#snake: had flashbacks to the car accident that took his sight and freaks out instead
2nakeeyes · 7 years
open starter // group verse.
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     now this was all more familiar: poison in bracelets and the possibility of death that loomed over them far more than ever. his heart was pounding from the revelation, but moreso from the screeching bang of metal -- vivid memories of the twisted crash of metal that had torn his arm and his sight from him had beat through his brain. without his sister nearby, he’d been forced to just endure the onslaught of feelings that came with them, frozen stock still until the sentinels had shoved them all outside.
     there was talk of fire and bodies, but he didn’t understand what they meant. all he knew is there was a siren blaring overhead, and that the rain had dived into a storm.
     he wanted to go inside. he reached for the closest person, hand grabbing for their shoulder blindly ( he had never truly felt so helpless before. )
        “ -- can you help me to the apartments? ”
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