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rapidpricer · 2 months
The Role Of Blockchain And IoT In Retail Supply Chain
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Written By: Gargi Sarma 
Within its intricate supply chain, the retail business faces numerous obstacles, such as inefficiencies, a lack of transparency, and difficulties tracing products from manufacturer to consumer. Nevertheless, new technologies that address these persistent problems, such as blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT), have the potential to completely transform supply chain management.
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Figure 1: Macro Shifts and Industry Trends Drive Retail Supply Chain Evolution (Source: Deloitte)
Pricing, forecasting, and assortment planning are three major issues in retail supply chain management that might be greatly improved by integrating blockchain and IoT technologies.
Enhancing Pricing Strategies through Blockchain and IoT:
Blockchain Ensures Transparent and Secure Transactions:
Blockchain records transactions in an encrypted, unchangeable ledger spread across multiple nodes, ensuring tamper-proof data and fraud prevention through cryptography.
Blockchain fosters transparency in retail pricing by providing a verifiable record of product interactions, ensuring prices reflect actual market forces, and preventing manipulation.
Retailers can use blockchain to demonstrate the legitimacy and integrity of their pricing schemes, building consumer trust and fostering fair competition in the market.
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Figure 2: Architecture of IoT Involved in Analytics (Source: Microsoft Azure)
The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a network of devices linked together with sensors and data collection capabilities. IoT devices can be used in physical retail settings and across the supply chain in the retail sector to gather data in real-time on a variety of consumer behavior and market trends.
IoT sensors, for example, may monitor product interactions, track foot traffic in stores, and evaluate purchasing patterns. Retailers may learn a lot about customer preferences, demand swings, and competition dynamics from this data. Retailers may make well-informed decisions in real-time by gaining a thorough understanding of consumer behavior and market trends through the continual collection and analysis of this data.
QR code as an emerging technology:
Blockchain technology combined with QR codes provides a game-changing way to guarantee traceability and transparency across the supply chain, especially when it comes to fresh produce's journey from the farm to the table. Several important criteria can be tracked and confirmed by using blockchain technology in conjunction with QR codes embedded at different stages of the supply chain:
Farm-to-Fresh Traceability: By assigning a unique QR code to a particular batch or lot of produce, customers can scan the code and follow the product's path from the farm to their plate. Customers' trust is increased as a result of the guarantee of authenticity and transparency regarding the produce's origin.
Real-Time Delivery Time Tracking: Blockchain technology allows for real-time tracking of a product's journey, including how long it takes to get from the farm to the customer. Customers can test the freshness of the produce when it arrives by scanning the QR code to get information about the delivery time.
Temperature Monitoring: Data on the state of the temperature during transit can also be stored using QR codes that are integrated with blockchain technology. Temperature variations can be continuously monitored by sensors inside the package, and the blockchain can store this data. By scanning the QR code, customers can confirm the product's temperature history and make sure it was transported and kept in an ideal manner to preserve freshness.
Quality Assurance: The blockchain can be used to track and record several quality metrics, including humidity levels, handling procedures, and storage conditions, in addition to temperature. By scanning the QR code, users may obtain this data, which gives them insights into the quality control procedures followed through the supply chain.
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Figure 3: Architecture of IoT Involved in Fresh Produce Block Chain
All things considered, the combination of blockchain technology and QR codes provides a strong way to improve fresh produce's farm-to-table transparency, traceability, and quality control. Customers can increase trust and confidence in the food supply chain by making educated selections based on trustworthy information that they can obtain by scanning QR codes.
Examples of Retail Companies Utilizing Blockchain and IoT for Dynamic Pricing Optimization:
Walmart: The massive retailer uses blockchain technology to improve supply chain traceability and transparency. Walmart gathers data on product demand and inventory levels in real-time by utilizing IoT sensors and data analytics. To optimize pricing strategies and make sure that prices are dynamically updated based on market conditions and consumer preferences, this data is then integrated with blockchain.
Amazon: To collect information on customer behavior and purchase habits, Amazon uses Internet of Things devices like Dash buttons and Echo. Blockchain technology is used with data analysis to allow for dynamic pricing changes on the e-commerce platform. With the help of its pricing algorithms, which track rival and market pricing patterns constantly, Amazon can maximize profits while providing competitive prices to customers in real-time.
Alibaba: To improve confidence and transparency in its online marketplace, the massive Chinese e-commerce company is using blockchain technology. Alibaba tracks product movement and keeps an eye on inventory levels by integrating IoT devices into its supply chain. Alibaba ensures fair and competitive prices for customers by optimizing pricing strategies based on real-time demand signals by fusing blockchain technology with Internet of Things data.
All things considered, these illustrations show how retail businesses are using the convergence of blockchain technology and the IoT to improve pricing tactics, increase transparency, and provide value to consumers in the fast-paced market environment of today.
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Figure 4: Benefits of IoT in supply chain and logistics (Source: appinventiv)
Exploration of IoT Sensors for Data Collection:
IoT sensors are essential to the change in forecasting because they track inventory movement and customer preferences, among other components of the retail supply chain. These sensors are integrated into distribution hubs, retail locations, and warehouses to continuously monitor product availability, shelf life, and consumer interactions. Retailers may gain a full picture of supply and demand dynamics by using IoT devices to gather real-time data on inventory levels, sales transactions, and consumer behavior.
Blockchain's Contribution to Data Integrity:
Blockchain technology ensures data integrity and reliability, which improves forecasting model accuracy. Data is safely saved and timestamped on the blockchain ledger as it is gathered from IoT devices along the supply chain. This unchangeable record prevents data manipulation and tampering, giving retailers a reliable source of information for forecasting. Retailers can confidently examine past data and forecast future demand trends, inventory requirements, and supply chain optimization plans by utilizing blockchain.
Examples Illustrating Integration of IoT Data with Blockchain:
Walmart: To manage inventory movement and keep an eye on product availability in its shops and warehouses, Walmart uses Internet of Things sensors. Blockchain technology is combined with this real-time data to guarantee supply chain transparency and traceability. Walmart can effectively predict demand for particular products, adjust inventory levels, and reduce stockouts and overstocking by studying this data.
Target: Target uses Internet of Things (IoT) sensors in its retail locations to gather information on customer preferences and purchase trends. Blockchain technology is used in conjunction with this data to establish a safe and trustworthy database for forecasting. Target can forecast demand for seasonal products, identify market trends, and maximize product assortment to satisfy customer expectations by examining trends and patterns in consumer behavior.
Amazon: To collect real-time data on consumer interactions and product sales, Amazon integrates Internet of Things devices like Dash buttons and Echo speakers. For its e-commerce platform, this data is combined with blockchain technology to improve forecasting model accuracy. Amazon can anticipate demand for particular products, modify pricing tactics, and enhance inventory management to effectively satisfy customer demand by examining customer comments, browsing history, and purchase habits.
The retail industry's forecasting is revolutionized by the combination of IoT data and blockchain technology, which gives retailers precise, dependable, and useful insights into supply and demand dynamics. Retail chains may enhance consumer satisfaction, streamline inventory management, and promote long-term growth in the current competitive market environment by capitalizing on this synergy.
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Figure 5: Assortment planning example (Source: thought works)
For the omnichannel network to serve a variety of target segments, it must be optimized. The size and proximity of the client must be taken into consideration while choosing the assortment's breadth and depth. Omnichannel assortment planning must promote corporate objectives including volume, sales, coverage, quantity of orders, and profitability. Figure 4 illustrates how this could seem. The nodes in the omnichannel network are arranged spatially to serve a variety of target markets. The size and proximity of the consumer have a proportionate impact on the assortment's breadth and depth. Results like volume, revenue, coverage, order size, and profitability are all aided by it.
Blockchain's Role in Establishing End-to-End Traceability:
By producing an open and unchangeable record of product transactions, blockchain technology is essential to enabling end-to-end traceability in the supply chain. The blockchain ledger records and verifies every stage of the supply chain, from obtaining raw materials to manufacturing and distribution. This guarantees easy tracing and authentication of the products' source and validity. Blockchain offers an impenetrable and safe platform for recording a product's whole lifespan through decentralized consensus methods and cryptographic technology.
Transparency and Well-Informed Assortment Decisions: 
Retailers can make well-informed assortment decisions that are in line with customer values and preferences because of the transparency that Blockchain technology provides. Retailers can create assortments that appeal to their target market by gaining access to verified information on the provenance of products, manufacturing procedures, and sustainability policies. Retailers are also better equipped to adapt to new trends and customer needs thanks to this transparency, which keeps their product offerings current and competitive.
Retail Brands Using Blockchain-Enabled Traceability Examples:
Patagonia: The well-known outdoor clothing company uses blockchain-enabled traceability to guarantee transparent supply chains and ethical sourcing. Patagonia gives customers insight into the lifespan of its products by logging details on the Blockchain, including the source of ingredients, production methods, and environmental impact. Because of this openness, Patagonia is able to make well-informed selection judgments that uphold its core beliefs and give priority to sustainability.
Wine.com: The online wine store Wine.com uses blockchain technology to confirm the provenance and authenticity of the wines it sells. Wine.com gives customers confidence regarding the quality and authenticity of the wines they buy by encrypting information like vineyard location, grape variety, and production techniques into the Blockchain. Because of its transparency, Wine.com can provide a wide range of premium wines from around the globe and create assortments that are customized to each customer's preferences.
Adidas: To guarantee responsibility and transparency in its supply chain, the international sportswear brand incorporates blockchain-enabled traceability. Adidas establishes a verifiable record of product provenance on the blockchain by monitoring the procurement of components like cotton and rubber as well as the production processes of its shoes and clothes. Adidas can make well-informed judgments about product assortment, give ethical sourcing procedures top priority, and gain the trust of customers who respect sustainability and ethical manufacturing thanks to this transparency.
By offering transparency, authenticity, and responsibility across the supply chain, blockchain-enabled traceability enables retailers to simplify assortment planning. Retail brands can use this technology to curate assortments that are in line with consumer preferences, sustainability objectives, and ethical ideals, all of which will increase customer loyalty and confidence.
In conclusion, retail supply chain management is undergoing a revolutionary change as a result of the combination of blockchain and IoT technology. These breakthroughs present previously unheard-of chances to tackle enduring issues and transform crucial areas like assortment strategy, forecasting, and pricing.
Blockchain promotes confidence and integrity throughout the supply chain by guaranteeing safe and transparent transactions. Dynamic decision-making is made possible by the real-time data collection capabilities of IoT, which offer priceless insights into market trends and consumer behavior.
Retailers that are utilizing IoT data integration and blockchain-enabled traceability are leading the way in innovation, optimizing operations, improving consumer experiences, and fostering long-term growth. These technologies will have a profound effect on the retail sector as they develop further, changing how companies run and engage with customers in a world that is becoming more digitally and globally connected.
About RapidPricer
RapidPricer helps automate pricing and promotions for retailers. The company has capabilities in retail pricing, artificial intelligence and deep learning to compute merchandising actions for real-time execution in a retail environment.
Contact info:
Website: https://www.rapidpricer.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rapidpricer/
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rapidpricer · 5 months
Pricing in the Meat Industry
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Written By: Gargi Sarma
Meat is more than simply food; it's a sophisticated commodity with a complex web of factors impacting its price. It's a mainstay in many diets around the world. Customers' final price is shaped by a wide range of factors from the farm gate to the shop shelf. To fully comprehend meat pricing, we must examine this complex system and navigate the interactions between supply and demand, market structures, laws, and even psychological strategies.
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Figure 1: The Growing Global Hunger for Meat (Source: Statista)
For many years, there has been an increasing global need for beef. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reports that during the 1960s, the world's meat production expanded fivefold. The FAO estimates that 364 million tons of meat will be produced in 2023.
The Intertwined Dance of Supply and Demand:
The basic economic concept of supply and demand is at the core of the price of meat. Animal availability and pricing can be greatly impacted by a number of supply-side factors, including weather fluctuations, disease outbreaks, feed costs, and livestock breeding cycles. Farmers may be forced to grow livestock to market weight earlier if feed prices suddenly rise, for example. This could result in a glut of smaller animals and possibly lower prices. On the other hand, severe winters may restrict the amount of feed available, reducing growth, and resulting in a drop in supply and subsequently higher prices.
Demand is also very important. The intake of meat can be influenced by cultural customs, consumer preferences, income levels, and even health issues. Increased demand for premium cuts, for instance, might result from rising disposable incomes, while customers may choose leaner choices due to greater health consciousness, which would have an impact on costs across the board.
Market Structures: From Farm to Fork:
Meat travels through a complex network of interconnected parties from farm to fork, all of whom have a stake in the outcome.
Farmers: The initial expenses of growing livestock, such as feed, land, and veterinary care, are borne by farmers because they are the primary producers. The industry's power dynamics and erratic market conditions frequently put pressure on its profit margins.
Packers and processors: These massive companies handle the killing, butchering, and packaging of meat; they also add to processing expenses and have an impact on the cuts and portions that are offered to customers. Over time, their consolidation has led to worries about possible price manipulation and diminished bargaining leverage for farmers.
Distributors and retailers: The final price at the checkout counter is further increased by the markups, marketing expenditures, and transportation charges that wholesalers and supermarkets add. The ultimate consumer pricing is also influenced by the degree of competition among retailers and their ability to negotiate with processors.
Control and Outside Factors:
In addition to market dynamics, the pricing of meat is significantly influenced by government restrictions and external influences. Trade agreements, import quotas, and food safety regulations can affect the supply and demand inside the country, causing changes in prices. Disease outbreaks, such as avian influenza, for example, might lead to import restrictions, which lowers competition and may drive up domestic prices. Similar to this, environmental laws about pollution prevention or animal welfare may increase producer costs, which will ultimately be reflected in the end product price.
Psychological Pricing: Gently prodding customers in the meat section
Even the price tag, which may appear simple, is skillfully designed to affect how customers behave. Charm pricing, which ends prices in nines, such as $4.99, is one technique that lowers costs and creates a sense of value. Anchor pricing emphasizes savings and portrays the final price more enticingly by presenting a higher initial price followed by a discount. When costly cuts are placed strategically next to less expensive options, customers may be persuaded to choose the more expensive options by use of comparison.
The meat industry faces a complex web of challenges when it comes to pricing its products. Balancing profitability with consumer affordability while navigating a volatile market requires careful consideration of several factors:
Demand Fluctuations:
Seasonality: Consumer demand for meat varies significantly throughout the year, impacting prices. Holidays and barbeque season drive up demand, while quieter periods see prices dip. Predicting these ebbs and flows accurately is crucial for setting optimal prices.
Economic Trends: Fluctuations in the economy can significantly impact consumer spending habits. During recessions, consumers might opt for cheaper cuts or alternatives, forcing price adjustments.
Dietary Trends: Growing awareness of health and environmental concerns has led to a rise in vegetarianism and flexitarianism. This shift in consumer preferences necessitates diversification of offerings and potentially lower prices for traditional meat products.
Reliable Transportation:
Perishable nature: Meat is highly perishable, requiring consistent cold chain logistics for safe transportation. Maintaining this infrastructure adds to operational costs, which may be reflected in pricing.
Fuel and labor costs: Rising fuel prices and labor shortages in the transportation sector can significantly impact delivery costs, putting pressure on meat processors to adjust prices accordingly.
Global disruptions: Pandemics, geopolitical conflicts, and natural disasters can disrupt global supply chains, leading to transportation delays and increased costs that may require price adjustments.
Processing losses: During processing, trimming, and packaging, unavoidable meat loss occurs. Minimizing this wastage through efficient practices and technology helps control costs and allows for fair pricing.
Spoilage: Improper handling or storage can lead to spoilage, resulting in lost revenue and potentially impacting future pricing strategies to compensate for these losses.
Consumer waste: Consumers may discard parts of meat due to improper storage or preparation, leading to overall industry waste and potential pressure on producers to lower prices to compensate.
Feed costs: The cost of animal feed fluctuates based on grain prices and other factors, directly impacting production costs and requiring adjustments in pricing strategies.
Animal health and welfare: Ensuring animal health and welfare often involves additional costs for veterinary care, improved living conditions, and antibiotic-free practices. These efforts might be reflected in higher prices for premium meat products.
Labor shortages: The meat industry faces labor shortages, leading to increased labor costs and potentially requiring price adjustments to maintain profitability.
Additional Challenges:
Competition: Intense competition within the meat industry puts pressure on pricing, forcing producers to find ways to differentiate their products and justify higher prices.
Government regulations: Environmental and animal welfare regulations can add to production costs, which may be reflected in pricing strategies.
Consumer price sensitivity: Consumers are increasingly price-sensitive, demanding value for their money. Finding the right balance between affordability and profitability is crucial for success.
Data & Analytics: Taking the wheel of pricing:
Meat producers and retailers are depending more and more on advanced analytics to guide their pricing strategies in the data-driven world of today. To forecast demand and improve pricing models, they monitor rival pricing, consumer preferences, industry trends, and even meteorological patterns. Through the examination of past data and current sales figures, they can dynamically modify prices, providing specific discounts or modifying markups in response to shifts in demand.
Produce Freshness Detector: Integration with POS Data - Retailers in the meat business can precisely monitor the sales performance of fresh produce by connecting the data from the Produce Freshness Detector with point-of-sale (POS) information. By optimizing revenue and decreasing waste, this integration enables dynamic pricing adjustments based on real-time freshness indicators.Teys Australia: This major Australian meat processor uses the "Shelf Life Predictor" system, which combines sensors, machine learning, and cloud-based analytics to assess meat freshness and predict shelf life. Integrating this data with POS allows for informed dynamic pricing based on real-time product quality.
In-Store Display: Integration with Demographic Detection Camera - Retailers can customize promotional content based on the demographics of the customers present by merging data from demographic detection cameras with information from in-store displays. For example, personalized advertising might be displayed based on the preferences of a certain demographic, such as meat varieties, to maximize sales and decrease waste.InContext Solutions: Integrates in-store displays with shopper behavior data, which could include pre-existing demo data.
Expiration Date Tracker: Integration with Inventory Data - Inventory management systems that integrate data from expiration date trackers guarantee proactive handling of merchandise that is about to expire. This integration reduces waste by enabling prompt restocking, markdowns, or targeted promotions to move out merchandise before it goes bad.Fishbowl: This popular cloud-based inventory management system (IMS) offers built-in expiration date tracking, batch and lot control, and real-time stock visibility to minimize waste and optimize product movement.
Demographic Detection Camera: Integration with POS Data and Electronic Shelf Labels - Retailers may learn more about how different populations purchase by combining POS data, electronic shelf labeling, and demographic detection camera data. Strategic price decisions, such as providing discounts or promotions during peak hours for particular consumer groups, are made possible by this knowledge, which maximizes revenue.Criteo: Specializes in retargeting and dynamic product ads, potentially benefiting from real-time purchase data from POS systems.
Electronic Shelf Labels: Integration with GS1 Barcode Data and Inventory Data - Accurate product information and inventory levels can be obtained by integrating GS1 barcode data with electronic shelf labels. By ensuring that the price on the shelf corresponds with the real product data, this integration lowers pricing errors. Real-time information on inventory levels also reduces waste by preventing stockouts and overstocking.RapidPricer: RapidPricer integrates electronic shelf labels with barcode data and inventory management systems which ensures accurate pricing and helps manage stock levels to avoid overstocking and waste.
GS1 Barcode Data: Integration with POS Data and Weather Data - When paired with real-time weather information and point-of-sale data, GS1 barcode data enables shops to modify prices in response to outside variables. For example, shops can use targeted promotions or discounts on particular meat products to increase demand and minimize wastage during bad weather.GS1 Barcode: When a product with a GS1 barcode is scanned at checkout, POS systems can immediately identify the product and link its sales data to real-time weather information. This allows retailers to implement dynamic pricing strategies or targeted promotions based on weather patterns.
Integration with Weather Data: Reduction of CO2 Emission - Effective supply chain management is made possible by the integration of weather data with inventory and transportation systems. Businesses can minimize CO2 emissions and fuel usage by optimizing transportation routes based on weather conditions. Furthermore, precise weather forecasts support demand forecasting by avoiding overstocking and the waste that follows.Microsoft Azure Maps: Offers various geospatial services, including weather forecasting APIs, that can be integrated into supply chain management and logistics software.
Strategic Pricing Decisions: Retailers may optimize income by making well-informed pricing decisions based on customer behavior, product freshness, and real-time considerations, thanks to the integration of these devices and data sources.
Reducing Wastage: By making sure that products are sold before they expire, proactive freshness monitoring, accurate inventory management, and focused promotions help to reduce wastage.
Minimization of CO2 Emission: The supply chain's integration of meteorological data optimizes transportation routes and cuts down on pointless stock movements, hence minimizing CO2 emissions and promoting sustainable practices in the meat business.
Case Studies: Unveiling the Pricing Puzzles:
The Chicken Conundrum: In the US, broiler chicken production is dominated by vertically integrated companies that control all aspects of the production chain, from breeding to processing and retail. This gives them significant control over supply and pricing, leading to relatively stable, but possibly lower prices for consumers.
The Wagyu Wars: Premium cuts of Wagyu beef, renowned for their marbling and intense flavor, command significantly higher prices due to limited supply and stringent breeding practices. Producers in countries like Japan and Australia rely on careful market segmentation and targeted marketing to justify the premium pricing.
RapidPricer: RapidPricer helps automate pricing, promotions, and assortment for retailers. The company has capabilities in retail pricing, artificial intelligence, and deep learning to compute merchandising actions for real-time execution in a retail environment. RapidPricer solution focuses on a strategic subset of products within the meat category characterized by limited shelf life and seasonal stability. To measure the solution's effectiveness, RapiPricer establishes clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which aim to achieve the following objectives for the meat industry:
Reduce food waste through optimized pricing.
Increase net margin by minimizing losses.
Boost revenue by maximizing product sell-through.
Moreover, RapidPricer can work on data analytics with the above-mentioned partner ecosystem.
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Figure 2: RapidPricer’s Solution
To sum up, in the meat industry, efficient pricing techniques are critical to striking a careful balance between optimizing profits, reducing waste, and advancing sustainability. Businesses can make strategic decisions that align with consumer preferences and market dynamics by utilizing cutting-edge technologies like produce freshness detectors, in-store displays, and demographic detection cameras. These technologies can be seamlessly integrated with data sources like inventory, GS1 barcodes, POS, and weather information. By minimizing CO2 emissions and significantly reducing food waste, the application of such comprehensive pricing strategies not only maximizes financial outcomes but also helps to reduce environmental effects. As the meat business develops, adopting creative pricing strategies guarantees not only financial success but also a dedication to satisfying consumers' shifting needs and promoting sustainable practices for a healthier future.
About RapidPricer
RapidPricer helps automate pricing and promotions for retailers. The company has capabilities in retail pricing, artificial intelligence and deep learning to compute merchandising actions for real-time execution in a retail environment.
Contact info:
Website: https://www.rapidpricer.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rapidpricer/
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