#smoking addiction treatment in bangalore
maargamindcare1 · 4 days
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maarga12 · 8 months
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sugunahospital · 8 months
How to Choose the Best De-addiction Centre ?
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One of the significant issues that continues to haunt not just India but the whole world is Drug abuse. Despite persistent and intensive efforts by experts globally, this problem continues to increase.
Although it is necessary to control the supply of addictive substances, it is equally vital to establish a comprehensive infrastructure for effective De-addiction intervention and support
This where the role of a De-addiction centre comes to the picture. This article is aimed at understanding what a De-addiction centre is all about.
Understanding a De-addiction Centre
According to the best psychiatrist doctor in Bangalore, a De-addiction centre and Rehabilitation Centre is a specialized centre that provides seamless treatment for individuals struggling from drug and alcohol addiction. With the involvement of family members, these centres offer a controlled and conducive environment, away from the outside world, for individuals to recover, regroup, and rejuvenate through a combination of therapies, group discussions, counselling, and education programs
However, what matters here is your choice of the De-addiction centre.
How to make the perfect choice?
Some things you can keep in mind when trying to pick a de-addiction facility are as follows:
The type of care offered : Drug abuse can impact your body in various ways. Hence, choose the facility that can treat your specific condition.
Medical and support expertise : Working on someone who is affected by drug abuse is a huge task. Hence, look at a centre that has excellent medical and support expertise with abundant experience.
Credentials and treatment facilities at the De-addiction centre : It is good to verify the credentials of the De-addiction centre either directly or indirectly before you begin your treatment. This is very important to find out how genuine the centre is.
Aftercare services : Choose a centre where experts continue to monitor your health condition even after you have recovered. This should be a part of your package.
Patient reviews : Reviews from patients who have taken treatments goes a long way in helping you choose the best De-addiction centre. You can take their experience and approach accordingly.
Dealing with drug abuse is not an easy problem. It's essential not to rely on assumptions or self-medication plans. Addressing addiction requires a systematic approach. If you are wondering, 'Which is the best addiction treatment centres in Bangalore? ”, Maargamindcare has the right team of medical experts to ensure your safe and comfortable recovery.
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ankurhealthcare · 9 months
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mindfultms43 · 9 months
Alcoholism disrupting your life? It’s time to get help. Learn about Alcohol De Addiction Treatment and phychiatrist for alchol addiction at Mindful TMS.
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astercmidigital · 5 years
Cold and flu in children
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The monsoon and the changing weather heralds the onset of cough, cold symptoms in many children. If you have nasal congestion, a running nose, or you’re sneezing and coughing, your first thought maybe that you have a cold. These are also signs of allergies. A cold also called “the common cold” is caused by a virus (infections). Many different types of infections are competent for colds. The signs and symptoms may vary; colds generally share some of the same essential components.
Here are some key characteristics of the common cold:
Common Cold has transmitted through virus droplets that a sick person sheds when he coughs or sneezes.
A sore throat along with a running, stuffy nose.
More severe cold can also cause headache, fever and body aches.
Restoration from a cold is usually fast. The normal duration of a cold is 7 to 10 days.
If symptoms last more than a week or two, the virus may have contributed to a more severe virus, such as a sinus infection, pneumonia, or bronchitis.
People with allergies may be more prone to catching a cold.
Flu is a form of cold caused by the flu virus. The flu season generally starts around these months peaking in the winter months. Common symptoms include fever, headache, body pain, cough, cold, tummy upset etc. Flu is a common winter illness for a healthy adult, but for children at risk, it can become severe such as progressing to pneumonia with breathing difficulty, excessive vomiting leading to inadequate oral intake, dehydration and multi-organ involvement. Ex preterm babies are predisposed to severe chest infections for whom early testing and treatment is mandatory.
Specific ways to limit flu in the community are
The flu vaccine, especially to be administered to vulnerable people like small children, elderly, children with asthma, blood, kidney or heart problems in whom flu can become very severe
Contain spread from one person to another by using a face mask, using disposable tissues for secretions, hand sanitizers, not going to a public area like school, office during illness.
Taking adequate rest and plenty of fluids to recover fast along with antivirals prescribed by the doctor.
A child when suspected of flu undergoes specific tests to confirm the virus by doing a nasal swab and started on antivirals. The contacts of the child can be given vaccine within three days of exposure to prevent from developing the disease or given prophylactic antivirals for five days.
Allergies happen when your immune system has a conflicting reaction to some substances. When your body is exposed to an allergy trigger (allergen), your immune system discharges chemicals called histamines. This release of histamines is what causes allergy symptoms. Some of the common symptoms of allergies and colds are sneezing, sore throat, coughing, running nose, nasal congestion, watery eyes. Differentiating cold and allergies is essential as treatment differ, Colds are more likely to cause fatigue, aches and pains, sore throat a fever whereas Allergies are more likely to cause wheezing, itchy eyes, skin rashes, such as hives or eczema. The ‘allergic salute’ in children due to an itchy nose, which they usually rub with an upward hand movement that looks like a salute.
Common allergy triggers can include:
Animal dander or saliva, such as from a cat or dog
Dust mites
Foods including tree nuts, peanuts, milk, and eggs
Seasonal allergens such as a tree, grass, and weed pollen
If your child has a frequent cough, cold especially in the cold season or cough/breathing difficulty after certain food substances, the primary cause is an allergy of your airways called hyperactive airway disease.
Some general measures to reduce allergies are
To keep your house dust and clutter-free, cleaning should be done when the child is not there, wet mopping to reduce dust particles, cleaning the window panes weekly, a periodic dusting of the carpet, curtains, woollen garments in the sun
No indoor smoke as in cigarette smoking or kitchen smoke, which should be controlled by having good exhaust/ chimney in the kitchen.
Pest control, as cockroach eggs, is known to be allergic.
Avoid exposure to cold air, construction dust etc.
Avoid foods like fried items, sweets, cold drinks or any particular food your child is allergic to.
Moderate exercise, yoga- pranayama (breathing exercises), and eating healthy food like fruits and vegetables reduce allergies and keep you fit in the long run.
If frequent allergies meet your doctor for anti-allergic medications.
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There are various medications available to treat allergy based on severity and frequency of symptoms. Seasonal allergies are treated with medications only during a particular period. Medications include anti-allergy pills in the bedtime to nasal sprays for cold. Allergic wheezing is found commonly in Bangalore due to the cold weather, pollution and pollen. All childhood wheezing kids don't become asthmatics when they grow up, a majority of children with wheezing outgrow the ailment after six years. The mainstay of treatment for allergic wheezing kids is using inhaled steroids with a device called spacer. There are myths regarding its side effects and addiction. The dose of the medications used is minimal and goes into the lungs with no side effects on the rest of the body.
Pneumonia is the infection of lungs, commonly caused by bacteria and viruses. Less common types of pneumonia can be caused by fungi, chemical consumption like kerosene, paint thinner etc. It’s a severe illness which is presented by high fever, fast breathing, poor appetite, vomiting and lethargy. The infection is more severe in young children who can have complications like cessation of breathing, fits and blood infection. Some of the pneumonia-causing germs can be prevented by vaccines like the pneumococcal vaccine, which should be given to children less than two years old and in older children who are predisposed to infections.
Some of the other infections which can present as cough, cold and fever are ear infections and sinus infections. Ear infections present with ear pain or irritability and constant crying in a small child and should be suspected when such symptoms are associated with fever. Ear infections are more severe and frequent in young children <2 years, non-breast fed babies, bottle-fed babies. Sinusitis is suspected in an older child with fever and persistent cough and nasal discharge. Sinuses are air-filled spaces in the facial bones which drain into the nose, these infections are treated with prolonged antibiotics and may need a consultation with ENT specialist.
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rehabrecoverycenter · 2 years
Rehabilitation Centre In Chandigarh
Anatta Recovery is one of the best rehabilitation centre in Chandigarh, We offer drug and alcohol and drug rehabilitation services for people living in Chandigarh. With the help of High quality medical care, our aim is to improve your life by helping you quit drinking alcohol and stop using drugs. Our treatment programs are Residential, Non medical and client specific. Some of the benefits you will receive during your treatment includes Group counselling, Relapse prevention techniques, After Care Programs etc.
Rehabilitation centre in chandigarh is an ISO certified comprehensive medical and psychiatric care best rehab center in India. We offer Individualized Plans for drug de-addiction treatment, alcohol de-addiction treatment, smoking and chewing tobacco de-addiction treatment, social media de-addiction treatment, gambling de-addiction treatment, Pornography de-addiction treatment, gaming de-addiction treatment, and co-occurring psychiatric disorders across the cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Surat, Baroda, Pune.
We have a team of experts including Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists, Occupational Therapist, Hypnotherapists, Dietician, Art, and Music Therapist, Yoga Teacher and counselors which makes rehabilitation centre in chandigarh the best rehabilitation center in India. rehabilitation centre in chandigarh believes in holistic healing that addresses all your problems comprehensively because you’re more than your addiction. It heals your mind, body, and spirit. Holistic healing encourages learning and utilizing stress release mechanisms, recovering from addiction, developing and pursuing creative outlets, and enjoying a healthy diet, recreation, and spiritual growth.
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nufertilityworld · 4 years
Everything You Need to Know About Male Infertility
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While there is a lot of talk surrounding female infertility, the topic of male infertility, although equally common, remains in hidden sight. Infertility as a medical condition affects men and women equally. Male Infertility and fertility treatment for men is a broad term given to a range of conditions and ailments that can lead a man to be incapable of fertilizing his partner’s eggs. There are a range of such conditions and problems which can cause infertility in men, some of the most often observed causes being -  
 Lifestyle: Habits such as  alcoholism, drug addiction, and even smoking, add to the risks of     infertility, as these substances tend to cause reduction in sperm count  and affect sperm mobility adversely. Bad diet and unhealthy eating  routines are also commonly associated with men infertility.        
Long term  illnesses:   Those men who are suffering or who have suffered from illnesses such as kidney ailments, childhood conditions, mumps, etc., stand at a greater risk of infertility.        
In certain cases, it is observed that a patient may be experiencing a blockage, in which case, the sperm refuses to the leave the body after intercourse in order to fruitfully complete the fertilization. Conditions such as low testosterone, enlarged veins, and chromosomal malfunctions may also cause infertility in men. Male Infertility Diagnosis and Detection
 If you have had several unsuccessful attempts at conceiving a baby, then visiting an infertility specialist should be on your cards. In case the doctor suspects male infertility, he / she may opt from a range of tests and procedures of diagnosis before deciding on the best medicine for male infertility. 
 Examination of the body and medical history: It’s imperative for the doctor to know the medications you have been on, the conditions you have been exposed to, any previous illnesses or injuries, etc., in order to get to the root of  the problem. Certain questions relating to your sex life might be a part  of the diagnosis, and is only intended to develop a fair judgement about  your condition before heading for fertility treatment for men.        
Analyzing the semen: This is primarily done to adjourn sperm mobility and examine if the sperm is making its way into the semen. It’s one of the most critical  tests in the process of testing for male infertility treatment in Bangalore. 
 Male Infertility Treatment
 In most cases, it is difficult to determine the exact cause of male infertility, however, the doctor will be able to guide you through the process of male infertility treatment in Bangalore. The doctor may choose from a range of procedures for fertility treatment for men. 
 Surgery: Surgery helps correct varicoceles and also leverages the use of sperm-retrieval  techniques. 
Infection treatment: Although this doesn’t guarantee fertility being restored, it is usually an antibiotic treatment to cure any reproductive tract infections. 
Problems with  Sexual Intercourse: Medication and / or therapies may prove to be     beneficial. 
Hormone treatment: Doctors may feel it necessary to sometimes guide you through hormone replacement or  effective medications in cases wherein the infertility arises out of very high or low levels of hormones. 
Assisted  reproductive technology (ART): The process involves using a sperm donor and assisting reproduction through medically invasive techniques  performed on the female partner. 
 NU Fertility specialize in male infertility treatment in Bangalore, boasting a range of the best doctors, advanced technology and the latest treatment methods to effectively treat and cure fertility problems in men.
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Is there any connection of obesity in middle-aged men with alcohol intake?
It’s not certain that a person gains weight due to alcohol consumption or not. A lot of researches have been made to find out if there is any relation between body weight and alcohol intake. Lots of middle-aged men report that they face obesity due to alcohol consumption but it might happen due to other reasons.
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Population-based study
The researchers made population-based study in order to find out if alcohol use can cause weight gain in the middle-aged men. In this study, there are various things which are noticed like drinking habits, height, weight, waist circumference, diet, residential place, physical activity, smoking, and BMI. These are some things which were checked during the research of men who were obese due to some reasons.
Now, there are two types of drinkers:  One is those who drink on occasions or once in a month. They can have control over the alcohol consumption and notice the quantity of alcohol while drinking; the other drinkers are those who prefer binge drinking because they don’t count the glasses they pour down their throats. So, both of these drinkers would have different effects on alcohol. Consulting general medicine hospital in bangalore of the well-reputed hospital can help you to get rid of obesity by finding out the reason behind it. They are experienced and qualified and that’s why it is easier for them to find the main reason behind obesity. You can get lots of advice from a doctor to prevent obesity without spending lots of money on the treatment.
Result of studies
There are lots of people who drink alcoholic beverages in these days and the alcohol which has 7kcal/g calorific value can work as a positive energy for the human. If it is drunk for short term, then it won’t harm at all but long term consumption can definitely result in weight gain and some people also start seeing the sign of obesity. According to epidemiological studies, it is not confirmed that alcohol can cause a person to become obese.
There can be a difference in weight gain due to gender change. Women might not gain weight faster but the middle-aged men are more likely to gain weight with alcohol consumption. General surgery hospital in bangalore can help a normal alcohol drinker to get rid of it. Alcohol isn’t a beneficial thing for the human body and it would be better if you can stay away from it.
How to get rid of obesity caused by alcohol?
First of all, you can find out if you are overweight because of alcohol but you need to see the doctor in Manipal Hospital, Salem. The doctors can help you to find out the reason behind obesity and they can also suggest the best way to get rid of alcohol addiction and fat on the body. There are some people whose body fat can be reduced with medications but some need hernia surgery in bangalore. In the case of surgery, it is recommended that you only consult the well-experienced and trusted the doctor.
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Why Need Our Body Professional Massage Is A Must Nowadays!
Progression for materialistic rush has reached till that extent where it's almost impossible for all to think of living a day without any mental stress. With the increase in the mental stress and illness, people these days not only get addicted to drinking and smoking, rather they are victimized to serious health related hazards also. After all when mind is ailed, that affects physical health too. To get rid of uninvited mental burdens, Professional Massage in Ujjain is a priceless solution to enjoy a blissful experience for all those who are victimized to mental stress and an ailed health. Let's see how. Relief from physical strain : Working in a same posture for long time may be for more than 6 to 7 hours often affects the spinal cord and sometimes the lower back, thereby increasing the threats of adopting serious health hazards like spondylitis. An adult body and spa massage in ujjain and spa  in jaipur is the best option to neutralise all those physical ailments, as it not only renders an idyllic experience to a customer, rather trouble shoots every back pain related traumas and ache.
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Mental rejuvenation from a rigid work scheduleBreathless work pressure is a serious reason for harming mental peace for every working professionals. Life seems dull and boring when such relentless work pressure affects the personal life too. But, an body massage service is a relishing spa treatment in accompaniment of  zivaya spa in surat who can well understand the diverse needs of the customers, and render tailored services accordingly. Book Online Your Therapy . Zivaya Spa in ujjain is Expertise in - Just the two of us The Healing Touch Zivaya Signature Therapy Four Hand Therapy Zivaya Harmony Fusion Therapy Pedicure Royal Siam Thai Massage Javanese Pampering Swedish De-stress Aromatherapy Magic Cleansing Facial Manicure Herbal Hot Compress Hot Stone Therapy Candle Massage Abhyanga Therapy Zivaya Signature Facial Zivaya Signature Scrub Zivaya Body Wrap Exotic Signature Facial Aromatic Comfort Facial De-Stress Back and Shoulder Massage Zivaya Signature Foot Massage Head Massage Back and Shoulder Massage with Herbal Hot Compress Foot Massage with Herbal Hot Compress . Visit More Outlets : Spa in Indore, Spa in Jaipur, Spa in Surat, Spa in Vadodara, Spa in Gurgaon, Spa in Bangalore, Spa in New Delhi , Spa Aerocity
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maargamindcare1 · 27 days
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detoxnearme · 6 years
Is Drug Addiction A Disability For Women
Prescription drug addiction: medical
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Prescription drug abuse and addiction
Effects using despite the harm your
Weed every day then help for
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What does the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) do? How does NIDA fund research? What drugs commonly cause problems, and how do they affect the body?
Seabrook Inc. is an internationally recognized drug and alcohol addiction treatment center and detoxification program in New Jersey.
Learn more about the effects of smoking, drinking alcohol, and drug use during pregnancy in this patient education FAQ.
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Women's Initiative Committee; ... prescription drug addiction: medical review officers can help eliminate disability discrimination claim.
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Nicotine dependency prevents millions from quitting smoking. But you don’t have to live that old life. Learn how TMS therapy can help treat nicotine dependency.
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TMS treatment and behavioral health treatments help people with common mental illnesses and Cocaine substance use disorders. See how mindfulTMS can help.  
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rehab-center · 7 years
Higher Power Foundation Bangalore Karnataka
Higher Power Foundation Bangalore Karnataka
Higher Power Foundation is located in Esther Enclave, Horamavu, Bangalore. It is one of the high rates rehabilitation center in Bangalore city and provides a comfortable residential facility for the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. They aid people in changing their lives and live a sober life by giving quality treatment in a secure, calm and healthy environment. Contact person is Mr.…
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rehabrecoverycenter · 3 years
Rehab centre in ahmedabad
Rehabilitation center in ahmedabad is an ISO certified comprehensive medical and psychiatric care best rehab center in India. We offer Individualized Plans for drug de-addiction treatment, alcohol de-addiction treatment, smoking and chewing tobacco de-addiction treatment, social media de-addiction treatment, gambling de-addiction treatment, Pornography de-addiction treatment, gaming de-addiction treatment, and co-occurring psychiatric disorders across the cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Surat, Baroda, ahmedabad Pune.
We have a team of experts including Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists, Occupational Therapist, Hypnotherapists, Dietician, Art, and Music Therapist, Yoga Teacher and counselors which makes Rehabilitation center in ahmedabad the best rehabilitation center in India. Rehabilitation center in ahmedabad believes in holistic healing that addresses all your problems comprehensively because you’re more than your addiction. It heals your mind, body, and spirit. Holistic healing encourages learning and utilizing stress release mechanisms, recovering from addiction, developing and pursuing creative outlets, and enjoying a healthy diet, recreation, and spiritual growth.
Treatment and Interventions The treatment team at Rehabilitation center in ahmedabad embraces a variety of treatment modalities that are supported by strong scientific evidence and designed to improve outcomes for our guests. Individuals face many challenges when recovering from substance related issues. We believe that a personalized treatment approach has the best possibility of helping our guests recover successfully.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy This approach addresses the interaction between thoughts, behavior, and emotions. It recognizes that these are linked and dysfunction in one area indicates dysfunction in the other. The benefit of using this approach to therapy is that change can begin in any of these areas, and naturally lead to change in the others.
Cognitive Analytic Therapy This approach takes Cognitive Behavior Therapy a step further by considering root causes to unhealthy thoughts, emotions, and behavior patterns. When addressing the underlying cause of issues that have led to self-medication, longer lasting results occur.
Motivational Enhancement Therapy MET is based on the premise that individuals in treatment have a sincere desire to stop the cycle of unhealthy behavior and change their lives for the better. It’s normal to feel fear when faced with uncertainty in the future, and no one can be forced into treatment or recovery. However, the clinicians at Rehabilitation center in baroda know that when these fears are explored and individuals are given the time and support to process them, they are able to move forward willingly.
Family Therapy Individuals who abuse substances often find themselves increasingly isolated from their families. Family focused interventions address the unhealthy communication patterns that have developed over time. Guests and their family members will learn about some of the toxic and unproductive ways in which they interact. This allows them to develop the insight necessary to minimize old behavior patterns and strengthen the family unit.
Individual Therapy Individual therapy is provided to all guest regardless of level of care at least once per week for 60 minutes. This allows guests to have one on one time with their primary therapist to engage in further exploration of their personal story.
Medication Management At Rehabilitation center in baroda medication management is supervised by a licensed psychiatrist and advanced nurse practitioner. These services are designed to complement the treatment process by managing distressing symptoms that often trigger substance use, such as insomnia, anxiety, and depression.
Group Therapy Participating in therapy with a group of strangers can sound uncomfortable at first, but the group is an essential part of treatment for good reason. Within the context of group therapy, clients have felt a level of acceptance and understanding that has been missing from their daily lives. Regular connection with others who are struggling with similar issues provides perspective and accountability for group members.
Rehabilitation center in ahmedabad types of groups including psychoeducation, process, medical education, holistic therapy, and expressive groups.
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