samsholynecrosis · 1 year
Smokernatural where Sam is a stoner and Dean smokes cigarettes and when Dean is in hell Sam smokes through all Dean’s packs no matter how shaky and nauseous they make him, and when Sammy is in the cage Dean smokes his joints all alone locked away inside a motel room and puts them out on his skin afterwards and no matter how hard they try they can’t replicate the taste of each other
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smokernatural au where john used to smoke occasionally before but starts smoking his pack a day after mary's death. dean tries to steal his dad's cigarettes since he's ten but every time he does it he feels so guilty he swears he'll never do it again until he's fifteen and john asks him how come he hasn't taken up smoking yet. sam doesn't smoke but when he's at stanford and feeling so homesick his heart might burst he goes out and buys a pack of that same brand just to take the edge off. dean fills up the car with cigarette butts while they're on the road searching for john
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vaginadentatacas · 2 years
dean can (and does) handroll his own cigarettes but that man cannot roll a joint to save his life. it doesnt transfer somehow
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like this is johndean. to me. that's their dynamic
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