plotbunnytamer · 3 years
Warm, smooth, soft, nice—a delicious-looking man-thing, blond hair combed back onto his scalp, a jawline with the barest hint of stubble, a smell that drives her giddy, and those—those eyes!
Her heart is a pounding drum, the whisper of need inside her growing and swelling until it is a full chorus. His jacket is ripped, the gash in his torn shirt offering a titillating view of his bare, pale chest—the teasing peak of his nipple, that subtle bounding of the flesh underneath, rising and falling—his heart, his heart, warm, wet, bright red blood!
She can see it in her mind’s eye, the taste of his body as she runs her tongue over his bare chest, lightly biting his nipple, feeling his heart beating under her touch, right before she buries the blade into his neck—
Bela Dimitrescu licks her lips, the scythe held aloft like a carving knife as she surveys the feast before her.
PS. Also, to those who happen to be bullying Bekka Prewitt (Bela’s VA) online, may you get out of bed at night to pee and then step on a landmine
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