sminny-wew · 3 months
@dunedragon I blame you for this /j
Having these boys on the brain 24/7 made me wanna stretch my voice acting chops for the first time in a while lol. It is.......Difficult and Intimidating™ to record yelling in a college dorm room, even with two comforters over your head. (Transcript under the cut)
Megaman: Huh?
Lan, through the PET on Megaman’s end: What is THAT?
(??? enters, laughing)
Megaman: Is…is that…?
???: Oh, don’t mind me. I just find it amusing to watch you constantly playing superhero like this. Does it make you feel good inside? Does it distract you from all the pain and suffering?
Lan: Dark Megaman?!
Megaman: Lan…I don’t know how, but…I don’t think that’s Dark Megaman. Something about his presence feels…different. Either way, don’t listen to his lies.
Dark Megaman?: Oh, don’t play dumb. You know you don’t actually ENJOY being the world’s only hope and having to battle some new evil every few months or so. World Three, Gospel, Nebula Gray…you know EXACTLY why you leapt at the chance to fight them. Oh sure, that day, when all the ovens started catching fire, you HAD to act, because otherwise, Lan and Mrs. Hikari could’ve been seriously hurt, and the fire department wouldn’t have made it in time. But the water shortage? The traffic lights and the runaway bus? The power outage at SciLabs? You didn’t HAVE to involve yourself there. You could’ve easily let the net authorities handle it. But you did it anyway. And do you know why? Because you feel like you owe it.
Megaman: …W-what?
Lan: What are you saying?!
Dark Megaman?: You’ve always been a burden to your family, weighing them down with your own limitations and weakness. Not that you could fight back. You weren’t even, what, two years old?
Megaman: H-how do you know that? Who are you?!
Dark Megaman?: Dr. Hikari gave you a second chance at life, and ever since then, you’ve been trying to live up to your status as the next step in navi evolution, trying to find some way to repay him for his kindness. But deep down, you know you can never give him what he REALLY wants. Because no matter how far modern technology evolves, you can’t revive the dead, only copy them. Isn’t that right, Megaman?
Megaman: I’m not listening to you!
Lan: Megaman…?
Dark Megaman?: Oh, I’m sorry, would you prefer to be called “Hub Hikari”? Except, that’s not YOUR name. It never was, because you’re NOT him, and you’ll never BE him, no matter what you do.
Megaman: Stop it!
Dark Megaman?: You’ll always just be a replacement goldfish, who’s desperate to feel useful and yearns for a life and family that were never his.
Megaman: Stop it!!
Dark Megaman?: Why should I?! After all, I’m just telling the truth. And I know the truth…because I’m you.
Megaman: No…!
Lan: …Hub?
Megaman: No! No, you’re not!! YOU’RE NOT ME!!!
Dark Megaman?: (Laughing) That’s EXACTLY what I WANTED to hear!
(P4 boss encounter sound)
Lan: Hub!!
Dark Megaman?: (Laughs)
Lan: Hub! Hub, wake up!! C’mon, please!! I can’t do this without you!!
Shadow Megaman: I am a Shadow… The true self… And if I don’t get to live the life that should’ve been mine, then NO ONE, human OR navi, gets to live theirs!! (Laughs)
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sminny-wew · 7 years
Believe it or not, I had already planned on doing a Bendy version of this song when I saw this
Original song: “Big and Loud” from the film Cats Don’t Dance
Track art by @doodledrawsthings
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sminny-wew · 7 years
That laugh probably sounds fake as hell but whatever I had fun
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sminny-wew · 7 years
Fun fact: I saved this file as “HeScreamAtOwnCreator.mp3”
I feel like this could’ve been better (my Bendy voice sounds more feminine than I’d like and the accent’s kinda all-over-the-place), but whatever, I wanted to record something that I could use my Monster!Bendy filter on. I wanna do more Monster!Bendy.
Dialogue from this art from the Toon Henry AU by @squigglydigg (Happy belated birthday, by the way!!)
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sminny-wew · 7 years
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Based on this meme. Bendy version by @hazardgirl-art-blog.
Alt. version
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sminny-wew · 7 years
Wanted to take a stab at voicing the dancing demon before Chapter 2 possibly confirms his actual voice. As much as I think he’d sound like Yakko, that isn’t within my range, so I tried aiming for something resembling Snap based on this post.
First time adding vocal effects in Mixcraft, too!
Dialogue from these doodles by @doodledrawsthings
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sminny-wew · 7 years
Why does an animation studio built in the late 20s-early 30s, in a game that takes place around the 60s/70s, have a modern photocopier? I dunno but Bemdy reminded me of this bit from Gravity Falls and I HAD to record it.
Track art by @squigglydigg
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sminny-wew · 9 years
Nothing fancy, just continuing my Star cosplay hype by getting in-character
I’m convinced I sound like her, not exactly like her but pretty damn close
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sminny-wew · 10 years
I'm not particularly proud of this (probably because I tried to make myself sound like the characters) but I forced myself to sit down and do it because I haven't posted anything in months
Mostly because of college but there are other factors I don't wanna get into. I'll redo this some other time
"Strong in the Real Way" written by Rebecca Sugar, originally performed by Deedee Magno and Zach Callison
Instrumental by 21Guitarmatt
Track art by kangaya
Please watch Steven Universe
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sminny-wew · 11 years
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(The audio file was too big for Tumblr, so listen to it here: http://tindeck.com/listen/kugy)
Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, and other voices by me
Editing by Izzy
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro, The Hub, and Lauren Faust
Spongebob Squarepants belongs to Steven Hillenburg and Nickelodeon
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sminny-wew · 11 years
So this is what I do in my spare time
Act like a senile talking horse
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sminny-wew · 11 years
Hi I'm Smin and I can't voice Lemongrab/snatch for shit
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sminny-wew · 11 years
Okay so before I start voicing Damara, I wanna post this because apparently I can't submit audio to people?
This is for Kylee Henke, who's been feeling a little lonely and depressed recently.
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