#smokedanced ( tenth doctor )
anderwhohn · 1 year
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@smokedanced asked: ❝ you haven’t heard of me? how refreshing. ❞ / ten for mordin
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"Have heard of many doctors. You refer to self as The Doctor, as if the definitive," Mordin notes as he studies the being before him curiously. "Appear to be of relatively sound and highly logical mind. Scans indicate neurological, respiratory, circulatory, and other biological systems as notably non-human, despite assumption based on outer appearance..."
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vortexparadox · 1 year
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@smokedanced asked: ❛ how does this feel? ❜ / ten for shep!martha???
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Having the Doctor in her head, alongside two timelines worth of her own life, and the chaos of the message burned into her brain by the prothean beacon, is a bit overwhelming, to say the least. In no small part due to the unhelpful thought of how similar this is to that moment of experimentation when she was a young private fresh off the boat on shore leave and a pretty young asari asked her if she wanted to 'embrace eternity'.
She's nearly panicked as she tries to keep that thought from the Time Lord in mind, heat cresting on her cheeks in a flush of embarrassment as she tries to find something else to think about as her memories are carefully rearranged here and there to take the brunt off the strain the beacon data has caused. The fact that she's all too aware of just how close the Doctor is standing to her, the cool feel of his fingers resting gently on her temples as he works on making sense of everything going on in her head…
She remembers all too well what it was like to be in love with him… Especially as, no matter what she may have claimed back in the twenty-first century, she never had truly stopped being in love with him. Yes, she had moved on, or at least tried to, but… Even before ending up here, now, things hadn't gone smoothly in that. Especially when she found that alien device that rewrote her timeline to put her here instead.
Dark brown eyes blink at him at his question, her cheeks warming even further at the intense, questioning look he's giving her. Shit, did he hear all that? His fingers are still on her temples, and she is still aware of his presence in her mind, and is it just her imagination or is he standing even closer now than he was before?
"I, uh," she starts, stumbling over her words as she tries to figure out a way to answer him. Maybe he didn't notice… Maybe she can pretend everything is perfectly normal - or as normal as things can be when the Doctor's found her in the far future with her entire timeline rewritten and aboard a human stealth warship chasing after a rogue turian Spectre hell-bent on destroying the galaxy, at any rate. "Yeah. Better? I think? I don't feel like there's all that slideshow of horror flashing behind my eyes constantly now, at least."
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waywardfeathered · 3 years
other canon(divergent) muses that i write (shameless pls follow me on my other blogs post): thirteenth doctor, @dochaes; charlie bradbury, dean winchester, clara oswald, the tardis, tenth doctor, river song, juliet burke, mary stuart, claude de valois, kenna de poitiers, hannibal lecter, will graham, tyrion lannister, sansa stark, eloise brigerton, @smokedanced. of which the latter five i’ve not actually gotten to write quite yet.
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buggeredson · 4 years
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Send Me a Series
@smokedanced​​  :   supernatural, if sb already asked, then, i, i don't know what all you watch, uh, do you watch doctor who? Oop, just saw this! Supernatural here. I don’t watch DW but watch me answer this anyway!
Favorite character - Uh. I’ve been told I’d love Amy Pond and I was previously fond of Rose Tyler because of RP. Does David Tennant count as a character? Not the Tenth Doctor, Tennant himself. Second favorite character - Uh. Probably River Song? She seems bad ass. Least favorite character - Ninth Doctor. Only one I saw and he really rubbed me the wrong fucking way. The character I’m most like - Gonna say...Rose Tyler, cause that’s what this quiz says. I am, and I quote, “Sweet and compassionate, you are able to adapt well to almost any situation. You’ve always got the biggest heart in the room and you never rush to judge others for their actions. You’re also willing to admit when you’re wrong, which isn’t so easy for most people. On the other hand, you’re not so great at sharing your true feelings with others, and you tend to get jealous easily.” Favorite pairing - Ten and Rose. I’ve seen the gifs, they seem sweet together! Least favorite pairing - Nine and anyone, because again, fuck Nine. Favorite moment - Peter Capaldi getting cast as Twelve. I hear he was difficult to like, but knowing the outside stuff about him (especially what a big fan he had been for all those years!) made it hard to root against him. Rating out of 10 - 6-7. Seminal science-fiction that changed the face of both the genre specifically and fandom more generally. Not a fan but an appreciate it’s broad impact and revival of the genre as a whole.
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anderwhohn · 1 year
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@smokedanced asked: Send ✗ for my muses reaction to being grabbed by the front of their shirt/collar and kissed hard on the mouth / no context ten for izzy
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With the space station's artificial gravity restored, Isabela closes the access panel before untethering herself from the console before standing back up. Working on ship systems in zero gravity was always an interesting experience, but as she turns to the Doctor to figure out what their next move should be, she finds herself hauled closer to him and...
The kiss catches her completely offguard, emerald eyes widening before a blush rapidly heats her freckled cheeks as a faint whimper is pulled from her, her own hands finding purchase on the Doctor's arms to keep herself on her feet. Before she can even begin to fully make sense of what's happening, the kiss is broken and she's left staring up at him in a slight daze before she's able to recollect herself in any sense.
"I, uh..." she starts, and falters, her blush deepening as she lets go of him with one hand to brush her fingers over her lips in shocked disbelief. "Well, umm... Can't say that's ever happened when I've restored failed systems before," she murmurs with a quiet laugh, watching him still with clear uncertainty as to what to think.
Licking her lips anxiously, she glances away, though doesn't move from his personal space, one hand still gripping tightly to his arm even as she looks around Engineering. "So... Life support's online, as is artificial grav now," she notes as casually as she can manage. "Any other systems I should check?"
A wry smirk tugs at one corner of her lips as she can't help herself as she continues, "Especially if that's my reward for fixing things. Quite effective motivation, really..."
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anderwhohn · 2 years
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@smokedanced asked: ❝You don’t know me. Stop pretending like you do.❞ / ten for izzy, maybe in context of her being able to tell he's seen war/been a soldier
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Emerald eyes narrow as she eyes the Doctor, though she tries to not take offence at his obvious-to-her defensiveness. She knows what it's like - she'd been that way herself immediately after Akuze, and if it hadn't been for her realising how much worse of a hell she'd have been put through had she not masked it enough to satisfy the Brass that she was 'fine', she would have been medically discharged.
Having seen first hand how poorly the Alliance handles their former soldiers with PTSD like with Major Kyle, she knows had she completely lost it herself, some other N7 could have been sent to essentially put her down like Hackett had likely intended for her to, but she was able to talk the Major into surrendering peacefully and forced the Alliance to hold up their end of the bargain promised when anyone enlists. The longer she either served or even continued to work at all with the Alliance, the more she saw through their lies and deceptions. They weren't really the 'good guys' most people liked to believe them to be.
"I lost 50 men on Akuze," she notes quietly, grateful at least that this whole… disagreement with them was happening somewhere private, away from the crew. The last thing she needs is the Alliance crew hearing her expressing her doubts in the leadership they still answer to, even if as a Spectre, she now answers mostly to herself and otherwise only the Council when she bothers to listen to them. "My entire unit, wiped out in under an hour. We had been sent to investigate a colony after it had gone dark, only when we arrived, no one was there. Not a single man, woman, or child - it was as though they'd all just got up in the middle of their day and vanished…"
She levels a serious look on him, the haunting memories of that day darkening her gaze. "We set up camp on a large flat area of land nearby, planning to expand the search the next morning. But morning never came, not when the thresher maws hit our camp in the middle of the night. I… I was the only one to make it out of there alive. Or, at least, I had thought so at the time - I learned years later there had been one other survivor, a man named Toombs, who had survived, but was taken captive by the scientists behind the whole ordeal to be experimented on…"
A flash of rage flits through her eyes at that as she sneers, "So don't fucking tell me I don't know you. I don't have to know what you've been through - we've all got our fucking ghosts that haunt us - but you don't get those ghosts without losing people time and time and time again, without wilfully sacrificing tens of thousands of people here, so billions can survive there, or without doing things that everyone else will forever condemn you for even if you did what you had to in order to save a whole fucking galaxy!"
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vortexparadox · 2 years
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@smokedanced asked: ❝Sorry, but I’m not who you think I am.❞ + reverse / donna & ten, ME!verse?
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With her fiery red hair, and even more fiery personality, Donna is more than used to being recognised, even by the various other species on the Citadel as news of the attack on Eden Prime spread. She's already encountered a handful of people calling out for her attention with shouts of 'Major Noble!' as she tracks down leads in search of evidence against Saren.
But to hear someone call out to her with an overtly familiar 'Donna! Donna Noble!!' certainly brings her up short. The encounter with the tall, thin stick of a man quickly jumps near to the top of the list of weird things that have happened to her in the last 24 hours, just under the… everything on Eden Prime.
"Oy, mate. Sorry, but I'm not who you think I am," she offers, her brow furrowing as she looks up at the strange man, for a moment wondering if perhaps she had been wrong in sending her squad in search of more of the keepers to scan while she wraps up in the market after her strange encounter with her 'fan', Conrad Verner. "I don't know you from Adam."
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vortexparadox · 2 years
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@smokedanced asked: send me ‘ not just a scratch ‘ for your muse to catch mine trying to patch up a wound in secret… / ten for martha?
💌 not just a scratch [ meme - accepting ]
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While medigel could do absolute wonders compared to 21st century medical advancements, Martha knows that it's not quite enough on its own for bullet wound that, by the feel of things, has also cracked one of her ribs when it punched through her weakened shields and biotic barrier.
She hadn't expected any more resistance on this previously uncharted world, which is why she had came down alone in the Mako to survey some of the mineral deposits she had neglected to claim while taking out the merc base. Now, she was paying for it as she sits in the open hatch of the armoured tank, her damaged chest plate set on the rear bench while she carefully examines the damage through the rip in her underarmour.
Of course, none of that quite prepares her for the sudden familiar grinding groans of the TARDIS materialising nearby, a sound so unexpected and startling that she manages to drop the medkit as she scrambles back further into the Mako at first, her instincts honed to prepare for a potential threat now more than realising just who exactly that sound normally would indicate being present.
It's only when the doors to the TARDIS open to reveal the all-too-familiar face of the Doctor that she does think to panic just a bit, realising in her current state, as she's still bleeding from the gunshot wound that grazed her ribcage, now is probably the worst time for an unexpected reunion, given the circumstances of her mere existence in the 22nd century.
Unfortunately, all the hurried movement has also led to her lightheadedness worsening as she bites back a groan, carefully reaching for the medkit once more to try to staunch the bleeding before the Doctor takes notice of her. But by the sound of hurried footsteps approaching over the dry, dusty terrain, it's too much to hope for.
Twisting herself to turn the injury away from the opening, she does her best to hide just how bad it is even as she continues working on patching herself up, only glancing in his direction whenever she has to look away from her task to dig out a small pack of medigel to smear over the wound to hold herself together long enough to get to the Normandy's medbay.
"I'll admit, I didn't expect to see you again after all this," she starts as she glances back at him while trying to cover the wound, knowing even her armour's chest piece won't be enough to hide it from him. "Unless I'm hallucinating beyond those damn visions after that pseudo-psychic pulse from the beacon. Would be my luck, alone on some alien planet, hallucinating that you've showed up just days after my childhood dreams suddenly seem too real and more like actual memories…"
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vortexparadox · 6 months
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@smokedanced asked: i'm not ready to let go of you. +reverse / martha and ten? mass effect
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"Joker, we've got to go," Martha pleas with her stubborn pilot, her hand resting on his shoulder in reassurance. They've both done everything they can - she has to trust that the rest of her officers - her friends - got the rest of the surviving crew into the escape pods and away from the wreckage that was, until just minutes ago, their home. If Joker hadn't been so bloody stubborn, she doubts they'd have had time to get as many out alive as they had, but now...
Now, time was running out and the two of them were the last to leave. There was no way she was abandoning Joker, no matter how stubborn the man may be - no one gets left behind, and she shifts her grip on him to start tugging him insistently from his chair. "The Normandy's lost. You've done everything you can. I can't lose you too."
"Yeah," Joker sighs wearily, starting to help push himself from his chair. "Yeah, alright. Shit!" Without thought, his hands fly back to the control, trying to squeeze even a few more seconds of burn out of the sputtering engines. "They're coming around for another attack!"
Unable to wait any longer, Martha hauls him to his feet, wincing when she feels the crack of his brittle bones under her hands even as she half-drags, half-carries him to the escape pod, all but shoving him in just as another blast from the enemy ship causes her magboots to loose their connection to the deck plating.
Without gravity, she floats back further from the pod, and unable to reach anything to propel her towards it... As she reaches the emergency launch buttons on the bulkhead, she punches the button, closing her eyes against the sight of Joker finally righting himself, just in time for the pod door to shut and eject the pod away from the remains of the ship at the same time the destructive beam from the enemy ship tears through the space she'd occupied just moments before.
As the ship continues to fall to pieces around her, Martha finds herself floating in free space, a chill settling over her as she knows... the Doctor had had to run to her cabin where they'd stored the TARDIS to ensure its safety within the Normandy. The crew deck had been hit just as hard as the CIC, and she had no way of knowing if he'd made it in time, only...
Something was wrong... Very wrong... as her hands fly up to the hoses at the back of her helmet, dark eyes widening in horror as she realises... her air is leaking from her suit, the VI alerting her of rapidly failing life support systems.
She can't even bring herself to scream, tears falling silently as dawning horror takes hold when the weightlessness seems to fade away even as her consciousness starts to fade with the lack of air. She's falling... caught in the gravitational pull of the planet below...
Only to suddenly find herself landing much sooner than expected, with a far less traumatic impact as she feels hands frantically unlatching her helmet, blinking at the suddenly too bright light of the TARDIS console room.
Frantic hands clutch at the Doctor's coat, pulling herself flush against him, desperate to get away from the still open doors, a choked sob escaping her as the shock of the attack hits her all at once, knowing she's safer in the TARDIS than she ever has been on any other ship in the galaxy, yet not being able to fully come to terms with what she'd just experienced.
It's several minutes before anything the Doctor says even begins to filter through her panic - something about getting her to the medbay - but even then she just shakes her head, clinging to him tighter as she hides her face against his shoulder, her voice barely a quiet whimper as she manages, "I'm not ready to let go of you. Not yet."
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anderwhohn · 2 years
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@smokedanced || not-so-random starter
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"Uh, guys? Tell me I'm not suffering from some kind of weird radiation sickness and there really is what looks like an old Earth police box sitting outside the entrance there," Sara says uncertainly, her brow furrowing as she parks the Nomad.
"If it is a hallucination, you're not the only one," Vetra notes, mandibles fluttering uneasily. "What even is a police box?"
"Old Earth communications tech from London and other parts of England during the twentieth century," Liam offers as he unfastens the safety restraints on his seat in order to climb out of the vehicle. "Though what it's doing here... Even if someone smuggled it on the Nexus before departure, what's it doing on Eos?"
"Only one way to find out." Once out of the Nomad, she sighs as she dismisses the warnings about the spike of radiation levels and the drain it's having on her suit's life support systems. Right now, there's a mystery to solve. Though as she uses her omnitool to scan the box, expecting nothing more than a composition readout detailing wood, copper, and other standard stuff she'd expect to find, what she gets instead…
"Woah! What is this thing?" she wonders as she approaches the box, still focused on the readouts from her omnitool. "These readings are off the charts. SAM, can you make any sense of this?"
While the AI rattles off known elements that the scans indicate, it doesn't take her long to realise he's as lost as she is on just what exactly the box even is, much less how it got here or why. But as she listens to his analysis, she's circled around the box fully, only to stop at its doors once more as she reaches for the obvious handles to see if it can be opened…
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anderwhohn · 4 years
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@smokedanced​ (The Doctor) || a random starter appears!
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“What is a ‘Doc-tor?’” Orabela asks, struggling a bit with the unfamiliar word. There was such thing in the common trade tongue, nor in ancient dwarven tongue or any other language that she knew any of.
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Shaking her head at the strange man - human, by the look of him, but oddly dressed - amber-gold eyes studying him wearily for a moment before turning her attention back toward the tunnels ahead.
“You’d best stick with me. I’m looking for the Grey Wardens, or a way out of these Ancestor forsaken Roads. Whichever I can manage to find first.” 
Kneeling down, she presses her palm to the stone floor, concentrating for a moment before deciding, “We take the left path. Can you handle a sword? Or a bow? Surely you did not come here unarmed...”
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vortexparadox · 4 years
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@smokedanced​ asked: “I am so sorry for hurting you.” / ten for martha
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If she were being honest, she hadn’t thought she would ever see the Doctor again after the last time. If she were really being honest, she had always hoped she would. Just... maybe not with a conversation like this.
“You should be,” she starts, that old frustrated jealousy rearing its head with his words. She knows that, while she did hold a place in his hearts all her own, it was never going to be like that which he had held for Rose while Martha had travelled with him.
“That... you don’t deserve that,” she sighs, reaching out to rest a hand against his arm. “I might have moved on from you, Doctor, but I still love you, and I always will. I’m just not in love with you, like I was.”
Though that love for him had kept her going through the Year That Never Was as she walked the whole of the Earth, spreading stories about the Doctor. 
But she knows - or she’s learned, at least, especially after talking to Jack - that loving the Doctor is something that never really leaves you. Yes, she loved him. And maybe, yes, deep down, she is still in love with him.
Not that she’s about to tell him that.
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anderwhohn · 4 years
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@smokedanced​ (The Doctor) || random muse roulette starter! [sc]
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“Right, there you are,” Doctor Chakwas murmurs as she slowly passes the scanner of her omni-tool over the man, the holographic interface around her arm casting an eerie glow between them as she directs an application of medi-gel to focus on healing his injuries.
“That was quite the fall you had. You’re lucky you landed in the lap of a doctor - almost literally,” she notes with tiniest hint of a tease, her hand brushing back a bit of his hair at his temple, sharp green eyes watching him closely for any sign of a concussion.
She had been enjoying a brief shore leave aboard the Citadel, taking advantage of the time aboard the space station and culture hub of the Milky Way to ensure the Normandy’s medical supplies were fully restocked and to pick up a new bottle of her favourite brandy before returning to the medbay. Only for this strange man to quite literally fall from above while she was seated on one of the benches in the Presidium Common’s courtyard, taking a rest before making the walk back to the docking bay.
“I’m Dr. Karin Chakwas, Chief Medical Officer of the SSV Normandy. Do you know where you are right now?”
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anderwhohn · 3 years
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@smokedanced (Tenth Doctor) || requested starter.
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Crowley has seen many things in his long existence, but none has ever been quite as concerning as seeing, well, his face on another being. And given the distinctive feel of this particular double's aura, he's willing to bet the other is about as human as he is - which is to say, not at all.
"Oi! What's this, then?" he calls out as the man pauses on the sidewalk, seeming to be trying to gather his bearings. The fact that they are so close to his angel's bookshop does nothing to settle the demon's nerves as he quickly saunters over to the stranger, with every intention of keeping the stranger away from his best friend and his shop. Aziraphale's had enough trouble from him lately. He doesn't need it from a strange double as well.
"Blimey, that's just wrong," he mutters as he stops right in front of this imposter him, taking note of the small differences between them - most notably the hair colour, and were he to remove his own sunglasses, the eyes. And while the other's eyes were far older than they had any right to be for Earth, he still feels they are rather young in comparison to himself.
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"Listen, mate, I don't know what game you think you're playing, but I don't like it. Thissss has been my face for millennia, and here you are prancing about in it like it's your own."
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waywardfeathered · 4 years
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@ampersandmuses​ said: 💙 and 🌟
Questions for the mun! / ACCEPTING ↷
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🌟 - Who was your very first rp muse? i’ve rp’d off tumblr for so long i can’t remember who was the very first in private (probably someone from an old rpf fandom tbh), but my very first rp blog on this site was iris hunt, a doctor who oc, who i wrote in 2013! i recently added her to my multi too, and it’s strange. it’s been seven years! there’s a whole story here - she was the result of me messaging a tenth doctor roleplayer on my personal tumblr to ask if she wanted to write something, i had the idea for iris, we developed her background story a little together, and pretty much no one else was interested in interacting with her than that one ten-mun. she basically was manipulated into believing she was being trained to assassinate the doctor, and there’s this whole organization we came up with, from the remnants of canon torchwood one. anyway her url used to be irishuntsthestars and i was really proud of that. she’s at @smokedanced​ now!
💙 - Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out? did you mean: always! omfg. honestly, very often when i consume fiction these days, i consider adding muses. most seriously, lately, i’ve played with the idea of rowena macleod (but i wonder if i have the energy to write her voice), lady morgana from merlin (my husband made me watch it and we’re on season three now, i don’t think it’s going to be a thing but i did consider her quite seriously), sun kwon and juliet burke from lost (mayyyyybe), greer castleroy from reign (also maybe) and harley yoshi milano from the book harley in the sky by akemi dawn bowman (honestly probably will add). i’ve on and off considered sam winchester but man, i don’t have the voice for him. meh.
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waywardfeathered · 5 years
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The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as, have role-played as and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging!
castiel (here), jillian marks @quantumbound, the eleventh doctor/dean winchester/river song/charlie bradbury @smokedanced
clara oswald (doctor who)
thirteenth doctor (doctor who)
takeshi kovacs (altered carbon)
kate harker (monsters of verity)
august flynn (monsters of verity)
the tardis (doctor who)
amara/the darkness (supernatural)
dream of the endless (sandman)
death of the endless (sandman)
twelfth doctor (doctor who)
rose tyler (doctor who)
iris hunt (doctor who oc)
an au echo of clara oswald (doctor who)
an au amy pond (doctor who)
penny olsen (fandomless oc)
bem (youkai ningen bem)
tenth doctor (doctor who)
l (death note)
yagami light (death note)
odagiri ryu (gokusen 2)
iris was my first ever muse on tumblr so she is beloved. also, bem.
tagged by: stolen from @incrediblechange tagging: steal it!
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