#smth about the kids' shots being warm toned
venka · 1 year
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SUCCESSION — 4.10, With Open Eyes (insp.)
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starry-bi-sky · 5 years
Malevolent Au
It’s not complete, but on the Felinette Discord we made an au based off the song ‘Queen of Mean’!
@unmaskedagain idk if this’ll help you get ideas, since I found your fic after I made the au, but I hope you like it anyways!
Me - Black, Bee - Orange, Lefty - Blue
Okay but guys
A modified version of ‘Queen Of Mean’ as an akumanette
Idk if this has a bittersweet ending or a bad ending but either way it’s salty and not ending in the class’s favor
Her akuma item would probably be her ribbons because I don’t want that for tikki
I’m thinking that Akumanette has an outfit that looks like a suit but there’s a skirt-tail type thing that ends at her ankles. Idk how to explain it other than it’s fancy but practical
It’s black and red
There’s black paint on her face that serves as the mask and she has her hair in a braided ponytail and she has a circlet with black framing and a red gem in the center
She’s terrifying and one of the more fashionable akumas
I don’t have the story fully fleshed out but smth happens that Lila blames Marinette for and Alya, when she’s yelling at Marinette, calls her the ‘Queen of Mean’ and Marinette, tired of literally everything just says ‘if that’s what you think, then fine’ in this really cold tone before storming off
Maybe she goes to the theater room or something, she just goes to an empty classroom to rant
She’s too exhausted to fight back the akuma and maybe Tiki says ‘you deserve a break, it’s not healthy to keep all these emotions bottled up, I know you won’t do anything bad’ but just to be safe Marinette takes out the earring before the akuma gets close so it possesses the ribbons instead
Akumanette (who I will be calling Malevolent for the time being) manages to get CN’s ring and the other miraculi too, but instead of going to Hawkmoth she goes to her room to hide them before going on the hunt for Hawkmoth because she needs his miraculous too
I have no doubt that she toys with them, picking them off one by one
Then gets Hawkmoth in a big spectacular moment
Or maybe she's made copies of the miraculous for cosplay and goes to meet him with those, the old switcheroo and she takes him out while hes distracted
Could be interesting if, as part of her power, she could corrupt the miraculouses and give them to the people who upset/offended her. But instead of giving them powers, they were warped to instead punish the wearer in a way that fits the miraculous's original intent. Kinda a reversal on the way she gave out the miraculouses and granted powers before. Like, the Black Cat Miraculous, it causes the person to relive their most painful memories as the element of destruction, and the fox one forces the wearer to tell the truth no matter what, or traps them in an illusion or something.
And maybe how she goes to a new school. And meeting the others was maybe when shes revealed as the akuma she claims shes had enough of her classmates shit and exposes what they did to her live on tv and her parents transfer her because of all the stress they put her under. She's never become an akuma before. And just because of one lying little brat, their daughter has become one of the strongest akumas they've ever seen
And she gives the miraculi back to Fu apologizing out her butt for everything...but he just lets her keep the earrings, fearing that something grander may be at scale...but he refuses to give the ring back to Adrien because had he been by Mari's side, they wouldve been able to prevent the akuma and help Mari over come Lie-la.
And now Fu chooses a new Black Cat for Mari....
I would assume that the peacock is still lost....maybe Adri could find it amd becomes determined to get both his ring and. "His" lady back from that Fake Cat
And maybe before the ring gets taken Adrien has no idea who the akuma is because Marinette returns to class all normal if just closed off and even after he doesn’t know until it’s revealed to everyone. The whole of Paris is wondering where tf LB is everyone Malevolent shows her face
Or she could claim that she took the earrings before Ladybug even had a chance~
So the whole of Paris is rightly terrified
And the QK kids are slightly cautious but they see the nerd trip and get flustered then they just decide that she's totally fine to hang out with
Ooh why would they be cautious?
The QK would totally be the ones to find out Marinette’s the akuma first and they’re all really concerned for their friend because she’s been an akuma for MONTHS now and what happened that made her such a powerful akuma?
But if she just transformed back and went to the new school, wouldnt u be cautious too
and she chose mercy
Imagine...what it would take to bring her, the strongest akuma to kill all of Paris
(I should probably point out that I’m still going off the idea that Marinette is still Malevolent when she goes to her new school, feel free to ask for clarification if you’re still confused)
“Be wary of the quiet ones, the sweet ones, the kind ones, because they’re the ones with the saddest smiles, the darkest pasts. They’re the ones you watch out, for even demons run when good men go to war.”
Hawkmoth, once he realizes that Malevolent is on the prowl for him, tries to call back the akuma, but because of Marinette’s sheer stubborn will power and the help of Nooroo he can’t do it
So he’s basically useless as Malevolent numbers his days as a super villain
Maybe Malevolent only comes out at night. She has less chance of being seen, less chance of being caught
Except that just makes her 10x more terrifying because in the daylight she’s scary enough as it is, but at night the shadows highlight only half of her face and it makes her harder to see
Maybe Malevolent decides to torment her classmates first before picking off the heroes, so perhaps by the time she’s at her new school and prowling at night she’s picking off the heroes one by one
Maybe she does it slowly instead of night by night
And like the first half is her taking the heroes and Hawk down while the other half if her recovering and learning about the new villain and her new allies
She fucking stalks her classmates, planting incriminating evidence. Maybe for Lie-la she records the girl bragging about her lies and how much shes dragged Mari through the mud while shes at home, then the next morning a video is released on the Ladyblog....
The class is rightly scared out of their pants because there’s an akuma after them but they don’t know who and she hasn’t been caught yet
LB is gone and Malevolent, even in the daylight, is hard to see so other than the major bad luck and her first debut there’s almost no trace of her
Her debut was video taped so Paris knows that there’s an akuma on the loose but she’s so quiet that it leaves everyone on edge
Maybe while Malevolent is hunting Hawkmoth she stops other villains like low level (and high profile) criminals and outs corrupt politicians and the likes
And they've obviously taken poor Mari because Mari could never get akumatized! Shes too good!
Oooh!! Going back on the ‘Mari can change out of villain form’ maybe the only proof she’s Malevolent in her civilian form is that her ribbons are a darker red than they should
And poor Mari makes herself smaller and scared hah, as if. These idiots dont know whats gonna hit them.... she looks...terrified~
Her parents try and reassure her that the akuma will be caught and Mari feels bad for tricking them but at the same time she’s still angry so that anger outweighs the guilt
Marinette is paler than she was before akumatization and maybe her eyes are a bit more dull
Or perhaps just a smidge too bright
It’s not noticeable, but there’s just something.. off about her eyes
They look... almost brighter than they should be
Maybe too attentive
Too... analytical
But then the look is gone and perhaps you were just imagining it?
That seems likely
The QK, when they first meet Marinette, adopt her immediately because she’s so pale and small and she looks so tired
And at first Marinette is wary but after Claude trips and falls flat on his face trying to cheer her up she warms up to them
Then one day someone gets a clear full body shot of Malevolent and while QK are looking at it Marinette approaches them and they start noticing... similarities
Like how her ribbons are the same color as her circlet, or how her eyes hold the same wary attentiveness and are the same bright blue
And maybe they try to deny it
But it’s all there
I’m still trying to figure out how Marinette reveals herself as Malevolent
Perhaps a rude encounter with her classmates? Maybe someone tries attacking her friends (Hawkmoth has resorted to using the peacock miraculous at the point maybe) and she saves them??
When she transforms her ribbons wrap around her in a whirlwind
That’s all we got!! Maybe it’ll be continued on, maybe it won’t, but it was super fun to think up!
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bakugou-tm · 6 years
a scenario where bakugou ends up having a kid at 17 or smth and decides he doesn't want the baby so he breaks up w/ his gf and they meet again in 10 years and bakugous a prohero and his ex is doing her thing maybe?? sorry thats super long qwq
Of course! This one will be a lil angsty so be prepared. Sorry for such a long wait!
You sat in his room, ready to give the big news. While you preferred to have the whole class here to celebrate the wonderful occasion you knew how much your boyfriend hated big events.
Instead you opted for a more closed off area to tell Katsuki of his future child, of course it was far from planned but after talking to his best friend Kirishima, the two of you decided now was the time to tell him.
“Good luck (s/o), tell me how it goes!” Kirishima said with a big grin before leaving you and your rising nerves alone in the room.
Everything would be fine right? You knew it wasn’t planned but you weren’t upset, you had your future child inside you how could you not be happy. He would be happy… right?
A loud bang of the door blew your thoughts away as your eyes shot up to the door to see your sweating boyfriend, he must’ve been training.
“Bakugou! How was your training?” You asked with a smile offering him a water which he snatched from you gratefully.
“Intense. But I kicked everyone’s ass so it doesn’t matter.” Bakugou hissed before taking a long gulp of his water, looking you up and down.
Something was up.
“Why the fuck are you here anyway? I thought you go out with your friends on Friday’s.” Bakugou questioned, using his shirt to wipe the sweat from his forehead.
Taking a gulp of your own saliva you inhaled before smiling, “Well.. I had some exciting news to tell you so I skipped girls night.” 
“Wow you skipped a night of shopping to tell me something? This ought to be fucking good.”
You laughed sheepishly before standing up straighter, the white piece of plastic you were hiding behind you holding the big news you were about to tell.
“Well.. we’ve been together for a long time and while this wasn’t planned-”
“What the fuck are you hiding behind your back?” Bakugou questioned, his crimson eyes narrowing to you suspiciously.
“I’m going to get to that just one second.” You said, your eye twitching in annoyance every time he interrupted.
“Oh for fucks sake what is it?” Bakugou growled, storming over to you as he shoved your arm to him and ripped the object from your grasp.
Your eyes widened at the sudden movement, giving you no time to explain so you just went for it. “I’m pregnant!”
Bakugou just looked down to the pregnancy test, his face showing no emotion. You blinked at his blank response, putting your hand on his shoulder with a big grin.
“Katsuki don’t you get it! I’m pregnant with your baby! We’re going to have a family.” You said with a joyful smile, assuming he just didn’t understand what you were showing him.
“Are you fucking serious?” 
Your smile fell for a second hearing his bitter tone of voice, was he… mad?
“You know I’ve been working to be a hero for all my life and you get pregnant?” Bakugou hissed, his red eyes now glaring to you.
You felt as if you had been punched in the gut, all air seeming to come out of your lungs, “O..Of course it wasn’t planned but…”
“Obviously fucking not! You couldn’t remember to take your birth control pills (s/o) really? You didn’t care that much that you ruined my dream with this!” Bakugou growled, throwing the pregnancy test across the room, the plastic slamming against the wall causing you to flinch.
“K..Katsuki… I thought you would be happy!” You cried back, tears beginning to stream down your face as your arms began to shake.
This couldn’t be happening.
Bakugou laughed bitterly as he ran his fingers through his hair a fumbled mess, “Happy? Really (s/o) you thought ruining my career would make me fucking happy?” 
You hadn’t noticed how your breathing had begun to grow deep and heavy, as if your lungs were to collapse at any moment. How could he say this to you? He was blaming you for ruining his life?
“After all we’ve been through Bakugou, are you serious?” You questioned, tears streaming down your face as you grabbed his hand in one final act to snap him out of this trance he seemed to be in.
“I think you should go.” Bakugou hissed, snatching his arm out of your grasp.
Your (e/c) eyes widened in horror at his words, three years of being together and all she needed to do was have their kid to tear it all apart.
“Fine.” You whispered, grabbing your bag as you stormed to the door, warm angry tears strolling down your face, “Sorry I ruined your fucking life Katsuki, I’ll just get out of it forever so you don’t have to worry about it.” You hissed coldly shooting him a final glare before slamming the door behind you.
The ash blond just stared at the door feeling warm tears threaten to spill from his own eyes, fists clenched.
“Damn it!”
Six Years Later
“So how’s it going at your hotshot agency Bakugou? Being in the center of Japan must be chaotic.”
Bakugou let out an exhausted sigh as him and his three former classmates walked around the city park. He had seen Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero on the news plenty of times since they were all pro heroes at the same agency but never in person since he had been signed with the number one agency in the world.
“Yeah I bet it feels to finally live up to your name, Number One Hero in the world!” Kirishima said with a grin elbowing the ash blond.
Even though he had a better control of his temper than he did as a kid, this didn’t stop Bakugou from rolling his eyes and glaring to his friend.
“It’s going fine, you shouldn’t be so fucking surprised that I’m the number one hero.”
“We’re just messing with you bro, it’s just been so long since we’ve seen you.” Sero said, running his hands through his black hair.
Bakugou nodded rubbing his own pale cheeks as they walked down the smooth sidewalk, “Yeah I was pretty shocked when my agency gave me a break, I’ve been working so damn much it feels weird to be off my schedule.”
“Well we’re glad you’re back Bakubro, the rest of the class is down here too we should grab dinner together or something.” Kirishima said, the boys nodding in agreement.
The ash blond remained quiet as the boys explained how their life had been the past few years, reflecting on how his life was.
He had it all. Dream job, plenty of money, tons of fans, even the title he had been dreaming of his own life: Number One Hero in the world.
But something in him always felt empty, digging at his skin every night and he just hated it. While he understood he had never truly been in touch with his feelings, still he couldn’t pin point what it was. And since he was too prideful to ever admit this insecurity, he kept letting it eat at his soul ever since it began.
It was beginning to drive him insane.
“Well look what we have here boys.” Kaminari said in a mischievous tone, catching Bakugou’s attention as he looked over to what he was talking about.
A group of women doing what Bakugou assumed was yoga in the middle of the park, each of them doing a weird pose on colorful mats.
“What do you say we hit them with some of our charm and good looks? Just like the good old days.” Kaminari said with a grin, Bakugou just rolling his eyes.
“Oh come on bro, they’re totally digging us! Look at them giggling like a bunch of school girls. We are famous y’know.” Sero said with a grin, the ash blond did take notice that a few of them were staring and pointing at the four boys.
“Maybe we could invite them to dinner with us tonight! I can’t wait to see Mina’s face when she sees me with a lady.” Kirishima said wiggling his eyebrows.
“Dibs on the blond one!” Kaminari shouted, causing a sharp whine to escape Sero’s lips as the three darted over to the group pushing and shoving.
Bakugou pinched the bridge of his nose and huffed at his former classmates, “Idiots.”
The last thing he wanted to do was walk into a group of fan girls who were going to act like little puppies begging for attention, he had to deal with that enough at work. 
Instead he decided to go to a drink stand and buy a water, he was going to be here all day after all since his friends were terrible at flirting. He wasn’t about to fry in the sun without some sort of refreshment. 
Walking back to a tree to sit under he uncapped the lid and brought it to his lips taking a long sip until something quick bumped into him causing him to spill the cold drink all over his shirt and whoever had just run into him.
“Oi what the hell was that? Watch where you’re fucking goi…” Bakugou’s words froze when he saw the familiar eyes looking up to him furiously.
“Did you not see me running across the field you complete… B..Bakugou?” Your angry words came to a stop when you saw those crimson eyes looking back down to you.
Bakugou couldn’t find words, instead he let his eyes do the work. While most of your features stayed the same, you were still very different. Your (s/c) face grew more mature and you were at least to the height of his nose now compared to your short form before. Your (h/c) was tied up into a neat ponytail and you wore just a sports bra and leggings, you must have been doing yoga with the group of women. 
“Wow (s/o).” Bakugou muttered, coughing a bit as he quickly put the lid back on his water, “It’s been a long time huh?”
You inhaled blinking for a second before nodding slowly, still not processing what was happening. “Yeah I guess it has.. you look good.”
“Yeah yeah, you do too. Are you a pro hero now or-”“I went into law, it was easier on me than my previous passion.” You cut him off with a grim expression, his guilty eyes shooting to the ground showed that he knew exactly what you meant.
“Oh wow, that’s still cool.” Bakugou responded shortly, so many different emotions flowing through his mind at once, but he wasn’t prepared for the next events that were about to unfold.
“Mommy! Mommy! You’re finished!” A small feminine voice squeaked, followed by a little girl running to you as you smiled arms wide.
Bakugou’s crimson eyes were opened wide, is throat suddenly dry. He felt as if he had sucker punched in the gut and he couldn’t breath. 
The girl had her mother’s face without a doubt but her ash blond hair and bright crimson eyes pierced into his own, for a second he thought he had seen himself. 
“Katsumi, my love.” You said in a warm tone as you lifted up the small girl in your arms and planted a kiss on her cheek.
Bakugou’s chest squeezed again, as if someone punched him again multiple times in the gut, “K…Katsumi?”
She named her… after him?
“Oh right, this is our… my daughter Katsumi.” You mumbled, forcing a smile as the small girl looked to Bakugou tilting her head.
“Mommy who is this strange man. He looks creepy.” Katsumi said slapping him away causing you to snort as you grabbed her hand quickly.
“Katsumi what did I say about hitting people! Only in self defense.” You said in as stern of a voice you could but you couldn’t help the giggles that slipped your mouth when Bakugou stared to her with shocked eyes.
“Wow she’s… she’s beautiful.” Bakugou croaked, feeling as if someone had just smacked a frying pan against his head. He swore his vision was going blurry.
“(s/o) c’mon! We need to get to the mall before it gets to crowded!” A young girl called to you, you gave her a thumbs up before looking back to Bakugou.
“It was uhm… I’m glad to see you’re doing okay.” You finally managed to say, a smile forcing onto your lips as you began to turn away with your daughter until a firm hand grabbed your wrist causing your head to dart back confused.
“(s/o) we need to talk, now.” Bakugou said sternly, his eyes nodding holding their usual angry look. Instead they held a desperate sort of look.
“Bakugou I…” You whispered, your (e/c) eyes beginning to grow warm as he looked at you his grip growing tighter on your wrist in a gentle manner.
With a defeated sigh you set down Katsumi, “Go on with Mrs. Lynn cutie, I’ll meet you two at the car.” You said softly, ruffling her ash blond hair as she nodded and ran off to your friend.
“Spit it out now Katsuki, I don’t have all day.” You muttered to the boy as you folded your arms, refusing to make eye contact.
His first name rolling off your tongue felt like a slap to the face, especially in the cold tone you gave him. Even though it had been six years it felt like just yesterday…
“Look (s/o) I am so sorry..” Bakugou muttered, his eyes looking down to your face with guilt written across his own, “When we were at UA I… I just had a one track mind and I thought that you were trying to sabotage me.”
Your (e/c) eyes glared to his, your mouth dropping, “Sabotage you? Are you serious? I thought I was giving you the best gift you ever could ask for! I was willing to take care of her and you told me I ruined your life!”
“I know (s/o), I was so fucking stupid I get that.” Bakugou growled, his stern voice already turning you off from the conversation and he took notice, growing angrier by the second as he felt warm tears threaten to spill from his eyes.
“(s/o) listen. I understand that you are pissed at me, you have every damn right to. I was a fucking asswipe and I let my own pride distract me from what was really important.” Bakugou spoke, you pretended not to listen but you couldn’t help but hear the meaningful words escape his lips.
“In all honesty these past few years have been awful. I’ve gotten everything I could’ve dreamed of and I still feel so… so…” Bakugou began to choke up on his words, gritting his teeth, “So fucking empty!”
Your (e/c) eyes looked up to his own in shock, he had never spoken to you like this. You had never even seen him cry, let alone be so vulnerable in front of you.
“I’ve been so damn miserable, I have made so many shitty decisions but this one…” Bakugou whispered, finally building up the courage to look at you, “After seeing you for the first time and your… our beautiful fucking daughter. The daughter I abandoned, the daughter I left you to sufferer with alone, the beautiful fucking daughter that you raised all by yourself.” 
Your heart began to melt seeing the steaming tears running down his cheeks, not even noticing the ones falling down your own (s/c) cheeks.
“I don’t care if you don’t forgive me, but I will be damned if I don’t tell you how fucking sorry I am. I threw away the best thing that has ever happened to me and I deserve every bit of misery I’ve faced these past years.” Bakugou cried, staring into your eyes with such intensity it made you freeze in place as he grabbed your hands.
“I am so sorry (s/o), thank you for raising such a beautiful little girl.” Bakugou croaked, squeezing your hands tightly before letting go, wiping away at his face as he heard your friend begin to call for you again.
“Sorry I ran into you, I’ll let you get going now.” The ash blond muttered, beginning to turn around until you grabbed his arm firmly and yanked him around before smashing your lips against his own.
His own crimson eyes stared down to you in shock and confusion until he didn’t even care why you were kissing him. Without questioned he grabbed your waist pulling you close to him and grabbed a handful of your soft (h/c) hair in his hands. He took in every piece of you he had been craving these past years.
You kept your shaking arms gripped tight onto his shirt to bring him closer before pulling away, both of you panting at the intensity of your kiss.
“I don’t know… if I can ever be with you again.” You whispered, your (e/c) eyes looking up to his own that were staring down to you in such a loving way.
“But after hearing your words, I know you aren’t lying to me when you say you’re sorry.” You admit, running your fingers through his ash blond hair.
“I meant every fucking word I spoke and I’ll repeat as many times as you need me to.” Bakugou breathed out, not wanting to let you go before you rested a finger on his lips to hush him.
“So I think I am willing to give you a chance, but don’t expect me to move quick. This will take time.” You muttered, letting out a quiet sniffle.
Bakugou laughed, his eyes blinking out tears as he lifted you up and spun you around letting out delirious laughs.
“You won’t regret this (s/o)! You can take as long as you need.” Bakugou said, setting you back down to the ground as you let out soft laughs before he cupped your face firmly, “I will wait for you until I am a fucking dinosaur, whenever you are ready I will be hear for you… to support my family.” 
Your lips curled into a smile as you wiped your face and held onto his hand, “You can start with a nice dinner, you have my number.”
Leaving a soft kiss on his cheek you let go of his hand and began to walk away waving to the boy, trying to calm your puffing red face down. “Goodbye Katsuki.”
The ash blond just stood their, watching your form walk away as a wide grin spread across his face. That empty feeling in his heart, the sickening feeling that had been eating away at him felt like it just disappeared. Now he just stood dumbfounded in the middle of the sidewalk, his shirt soaked from the water he had spilt along with his puffy eyes.
“What happened to you? You look like you just won the lottery.” Kirishima called from behind him, turning his gaze to you.
Bakugou just smiled, an unfamiliar sight for his three friends.
“I just won something even better.”
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