#smth smth 'mom am I still young? can I dream for a few months more?'
slverblood · 5 months
smth smth "calling light, light, that one syllable, in demand or recognition"
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snowylacie · 5 years
1, 12, 17, 20, 21, 26, 30, 36, 37, 45, 46 (also hello
1: How long have you been in the fandom? 
uhmm i’m actually not sure…? i’ve only been on tmbl for a bit more than 3 years (although i stalked the PH tmbl fandom since years before i created my acc, every month after a release came here to scream at the new edits ;_;) but when the manga was still running i used to be active in the PH fandom of other sites that no longer exist nowadays. i took various breaks from said fandoms too because the community per se wasn’t that important to me back the day so uhhh i’ve been on and off but kinda for a reasonable amount of time we could say? i’ve never been as close to any kind of ph fandom as i’m now, i always kept some distance12: Headcanons I have?ADA AND SHARON BECAME BEST FRIENDS. they had so much in common and personality-wise and inner strength as well!!! they would make such a great match ;__; 
17: Saddest character death in my opinion?jack’s…. also oswald’s…. also the twins and oz disappearing…. FANG… that was one big betrayal… ;;;;but the one that probably impacted me most was elliot. when he died i was younger and by then he was my fav character sharing the #1 spot with lacie’s tomb and the surrounding mystery. i refused to acknowledge his death when it first happened, but because the manga was monthly i (and all elliot fans lbr) was anxiously clinging onto hope and waiting for the following month wishing that it was just a scare. so when there were no more doubts that he was as dead as one can be it felt like he died for a second time :’) i mourned him so much oh dear..
20: Opinion on the Baskervilles?i LOVE them!!! they have been my favorite house since the minute one and their supremacy in my heart has never wavered. i joined for the mystery, secrets and the dark vibes and i stayed because they delivered ;w; i do wish we had known more things about each member and of the history of the house though.. many of my favorite characters are baskervilles so this also added up, although it is honestly less relevant. their role was right up my alley and they have a lot of, eh, charisma imo? 
21: Who would I cosplay as?i don’t think i’d ever cosplay because i don’t have the confidence… but if i ever did i’m sure i would choose one of my dear girls 
26: Alice or Alyss?YOU CAN’T DO THAT TO ME ;;;;;; umm umm you see, i love both them SO MUCH and… quite equally ;;; i don’t want to have to choose… 
but.. if i really had to say, i’ve got some bias toward……… alyss :’) maybe a 1% stronger bias than with alice but it’s still here…. since i’m here and to compensate alice, let me ramble about things i love about her!! *w* first and foremost i admire A LOT alice’s strength of spirit and the way she’s able to take difficult decisions with resolution!! giving up is not on her vocabulary and she never lets herself wallow in sadness or gloominess for a long time. she ALWAYS!! gets back on her feet and will try to keep others’ spirits high as well (in her pretty particular ways). i love her passion and courage, she’s one of the most gryffindor characters i’ve ever seen ;;; her heart is just so big and while she can be rash she has no malice ;v; when gilbert apologised to her for the things he told her in the past and she said she didn’t mind because the gilbert who mattered to her was the current one… look…. i was and i still am moved beyond words, this moment meant so much to me ;;;; i also truly value that alyss is the first one listed in her dearests list ;;;; she’s so caring and dedicated to her loved ones ;;;w;;;
30: If I could make two characters interact more, who would they be?
*rolls up sleeves* ada and oz!!!! my beloved siblings… i’ve been wishing for it for a long time but ever since someone made that post about ada having lost all her family + person she loved in a few days that i think about it even more often and with more desperation ;A; they loved each other so much…. THE RELATIONSHIP CHART SAID THEY FELT DEEP AFFECTION FOR EACH OTHER ;;;;A;;;; alyss and alice!!! my beloved twins who loved each other a lot and yet…? ;;; alyss and oz!!! oz and lacie!!!! oswald and lacie!!! alyss-alice-oswald!!! why did alyss dislike oswald? and i sure wish the twins had been able to meet their mom ;;also ada and sharon!!! i think we actually haven’t seen them interact at all but they for sure know about each other if only because they’re from the most powerful dukedoms…?fang-lily-doug-lottie!!! they are an incredible family, i love them so much and i loved every little interaction they had and the way they were so supportive of each other and all took care of lily ;;;;; 
oz, elliot and leo as the promising friendly trio they were about to become *tea party flashbacks* ;_;
and this is very self-indulgent BUT my one ph dream for years has been lacie and lottie meeting each other!!! it hadn’t been a long time since lacie died that lottie arrived at the mansion… we could have had it all ;____; and also i wish alyss and leo had met!!! for some reason i think it’d be very interesting to see ;_;i have more more sure but now i’m unable to recall hhh ….watch me regretting not having added x or y the moment i send this
36: Favorite character backstory?
THE ALICES!!!! both alice and alyss omg… their story is full of ups and downs and they both suffered a lot and had to take harsh decisions… they didn’t get as much exposure maybe but in hindsight they had a real lot going onand also jack’s! it’s pretty simple in credible as in being the bastard son of a noble, but there was a twisted component about him from the get go that i just can’t help but be very drawn to it… i have a huge soft spot for young jack…and lily’s too ;w;
37: Least favorite character backstory?Hmmm i don’t really have one, but ifd i have to choose i suppose it’d be leo’s? not bad or anything but to me it’s one of the most average in the story
45: NOTP?i’m some ships i’m not too fond of but the only real notp is lacie and levi.since l’m an obvious jacie fan let me clarify that this is not a matter of shipping wars! i don’t think things like “it’s getting on the way of my ship”. actually i’m completely fine with how canon went and i think their relationship was interesting and without levi the twins wouldn’t exist either
i have a complicated relationship with levi, he’s my most disliked character although that’s not to say i hate him or i have particularly bitter feelings. more than anything, i have lots of mixed feelings regarding him and i’ve gone through many levi phases. the fact that the moment he appeared became my 3rd fav chara in ph is pretty indicative, imo. and he stayed in that spot for a long time, too.. but not even then did i ship him with lacie. i just don’t see the relationship this way from lacie’s side and her pov is the one that matters to me + she’s my favorite character so i can’t bring myself to pair her with someone i don’t have the same amount of love for, let alone one for whom i feel so complicated.
46: Favorite AU?MAGICAL GIRL LACIE!!!!! i wish mochijun had done an omake chapter or smth about it, it was too good??? those pages talking about that nonexistent anime are among my favs of side ph material, i’d give all my money to see more of it!! plus the pandora girls seemed to appear more and they pretty much have the monopoly of my ph top ;w; aaand also the ph gakuen? or how was it named? where the characters were in university, jack wore those horrible clothes (dungarees?) yet looked adorable & also wore one of the loveliest smiles mochijun ever drew on him and lacie looked graceful and wonderful as ever ada and sharon becoming best friends who lost so many peaple dear to them and maybe even living together. my sunshines… ;v;
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writing-freestyle · 6 years
i haven’t updated in so long, i’m so sorry!
when she first became a model, people were like… that face can't be real. it's photoshop or smth, it's so perfect
irene is literally just that beautiful
models for cosmetics, not really clothes too much
but when she does model for clothing lines, whatever she wore sold out in under five minutes
no one believes she’s a day over 20 when they first see her, they're always like…. ur either drinking straight outta the fountain of youth or ur really just that young
but they stop saying that when they see her with newbie model!yeri, because….. she's a whole mom
babies the hell outta yeri, and even though yeri is like… irene, pls…. i’m an adult
she still eats the crust-free, dinosaur shaped sandwhiches irene brings her with the biggest smile on her face
and that smile is the reason irene babies her so much
irene lives to make other people happy, and it's this trait that makes you fall super hard for her
ur an employ at the company irene is signed with, and it's not like ur in her immediate team or anything like that
u just recieve requests from people that want to work with the agency’s models, and it's ur job to sort out the request and either assign them a model if they haven't specified, or make sure the requests reach the desk of the specific model’s team
and it's a really good job! u like it, especially since an organized environment is what you love most in the world, and that's basically what ur doing for a living
but sometimes it gets stressful
bc the agency is so huge, it requires everyone to be on their a game at all times, and since it's basically just you doing the sorting, it can be…. overwhelming
and especially in the few months or so before spring is when it gets real hectic
because everyone wants models for photoshoots with blooming flowers and falling cherry blossoms
which you’ve handled before, it should be no big deal, and this year should be no different
but for some reason
when you go to work one day
you just….. can't
it's not like you sit at your desk and do nothing, but it's more like you're trying to do things, but keep making mistakes you’ve never made before
when it's an hour before your lunch break, you send out two stacks of requests, one for irene’s team, and one for seulgi’s team, because those two usually are more opinionated on which jobs they take on, and they'll probably need more time than yeri, joy, and wendy combined to decide
and ur like ‘cool, the requests are on their way, i need to stop stressing and chill a little, i got this.’
but right as you say this, an intern walks into ur office and looks kinda…. concerned?
and u know it's the intern from seulgi’s team, so ur like…. what happened with the requests, is something wrong?
and the intern kinda mumbles at first cause they don't want you to be upset, but eventually you make out that they're trying to tell you that…. irene and seulgi’s request still haven't been recieved
“what do you mean they weren't recieved?”
“like… we got the message that we’d be recieving them today at 11:00 am, but….. we never got it.”
and you just snap because
oh my god
this is a major mistake, and you're going to be the one to take the blame
you tell the intern that you're going to fix it, and to go tell both seulgi’s and irene’s teams that it’ll be there soon
they nod and leave, and you begin to scavenge through all the scrunched up and tossed away notes to try and decipher which brand wanted who and what day and time and the benefits they offer with each job
and it's literal hell, because all your notes are so vague, because you immediately wrote them down on the official request forms for irene and seulgi so you wouldn't have to rewrite it later and waste time
without even realizing, lunch is long gone and it's nearing time for you to get off work
but there are at least ¼ of the requests missing from each girls’ pile and you're full on sobbing bc….. this sucks
and you're so stressed that you don't even realize someone entered your office until they timidly knock on the surface of your desk
you're somewhere between shocked and scared when you see it's irene, because a) you didn't even know she knew where your office was? and b) was she there to yell at you or fire you? because you will cry even harder if that's the case
but nah
before you can do anything, irene sets down a plastic container on your desk and pulls out a fork and a bottle of water from her purse and puts those in front of you as well
and that's when she really gets on ur fucking uwus, because she opens the container to reveal some crust-less, dinosaur shaped sandwiches with a fruit cup in the shape of stars on the side
“you didn't come out of your office all day, and the delivery guy didn't have your usual order when he stopped by the office earlier, so i….”
she kinda motions to the food, and looks down sheepishly, and ur all sorts of “wat” on the inside bc????
is irene a literal angel? probably
you thank her profusely and tell her she didn't have to do this, but she just gives you the softest smile and goes:
“i heard about what happened today. it's not your fault, but you're probably kicking yourself like it is. i just wanted to make sure you're not beating yourself up over this, because it makes me sad when you're stressed like that.”
irene has to leave shortly after that because she has a night shoot for this brand that came out with a new line of evening gown’s and irene was begged to model for it
but she makes sure to leave her number on your desk and tells you to text her if you're ever stressed and need someone to talk to
or if you wanna go on a taco date with her, but she says that part in her head bc she's like…. it's too soon for me to be this forward with them
sure enough, you do text irene a few days later, but it's not cause you're stressed
you actually ask her out to dinner to repay her for her kindness earlier
irene, in a meeting with her team, recieving ur text asking her out on saturday
manager: “what about this quick photoshoot for armani on saturday bc they're a top brand, and we really shouldn't say no to that??”
irene, feeling her heart ready to burst out of her chest: “no, i’m going to be living my dreams on saturday, k, bye :)”
you let irene pick the restaurant, and you thought it was gonna be fancy and expensive, bc, hello, super famous model??
but instead she goes “i know this taco truck”
if you weren't already in love with her at that point, YOU SURE AS HELL ARE NOW
so, you guys are sitting on this park bench at 11 pm
with four plates of tacos between the two of you
and you guys are telling stories and cracking jokes, and it’s honestly the best date either of you have ever been on
and at the end, irene just kinda lays her head on your shoulder and sighs so happily
“thank you for this, it’s been awhile since i’ve had this much fun.”
“maybe we could do this again sometime, then?”
irene suddenly snaps her head up to look at you with wide eyes, and is like “SERIOUSLY? OMG, CAUSE I HAD SUCH A GREAT TIME BUT I DIDN’T KNOW IF YOU HAD FUN TOO!”
“irene.... ur literally the human embodiment of happiness, i can’t be anything but in a good mood when i’m around u.”
something in irene just melts, and she’s like so happy that she pulls you in this giant hug and just starts to ramble about how happy she is and
and then she’s just like “i’m so happy you had fun, because i really like you, like a lot, and i would’ve been real sad if you didn’t have fun”
you just giggle and go “i like you too, okay? you can stop being so nervous now.”
and she relaxes and smiles, grabs your hand, entwine it with hers, and the two of you continue to talk and get to know each other even more
and that’s how you two start dating
y’all are the mom couple, y’all already knew this was coming
cutting fun shapes into yeri’s food so she thinks it's more exciting to ear her fruits and vegetables? check.
making sure joy doesn't break that vvv expensive vase while y’all are visiting locations for potential photoshoot’s? check.
helping wendy translate her thoughts properly when she’s too flustered to do so? check.
putting bandaids onto seulgi’s scrapes when she attempts to do some sport and takes it a little too seriously? check.
you two are just the resident angels, and everyone looks up to you two?? aspiring to be as great as you and irene are?
you two are really making the world a better place, bless
and you two take really good care of each other too! always making sure the other is eating properly and if the other is stressed that they have a shoulder to cry on or a person to love them unconditionally
it's gr8, and the rv members are so happy that irene has found someone with just as much love in their heart as she does, and isn't afraid to tell irene she's the love of their life every day
concept: irene has now taken a habit to eating lunch in your office. occasionally, the other rv members join too, but irene comes every day at noon with two sets of food and the biggest smile on her face. she always says that you're the best part about coming to work now.
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