I wonder how they will meet again (not to discuss/reconcile yet) : it’s going to be so cold
Who will be the coldest? Rin acting broken or like he doesn’t give a fuck? Haru being unemotional and contemptuous or doing his best to ignore Rin?
How do you feel abt the beginning of the part2?
from what I got from the ending of the scene, spoon interview about p2 and everything, I think Haru won't be like assholish cold, he's gonna be most likely just.. empty, as in closer to pretending they all do not exist and gonna avoid everyone.
as for Rin it depends of what type he is when it comes to this kind of situations, I think there is 3 possible outcomes, so I suggest vote for one haha
at this point of their relationship aka they themselves know that they love each other, but it came to this, in doramas (which they resemble a lot lmfao) its either:
1. what I'm gonna call a TT type of guy: after he basically told him that he doesn't want him in his life anymore in a very harsh way, but actually didn't mean any of that and only wanted to be with him, the other one truly believed him, never once went to see him, was crying and dying on his own, thinking he might be the worst kind of trash if he doesn't want him in his life, until someone enlightened him the the other one still loved him to death, then he got caught up on the situation, put himself together, helped fixing it, but only believed he's truly wanted when he asked his other half to pretty please repeat him like 4 times that he loves him and won't regret being with him.
2. what I'm gonna call FT type of guy: after he basically told him that he doesn't want him in his life anymore in a very harsh way, but actually didn't mean any of that and only wanted to be with him, the other one truly believed him, but seeing him being detached and acting like he doesn't care for them anymore drove him crazy and he couldn't help but keep engaging, even after he kept recieving a cold shoulder again and again, got more and more upset and in denial in a "this can't be happening after all we've been through" way, until he completely broke down crying on the verge of believing that this might just how it's really gonna be from now on, until someone enlightened him the the other one still loved him to death and just barged in and was like "hey, baby, you're my happiness, so pls return me my happiness (T_T)".
And there's more of a classic route. Rin can get angry seeing what Haru does to himself, how he ruins himself and the "not his" ugly way he swims now and go like Kuroko route and behave like that. Not gonna avoid him at all, but become more angry for him than upset and gonna try to return him and prove him, that his way of thinking is wrong and he can't win or be happy with winning like that.
Bc Rin also gets extremely mad when Haru loses the light of life and tries to basically bury himself, so he also might flip and shake him, but Haru is gonna be like "so? what do you care? you have your own thing" and we can start this whole "I get that you don't care about us, I'm not gonna bother you anymore, promise, but don't do this to yourself" lalala and not understand anything again and then we still gonna need someone else's help at the end.
Also bc Rin didn't really realize yet what route Haru took to become stronger and that now he's gonna be like heartless machine and his lovely gorgerous ethereal swimming, that made all of their hearts fill with love is gonna be gone for forever. Thats when they all gonna be truly horrified and they might have some other talk like usual:
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But like with Kuroko it wasn't his fault, with Rin he was who triggered this, but here he might understand that the only way to help him is to swim with him at this point. And they go more of the sports anime route. And then go dorama with their talking about the main problem after haha
So tell me which one do you prefer them to play out?
Characteristically in terms of vulnerability, I think Rin is closer to go TT route. And also bc of the scene itself, bc now he thinks that Haru never forgave him for what he's done back then and never will. So he might just not engage at all, just sadly watch him like "yeah, he clearly said that I make him unhappy", but then be like "I can't allow Haru's beautiful swimming to die", swim with him, bring him back, but be like "I get it, I also wouldn't want anyone to be with me." And then it's gonna be for Haru to handle.
I just can't wait to see their faces, when they'll see Haru's "heartless" swimming. Everyone in the pool be like this-is-what-its-like-to-be-lonely.mp3 and then Ikuya and Sousuke be like "omg Rin, what the fuck did you do?" lmao
I hope there's a scene where like everyone is horrified and then simultaneously turn their heads to Rin and he's gonna be like "why everyone is looking at me?" haha (I'm kidding, but that would be so funny)
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