue. We have expertise in Radha Krishna Statue and Small and Large (Outdoor) Marble Temples. We have idols of Lord Krishna in various patterns, and there are many idols playing flute in the signature posture in this collection. There is a cow or a peacock along with the idol of Radha Krishna on the pedestal.
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chokhidhanikalagram1 · 10 months
Bringing Culture Home: Chokhi Dhani Kalagram's Online Home Decor Items Await You!
Chokhi Dhani Kalagram presents an enticing assortment of online home decor items that let you adorn your abode with the finest craftsmanship and artistic expressions. From Laxmi Ganesh Murti to Flower Pots, each piece radiates the essence of Indian handicrafts and offers an opportunity to create a unique atmosphere in your home. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the captivating world of Chokhi Dhani Kalagram's offerings, from handmade decorative items for home to Nataraja Murti and sculptures. 
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Embrace Tradition: Laxmi Ganesh Murti
One of the most cherished symbols of prosperity and divine blessings in Indian culture is the Laxmi Ganesh Murti. Crafted with intricate details and infused with spiritual significance, these idols are perfect additions to your home's decor. Placing a Ganesh Murti in your living room or prayer space not only adds aesthetic charm but also brings positivity and auspiciousness.
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Blossoming Beauty: Flower Pots Online
Flower pots aren't merely vessels for plants; they are expressions of creativity and nature's beauty. Chokhi Dhani Kalagram's online collection offers a wide range of flower pots adorned with traditional motifs and vibrant colors. These flower pots online will enhance the beauty of your outdoor settings, whether you have a large garden or a small balcony.
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Craftsmanship at its Finest: Indian Handicrafts
Indian handicrafts are evidence of the nation's talented craftspeople and rich cultural variety. Chokhi Dhani Kalagram's collection showcases a myriad of handcrafted treasures that encompass traditional art forms and techniques. From intricate woodwork to delicate textiles, these handicrafts allow you to infuse your home with stories of heritage and craftsmanship.
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Artistry Beyond Compare: Handmade Decorative Items for Home
Elevate your home's interior with Chokhi Dhani Kalagram's exquisite range of handmade decorative items. From ornate wall hangings to intricately designed showpieces, each piece tells a tale of creativity and artistic excellence.
Dance of the Divine: Nataraja Murti
A portrayal of Lord Shiva in his cosmic dancing form, the Nataraja Murti is a symbol of creation, preservation, and destruction. This awe-inspiring sculpture captures the essence of divine energy and movement. Placing a Nataraja idol in your home not only adds a spiritual touch but also invites a sense of dynamic balance and harmony.
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Devotion in Form: Radha Ki Murti
The Radha Ki Murti celebrates the eternal love and devotion between Lord Krishna and his beloved Radha. These sculptures encapsulate the essence of pure love and spirituality. By adorning your living spaces with a Murti, you infuse your home with the timeless emotions of devotion, compassion, and unity.
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Discover Jaipur's Masterpieces: Jaipur Handicrafts Online
Jaipur, known as the Pink City, is a hub of artistic brilliance and cultural heritage. Chokhi Dhani Kalagram brings the essence of Jaipur Handicrafts Online to your doorstep through its online platform. Discover a wide range of works, from beautifully crafted jewellery to handwoven fabrics, and become immersed in the thriving world of Jaipur's handicraft.
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Chokhi Dhani Kalagram's online home decor collection presents a golden opportunity to infuse your living spaces with the richness of Indian culture and heritage. From god idols to Flower Pots, each item narrates a story of craftsmanship and devotion. Embrace the beauty of Indian handicrafts items, celebrate the divine through Nataraja and Radha Murti, and bring the vibrancy of Jaipur's artistry into your home. The amalgamation of tradition and modernity in these items creates an ambience that resonates with positivity and elegance.
Q: How can I purchase Chokhi Dhani Kalagram's online home decor items?
A: Purchasing these exquisite items is simple. Visit Chokhi Dhani Kalagram's official website, browse the collection, select your desired items, and proceed to checkout.
Q: Are these items suitable for gifting? 
A: Absolutely! Chokhi Dhani Kalagram's home decor items make thoughtful and unique gifts that carry a touch of Indian culture and artistry.
Q: What makes Indian handicrafts special? 
A: Indian handicrafts are crafted by skilled artisans using traditional techniques, each piece carrying a piece of the country's cultural heritage and artistic expression.
Q: Can I find modern designs in the collection? 
A: While the collection primarily focuses on traditional designs, you'll find a fusion of traditional and modern elements in some items, appealing to various tastes.
Q: Are these items fragile?
A: Chokhi Dhani Kalagram takes utmost care in packaging these items for safe delivery. However, it's recommended to handle them with care due to their intricate craftsmanship.
Q: Can I customize orders? 
A: Currently, the collection features pre-designed items. Customization options might be available in the future.
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alanjoseph21 · 10 months
Black Radha Krishna Marble Murti: A Symbol of Love and Compassion
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Black Radha Krishna marble murtis are a popular choice for Hindu devotees who believe that the black color of the murti symbolizes Krishna's infinite compassion and love. The murti is often depicted with Radha and Krishna standing together, with Krishna playing his flute and Radha looking up at him with love.
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The black color of the murti is said to represent Krishna's dark complexion, which is also a symbol of his humility and his willingness to connect with people from all walks of life. The murti is also often depicted with a flute, which represents Krishna's role as the divine playmate.
Black Radha Krishna marble murtis are typically made from high-quality marble and are carefully carved by skilled artisans. They can be found in a variety of sizes, from small tabletop murtis to large murtis that can be installed in a temple or home shrine.
If you are looking for a beautiful and meaningful murti to worship, a black Radha Krishna marble murti is a great option. It is a symbol of Krishna's love and compassion, and it is believed to have many blessings to bestow on its devotees.
Here are some of the reasons why people choose to worship black Radha Krishna marble murti:
The black color of the murti symbolizes Krishna's infinite compassion and love. Black Radha Krishna marble murti with loveOpens in a new window www.thestonestudio.in The murti is often depicted with Radha and Krishna standing together, which represents their eternal love for each other. The Shri Radha Krishna black murti is believed to have many powers, including the power to grant wishes, protect its devotees, and bring good luck. Many people admire its ability to assist in overcoming challenges and accomplishing objectives. The Shri Radha Krishna black murti is a beautiful and intricate work of art. If you are interested in purchasing a black Radha Krishna marble murti, there are many online and offline retailers that sell them. When choosing a murti, it is important to find one that is made from high-quality materials and that is aesthetically pleasing to you. You should also choose a murti that is from a reputable dealer.
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Once you have purchased your black Radha Krishna marble murti, you can install it in a puja room or other sacred space in your home. You should make sure to clean the murti regularly and offer it prayers and offerings. You can also chant mantras to Radha Krishna in front of the murti.
If you follow these easy steps, you can invite the blessings of Radha Krishna into your home and life.
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metalkart · 2 years
How to decorate your pooja room for the Janmashtami festival?
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It's that time of year again everyone has been waiting for. It's time to start planning for Janmashtami, the festival celebrating the birth of Lord Krishna! It's one of the biggest festivals in India, and devotees from every part of the country celebrate this auspicious occasion with great enthusiasm. And since there's so little time left, it's time to start your preparations for the celebrations. However, one of the most important aspects of getting ready for this festival is to decorate your pooja room correctly. We've listed some tips on ensuring your pooja room is ready for the big day, but first, let's learn more about this festival!
What is Janmashtami?
 Janmashtami is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Krishna, one of the most popular deities in Hinduism. The festival is also known as Krishnashtami, Gokulashtami and Mathura Utsava. It falls on the eighth day (Ashtami) of the dark fortnight in the month of Shravan (August–September).
 Essentials to prepare your pooja room for Janmashtami
 There are many ways you can decorate your pooja room for Janmashtami. Here are some ideas to help you get all pooja essentials online right on time:
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1. Hang up a picture or painting of Krishna. You can also buy a Radha Krishna statue online and place the statue on a throne in the room.
 2. Decorate with flowers and garlands. Krishna is often associated with the lotus flower, so using these in your decoration will add a special touch.
 3. Use lights to create a festive atmosphere. String up fairy lights or diyas (oil lamps) around the room.
 4. Incense is another important element in Hindu worship, so make sure to have some burning during the festival.
 5. Offerings of food and drinks associated with this festival, such as Dahi Handi and churned butter.
 What is the importance of decorating a pooja room for Janmashtami?
 The festival of Janmashtami is a special occasion for Hindus worldwide. It is the day Lord Krishna was born and celebrated with great devotion. One of the most important aspects of the festival is the pooja everyone performs in their pooja room to honor Lord Krishna.
 A pooja room is a sacred space in the home where Hindus can go to pray, meditate, or perform other rituals. The decoration of a puja room is an important part of preparations for Janmashtami. By adorning the room with beautiful flowers, lights, and images of Lord Krishna, devotees create a sacred space where they can feel closer to him.
 Decorating a puja room for Janmashtami is not only an act of devotion but also a way to bring positive energy into the home. The colorful decorations and festive atmosphere help to create a joyful and holy atmosphere that can be enjoyed by all.
 How to decorate your pooja room for Janmashtami?
 As the festival of Janmashtami nears, people start thinking about how they will decorate their homes, especially their pooja rooms. After all, this special occasion is where we remember and worship Lord Krishna. If you're not sure how to go about decorating your pooja room for Janmashtami, here are some tips to get you started:
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You can start by cleaning the room and     drawing simple rangolis or kolams at the entrance.
Place a small table or shelf in front of the     altar or mandir where you will place the idols of brass Radha Krishna murti.
Decorate the table or shelf with fresh     flowers, incense sticks, and a lamp.
Place the idols of Lord Krishna and Radha on     the table or shelf. You can also place other smaller idols around them.
Once everything is ready, light the lamp and     incense sticks to fill the room with an auspicious aura.
  With these tips, you can easily decorate your pooja room for the Janmashtmi festival. Make sure to keep the space clean and clutter-free to create a peaceful ambiance for worship. And don't forget to add some personal touches to make the space yours. Happy decorating!
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frownmom4 · 2 years
Never Place Lord Krishna Murti In These Directions Or Places At Home
Want to bring home the Lord Krishna statue? Then follow these rules and tips of placement, direction, light to avoid bad luck. Lord Krishna has an immense following all over the world and is known as the God of wealth, love and prosperity. Framed Radha Krishna Painting of us bring home an idol of Lord Krishna be it big or small for praying to them and some get the idol as it looks pretty as well. His idol is said to bring good luck to your home but do you know that direction and the right elements of and around the statues matter a lot? You might be inviting bad luck if the placement of the Lord Krishna murti is wrong. Follow these rules, keep these key elements in mind to reverse the bad luck you may have already attracted: Height It is not just the direction to which we will come soon, it is firstly the height of the area where Lord Krishna's idol will be placed. If Lord Krishna Wall Art are getting a huge statue then you must keep in mind the position off the floor and the distance between the statue and the ceiling. You must get a smaller statue that is at eye level when you place it. Radha Krishna Canvas Painting is important that you are able to look at the statue in the eye, without having to look up or look down. Never Place Radha Krishna Painting In These Rooms & Corners Place lord Krishna's statue in a NorthEast corner and make sure that it is facing East to West or West to East. However, you must also consider the rooms nearby. Make sure that it is never placed in a bathroom or bedroom. Avoid rooms with adjoining walls as well. Direction As you enter your home, check which wall of your house is in which direction. The idol is most effective when it is placed in the Northeast corner of the home as mentioned above. East to West, or West to East is fine for its facing but never North to South. It is quite similar to the Feng Shui rules. These directions and placement shows respect for the Krishna statue and invites a healthy and positive energy flow. Direction Of Light Proper light is a must for the statue. The main light source direction must hit the statue from the Southeastern side. If you notice, in temples, candles and oil lamps are placed in these directions. The direction of light attracts positivity and good energy into your home. It also brings in prosperity and happiness. Radha Krishna Canvas of Statue Just like Lord Buddha, the type of statue of Lord Krishna also matters on your purpose. If you had a child or are having one soon then bring home the child version of Lord Krishna. But, if Radha Krishna Wall Art need good energy then bring home a Krishna statue with a calf. How To Complete Your Mandir With Lord Krishna Flute The flute of Lord Krishna is said to bring all people together which means unity and harmony at home. Exclusive Radha Krishna Painting Frame & Calf Statue This statue is important as per Hindu mythology, as a cow represents all the Gods of Hinduism. Secondly, Lord Krishna loved butter, milk, butter and all other dairy products that a cow produces, so do keep a statue at home. Peacock Feather Known for its beauty and the magnetic personality of Lord Krishna since he would wear it, it is believed that keeping a peacock feather in your home temple invites happiness. Lotus This flower is not just beautiful but considered sacred as well. It depicts struggle in life as it grows in muddy waters, but remains fragrant and looks beautiful. Place a lotus in your temple every day as it brings stability to a person. But you must replace it every other day with a fresh one. Misri and Makhan Making prasad for Lord Krishna is a no-brainer to put it lightly. Lord Krishna must be offered a prasad with misri and white butter. Radha Krishna Frame is best to keep some misri in an airtight container in your home temple.
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panditmarbal · 3 years
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Marble Temples is one of the leading manufacturer and seller of  Vishnu lakshmi ji ki murti. We use high-quality white makrana marble to carved god idols. Our experience of more than 15 years leads us to carve god statues with fine finishing. ​ We offer Lakshmi Ganesh idol in White Marble. These statues are intricately designed to give them proper finish and evoke a spiritual feel. We hold expertise in manufacturing marble Ganesh statues.
 ​Our exquisite idols are designed by master craftsmen who not only are skilled but also can work according to the requirements and proposal of the customers. The smooth edges, quality finishing, vibrant polish, and intricate carving give our collection a distinctive touch. Our artisans work on every small detail, resulting in the clearly visible weapons in Lord Ganesha’s hands.
Fine grade white marbles are used as raw materials to provide the customers with the highest quality. These murtis have received constant admiration for their everlasting shine and durability. These Marble Ganesh Ji Statue idol will bring good fortune to your homes and at the same time add more beauty to your worshipping area. To suit the different spiritual beliefs of people we have an extensive array of statuses in various shapes, sizes, postures, and designs. ​ These Lord Ganesh Laxmi murtis are offered at an affordable price to make sure they are accessible to a wider range of individuals. Maintaining the standards established by the industry is our core purpose during the creation of these products. These statues are marvelously crafted by intense pre-planning and exclusion of the latest techniques and machinery. Along with the prayers, these murtis can also be used for decorating offices and homes. We also provide Marble Buddha Statue, Marble Radha Krishna Ji Statue, Best Marble Ram Darbar Statue etc.
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voidformation · 3 years
some elaborate dreams that i wrote down elsewhere:
8/13/21 dream
gayatri and amma were visiting us in texas. we were walking outside and i was telling them about temples i could take them to. i described the hanuman temple (i gestured with my arms to portray how vast it was) and the guruvayurappan one (it would be the last day of adi masam, so i said that could be cool) and one other one, they told me that they didn’t want to go to the DFW ekta mandir again. then i remembered that i could take them to the lalita peetam.
we all went together, the four of us. the temple was normal stuff, but lalita devi was in the left corner. we all sat around. it was pretty busy for a saturday.
then the priest opened up the side of the temple. there was an entire other set of ummachis. radha krishna and rama parivar. there was a durga alone as one of the layers. he could press a button and everything changed, like a set. we were amazed. i wanted to come here every saturday.
at some point i visited gayatri’s and amma’s apartment. i knew they’d moved in a while back but they were just settling in. gayatri was showing me how she kept her bookshelf and other items so she could reach and find things easily around the place. we talked a bit. it was a nice spring day.
temple moving between layers again. now many seats appeared and a stage came out. it was a low stage. i was trying to show everything to them. i think i went to the bathroom at some point.
these kids were all at the front of the temple. they were putting on some dancing. there were white young adult kids there too and i think i knew them or they’d asked me some questions. the young woman explained that she was going to do a general dance style after her bharatanatyam piece, and the first 6 seconds would be a prayer to the guru. the priest was standing on the side the whole time. a bunch of people came out and started dancing, their coordinated outfit was dark blue sequined.
somewhere towards the end of the performance, there was a clamoring. gayatri had taken $16,000. it was the temple’s money but it was somehow appa’s money actually. she snooped in the back room, saw the bills, and just took them. i was enraged. i chased her down up the audience seats and got the money back.
something happened. then towards the end the priest called out to just me. he took me to the back, near the main temple again. he asked me what was going on. i was tired and then this altercation. he seemed to understand that something wasn’t going on right at home.
i was deeply moved by this. i didn’t say much, but the entire time i wished that i had grown up around him. i wish someone had been there for me like that in indiana (it was still reality in the dream, but i seem to have understood the reality of my life at that point).
he didn’t get much out of expressing concern. but in the end he said some special mantrams for me. he pressed something against my chest too. there were other people at the temple. this felt like a kavacham. i left with appa only after that and everything fizzled out.
8/21/21 dream
we were at this temple. it was me and gayatri or something. there were these kids like the AVG NextGen kids. i sat on the ground for some bhajans. i was coming in and then leaving? it was like i was paying a short regular weekly visit.
i kept wanting to go next door. it was like india, lots of outdoorness and small temples. this temple was run by krishna das white people. i didn’t really want to go all the way in because they had their own weird thing. but i wanted to go see by the front where there was an orange stone hanuman. the hanuman had so many eyes. i went in but wasn’t brave enough to go in far. and then i went in again and was able to see ummachi.
i came back to this first temple. there was some guy i was with or around who was nice and understanding. we were distant though, but we were close. we chatted and there might have been sexual tension. i know we were in the temple but i don’t remember the temple then. but i went around and prayed. afterwards the guy talked to me. we were trying to be intimate or something. i liked him a lot and he had no real qualities but being nice and sweet to me.
at some point i went to use a public restroom. suddenly in the stall next to me, very typical black people were having sex passionately. the stalls shook. i looked through the cracks to catch a glimpse of the glistening and muscular black man behind her. but they were then outside the stall. i wanted to keep watching but i left the restroom because other people also rushed out in horror. i was more interested than appalled.
i was wearing gold eyeliner smeared around my eyelids and eyes.
at some point, sundaresh texting me trying to make plans. but i was staying and i was leaving and i didnt have much interest either.
i then went to a small temple. it was nepali and deserted. we got there before the priest. it seemed to have a lot of sannidhis. we went around once and i was close and interested to the murtis. there was a lot of fire around me, not just deepam but huge pillars of flickering fire that enveloped the murtis and sannidhis or that were the murtis themselves. there was some tourist family around us. i think i was with appa. i was spending time closely with the murtis, but was wearing big basketball shoes. these shoes were consciously on my feet, but i forgot about them. but after the priest and others came into the temple, appa exclaimed and i ran to take off my shoes.
then there was this black man. he was also touristy but showed interest to be a convert. the priest answered some of his questions.
we were still there for some reason. the priest handed appa a water cup to give the shivalingam abhishekam. it was a small gray shivalingam that was different. i went up after appa to try but i didn’t want to cut the line because the black guy and some other indian were in line after. then the priest started opening up the sannidhis and letting us come close. we went up to a few murtis that i don’t remember anymore. but one sannidhi he let us in really close. it was Saraswati Devi, but She was dark and different. like the nepali style with some demonic forces around and within her. the priest explained that she was an ugra saraswati or at least that saraswati is not as sweet as most conceive her to be. the black guy seemed to know, as he was in the area and mentioned that he read that her complexion was never white. i kept looking at Her, but it felt so museum-like. i felt outside. i couldn’t connect to her. i was trying to process (maybe like i was trying to remember my dream as i had it, soaking in every detail). the murti was so black and dark and different. i don’t remember Her face and i never tapped into Her energetic field.
reasons i had these dreams: appa mentioned that the vedas worshipped fire, i saw Willow’s saraswati tattoo on tiktok, surya mentioned dreams and ugra deity dreams
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marblemurti1 · 3 months
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Radha Krishna Marble Murti Manufacturers in Jaipur, Rajasthan
Marble Murti Jaipur stands out as one of the premier destinations for exquisite Radha Krishna marble murtis in Jaipur, Rajasthan. With a rich heritage of craftsmanship and artistry, Marble Murti Jaipur offers a wide range of beautifully crafted marble murti jaipur that capture the divine essence of Radha Krishna. Each murti is meticulously carved by skilled artisans using the finest quality marble, ensuring unmatched beauty and quality. Whether you're looking for a small murti for your home or a larger piece for a temple or spiritual space, Marble Murti Jaipur has the perfect Radha Krishna marble murti to enhance your space and uplift your spirit.
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agrawalmoorti · 4 years
Celebrate Your Auspicious Beginnings with White Marble Ganesh Statues
We offer lakshmi ganesh idol in White Marble.These statues are intricately designed to offer them proper finish and evoke a spiritual feel.We hold an expertise in manufacturing marble Ganesh statues.
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Our elegant idols are designed by master craftsmen who not only are skilled but can also work consistent with the wants and proposal of the purchasers . the graceful edges, quality finishing, vibrant polish and complex carving gives our collection a particular touch. Our artisans work on every small detail, leading to the clearly visible weapons in Lord Ganesha’s hands.
Fine grade white marbles are used as raw materials to supply the purchasers with the very best quality. These murtis have received constant admiration for his or her everlasting shine and sturdiness . These Lord marble ganesh idol will bring luck to your homes and at an equivalent time add more beauty to your worshipping area. To suit the various spiritual beliefs of individuals we've an in depth array of the status in various shapes, sizes,postures and styles .
These Lord Ganesh, Laxmi Moorti are offered at a reasonable price to form sure they're accessible to a wider range of people . Maintaining the standards established by the industry is our core purpose during the creation of those products. These statues are marvellously crafted by intense pre-planning and exclusion of the newest techniques and machinery. along side the prayers, these murtis also can be used for decorating offices and houses .
These idols became a logo of harmony, delight and affluence in Hindu homes. Being proficient within the niche, we also provide marble temple for home design/decoration.
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We've wide selection of lovely Ganesha statues with vary in range from low to high.
These idols became a logo of harmony, delight and affluence in Hindu homes. Being proficient within the niche, we also provide marble temple for home design/decoration.
Agrawal Moorti Bhandar is a  Best marble Moorti manufacturers in Jaipur.
Buy wide range of Marble Moorti [Marble Statues] Agrawal Moorti Bhandar from :- 
Marble Durga Statues
Marble Ganesh Statues
Marble Gauri Shankar Statues
Marble Handicraft Wall Hanging Plates
Marble Hanuman Statues
Marble Jain Mahaveer Statues
Marble Radha Krishna Statues
Marble Ram Darbar Statues
Marble Sai Baba Statues
Marble Saraswati Statues
So, If you want buy any bust and Indian God Marble Statue, then you can visit https://www.agrawalmoortibhandar.in/ official website or visit Agrawal Moorti Bhandar in Jaipur, India.
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divyamantra · 6 years
This aesthetic Idol made from features flawless finish and looks incredibly beautiful. This Idol from Aaradhi collection by Divya Mantra looks divine and can become a part of your living room, puja room or even your entrance hall. This idol is also an ideal gift for your friends and family and for the people you care for.
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Experience Divine Artistry at Chokhi Dhani Kalagram: A Haven of Exquisite Handicrafts
We invite you to step into a world where craftsmanship meets spirituality, where artistry combines with devotion. Chokhi Dhani Kalagram celebrates the beauty of Indian culture through its magnificent collection of divine idols and handicrafts. Discover the mesmerizing world of art and spirituality as we visit Idol of Lord Hanuman, Saraswati Idol, Ganesh Statue, Krishna Idol for Home, Ganesh Idol for Gift, Store of Handicrafts, Idol of goddess Laxmi, Ganpati Murti Price and Pooja Mandir of Marble.
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Ganesh Statue
Looking for a heartfelt and fortunate gift? With our magnificent assortment of Ganesh statues and idols, you can feel the generosity of Lord Ganesha. These exquisitely made idols and sculptures serve as gifts for weddings, housewarmings, and other special occasions because they represent blessings, knowledge, and fortune. Lord Ganesha has a special place in Hindu mythology because of his reputation as the remover of barriers and the harbinger of prosperity. Bringing joy and positive energy to any space, our exquisite Ganpati Statue reflects his charm and divine blessings. We recognise the value of offering high-quality goods at competitive costs, and the Ganesh Murti collection offers a variety of solutions to suit different budgets without sacrificing workmanship or spiritual significance. Pick something from our selection to bring Lord Ganesha's wonderful blessings home with you right now.
Hanuman Statue
See the exquisite idols of Hanuman and feel the presence of the mighty Hanuman. We have a wide collection of Hanuman Idol, in any form whether you are looking for a small size or a big one idol. It gives a wave of peace and good luck to your home and office.
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Saraswati Idol
Saraswati is revered as the goddess of learning, music, and art. Saraswati Statue captures her grace and wisdom here. Saraswati's divine essence is embodied in intricately carved marble statues and vibrant brass sculptures.
Krishna Statue
Lord Krishna charms hearts with his divine persona, which is captivating and timeless. Here, you'll discover a variety of Krishna Idols that perfectly represent the spirit of his captivating and entertaining personality. Our collection offers a wide variety of options to inspire devotion and peace in your house, whether you want a standing Krishna idol, a Radha-Krishna miniature, or a Krishna idol for your puja area.
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Laxmi Statue
Get the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, with our enchanting collection of idols. Featuring intricate details such as golden ornaments and shimmering attire, our Laxmi Idol exudes opulence and abundance. To attract prosperity, success, and good fortune, place these idols in your home or workplace.
Pooja Mandir
With our Marble Pooja Mandir, you can elevate your spiritual practices. High-quality marble is used to craft these intricately carved mandirs. Featuring a blend of traditional and contemporary designs, our Pooja Mandirs of Marble allows you to perform your daily prayers and connect with God in your home.
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Handicraft Store
Beyond idols of divinity, it is a paradise for lovers of handicrafts. A treasure trove of fine handcrafted artefacts awaits you, including elaborate wood carvings, mesmerizing paintings, and intricately designed objects. Browse our collection of handicrafts to discover the diversity of Indian craftsmanship. Each item tells a tale of talent and tradition.                        
It is a place of exquisite craftsmanship and artistry where the aesthetic and the spiritual come together. Discover our vast selection of Lord Hanuman idols, Saraswati statues, Ganesh statues, Krishna home idols, Ganesh gift idols, and much more. Your senses will be captivated by the variety of traditional and modern treasures at our handicrafts shop. They offer a seamless fusion of dedication and artistic excellence, whether you're looking to embellish your house, discover the ideal gift, or develop your spiritual practice. Enter our realm to witness the magnificent grandeur that is waiting for you.
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i-jayadevi · 5 years
Idols of Hindu God – discover Indian mythology
Idols of Hindu God – discover Indian mythology
Idols of Hindu God – discover Indian mythology
We all enjoy the beautiful decoration of our homes, especially when it comes to statues or small sculptures that depict different symbols. Powerfully inspired by the complex history of Buddhist deities, several people have discovered a whole variety of digital artifacts included in the gold set. To them, these holy murtis (idols) are just what they wanted at the same time to beautify and worship. 
Every idol is original, but any of the < a href="http:/www.india1imports.com/" > Hindu God idols</a > you pick are perfect items for devotion, worship, and they can decorate any temple (also known as mandir). The 24k gold playing is definitely a plus, particularly since at special occasions these religious statues are issued. Some are offered as a new-house present at weddings, traditional festivals such as Diwali (Lights Festival), or even to welcome a baby into life. The amazing thing about these objects is that they can fit in any culture, being an expression of religion and a gift that will be cherished forever.
Indians, particularly when we talk about religion, have a very rich and deep culture. At each festival and cultural event, they pray and worship these religious idols, showing their respect. The legend says that Ganesha and < a href="http:/india1imports.com / catalog / index.php?cPath=23" > Laxmi gold idols</a > should be purchased when the lights festival arrives. Ganesha is believed to be the Lord who takes care of everything to run smoothly, to remove challenges and to impart wisdom. Some people choose to worship Ganesha in their temples or even in their homes by having religious idols, particularly when they plan to start new projects.
Today, the Internet is the best place to find spiritual murtis and get the most comprehensive deals, not to mention the best prices. For the gold set, you will appreciate the greatest variety, like Radha Krishna (the emblem of love in Indian culture) but also many other religious statues that are not so easy to get hold of, particularly Sai Baba, Bal Gopal, Ambemata, Kali or Shiva (one of the three main deities in the Hindu temple). You can always check for the silver set if you are not happy with the gold spiritual murtis. You're certainly going to be impressed with your decisions.
Many people have become ardent collectors of Hindu God idols, attracted by the incredible culture. They have learned more about Indian mythology and religious beliefs, most of whom are even interested in expressing their trust in these deities. The silver range provides a number of interesting possibilities for them, especially if we were to take into account the < a href="http:/india1imports.com / catalog / index.php?cPath=24" > Ganesha idol</a > depiction. Indeed, Ganesha is one of the most precious religious statues, often offered as a gift but also kept for worship. 
If you're interested in gold from Krishna, gold from Sai Darbar, silver from Ganapati or silver from Ganesha, you can certainly find what you're looking for online. You can send a wonderful gift to someone who is just as interested about Indian culture or you can always add to your growing collection a new religious gold or silver idol!
source https://www.gyanns.com/2019/12/idols-of-hindu-god-discover-indian.html
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jhansikumari · 5 years
Idols of Hindu God – discover Indian mythology
Idols of Hindu God – discover Indian mythology
Idols of Hindu God – discover Indian mythology
We all enjoy the beautiful decoration of our homes, especially when it comes to statues or small sculptures that depict different symbols. Powerfully inspired by the complex history of Buddhist deities, several people have discovered a whole variety of digital artifacts included in the gold set. To them, these holy murtis (idols) are just what they wanted at the same time to beautify and worship. 
Every idol is original, but any of the < a href="http:/www.india1imports.com/" > Hindu God idols</a > you pick are perfect items for devotion, worship, and they can decorate any temple (also known as mandir). The 24k gold playing is definitely a plus, particularly since at special occasions these religious statues are issued. Some are offered as a new-house present at weddings, traditional festivals such as Diwali (Lights Festival), or even to welcome a baby into life. The amazing thing about these objects is that they can fit in any culture, being an expression of religion and a gift that will be cherished forever.
Indians, particularly when we talk about religion, have a very rich and deep culture. At each festival and cultural event, they pray and worship these religious idols, showing their respect. The legend says that Ganesha and < a href="http:/india1imports.com / catalog / index.php?cPath=23" > Laxmi gold idols</a > should be purchased when the lights festival arrives. Ganesha is believed to be the Lord who takes care of everything to run smoothly, to remove challenges and to impart wisdom. Some people choose to worship Ganesha in their temples or even in their homes by having religious idols, particularly when they plan to start new projects.
Today, the Internet is the best place to find spiritual murtis and get the most comprehensive deals, not to mention the best prices. For the gold set, you will appreciate the greatest variety, like Radha Krishna (the emblem of love in Indian culture) but also many other religious statues that are not so easy to get hold of, particularly Sai Baba, Bal Gopal, Ambemata, Kali or Shiva (one of the three main deities in the Hindu temple). You can always check for the silver set if you are not happy with the gold spiritual murtis. You're certainly going to be impressed with your decisions.
Many people have become ardent collectors of Hindu God idols, attracted by the incredible culture. They have learned more about Indian mythology and religious beliefs, most of whom are even interested in expressing their trust in these deities. The silver range provides a number of interesting possibilities for them, especially if we were to take into account the < a href="http:/india1imports.com / catalog / index.php?cPath=24" > Ganesha idol</a > depiction. Indeed, Ganesha is one of the most precious religious statues, often offered as a gift but also kept for worship. 
If you're interested in gold from Krishna, gold from Sai Darbar, silver from Ganapati or silver from Ganesha, you can certainly find what you're looking for online. You can send a wonderful gift to someone who is just as interested about Indian culture or you can always add to your growing collection a new religious gold or silver idol!
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gagandeepg02 · 5 years
Idols of Hindu God – discover Indian mythology
Idols of Hindu God – discover Indian mythology
Idols of Hindu God – discover Indian mythology
We all enjoy the beautiful decoration of our homes, especially when it comes to statues or small sculptures that depict different symbols. Powerfully inspired by the complex history of Buddhist deities, several people have discovered a whole variety of digital artifacts included in the gold set. To them, these holy murtis (idols) are just what they wanted at the same time to beautify and worship. 
Every idol is original, but any of the < a href="http:/www.india1imports.com/" > Hindu God idols</a > you pick are perfect items for devotion, worship, and they can decorate any temple (also known as mandir). The 24k gold playing is definitely a plus, particularly since at special occasions these religious statues are issued. Some are offered as a new-house present at weddings, traditional festivals such as Diwali (Lights Festival), or even to welcome a baby into life. The amazing thing about these objects is that they can fit in any culture, being an expression of religion and a gift that will be cherished forever.
Indians, particularly when we talk about religion, have a very rich and deep culture. At each festival and cultural event, they pray and worship these religious idols, showing their respect. The legend says that Ganesha and < a href="http:/india1imports.com / catalog / index.php?cPath=23" > Laxmi gold idols</a > should be purchased when the lights festival arrives. Ganesha is believed to be the Lord who takes care of everything to run smoothly, to remove challenges and to impart wisdom. Some people choose to worship Ganesha in their temples or even in their homes by having religious idols, particularly when they plan to start new projects.
Today, the Internet is the best place to find spiritual murtis and get the most comprehensive deals, not to mention the best prices. For the gold set, you will appreciate the greatest variety, like Radha Krishna (the emblem of love in Indian culture) but also many other religious statues that are not so easy to get hold of, particularly Sai Baba, Bal Gopal, Ambemata, Kali or Shiva (one of the three main deities in the Hindu temple). You can always check for the silver set if you are not happy with the gold spiritual murtis. You're certainly going to be impressed with your decisions.
Many people have become ardent collectors of Hindu God idols, attracted by the incredible culture. They have learned more about Indian mythology and religious beliefs, most of whom are even interested in expressing their trust in these deities. The silver range provides a number of interesting possibilities for them, especially if we were to take into account the < a href="http:/india1imports.com / catalog / index.php?cPath=24" > Ganesha idol</a > depiction. Indeed, Ganesha is one of the most precious religious statues, often offered as a gift but also kept for worship. 
If you're interested in gold from Krishna, gold from Sai Darbar, silver from Ganapati or silver from Ganesha, you can certainly find what you're looking for online. You can send a wonderful gift to someone who is just as interested about Indian culture or you can always add to your growing collection a new religious gold or silver idol!
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