#smiled like a fool when i saw it ☺☺☺
heartsoji · 1 year
Hello. If Requests Are Open I Have One. Tsukishima, Suna And Kenma With A Reader Who Is Kinda On The Thicker Side (Thick, Not Chubby) So She Gets Sexualized And Catcalled A Lot
a/n: yes! thank u sm for submitting a request ☺︎
warnings: swearing, guys (not the hq guys) way overstepping and making reader feel uncomfortable, fem reader
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tsukishima, suna, and kenma x reader
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when something happens to you, he shows his protection subtly, but he really really cares about you
would attack the weirdos and people jealous of your body
he wouldn't be the "don't worry babe, i can fight" kind of attacking guy, but the "beat them up mentally until their spirit is broken" kind of attacking guy
you were doing your work diligently at your desk when suddenly, one of your male classmates stopped at your desk.
"goddamn, girl. being serious is great and all, but would it kill you to show a pained expression every now and then?" he rested his hand on your desk, covering part of your paper.
"pardon?" you asked, not quite comprehending.
"i mean," he smirked, "can't imagine what you'd be like under me if you're so serious all the time. have you ever even felt pain?" he paused. "i can show you great pain and pleasure, babe. just gotta say the word."
you froze, speechless. how were you supposed to respond to that? whilst you were trying to come up with a response, you saw kei getting up out of the corner of your eye.
"well, cutie?" your classmate grinned widely before sliding a finger down your back, making you cringe in disgust silently. "how about it?"
"don't you have anything better to do?"
"huh?" the guy turned around to see kei towering over him, a nasty glare in his eyes.
"i said, 'don't you have anything better to do?' are you deaf, or just stupid?" kei asked, an annoyed expression present on his features.
"what the hell are you talking about? you're just a cocky brat, aren't ya?" the guy snarled. "man, i hate people like you. so much confidence with nothing to show for it."
kei paused. "i apologize. i was unaware that you hated yourself that much. things will get better, i promise." he mocked, patting the guys back, causing an angry vein to bulge out of the guy's forehead.
"haha, very funny." the guy muttered. "bitchy beanpole brat."
"alliteration! very good!" kei applauded with a smile before sending him a death glare that could freeze lava. "but seriously, are you such a loser that your ego won't allow a hit?" he then leaned into his ear. "she. isn't. interested. scram. you're just making a fool of yourself at this point."
the guy looked around and noticed everyone staring and whispering, clearly judging him for his creepy ways. he angrily stormed out of the classroom, with kei calling out a, "nice talk! let's do it again sometime," on his way out.
once the guy was fully out of the classroom, kei grabbed a chair and put it next to yours at your desk, plopping down his work as well.
"thanks, kei." you whispered a bit shakily.
he simply gave your hand a reassuring squeeze in response. "let me know if that loser gives you anymore trouble, ok?" he whispered back. "i'll beat him to a pulp." he followed up, a terrifyingly murderous intent in his eyes.
he then gave a smile, though it was still terrifyingly murderous-looking. "verbally, i mean."
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another guy with a tongue that could slice boulders
hes not quite as mean tho, instead choosing to go with the more "protect my girl" stance rather than tsukkis "belittle them and make them feel like tiny little idiots who have no worth" stance
he'd try to embarrass the hell out of them
he's good at manipulating people, after all. he finds their weaknesses in an instant and uses it to his ultimate advantage
and also
he loves your curves
he'd definitely come over and like place his hand on your hip or ass or smth to mark his territory
bro hes the only one who gets to say how much he likes your ass?? um who tf is this other dude
he'd probs also try and cause a scene or incorporate humor to make you feel better
you were scared
a guy from the inarizaki cheering section had been staring at you ever since you entered
though you weren't absolutely positive, you felt like you could feel his eyes scanning your curves, and it made you feel like curling away in disgust
you'd lessened your cheering ever since you realized that the screaming made your tits bounce, and his eyes were practically burning a hole through them
once the game was over, you quickly dashed off from the stands to meet rin at the bottom, but the same guy met you down there
"so, hey, i was just thinking that you're like, really hot and have a great body, you know? and not to brag but i kinda have girls drooling on my abs left and right. if we got together, we'd be the ultimate power couple! whaddaya say, doll, hm?"
you scanned the room, looking for rin, but unfortunately, the coach was giving a talk, so rin wouldn't be able to come right away
"um, thank you for your offer, but i have a boyfriend." you politely declined.
he put his hand on your shoulder, and you could feel his thumb searching for your bra strap. you leaned away uncomfortably, but he gripped your shoulder and pulled you back.
"hey, now, its ok. don't think that i didn't see the way you were showing off these pretty assets of yours to me on the stands. you were practically shaking the things in my face! i can take a hint, you know. don't worry. i understand women. you were hinting at wanting to get with me, right? i get it! promise i won't be mad if we start dating the minute you break up with whatever loser you're with right now, doll. i don't need to wait."
"hey, bun."
you whipped around to see suna rintaro not-so-gently shoving the guy off your shoulder and wrapping his arm around you, placing his hand right at the curve of your hip, giving you butterflies.
he directed his attention to the guy hitting on you. "'sup."
the guy stuttered for a few moments before regaining his cockiness. "this your girl? sorry, man, but she was actually just hitting on me. she aint loyal enough, i guess."
"the hell?! no i wasn-"
"she definitely wasn't." rin interrupted. "she'd never be into a piece of garbage like you."
a vein popped out of the guy's forehead. he grabbed the collar of rin's shirt.
"say that again."
rin opened his mouth, and for a moment, you thought that rin was going to retaliate, but instead, a piercing shriek ran through the air.
a baby's wail? a crying girl? a dropped mic? no, it was 6"1 inarizaki high middle blocker suna rintaro.
every head in the area turned, and suddenly, at the negative attention, the guy ran off in humiliation, calling out some insult towards you like "you weren't even that hot, by the way" on his way out.
once he was gone, suna picked you up and ran to somewhere with a bit more privacy
once he had found a spot he had deemed private enough, he engulfed you in the biggest, tightest hug, burying his head in your neck
"'m sorry that happened, bun." he murmured into your neck. "and 'm sorry that i interrupted you earlier, and i'm sorry that i wasn't there sooner, and im sorry that i didn't punch that guy in his pathetic, ugly-ass face."
you hugged him back. "it's ok, rin." you squeezed tighter. "i'm just glad you came."
"anyways, at any rate, he had no right to look in your direction, nonetheless insult you!" you felt his fists tighten. "pisses me off."
"and also," he added before moving his hand downwards to squeeze your ass, "i'm the only one allowed to call your body hot. everyone else can just fuck off"
you giggled and sighed into his locks. "ok, rin."
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he wouldn't be one for words
he'd just glare daggers into the other guys body and then drag you away
he liked to call it a tactical retreat
"hey, what grade are you in?"
you looked up from your phone to see a group of what seemed to be some middle school boys circling around you, with what seemed to be their leader approaching you.
"pardon?" you were a bit taken aback. what was even going on?
"shy. cute, i'm into that." the boy smirked. "class 3-2, izumitate junior high soccer team captain, sato emiko."
you froze. junior high? you were being hit on by junior high boys?
you really tried not to, but suddenly, you burst out laughing. "sorry, sorry, but, well, junior high? i'm a 2nd year in highschool!"
you expected him to back down after that, but to your surprise, he kept going. "an older girl, huh.. well, it doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you. and if im being honest, i don't see why it would." he grinned cockily. "i am a catch, after all."
"sorry, i'm not interested." you declined, trying not to break his junior high heart.
to your surprise, he smirked and started approaching you. how cocky was this kid, anyways?
suddenly, he grabbed a handful of your thigh, though he was quickly met with a slap from you.
"come on," he said, walking towards you. "i know you want me."
but before he could reach for a handful of tit, he was interrupted by kenma shoving his way through the crowd.
he gently took your hand and smiled softly at you before glaring daggers at the boy and walking away.
"h-hey!" the boy stuttered, clearly a bit flustered. "you can't just walk away! who do you think you are?"
kenma turned his head to give another death glare that definitely sent chills down that kid's spine. yeah, the boy would definitely see that in his next nightmare.
once you two were out of earshot, kenma turned to you. "hey, you ok?"
you smiled warmly. "yeah. thanks for getting me, ken."
he turned away. "they were just a bunch of cocky middle schoolers. honestly, where do they get the nerve?"
the rest of the way home, kenma added in abrupt complaints about what had happened throughout the conversation. though he didn't say it, you knew that he was actually kind of scared to grab you out of there, despite the fact that the boys were "puny" and "weak," as kenma had described. you knew that though he wouldn't say, he was worried about you and was caring for you, in his own, unique, kenma way.
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I just read your April Fools's fic with Larissa!! I LOVED IT!!! I was wondering if you could write another Larissa/teacher fic with the sex pollen? But maybe this time it could be: they don't like each other at all so they're really trying to understand what's happening and trying to fight it really hard until it's not possible anymore? Pleaseee?☺
Heyyyyy anon!! I feel like what your describing would go really well with enemies to lovers so I sprinkled some of that in there… Hope you enjoy! ❤️‍🔥💋
What the Body Wants Pt. 1 ~Larissa Weems xFem teacher!Reader
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Mommy…Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, bit angst, smut, teasing, sex pollen, drugging, eating out, masturbation, voyeaurism, grinding, scissoring, orgasm denial, exhibitionist kink…?, etc.
Enjoy (;
You had been working at Nevermore for multiple years now. And you enjoyed the job a great deal.
For the most part...
You loved the students and the work. The environment of outcasts felt homey to you. And you enjoyed most of your colleagues.
From the minute your and Larissa Weems’ paths collided, you both knew you were not each others cup of tea. She had taken the position of headmistress in your third year at the school, and the pair of you had immediately come to the conclusion it was best to walk separate paths.
You had a tendency to second guess her decisions...
Larissa had a tendency to undermine you...
It was just a back and forth game of tension and frustration. So you both stayed away. Because when caught in the same room, your colleagues sometimes worried you two would break out into a full-on fist fight. For the most part, this method worked. You didn’t have to see her annoying face or listen to her ongoing speech.
Except for monthly staff meetings.
Those were inevitable and miserable… A time where you both had to suck it up and sit in a room together for hours at a time...
Today was no exception. You sighed as you entered the dreaded meeting, plopping down in your usual seat with a huff. Larissa gave you a side eye, which you kindly returned with a light glare. The meeting droned on and you could focus on any of it. Your mind was on one thing: Larissa.
Every time she stood up to speak…
Every time to rustled her notes…
Every time she goddamn breathed it set you off…
Finally, the meeting came to its agonizing end. You made a beeline for the door the second Larissa had dismissed the group. As you exited, Marilyn pulled you aside into a corner of the corridor.
“Hey Y/N, Can I talk with you for a second?” She asked.
“Yea, Marilyn, what’s up?”
“I’m doing a small get together Saturday morning with only a few people for some tea that I made myself!” Marilyn eagerly explained, “I was wondering if you would join me??”
You lightly smiled at how bright and eager Marilyn could be.
“Sure, Mar. I’d love that.”
“Great! See you tomorrow at 9 then!”
At that, Marilyn walked away with a skip, and you went in the opposite direction. From a distance you swore u heard Mariltn saying “Larissa! So glad you decided to join us tomorrow!”
But you brushed it off, as Larissa playing tricks with your mind again.
She had a tendency to do that…
Getting in your head…
Anyways, eventually Saturday morning rolled around…
At 8:50, you began walking down to Marilyn’s Greenhouses. As you walked near, you could hear voices in the Greenhouse already. You opened the latch to the foggy glass door and stepped in. But you stopped in your tracks at what you saw…
Marilyn was serving tea to Larissa… You gulped and tried to think of any possible excuse to get out of this. You couldn’t think of one.
Marilyn had cornered you.
And Larissa.
“Y/N! I’m so glad your here, come in! Larissa and I just started to pour some tea!” Marilyn exclaimed with a hint of mischievousness in the twinkle of her eyes.
You walked in and sat. And you said nothing. Larissa also had become silent the second she had seen you.
Her eyes had widened and her breath had fled from her…
“Here, have some tea!” Marilyn said, pouring you the same cup as Larissa’s.
Again, the greenhouse went silent.
“Please, do drink! I’d really like to know what you guys think!” Marilyn pled with excitement.
You both, not wanting to disappoint Marilyn and trying to find anything to avoid the tension, began to sip your teas. After a few minutes of awkward silence and sipping of tea, Marilyn got up and announced something.
“I think I forgot something in my… other greenhouse! Be right back!”, before leaving the two of you. And closing the door, with a click.
“No Mar, wait!” You yelled, getting up to follow Marilyn.
But when you reached the door, it was locked. In frustration, you pulled on it harder, but it wouldn’t budge. Larissa sighed in annoyance, “Let me try.”
You rolled your eyes and backed up with your hands up.
“Alright, but it won’t open. She’s locked it.” you gritted out.
Now it was Larissa’s turn to roll her eyes as she used her strength to tug at the door. Nothing. You were stuck. For who knows how long. Larissa let out a grunt in frustration.
What other sounds could that pretty mouth make…?
You cringed as you realized your internal thought. Not knowing what to do and feeling a bit lightheaded, you decided it would be best to sit back down.
Your heart race had picked up, which could very logically be explained by the fact that Marilyn had trapped you in a greenhouse with Larissa Weems… In any rate, you unconsciously picked up the tea cup and began sipping it.
You were nervous and the tea wasn’t actually that bad. It tasted like crisp winter with waves of spicey warmth, a sweet but tangy kick to the flavor…
Kind of what Larissa might taste like…
You physically cringed now, having to compose yourself from your rampant thoughts. You noted that your heart rate had now doubled in its pace… And was it getting a bit too hot in here…? You lightly fanned yourself with your hand, while taking another sip of your tea.
“Put the tea down.”
The voice came out of nowhere, but it was clearly Larissa. You swiveled your head, still holding the tea, to meet the woman’s gaze. For the first time, you actually took the time to take the woman standing in front of you in…
You noticed the beads of sweat rolling down her face…
You noticed her hair frizzing more than usual…
You noticed her pursed, plump lips…
“Sorry…?” You tried to snark, but your voice faltered.
“I said to put the tea down.” Larissa repeated in her usual demeaning and stern tone.
“Why? It’s actually quite good, you should try some.” You quipped back.
“I did. All of it, and that’s the problem.” She gritted out almost growling, her voice shifting down an octave.
Now you were really confused. And hot. Fuck was it hot in this greenhouse. You placed your now empty tea cup on the table with a emphasized slam.
“Happy now?”
Larissa chuckled, “No, not in the slightest.”
You groaned in frustration, “God Larissa, that was a hypothetical question…”
Larissa rolled her eyes at you, as you caught a falter in her step. She too sat down quickly.
“Are you alright?”
“No. I have been trying to tell you.” She seethed.
“Oh for fucks, sake! What is your fucking problem?” You raised your volume.
“Must you be so crass?” She bit back.
“Yes! Now are you going to tell me or not??” You practically yelled.
“Lower your voice.” Larissa commanded, lowering her own voice even more.
You only now noticed your sweating and that your heart race was furious at this point. And that Larissa’s words went straight to your core.
What?? Why?? How?? This made no sense…
You clenched your fists in frustration at the woman and groaned in response. When you had had your moment, Larissa continued,
“I think we’ve been drugged. I think the tea was some sort of ambrosiac…”
Your ears pricked up at this, and your head immediately swiveled back to the blonde.
“Sorry, what?” You genuinely asked, needing to process her words.
“Marilyn drugged us, Y/N. I do not know why and I certainly do not understand why she would lock us in here for it, but regardless, we don’t know the extent of the drug or any of the intentions along with it.”
You just laughed at this. You couldn’t help yourself, you burst out in laughter. Larissa was puzzled and stunned.
“Is this funny to you??” She demanded, vexed that you weren’t taking this as serious as she was.
“Yes… Yes, actually it is…” you chuckled, trying and managing to control your outburst.
“Do enlighten me about what is so funny about a staff member drugging two other colleagues and locking them in a greenhouse….” Larissa seethed.
Your mind was reeling and all over the place. You couldn’t control what did and didn’t come out of your mouth at this point.
“It’s funny that you don’t understand why Marilyn did this! I mean come on, she gives us an ambrosiac tea and locks us in her greenhouse…??” You suggestively say to Larissa.
But blank eyes stared back at you. Not blank actually, fiery and seething…
“She wants us to fuck, Larissa!!” You blurted out in laughter.
But as soon as those words left your mouth, you realized your own conclusion and immediately stopped laughing. The room seemed awfully tense now… And oddly spinning…? Now it was Larissa’s turn to have a burst of laughter,
“You…You can’t be serious…!” She laughed.
You bit your lip, feeling very bouncy and energetic all of a sudden.
“Yep.” You simply stated, as you stood up.
Larissa could not contain her amusement.
“And why on earth would Marilyn want that?”
You shrugged your shoulders.
“Do you want it?” She pointedly asked.
You turned around to face her at the bizarre seeming statement.
“No. Do you?”
“Not in the slightest.” She replied.
You hummed in response. Your heart rate was still through the roof and you had started to sweat. You were also getting hotter by the minute.
So hot you just wanted to rip the clothes right off your body…
“So I suppose we will just have to wait for the ambrosiac to wear off.” Larissa decisively stated.
You took a moment to respond, needing to lean against a table to help ground your breathing, “Yes, it seems that way…”
Larissa was in a similar state, holding onto a desk to keep herself grounded.
“It’s oddly hot in here isn’t it?” You huffed.
“Yes it is…”
And before you could stop yourself, you were speaking,
“Would you mind if I took my shirt off?”
Silence. You immediately cringed yet again and quickly tried to explain yourself,
“Not in any sexual way, I just meant that It’s far too hot in here for me! Only if your comfortable with—”
“Sure.” was the simple response you received.
Larissa couldn’t ask the same thing as she was wearing a dress.
Although, you certainly wouldn’t mind her asking and complying…
Taking your mind back out of the gutter, you removed your shirt. A slight gasp came from across the room, and your head shot up. You found an almost stunned looking Larissa with a slight blush on her cheeks.
“It’s alright.”
“I like your bra.”
She likes your black laced bra…
You wonder whether she’d like it on the floor even more…
Now you were left in your bra and trousers, and your body still burning with heat… You started pacing the room. The wind made your skin go a little less crazy…
Larissa groaned again in frustration and got up to start banging on the greenhouse door. At one point she determined that her efforts were fruitless as she went to go and sat back down again.
But along the way, you both clumsily ran into each other. You gripped Larissa’s forearms for support and the contact with her skin made your mind go dizzy. She meanwhile had grabbed your torso and arm to keep you from falling.
Now you both stood there in silence, not breaking the connection. All the pain and overwhelming heat went away.
And then Larissa broke from the trance and quickly pulled back from the contact. A slight whimper escaped your lips as the waves of heat and dizziness and overwhelmingness hit you again only they were intensified.
And a very strong ache in between your legs was becoming more and more apparent… You looked over to Larissa who staggered and then sat herself done again.
“There… There has to be an antidote somewhere here…” you panted, your breathing now labored and short.
“Already checked. Nothing that I could find...” Larissa responded in a strained tone.
“Fuck…” you whimpered, the pain in your body getting worse, “I can’t take much more of this… I feel like I’m about to combust…”
“I have an idea…” Larissa spoke out hesitantly.
You nodded and hummed in her direction.
“We… Maybe if we sated ourselves, then it would go away…?” She barely whispered.
You looked at the blonde with your hodded eyes and cocked an eyebrow at her, “You’re taking about you fucking yourself and me fucking myself just in the middle of this greenhouse in front of each other?”
Larissa’s face contorted at your choice of words yet again, but her expression quickly changed to a serious one, “Yes.”
You hummed in response. Your body was so on fire. Your mind told you no to Larissa’s idea but your body was screaming yes.
“Ok.” you shakily breathed out, “We’ll just do our own things I assume, then?”
“Yes…” Larissa met your breathy voice.
You nodded in response and leaned back in your chair a bit to get comfortable. You unbuttoned your trousers and snuck your hand down until your fingers reached your knickers. Your body was in a frenzy and hyper needy, so the second you slipped your finger into your aching cunt, you couldn’t help the moan of relief that escaped your lips.
Up to this point, Larissa had just been unabashedly staring at you. Your moan had sent sparks straight to her core. It woke her back up from her trance. Larissa rolled up her dress and removed her knickers easily.
You glanced over to the blonde, while you were fucking yourself in the way you knew your body responded best, and you found a direct view of the blonde having scrunched up her dress and her fingers skillfully circling her clit.
And when she inserted her own finger into her cunt… Oh God, you swore you could have cum right then and there from the pornographic moan that Larissa let out…
You both continued your administrations, becoming more and more enveloped in the lust of it all. You found yourself staring at Larissa as she fucked herself, taking in all her little whimpers, cries, and moans. And vice versa. Larissa couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off of you.
Before either of you knew it and out of knowhere, you were both cumming with strangled cries and moans. You panted heavily and looked over to the blissed out blonde who looked heavenly. You had seen her when you came… The tightness and pain in your body seemed to be gone.
“Fuck…” Larissa breathlessly chuckled with small smile on her face.
Her explicit words ignited the fire back into your core and it all came back…
“OhHhhH shit…” you groaned as the wave of everything that was too much hit you once more.
Your words seemed to trigger Larissa as the smile was quick to fade from her face as her face contorted back into the pain filled frame from mere minutes ago.
“I don’t think it worked…” you groaned, having fallen to the floor and cradling yourself in some attempt of comfort.
“It seemed to for a while…” Larissa groaned right back, “I thought it would work…”
“I know. It was worth a try.” You comforted the frustrated blonde who was leaning against the table leg and spread out on the floor.
Silence ensued.
“I saw you…” you whispered.
“It felt better when I came and saw you…” you confessed, having to close your eyes because it was all becoming too much.
There was no response for a minute or so.
“I…I saw you too…” Larissa confesses in a hushed tone.
At her words, you moved to cradling yourself in a upwards position on the floor and met Larissa’s stunning yet glazed over sapphire eyes.
“My body wants you…” you confessed with a deep breath and your eyes looking down to the ground.
“And your mind?” She asked.
“I don’t know what my mind wants.” you whispered.
“That makes sense. The aphrodisiac most likely has the power to affect the body but not—”
Larissa didn’t have the chance to finish her thought as you and lunged forward and crashed your lips into hers. Larissa’s response was immediate, moving you to straddle her lap, she moaned into the kiss.
You pulled away after a minute having doubts, breathlessly panting, “I’m sorry. This doesn’t make sense.”
You went to pull away, but Larissa grabbed your hips and ground them against her own. You both let out embarrassingly loud moans, making Larissa tilt her head back with a small smirk,
“I think it makes perfect sense… We only feel better when we’re in direct contact… and right now, I think your wearing far too many articles of clothing…” she lustfully purred.
Larissa continued to grind her hips into yours, and you crashed your lips back into hers in response. The pair of you were a whimpering, needy mess on the floor, grinding into one another and sloppily kissing each others lips.
In response to her comment, you made quick work of your bra, throwing it aside. Larissa audibly moaned out in delight at the sight of your freed tits. Your nipples were so hard, you swore you could pop them.
You thrust your chest towards Larissa who was starting at your jiggling tits, “God please Larissa… touch me…” you breathlessly pled with the blonde.
The blonde happily obliged, wrapping her tongue around one of your hard buds and nipping and toying with her tongue. Your back arched in pleasure and your hands flew to Larissa’s hair. The pins had to go.
With your hips swaying in a rhythm and still grinding into one another, Larissa skillfully teased and marked your nipples and neck line, while you rushed to remove all the pins in her hair. Her beautiful locks cascaded down to her shoulders and your brain short circuited completely.
Larissa removed her lips from your puffy and marked bud with a pop, meeting your gaze, “What…?” She chuckled at your gawking state.
You ground against the blondes heat once more and with a pout breathlessly whined, “Clothes… need to go…”
At that Larissa eyes were completely taken by dark lust and desperation. She quickly took you off her lap, and before you could complain, she was unzipping her dress. You quickly followed with your trousers. When you looked back up to Larissa, she was in nothing but a cream satin lingerie set.
She stalked towards you, pining you against one of the greenhouse lab tables. With ease, she lifted you onto the table and slid her form in between your legs. You responded by immediately attaching your legs to her waist and pulling her face down to smash you lips against hers again.
As much as you would have loved to take a minute and explore the beautiful blondes mouth, you were desperate. As Larissa ravaged your mouth, you were quickly to unclip her bra, letting her creamy, soft, luscious tits free from their confinement.
“Fuck ‘Rissa…” you breathed out, your pupils dialating even more at you taking in her stunning form.
Larissa blushed at the nickname and how speechless her body had made you. But she was desperate too…
“As much as I love you ogling my tits, Darling… If I don’t have your face in my cunt in the next few minutes, I’ll fucking die…” Larissa groaned.
You licked your lips at Larissa’s words and nodded eagerly. You stripped your knickers off with haste. The two of you hastily swapped position, and you placed yourself right at the blondes thighs. You could see a soaking wet patch in her knickers, which only turned you on more.
Larissa needily bucked her hips into your face, “please fuck me please…!” She mewled.
And you happily obliged. You could already smell the scent of her arousal through her knickers. You tore her knickers off and threw them with her dress on the floor. Tonguing through her folds only made your body go into more of a frenzy. Every moan and cry that came from Larissa’s lips sent you spiraling.
Larissa’s hand shot down to grab ahold of your hair as the other stabilized her on the table. Strings of obscenities flowed from her smerred red lips as you explored her folds. Her legs clenched deliciously around your head, suffocating you in a manner that you couldn’t want any more than you did right now.
You noted that Larissa tasted like that tea, but wayyy more concentrated and far more delicious… Your tongue lapped through Larissa’s folds and in her walls with fervor, until she her walls were fluttering around your tongue more and more.
“Fuuuuck Darling M’mm gonna cum!!” Larissa moaned out, pushing your face deeper inside her cunt.
“Fuck ‘Rissa tastes so good… God cum for me please…!!” You groaned in response, which sent her even closer to her climax.
You attached your thumb to her clit, remembering the movement you saw her do to herself and you quickly circled the bundle of nerves sloppily. Larissa’s eyes rolled back as she came with the cry of your name on her tongue, her thighs depriving you of oxygen as they pressed together only pushing you further into her cunt, which was squirting plentiful amounts of cum on your face.
You moaned in delight as you ate her out, her walls clenching around your tongue. The blonde let go of your hair and you pulled out of your meal to look up at her. She was panting heavily with glazed over eyes as she stared down at you.
“Christ, you’re fantastic at that…” Larissa breathlessly chuckled, her body giving out on her causing her to collapse on the table.
But you two were by no means through…
You chuckled back at the blissed out blonde, “I’d clean you up but I’d rather feel your juices on my own pussy…”
At your words, Larissa sat up fully, eyes wide at your words, and she practically jumped off the table with her wobbly legs making her immediately collapse on the floor and taking you with her. You both laughed at her miscalculated act.
“Shit, when’s the last time someone properly fucked you?” You laughed, “Or am I just that good…?”
Larissa smacked your arm at your words and you wiggling your eyebrows suggestively. Damn was her laugh intoxicating…
But you quickly shut Larissa up by interlocking your legs and rolling your hips into the blondes, your dripping core grinding against Larissa’s. Your action immediately made Larissa’s eyes roll back in pleasure yet again and elicited another delicious moan from her lips. Her moan was quickly followed by a straggled cry of pleasure of your own.
Now Larissa was the one who caught you by surprise, rolling her hips into yours in unison to your moan.
“Shiiiit ‘Rissa! Do that again and M’mmm gonna cum…!!” You cried out, holding on to the tall blonde shoulders as you met her grinding sloppily.
“So soon, Darling…?” Larissa taunted, “I’m that good…?”
“Yes GOD YES please ‘Rissa!!” You cried out, your climax approaching at a rapid pace.
Your grindings got sloppier and more rushed as the two of spewed strings of obscenities into each others ears.
“Fuck Darling I’m…” Larissa panted, approaching her climax right along side you.
Suddenly, a distinct twig snapped outside. You and Larissa both immediately stopped and swiveled your head to the sound. Your breaths hitched together as you saw the shadow of Marilyn coming closer. You both scrambled, unlocking your legs and rushing about to find your clothes quickly.
“Shit shit shit…” you muttered, not being able to find your knickers.
But it was too late. The door was unlocking. You quickly finished dressing and so did Larissa. You and Larissa both hastened to sit where Marilyn had left you.
“Hey, Sorry, wanted to check on some plants on the edge of the woods…” Marilyn chirped with the same mischevious twinkle in her eye. You were still on complete edge and couldn’t stand it anymore….
“I’m so sorry, Marilyn, but I need to go…” you muttered, side eyeing Larissa before thanking Marilyn and rushing out of the greenhouse. Before you got up to the school, Larissa had caught up with you.
“My office. Ten minutes.” She breathed down your neck lustfully.
“God yes, ‘Rissa…” you groaned under your breath.
Your two bodies were by no means through with each other…
Part 2 out now… 🤭
Larissa Weems Masterlist
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thesevenprincess · 2 years
𝗙𝗮𝗶𝗿𝘆 𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗫 𝗘𝗻𝗵𝘆𝗽𝗲𝗻 𝗗𝘆𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗰𝘀.
Warning: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistake.
Obs: Mentions about cheating, hate comments.
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𝗗𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘆 + 𝗛𝗲𝗲𝘀𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗴.
Heeseung and Destiny tried to date but it simply never happened, they feel like they are too good friends for that to be possible, preferring to remain just friends.
𝗗𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘆 + 𝗠𝗶𝗮.
Mia and Destiny have always gotten along since I-Land, they were known for being great vocalists. They are very supportive with each other, and when Destiny got sad and a little depressed, Mia was the member who helped her the most.
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𝗠𝗶𝗮 + 𝗝𝗮𝘆.
Jay is literally in love with Mia, she has caught his eye since I-Land. He made the first move because Mia was very shy when they debuted. He is very protective and helps her with the difficulties that come up in her life. Jay respects Mia a lot and sees her as a goddess, he admires her a lot and does everything to make sure she doesn't suffer. He likes to see her smile and isn't afraid to make a fool of himself to make it happen. They sometimes act like husband and wife which makes Jay very happy (even though the members tease him)
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𝗩𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗲𝘁 + 𝗝𝗮𝗸𝗲.
Violet and Jake are two cockroaches in love, at I-Land they didn't interact that much but Violet thought he was cute from the start. When they debuted, they grew closer and Violet asked him out on a date, but Jake tells everyone that he was the one who asked. ☺
They are very supportive with each other and talk a lot about their feelings so they rarely end up fighting. Jake loves showing off Violet to others and loves the fact that she is a great dancer.
𝗩𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗲𝘁 + 𝗠𝗶-𝗦𝘂𝗻.
Violet and Mi-Sun have been inseparable since the beginning of I-Land, they have always stuck together and cheered for each other. When they debuted they matured a little and started doing some things alone, but at the end of the day they ended up together. They finish each other's sentences and know what the other is feeling or thinking.
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𝗠𝗶-𝗦𝘂𝗻 + 𝗦𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗻.
Mi-Sun has always liked Sunghoon and it was hard for her to take her eyes off him when they were in I-Land. She was blushing every time she saw him ice skating (she still keeps blushing, which he keeps bragging about) He loves knowing that his girlfriend is a great gamer and is always bragging about it to others and showing her off. Sometimes they get confused with each other, but that's because they're still learning to understand each other emotionally.
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𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗲 + 𝗦𝘂𝗻𝗼𝗼.
Sunoo is probably the most important person in Mirae's life after the group. Their families are friends and they are like one family now. They all tell each other secrets and give each other advice. They have slumber parties and sleep cuddled together. Mirae defends Sunoo from hurtful comments and even from the enhypen members if she feels they go too far with their jokes.
𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗲 + 𝗧𝗮𝗲𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗻.
Mirae and Taehyun became close after she debuted, they started lending each other books and had reading dates. Taehyun fell in love with Mirae's brain before noticing how beautiful she was, he finds her to be very intelligent and mature for her age and these were the traits that made her most attractive. They started dating on Valentine's Day in 2021, and are still together. Mirae's parents adore him and the TXT members find her very funny and good to Taehyun.
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𝗔𝗺𝗶𝗿𝗮 + 𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗴𝘄𝗼𝗻.
Amira and Jungwon were never that close during I-Land and they didn't have a lot of interactions, but that changed when they debuted, because of their age they gradually grew closer. Amira was the person who took Jungwon out of his leader position to do normal teenage things, they would go to the mall and Amira would flirt with him to tease him, but that ended when she began to be a victim of hate comments on the Internet. She was very saddened by this and ended up walking away so Jungwon wouldn't end up suffering, even though she was the only one to be the victim of the attacks. Jungwon started to miss her so they started talking again and they have a really good friendship. Amira secretly has feelings for him, but she tries to hide it.
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𝗦𝗲𝘂𝗹𝗴𝗶 + 𝗡𝗶-𝗞𝗶.
Like Jungwon and Amira, they didn't interact that much in I-Land, and became closer after they debuted. Ni-Ki has always been Midge's only friend, she has a hard time making friends as people usually expect her to be someone and she is not that person. They matured and grew up together, Ni-Ki was overjoyed when he noticed that Seulgi was no longer taller than him. Ni-Ki enjoys watching movies with her and sleeping together, though he denies it. He loves to bow down to talk to her, which makes her blush. He knows the problems she has and does everything to see her smile and not suffer.
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butiknewyou · 3 years
hey hey hey! thoughts on outdoor pool? ☺
hiiiii sorry I know you sent this forever ago but here ya go!
— I love this song!!! great lyrics great imagery I feel like I go to this high school every time I hear it
— she does a lot of little things to show how young they are and here are some of my favorites: listing how far apart they sit because you know how significant it is to her and I can just picture her leaning around whoever is in between them thinking she’s being subtle
— also “saw you in the supermarket with your mom I was with mine too, she could tell I was so obsessed with you” 🥴 we ALL lived this and don’t tell me we didn’t!!! also this line/the whole song reminds me of normal people which is truly irrelevant but I had to say it. it’s just such a relatable phenomenon to think of this as SUCH a defining moment and I just know she texted her group chat of girls like GUESS WHO I JUST SAW!!!! HE WAVED AT ME
— “you’re asking if I want to come out / it’s a Wednesday night, I just took off my makeup / hope my dad don’t wake up” love that for a split second in the second line she implies that she can’t go or it would be a hassle then immediately is like no I have to go I’m sneaking out I have to see him
— again irrelevant but the first several times I was like when she says skins does she mean like. they’re both topless??? and why does that relate to her eyes??? but I now understand it’s a British show about high schoolers :)
— “we went swimming” vs “I don’t swim” to me implies she pretty much stands there in the pool just staring at him 🥺
— i genuinely freaking hate this nonexistent man for kissing Maisie on Wednesday then the French exchange student on Monday. literally what is wrong with him...but the contrast between her smiling vs her hearing the gossip and everything changing in a split second is just so sad...and since he didn’t tell anyone at school she just has to grin and bear it.
— “is she gonna be your girlfriend? guess I misunderstood” is just so sad and so fundamentally 15. like am i going to have to see you guys in the hallway holding hands and smiling? or did you kissing her mean nothing, which is just as bad because it means kissing me meant nothing too?
— “hope my dad don’t wake up” in the first verse because she’s scared she’ll get in trouble for sneaking out and in the second verse because she’s afraid she’ll have to explain everything and sometimes when you’re really hurt, well meaning sympathy from someone who loves you just hurts more
— I also love that after a single kiss she daydreamed a whole future with them hanging out over the summer and wearing a couples costume together for Halloween
— at the end she says “nothing changed at all when you kissed me” and this is the fundamental point of the song. when she went through 8000 different emotions and feels like a whole different girl how is it possible that her life is logically the same? and the answer comes in my favorite lyric in the song: “I was fifteen, now I’m fifteen and a fool”. the milestones that change us don’t come neatly at birthdays and New Years and this one for her was on a random Wednesday but she just feels so fundamentally changed!!!
— and the most important part of the song to me is the total lack of anger. we have pining and hope and love and frustration with herself and heartbreak but we have absolutely no anger. this makes it different from most of the other songs on the album where the other person is objectively in the wrong: when someone treats her badly, she wants to burn down their house and drown them in a river and scream at them on the train. but here, she’s upset with herself and just...sad. to me, this is what makes the age she’s playing as most believable: when my friends get heartbroken now (as someone who is Maisie’s age), they’re able to acknowledge that someone else did them wrong, but as a high schooler, we all did absolutely everything possible to shove the blame onto us.
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monismochi · 3 years
tagged by @btsaudge check in tag
(I have no idea how I somehow got put into your list of people to tag in this (don't tell me how I know it was probably just random and you thought I'd actuallt do it.) BUT IM HONORED
1. Why did you choose your url? It was a play on words because I was hoping to dream a new dream and jhope had started me on that path of dreaming a new dream.
2. Any side blogs? If you have them name, them and why you have them? Yes. @jhopetodream. I have way too many and all but my main are inactive but that ones still a secret 😘
3. How long have you been on tumblr? With this blog it'll be a year come end of July. I think I made my first one in 2011-2012...?? But have been active on the site since probably 2014
4. Do you have a queue tag? Nope. First because I couldn't figure out how people did it 😂 I'm an idiot. I've since learned but now I just don't have one as I don't see the use for it personally???
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
So that I didn't annoy people with my very quickly snowballing hyperfixation, and because I WANTED TO MEET ARMY AND AN ARMY URL MADE THAT EASY also I just really like being able to have all my bts stuff in one cozy place for me to look at and ooh and aww over ☺☺
6. Why did you choose your icon?
Literally can change by the day. If I see a header or photo that just gives me warm fuzzies or feels like a descriptor to me as a person on that day. I just go with it. (plus so many talented people make so many talented things its hard to stick with one 🤐🤐)
7. Why did you choose your header?
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
I'm not a creator on this space. Just here for the love and the mush and the ☺☺☺
9. How many mutuals do you have?
No idea.. there's 6-10 people that I scream with pretty often though
10. How many followers do you have?
I don't keep track of that on any of my accounts. I found it just put pressure on me by always being either too many or too little for me to just be myself.
11. How many people do you follow?
244. But I think a lot of them are from 2019 and I haven't done an inactive cleanse in awhile
12. Have you ever made a shitpost? I don't know what this is defined as???
Ok so the Wikipedia definition says they're basically spam posts or posts to create reactions or derail discussions without effort. And like... no??? I don't see the joy in that???
13. How often do you use tumblr each day? Multiple times. It's usually between tumblr, Instagram, and weverse/vlive on check
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
No??? Not that I'm aware of. I tend to just stay away from people who don't like me/want to fight me... or ask them why they want to fight me and try to understand where the misunderstanding happened.. and if they're just angry people I revert to my first point ^^
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? I don't feel a need to reblog them.
16. Do you like tag games? Yes! Though I can tend to be bad about completing them. I love all my mooootts thinking about me 🥰🥰
17. Do you like ask games?
Yeah. I love sharing my opinions and talking about things about my passions and life!!
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
All of them??? Literally all my moots are like the sweetest humans, and so many create the most amazing things (Y'ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND I WILL FIGHT YOU. LITERALLY YOU PUT SO MUCH WORK INTO YOUR STUFF AND THOUGH SOME OF YOU GET A LOT OF INTERACTIONS IT'LL NEVER BE ENOUGH AS Y'ALL DESERVE THE WORLD)
19. Do I have a crush on a mutual?
Google search definition says "a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable "
And idk how brief it is.. but I have a few sisterwives that I'm not even lowkey obsessed with and please yall are adorable and hilarious and OH MY GOD NEVER CHANGE UNLESS IT'S TO BE ALL THOSE THINGS BUT IN A BIGGER BOLDER FONT.
I cant go a day without yall 🥺 thanks for helping me be the best me by constantly being the best you around me 😭💚💚💜💜😚😚🥰
20. Tags?
@oreomonsterhunter @tabsteen @taetaespeaches @eternallybulletproofbts @taechnological
I'm always intrigued about people in these!!!
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